Friday, August 12, 2011

You tube Glenn Beck reshuthashidur: Please pass on to Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Perlow and every member of Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah and to your Rabbanim. Anavim, Anavim...


The intro is in Hebrew, so please stick on for the interview.

Please present these Rabbanim with this amazing, amazing you tube of Glenn Beck.  Then remind them of the Yizkereim video featuring Rav Solomon Shonfeld zt"l and Rav Weissmandl and their amazing activism that made a small difference in the Holocaust but could not save the majority of Eastern Europe because people refused to believe the truth when there was still time to do something. 

Than, ask these Rabbanim to take practical steps that addresses how we can change the situation.  Please ask them then to endorse a twinning project with Judea and Samaria so that each and every Jew is helping to build the heartland and protect our fellow brethren threatened in Judea and Samaria.  Pikuach Nefesh is certainly a driving consideration. Our goal is for the entire Nation of Israel, collectively, be deserving of being part of inheriting the Land. 

 Ask Rabbanim to publicly condemn the Israel's courts decision, the powerful secular elite few imposing their will on the majority, (since they are above the law),  to demolish 47 homes in Migron this coming March.. 

The answer to prevent the establishment chas vechalila to a Palestinian State is to build in Judea and Samaria and keep the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz which is the key to Security in the Land according to the Torah.  Israel can no longer be dictated by an elite minority that has lost the vision of being G-d's Chosen People, a Mamlechet Kohanim VeGoy Kadosh.  Only by observing the Torah and following its dictates will the world acknowledge and say Am Chachom VeNavon and the world will be blessed with peace and prosperity, speedily soon in our times.

Practically we have the ability to reach every Jew.  Lo Bashamayim Hi....It is not too difficult,  Aloh Na aleh Ki Yachol Nuchal let us go up for we can surely take it. 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Truth Provider <>
Date: Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 12:03 AM
To: 0 - GLOBAL <>

Dear friends,

If you want to know why am I here and for what purpose do I write to you and what is Truth Provider all about,

Just watch this important video. Don't just watch, internalize it!!!

I internalized it 11 years ago when Arafat abandoned Camp David.

Please watch! The link is below! The intro is in Hebrew, so please stick on for the interview.


Another great, not to be missed, article by Martin Sherman is posted on

or just click on this link: Suicide Nation

Your Truth Provider,



Anovim - Great Song!!

Enjoy this Awesome Song 
Lyrics in English
"At the moment when king Mashiaj comes, he will stand on the roof of the holy temple and call out: My humble children, the time of your redemption has come.And if you don´t believe me, look at the light that I shine upon you!"(Ialkut Shimoni, Ieshayahu 60-499)

Lyrics in Hebrew
beshaa shemelech hamashiach ba omed al gag Bet Hamikdash mashmia leIsrael veomer: anavim anavim higia zeman guelatjem veim ein atem maaminim reu beori shezarach.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Please publicize. One picture worth a thousand words. I would like to see this picture plastered all over. Especially in front of the UN. Let the world see the bigger picture Please give it a full page in your newspaper. Give this free publicity it d


Japanese View of the Palestinians -
 Couldn't have said it better!

Talk about one picture being worth a THOUSAND words!


Is the world just plain stupid?   




An interesting questionnaire for Palestinian Advocates

By Yashiko Sagamori 

If you are so sure that " Palestine , the country, goes back through most of recorded history," I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about Palestine :  

1.  When was it founded and by whom? 

2.  What were its borders?

3.  What was its capital? 

4.  What were its major cities?

5.  What constituted the basis of its economy?

6.  What was its form of government? 

7.  Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before  Arafat? 

8..  Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation? 
9.  What was the language of Palestine ?
10. What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ? 
11. What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese Yuan on that date. 
12. And, finally, since there is no such country today,  what caused its demise and when did it occur? 
You are lamenting the "low sinking" of a "once proud" nation.. Please tell me, when exactly was that "nation" proud and what was it so proud of?
And here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people you mistakenly call "Palestinians" are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over -- or thrown out of -- the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War?
I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day "Palestinians" to the Biblical Philistines: substituting etymology for history won't work here. 
The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel ; they still cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil goal with military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it "the Palestinian people" and installed it in Gaza , Judea, and Samaria . How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally accept back the "West Bank" and Gaza , respectively? 
The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less claim to nationhood than that Indian tribe that successfully emerged in Connecticut with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least that tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so-called "Palestinians" have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel , and in my book that is not sufficient to consider them a nation" -- or anything else except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled. 
In fact, there is only one way to achieve peace in the Middle East . Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side should, pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited on it. The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and accepting Israel 's ancient sovereignty over Gaza , Judea, and Samaria . 

That will mark the end of the Palestinian people. What are you saying again was its beginning? 
Can this story be presented any more clearly or simply?


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Tisha Baav Yizkerem - Rabbi Weissmandl and Rabbi Shonfeld of Kinder Transport were Askanim! -


Tisha B'Av 5771

A letter to each and every individual Atem Nitavim Hayom Kulchem Your the Jewish People are standing before Hashem, ALL OF YOU.

Thank you Yizkereim, Rabbi Leib Geliebter Memorial Foundation, Agudath Yisroel of America, Torah Umesorah, and Claims Conference of a fantastic documentary about Rabbi Solomon Shonfeld zt'l  and Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl zt"l 

In this documentary it clearly shows the Hishtadlus, activism,  of Rav Weissmand zt"l. 20,000 people were directly saved on a train being diverted from Auschiwitz to Vienna because of Rav Weissmandl.  He was instrumental in saving the lives of 140,000 Jews of Budapest. He died heartbroken because he felt he could have done much more.  His reports and maps of Aushwitz was sent and printed in the Swiss Press with eye witness reporting of the slaughter of  1,715,000 Jews.  When this was printed in Swiss newspapers it created a public outcry world wide that denounced the deportations of Jews.   140,000 Jews saved.  

World Jewry didn't believe that bribery would make a difference to save European Jewry and they didn't send money for the Europa plan in 1942.  

Rav Weissmandl zt"l proved activism could work and it did! Rabbi Shonfeld in North England proved activism worked.  Rabbi Fabian Shonfeld and his brother were saved with his brother on a Kindertransport.  He spoke in the documentary and said the Mitzva is Al Taamod Al Dam Reicha. The Mitzva is not Al Taamodu in the plural.  Each and every individual must do and not wait for committees when it comes to Pikuach Nefesh. Surely however, if an individual is influential in a committee or organization, then surely this individual's Hishtadlus,activism can be more effective then someone who is not influential in an organization.. 

 Unfortunately Rav Weissmandl didn't get enough money to save the majority of Eastern Europe  though he did manage to put off the deportations for 2 years in Slovakia. 

Rav Weissmandl zt"l knew the power of learning Torah.  He was a Rosh Yeshiva.  Yet Rav Weissmandl gave very clear and specific practical instructions to the Orthodox Community in Hungary on how to respond  when it was clear that the deportations would start.   He told them to protest and not to go on the trains.  Even if half would be killed at least many would be able to escape.  He told them to take knives to cut the locks to jump off the trains.  He  used that advice himself when he was put on a transport to the concentration camp and hid his knife in a loaf of bread and managed to save himself by jumping off the train. .  Unfortunately, his family was on a different train and they were not saved... 

In a letter sent  to all countries, he addressed the Pope and the Red Cross and Powers at large to bomb the Railways leading to Auschwitz.  Both England and the USA chose not to listen.   Who knows if things had been different had he had the necessary support from World Jewry who would make sure that there would be a loud protest and outcry in all the Media that would not have taken no for an answer.. 

The organization Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors says Never Again must remain more than a mere slogan. 

Islam promotes and teaches terrorism. A Palestinian State is a terrorist state that  partners with Nazi Ideology.  Judea and Samaria is surrounded by enemies who produce kids raised on the ideology of being a Shahid, a martyr in the name of Islam,  and who have no qualms about beheading a 3 month old and murdering her family, parents and siblings.  When one Jew commited such an atrocity it cause Major uproar in the Jewish community. Yet for Arabs children who see ritual slaughter on their animals in their homes and communities, doing so on humans, on Jews, is reason for them to celebrate. 

The material blasting Islam, the "religion" and its teachings is out there.  Is it in the religious Jewish papers?  Are Chareidim, children of Holocaust Survivors, aware of the dangers of Islam, the Nazis of today who of course define Israel as "occupiers" and all Jews are pigs and anyone that rejects Islam as infidels (not to mention everyone else who rejects Islam). Sharia Law has many religious laws of how to treat infidels and women and such "religious law" is at odds with  the American Constitution not to mention inhumane and immoral and barbaric according to western civilization.  Sharia Law  financing supports terrorism big time not to mention the horrific way women are treated.   Islam has already taken over much of Europe and America is rather rapidly being infiltrated.  

Go to ACT of America, PMW.  Read Daniel Greenfield aka Sultan Knish and David Horowitz Freedom Center,  Listen to courageous Arabs who speak the truth as they know it.  Read about rampant Pedophelia who take their role model from the Prophet Mohammed.  And we are afraid to anger the Nations by davening at Kever Yosef at Shchem the very place where Hakadosh Baruch Hu promised Avraham Avinu "Lezaracha Etain Es Haaretz...?????  

Why not subscribe to ERETZ ISRAEL SHELANU and read about how today this Tisha Baav Muslim Waqf personnel attacked Jews who visited Temple Mount on the anniversary of Temples destruction.  Moshe Feiglin "There is nothing like an event of this nature on Tisha B'Av to prove the weakness of the Israeli government.  He who forfeits the Temple Mount forfeits his home in the Negev and Galilee as well - and in the end, on Rothschild Avenue in Tel Aviv too.  See the link which reports how the Palestinian Authority is using US Aid to help pay millions in salaries to jailed terror suspects and that families of suicide bombers are given 5 million pounds in British aid cash.  

To be more connected with Judea and Samaria and Eretz Yisroel, please subscribe to Arutz7 Israel National News  and Yesha Bulletin to get news that support Judea and Samaria and our rights to live and protect our homeland. 

Most importantly.  Join a campaign for Jews world wide  twinning with the Jews in Judea and Samaria? You can email me if you wish and we will be very happy to help you find a match in Judea and Samaria to twin with . We encourage twinning  of all types in Judea and Samaria and  there is no monopoly on this twinning project and we enjoy and get much Nachas from the competition as long as it is in the up and up.  We can twin schools with schools, business, with business, organization with organization and families with families and individuals, schools, business and organizations with any of the above.  It is a matter of Pikuach Nefesh for those in Judea and Samaria  and observing the Mitzva of Al Taamod Al Dam Reiacha for us in Chutz LeAretz. 

How many more families must be expelled chas Vechalila before it hits our own home and family chas vechalilia?    

May this day of mourning turn into a day of Celebration and may we be zocheh, worthy of the Geula Shleima, the complete redemption speedily in our times!


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Jonathan Pollard Sounded Weak and in Pain, Eretz Israel Shelanu forwarded.....



'Jonathan Sounded Weak and in Pain'

Esther Pollard: Jonathan in surgery

Wife of convicted Israeli spy says he has been suffering from deterioration in his medical condition

Apparently Esther Pollard is battling cancer as well.  

by Gil Ronen


My experience calling the White House, Regarding Jonathan Pollard:

Today I called the White House comment line 202-456-1414.  It was busy.  I called the other White House line 202-456-1111 and asked for the comment line.  This time they transferred me and  I got through. I spoke to a very nice lady who asked for my comment.  I said, "Tell the President to Free Jonathan Pollard."  She asked if I had any more comments.  I said "Yes, I want to know how come the United States of America withheld intelligence from it's friend and ally Israel, Apparently the US withheld intelligence that it was required to share with Israel regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq threatening Israel's security.  Jonathan Pollard was then forced into a moral dilemma and answered to a Higher Authority and shared this intelligence that Israel was supposed to receive in the first place". The lady on the comment line was very nice, recorded my comments and thanked me graciously for my comment and told me to call again. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eretz Israel Shelanu <>
Date: Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 9:19 AM
Subject: NeverForgetKatif&Pollard! Tish'aBeAv; ComingWeek; Courage! EretzIsrael; Webs; Citation
To: Eretz Israel Shelanu Subscriber <>


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Shalom, Shabbat Shalom,
NEVER FORGET - "We Love You, Gush Katif" (H)

* Chief Rabbis Call on Israelis to Pray for Pollard's Release

* MK Reuven Rivlin: Deteriorating Israel US relations (H)


* Talkback at &

* Write (Enlglish Only!) to: Jonathan Pollard # 09185-016,
c/o FCI Butner. POB 1000. Butner, NC. USA 27509-1000

* SEND a MESSAGE for POLLARD to US President & Vice President – The White House,
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Wash, DC 20500. 202-456-1111, 202-456-1414, Fax 202-456-2461
Complete the WH Contact Form TTY/TDD: Comments: 202-456-6213 - Visitors Office 202-456-2121
* Email Barack Obama: , Joe Biden:
* Contact US Attorney General Eric H Holder, US Department of Justice. Tel 202-353-1555,
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Wash, DC 20530-0001 -

        TODAY, THURSDAY, August 4 / Av 4
(a) 18:00 – Lecture by Rabbi Dr. Joseph Klausner, Yedidyahu: "EICHA;
Beit Bnei Rachel, Rachel Tomb Complex, Beis Lechem, Israel – 17:00 Egged #163 Bus

(b) 20:00 - "Root and Branch - Torah Codes: New Developments"
by Professor Eliyahu Rips
Root and Branch Association, Ltd Program at the Orthodox Union Israel Center,
Keren HaYesod 22, Jerusalem. Info: Tel. 02-566-7787

(c) 20:00 - "SEE THE LIGHT of the 3rd DAY of CREATION: STRATEGIES to HEAL our EYES"
by Shoshanna Harrari, Author, "The Seven Healing Fruits of Israel" and "The Garden of Spices"
Composer and producer of music 2 CDs. ,
Root and Branch Association, Ltd. Program at the Orthodox Union Israel Center,
Keren HaYesod 22, Jerusalem. Info: 02-566-7787, ,

(d) 20:45 – Meet Hevron Representatives about "CONTINUUED HISTORY IN HEVRON", at
Giv'at Shmuel's Heichal HaRachamim, 34 Yoni Netanyahu Str. Hosted by Mrs. Katy Cohen

              SUNDAY, August 7 / Av 7
(a) Ten Yad ("Lend a Hand") Day - Insight, Inspiration, and Good Deeds in the City of Sderot, on
- learn what the City of Sderot means to its residents and the State of Israel!
To provide an uplifting and meaningful experience you will never forget! With
Rabbi David Fendel, Dean of the Hesder Yeshiva of Sderot, and the Yeshiva's 500 scholar / soldiers
The volunteer student association of the Yeshiva, Yad B'Yad ("Hand in Hand"):
A tour of Sderot; lunch at the Yeshiva, learning with / about this community, volunteer activity in the city
Info: George Iversen , , US tel: 1-866-624-1853

(b) 18:00 - Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher: "DON'T DESPAIR – HANG IN THERE!"
Beit Bnei Rachel, Rachel Tomb Complex, Beis Lechem, Israel - 5pm Egged #163 Bus

              TISH'AH beAV
Tisha B'Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar because of
the incredible series of tragedies which occurred on that date throughout Jewish History
You can learn more about this Jewish fast day (begins Monday evening, August 8, 2011) at: (From: Jacob Richman
May we see the rebuilding of the Temple in our days and that Tisha B'Av becomes a day of celebration

    MONDAY night, August 8, Eve of Tish'a B'Av
21:45 - EICHA reading opposite the American Consulate in Jerusalem, Agron Str
22:30 - SPEAKERS: Rabbi Mordechai Rabinovitch, Ezra Yachin
MK Prof. Arieh Eldad, MK Dr. Michael Ben Ari, Prof. Paul Eidelberg
23:00 - Our Walk begins from the US Consulate passing by the New Gate, Damascus Gate, Herod's Gate,
Lion's Gate, concluding at Dung Gate, near the Kotel. See (H)
Bring family, friends, Megillat Eicha, flashlight, flag. Buses ride all night to bring people back to Jaffa Gate
With love for Israel, Nadia Matar 0505-500-834 and Yehudit Katsover 0507-161-818
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green). POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel ,

(b) EICHA Scroll Reading with Tzion Tobi from Ganei-Tal –
opposite Gush Katif Museum, 5, Sha'arei Tzedek Str, Jerusalem
Afterwards: Lecture by Harav Yochanan Fried: "FROM DESTRUCTION TO VISION AND HOPE"
The Museum will then be open till 02:00 early morning (From: Shlomo

    Every MONDAY, 19:00-20:00
"The Eidelberg Report" on Arutz-7's the Tamar Yonah Show. Listen at
Toll free #s – Israel, US & Canada: 1-800-270-4288; England (Australia): 00-(11)-800-3-700-7000

Weekly classes in Beit Bnei Rachel - Atara Gur, Nechama Sarah G Nadborny, on
WEDNESDAYs at 11:00 – 14:00 (Take 10am Egged #163 Bus)
Contact Evelyn at - Rachels Children Reclamation Foundation
View for special events

Shabbat Nachamu, FRIDAY, 12-13 Av / August (Option to stay over Motzei Shabbat)
Shiurim from the head of Machon Shilo, HaRav David Ramat Beit Shemesh
Schedule - FRIDAY: Group "Mountain Bike Ride" in the scenic RBS mountain trails;
Pre-Shabbat Ruach with Live Music; Nusach Eretz Yisrael Minyan for all tefillot; Group meal; Shiur (E)
SHABBAT DAY: Teffilat Shachrit; Kiddush, followed by a Shiur; Lunch; Women's Shiur; Rest;
Community Shiur; Mincha; Seudat Shlishit with Zmirot, Shiur and a Shmooze; Maariv; Havdala with Music
The Shabbaton will be topped off off with an enjoyable Shabbat Nachamu Concert;
Motzei Shabbath with Shlomo Walfish of Aish Orchestra and Moshe Levi.
Price will be approximately 200NIS per person for the entire Shabbat
PLEASE reply as SOON as possible to if you are or MAY be interested

"RESTORING COURAGE": Glenn Beck & Sen Joseph Lieberman at the Southern Wall, The Temple Mount
SUNDAY, 24 August - ,
In German
PS.* Interviewed by Ya;akov Achi-Meir
 * Elad Benari: Glenn Beck: Never Ever Call it the West Bank
* Ruth King: Glenn Beck and Israel…A Friend Like No Other

    Stand With Israel Rally at Veterans Park, Manchester, NH, on
WEDNESDAY, August 24 at 17:00 (from UCI

PURCHASE Yo"Sh-MADE PRODUCTS (from Yonathan Gormezano
Order by Sunday (every Sunday) and get the consignment at home a week later
Call the following - Main: Malka Gabai 02-997-2721, 0523-300-081, 0525-978-866,
evening 02-997-1280, fax 153-2997-2721,
Local: Yechiam Geller, Kiryat-Shmuel 04-873-5448; David, Nesher 0522-413-902;
Galila, Ma'a lot 04-997-5083; Dana, Karmiel 04-988-1486; Visoli, Achuza 0505-791-746
Elperin, Binyamina 0507-893-589; Amalia, Dania 04-825-3772; Mira, Tal-Menashe 04-635-0054;
Ankri, Moreshet 04-999-8764; Sara, Netanya 0528-945-081; Tova, Kochav-Yair 09-749-3018;
Reichlin, Rehovot 0547-454-440; Uriyah Aharoni, Be'er-Sheva 0509-289-901;
Giv'at-Shmuel: Tsikon 0522-909-848, Eli 0506-292-193
PS. BUY YESH"A PRODUCTS. Country wide Distribution. Contact

THE "DAPEI KATOM" SITE - All-inclusive YeSh"A business on-line directory
(in H) Dapei Katom; "The Orange Pages" - Israeli Products
YeSh"A Autonomy - Build an Independent Judea and Samaria!

* "HaKeren LeAdmot Yisrael" (The Fund for Israel Land) (replacing KK"L!). To Purchase Land
In Eretz Israel, call: 02-6223.195, fax 02-6223.196, ,
Donations may be sent to: Israel Land Fund. POB 725, Jerusalem 91007, Israel
For bank transfers: SWIFT: FIRBILIT XXX - 1st International Bank of Israel Ltd
Mamila Branch, No. 015 – c/o: Israel Land Fund - Acct # 409-309168
For US Tax Deductible Contributions: THE CENTRAL FUND of ISRAEL
(Please ensure that the contribution is earmarked for Israel Land Fund)
Attn: Jay Marcus, 980 Sixth Ave, New York, NY 10018
Yoel Keren - Israel Land Fund - Tel: 02-622-3195, Cell: 054-333-1057, Fax: 02-622-3196
PS. Ophir Avidan ( lives with his young family in Mitzpe Yair outpost near Sussia,
fighting to preserve Nation's Lands in Hevron hills. They wish to establish a herd of sheep for meat and needs
some 300,000 NIS as a loan, and have a business plan for whoever is interested. Call him 0543-488-172

Farm Houses for rent in Beit Chogla for families – first month free. Bus # 961 - 8 times/day on route # 90
30 mins from Jerusalem; 8 min from Mitzpeh Yericho. Erna 0528-699-300

* The Jewish Labor Hot Line To Employ Jews ("Avoda Ivrit"), call 1-599-588.588,

EISH-L now circulates URLs of various websites with excellent important articles
– additions and constructive remarks are most welcome
         NEW HERE:
* Prof. Eidelberg's "Israel-America Renaissance Institute"

* Carline B Glick's Blog

* Front Page Magazine

* The OBAMA motto: "We've got what it takes, to take what you've got!"


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=    =    =    =    Professor Arieh Zaritsky, Ph.D.    =    =    =    =
Department of Life Sciences                    tel: 972-8-6461.712
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev         (H): 972-8-6499.238
POB 653, Be'er-Sheva, Israel 84105       fax: 972-8-6278.951
mob: 972-545-955.670,,, Skype: ariehzaritsky

Until Sept, 2011:  Indian River Research & Education Center
Institute of Food / Agricultural Sciences, 2199 South Rock Rd
Fort Pierce, FL 34945-3138. Tel 772-468-3922 x118 Rm 206
Fax 772-468-5668.  Home: apt I1
Indian River Blvd, Vero Beach FL 32960. Mob 772-538-1152

Mailing List Powered by Dada Mail


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

On Hakoras HaTov - Gratitude to my Rabbonim, Importance of keeping Kedusha of Mikdash Me'at (keeping sanctity in our personal homes)


Bor she'sha'sis mi'menu mayim al tizrok bo even. Don't throw rocks in a well.  

Am I mocking or striking  the Rabbonim, the  very sources of my own Chinuch, religious education, on my blog

It is clearly forbidden to do so as we learn out from Moshe Rabbeinu who did not strike the River and sent Pinchas to fight Midyan rather than fight a Nation that protected him. .   

Gratitude is not because someone did something for you. But rather if you benefited, that's the keyword. If you benefited from somebody, you must have gratitude (from the book Netivei Ohr pg.165 by Rabbi Nissim Yagen). Even if the person did not have good intentions. That's why it says by Moshe that he was not allowed to hit the Nile river, to make it into blood. He had to ask Aharon to do it. A river does not care. It does not care whether he lived or died. But since Moshe benefited from the river, so then he has to have gratitude and he can't strike it. You hear?? Likewise in the Talmud it says "the well that you drank from, do not throw rocks in it". Even though the well has no feelings and does not care, nevertheless since you benefited from it, you must show gratitude.

How I have drunk from the wells of Torah lectures, books and tapes teaching us about  Kedusha, sanctity, in our Mikdash M'at, our personal homes.  How I envy those beautiful Chareidi (and non Chareidi) families who always speak dignified and respectfully  to each other,  spouse to spouse, parents to children and children to parents and children  to their siblings.  They are nourished with these same sources but to a higher degree than myself.  How I wish that my own Mikdash Me'at would reach a very lofty level where communication is without anger, demeaning and insult but rather just with clarification. And if I would follow these teaching in the Chareidi circles more carefully and rid my house of the TV and negative influences of Internet then surely my house would be a holier place.  I don't refute it.  

Yet I live a life less secluded and my house is invaded with the influences of a secular society and my Mikdash Me'at is compromised.  Chatasi, Avisi Pashati.  Hashem Yerachem. Al Eila Ani Bochiya.  

Tonight I went to a lecture by Rabbi Aharon Rakeffet and he said that a leader of the Conservative Movement who himself was Shomer Shabbat does not have religious grandchildren. Yet the Chareidim for the most part are success stories, (and of course there are those that have fallen by the wayside),  but the majority are those whose children and grandchildren are Shomrei Torah and Mitzvoth, building beautiful families with  Kedusha permeating their homes and Shabbos and Yom Tov is filled with palpable sanctity and holiness and if there is discussion of Harry Potter, Yankees and Jets it is in order be maalin Bakodesh and be raised to a higher level.    I wish my family could be like theirs...and Divrei Torah be the primary spoken words on Shabbos... 

Rabbi Rakeffet said that their success is their failure and their failure is their success. 

Let me add my personal explanation of Rabbi Rakeffets reflection.  Perhaps I personally can add to the Chareidi's observance of Torah and Mitzvoth by alerting them to things that they need to know because what they don't know will hurt them Chas Veshalom...

It seems to me that this insulation has  insulated Chareidim, Children of Holocaust Survivors as myself,  from knowledge of pure evil that is threatening the world at this very moment. It is the obligation of their papers to print such material but they choose not to so as not to offend the Gedoilim who are of the opinion that supporting Judea and Samaria is not part of their public agenda. This passive position opens the door for a Palestinian, Nazi ideology supporting State threatening not only Am Yisroel but the world.. (Palestinians Sacrificing ones children to the Molech, Robin's note)  (Norway defends Palestinian terror against Israel but is in shock when it hits home)

Fogel Family Murderer Convicted After Confession.  

Are Chareidim aware that this murder of the Fogel family did not happen in a vacuum and had Jews been more aware and vigilant and supportive of Yishuv Itamar (which is community with a window view of Shchem and Har Eival and Har Grizim) and their requirements of security this terror attack would not have been possible? 

Are Chareidim made aware that Shchem is the City where Avraham Avinu was first promised Eretz Yisroel  "LeZaracha Etein Es Haaretz", and the first city that Am Yisroel came to when they entered Eretz Yisroel and heard the blessings and curses on Har Grizim and Har Eival?

Chareidim don't get emails from Daniel Greenfeld entitled: 

"Something Rotten in Norway". which shows how a community that tolerates, supports and defends evil will have it turn against itself. 

or PMW Palestinian Watch' advisor: PA should honor "Martyrs" and not worry about donor's grants

and will they hear about the Chillul Hashem and destruction on Har Habayit?  Surely these excavations could have been prevented and can be prevented with some protest coming from the Chareidi and Dati Leumi and Leumi world uniting and not silenced when American Foreign Policy stopped supporting a United Jerusalem

Are Chareidim aware that the gov't wants to demolish 47 hiomes in Migron in the Shomron even when there are no Palestinians who can prove ownership? tells a story of secular courts system destroying our rights to Eretz Yisroel. Where are Jewish Courts and our Sanhedrin based on Torah Shebichtav and Torah Shebaal Peh????

High Court Issues 'Death Sentence' to Migron

The High Court Tuesday told the government to destroy the Migron community, home to 47 families in northern Samaria, by next March.
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

How will the Chareidi newspapers report what is happening in Migron?  Like Haaretz or like Arutz7?  My guess is that they will barely report on it so that they won't have to choose any controversial slant. Or will they choose to be "objective" and sit on the fence without taking any sides as if to say that choosing for or against giving away Judea and Samaria are two acceptable valid Torah positions.  Why do they take a decisive position  regarding Bris Mila, circumcision or Shechita, Kosher ritual slaughter but not on our entitlement to live and settle in Judea and Samaria and obligation to observe the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz?

How familiar are Chareidim with the destruction of 22 communities in Gush Katif and Northern Shomron and the havoc and pain and suffering for 10,000 people and their families and friends.  (not to mention the suffering of neighboring Sderot). Somewhat,  but apparently not enough to prevent other expulsions Chas VeShalom.  

What will make them, their teachers and my teachers  understand that my desire is that the Kedusha in their homes stay as is.  Fighting for Eretz Yisroel is also a Mitzva and preventing the destruction of Jewish lives overrides all other Mitzvoth except the 3 cardinal sins which by the way are threatening us for which we are obligated to be Moser Nefesh. What is the point of learning Gemaras on property rights and sit by while Har Habayit is being desecrated with the sanction of a secular Israeli courts and destruction of Jewish homes and communities is legalized by  secular Israeli courts led by a minority against the wishes and desires of the majority?

Just because many rulings of the Israeli government is secular now does not mean that this is the way it has to be?  All of our Tefillos of returning to Eretz Yisroel and rebuilding the Beit Hamikdash so that we can once again bring Karbanot is a possibility in our day!  Hashem sends us miracles and technology which is all for His Honor and all this technology are tools to bring the Kedusha to mankind, Letaken Olam BeMalchus Shakai as we say in Oleinu, To Perfect the World with the Kingdom of Heaven.  

Last night Rabbi Gorelik spoke in the Chabad Shul of Ocean Ave, Rabbi Liberov's shul, the first of a 12 part series on Moshiach He talked about the coming of Moshiach and asked how come technology like the airplane or cars  only appeared within the last 200years.  People were riding horse and buggy for thousands of years.  Then quite miraculously, without major new discoveries, inventions came into existence that could have been invented earlier.  He quoted a Zohar that said that just like the waters in the time of Noach opened from above and from below when Noach was 600 years old, in the 6th millenium in the  600th year or so, the wellsprings of knowledge of science and technology(from below)  and Chasidut(from above) will flood the world preparing it for the 7th millentium which is Yom sheKulo Shabbos,  a millenium of complete Shabbos.  

We are now living in an age of amazing technology.  It is now the Erev, the Eve of  Shabbos of this special millenium.  Who would have believed before such technology existed that we would be able to fly to Eretz Yisroel for each Shabbos or comprehend how  the entire world will hear the news about Moshiach simultaneously. Yet we all know that this is totally possible in our times.

Rabbi Rakeffet said that many in the Chareidi World are now trained and knowledgeable in computer systems and are flooding institutions of learning that teach a trade such as  Machon LeParnasa, Machon Lev etc.  There are separate classes for men and for women.... 

 How else can Chareidim provide for their families nowadays?  Grandparents can no longer support 40- 50-80 grandchildren bli ayin hara.  Perhaps, years ago, very wealthy Chareidi  parents and grandparents supported the next generation.  But their success led to their failure ken yirbu and it is no longer feasible to be able to support such large extended families. 

There are over 10,000 boys bli ayin hara in Nachal Chareidi where there are no women and multiple Hashgachot, supervision seals, on the food they eat.  

There are Chareidi Rabbanim like Rav Yissachar Dov Rumpler and his Eishis Chayil author of Halacha Berura and Agudath Chalamish (Chareidim LeMaan Yehuda VeShomron) who join with Dati Leumi in their desire to fight for Eretz Yisroel, to settle Yehuda and Shomron and to rid our land of Avoda zara, Idol worship and Gilui Aroyot immorality.  There is a 2 volume Sefer entitled Halacha LeTzava which answers questions for the Jewish Soldier like "Can I take my Tefillin with me if I am called up to the Front on Yom Kippur", 

So my message to all the Rabbonim that have raised my level of Judaism and Kedushah is to thank them from the bottom of my heart and to reciprocate in kind by my own connection with Hevron Ir HaAvot and to connect them as well with Hebron.  I can not think of a greater gift that I can give to anyone, the love of my soul, the desire of my heart but to be closely connected with our Forefathers and Mothers Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov, Sara, Rifka, Rochel and Leah. How I wish to share the intense longing for Hebron and for Eretz Yisroel, our H-ly Land where our Mitzvoth reach the highest actualization and completeness of sanctity possible.

I don't know how many out there are listening to what I am saying.  But as Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein said today in Radio Hidabroot (round the clock on the web or in Brooklyn 97.5fm ) , that it is not up to us to finish the job,  We just have to try to do our best and leave it up to Hashem.  

Anovim - Great Song!!

Lyrics in English
"At the moment when king Mashiaj comes, he will stand on the roof of the holy temple and call out: My humble children, the time of your redemption has come.And if you don´t believe me, look at the light that I shine upon you!"(Yalkut Shimoni, Ieshayahu 60-499)

Lyrics in Hebrew
beshaa shemelech hamashiach ba omed al gag Bet Hamikdash mashmia leIsrael veomer: anavim anavim higia zeman guelatjem veim ein atem maaminim reu beori shezarach.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.