- From Hebron Fund
Baruch Dayan HaEmet It is with great sadness and deep pain that we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Moshe Levinger a"h, the founder of the resettlement of Hebron and who helped lay the foundation for the resettlement movement in Israel.
Rabbi Levinger's place will forever be remembered along with the names of leaders of the country since the beginning of the Zionist resettlement and the revival of the Nation and building of the land of Israel. Note: tonight/tomorrow is Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) and the day before Hebron Liberation Day profile of Rabbi Levinger upon receiving the prestigious Moskowitz Prize in 2013 The funeral will take place Sunday at 12:30pm in front of Ma'arat HaMachpela and will proceed to the Hebron cemetery. May the Almighty comfort the family among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. |
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- Received from Women in Green:
A great leader of Israel has passed - Rabbi Moshe Levinger, obm
The Women in Green movement is pained by the great loss to the People
of Israel upon the passing of Rabbi Moshe Levinger, father of renewed
Jewish settlement throughout the Land of Israel after the Six Day War.
Rabbi Levinger blazed the trail for glorious settlement throughout
Judea and Samaria; he was the driving spirit that inspired the great
movement together with his wife Rabbanit Miriam. The trailblazers of
settlement in Binyamin and Samaria were his students.
His faith, courage, audacity and the love for the People of Israel
resulted in the first Jewish community in Judea. He established a city
that carries all of the banners of Zionism: settlement, absorption of
immigrants and security. Thanks to him, Kiryat Arba Hevron is a symbol
of harmonious life among religious and secular, immigrants and
long-time citizens from all sectors of the People.
Rabbi Levinger was a symbol of simplicity, always traveled by
hitchhiking or by bus, despised materialism, was always on a mission,
always active for the People of Israel and the Land of Israel. He did
not engage in small talk, everything always revolved around the great
goal - the Land of Israel.
He died on the eve of the anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem.
He always corrected us and said: the liberation of the Land of Israel.
A very great spiritual presence, who knew how to combine the vision
with reality, has gone from us.
May we be comforted in the building of the Land of Israel.
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
and the entire Women in Green family
- PM Netanyahu Sends Condolence Letter to the Levinger Family
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Sunday, 17 May 2015), sent the following condolence letter to the family of the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger:
"Dear Levinger family,
I was saddened to hear of the passing of the head of your family, the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger.
Rabbi Levinger's name will be forever linked with the movement for renewed Jewish settlement in Hebron and other areas of the country where our patriarchs walked thousands of years ago. He was an outstanding example of a generation that sought to realize the Zionist dream, in deed and in spirit, after the Six Day War.
As a prominent student of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook at Mercaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem, Rabbi Levinger was influenced by the dream according to which 'everything grows from the Land of Israel'. He stressed that deepening our roots in the inheritance of our forefathers would allow us to strengthen the State of Israel as a whole.
Our return to the holy places of our people in the defensive war and war of deliverance 48 years ago stirred our hearts. Our eternal capital Jerusalem was a united city once again. Rachel's Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs, where our patriarchs and matriarchs are buried, again became centers of prayer for myriad Jews. I am proud of the fact that they are included in the Government's list of national heritage sites, given their religious and educational importance of the highest order.
There is great symbolism that Rabbi Levinger passed away on the eve of Jerusalem Day; he leaves behind him a well-established legacy and many students who are dedicated to taking root in our Land.
Dear members of the Levinger family, my heart is with you at this difficult time. May the Almighty comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and may you know sorrow no more.
Benjamin Netanyahu." ________________________________________
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
- President Rivlin attends the funeral of the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger, leading member of the revived Jewish community in Hebron(Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
Sunday 17th May, 2015 / 28 Iyyar, 5775
President Rivlin attends the funeral of the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger, leading member of the revived Jewish community in Hebron
President Reuven Rivlin today (Sunday), attended and gave a eulogy at the funeral of the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger, a leading member of the revived Jewish community in Hebron, who died yesterday at the age of 80.
The President began his eulogy by speaking about his acquaintance with the late Rabbi Levinger and the Hebron community which became his life's work. The President said, "Dear Rabbi Moshe, I met you and the Levinger family as a Yekke (Jew of Litvak traditions) family from Jerusalem. A family who emigrated from Germany and lived not far from us, on the border of the Rehavia and Sha'arei Chesed neighborhoods. You grew up in a household with a rare religious and spiritual depth. A house with wide-ranging knowledge, a loyalty to the concept of "Torah and science", as well as observing and maintaining religious practices in an uncompromising way. It was the hallmark of the Levinger family – whether they chose to become Rabbis, go into academic research, or practice the unique combination of both. "
The President went on to say, "People like to say that you weren't a man of consensus – and this must be true. Yet, you never neglected to make an effort to involve as many people as you could to your endeavors, from the 'Valley of Hebron' you asked your brothers from all the camps to join you. You argued, got angry, you were sharp, incisive, assertive and forceful in your words. You didn't look for compromise and yet you never doubted that only a solid foundation among the people of Zion, and broad support for Jewish community of Kiryat Arba, which is Hebron, will resume here the chain of generations. Not for nothing the first donor to the Hebron Yeshiva, under your leadership, Rabbi Levinger, was David Ben-Gurion, who donated 100 Israeli Lira (the old Israeli currency). Not for nothing were you very active with Yigal Alon, and members of the 'Greater Land of Israel' movement, who were mainly from the Labor movement, in rebuilding the Jewish community once again, here in Kiryat Arba, in Hebron. You believed with all your heart that by rebuilding Hebron, you would also re-build Jerusalem, and out of that belief you acted to ensure that not only would Jerusalem be redeemed, but so would Kiryat Arba, in Hebron."
At the end of the eulogy President Rivlin said, "In recent years you suffered from a serious illness, and when I came to visit you I saw that you did not cease to believe, to hope, and to expect to see the redemption of Israel. Today, as we accompany you on your last path, I cannot but remember your struggle not only for life here, but for the right to be buried in the cemetery here in Hebron. Today these graves here will be joined by the grave of Rabbi Levinger one of our most treasured sons and founders of the Jewish community here. May his memory be blessed and may his soul be bound in the bond of life. Amen. "
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.