Thursday, December 04, 2008

All the News that is fit to Print about YESHA but not found in Jewish Press, Yated and Hamodia and not talked about in the Agudah Convention or the OU Convention


My Dear readers, amv"sh

Please visit and support and publicize the YESHA BULLETIN  for the Latest News regarding Beith Hashalom, Judea and SAMARIA.. Published and edited by Rivka Ryback, they have links to Arutz7, Women in Green, Mishmeret Yesha, and many articles in the media that are related to Yesha. 

We would like to get a Yesha Bulletin newspaper off the ground as well.  I have an insatiable appetite for News from Yesha that is not slanted to the left.  It is being fed by emails by  Nadia Matar - Women in Green, Susie Dym - Matot Arim,  Pidion Shvuyim, Helen Freedman,  Israel Kaplin,  Mishmeret Yesha - Israel Danzinger, Eretz Yisroel Shalanu=  Rabbi Wolpe, the Toronto Zionist Council - Yossi Winter, Renanah Goldhar, Joe Gemeiner, Paul Eidelberg, Buddy Macy, Afsi, Yosef Rabin, Dan Luria, Israel Land Fund, Rabbi Algaze. Rafael Rabinovitch , Menachem Kovac, Think Israel, Tamar Adelstein. Moshe Feiglin, Manhigut Yehudit, Tsafrir Ronen, Eldad, Rafi Eitan etc. (please forgive me if I left you out because there are many of us out there) and my own peers like Shmuel Koenig nudging the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah and Orthodox Jewish Organizations and our very own distributer Prime Media Distribution.  How wonderful it would be if it would be all coordinated and printed in one super deluxe newspaper with a wide distribution.  Please let me know if you share this dream.

Didn't Benjamin Franklin buy the Pennsylvania Gazette?

If you will it, it is no dream....
Looking forward to hearing from you. Robin

Why do we need a YESHA NEWSPAPER????????  Please read on...

Isn't it odd that the destruction of the Federman House and their 9 kids and the beating and arrest of Noam and Elisheva Federman did not make it into the Jewish Press.  Neither was there any reporting about the broken fingers of their 16 year old. I only read about it on the Hebron site. I don't recall reading about the arrest of Rabbi Shimendorfy of Nachliel and the destruction of his Yeshiva in Yad Yair catering to Hareidi kids. I heard about it on my tour with Afsi from Israel Danzinger from Mishmeret Yesha.  For that matter I also hadn't heard about the arrest and felony charges brought against  the fine young Breslov men of Asael following a fire and provocation of the Arabs around their property. I heard about it from Israel Danzinger.

The flow of Border Police to Beit Hashalom this past week and the impending expulsion of the families from Beit Hashalom was also not news worthy for the Jewish Press edition of Parshat Toldot.

I also don't recall reading about the assault on Tiferet Levinger in Hebron or about the skull smashed by a teenager in Hebron in the Jewish Press.  There was plenty of time to get all this news into the Jewish Press if there had been any desire to do so. And the Jewish Press is considered right wing.   

Did you see anything about these news events in Yated or Hamodia? The Chareidi world don't even go on the internet so how would they hear about this news about Yesha? How are the settlers of Yesha portrayed in Yated and Hamodia? 

The expulsion of Beit Hashalom today was depicted as non violent in the JPost when indeed it was violent sending Nadia Matar to the hospital. Olmert once again used deception in order to bring in an element of surprise to get the Jews out.. 

I would expect slanted one sided reporting coming from the New York Times but I would hope for  better from our own people and our right wing press.   Even the impassioned plea by Rabbi Holtzman to Ehud Olmert while the family is still sitting shiva regarding Beit Hashalom did not make headline news in the Jewish Press in spite of  pages upon pages of reporting of the Mumbai massacre. 

What has happened even to the Jewish Press over the years that has muzzled them from reporting the news accurately from Yesha?

If our claim over Judea and Samaria is not treated with importance within our own circles than  why should it be of importance to any of the Goyim.

 In fact won't the Goyim be contemptuous of our lack of assertiveness of our Divine entitlement?

What happened to the communal obligation of the  leadership of the major Jewish Organizations such as Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU, the Young Israel and Chabad International.  Isn't it their responsibility  to publicize  news regarding the systematic destruction of the Jewish presence in Yesha and respond with mobilizing the Jewish people to protest against another Yesha expulsion chas vechalila. I won't even speak of the betrayel of the secular Jewish organizations.  But in their defense,  they don't read the Torah Portion every week.

The media and the response of our Rabbanim and Jewish Institutions shape news and current events and influences the way hundreds of thousands of Jews worldwide will react and respond to prevent another expulsion from happening.  Alternatively, hiding the facts will keep the readers and constituents in the dark thereby preventing mobilization of any serious and comprehensive protest against the the systematic harassment and  destruction of Yesha communities.

Did Agudath Yisroel of America even address what was happening in Yesha at their Thanksgiving convention?  I was there on Sunday and I didn't hear anything. Did I miss it? do the Agudah people have any clue of what is happening in Yesha?

 Maybe my dear readers, you can enlighten me about the OU convention.  Nothing on their website indicates that Yesha was a top priority at this OU Convention.  

How about the Nachum Segal show and JMINTHEAM? Nachum features Malcolm Hoenlein who is an active negotiator for the Roadmap and a 2 STate solution with reciprocity of course.. 

Over a year ago, the Agudath Yisroel of America and the Young Israel together with a large consensus of Jewish Organizations under the umbrella of the CCJER (Coordinating Council on Jerusalem) came out with a resolution against dividing Jerusalem.  This occurred  when American Foreign Policy was still in favor of a United Jerusalem.  Then Condeleeza Rice put parts of Jerusalem on the bargaining table. 
Well what do you know.  The CCJER lost its Voice.  Instant laryngytis.  Apparently, American Foreign Policy dictates how the Rabbanim and Jewish Organizations respond. or don't respond. 

Don't we answer to a Higher Authority?

Does anyone speak about freedom of religion any more or the intolerable acts against the loyal citizens of Israel living in Yesha, or the moral, Biblical and historical justification of the settlers and our entitlement of the Land of Israel?. 

Will there be any protest of the hate spewing venom against the settlers of Yehuda and the Shomron by Barak, calling the settlers the cancer of our society.  Will there be a protest against  Olmert's announcement to expel the Jews from Yehudah and the Shomron to the Negev.  Will there be a scream when there is a release of another 250 terrorists  by the GOI,

Will we suffer in silence the decision of abandonment of more security checkpoints in Yehudah and Shomron in return for fortified bombshelters in the Gaza Strip..

Military operations are planned to expel Jews from their homes rather than to go after the sources of terror in Gaza.

How many reports of the IDF not responding to acts of aggression by the Arabs towards the settlers in Yehudah and the Shomron will go unreported and the fact that the IDF has ordered the  confiscation of weapons of these same settlers. 

How many victims of incitement and provocation in Yesha will be turned into the criminals and  prosecuted and imprisoned or with administrative detention? 

Isn't there a clause somewhere in the constitution about the right to bear arms against an evil regime?.

 When will  our people even have a clue that all this is happening if the news is withheld in the media?

Taking the side of the settlers is not the politically correct thing to do in this time.  Neither is there too much publicity in the Jewish media of the millions if not billions of dollars flowing into the Palestinian territories creating facts on the ground at an alarming rate, allowing for the growth and expansion of a Palestinian State chas vechala funded from US tax paid dollars.  European Union and Saudi Arabia have added to the Palestinian gold pot as well.

 In contrast, it is illegal to build in Yehudah and Shomron by Jews or provide for natural Jewish growth and expansion.

 While I do see significant fund raising for individual communities, schools, yeshivas and organizations within Yesha there is a tendency towards being blinded with shortsightedness to focus on ones personal survival while disregarding the overall  threat of a Palestinian State Chas Vechalila.  Women in Green, Daniella Weiss and Mattot Arim seem to see the picture with clariy and their voice needs to be heard.

I also don''t see much publicity about illegal and immoral court decisions on the higher  Supreme Court level that overrules lower court rulings in favor of the Yesha settlers.. 

The lower court in Israel recently ruled against the immoral and illegal destruction of the Federman House.  In spite of this ruling the gov't's decision was to go ahead and do it again in Beit Hashalom and remove men women and children in an forceful inhumane manner.  The lower court ruled that the sale of Beit Hashalom was legal.  The leftist, self appointed corrupt higher court overruled the lower courts decision.

Where is the built in checks and balances in the Israeli Justice System? .

Sure, the Jewish Press can boast of right wingers writing in their newspapers like Rav Waldman and Moshe Feiglin and Rebbetzin Jungreiss but then again who chooses their headlines and edits their writings? 

Malcolm Hoenlein's influence in Yated and Hamodia is quite obvious and his position regarding the legitimacy of Oslo and his support of Annapolis negotiations for a 2 State Solution is not apparent to your average audience.  

Malcolm comes across as the "expert" on antisemitism and the "expert" on political affairs in the Middle East.  Most Jews and even the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah respect his leadership in such "complicated political matters" not realizing that the very policies he and the Conference of Presidents promote, namely negotiating with Fatah and appeasement,  is a very major factor leading to the escalating growth of antisemitism and terrorism throughout the world and the rebelliousness of our youth..  Is there much education that FATAH has an ideology passed on from the Mufti of Jerusalem a partner with Hitler? How come we are fooled into believing that they are moderate and peace loving rather than exposing them for their Nazi like ideology?

When there is an attempt to endear oneself to the Obama Administration as was done in last weeks Jewish Press with articles such as 'Why I voted for Obama', and knowing Obama's position and the position of his chosen advisers regarding the establishment of a Palestinian State, it just doesn't lend itself to blatant glaring articles which will focus on Hebron and our entitlement to all of Yesha and Eretz Yisroel..

Well we must be practical you say.  We need America's support to survive and we don't want to get on anyone's bad side.....These arguments were also used during the Holocaust and bought the Silence of American Jewry while the European Jews marched to their deaths.....

I suppose Mort Klein's, ZOA  concern expressed in his 'Congratulation to President Elect Obama' regarding Obama's past and present advisers on the Middle East are not worth publicizing in the Jewish Press... Why put Obama in a negative light?  .Though I have to admit that the terror attack in Mumbei did to a small degree mute the Obama fest campaign in the Jewish Press the following week.. 

Many will be too embarrassed to admit that there is a fire in the house and will ignore all the signs until it is too late. Why alarm people that the Jewish Community of Hebron is under attack?  Why burden the people with Torah passages that speak of our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel for all generations and the curses specified in the Torah when we don't keep the Mitzvoth especially those commandments defendant on the Land of Israel.. Why alarm people by showing them how Judea and Samaria are in close proximity to the rest of Israel and within rocket range to major population centers. 

I would love nothing better than to be proven wrong....I love the Jewish Press and that is why I am disappointed in their choice of news coverage lately. But It's the latest trend to report the news in a leftist slant.

Yes there is a website alternative and let's work hard to create an even better print media alternative.

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