Friday, February 06, 2009

bs"d Elections clarification regarding Shas


Shas: "Land Can be Given away to a Responsible Partner"

This in my opinion is like saying "I can give away my wife to a responsible partner"..

What about the Land of Israel sanctified to Am Yisroel?

To family and friends living in Israel Elections - Please vote for your own safety! pls forward!


Dear Family in Israel (Marilyn, Chana and Dasi) and Friends, amv"sh

If you are thinking of voting for any of the parties with a bad score (see below) think again. Do you really want to vote for a party that voted for the expulsion from Gush Katif and is willing to negotiate for a Palestinian State and dividing Jerusalem? 

If Rockets then fall in our homes as a result, than whom do we have to blame?

Please forward this to others that do vote or can forward to those that do vote.

Shabbat Shalom!

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Date: 2009/2/6
Subject: עדכון בחירות: Elections News
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רוצה להימחק מרשימת התפוצה? ראה בסוף
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עדכון בחירות:  Elections News
ליברמן יביא את הטילים לתל-אביב??
ליברמן, במו ידיו, יכול לגרום לכך שתקום מדינה פלשתינית - כתוצאה, טילים יעופו בראשון -לציון ובת-ים . איך? 
אביגדור ליברמן לא מוכן להבטיח לבוחרים, שהוא ימליץ לנשיא המדינה להטיל על נתניהו להרכיב קואליציה.   כמו כן, אמנם מפלגת ישראל ביתנו הודיעה שהיא נגד מדינה פלשתינית, אך  האם ליברמן בעצמו  נגד מדינה פלשתינית? לא ברור, ליברמן מסרב להגיב.
אם  ליברמן  יסרב להמליץ על נתניהו ,    שמעון פרס  יוכל  להעדיף את ציפי לבני.  מדוע זה חשוב? כי ציפי לבני רוצה להקים ממשלה בעד מדינה פלשתינית, ואילו הממשלה שיקים נתניהו נוטה להתנגד למדינה פלשתינית .
  לסיכום: בינתיים  מסוכן להצביע ל"ישראל ביתנו" של ליברמן ועדיף להצביע למפלגות  שימלציו לנשיא המדינה על הקמת ממשלה ימנית. כלומר: איחוד לאומי. בית יהודי. ליכוד. ש"ס. מפלגות אלה גם הביעו התנגדות להקמת מדינה פלשתינית (התנגדות מוחלטת במקרה של איחוד לאומי, בית יהודי וש"ס -  והתנגדות מסוייגת במקרה של הליכוד). 
הערה:  אם  ליברמן יודיע שהוא ימליץ על נתניהו, ושהוא מתנגד למדינה פלשתינית -  נודיעכם בנפרד.  
כיצד המפלגות הצביעו בתקופת  גירוש גוש קטיף (הסקלה היא מ-14 מצויין עד 0 שמאל קיצוני, הסברים בסוף) :
 איחוד לאומי   - ט  -        14  (מצויין)  
מפדל  (בית יהודי) - ב -    14  (מצויין)
ש"ס                         -  12     (טוב מאד) 
 ליכוד -  מח"ל -         8.5 - 9 (תלוי אם סופרים את המועמדים הטובים ממקום 34 והלאה) - (טוב)
יהדות התורה -        ג -   7.75  (טוב מינוס) 
 ישראל ביתנו   -       ל  -  לא ניתן לקבוע,  המועמדים הנוכחיים  לא היו חברי כנסת בתקופת הגירוש
  הסבר: 14 = מצויין, 0 = הצביע עם השמאל והערבים.  הסקלה  כוללת  14 נקודות    משום שהיו 7 הצבעות בעניין הגירוש: תכנית הגירוש, חוק הגירוש - קריאה ראשונה שניה ושלישית, אישור תקציב הגירוש, הקמת ממשלת הגירוש, ומשאל עם. 14 נקודות = מי שהצביע "בסדר" בכל ההצבעות ,למשל נגד תכנית ההתנתקות, בעד משאל עם  וכו'.  0 = הצביע  "לא בסדר" בכל ההצבעות, למשל בעד תכנית הגירוש,  נגד משאל עם וכו'. 7 = נמנע  או לא נוכח בכל ההצבעות, או הצביע חצי מהזמן "בסדר" וחצי מהזמן "לא בסדר" , או לא היה כלל חבר כנסת באותו זמן (למשל: למעט עוזי לנדאו, אף מועמד של ישראל ביתנו לא היה חבר כנסת בתקופת המאבק על גוש קטיף).
האם נכון שרק מפלגות גדולות משפיעות?
 מבחינה עובדתית זה לא נכון, ההפך, חברי הכנסת החרוצים ביותר בכנסת הם דווקא מהמפלגות הקטנות (אפשר לבדוק את הנתונים הסטטיסטיים של הכנסת ).  כמעט כל המהלכים המדיניים מתרחשים כאשר חברי כנסת ממפלגות קטנות, מפעילים את חבריהם מהמפלגות הגדולות - ולא להפך.
כולם לבדוק בסביבתם הקרובה - מי שלא מצביע - לשכנע אותו. מי שלא כל כך יודע למה להצביע -- לסייע לו להחליט. המפלגות שהן נגד מדינה פלשתינית הן איחוד לאומי-ט, בית יהודי-ב, ליכוד-ל )נוטה), ש"ס וכן (כרגע פחות טוב) ישראל ביתנו-ל.
 הרצאה במוצאי שבת  בקרית ארבע : חזון בוש לא, חזון דוד כן
ממקורות מוסמכים נודע, שצה"ל  נכנע ללחצים ואמור לפתוח את ציר ציון בקרית ארבע לערבים (הציר ע"י בית הכנסת חזון דוד).  בתגובה:
 הרצאה  בבית הכנסת חזון דוד -  במוצאי שבת , 20:30 , בנושא: שאלות מהמלחמה בעזה - ואחיזתנו בארץ ישראל.   
 ביה"כ חזון דוד הוקם לאחר רצח דוד כהן הי"ד ויחזקאל מועלם הי"ד בדיוק כדי לשמור על בטחון הציר.  המרצה  הוא   הרב רימון - יוזם ומפעיל פרויקט "תעסוקטיף".
להצטייד בלבוש חם.  פרטים בטל: 054-5866059 - גב' יהודית קצובר. תודה לנשים בירוק על הפצת מידע חשוב זה.
Update: Will Liberman bring rockets to Tel-Aviv??
Update: Liberman is NOT willing to commit to recommend Netanyahu as premier to President Peres. The problem is that Netanyahu's coalition would be made up of parties who oppose Palestinian state (Ichud Leumi, Mafdal, Shas) or at least tend against it (Likud and Yisrael Beytenu itself). In contrast, Livni's coalition would be made up of those parties who have learned NOTHING from the past and are in favor of a Palestinian state which would shoot rockets at all of us. 
If Liberman is not willing to give a public promise about this crucial point (and also to clarify his own personal position re Palestinian state as opposed to his party's position which is against Palestinian state) it becomes important to prefer a party which is committed politically to the no-Palestinian-state bloc, over Liberman's party. In other words, unless and until clarification has been received from Mr. Liberman (we'll update you if so) -- Ichud Leumi, Likud, Mafdal and Shas are "safer bets" than Liberman's Livni-oriented party.
Question: But Liberman isn't going to recommend Livni -- he's going to recommend HIMSELF to President Peres as premier! Answer: That might be more than enough to give Peres an excuse to say, more MKs are recommending Livni than are recommending Netanyahu, so I'm going to give the premiership to Livni. Result: Palestinian state - rockets in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Ben-Gurion airport.  
Update: How did the various parties vote about the Gush Katif disaster?
Answer: Ichud Leumi/Tet - 14 (excellent)
            Mafdal/Bet- 14 (excellent)
            Shas  - 12 (very good)
            Likud/Machal - 8.5 to 9 (medium) (depends if one counts the "good" but currently unrealistic candidates - Nos. 34 onward)
            Yahadut haTorah/Gimmel - 7.75 (only fair)
            Yisrael Beytenu/Lamed - undeterminable; current candidates were not MKs during that period
Details: The above Gush Katif scores are given on a 14-point scale because there were 7 votes about Gush Katif, as follows: Plan; Law - readings 1, 2 and 3; Budget, formation of Deportation Government, and Referendum. Each "good" vote on any issue (such as "against" Deportation plan, "for" referendum) earns 2 points. Not voting or abstaining counts as 1 point, and voting "with the bad guys" (favoring deportation plan, against referendum, etc.) earns 0 points. So, 7 points is neutral -- half way between Right and Left. True hardliners get 14 points. Omri Sharon (who fortunately is not a candidate) merited 0 points as did Meretz. If your party doesn't score high -- change to another! The above scores are of course averages for all realistic candidates in each party who were in the Knesset in the Gush Katif period.
Is it true that big parties get more done than small parties? 
No, actually in Israel the opposite is true. The big parties would like you to think otherwise, but actually, almost every single initiative, particularly regarding Eretz Yisrael, is led by a small party on the right or on the left – depending on whether it is a good initiative or a bad initiative. The small parties lead, the large parties weakly follow.
How to get good results on Election day:
Simply make sure to look around you and actively seek out people who don't know what to vote and people who don't intend to vote. Regard these people as your personal responsibility. Explain to them that to avoid rockets in their living room they should vote for one of the parties which is against Palestinian state: Ichud Leumi-Tet, Jewish Home (Mafdal)-Bet; Likud-Mahal (tends against), and Yisrael Beytenu-Lamed (currently a less good choice). 
Lecture in Kiryat Arba
 Reliable information indicates that the IDF plans on opening the Zion road to Arab traffic (the road next to Chazon David  synagogue ). The following Israelis were murdered on that road: Mordechai Lapid. Shalom Lapid.  Sarit Prigal. Yehezkel Muallem. David Cohen.  98% of Hevron  is in  Arab  hands with Jews not allowed to enter.   The 2% of Hevron that are  in  our hands they also want to open to Arab traffic??
Gather in  the CHAZON DAVID  synagogue this Motzei Shabat 7 February for a lecture!  8:30pm
 by:  RABBI RIMON, founder and Chairman of Job K atif , speaking on: The Gaza War and our hold on the Land of Israel . 
 Please dress warmly.  For particulars: Yehudit Katzover , wife of former mayor of Kiryat Arba  0545866059. Thanks to Women in Green for putting this out. 
  רוצה להימחק מהרשימה? שלח דוא"ל ריק אל
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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Visit Rachel Imeinu. After reports of Rachel Imeinu crying for her children and protecting them in Gaza, let's continue to cry at her gravesite. Pls Fwd: Rachel's Children Reclamation Fdtn: Annual TuBShvat Seuda Monday February 9, 2009


Yasher Koach to Evelyn Haies for her  continuous activism love and devotion to  Rachel Imeinu.  Many Tzedakos collect successfully large sums of monies with impressive fundraising campaigns for buses to Kever Rochel etc. using Racheil Imeinu legacy.

RCRF  Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation has actually purchased property adjacent to Kever Rochel and is making it a living presence. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Evelyn <>
Date: Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 5:10 PM
Subject: Rachel's Children Reclamation Fdtn: Annual TuBShvat Seuda Monday February 9, 2009


Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation
60 West End Avenue, Bklyn NY 11235.718-648-2610
1 Derech Chaya Rachel, Rachel's Tomb Complex
cordially invites
you to join us for our
                                        Annual TuBShvat Seuda
Monday February 9, 2009,  Buses 1PM from Israel Center
 to Beit Bnei Rachel, Rachel's Tomb Complex, Beis Lechem
Be part of the seuda and the initiation of our
        Partners in Learning Project
with Beit Orot Yeshiva students.

RSVP Evelyn Haies, Pres RCRF and Bnei Rachel Corp 054-224-2649

Partners in Learning will continue every Tuesday 1-3PM

Fwd: February OUTPOST - Excellent Afsi Publication now ONLINE!


Dear List, amv"sh

AFSI is the only Jewish mainstream organization that has a time tested loyal track record is speaking our for our entitlement of the Entire Land of Israel.  They have a wonderful publication OUTPOST that until now was distributed by USPS mail to its members.  Now you can read it online!

AFSI also runs the most fantastic tours to Israel.  I am a first hand witness having been on it's November tour. We got to see Judea and Samaria and other parts of Israel almost no one else gets to see including Israeli's, and a chance to meet and speak with the most authentic Zionists that Israel has to offer.  (and a Zionist is an authentic religious Jew in my BOOK). In our 10 day tour we not only toured Judea and Samaria and stayed in Jerusalem, but toured parts of the Golan, the Jordan Valley, drove tractors in the sand dunes in the Negev and got an overview of the political and military climate that no other tour provides.

All this is possible due to the many close ties Afsi has developed over the years. 

AFSIi was there in Gush Katif.  AFSI protested Olmert's visit to Washington DC and again this past year in Annapolis. 

Herb Zweibon, Helen Freedman and Charlotte must have VIP seats up in heaven.  That is my personal opinion.

AFSI recently hosted 2 phenomenol speakers at Safra Synagogue, Yisroel Danziger of Mishmeret Yesha and David Haivri from the Shomron.  These are authentic lovers of Eretz Yisroel that are actively engaged in changing the facts on the ground keeping the Land of Israel safe in Jewish hands.

So enjoy OUTPOST and support AFSI! 212-828-2424


PS: This is a nonpaid advertisement simply because AFSI truly deserves it and I wanted to express my appreciation towards them..

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: afsi <>
Date: Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:12 PM
Subject: February OUTPOST -- digital format
To: AFSI <>


The February issue of OUTPOST is now available on our website: (or see attachment)  

Featured in this issue:

1) LEAVE AND LOSEIsrael's leaders have learned nothing. By Herbert Zweibon

2) A VIEW FROM THE TARGET ZONEIt is a very ugly game of Iranian Roulette. By Haim Harari

3) GAZA STRATEGY: THE "TIME OUT" Israelis are nothing if not inventive … their new method is called "Hafsakah," or "Time-out." By David Isaac

4) CAN HILLARY BE IMPARTIAL IN THE MIDDLE EAST? … The problem is hardly limited to Saudi money… By Diana West

5) MACMILLAN'S LIBELOUS ENCYCLOPEDIA Next time your kids look up 'Zionism' in an encyclopedia, they may read that Israel is a racist state… By Brian Henry, Edward Alexander, Paul Bogdanor

6) WEST BANK STORY....To the tune of officer Krupke… By Ruth King

7) ABBAS=HAMAS REDUXIf one follows the Osloist road map, the outcome is another Gaza in Judea, Samaria and the Golan. By Ruth King




Friday, January 30, 2009

How Long Will You Refuse to Submit To G-d? Shmos 10:3? All for a pot of lentils? Likud, Shas, UTJ, MGH, Dov Hikind and Feiglin's Fatal Flaw


Dear Influential Leaders of  Israeli and American Political Parties and Mainstream Jewish Organizations, amv"sh

(Many ideas I have included here were taken by Rabbi David Hollander z"l who passed away this past week at 95 a long time columnist of the Jewish Press.  Rabbi Hollander always defended, without compromise, the principles of Torah-true Judaism. These ideas come from one of his earliest articles for the Jewish Press published in February 5, 1960 edition, reprinted in this week Jewish Press)

Hashem is all powerful and not the Likud, Shas, UTJ,Democrats or Republicans.

Do we doubt Hashem's Word or His promise that when we abide by His Torah and keep His Mitvoth then Hashem will protect us and bring Peace, Prosperity and Blessings to the World? 

Likud!, Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah!, Young Israel!, OU!, Shas!, UTJ! Dov Hikind!, "How Long Will You Refuse to Submit to G-d?" !!!! Shemos 10:3

How can we blatantly scorn our G-d given birthright by showing a willingness to give away our birthright for a pot of lentils, no different than EISAV

What is the modern day pot of lentils? 

It's the promise of others to stop Hamas and Fatah from sending rockets our way.

To quote Rabbi David Hollander "People sometimes erect mountains of rationalizations for their actions, but when you look beneath the surface you find selfish interest."

It is my opinion that Shas and UTJ have a selfish interest called payback money to pay for their educational institutions and large families. Feiglin's selfish interest is that he wants all to unite under him, self promotion rather than to unite under a common Torah message.

Has MGH or Agudath Yisroel of America spoken out against Israeli or American Foreign Policy for a 2 State Solution. Until he is in power, has Feiglin mobilized caring Jews in America to speak out for our entitlement of Israel and against the roadmap or against the policies of the gov't of Israel'?

Rulings by the Gedoilim clearly have permitted giving away parts of  Eretz Yisroel cheapening the Holy Land in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of loyal followers making the Torah not relevant in our day. ..

I was at Manhigut's Yehudi'ts' fundraiser in Kew Garden Hills, Queens.  And that's all it was.  A fundraiser to get Moshe Feiglin to win the Likud primary.  He could have used the same opportunity to mobilize that open minded crowd to speak out forcefully for our exclusive entitlement of Eretz Yisroel. After all Jews of the Diaspora are no less entitled than Jews in Israel to the Holy Land. 

Perhaps Feiglin feels that he can't speak out forcefully since he doesn't have the immunity of a Knesset member.After all, he might be accused of sedition and put into jail and lose his chance in getting a Knesset seat. Dov Hikind has his seat in Congress to worry about.

Effectively who will challenge Likud, Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah, Shas, Young Israel, OU, Dov Hikind etc for disgracefully showing their willingness to sell out Israel for a temporary pot of lentils.

As a result Obama and the United States is now training Egypt with the most sophisticated military equipment and deploying thousands of troops on the Eastern Sinai Gaza border in order to deliver this pot of lentils to Israel.  There is a display of unity among the nations of the world to deliver this pot of lentils to Israel.

There are many chareidim that are subservient to UTJ and to SHAS.  They are in a slumber.   To quote Rabbi Hollander....  "To them comes Moshe Rabbeinu, our educator par excellance,  with his rebuke to them to tell the Nations, "Tell the truth, stop hiding behind fancy claims.  Call a spade a spade.  How long will you refuse to submit to G-d?".

 As for the typical Israeli, secular or religious, have faith in them and give them a choice to vote for authentic Torah.  Torah is universal. Yes it is in Hashem's hand and we must demonstrate our worthiness by voting for Him, for Hashem and the Torah platform.   Likud, Shas or UTJ are limited and are mere political parties in a corrupt political system.  Hashem on the other hand, does not sleep nor slumber the Guardian of Israel.

Yes, We do have much to fear when our country and people are not united behind the Torah platform.  Ichud Leumi had better change their slogan very quickly.  It is arrogant to assume that just because there is a few strong few that we have nothing to fear.  Who if not us carry the sins of the majority of our brothers and sisters within Israel and in the Diaspora that are dragging us off the cliff. Just remember what happened to our holy Gush Katif brothers and sisters that sang with ferver Al Tira Meyhem Ki Hashem Elokecha Imach (Don't fear them, i.e. those that wish to expel us, because G-d is with you)

SHAME, SHAME SHAME on Am Yisroel!  Yes it takes educating but I do not see that Moshe Feiglin is doing any real educating.  Rather I only saw lots of campaigning and he lost to Netanyahu.
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Yehoshua Friedman <> wrote:



I agree that Netanyahu is center-left masquerading as right. I agree that there are leftist candidates in the Likud (Licouldn't). I agree that Ketzeleh and friends are wonderful people whom I would love to see run the country. What I don't see is how you prevent Dan Meridor (no. 17) from being in a high-level ministry. If we would all leave Likud and join NU and NU got 10 seats (I don't believe it), Livni or Barak would be PM. Would that help? Bibi is on record that he wants a coalition with either Kadima or Labor plus Shas. The long-range strategy is for Feiglin and EItam in the Likud (bad cop and good cop) to keep strengthening their positions and eventually lead. Then NU would come in and ask to have influence. This whole thing is in Hashem's hands. If Mitchell and Obama do a really obnoxious thing before the election, maybe the right could gain some positions at the expense of the left, but Bibi would still choose the above over NU even if NU got 15. The real way to solve the problem is to educate the next generation. It won't be solved in the next two weeks.

Is there any possibility of getting some hareidi votes besides Habad for NU at the expense of  UTJ?


Yehoshua Friedman

Dear RObin
I am sorry for my poor English but I hope you will understand my idea, anyway.
If we vote LIKUD [FOR FEIGLIN] it will help us to put the best 8 men -including FEIGLIN] in the LIKUD,[places 31-38 in the likud list] so they will prevent NETANYAHU from withdrawals. THEY WILL BE THE GUARDS OF ERETZ-YISRAEL IN THE LIKUD!!
shabbat shalom


-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Ticker []
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 8:17 AM
To: do4israel
Subject: Fwd: Feiglin's Fatal Flaw



Dear List, amv"sh

Paul Eidelberg brings some very strong points objecting to Feiglin being part of the Likud party. I too have the premonition that voting for Feiglin or Shas (they too wish to join with Likud) under Likud is a vote for Netanyahu and Netanyahu's politics.  This mean a willingness to negotiate and establish a Palestinian State.  A vote for Feiglin is a vote for Netanyahu and is no way a vote for Feiglin. It seems to me that in the Likud party, Feiglin is an outsider and has no real clout.

Netanyahu's rhetoric is nice but his voting patterns have been a betrayal of our Covenant with Hashem, shows a disregard of the special sanctity the Jewish people have with the Land of Israel and a betrayal to the Jewish Nation. 

This goes way beyond politics.  A vote for Likud is not consistent with a Torah platform.  Only a vote for NU is.

A vote for NU is a vote for what Feiglin really believes in.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:48 AM
Subject: Feiglin's Fatal Flaw

Feiglin's Fatal Flaw


Paul Eidelberg


Israel National News (INN) asked Moshe Feiglin, leader of the Likud's Jewish Leadership faction, to comment on Benjamin Netanyahu's latest remarks regarding a unity government.  Feiglin said, in part: "Our job is to make sure that within the [Likud] party faction, there are enough nationalist MKs who will prevent Netanyahu from carrying out dangerous moves [like supporting a Palestinian state]."  [The present writer will address this last remark later.]

In contrast, National Union party leader Yaakov "Ketzaleh" Katz said that the way to ensure that the Likud remains "nationalistically-oriented is by voting for a party to the right of it."  Moreover, "If the religious-Zionist voters who are now supporting the Likud would vote for the National Union, then many left-wing Likud candidates will not get into the Knesset - while the National Union could get 10 seats! We must not let Feiglin steal away national-religious votes for people like Dan Meridor … and others." [Katz might have added that Meridor may become Justice Minister if included in a Netanyahu cabinet.  This is tantamount to bringing Aharon Barak into the government!]


Now let us consider the central issue of the February 10 election.


1)     There is abundant evidence that Netanyahu supports a Palestinian state.  Hence, a vote for the Likud is a vote for an Arab state in Israel's heartland, Judea and Samaria.  The same may be said of Kadima.  But since Kadima's leader Tzipi Livni is to the left of Netanyahu, nationalists will prefer a Likud-led government.

2)     Nevertheless, voters should have certain facts in mind about the Netanyahu-Likud record on the territorial issue, specially the following:


a.      During his tenure as Israel's prime minister, Netanyahu failed to abrogate the Oslo or Israel-PLO Agreement even though his own office issued daily reports of the PLO's brazen violations of that agreement.

b.      In the Hebron Memorandum of January 30, 1997, Netanyahu surrendered 80 percent of Hebron to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

c.      In the Wye River Memorandum of October 23, 1998, he agreed, for starters, to surrender approximately 30 percent of Judea and Samaria to the PA.

d.      In 2002, that is, even after the Arafat Terror War broke out in September 2000, Netanyahu and his Likud colleagues (with the exception of Naomi Blumenthal) voted against MK Michael Kleiner's resolution to abrogate Oslo.

e.      As a cabinet minister in the Sharon government, and despite the warnings of Israel's highest defense and intelligence officials, Netanyahu voted for unilateral disengagement from Gaza (which, by the way, doesn't prevent him from boasting now and everywhere that he anticipated the dire consequences of that retreat).

f.        Of the Likud's 40 Knesset Members (two were former Israel B'Aliya MKs that joined the Likud), 23 voted for unilateral disengagement on October 26, 2005. 


3) In the January 2003 election, the Likud won by 38 seats to Labor's 19. This large plurality enabled PM Sharon to appoint more Likud MKs to his cabinet vis-à-vis MKs from parties to his right on the Palestinian state issue—parties such as National Union.


4) A comparable situation will occur in the February 2009 election.  Accordingly, voters who support Feiglin should think strategically: "Although Feiglin urges us to vote Likud, we don't want the Likud to win too large a Knesset plurality—as happened in the 2003 election—because that will allow Netanyahu to stack his cabinet with more Likud MKs vis-à-vis MKs from parties to his right."  


5) Therefore, if these "Feiglinites" vote for a party to the right of the Likud—say National Union—they would increase the number of Knesset seats won by that party.  Netanyahu may then have to include MKs from that party in a unity government.  The cabinet would then include NU opponents of a Palestinian state, bolstering "mavericks" from Netanyahu's own party.


6) Of course, given a unity government, Netanyahu could appoint enough Kadima (as well as Labor) MKs to his cabinet, to the possible exclusion of National Union.   However, this will depend on the number seats won by these and other parties—and this is speculative.  Besides, I have not forgotten Israeli Beiteinu, which may become the third largest party and complicate Netanyahu's ability to form a unity government supportive of a Palestinian state.


7) Speculation aside, there is a fatal flaw in Feiglin's position.  He claims that with more people voting Likud, the Likud will have more MKs opposed to a Palestinian state.  Perhaps, but this overlooks the fact that it will not be new Likud MKs supportive of Feiglin so much as incumbent Likud MKs that Netanyahu will appoint to his cabinet, and their track record on a Palestinian state is not encouraging.  Indeed, by luring more people to vote Likud, Feiglin will enable Netanyahu to appoint more Likud incumbents to the cabinet, hence more MKs who, like Meridor, do not oppose a Palestinian state.


This suggests that Feiglin's flaw may be nothing more than a case of tendentiousness, not to say self-promotion.