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Shemittah, the Jewish Sabbatical year, brings security and blessing. The Torah says keeping this Mitzvah will prevent disaster and exile. Shemittah is Shabbat LaHashem. A taste of the World to Come. Learn about one womens quest for knowledge and rediscovery of this long lost Mitzvah according to the simple Torah reading of the text found in the beginning posts of this blog.
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Today's Commentary: America's Pastor Passes - My Show Monologue -- 45 times -- Dana Loesch takes aim and fires with words -- The Mayor of Oakland comes very close -- Apparently Feinstein isn't far-out enough -- "It's the economy stupid." -- Additional Mike Huckabee commentaries
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As America continued to debate the tragic school shooting in Parkland, FL, news broke that America's Pastor, Dr. Billy Graham had died at his home in Charlotte at the age of 99, just a few months shy of his 100th birthday.
My first reaction was "Now there's a real example of 'Fake News.'" Billy Graham has passed from this earthly life, but he is anything but dead. He is more alive now than ever before, and living a life that will never end. And if he isn't, then everything he stood for and preached to millions is a cruel hoax. Some might try to say that Billy Graham was a good man, but would argue there isn't a God or an afterlife. Sorry, but that's not a defensible position. If Billy Graham spent his entire adult life preaching a lie and urging people to follow a lie, then he's hardly a "good man." At best he would a man himself duped by spiritual fantasy and who sincerely pushed others to a belief in a fairy tale. That's not the mark of a "good man." Billy Graham didn't preach a message of just going around and being polite and kind. He preached that all of us are sinners and in need of a Saviour, and that the Saviour is Jesus Christ.
Mike Huckabee
-- 45 times
By Mike Huckabee
In the wake of the horrendous school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the gun control lobby is adamant that it's time to "listen to the children" and pass a lot of new anti-gun laws. They don't explain why we should rely on more government to protect us when the government entities already charged with protecting us on the federal, state and local levels all failed tragically and spectacularly to do their jobs. With the same temerity as the deputy who thinks he did a good job by staying outside while the shooter murdered 17 people, the Broward County Sheriff insists that he's shown "amazing leadership" and is refusing widespread calls to resign (by the way, he was right when he denied that his deputies had visited the shooter's home 39 times and taken no action – a new review of dispatch records shows it was at least 45 times).
Dana Loesch takes aim and fires with words
By Mike Huckabee
Perhaps Dana Loesch finally got her fill of hateful, lewd, agenda-driven accusations at the CNN "town hall," because she has shown in the hours since that she can wield words just as effectively as she can draw-aim-fire. And it's about time somebody put it this way.
In just one of a series of tweets, she said, "This is just the latest example of government failure and it is why we fight for the rights of law-abiding people to protect our children the same way we protect our politicians and our celebrities." She pounded law enforcement at all levels for doing NOTHING to head off an easily predictable act of horrific violence. And in doing so, she hit on the most important reason why the right to gun ownership must not be infringed: the defense of you and your loved ones ultimately falls to YOU. If you depend on the powers-that-be to protect yourself and your family, you may end up dead or with your life changed forever.
The Mayor of Oakland comes very close
By Mike Huckabee
Escalating the sanctuary city concept to the very edge of sedition, the mayor of Oakland, California, is no longer merely refusing to cooperate with federal authorities who are rounding up criminal illegal immigrants for deportation – she's actually warning them when she hears word that an ICE raid might be coming. She claims that she's being vague enough about how much she helps criminals avoid arrest to keep from being charged as an accessory. But where I come from, that would be considered aprettyl low barfor a public servant.
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Apparently Feinstein isn't far-out enough
By Mike Huckabee
I wrote here very recently about how California was becoming so far left that its next generation of politicians will make the current group look downright sensible. Well, it's already starting: over the weekend, the state Democratic Party declined to endorse their own longtime Senator, Dianne Feinstein, voting 54-37 for her further-left challenger, Kevin DeLeon. It takes 60 votes, so neither won the Party endorsement; still, it's a big no-confidence blow for Feinstein. Even more, it's a sign that the California Democratic Party has moved so far to the left, they may soon be nominating candidates for Senate in Hawaii.
Seriously, how far-out do you have to be to think that Dianne Feinstein is a rightwing conservative?
"It's the economy stupid."
By Mike Huckabee
I have long warned people against putting too much faith in polls in general, but especially not generic party preference polls taken months before an election, which are too stiff and scratchy even to be useful as toilet paper. That truth applies whether they are good or bad for my preferred side. But since the media insist on assigning party preference polls unwarranted importance, then let's see how much attention they give to the latest Politico/Morning Consult poll. It shows that the much-ballyhooed "blue wave" has ebbed to a low tide, with Republicans now leading Democrats by 40-38%. Why? To quote a famous Democrat: "It's the economy, stupid."
Additional Commentaries
Florida bombshell: Armed deputy cowered outside school during shooting
Memo to Jeff Sessions
Canada revives "death panels"
The scandal runs as deep as in 1972 (UPDATED)
Mueller ups pressure on Manafort and Gates to cut a deal
ICE needs to keep it up, not pull back
My tribute to Billy Graham
Media narrative on "Russia" indictment is wrong
Is America the only place?
CIA argues it shouldn't have to comply
Sharyl Attkisson and the real story of fake news
Transgender bathroom ruling
Mass Exodus from California continues
Let's get real about national security threats
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On my wall hangs a list of photos of the men who played a significant role in the 2005 expulsion and exile of thousands of holy Jews from their homes.
> Over the years I have checked off many of the names and faces.
> Some of our spiritual leaders at the time predicted that each one of those who raised their hand against our people and land will get their due.
> It began straight away with the number one perpetrator of the crime, Ariel Sharon.
> His last conversation before he fell into a coma was a boast of how he would continue the expulsions in additional parts of our land.
> For eight long silent years, heaven nor earth wanted him.It was as if we were being presented with a living lesson on display for eight years.
> It was hard not to get the message, though of course many refused to even then.
> I often wonder when the rest of the shameful opportunists will get theirs.
> I suppose some may have already and I am just not aware of it. One does not know what goes on behind closed doors.
> Some have received theirs in the most public fashion, like prime minister Olmert and President Katzav who were sent to prison for mundane shameful crimes.
> It looks like the game is up for another high profile politician who raised his finger in favor of the criminal expulsions.
> Bibi has some good things going for him. There is no better spokesman for Israel to the world at large.
> His speaking skills and his grasp of the issues are superb.
> He helped wind down the socialist-leaning system that was holding the economy back and
> Israel has been flourishing since.
> His efforts to raise awareness about Iran were on target.
> The Left has serious heartburn when his name is even mentioned. I guess that means something in of itself...
> The tragedy of Bibi is that he is so talented yet just does not have the backbone ( call it lack of the fear of heaven?) to do what he probably knows he should if he had the guts and faith to do them.
> He was naturally vehemently against the fatal Oslo deal with Arafat and his fellow terrorists in 1993. After three years of predictable terror, he defeated Shimon Peres in 1996. He did not send Arafat and his rouges packing and restore sanity.
> He was afraid. No backbone. This was a wake-up call for me.
> Shortly after that, there was an incident that finally told me, he is not the Jewish leader we were hoping for. Far from it.
> In his first year in office, the western wall tunnel exit was opened making access available for larger numbers of visitors.That was a very good thing.
> The "Palestinians" were not happy with the idea of masses of people learning about Jewish roots in Jerusalem and so they rioted for a few days. Arab members of the joint "peace patrols" turned their guns( that we provided) on their Jewish partners. In the end, seventeen Jews were murdered by our "peace partners".
> President Clinton called Bibi and Arafat to Washington for a pow wow in order to preserve the "peace process".
> I can still see in my mind's eye what I thought I never would behold. Even as the Jewish victims were still being buried, Bibi shook Arafat's hand. It was not just a formal quick gesture. He grabbed Arafat's very bloody hand with his two, pumping with a big smile.
> It was at that moment that I understood all I need to about Bibi.
> The fact that his long tenure was underscored by settlement freezes and broken promises to his ideological core supporters then came as no surprise.
> He always made sure to include a Left party (Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livni, Kachlon, Lapid) in his coalition to be used as a fig leaf and lightning rod. He refused to include the most ideologically Right party as he preferred his fig leaf instead. He is a politician's politician if there ever was one.
> On the many occasions that he abandoned the very principals and policies for which he was elected, he always had an excuse; "it's not me it's my problematic coalition partner."
> He gave away almost all of Hevron and other large swaths of land to Arafat in the Wye plantation deal. Besides smiles from the US president and some favorable Liberal press, we got nothing in return (besides more murders including the infant Shalhevet Pass who was shot in her father's arms in Hevron by a "Palestinian" sniper positioned on a hill which they received at Wye).
> He enforced a ten-month freeze on any building or maintenance activity for 400,000 Jews living in Judea and Samaria. Again, we got nothing in return besides increasing bitterness at home and encouraging our enemy's expectations of more of the same.
> When Moshe Feiglin challenged his leadership in the Likud, offering the plain truth and faith in ourselves and God, Bibi took off the gloves.
> He can deal with many things but not with a person who demands honesty and uncompromising fidelity to our people and land.
> He spent twenty years trying to destroy Feiglin as a challenger. He finally succeeded.
> No doubt this was one of his most important wins, He could now proceed with the show he performs so well, unhindered by a nasty voice demanding truth and courage.
> It finally looks like the noose is tightening around Bibi's political neck.
> His back is against the wall. Who knows how the last hours will look like.
> Bibi, in my opinion, is a tragic figure. He could have been the greatest prime minister of our modern Jewish country.
> Instead, he will be remembered for his love of expensive cigars and champagne provided by rich benefactors.
> He will be remembered as the prime minister who announced his support for the "two-state solution" which was so antithetical to everything he promised his voters. He thus let the fatal "Palestinian state" genie out of the bottle lending his stamp of approval for what he knows is a lethal danger. But he could not resist the pressure from Obama. He wanted to buy time and a pat on the back - again.
> It could have been different.
> I expect I will soon be crossing one more name from the list on my wall.
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Langfan: Two-State Solution Bullet Aimed at Israel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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