Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Shuls and Mosdos Across the U.S. Awarded Federal Security Grants to Protect Against Terror Attacks* my comments

*SEE THE LIST: Shuls and Mosdos Across the U.S. Awarded Federal Security Grants to Protect Against Terror Attacks*

The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), a branch of the Department of Homeland Security, announced the recipients of funding under the FY 2022 Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which include dozens of shuls, yeshivos, schools, and organizations across the United States.

My comments:

 Let us ask ourselves. What is Fema's real agenda?

Is it truly for our security or rather to  silence our community and faith based communities while keeping themselves in power?

Let's test them.

 Almost every Yeshiva and shul is getting $150,000 along with tons of private institutions!

How to respond.

 Every G-d fearing Institution  has to discredit the Democrat Party for their G-dless agenda and tell their community "Ein Od Milvado". In G-d We Trust Alone! We can not be passive to legalized mass murder like late term abortion, theft by stripping honest working Americans of their employment in the name of public health , immorality in public schools and  libraries pushing gender studies and LGBTQ pride, corrupt courts and judges, ineffective law enforcement with law enforcement hands tied, removing G-d from the narrative and from public schools and replacing normative education with woke brainwashing propaganda  and worshipping  what the Government dictates in the name of public health and social woke values, rather than what a loving, just and righteous G-d dictates.

If the Fema funding for security then stops coming, we then know that it wasn't about our security at all but about their G-dless agenda.

Any person who promotes working with the Democrats and their G-dless platform, in turn legitimizes them, and by extension empowers them and nourishes  them and their G-dless agenda. The funding we receive is probably to silence any opposition, to silence us from exposing and protesting their agenda, to silence us from speaking out for the Almighty's agenda.

 We need to speak about the 7 Noahide laws and to disengage from any Party or individual that pushes a G-dless agenda.

Will these grants and security cameras really help keep us safe if perpetrators of crime and attacks or those who threaten us and our communities are released the next day even when they are caught? 

What if security personnel that we hire turn a blind eye or are afraid to respond to acts of terror? Instead they send hired social workers to address the threat.

Are institutions permitted to hire security personnel of their own choosing? For example will Jewish  institutions be allowed to hire trustworthy former IDF soldiers or must security personnel either be a NY police officer and or retired NY police officer whose hands may be tied to respond. 

Is this money coming with strings attached in order to suppress us from addressing the root of the matter which is a G-dless agenda and a rebellion against G-d Almighty?

 We know Hashem will provide and protect us when we keep His commandments!

 The 7 Noahide laws for Jew and non Jew are key to Global peace and prosperity to keep evil in check.

Security grants like these might solely be hidden bribes to silence  opposition to a global G-dless world and to silence a narrative which promotes a world where G-d is recognized as the only legitimate Sovereign Power The King of all kings מלך מלכי המלכים!

Related Points to Ponder : How many Federal Government Agencies are weaponized by the Democrats?

Former National Intelligence Director: ‘The past six years we have an FBI and DoJ that have literally become the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party’

Tucker, Agents Raid Amish Farm For Not Following Regulations On ‘Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals’


Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT questions Robin!

The government does not do anything without strings attached. As the expression goes, “The devil is in the details!”

Accepting this help should be done only after very careful examination of the fine print. With the government, there is never a free lunch.

Your response to this is very well presented, and provides clear logic and caution to be very careful before agreeing to be part of this grant.

“Those that give up liberty for safety deserve neither.”
-Benjamin Franklin

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! May you go from strength to strength to continue your important work!

Robin Ticker said...

Thank u so much!!! I have no problem taking Federal money without strings for worthy causes. However, I smell a skunk or rather a trap. These are probably unkosher sources of funding! Lets not suppress our G-d Given rights of expression regarding our discontent with the G-dless agenda of the Democratic Party and see if these sources of funding for security dry up.