Saturday, February 04, 2006

Satmar vindicated. Medinat Yisroel today is an evil State.


Shavua Tov!

Well there is now a common thread of what Satmar Chassidim have claimed over the years and what many Religious Zionists (myself included) are saying. We are now both saying that the gov't of Israel is a Midinat Resha, an evil government.

In previous blogs I have called for a separation of Jews from the State of Israel since it didn't seem to me that the State of Israel was ready for a government based on Torah. I now feel even stronger than that. The present gov't is evil.

I never called the State of Israel evil before.

If Religious Zionism and Satmar Chasidim take this opportunity to show an expression of unity I see hope for total unity among Am Yisroel.

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