Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Tisha Baav Yizkerem - Rabbi Weissmandl and Rabbi Shonfeld of Kinder Transport were Askanim! -


Tisha B'Av 5771

A letter to each and every individual Atem Nitavim Hayom Kulchem Your the Jewish People are standing before Hashem, ALL OF YOU.

Thank you Yizkereim, Rabbi Leib Geliebter Memorial Foundation, Agudath Yisroel of America, Torah Umesorah, and Claims Conference of a fantastic documentary about Rabbi Solomon Shonfeld zt'l  and Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl zt"l 

In this documentary it clearly shows the Hishtadlus, activism,  of Rav Weissmand zt"l. 20,000 people were directly saved on a train being diverted from Auschiwitz to Vienna because of Rav Weissmandl.  He was instrumental in saving the lives of 140,000 Jews of Budapest. He died heartbroken because he felt he could have done much more.  His reports and maps of Aushwitz was sent and printed in the Swiss Press with eye witness reporting of the slaughter of  1,715,000 Jews.  When this was printed in Swiss newspapers it created a public outcry world wide that denounced the deportations of Jews.   140,000 Jews saved.  

World Jewry didn't believe that bribery would make a difference to save European Jewry and they didn't send money for the Europa plan in 1942.  

Rav Weissmandl zt"l proved activism could work and it did! Rabbi Shonfeld in North England proved activism worked.  Rabbi Fabian Shonfeld and his brother were saved with his brother on a Kindertransport.  He spoke in the documentary and said the Mitzva is Al Taamod Al Dam Reicha. The Mitzva is not Al Taamodu in the plural.  Each and every individual must do and not wait for committees when it comes to Pikuach Nefesh. Surely however, if an individual is influential in a committee or organization, then surely this individual's Hishtadlus,activism can be more effective then someone who is not influential in an organization.. 

 Unfortunately Rav Weissmandl didn't get enough money to save the majority of Eastern Europe  though he did manage to put off the deportations for 2 years in Slovakia. 

Rav Weissmandl zt"l knew the power of learning Torah.  He was a Rosh Yeshiva.  Yet Rav Weissmandl gave very clear and specific practical instructions to the Orthodox Community in Hungary on how to respond  when it was clear that the deportations would start.   He told them to protest and not to go on the trains.  Even if half would be killed at least many would be able to escape.  He told them to take knives to cut the locks to jump off the trains.  He  used that advice himself when he was put on a transport to the concentration camp and hid his knife in a loaf of bread and managed to save himself by jumping off the train. .  Unfortunately, his family was on a different train and they were not saved... 

In a letter sent  to all countries, he addressed the Pope and the Red Cross and Powers at large to bomb the Railways leading to Auschwitz.  Both England and the USA chose not to listen.   Who knows if things had been different had he had the necessary support from World Jewry who would make sure that there would be a loud protest and outcry in all the Media that would not have taken no for an answer.. 

The organization Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors says Never Again must remain more than a mere slogan. 

Islam promotes and teaches terrorism. A Palestinian State is a terrorist state that  partners with Nazi Ideology.  Judea and Samaria is surrounded by enemies who produce kids raised on the ideology of being a Shahid, a martyr in the name of Islam,  and who have no qualms about beheading a 3 month old and murdering her family, parents and siblings.  When one Jew commited such an atrocity it cause Major uproar in the Jewish community. Yet for Arabs children who see ritual slaughter on their animals in their homes and communities, doing so on humans, on Jews, is reason for them to celebrate. 

The material blasting Islam, the "religion" and its teachings is out there.  Is it in the religious Jewish papers?  Are Chareidim, children of Holocaust Survivors, aware of the dangers of Islam, the Nazis of today who of course define Israel as "occupiers" and all Jews are pigs and anyone that rejects Islam as infidels (not to mention everyone else who rejects Islam). Sharia Law has many religious laws of how to treat infidels and women and such "religious law" is at odds with  the American Constitution not to mention inhumane and immoral and barbaric according to western civilization.  Sharia Law  financing supports terrorism big time not to mention the horrific way women are treated.   Islam has already taken over much of Europe and America is rather rapidly being infiltrated.  

Go to ACT of America, PMW.  Read Daniel Greenfield aka Sultan Knish and David Horowitz Freedom Center,  Listen to courageous Arabs who speak the truth as they know it.  Read about rampant Pedophelia who take their role model from the Prophet Mohammed.  And we are afraid to anger the Nations by davening at Kever Yosef at Shchem the very place where Hakadosh Baruch Hu promised Avraham Avinu "Lezaracha Etain Es Haaretz...?????  

Why not subscribe to ERETZ ISRAEL SHELANU http://www.eish-l.org/ and read about how today this Tisha Baav Muslim Waqf personnel attacked Jews who visited Temple Mount on the anniversary of Temples destruction.  Moshe Feiglin "There is nothing like an event of this nature on Tisha B'Av to prove the weakness of the Israeli government.  He who forfeits the Temple Mount forfeits his home in the Negev and Galilee as well - and in the end, on Rothschild Avenue in Tel Aviv too.  See the link which reports how the Palestinian Authority is using US Aid to help pay millions in salaries to jailed terror suspects and that families of suicide bombers are given 5 million pounds in British aid cash.  

To be more connected with Judea and Samaria and Eretz Yisroel, please subscribe to Arutz7 Israel National News  and Yesha Bulletin to get news that support Judea and Samaria and our rights to live and protect our homeland. 

Most importantly.  Join a campaign for Jews world wide  twinning with the Jews in Judea and Samaria? You can email me if you wish and we will be very happy to help you find a match in Judea and Samaria to twin with . We encourage twinning  of all types in Judea and Samaria and  there is no monopoly on this twinning project and we enjoy and get much Nachas from the competition as long as it is in the up and up.  We can twin schools with schools, business, with business, organization with organization and families with families and individuals, schools, business and organizations with any of the above.  It is a matter of Pikuach Nefesh for those in Judea and Samaria  and observing the Mitzva of Al Taamod Al Dam Reiacha for us in Chutz LeAretz. 

How many more families must be expelled chas Vechalila before it hits our own home and family chas vechalilia?    

May this day of mourning turn into a day of Celebration and may we be zocheh, worthy of the Geula Shleima, the complete redemption speedily in our times!


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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