Thursday, January 24, 2019

New York Abortion Law Worse Than Pharaoh - Breaking Israel News. Thou Shall Not Kill Parshat Yitro. One of 7 Noahide Laws


Israel should be a Kingdom of Priests and be a role model for the world...when Israel is lacking, it is then reflected world wide....

Let us Yearn for a Jewish State governed by Biblical Law, both the Oral and the Written Law. Surely then  Israel and the world will see much Blessings showered upon her!

"This law in New York State is the same as the law we have in Israel," Dr. Shussheim told Breaking Israel News. "The Jews received the Torah from God and were commanded to teach it to the nations. Israeli law supports this. Many of the leaders in this horrible push to legalize the murder of babies are Jewish. If this is what we do, how can we expect the nations to do any better?"

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