Share This Message With Your Friends and Family -  Robin, As I write this, the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) annual conference in California is just getting underway with an estimated 6,000 plus media professionals from around the world set to convene in Anaheim, California. On Wednesday of this week, PJTN is set to stage a major press conference at NRB to challenge Christian media with one loud call to join PJTN on the front lines of the anti-Semitic, anti-Judeo/Christian, anti-American and anti-Israel media war!!! With the recent silencing of one of our colleagues, Judge Jeanine Pirro who had the courage to question Ilhan Omar's loyalty to our Constitution, after Omar questioned the loyalty of Jewish Americans. We are facing the silencing of speech that is unprecedented in our lifetime. In the midst of fake news; left leaning news; disinformation and propaganda, there is one glaring truth: Silence in Christian media on topics that matter is deafening. I am announcing at NRB this Wednesday that PJTN is vowing to double down on our efforts to remove Ilhan Omar from Congress and to call on Christians to stand against the anti-Semitism being normalized by Omar's remarks. Did you know she spoke at a fund-raising event for CAIR (a terrorist front group of the Muslim Brotherhood) this weekend and openly made humor of her anti-Semitic views? Fortunately, hundreds of Patriots and PJTN Watchmen showed up to protest, stating their disapproval of Omar outside the event. Tens of thousands continue to sign our petition. If you haven't already—please go online and add your voice of support now at Hours after Omar's speech, Hamas - the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood - fired a missile at a family home in central Israel, injuring seven Israeli civilians. Al-Qaeda and ISIS are calling for attacks on Americans. Are they threatening us with another 9/11? We need to remind the terrorists, we are Americans, and if you attack us, we will bring the full forces of our army on you! In the midst of all of this, where is the media to connect the dots between Washington and Gaza? The voice of PJTN will tell you what media has failed to say: Ilhan Omar is an integral part of the Hamas arsenal. In Gaza, they use missiles, in Congress they use Ilhan. The objective remains the same, the utter destruction of Israel and America. We the people cannot stand by as she goes unchallenged, raising money for organizations that seek our demise while professing to represent the constitution. Is this treason? I am proclaiming at NRB that all American patriots and media professionals must sign our petition and rally behind the cause of justice and freedom. As Israel is under attack from Gaza, America is under attack from within our own Congress by the same subversive ideology that seeks to replace everything that we hold sacred. What began with anti-Semitic tropes has become a thinly veiled attack on Judeo-Christian civilization. I cannot face this "giant" without your continued support! Your financial donation this week undergirds all we do – including our strong voice this week in bringing PJTN's urgent messaging to major media. We can only turn the tide back to Judeo-Christian values in truth in media with your financial support. Your prayers help give me the strength to do all we do… Blessings, Laurie |
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