Sunday, January 13, 2019

Fwd: Read Howard Grief on "huge illegal immigration."

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From: Joe and Renanah Gemeiner <>
Date: Sat, Jan 12, 2019, 11:14 PM
Subject: Read Howard Grief on "huge illegal immigration."
To: Joe and Renanah Gemeiner <>


PLESE READ: From Howard Grief's monumental "The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law"
p. 539 "A Historical Refutation of Arab and Moslem Claims to the Land of Israel:

"In his book published in 1944, entitled Justice For My People, Dr. Ernst Frankenstein calculated that 75% of the Arab population of Palestine at that time were either immigrants themselves or descendants of immigrants who arrived in Palestine mainly after 1882, coinciding with the development of modern Jewish settlement which made the country more attractive for Moslem and Arab-speaking newcomers.  Among those who settled in Palestine were Bosnians, Turkomans and Circassians whom the Ottoman Turkish authorities had encouraged to do so. (footnote 38)

None of the foreign Arabs speaking gentiles living in the Land of Israel today are descended from the indigenous inhabitants who lived there prior to the first Jewish Exile, except those who may possibly trace their lineage to converted Jews, of which there were undoubtedly some, but whose actual number can only be speculative.  The Arab claim of ownership of the Jewish country based on their alleged historical connection with it dating from the Canaanite period is completely spurious, which no serious historian who is neither Arab nor Muslim has accepted.  This absurd claim was made for only one purpose, to show that the Arabs who today pose as: Palestinians: antedated the Jewish presence in the land of Canaan that became the Land of Israel.  However, there was no Arab nation living in the land of Canaan in the second millennium B.C. E., otherwise they would most likely have been mentioned in the Pentateuch (the five books of Moses), in the period from Abraham to the death of Moses. (footnote 39.)
During the two-century Crusader period of rule in Palestine, most of the non-Christian inhabitants, whether Jews or Arabs, were either killed or left the country.  More human slaughter followed each succeeding change of Regime  The present racial mix of peoples comprising the Arabs of the Land of Israel, the so-called "Palestinians", mainly dates from the last two centuries, which hardly makes them the aboriginal inhabitants as they falsely claim to be.   During most the of the 19th. century their number varied between 200,00 and 300.00.  Their population welled in the 20th. century by huge illegal immigration and high birth rate accompanied by a sharp decline in the mortality rate.

The Arab claim of dispossession is equally fallacious.  The people who today call themselves Palestinians: were never a recognized nation in history, which could be dispossessed.   This happened only to the indigenous Jewish of the country who were exiled from it twice  The Arabs, on the other hand, were among the invaders and conquerors, who disposed the Jewish of the country during their ascendancy in Palestine and also tuned a fruitful land into a desert by their avarice and misgovernment."   (Parkes, op.cit.kp208.). 

Thank you for your time and consideration.  Please share your thoughts if you like. Please consider reading Howard's great book.  Howard is one of the Jewish Peoples' greatest and selfless heroes. 
Renanah Gemeiner

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