Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Watch "I’m leaving the Democratic Party" on YouTube


Dear Democrats in Name Only.

Now is the time to make the move!

If the funding for our social programs stops if and when we leave the Democratic Party, we know it was really blood money and Treif and not about health, security and prosperity for our people. It was for precisely the exact opposite we were thrown a few bones.

The Shemittah year teaches us that we rely on G-d alone for our sustenance. The farmer will not starve. The opposite! He will be Blessed.

G-d is All Powerful! He can and will Provide for us of we only Trust in Him alone.

Lets cut our losses and leave Mitzraim before its a point of no return.

Time to choose between Life and Death.

It is each man on his/her own.
ובחרת בחיים!


Shemittah Rediscovered Blog links for "Leave Democrat Party"

Has being dependent on the Democrat Party blinded our vision? Follow the money trail.

235 Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 8
Chananya Weissman
October 7, 2022

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