Thursday, June 28, 2012

Zocher HaBrit: news fit to print: Remembering the Covenant between G-d and Israel vs Covenant of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood


Dear Readers, amv"sh

I am Beezrat Hashem planning on taking a Sabbatical from "Activitizing" in order to focus on the Yesh of this world.  Yesh is the material and Ayin is the spiritual.  The purpose of improving the Yesh is to ultimately improve the Ayin with Hashem's help. I will be bli neder cutting back significantly so let me leave you with this one idea.  

 In my recent emails I have been focusing on the concept of Zocher Habrit.  Remembering the Covenant G-d made with Noah and the Covenant G-d made with our forefathers Abraham, Issaac and Jacob and to their seed thereafter.  People ask, "What is Zocher Habrit" supposed to be?  What exactly are you talking about?  First come to Israel.  Another political party in Israel?  We have plenty religious parties!

Let me explain.  Frankly, I don't know if Zocher Habrit will become a political party. Maybe it will be a movement a new paradigm in the way we think in the political arena.  Personally, I hate politics and would not make a great politician.  I disdain making deals, tit for tat, the typical way politics is conducted.   

I am idealistic to still want a system whereby moral principles override practical considerations.  Let us only make a deal with G-d and try to do His will and what is right.  

In Judaism, Halacha is the male's domain. Torah SheBichtav, the written Torah is the woman's focus. I have no aspirations in being the next Prime Minister of Israel nor of being a leader of this Zocher Habrit party, (if it ever becomes a party).  It's not like I have a fan club who is knocking down my door demanding I take a greater leadership role.   I have no political ambitions. I have my work cut out for me.

However, the spirit of the Torah and having Halacha consistent with the spirit of the Torah is where I come in.  My fascination with Shemittah as a result of having lived in Kiryat Arba with a view of Hebron is a driving force in my life.  Zocher Habrit, remembering G-d's Covenant with Noah and with our forefathers is fundamental to Judaism. It is a foundation of Torah,of our Avoda (prayer) and of Gemilat Chassodim, lovingkindness (Chesed). There are those who dismiss what is happening in HaUlpana as the struggle of the few who are endangering their own lives by living in a dangerous place.  (See letter to the editor of Mishpacha Magazine, page 12, page 13 issue 415 in response to the front page article "Resigned to Exile" issue: 413 Parshat Shlach).  This letter writer to Mishpacha (not me, I don't believe they printed my letter) was very disappointed that Mishpacha featured people in Beit Ulpana and Migron by putting them on Mishpacha cover, "usually graced by Gedoilim and accomplished people". "Do you have to make them into heroes?" he asked.  This individual clearly has no clue about the significance of claiming each and every part of Eretz Yisroel and the dangers of allowing a Palestinian State, or rather perhaps 3 Palestinian States (you can add Gaza run by Hamas, and possibly Jordan if it ever gets taken over by the Palestinians chas vechalila) surrounding and in the heart of the delineated boundaries of Eretz Yisroel.   He perhaps doesn't realize that when we don't claim the high ground, the Palestinians in the Shomron will, and we put Ben Gurion airport in shooting range.  But even more disturbing is that he is not at all focused on Zocher Habrit, remembering the Covenant G-d made with our forefathers and with us, their seed.  He is not in tune with the spirit of Hebron.  

My hearts desire and longing is that there will be a surge of desire and longing among the keepers of the faith,  to always keep in the front of our minds, in our hearts and revealed deep to the depths of our soul, the Covenants between G-d and humanity and between G-d and the Jewish People:   Abraham and the Brit Bein Habesarim, the Akeida, binding of Isaac, Jacob's dream on Temple Mount, Moses and the burning bush that did not get consumed, the generation of the desert and the Sin of the Spies.  The Torah, especially in Sefer Devarim, aka Mishne Torah, is filled with numerous Commandments in the Torah that must be observed on Temple Mount and dependent on the Land of Israel itself.  

In answer to the response "So come to Israel first and then you can have an impact":  The Torah was given to all Jews at Sinai and not in Eretz Yisroel.  The Torah represents all Jews and not only Jews who are Israeli citizens. Zocher Habrit is a Covenant with the seed of Noah and the seed of our Forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whether or not they reside in Israel or are Israeli citizens. 

I like to learn from our enemies.  Upon winning the election, the Muslim Brotherhood victorious winner Morsi announced that he doesn't only represent Egyptians in Egypt but also Egyptians who live outside of Egypt.  The Muslim Brotherhood think global.   Also they believe every inch of Israel belongs to Palestine.  Surely we must learn from them that we must think on a grand scale and be more proactive in proclaiming that every inch of Israel belongs to Israel. 

We seem to have forgotten our Covenenent.  Sadly, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas fills our void unfortunately.  Please read Paul Eidelberg's latest article.  How can we fight our enemies out to destroy us?  All we really need is to learn the message of Shemittah and condition ourselves to trust G-d. Emuna Peshuta.  Once we get G-d on our side, no enemy is strong enough, no weapon powerful enough. It is simplistic and brilliant and really there is no other way. 

The Muslim Brotherhood and the Prophecy of Anwar Sadat:
Time to Call a Spade a Spade
Prof. Paul Eidelberg, President
             Israel-America Renaissance Institute
Contrary to the tepid analyses of Drs. Dore Gold and Daniel Pipes regarding Mohamad Morsi's victory in Egypt's presidential election, Israel has more to worry about than they suggest about the results of that election, and for at least three ominous reasons of which they are not unaware:
(1)  Morsi is a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood now poised to sweep over Egypt and render Egypt's 1979 peace treaty with Israel a dead letter.
(2)  Rabid Jew-hatred permeates the people of Egypt and its state-controlled media.
(3) The U.S. has supplied Egypt's ambitious military establishment with billions of dollars of sophisticated military hardware.
Item (3) was part of a U.S. "payoff" to Anwar Sadat's for his historic November 1977 visit to Jerusalem, which signified that brilliant strategist's severing Egypt's alliance with the Soviet Union and adopting a pro-American foreign policy. Although it remains to be seen how Egypt's military echelon will relate to the Muslim Brotherhood, optimism is not in order: both parties hate Israel.
Turning to Mohamad Morsi: he is an alumnus of Cairo University and the University of Southern California. Dr. Morsi, now a member of Egypt's parliament, is the Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), founded by the Muslim Brotherhood in the wake of the 2011 Egyptian revolution.

In Morsy's official biography, which appears on the Brotherhood's English-language website,, it proudly lists him as a "founder-member of the Egyptian Resist the Zionist Project Committee."
In a recently posted video ( on the website, we can listen to a speech Morsi gave in Cairo on May 13, 2012 in which he declared: "The Koran is our constitution. The Prophet Muhammad is our leader. Jihad is our path. And death for the sake of Allah is our most lofty aspiration" (Voice of Russia, May 13).

As Michael Freund warns: "Don't let various pundits and talking heads fool you when they deploy loaded terms such as "moderate" to describe the Muslim Brotherhood or its leaders. Morsi and his comrades are a band of extremists and fanatics bent on religious, social and political domination whose agenda does not stop at the Egyptian border" (Jerusalem Post, June 28, 2012).

Morsi is called an "Islamist"—a monotonous euphemism for Muslims who typically harbor an Islamo-Nazi mentality. That Hamas cheered Morsi's victory is also unsurprising: Hamas is the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps Drs. Gold and Pipes should take another look at the Hamas Covenant, for this document speaks for its patron and therefore may reveal something ominous about Morsi, but muted by those experts.

I call that document the "Hamas Covenant of Death." It is a blood-curdling expression of the "Islamist" love affair with death, or what Michael Ledeen calls "necrophilia" in Accomplice to Evil: Iran and the War Against the West (2009). Dr. Ledeen's book, we note in passing, documents the necrophilia of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, who had thousands of Iranian children blown to bits walking across Iraqi land mines in Iran-Iraqi war. This is the same Ahmadinejad who screams "Death to America" and vows to "wipe Israel off the map."

But let us examine the Hamas Covenant of Death, for it manifests the demonic or demented mentality of Ahmadinejad. And here it should be noted that although Morsi, unlike Ahmadinejad, is a Sunni and not a Shiite Muslim, this is little more than a distinction without a difference. Time to call a spade a spade.

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it ..." Thus begins the Hamas Covenant of Death, officially known as "The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement," which, as indicated, is inspired by the mentality of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Now, to grasp the true nature of the war Muslims—Sunni and Shiite—have waged against Jews and the State of Israel, let us explore some passages of that Covenant.
The Covenant refers to the Muslim Arabs of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza as a single "squadron" of the "vast Islamic world."  "Our struggle against the Jews is very great," and this struggle will go on "until the enemy is vanquished and Allah's victory is realized." 
The Covenant explicitly refers to the Islamic Resistance Movement as "one of the wings of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine." It calls on all Muslims to "raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors, so that they would rid the land and the people of their uncleanness, vileness and evils." Contrary to the puerilities of the media and the obscurantism of "experts,' the Muslim Brotherhood is not simply a fanatical sect of Islam; it lives authentic Islam, resurgent and animated by the global ambitions of the seventh-century Mohammed, after whom Egypt's new president is named.
The Covenant continues: "The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian movement, whose allegiance to Allah, and whose way of life is Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Islam over every inch of Palestine." In contrast to the short-term pragmatism of democracies, "The Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realization of Allah's promise no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: 'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight and kill the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"
Unlike the signatories of the American Declaration of Independence, whose fondest wish was for all mankind to enjoy the rights to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, the of the Islamic Covenant teaches Muslims that "Death for the sake of Allah as the loftiest of wishes." Indeed, the Covenant declares that these Muslims are prepared to drench "Palestine" with blood. Hence democratic opinion makers and decision makers should understand that Muslims are not about to be bought off with the bourgeois policy of "territory for peace." This policy arouses Muslim contempt for Jews; it makes Jewish blood cheap by making the Holy Land cheap.
This is the same policy of appeasement that truncated and dismantled Czechoslovakia and led to the Second World War. It is a liberal-leftwing policy, and it is quite prevalent today among multicultural relativists in Israel, in America, and in Europe—and is pursued by many experts and policy-makers afraid to call a spade a spade when speaking of Islam. Contrast this tough and unambiguous statement of the Hamas wing of the Muslim Brotherhood: "The Land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for the future for the future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. It, or any part of it, should not be given up."
With utter contempt for Israelis and Americans who call for a "two-state solution" to the conflict between Israel and the "Palestinians"—a mindless manifestation of moral equivalence—the Hamas Covenant of Death proclaims, "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors," which describes the bland, democratic menu of men without chests. 
Lacking is the stamina to confront and overcome the hydra of another "evil empire," whose Covenant is deadlier than the Communist Manifesto. "The day the enemies usurp part of Muslim land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Muslim. It is [therefore] necessary to instill in the minds of the Muslim generations that the Palestinian problem is a religious problem, and should be dealt with on this basis." Hence the Covenant enjoins upon Muslims the following oath: "I swear by the holder of Muhammad's soul that I would like to invade and be killed for the sake of Allah, then invade and be killed, and then invade again and be killed."
With the Muslim Brotherhood poised to reign over Egypt—but therefore the Sinai—and with Hamas entrenched in Gaza, we are witnessing a process pointing to the fulfillment of the prophecy of Anwar Sadat, or so we may conclude from these statements of his:
● In a Cairo Mosque Sadat proclaimed that "The jihad is a religious duty of all Muslims."

—John Laffin, The Arab Mind Considered (New York: Taplinger, 1975), 152.

● Interviewed in al-Anwar on June 22, 1975, Sadat declared: "The effort of our generation is to return to the 1967 borders. Afterward the next generation will carry the responsibility."

—Y. Harkabi, Arab Strategies and Israel's Response (New York: Free Press, 1977), 55.
● Finally, in an October 19, 1980 interview with the New York Times, Sadat boasted: "Poor Menachem [Begin], he has his problems ... After all, I got back ... the Sinai and the Alma oil fields, and what has Menachem got? A piece of paper"

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Zocher HaBrit : News fit to print for G-ds Covenant with the Jewish People and with Noahides and if your advertisers don't approve they can advertise elsewhere. HaUlpana is still not demolished. We can still try to save her ....


I just read this urgent message from Elisheva Federman: Yisca is her daughter.  See attached letter with pictures of the young couple. See letter below. 

Re: HaUlpana:

Even though residents of HaUlpana came to an agreement to leave peacefully, this decision is still a dangerous one for all settlement in Judea and Samaria and for all of Israel.  It's hard to blame the settlers.  

Jewish Press June 29, 2012 writes on Page 40 "Netanyahu reportedly  stressed that the agreement is not a precedent for future evacuations of West Bank outposts". [what does that mean Jewish Press?  did he or did he not say it?] The first thought that came to my mind was READ MY LIPS!   Didn't Sharon promise a solution for every family from Gush Katif.  Arutz7 reported "Katz agreed on May 23 to temporarily table his bill during a stormy debate, after he was promised by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that the government would not oppose the bill if he held off for two weeks – the period in which Netanyahu hopes to find an administrative solution to the pending demolition orders."  It seems that Netanyahu only bought time to find an administrative solution and what happened to Netanyahus promise to Katz?  Was he double crossed?  And why did Katz magically do such an about face? This demands a thorough investigation as per what pressures the settlers are facing. It just doesn't add up!

"Of key concern after Netanyahu's threat to impose cabinet and party discipline against the bill last week, is whether ministers will be allowed to vote according to their conscience should Katz resubmit his bill.

Netanyahu is under intense pressure from Likud lawmakers and government ministers to allow them to vote freely next week, should no administrative solution present itself."

Well this concern was well justified and Netanyahu in spite of intense pressure, got his way!  This is democracy in action?

How can we agree to settle for 300 new units in Beit El and unfreezing another 551 in Judea and Samaria when this move seems to undermine our right to settle all of Judea and Samaria?  It is irrelevant if the residents agree or do not agree. 
This decision affects all of Judea and Samaria and weakens our Biblical claim to the Land of Israel.  Judea and Samaria are bursting with large population growth and have been slowly strangled by the government.  (see article in Jewish Press page 11 by Hillel Fendel and Chaim Silverstein enttitled 'Givat HaUlpana and Jerusalem')  Finally the gov't temporarily loosens a notch in order to make a PR statement to the world that they are serious about "Peace".  

Is it no wonder that the residents in Judea and Samaria need to take a breath so desperately so that they agree to this deal.  But we, who aren't being strangled, how can we be silent?  We know that it is not for anyone's best interest especially those living in Judea and Samaria to agree to this ridiculous compromise and waste of money that is a Judicial lynch as Moshe Dann calls it.
Op-ed: Top institutions use power arbitrarily, without due process to prevent settlement expansion
Moshe Dann
Published: 06.26.12, 11:15 / Israel Opinion
-- Let us fight this until the very end, until we can not fight this battle any longer and let us or the gov't never forget how they reneged in the past of their promises to the Settlers.

Arabs Burn House of Young Married Couple in Havat Gilad
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 4:40 PM, אלישבע פדרמן <> wrote:
Yesterday Arabs came, in broad daylight and burned the house of Yisca and Elyasaf Oyerbach.
Please take a few minutes to read this letter and do what you can to help them.
Please forward this letter to your mailing lists.
May Hashem bless you. 

Dear Friends,
Four months ago, Yisca Federman and Elyasaf Oyerbach got married.
The young couple had decided to build their house in Havat Gilead, in the Shomron. Elyasaf was expelled from his house in Neve Dekalim which was in Gush Katif (Gaza strip). After being deported from his home, he went to the beautiful Shomron Mountains and built a new house. He hoped that this will be the place he will be able to put down roots.
Unfortunately, the bulldozers were sent by the authorities to this house too. The house was destroyed completely. Elyasaf did not give up and he started all over again- determined to build another house. It wasn't long before Yisca joined his efforts.
 Like him, she too was deported from her home which was in the Federman's farm in the Hebron Mountains.  In the middle of the night police troops broke into her family's house, forced her 8 younger siblings out to the cold, dark night and destroyed the house and everything that was in it. The very next day she went back to the ruins of the house and started clearing them. Her family rebuilt the house, and again it was destroyed by the Israeli police. 6 times they built their house and 6 times it was dismantled. No wonder that Yisca joined Elyasaf in rebuilding his house at Havat Gilad.
Yisca and Elyasaf spent all of their savings and all of the money they got for their wedding to build a beautiful, well equipped house. 
Words can't describe the joy of watching the young couple establish the foundation of their new home. So many tears were shed, prayers said, and hopes wished for them to get to this exciting moment. 

On Monday Tamuz 5th, in broad day light Arab intruders broke daringly into their house. The plunderers broke the furniture, spilt the content of the closets and set fire to the house in three different spots. When Yisca and Elyasaf returned home from work, they saw smoke coming out of the house. They immediately called the firemen, but despite all their efforts, the house was completely burnt. All they could do was sit and watch their dream house burn up.
This brave young couple's story is not a story of privet people. This is a story of courageous young people who were born into a life of caring for our people's future. Their life is a life of devotion to the Jewish people and for the holy land of Israel. Not only that they did not seek a more comfortable life, but they chose to be pioneers and conquer the hills of Samaria. It wasn't an easy choice, but they have a strong and undeniable faith that this is the right thing to do. That this is the best way they can act in the behalf of our people, our land and our Torah.
Not all of us have their mental strength. Not all of us can choose to lead our life the way they do- so unselfish, so devoted to the cause. But many of us feel that their struggle is our struggle and their pain is our pain. Let us not be indifferent! Let each and one of us, open our hearts and our wallets and help them. Let us all be part in this courageous act of conquering the land.  May G-d bless us in all of what we do, and may he help us in the task of maintaining the land of Israel.
For donations:
Elyasaf Oyerbach. Bank Ha Mizrahi- 491. Account no. 152143.
Or: p.o.b. 89 Kiryat Arba-please mention it is for Yisca and Elyasaf Oyerbach.

Received from Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover of Women in Green - 2nd Conference on the Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria 
Dear Friends,
Below please find the fascinating program of our upcoming Second conference on the application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria that will please G-d take place Thursday July 12th at the Machpela Visitor Center in Hebron
The struggle is about changing the public discourse from reactive to proactive and raising awareness to the program of application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria as an alternative to all the defeatist political plans.
We'd appreciate if you could spread this email far and wide to all your lists.
In the next few days we will publish and spread the official flyer
Whoever can get together at least ten people from his area to come to the conference,
 we will help organize the transportation.
Shavua Tov
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
050-7161818                                 050-5500834
Conference II
Application of Israeli Sovereignty
 over Judea and Samaria
Thursday, July 12th 2012
Machpela Visitors Center
Hebron, the City of the Patriarchs
All lectures are in Hebrew with simultaneous translation into English
16:00 Gathering
           Handing out of earphones for simultaneous translation from Hebrew to English
16:30 Greetings: (video)
 Ms. Geula Cohen, Israel Award Laureate, initiator of the
Jerusalem and Golan Heights Bill
MK Ze'ev Elkin, Chairman of the Coalition and Chairman
of the Lobby for E'retz Yisra'el
MK Miri Regev, Chairwoman of the Knesset Lobby for
the Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and
16:45 Rabbi Uziyahu Sharbaf, Head of the Shalhe'vet-Yah Kollel - One Nation and One Land
17:00 Minister Rabbi Prof. Daniel Hershkovitz - Sovereignty, without further
17:15 Adv. Daphna Netanyahu,editor of the Hebrew "Marah" internet magazine - Sold, for less than Lentil Stew
17:30 MK Uri Ariel, National Union -The program for the extension of Israel's sovereignty over Judea and Samaria
17:45 Adv. Itzik Bam - Application of Sovereignty, the Legal aspect
18:00 Refreshment Break
18:15 Eran Bar-Tal, Economics editor, Ma'kor Rishon – Balance of profit and  cost of Applying Sovereignty
18:30 Emanuel Shilo, Be'She'va editor – The Jordan Valley First
18:45 Yoram Ettinger, former consul in US,Demographic Studies for the Begin-Sadat Center -From Refuted Fatalism to Documented Optimism
19:00 Caroline Glick (video), Jerusalem Post senior editor, Head of the Israel
Security Program at the David Horovitz Center of Freedom in Los
Angeles - Israeli Sovereignty throughout all of Judea and Samaria
19:15 Adv. Gershon Mesika, Head of the Shomron Regional Council -
Bringing forth the Gospel of Sovereignty
Conference leaders and conductors: Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
The conference is sponsored by ( preliminary list):
Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) - Just Peace for Israel- Professors for a Strong Israel
Transportation based on pre-registration by Tuesday, 10/7/12:
Jerusalem- Ramot 14:15 - Inbal Hotel 14:45 Rene Margolis 052-3294194
Gush Dan and the Merkaz- 14:00 Arlozerov Train Station and the Coca-Cola Junction Katty Cohen 03-5323472
Efrat and Gush Etzion- 15:30 Elisheva Ginzburg 02-9931978 or 052-3003689
Bet Shemesh- 15:00 Givat Savyon 15:15 Ramat Bet Shemesh Debbie Buckman 0528909524
North – Orit Spitz 0524627118
Meitar- Leah Wolf 0522719875



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Zocher Habrit, Returning to G-d re: Yaron, Ronald Lauder's Pro-2-State WJC Ad,


Dear Chavrei Knesset, Leaders of Major Jewish Organizations, Jewish Media, Rabbanim and Activist List ,

Egypt has been taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran is a very real nuclear threat.  All this is happening at an alarmingly fast pace.  

There is only 1 weapon that Jews have that can fight all the others.  Our most powerful weapon is G-d.  G-d is AllMighty. G-d is All powerful.  G-d is our Salvation.   

Ok before you call the police on me for harassing you with such emails, please just reflect for 1 minute.  When the enemy has a gun pointing at a soldier, what is there left to do if not turn to G-d?  If the soldier still has a weapon at his disposal he will most likely use the weapon and pray as well.  The greater the threat the more likely, G-d comes into the picture.  

So now the question is what can we do for G-d so that He will want to help us?  Prayer, wearing Tzizit, Tefillin, eating Kosher, keeping Shabbat, studying Torah? Being holy and not allowing our eyes,ears,mouth, nose, heart, hands and feet to get contaminated with unholy things. All True.  

These Mitzvoth are all part of our Torah and as a Jew we are obligated to observe them. 

My Dear Friends, It seems to me that the biggest test of this generation, our generation, the generation that has been blessed with the return to Zion is our willingness to claim and settle the Land of Israel.  The biggest Yetzer Hara, evil inclination,  for our generation, to religious Jews as well as unaffiliated Jews alike,  has been to recognize G-d's Divine will and promise that  the Land of Israel as being designated for a special and more holy purpose that can only be actualized with Jews living, settling in the Land of Israel keeping the commandments.

is it just coincidence that the world just became an even unsafer place with  the MB winning in Egypt immediately after the HaUlpana decision to throw Jews off our Land? How about the latest news about Iran?

Now that our enemies are increasingly gaining strength in developing WMD (weapons of mass destruction)  shall we not turn to G-d?  

You say you don't want to hear all this nonsense.  Or you say, I am a believing Jew and don't lecture me.   You still believe you have strong weapons at your disposal.  Remembering our Covenant with G-d and our forefathers and speaking out for our Covenant is not necessary. You feel it would just be counterproductive, bringing the wrath of the world upon us. You still want to believe that the "peace process" is the only practical answer and since G-d's Covenant is a negation of the "peace process" you will ignore it for now rather than stir up the hornets nest.   

How long will you guys wait?  How long will it take for you to figure out that my emails are not the enemy but rather your refusal to use your most powerful weapon, G-d.  He is Allmighty and Allpowerful and can fight off His enemies.  You have the ability, if you so choose, to reject the false G-d, aka "the Peace Process and The 2 State Solution" and courageously proclaim G-d's Covenant with the Jews and with the World and believe with your heart and soul that this will ultimately bring our redeemer, our redemption and  peace and prosperity to mankind! 

Please look forward to my next email which will be entitled "Zocher Habrit, More News that is Fit to Print" and if your advertisers don't like it let them find somewhere else to advertise

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Buddy Macy <> wrote:
Shalom Yaron (please call me Buddy),

Your response to my deep concern, and that of many others, appears to be a "form" email. Although Jerusalem Online may very well be "bringing its viewers and subscribers an unbiased, true, and accurate daily news update from Israel", Ronald Lauder's ad (please see bottom of email) brings your viewers and subscribers information that is not only biased and speculative, at best, but that which promotes a policy which many among your audience believe would lead to Israel's demise. As a fellow pro-Israel activist wrote, you would not accept an ad from an Arab-"Palestinian" suicide bomber, so why would you accept a submission which endorses a policy that is tantamount to the unleashing of thousands of such murderous weapons
throughout Israel?!?

My original email to Jerusalem Online must not be considered within the context of technical legal media policy; it is about morality -- it is about right and wrong! Ronald Lauder's ad promotes the expulsion of tens of thousands of Jews from their homes and communities. Do you believe that such activity is supported by any of the writings or teachings within Judaism? Where is it written that Jews have the right to destroy their fellow Jews' homes? Ronald Lauder's advertisement promotes a policy, the implementation of which would represent an obscene abuse of the political process for personal and organizational gain, while causing tremendous agony for tens of thousands of Israeli citizens. The ad falls under the classification of profanity, and it must be retracted immediately.

It would be in Israel's best interest if you would return the compensation provided by Mr. Lauder for the ad, and to state clearly and unequivocally that Jerusalem Online erred in publishing Ronald Lauder's advertisement, and that there is no association whatsoever between Jerusalem Online and Mr. Lauder's World Jewish Congress ad. The above statement should be promoted utilizing all means available to you.

Most sincerely,

Buddy Macy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yaron Yoels <>
Date: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 5:41 PM
Subject: RE: Jerusalem Online's Promotion of Ronald Lauder's Pro-2-State WJC Ad
Cc:,, Prof MK Arieh Eldad <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, galcom <>, Lior Eshed <>, Liran Eshed <>,,, "Russell F. Robinson" <>

Dear Mr. Macy,

Thank you for your detailed email. 

JerusalemOnline is a news service, active for over 6 years, bringing its viewers and subscribers an unbiased, true, and accurate daily news update from Israel in full collaboration with Channel 2 news, the leading news Channel in Israel. 

JerusalemOnline and its team absolutely do not support any opinions or political views reflected in the news or the advertisements shown on the website, email or any form of media.

As for now, JerusalemOnline is a free service, fully supported by its founders and advertisers. 

JerusalemOnline will continue to bring you the most accurate news and most interesting video articles from Israel.


Thank you for contacting us and for watching



Yaron Yoels | CEO


Fax: +972 -77-4701393



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From: Buddy Macy <>
Date: June 22, 2012 11:36:05 AM GMT+08:00
To: <>, <>, <>, <>
Cc: <>, <>, Prof MK Arieh Eldad <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, "Russell F. Robinson" <>
Subject: Jerusalem Online's Promotion of Ronald Lauder's Pro-2-State WJC Ad

One cannot determine from the World Jewish Congress advertisement, below, whether Jerusalem Online supports the position taken by Ron Lauder in his letter appearing in the ad. However, one knows for sure that Jerusalem Online has accepted compensation for an ad which contradicts the values and beliefs of most of its readers and supporters!


Four of Israel's most esteemed Knesset Members: Moshe Ya'alon - Israel's Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Affairs and former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces; Dr. Arieh Eldad - Brig. Gen., Retired, who served as the chief medical officer and was the senior commander of the Israeli Defense Forces medical corps for 25 years and head of the burns unit at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem during the height of the Intifada; Yuval Steinitz - Israel's Finance Minister and the former chairman of both the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and the Knesset Subcommittee for Intelligence and Secret Services, and an active member of Peace Now before Oslo; and, Danny Danon - chairman of World Likud and Chair of the Knesset Committee for Aliya, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, have all stated publicly that implementation of the two-state "solution" would result in the destruction of Israel.*


That Ron Lauder, an American citizen, has chosen to promote a policy which the above four respected and admired Knesset Members believe would lead to the demise of Israel, is more than curious. And, Jerusalem Online's acceptance of compensation for the promotion of Lauder's personal beliefs through his position at WJC, is more than questionable. For the sake of clarity and truth, I urge Jerusalem Online to issue a public statement as to its official position regarding the two-state "solution."


Most sincerely,


Buddy Macy



---- Forwarded Message -----
From: JerusalemOnline Marketing <>
Sent: Friday, 22 June 2012 7:39 AM
Subject: Join Ronald S. Lauder's quest for peace in the Middle East

Join Us Now


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

re: Clarification - In Answer to Uzi Baruch- Editor of Chief of Arutz7 regarding the Lauder ad promoting a 2 State Solution


Dear Uzi,  amv"sh

Uzi, Thanks for the clarification.  It's not convincing. As Editor in Chief of A7, your readers expect you to filter out the non Kosher stuff in advertisements as well. While the submitter, in this case Ronald Lauder,  might not be a leftist organization whose activities damage Israel, the message of the ad certainly does damage Israel.  

By rejecting the ad, you are not boycotting or rejecting Ronald Lauder. You are rejecting the contents of the ad just like you would reject an ad that included indecently unclad women.  Whether or not the submitter is upright and highly respected is not relevant.   Your policy must be not to put in ads that promote a 2 State solution.  

Arutz 7 is one of a kind.  We don't want it to be like all the others. 

Would it be consistent for the KOSHER GAZETTE (fictitious name) to advertise Pork? Won't some people start believing that Pork is kosher because the Kosher Gazette advertises this product? How about a health magazine putting in Cigarette ads in their publication? 

At the very minimum put a disclaimer like they have on cigarette ads  that reads "Arutz7 believes that the contents of this ad is dangerous to Israel and if implemented dangerous to the protection of Jews throughout the world."  If they still want to advertise with your disclaimer then perhaps you will not be liable in the prohibition of not putting a stumbling block before the blind (your audience). But it still is questionable whether it is wise to do so. If this ad serves to convince the A7 audience that Netanyahu's policies are laudable then the money A7 receives from this ad has the potential of being blood money G-d forbid. 
Sincerely Robin Ticker

PS: If Arutz 7 changes in any way it would be extremely depressing!  writes:

From: Arutz-7 Mailing
date: Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 9:38 AM
subject: Clarification


Dear Arutz Sheva Readers in Israel and the world over,

I am taking this opportunity to respond to readers' critical reactions to our acceptance and posting of an advertisement from the president of the World Jewish Congress, Mr. Ron Lauder

I wish to make it clear that Arutz Sheva is a nationalist Zionist website that champions and promotes the cause of Greater Israel.

Arutz Sheva is the sole voice in Israel and the entire world that emphasizes the central importance of all of the Land of Israel and faithfully guards our land from its detractors.

Arutz Sheva will never run advertisements, no matter what the financial inducement, of leftist organizations in Israel and the United States whose activities damage Israel. However, the advertisement about which some of our readers complained is far from fitting into that category.

Mr. Lauder is a highly respected figure in the Jewish world. He serves as president of the Jewish Congress and is a close friend of the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu.

We regret that the Prime Minister and many Jews feel that the way to achieve peace is through the establishment of a Palestinian state, but we cannot, as a website that serves as a forum for world Jewry, boycott or reject a respected Jewish figure who does not agree with us. Mr. Lauder has many accomplishmentns to his credit in many areas that have helped Jews the world over - as does the Prime Minister.

Arutz Sheva's website has been expanding exponentially for the past several years, thanks to the good people who help us continue to be the voice of Greater Israel and sound the dangers facing our country and World Jewry.

We will continue to serve as a clear and unequivocal voice - and a brave and powerful one - while respecting our fellow Jews, wherever they may be.

Arutz Sheva is against a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria and has posted many articles and opeds that make that stand clear. The advertisement's posting is an opportunity for those readers who feel as Arutz Sheva does to explain their position to the advertiser by writing to the Opinion section at Arutz Sheva. We will post those responses that are written poitely and explain the reasons behind the writer's position.
Uzi Baruch

Editor in Chief

Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 1:35 PM


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Zocher Habrit. More news fit to print and if your Advertisers don't like it, let them advertise elsewhere. Judea and Samaria are NOT Occupied Territories, 2 State Solution is Stupid, seditious or suicidal? Southern Israel under attack!


Dear Rabbanim. Knesset Members, Media and Activists for EY List: 

Why must we be upfront with the world as per G-d's Covenant with Israel regarding the Land of Israel?

Plain and simple.  This is Torah.    See First Rashi of Breishit! 
 Ait Laasot LaHashem, Hefeiru Toratecha /Tehillim 119, 126. It is time to do for Hashem for our Torah has been pushed aside, annulled

The Torah is the source, the root and foundation of  why Israel is the Ancestral Homeland of the Jewish People.  

Once this is proclaimed loud and clear, it will negate the lie that Jews are the Occupiers.  

Dear Rabbis, Knesset Members, Jewish Media and Bible Believers, Are you helping in this regard??????? 


  • Feeds the 2 State Solution, 
  • Supports and Justifies Terror against Israel
  • Promotes BDS against Israel.  

The Time to Speak the Words of Torah is NOW! 

Our success in  publicizing the following news items will depend on our faith in the prerequisite above.
Proclaim the truths of TORAH to the world!  All else will then fall into place and true peace will prevail.

By: Eyal Schwartz
Published: June 24th, 2012
Issue of June 22, 2012
      By: Anav Silverman
      Building damaged by rocket shrapnel in the Eshkol Regional Council near Kibbutz Kissufim this past week. Photo: Daniel Hagbi, Sderot Media Center. Over 100 rockets fired from Gaza struck southern Israel this past week, with 65 of those rockets clobbering Israeli communities in the northwestern Negev in a single day, on Wednesday. In the worst of the rocket escalations, a home in the Sdot Negev Regional Council was directly hit by a rocket on Wednesday, with the mother and her child...


      Robin Ticker
      Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

      Most of these emails are posted on 

      Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.