Meir Ettinger's words to the Court: In the end you will repent
The following are the words of Meir Ettinger said during his hearing on Sep. 10th, 2015. This hearing was the third and final hearing that the court will hear before officially approving his administrative detention. It is important to note that receiving the approval of the court is a mere formality for administrative detention and does not involve an actual trial.
I would like to speak before the court and have my words recorded in the minutes. At the same time, I reiterate that this is not because I recognize the authority of this court. I don't recognize the validity of laws that are against the Torah and I see no reason to defend myself against accusations based on false laws that were created by man today and will be changed by him tomorrow.
Rather, because of our sins, instead of having a court based on the holy Torah, the word of G-d, we have been taken captive by false courts. These captors are the prosecution, the media, and the false courts of today that have waged war against the land of Israel, the Torah of Israel, and those who fear the G-d of Israel. Their goal is to foster the growth of a foreign culture in our midst to replace the way of the Torah and service to G-d in the land of Israel.
It is therefore a Chazakah [predetermined]what this court will decide in this hearing. One way or another, the results are known in advance and I therefore have no desire to play a part in this game. It is merely a pathetic attempt by the government to pretend that their decision is based on justice and democracy.
Nonetheless, this hearing provides me the right to speak and I will exercise the right to tell you what bothers you so much, what you are fighting, and what was the reason for my arrest.
I cannot discuss in this short time all of the ridiculous media stories. According to the media, I am somehow the number one target of the Shabak.
It should be noted that the targets of the Shabak are not established in order to preserve public safety or ensure calm, but instead are based on a political agenda and focus on protecting the culture of 'equality' that they force down the throats of the public.
Therefore, instead of discussing 'public safety,' I will explain my activism and why my actions are so upsetting to the confused establishment.
In their accusations they used the phrase, "changing the regime." So what does that really mean? What exactly is this mysterious 'group,' which I supposedly lead, doing to further that goal? The truth is that we are dealing with very basic statements that were made freely available to all. Yes, I admit it- I, like many other Jews, have dreams, hopes and desires of establishing the Kingdom of Israel. The 'group' I am a part of, was founded during the exodus from Egypt and the receiving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. There the Jewish people were chosen to be a nation of priests and a holy people in the land of Israel.
So what is this 'Kingdom of Israel'? For 2000 years in exile, Jews around the world said in their prayers "Let me witness the return to Zion" and concluded with the words, "blessed is He who restores His glory to Zion." These Jews did not merely want to return to the land of Israel to build fields and buildings. They wanted more. They wanted to restore G-d's presence in the land by creating a state that would spread the name of G-d throughout the world.
In the current 'Jewish' state, there is complete democratic freedom for all sorts of crazy ideas, except for Judaism alone which is declared illegal. In Israel today, the Torah's solution to security problems is racist, the Torah's views on international relations are incitement, and anyone who supports the Torah's opinion over the laws of the state is an anarchist. Those who struggle with love for the land of Israel are arrested and their homes are destroyed.
In the State of Israel today we have leaders who do not understand the Torah and no one dares explain to them what a true Jewish state looks like, why the Jewish people to the land of Israel, and what right the Jewish people have to the land. Not only are we victims of this unfortunate situation, but you are too- you, the judge, and the prosecutor. All of us are captives of this reality. Each of us has a G-dly soul that wants to live a Jewish life and we all feel alone in our opposition to the state.
Administrative detention orders were issued against me and other Jews not because of a concern for the good of the public as you [the government]have claimed. It is actually you who place no value on Jewish blood and thereby harm the public. You released terrorist murderers and removed checkpoints, both of which have placed many Jews in danger. One could hardly accuse you of caring for other Jews.
We all know that the incident in Duma is merely being used as an excuse for dictatorial actions by a supposed democratic government. Fortunately for you, the public is so accustomed to your lies that they don't bother refuting them.
Not for nothing did you gather all of the media to inform them before carrying out the orders. In truth the administrative detention orders are not meant to silence me, but to silence yourselves, to silence the Jewish voice emanating from your heart.
Your hysterical actions and discrimination against Jews in enforcing the law, your shocking neglect for the values of democracy when dealing with Jews who love the land of Israel, appears strange to many people. However it is not strange to anyone who recognizes that these actions are done in order to silence your inner, yearning Jewish voice. This is part of your general schizophrenia. It is obvious that these actions will backfire and have the opposite result. You will not manage to silence the voice inside you, anymore than you could expel your Jewish soul from your body. In the end, even you will repent for your actions and your Jewish soul will take over to help bring the redemption.
English Translation An Open Letter to the Public: Written by Moria Ettinger, the Wife of Meir Ettinger
My Brothers and Sisters, Am Yisroel
The Way You Know Of My Husband Comes From Suppression Of True Discourse. The complete letter Moriah Ettinger, 17th day of Shvrat 5776, 01/27/16
Have you ever heard of Meir Ettinger?
Dangerous with horns?
Let me paint you another picture.
My husband, Meir Ettinger, is gentle, soft, shy and quiet. Entirely pleasant.
He is the person who helps all friends, finds a child lost to its mother on the street and listens to those who need.
He does not know how to yell or get angry, but above all, he is a Jew who seeks good for his people.
For all of his life, his money, his time, his abilities and his honor, he has invested for the people of Israel.
He is a person who does not see himself at all but rather the community.
It's almost six months that he and two friends- Evyatar Slonim and Mordechai Meyer (who was released after five months in jail after it emerged that he was imprisoned due to misinformation) are in detention without trial, in solitary confinement in Beersheva. My husband was placed in the the most guarded wing in Israel, with absolute solitary confinement and severe restrictions. In adjacent cells to his are [Arab] terrorists who killed several Jews each.
The way you have gotten to know my husband has been the result of suppressing real debate that he is trying to create for our nation.
This silence is fear, a fear of words that are great and true. This same fear is one that has tried to silence all free thinkers who dared to go forward and lead our world to better places.
This is the same fear that silenced Harav Kook, the giants of Chasidus, Yair Stern and others.
And this fear presents you with a picture of my husband, a figure with horns, in order that you agree that this free spirit be shut in isolation behind bars, and so as not to continue the dialogue between you and her.
Last Chanukah, when I lit Chanukah candles, all the neighbors came out as well.. they lit and proudly sang about the heroic and brave Maccabees. Everyone sang for these admired free thinkers. I looked you in the eye - My husband is a Maccabee just like them. Then why is he and his friends imprisoned, tortured and despised?
In another week, the administrative detention which put my husband in jail will end. The order for his detention will end, but the desire to silence the man who speaks gently, measures and weighs each word before he utters them, will not end. The man whom from every book of his that you will open in his home, will drop scraps of paper in which are written densely packed reflections, parts of them songs/poems and thoughts of our Jewish life here.
I am writing you this letter in order to share with you reality
To ask not to believe everything you've heard about Meir.
The order is about to expire thank G-d, but they can extend it again, and it's up to us.
It will depend on us how long we agree to continue to legitimize the silence of the most severe violence of all. The violence against true Jewish dialogue.
That is the truth. This is not about him. This is us. How do we want our life to be.
And until you can meet him and talk to him, I invite you to read his blog on HaKol HaYehudi, - and hear his ideas truly. Recognize the clear voice that wishes to invite Israeli discourse with real souls. It challenges us to new thinking, outside the box... I'm not unrealistic... I do not expect that after reading his blog, and be introduced to this, that you necessarily agree with all his ideas.
There could be disagreements between us on the road and even on some of the goals. But it is clear to me that none of you would accept Jews treating other Jews in this manner.
We all want our government to take care of security and settlement and instead [the government] restricts Jews and abuses some of them.
I think once you get to know Meir, you will identify with his ideas, even if you do not agree with him, you will not be silent and you will help me to bring my husband home.
Login to the website, read his blogs, circulate this letter and sympathize with me on Facebook "Jews do not torture Jews". "יהודי לא מענה יהודי"
With Love of Israel, Moriah Ettinger
אחי ואחיותי, עם ישראל
אשתו של העצור המנהלי מאיר אטינגר במכתב גלוי לציבור: הצורה שבה אתם מכירים את בעלי היא תוצר של השתקה של השיח האמיתי. המכתב המלא
מוריה אטינגר, י"ז בשבט תשע"ו, 27/01/16 21:54
שמעתם פעם על מאיר אטינגר?
המסוכן עם הקרניים?
תרשו לי לצייר לכם ציור אחר.
בעלי, מאיר אטינגר, הוא איש עדין, רך, ביישן ושקט. כולו נעימות.
הוא האדם שעוזר לכל החברים, מוצא אמא לילד אבוד ברחוב ומקשיב למי שצריך.
הוא לא יודע לצעוק או לכעוס, אך מעל הכל, הוא יהודי דורש טוב לעמו.
את כל החיים שלו, הכסף, הזמן, הכישרונות והכבוד שלו הוא משקיע בעם ישראל.
אדם שלא רואה את עצמו בכלל. רק את הכלל.
כבר כמעט ששה חודשים הוא ושני חבריו- אביתר סלונים ומרדכי מאייר (ששוחרר לאחר חמשה חודשי מאסר לאחר שהתברר שנכלא עקב מידע מוטעה) יושבים במעצר מנהלי ללא משפט בבידוד בבאר שבע. בעלי נמצא באגף הכי שמור בארץ, בבידוד מוחלט והגבלות קשות. שותפיו לאגף בחדרים מצדדיו, הם מחבלים שרצחו כל אחד כמה יהודים.
הצורה שבה אתם מכירים את בעלי היא תוצר של השתקה של השיח האמיתי שהוא מנסה לייצר בעם שלנו.
ההשתקה הזאת היא פחד, פחד מהדברים הגדולים באמת. אותו פחד שניסה להשתיק את כל ההוגים החופשיים שהעזו ללכת קדימה ולהוביל את העולם שלנו למקומות טובים יותר.
זה אותו פחד שהשתיק את הרב קוק, גדולי החסידות, יאיר שטרן ואחרים.
והפחד הזה הגיש לכם ציור של דמות עם קרניים, כדי שאתם תסכימו שהרוח החופשית הזאת תהיה סגורה בבידוד מאחורי סורג ובריח, ולא יימשך השיח בינכם לבינה.
בחנוכה האחרון כשהדלקתי נרות כל השכנים יצאו גם כן, הדליקו ושרו בגאווה למכבים הגיבורים והאמיצים, כולכם שרתם להוגים הללו בהערצה. הסתכלתי עליכם בעיניים כלות- הרי גם בעלי הוא מכבי כזה, אז למה הוא וחבריו כלואים מעונים ומבוזים?
עוד כשבוע, ייגמר המעצר המנהלי שהכניס את בעלי לכלא. הצו יגמר, אבל הרצון להשתיק את האיש שמדבר בעדינות, מודד ושוקל כל מילה לפני שמוציא מפיו, לא יפסק. האיש שמכל ספר שתפתחו בביתו ינשרו פיסות נייר כתובים צפוף צפוף בהם כתב הגיגים, חלקי שירים ומחשבות על החיים היהודיים שלנו פה.
כתבתי לכם את המכתב הזה על מנת לשתף אתכם באמת.
לבקש שלא תאמינו לכל מה ששמעתם על מאיר.
תוקף הצו עומד להיגמר בעז"ה, אבל יש באפשרותם להאריך אותו שוב, וזה תלוי בנו.
זה תלוי בנו עד כמה תימשך הסכמת השתיקה והלגיטימציה שלנו לאלימות החמורה מכל.
אלימות נגד שיח יהודי אמיתי.
וזו האמת. לא מדובר בו. מדובר בנו. איך אנחנו רוצים שהחיים שלנו יראו.
ועד שתוכלו לפגוש בו ולשוחח איתו, אני מזמינה אתכם לקרוא את הבלוג שלו באתר הקול היהודי - ולשמוע את רעיונותיו באמת. להכיר את הקול הצלול שמבקש להזמין את עם ישראל לשיח נשמות אמיתי. זה מאתגר אותנו בחשיבה חדשה, מחוץ לקופסה. אני לא פתטית. אני לא חושבת שאחרי שתקראו את הבלוג שלו, ותוודעו לדמות הזו, אתם בהכרח תסכימו עם כל רעיונותיו.
יכול להיות שיש בינינו אי הסכמות על הדרך ואפילו על חלק מהמטרות. אבל ברור לי שאף אחד מכם לא מוכן שכך יהודים יתנהגו ליהודים.
כולנו רוצים שהשלטון שלנו ידאג לבטחון והתיישבות ובמקום זה הוא מגביל יהודים ומתעלל בחלק מהם.
אני חושבת שאחרי שתכירו את מאיר, תזדהו עם הרעיונות שלו, גם אם לא תסכימו איתו.
עכשיו אתם כבר לא תשתקו. אתם תעזרו לי להחזיר את בעלי הביתה.
"יהודי לא מענה יהודי".
באהבת ישראל, מוריה אטינגר
A letter by Libby Kahana, Meir's grandmother:
Op-Ed: My grandson is in danger
Administrative detention can be renewed forever.
Published: Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:50 PM
Libby Kahane
The imprisonment of my grandson Meir Ettinger brings back difficult memories for me. I don't know how many people remember that my late husband Rabbi Meir Kahane, zt"l was jailed under those same despicable administrative detention orders in May 1980.
An administrative detention order deprives a person of his basic rights. He can be held for six months without being charged or tried and the order can be renewed indefinitely.
Simply put, the powers-that-be don't like the way he thinks.
If there were any evidence that my grandson Meir committed a crime, he should be put on trial in an open court. He has not been tried in court because he has not committed any crime.
What he has done is not considered a crime in any democratic country. He expressed unpopular views in a blog he wrote on the Hebrew website "Hakol Hayehudi." Simply put, the powers-that-be don't like the way he thinks.
When his case came to court for review after his first three months in prison, the judge ordered his imprisonment continued. The reason he gave was that Meir had not changed his views. The Honenu lawyer said, "If the judge wants him to change his opinions, he can send him to Korea, there they know how to make people change their opinions."
The administrative order imprisoning Meir can be renewed by the simple signature of the Minister of Defense for another six months, and another and another – life imprisonment by installments.
Is Israel turning into a totalitarian state? What is happening to our beloved Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East?
With two weeks left of the six months decreed by the Minister of Defense Yaalon, my grandson Meir began a hunger strike on Wednesday, January 20. I hope and pray it will succeed in touching the hearts of the powers that be, but I am concerned about the harm to his health
Please plead for Meir Ettinger's immediate freedom. It takes only the signature of the Minister of Defense Moshe Yaalon to decide Meir's future:
Send emails and faxes to Minister Yaalon, Fax: 972-2-5303506. Email:
Your pleas to the Prime Minister and the President will help too: