December 2013

Dear Friends ,
It is winter, but spring is not far off. We stand between Chanukah and Tu b'Shvat. Chanukah marks the miracle of the Maccabee's military victory over the much stronger Greek-Syrian army resulting in Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel. Tu b'Shvat represents the miracle of the annual rebirth of nature and the day on which we Jews mark our connection to Eretz Yisrael by planting trees.
Inspired by the spirit of the Maccabees, Women in Green, through both faith and action, defend and safeguard the Land of Israel. And as on Tu b'Shvat Women in Green plant trees and vines…in Netzer, Shdema, Eitam and elsewhere to redeem and safeguard public lands in Judea. Together these two days on the Hebrew calendar symbolize the essence of Women in Green… dedication to our G-d-given Biblical homeland, Eretz Yisrael, and the Jewish People.
Women in Green's activities, reflecting the values of our founders Ruth and Michael Matar, are far too numerous to mention in a brief email letter. Here are but some highlights of the ongoing work and accomplishments of our members, men, women and youth:
· Sovereignty Campaign - To date Women in Green has produced three successful national conferences and has begun to publish Sovereignty, a new political journal in Hebrew and English with distribution to tens of thousands in Israel and abroad. This campaign is already having a positive influence upon the general public. As a result of Women in Green's efforts more and more people are learning that there is an alternative to the dangerous "two-state solution." Issue 1 of Sovereignty is available online on our website. Issue 2 will be published, please G-d, in the coming days.
· Shdema - is the return of a Jewish presence to a former Israel army base, between Jerusalem and eastern Gush Etzion, including the partial refurbishment of a cultural center that has become the site for popular weekly lectures on Eretz Yisrael and other programs.
· Netzer - is the site of many hundreds of olive trees and grape vines planted by Women in Green on public Jewish land in Judea in order to avert Arab agricultural squatting.
· Eitam - Years of constant activity by Women in Green and the Committee for the Development of Eitam on Efrat's largest and northernmost hill has guaranteed that Eitam has remained in Jewish hands and, G-d willing, is now being developed.
· Amos Junction (formerly T-Junction) - A daily vigil by Women in Green together with the residents of eastern Gush Etzion following a recent Arab terrorist attack, resulted in increased security at the junction.
· Tisha b'Av March - around the Old City of Jerusalem's walls in which many thousands participate every year over the past two decades.
· Agricultural Camps for Youth - during the summer and over school breaks, including on-site cultivation and irrigation work, tree planting and educational lectures helps connect Israeli youth to their land and their heritage.
· Website - brings uplifting and relevant news, photos and video clips about work being carried out by Women and Green on behalf of the Land of Israel. Plans are in the works for a separate website to accompany the Sovereignty journal and campaign
Naturally, all of these activities cost money , even though we are blessed with highly dedicated volunteers whose activity helps defray expenses.
Women in Green is mindful and appreciative of your past support and asks that you continue by making a monetary gift now and benefiting from an end-of-the- yearFederal tax deduction. Your gift, which will help support the many educational and cultural programs above, makes you a true partner in everything we do.
We remind you that Women in Green is supported solely by private contributions.
For US tax deductible donations, please make your check out now to CENTRAL FUND FOR ISRAEL, earmarked WOMEN IN GREEN, and send it to:
Women in Green, POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
For safe online US tax deductible donations, please click now on:
Thank you again for you generous support and partnership on behalf of Women in Green.
Yehudit Katsover Nadia Matar
Co-chair Co-chair
P.S. A special evening marking 20 years of activity by Women in Green on behalf of Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish People will take place, please G-d, in Jerusalem in the near future. Our special guest at this event will be Fiamma Nirenstein, journalist, author, a former member of the Italian Parliament and a member of the Global Forum against Anti-Semitism. Details to follow.
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
For more detailed information about Women in Green's many activities we invite you to visit our exciting website
and our Women in Green movie channel: