Thursday, July 04, 2013

Let's talk straight about what the Torah says about a fighting army to conquer and defend the Land of Israel Part 1:

Thank you Mishpacha Magazine for their initiative bringing an eye opening discussion re: the Chareidi Community  entitled "One Family One Burden Let's Talk Straight"  into public awareness in their special expanded edition, issue 463  with follow up live panel discussions in the Diaspora in the Five Towns, Brooklyn and  other communities.  I attended the one in Brooklyn featuring Eli Paley, Publisher and CEO, Mishpacha, Yonosan Rosenblum a regular columnist and Eytan Kobre, Editor US desk of Mishpacha. 
In a private discussion with Publisher and CEO Paley, following the panel discussion, it was clear to me that he has unbelievable love for both the Chareidi (ultra Orthodox) and Dati Leumi (National Camp) communities. 
So let's talk straight w/o Politics. Just Torah Pshuto KeMashmaoh. Let's talk of the simple (pshat) explanation of the verses in the Torah.  Let's for a moment forget the leaders and parties who are running the govt and those who decide how the Israeli army is run and what their intentions are regarding the Chareidi soldiers in the Israeli army for good or for bad..
Let's focus on what the Torah has to say.
The Torah is the common denominator of all Jews be it Chareidi or secular.  It is also the moral compass of the world and the Nations of the world look up to the Jewish People for moral direction because we are the People of the Book!!!


It is clear that the Torah advocates for a strong Jewish Army of Soldiers who fight. for the conquest and protection of the Land of Israel
  • The borders of the Land of Israel is clearly delineated in Parshath Masei the Torah reading of this Shabbath.
  • It is a Mitzvah from the Torah  to fight and conquer Eretz Yisroel. It is a Milchemet Mitzvah when our enemies wish our destruction.
  • The army camp must be Holy.
  • Idol worship needs to be removed from the Holy Land
  • Idol worshippers of foreign nations (e.g. Canaanites) of the Land must be driven out of the Land
  • Only the Nation of Israel is obligated in observing the 613 commandments and whose fulfillment of commandments are actualized to the fullest by fulfilling the  commandments in the Land of Israel.
  • The Temple Mount is the focal point and the Place where G-d's Shechina, presence always resides.
  • Many commandments can only be actualized by coming to Jerusalem and  to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and performing the commandments there
  • Many commandments are dependant on settling the Land. This brings holiness to the Land and to the entire world.  This also is the secret of a peaceful existence in the Land of Israel.
  • All tribes of Bnei Yisroel are expected to be represented and fight and be part of the army.

Let's for now focus on the requirement to have an army and bring proof from Pesukim (verses) in the Torah..
Some Proofs from the Chumash:

  • "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh". This refers to a military camp and not a separate seating concert.
  • Jews were counted as per those eligible to be in the army (men 20-60) and not men learning in Yeshiva
  • The Chait of the Miraglim (Sin of the Spies) was that they preferred the spiritual life in the desert and their closeness to Hashem and they discouraged the Israelites from conquering the Land of Israel. For this they were severely punished and all the people that accepted their words were punished with 40 years of wandering in the desert and every year, we cry on Tisha Baav for the tears that should not have been shed in the desert after hearing and accepting the report of the Miraglim.
  • Moshe rebuked the Tribes of Reeuvein Gad and 1/2 Shevet Menashe in case they were thinking of shirking their duty as members of Am Yisroel from being part of a fighting army to conquer the Land of Israel from her enemies.
  • Moshe prayed with Aharon and Chur supporting him in the war against Amalek in the desert but all the rest of the fighting men were with Yehoshua actually fighting. True, they would never have won w/o Prayer but Prayer alone was not what G-d wanted from Am Yisroel.
  • The Israelites in the Desert also fought the Midianites who caused them to sin with an army of fighting soldiers who excelled in personal holiness and had not sinned, from representatives of all the Tribes of Israel. They killed all males from Midan and then under Moshe's instructions all females who the Urim Veturim determined were to be killed.
  • The Tefilin also called phylacteries (/fɪˈlæktərz/ from Ancient Greek phylacterion, form of phylássein, φυλάσσειν meaning "to guard, protect") are a set of small black leather boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah brings fear in the heart of the enemy when they are worn by G-d fearing Jews. Therefore, it makes sense that the army enlist G-d fearing men rather than soldiers who have difficulty in guarding their personal holiness. Soldiers who wear their Tefilin with pride will best defeat the enemy with the minimum of casualties.
  • In Shirat Devorah (Song of Devorah a prophetess), the prophetess rebukes the tribes who shirked their responsibilities from fighting.
If the Chareidim would unite with Dati Leumi and Traditional Masorati Jews, the majority of the Israeli population who have fought in many wars and have always been willing to sacrifice to protect this great Land, to set the ground rules of a Holy
Army, then surely our enemies would dissipate like chaff in the wind.
Amen, Ken Yehi Ratzon,   Sincerely, Robin Ticker


(by Yehuda HaKohen)

"You shall possess the land and you shall dwell in it, for to you have I given the land to possess it." (BAMIDBAR 33:53)

The Ramban, Rabbi Moshe Ben Nahman, offers a lengthy explanation of this verse, asserting that the mitzvah for the Jewish people to conquer and reside within the Land of Israel is a positive commandment of great consequence to the overall Hebrew mission.

"In my opinion this is a positive commandment, in which He (HaShem) is commanding them (Israel) to dwell in the land and inherit it, because He has given it to them and they should not reject the inheritance of HaShem. Thus if the thought occurs to them to go and conquer the land of Shinar or the land of Assyria or any other country to dwell therein, they would be transgressing the command of G-D. And that which our rabbis have emphasized (Ketubot 110b), the significance of the commandment of dwelling in the Land of Israel and the prohibition against leaving it, and that they even considered a woman who does not want to ascend with her husband to live in the Land of Israel [as a `rebellious wife'] and likewise the man – the source of all these statements here (in this verse) where we have been given this commandment, for this verse constitutes a positive commandment. And this commandment is repeated in many places, such as `Come and possess the land' (DEVARIM 1:8)."

The Ramban demonstrates that the main idea being taught by this verse is the eternal mitzvah for the Jewish people to assert political sovereignty over the Land of Israel and to reside within its borders.

In his supplement to the Rambam's Sefer HaMitzvot, the Ramban teaches that it is a Torah commandment in every generation that the Nation of Israel take control of and inhabit the entire Land of Israel.

"This (a war to liberate Eretz Yisrael) is what our Sages call milchemet mitzvah (obligatory war). In the Talmud (Sotah 44b) Rava said, `Yehoshua's war of liberation was an obligatory duty according to all opinions.' And do not err and say that this precept is the commandment to vanquish the seven nations… this is not so. We were commanded to destroy those nations when they fought against us and had they wished to make peace we could have done so under specific conditions. Yet we cannot leave the land in their control or in the control of any other nation in any generation… Behold, we are commanded with conquest in every generation… this is a positive commandment which applies for all time… And the proof that this is a commandment is this: `They were told to go up in the matter of the Spies: `Go up and conquer as HaShem, G-D of your fathers, has spoken to you. Do not fear and do not be discouraged.' And it further says: `And when HaShem sent you from Kadesh Barnea saying, Go up and possess the land which I have given you.' And when they did not go up, the Torah says: `And you rebelled against the Word of G-D, and you did not listen to this command.'" (Positive Commandment 4 of the Ramban's supplement to the Rambam's Sefer HaMitzvot)

The Ramban asserts that the conquest of Eretz Yisrael is a mitzvah for Israel in every generation and that we are forbidden from allowing any part of our country to fall into – or remain under – gentile control. It is found in the Shulchan Aruch that all of the arbitrators of Torah Law (Rishonim and Achronim) agree with the Ramban concerning this issue.

"All of the Poskim, both Rishonim and Achronim, decide the Law in this fashion on the basis of the Ramban." (Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer section 75, Pitchei Tshuva 6)

Although the Ramban (in his commentary to BAMIDBAR 33:53) acknowledges Rashi's warning that Israel's ability to survive and prosper in our homeland depends on the nation's willingness to disinherit the foreign peoples who possess the country prior to our return, he offers a more lenient approach regarding the actions Israel must take against gentile nations inhabiting our country.

While Rashi and others assert that upon our return home from exile, Israel must drive out the gentiles in possession of our country, the Ramban insists that peace could be achieved between Israel and these nations under certain conditions so long as the Jewish Nation possesses exclusive and undisputed sovereignty over the country. Rashi disputes this position, noting the following verse:

"But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before you, those of them whom you leave shall be pins in your eyes and a surrounding barrier of thorns in your sides, and they will harass you upon the land in which you dwell." (BAMIDBAR 33:55)

On this verse, Rashi explains that "pins in your eyes" means "liteidot ham'nakrot eineichem" – that sticks will be driven into your eyes, meaning that the wisdom of Israel's leadership will be neutralized, such that they will be unable to see or understand what a child can clearly see and understand. There will be a situation in which Jews protect themselves behind fences and walls, which "enclose and imprison them such that none can come in or leave."

The holy Ohr HaChaim supports Rashi's explanation of this verse, commenting that: "Not only will they hold on to the part of the land that you have not taken, but the part which you have taken and settled as well. They shall cause you trouble regarding the part that you live in, saying `Get up and leave it.'"

A reconciliation of these positions with that of the Ramban could be achieved through distinguishing between gentile nations wielding dominion over the Jewish homeland from those who merely dwell peacefully in the country under Hebrew sovereignty. This distinction would account for the presence of Israel's Kenite allies in Eretz Yisrael throughout the period of the Judges and would also explain the Torah's multiple references to the compassion we must display towards the Ger toshav (resident alien). By attempting to steal portions of the Land of Israel, however, a gentile can easily move himself from one category to the other.

This debate raises the obvious contentious question of how to relate to the "Palestinian National Movement," which claims to speak on behalf of all Arabs in our country while seeking to appropriate the Land of Israel from the Jewish people.

The Gaon of Vilna sheds light on this question in his commentary to HABAKUK. Here he illuminates the concept of Peleshet and the uniqueness of its historic national role. The Gaon points out that the verse in BEREISHIT 10:14, which introduces the Philistines to the stage of history, does not describe their birth as the Torah describes the birth of other nations.

"And Mitzraim begot Ludim, Anamim, Lehavim, Naphtuhim, Patrusim, and Casluhim, whence the Pelishtim (Philistines) came forth, and Caphtorim." (BEREISHIT 10:13-14)

The Vilna Gaon explains that the birth of the Philistines was completely unnatural and that they are entirely absent from the stage of world history with the exception of specific generations in which they serve their unique function. When the Nation of Israel enters our homeland in order to build the Hebrew Kingdom – the vehicle through which all of humanity will be elevated to unparalleled blessings – the Philistines appear on the scene to try and prevent this kingdom from being established. This was true when our patriarch Avraham first entered the land (there was a "land-for-peace" deal aggressively solicited by Avimelech of Grar), it occurred when his son Yitzhak was faced with Philistine antagonism and it was true throughout the period of the Judges up until the secure establishment of the Davidic dynasty when Israel finally implemented full dominion over the country.

The Philistines then inexplicably disappear from history until modern times where they (or their spiritual descendents) once again attempt to hold up the construction of G-D's kingdom. The Gaon explains that without the necessary force of Peleshet, Israel would be unable to rise up to our essential mission and realize the true significance of Jewish sovereignty in our homeland. HaShem places this nation into our world as a catalyst for Israel to reach our full potential as a nation.

The truth in the Gaon's words is evident today. As a result of our difficult struggle with Palestinian nationalism – a national consciousness that materialized only upon our return home – Israel has failed to simply exist as a normal country but has instead been confronted with grueling questions of identity. The brutal conflict has forced us to examine who and what we truly are, as well as the core reason for returning home and establishing a state. The ostensibly legitimate territorial claims of another people to our land forces us to question not only our innate connection to our soil, but also our national function in Creation. By forcing out the bigger answers to the difficult questions they create, the modern day Philistines cause Israel to understand what it is that we are actually fighting for. And by the time we are psychologically prepared to appropriately deal with those who threaten our sovereignty, we will have already grasped the true purpose of the kingdom that will lead all mankind to a world of total blessing.
With Love of Israel,
-Yehuda HaKohen


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Re: Mayoral forum. Jewish Press forum with the Democratic Candidates for Mayor tonight Wed May 29 Manhattan Beach Jewish Center starts 8:15. Arrive by 7:50

If you can, please raise these crucial concerns.  Submit your question via email to .  Use Subject Line "Mayoral forum" and they will select the best questions for inclusion in the forum.

The questions submitted to this forum according to the ads, are pre selected but the concerns raised here in this Frontpage article by Joseph Klein deserve more than a postcard question. These are matters that seriously affect the security of every New Yorker and will no doubt naturally trigger a heated debate.

A weapon liberals use to squash freedom of expression is to enforce strict decorum and emphasize civility in discussing issues at such forums without allowing the possibility of alternate viewpoints to emerge so that one who is passionate and convincing in their position and arguments, will be threatened with being cordially escorted. I am not predicting anything but that has been my experiences in the past.

As pointed out below these concerns are not only relevant to mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner but especially so.  (Robin)

Anthony Weiner & Huma Abedin vs. NYC

By Joseph Klein

The problem when the wife of a prospective NYC mayor is a Muslim Brotherhood operative.

The key issue Klein raises is
" Abedin will be in a position to shape her husband's policies from behind the scenes on such sensitive matters as law enforcement and city counterterrorism."

Democratic candidates  are especially beholden and influenced by the Federal govt in determining policies on law enforcement and city counterrerrorism and Huma Abedin has already had her mark to  influence policies of any elected mayor  be it Democratic, Republican or Independent but especially Democratic and especially her husband. Many agree that such policies under her watch have already greatly endangered America.

"While Huma was at the State Department, in Hillary Clinton's inner circle, the Obama administration purged government materials of any references to Islamic jihad or Islamism as the underlying ideology fueling the jihadist attacks around the world. Hillary Clinton, who considered Huma to be both a trusted adviser and like a daughter to her, worked closely with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to fight "Islamophobia" in the United States.

Also during her stay at the State Department, the Obama administration adopted the strong recommendation of Islamist advocacy groups to purge all federal government training materials of any references they considered to be Islamophobic and to implement a mandatory re-training program. Terms like Islam, Muslim, Koran, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, caliphate, and shariah law were considered out of bounds when used in the context of explaining the ideology motivating the jihadist attacks around the world. In short, the truth about sharia law and the Koranic verses used by jihadists to justify their rampages must not have any place in law enforcement training.

As Andrew McCarthy put it, "to perceive no correlation between the Islamists' fervid anti-assimilation program and the United States government's stunning accommodation of the Brotherhood and its agenda is to be willfully blind."

A Weiner-Abedin mayoralty partnership would no doubt bring this accommodative thinking to New York City and eliminate the highly successful, multi-faceted counter-terrorism strategy put into place by the New York Police Department since 9/11 under the able leadership of Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. The program has been working so effectively, in fact, that the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations has called for Kelly's resignation."

"Huma Abedin has been an integral part of the Abedin family Islamist enterprise, which has links to jihadist groups."

Friday, May 10, 2013

Keynote Speaker Lt. Col. Ralph Peters at Ateret Cohanim Dinner, exclusive interview with Daniel Perez freelance writer and media consultant in New York

Dear Friends, Media Professionals and Fellow Lovers of Israel.
Daniel Perez, freelance writer and media consultant send me this private interview as a side bar to his article covering the Ateret Cohanim Dinner.   (see attachments) This interview just blew my mind and I would like it widely publicized as it is an example of another Righteous Noahide who loves G-d and the Jewish People.  Robin
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, whose political commentary has been featured in dozens of publications, including the New York Post, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today, offered his own insights on foreign policy issues as they pertain to Israel at the Dinner. What follows is a private interview with Daniel Perez. 

Ralph Peters – Army Veteran, Foreign Affairs Expert and Unabashed Zionist

Contact: Daniel Perez
(520) 780-7192


Prior to delivering his speech at the American Friends of Ateret Cohanim's 34th Anniversary Gala, Ralph Peters, Lt. Col. U.S. Army (ret.), showed himself to be the very embodiment of the phrase "an officer and a gentleman," and despite his highly demanding schedule, found time to grant us the following interview. Though Peters is himself not Jewish, he spoke of his affinity for Israel, throughout both the interview and his keynote address, in terms of a common civilization based on shared Judeo-Christian values.



Daniel Perez: Lt. Col. Peters, if you wouldn't mind explaining for our readers, what was your role during your time in the service?


Ralph Peters: I started as an enlisted man in Military Intelligence. I became an officer, spending a few years in an infantry battalion. Then I became a strategic scout, a Foreign Area Officer, not to be confused with Foreign Service Officer [the latter term referring to civilian U.S. diplomats working for the State Department -ed], in the Army. I was a specialist on the former Soviet Union, but I wound up working in Panama, Pakistan, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Laos, Turkey, the Caucasus, you name it. It was a great opportunity to see the world firsthand. And I think my views and politics are informed by having seen it, not from the embassy balcony, but seeing it from the street level, the reality. And the reality isn't always pretty.


DP: You are widely known for your work as a military strategist, political commentator, and more recently, a novelist. What exactly is your connection to Ateret Cohanim, and Israel activism in general?


RP: My connection is that since childhood I have believed in Israel. I believe in not only Israel's right to exist, but in Israel's mission.


DP: Which is...?


RP: The French would call it the mission civilisatrice; [Israel] is the only civilizing force in the Middle East. The culture of the Arab world, and of Iran, had a great run centuries ago. But over the last several centuries, it has broken down, it has lagged behind, it has become—and it is not politically correct to say it—barbaric. Barbaric in its treatment of women, in its corruption, in its lack of a work ethic, its lack of respect for education, and in its fundamental tyranny on a political, social, and even familial level.


DP: And in what way do you see Israel as a counterbalance to this "barbarity"?

RP: To me, when I look at Israel, I see not only a Jewish state rebuilt on the ancient Jewish homeland, I see an outpost of the civilization in which I believe. Because I do not believe that all civilizations are equivalent. I don't believe in a civilization that torments women and children, that's woefully corrupt, that in the 21st century, not only cannot build a competitive automobile, but cannot even build a competitive bicycle! [Editor's note: Last year, an Israeli inventor developed a sturdy, cost-effective bike made out of cardboard. With a price point of about $20, it holds the potential improve the lives of thousands, if not millions, in the Third World who until now haven't had access to any means of transportation other than walking.]


And while I wish the Arabs well—I wish no man harm, with the exception of a few terrorists here or there—nonetheless, to me, Israel is a beacon of justice, for rule of law, humanity, decency, culture... in short, Israel belongs to the Jews; it belongs to my civilization.


DP: And how, in your estimation, should this belief in the justice of the Zionist cause translate into action?


RP: I believe that it is important for non-Jewish Americans to actively support Israel, and to, when possible, educate our fellow Americans about the reality, as opposed to the often twisted and perverse version of Israel you get in the press, where the Israelis are somehow the aggressors, and Hamas and Hezbollah, who are raining rockets down on Israeli children, are somehow the good guys... this is madness!

DP: Would that more leaders in our nation's defense establishment shared your moral clarity when it comes to Israel.

RP: Of course the United States of America must act in its own self-interest, and security interests. But what you've got to drive home is that you can't let them chip away at Israel. Because Israel shares our fate. We share Israel's fate because we are—Jews, Christians, and others—brothers and sisters in the practical world of this civilization. And instead of seeing our antitheses, or the differences between us, we've got to learn to defend our common way of life.


DP: So do you see Israel, then, as the proverbial "canary in the coal mine"?


RP: That's certainly one way to look at it. If Israel falls, it is not going to appease the fanatics. And G-d willing, Israel will never fall. But I think too many in the West, in America and especially Europe, believe that Israel is the problem. Israel is not the problem! The problem is the catastrophic breakdown of the Muslim civilization of the Middle East. And there is one thing that Arab world will never forgive Israel for, and that is for succeeding.


DP: Indeed. I recently read an article by an expert on Islamic anti-Semitism, and attended a speech by former Israeli Ambassador Yehuda Avner, both of which seemed to touch upon this same issue; namely, that the Jewish people's re-emergence as a subject of history rather than a mere object, and as a sovereign nation (i.e. Israel), is one of the key factors underlying the surge of Jew-hatred in the modern-day Middle East. Not that it didn't exist before, but rather, that this new wave of Jewish success brought this anti-Jewish sentiment bubbling to the surface, as it were.


RP: Well, to be fair, let's turn the tables.  Suppose our civilization was in utter collapse and failure; the things we valued didn't work anymore. And here you have the Arab civilization, their traditional values don't work. They didn't work in the 19th century, they didn't work in the 20th, and they certainly don't work in the 21st. They're humiliated, and when people are humiliated, they don't really want to know what the problem is; they want somebody to blame. So, instead of rolling up their sleeves and fixing it—and some of the leaders of the so-called "Arab Spring" are trying, but failing—they blame Israel, they blame the United States. Israel and the United States share that. Our "crime" is success.


DP: Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me, , Lt. Col. Peters.


RP: It was my pleasure.


Daniel Perez is a freelance writer and media consultant based in New York. His work has appeared on Arutz Sheva, Yeshiva World News, the Jewish Voice, and numerous other media outlets in print and online. He can be contacted at


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Today Erev Chodesh Sivan. Prayer for Children Tefillat Hashlah

29 Iyar, Yom Chevron, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan

This prayer is so important!  We davan that our chldren merit Olam Haba by keeping Torah and Mitzvoth. Otherwise, for what purpose did we bring them into this world if not to keep Torah and Mitzvoth and sanctify Hashem's H-ly name?
When the Jews came back to Eretz Yisroel after 70 years of Galus after the Churban Bayis Rishon with Ezra they began to intermarry with the locals.  When Ezra found out he was besides himself. He cried to Hashem. 

See Ezra Perek 9

The people did Teshuva because the Leadership of that time acted.
In this age of internet access and social media many, especially our youth, have lost the concept or are clueless of what it means to be H-ly.  They have embraced an alien culture and their minds can not process this new culture together with Torah.  The words of the Torah "Kedoshim Tehiyu" cries out in pain as these precious Jewish souls are falling into a hole that is so deep and so hard to emerge and in the quicksand so many are being sucked under. 
May Hashem give our generation the strength and know how to act like the generation of Ezra to not allow this to happen.  As Shachania ben Yechiel of the sons of Elam told Ezra "be strong and act". (Ezra Chapter 10:5)  And in this zechus of not standing idly by, may Hashem listen to our prayers and may all these precious souls be returned to the pure state that Hashem graciously granted each of us when we were born. "Elokai Neshama shenasata bi Tehora hi..." (My G-d, the soul that you placed in me is pure) and may each of us be zocheh to the rebuilding of Yerushalayim, and to the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash and the coming of Moshiach.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fwd: Fantastic Press of Gush Katif Museum Dinner in Hebrew as well as English! Pls translate Huckabee's speech into Hebrew and forward to Israeli Press

All the speeches were amazing but Mike Huckabee's speech was especially amazing coming from a high ranking American politician with a true passion for Israel.  There is  a link below to the transcript. Can someone please translate it into Hebrew and send it to the Israeli Press and Knesset Members so that they get some Chizuk on the eve of Obama's visit????? Thanks!
There are many more articles than this that were published and many more will be published in the papers that hit the stands today and tomorrow etc.  Please continue to forward to your lists so that people realize the difference of the real protector of Israel, (and it is not Schumer), someone who really has an unshakeable bond with Israel, someone who really has Israel's back, i.e. Gov. Mike Huckabee, and  compare his statements and Middle East understandings with President Obama who doesn't have a clue of what an unshakeable bond really means.  Mike Huckabee can teach him!

Israel National News(h) (nice interviews of the honorees and guests in Hebrew)

LaDaat (h)
Israel National News (e)
Daniel Perez article was the source of Arutz7 article. He is a freelance writer .
Dov Hikinds Blogspot


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.