Thursday, November 19, 2009

USAID and US taxpayers money "Funding Education or Funding PA Schools for Incitement?"


USAID Funds PA Schools for Incitement

According to David Bedein it's 2.4 Billion dollars since 1994 and USAID says it plans to invest another $153 million in 2010 for the development of PA infrastructure in Judea and Samaria.

I think that taxpayers would prefer their taxpaying money go "illegally" to the Spinka Yeshiva, a private school,  to help pay teachers salaries than "legally" to USAID to fund incitement for terror.  ( Please note that the Spinka Rebbe publicly expressed remorse for defrauding the gov't and taxpayers monies.) 

 I think Americans would expect the gov't to answer to the taxpayer and apologize and express remorse because they were told that the monies to USAID would go to "r
educe poverty, improve health and education, create jobs and advance democracy

Is this the education we are funding?

Is this the return we wish to see on our taxpaying investment?

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