Monday, August 20, 2012

Re: Importance of Levy Report, I-ARI (Israel-American Renaissance Institute) warnings about Obama and Netanyahu regime, Post Americanism and Post Zionism.


From "Yuval Zaliouk" <>, A very important article by Amb. Dore Gold, former Israel ambassador to the UN. The article is also posted in

by Ambassador Dr. Dore Gold.  Dr. Gold is President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and served as Israel's Ambassador to the UN as well as advisor to Ariel Sharon and Binyamin Netanyahu. 

Amb. Gold writes:

"Levy's committee has restored Israel's legal narrative about its rights in the "West Bank". There is a huge difference in how a compromise will look if Israel comes to the table as "foreign occupiers," or as a party that has just territorial claims. click on link above for full article. "(excellent article but he goes off target with his conclusions.  Why mention or suggest compromising our Biblical Birthright.   We must be clear that Judea and Samaria are simply non negotiable. Robin)

David HaIvri writes:  

Dear Friends of Israel,

In just a few days over two thousand people have responded to our request and have signed the petition to PM Netanyahu in support of the Levy report on the legal standing of the Land of Israel in Judea and Samaria. 

We must keep those number rising to send out a clear voice and not to miss this opportunity.Reports in the media showing that the opposition is working hard to pressure Netanyahu to ignore this important legal position paper. 

Please send the link for this petition to all friends of Israel and urge them to sign. 

Your support is needed to promote this campaign. Please send your generous to via paypal or at this link

Or contact us for bank transfer information. 

Thank you, 

David Bedein writes:   Petitions are thrown in the garbage. Individually written letters are read.  Send letters to Bibi
% Zvi Hauser, Cabinet Sec'y. and send it by hard copy to him at the The office of the PM. Kiryat HaMemshala, Jerusalem 91950

Robin's comments:
David Bedein has a point.  Signing the Levy Petition is not enough.  Send personalized emails and  snail mail letters as well.  But that as well is not enough!

We need a real united force out there with some muscle.  David Bedein, in all due respect, I  see great value in Petitions as well.  It is heartwarming to read the  signed names in the petition and their comments from all over the world in support of Jewish Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. It gives us Chizuk.. The owner of the petition (David HaIvri) now has close to 2000 signatures in support of the Levy report. That's a working 2,000 email list. Consider this list as a  potential battalion in an online activist army.  One who has signed the petition is a potential recruit or enlistee in our activist army on behalf of Judea and Samaria, our Biblical Birthright. 
NOW CHEVRA, Let us then roll up our sleeves and seriously get to work.  

Our goal must be complete Reform of  Israel's System of Gov't. 

"Why so radical?" I hear you asking.  

Please read Paul Eidelberg Israel's Hidden Prime Minister to understand why only Reform of Israel's gov't will stop Israel's self destructive policies.

Knesset Members,  MK's,  unfortunately have a conflict of interest and historically unfortunately do not always vote for the common good but are influenced by personal self interest and are blinded with incentives like a cushy influential cabinet seat dangling in front of their eyes or blinded by threats to fire or terminate a cushy political position.   

Yasher Koach to Prof.  Eidelberg, not a MK, who bli ayin hara is not blinded, for sounding the alarm and rallying the people and the MK's to admit that Israel's system of gov't has serious flaws.   Recognizing and acknowledging these inherent flaws are the first necessary steps to the road of recovery.  Unfortunately this is not an easy step. 

Reform only will happen when we recognize and acknowledge the flaws.  Then there is hope for Israel and hope for America as well.

It takes outsiders of the gov't to lead the reform of Israel's System of Gov't.  Whoever does it from within is courageous and may G-d bless him/her.  It requires a willingness to risk their position as MK or as Cabinet Minister.  One must be willing to break away from Likud and/or whatever party they belong to and  join with other likeminded leaders and fix the system. 

The alternative is very very scary.  
Look what is happening in America with Obama leading the way. 

The Most Divisive Campaign in American History  by Daniel Greenfield.  Brilliant!  says Paul Eidelberg

"The typical Obama voter is not acting as an American, but as a representative of an entitled group looking to secure and expand those entitlements at the expense and the detriment of the country at large...He isn't campaigning to lead the United States of America, instead he is running for the presidency of a dozen little Americas, Trayvon Martin America, Abortion America, Illegal Alien America, Sharia America, Gay Marriage America, Starbucks America and any others you can think of. And if he can collect enough of these little Americas together, then he may get the privilege of running the United States of America into the ground for another four years.
.. "  

Unfortunately this modus operandi of Divide and Conquer Is in Israeli politics today.  (Robin)

"The most significant accomplishment of Obama's first term is to make Congress irrelevant. .....During the first two years of the Obama administration when the Democrats overwhelming controlled both Houses of Congress and the media was in an Obama worshiping stupor, a myriad of laws were passed and actions taken which transferred virtually unlimited power to the executive branch....For example, in the 2,700 pages of ObamaCare there are more than 2,500 references to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.  There are more than 700 instances when he or she is instructed that they "shall" do something and more than 200 times when they "may" take at their sole discretion some form of regulatory action.  On 139 occasions, the law mentions that the "Secretary determines."  In essence one person, appointed by and reporting to the president, will be in charge of the health care of 310 million Americans once ObamaCare is fully operational in 2014.,,,The most significant power Congress has is the control of the purse-strings as all spending must be approved by them.  However, once re-elected, Barack Obama, as confirmed by his willingness to do or say anything and his unscrupulous re-election tactics, would not only threaten government shutdowns but would deliberately withhold payments to those dependent on government support as a means of intimidating and forcing a Republican controlled Congress to surrender to his demands, thus neutering their ability to control the administration through spending constraints.   "

Is this modus operandi in Israel today where the Knesset has no real say and the Supreme Court is not a real Court of Law but a puppet for the elite and ruling minority leftists? (Robin) 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Are Jews in Judea and Samaria adequately protected by Medinat Yisrael? Additional Clarification on Magen David Adom operating in Samaria.


Dear Chavrei Knesset, Media, Rabbanim and Activist List, amv"sh

I will answer the question in the subject line based on the impressions of an 11 year old girl, my daughters friend, who recently came back to the US after visiting Israel upon the occasion of celebrating her brother's Bar Mitzvah this past July.

Simply put.  Her father rented a car in Israel and she came back to NY with a report that she had been very nervous that the car might make a wrong turn and end up in unfriendly Arab territory.  

I remember when I was growing up, we used to get lost on family trips all the time.  We used to call it to "fahblunga",   I'm not sure if that's a Yiddish or Hungarian expression.  it was the norm, expected and a family joke. Deddy (the way we called our father ob"m) fahblungad. In fact  I've inherited this trait.  B"h for the navigator.  But in America, it's not such a big deal to fahblunga.  You just ask a bunch of people or cars who stop next to you on a red light and ask for directions. You then take the consensus expecting  at least 1 or 2 to give you wrong directions. Everyone in the car tries to memorize the oral directions. It's simply part of the chavaya, the experience.

In contrast,  in Israel, one has good reason to be nervous for their lives when they "fahblunga".   You"re terrified of getting lost and you're afraid to ask directions. And we've all had negative experiences with the navigator on obscure roads. No one wants to take a chance. Tefillat Haderech is what we rely upon for our safety. 

Only 10 roadblocks remain in Judea and Samaria after more than a hundred others have been removed as "goodwill" measure to Abbas.
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 8/14/2012, 1:09 PM

This has been going on a while.

The IDF, on orders from the Olmert government, removed 10 manned checkpoints in the Binyamin region and Samaria Thursday evening.
By Ezra HaLevi
First Publish: 4/4/2008, 6:44 AM

Let's say that this young girl was overreacting.  Perhaps her fears are unfounded and ungrounded in reality.  Perhaps she heard some "racist" comment by her parents about the Arabs.  This following article and video should once again show that unfortunately she was justified in being worried.  Hating Jews and Israel is mainstream entertainment in the Arab world.  

Algemeiner reported in their travel notes about  A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR THEME PARK FUNDED BY HEZBOLLAH IN LEBANON ON LAND ONCE CONTROLLED BY ISRAEL It will feature "family-friendly" rides and activities that encourage and celebrate terrorism against Israel, according to a documentary aired on  VICE. The media website's film crew went to Mleeta, Lebanon to visit Hezbollah's theme park, documenting the Shia terror group's interactive propaganda effort in the form of the park's barbed wire, tanks, rockets, archive video footage and exhibitions of weaponry used in their fight for martyrdom against Israel. 

If you are still not convinced and say that's Hizbollah is not representative of the Arab world, then read and watch what was reported in the Jewish Press.

By: Micah D. Halpern

One need not label me as extremist  rightwing settler to come to the conclusion that perhaps the gov't of Israel is not doing enough to protect the lives of their tax paying citizens in Judea and Samaria.  Unfortunately, this young lady has justified reasons to be worried.  Is it any wonder that MDA requries bullet proof ambulances to reach part of Judea and Samaria?

Additional Questions asked by Susie Dym from David HaIvri Director of the Shomron Liaison Office. 

Q: Does Mda have a presence beyond "the fence"?
A. Yes, Md"a does have their own ambulances east of the fence. As can be seen on their map in the website that they are promoting. 

Q: re Elon Moreh, Itamar, Har Bracha and Yitzhar - it seems to me Mda can easily say, we dont have an mda station in every little place, these 4 places David Haivri mentioned by example are simply served by a larger station just like there are many many small places in israel served by an mda station in a nearby larger place.

A: You are right, Md"a can say exactly that "they can't put an ambulance in every little place". So they can claim that the station they have in Ariel also services Elon Moreh. The problem with that is that according to their own internal standards only a bullet protected ambulance can go past the Tapuach junction. It takes about 35 - 40 minutes for a regular car to get from Ariel to Elon Moreh with no traffic on the way. A bullet protected ambulance goes much slower because it is very heavy. So say a Md"a ambulance could arrive at the scene of an event in Elon Moreh one hour after it happened, the concept of a Golden Hour is gone and they haven't even set out for the hospital yet. I think that it would be fair for Md"a to be forthcoming and explain that they are not providing full service for a large part of the population in Judea and Samaria and not insist on misleading the public by trying to give the impression that they are not keeping their commitment to not operate in Judea and Samaria at all.  

David HaIvri continues....

* Again the issue here is twofold: 
1. MD"A signed and international agreement with a branch of the PLO in which they accepted the claim that the Green Line is an international border and that all of the area east of that is occupied Palestinian territory. This in itself is outrageous and totally un acceptable. It is a very dangerous precedent even if it is only on paper. MD"A is meant to be a nonpolitical national Caregiving organization with although being an NGO has received a high level of official standing. MD"A should not be leading the way in international negotiations on the borders of Israel and should not be committing to foreign claims that opposite the official policy of the State of Israel. 
2. MD"A is not providing full service to large sections of the communities in Judea and Samaria. The more isolated communities like the ones mentioned above are receiving the service from the local municipalities. If MD"A feels that it is not in their interest to provide full service to these front line communities, they should at least be clear that that is the case. 

Another Yesha resident responded:

Yehudit Tayar responds:

Hey achoti
Here we go again
Don't forget that Brig Gen (res) Yossi Koller and myself were the ones who battled MDA to allow us to even lease ambulances from them because it was their policy to NOT CROSS THE GREEN LINE hmmmm does this sound familiar in their agreement????
Yes we in Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron are also volunteers in MDA the enormous difference is that aside from ambulances we have our gear with us 24/7 we work with Security forces in the yishuvim, MDA -IDF -669 –The Red Crescent – the vast difference is that we normally are first on the scene even without ambulances and can immediately respond treat the injured, report on the incident and even if need be call up for military backing as in so many cases in our regions.
Also let us never forget that this agreement with MDA and the Red Cross did NOT just affect Yesha but also ALL AREAS OF ISRAEL PRE-1967 are not included in Israel i.e. Jerusalem, French Hill, Ramot Eshkol, Gilo, Jordan Valley, any area that was not included inside of Israel before the 1967 war WAS AGREED BY MDA TO NOT BE AN INTEGRAL PART OF ISRAEL 
We will continue to go out and save precious lives – yes also risk our own- but MDA must own up to this disgraceful traitorous agreement that was signed.
B'ahavat Zion


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

WOW an amazing Youtube for Jonathan Pollard. Please forward, post on social media and publicize!


SHI 360 for Jonathan Pollard
Prod. By Shekel

you too can make a difference:

Thank you David HaIvri for posting on facebook.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where is Magen David Adom in Judea and Samaria? David HaIvri responds.


Latest Arutz 7 Ad for Magen David Adom in Judea and Samaria.


Nothing has changed. MD"A signed an agreement with the Palestinian Red Cercent in which they recognized the pre 1967 lines as an international boarder and the area east of that occupied Palestinian territory. MD"A continues to operate the stations on the map that they posted. In all there are about 120 ambulances in Judea and Samaria, MD"A operates about half. The other half are operated privately by the regional municipalities. All of the ambulances operated by the municipalities are leased out from md"a second hand that would have been put in emergency storage or sold as used. The palaces that the municipalities are operating are the more isolated areas like Elon Moreh, Itamar, Har Bracha and Yitzhar. Those places are much further  away from hospitals, an hour plus drive with no traffic and also considered more of a security risk. According to md"a's own standard only bullet protected ambulances are allowed to reach these locations. The municipalities do not have the resources to provide 60 bullet protected ambulances so most of the ones used in this area are both run down and unprotected. 

Bottom line, yes, md"a is operating in some locations in Judea and Samaria, but, not in all locations. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Ha'ivri <>
Date: Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: David HaIvri, Is Magen David Adom now ok? This was not sent by Arutz7 ads. It was sent by Arutz Sheva news.Fwd: Where is Magen David Adom in Judea & Samaria?
To: Robin Ticker <>

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 7:05 AM, Robin Ticker <> wrote:

Dear David, amv"sh

Please clarify.  Thanks.

Is Magen Dovid Adom active in the Yishuvim as they present themselves in the ads? Has their position changed at all over time?

If that is the case, Is there still a need for other emergency organizations like Hatzala in Yesha? Where has Hatzala filled in or other first response teams filled in where MDA has left a void. 

Is the only problem with MDA that they signed an international agreement stating that Judea and Samaria is occupied Palestinian territory?

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Robin Ticker <> wrote:

Dear David, amv"sh

Recently you wrote an OP ed that was critical of  Magen David Adom.  What caused Arutz7 to radically change their position regarding Magen David Adom to the extent that they sent out this advertisement?  Usually Arutz 7 never sends out advertisements with their news yet they made an exception with Magen David Adom. Usually advertisements are sent separate with promotions.  Are your concerns addressed to your satisfaction.  

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From: Arutz Sheva <>
Date: Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:35 AM
Subject: Where is Magen David Adom in Judea & Samaria?
To: "" <>

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Where is Magen David Adom?

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Levy Report - dire consequences if buried.....


Dear Chavrei Knessset, Rabbanim, Media and Activists, amv"sh

  • Please publicize and sign Letter to urge Netanyahu to Adopt Levy Report initiated by Rabbi Pesach Lerner and subsequent petition formulated by David HaIvri of Shomron Liason Council, reported on Arutz 7 
US Jewish Leaders Urge Netanyahu to Adopt Levy Report   Please join the list and  Sign Petition to PM NETANYAHU TO ADOPT LEVY REPORT.  Only continuous pressure on Netanyahu will not allow him to bury the report as was reported in HaAretz.

Immediate facts on the ground consequences of not adopting and implementing The Levy Report - When there is no pro Yesha action -  there is the opposite, anti Yesha action. There is no status quo or standing still on this matter.  Either we move forward or backward (Robin)
  • Tzvi Struck - A case of true iniquity False accusations and libel against Tzvi Struck the son of Orit Struck, head of the Yesha Human Rights organization, known for her fearless and thorough investigations against those who abuse the Jews in Judea and Samaria
  •  Red Magen David Crossed The Line Published: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 3:27 PM by David HaIvri  MDA defends itself and rightfully says that MDA doesn't decide borders of Israel.  ISRAEL DOES! However, apparently there was no other way for MDA to be accepted into the Red Cross but to sign THIS FALSE INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT.  It is up to Netanyahu to clearly clarify where Israel stands by adopting the Levy Report AND DECLARING THAT  JUDEA AND SAMARIA ARE NOT OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES! 
  • Candid Camera Egyptian Style Egyptian Actors Pranked on Candid Camera Turn Violent When Told TV Channel Is Israeli -Al-Nahar TV (Egypt) - July 20, 2012 - 09:56   Watch it live on  (If Netanyahu is afraid of condemnation now, it is nothing compared to the violent condemnation and destruction he will subject Israel to, if he fails to assert our G-d given entitlement and be prepared to defend that right with all the power G-d has endowed Israel with. robin)The Micah Report website (
  • Arab–Israeli Scam Exposed in Court By: Aryeh Savir, Tazpit News Agency Published: August 15th, 2012  Over the past two years, Moshe Vidal, an Israeli lawyer, has represented 520 Arabs who worked as agricultural laborers in Gush Katif and were suing their former employers for labor rights violations
....It is important to note that the State took no responsibility in regards to the lawsuits, even though the case was a result of the Disengagement, which was a political decision. The State was included in the claims, but asked to have the lawsuits against it declared invalid because it was not the direct employer. As a result, these farmers, who had already suffered the loss of their homes, communities and livelihoods, were once again left by the State to fend for themselves. They were lucky to find assistance and resolution through the Legal Forum for the Land of Israel. (SHAME ON YOU! robin)

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.