Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Please stop pushing vaccines in your publication via advertising


Lichvod Jewish Media and Major Orthodox Jewish Organizations

The  censorship of news in the media that promotes a cure for Covid-19 other than the vaccine is telling and is probably happening because publications are biased to their advertisers.

Bill Gates Foundation invested in the billions. Would they dare lose their investment?

Rabbi Smith (see link below) points out that clergy of all religions are groomed to tell the narrative biased to big pharma to convince their communities and they all seem to be getting their science from the same sources at almost identical times. 

Listen to the whistle blower of fox corp.


Its sickening to see non stop advertising for the vaccines in right wing conservative Jewish media.

It brings distrust to all the news you report and loss of respect for our major orthodox Jewish Organizations  and Rabbis and Community Organizers who are taking blood money not only to push vaccines but to convince our communities to register for the G-dless Democratic party.

Bh according to Governor Cuomo our communities have the lowest vaccinated rate.

That is not thanks to the Jewish publications and organizations.  It is in spite of them. People are listening to their gut and common sense..

Reporting what is in the best interests of our community should override funding considerations.

Unfortunately though it's unfortunately about the money trail.

 Its so sad that so many of us are cynical of the medical profession, the Jewish media and the Rabbinical advocacy of major Jewish Organizations.

 Will this change only when such platforms have lost credibility to the point where their input just wont count and people tune them out?

Hashem has done miracles for us. Surely He will provide for our sustenance.

Will you publish Rav Wosner's Psak for example?

Rabbi Yosef Binyamin Halevi Wosners Psak. 

⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
Basically he says that he got together hundreds of doctors, some who are provaxxers, and they testified according to the Torah. (Rav Uri Sofer told Yosef Cohen and me just yesterday that he was aware of the proceedings and two other great Rabbonim were with him so it was a Beis din of three!)
And after hearing the testimony and doing research  AFTER the testimonies to check them out, he has made a decision: 
1. 1. According to the precedent set by my grandfather, Rav Shmuel Wozner, zatzal, adverse events are considered a "miyut hamatzui" a minority which is still common. Therefore under no circumstances and in no way can someone force another to take a vaccine. 
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
2. Anyone who already got corona should be very careful NOT to take a vax. Because it increases the possibility of damage.
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
3. For children "According to the Torah, it is a serious prohibition and completely forbidden to agree, to help, or to give this "vaccine" to children
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
2. He continues that it is even more dangerous for those who already had Corona.
3. Accd to the Torah, it is completely forbidden to agree to or help to give it to children and if you can stop it you are obligated to do so because of the mitzva "not to stand by as your brother's blood gets shed". There is a lot of merit involved in stopping this.
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
He originally said "שב ואל תעשה עדיף״ 
Basically advice that it's better to wait it out.

Now, He sat down for weeks with many doctors and took their testimonies and he (I don't know why they didn't sign but according to Rav Uri Sofer, two others sat down with him) and decided that 
1. you cannot force, it is FORBIDDEN to force,
2. You definitely should NOT take a jab if you had corona &
3. It is FORBIDDEN to allow your child or to participate in any way in giving a vax (doctors and nurses be aware!) and or helping kids get a vax. 
(No cholent, or ice creams or donuts.)
⭕️World🇮🇱News⭕️, [Jun 15, 2021 at 8:29 PM]
Rav Wosner was always against the vaccine, I believe. So, what's new here?


Schools are demanding that students take the Genetic Code Injection before this fall

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith addresses this issue.

Should Yeshiva students forego their Seminary and Yeshiva experience in Israel because of the vaccine?

Very worthwhile link.

Sunday, June 06, 2021

Fwd: Ahuvia


My comment to Shalom Pollacks post below:

Shalom Pollack is speaking the truth that is suppressed and swept under the rug.

The treatment of the hilltop youth, the blood libels against them (designation of Rabbi Kahana's followers as Terrorists, the Duma Arson etc) is Lashon hara, Motzei Shem Ra and false.

Netanyahu could not put together a coalition because of a relatively small number of Knesset seats. He got the majority vote.

 But Likud and the right wing coalition spurned the salt of the earth, the Settler Youth whose most inner desire was to Settle the Land living with the Law of the Land based on Torah!

Instead, the right wing Coalition spread the false narrative from the top leaders down, that Otzma Yehudit as followers of the late Rabbi Meir Kahana hy"d advocated terror against innocent Arab civilians no different than Arab terrorists. 

This in turn encouraged Moshe Feiglin to market Zehut on legalizing medical marijuana rather than getting flack for his platform of transferring Arabs terrified as many, of the right wing supporters of being marginalized,  somehow accused and associated as  connected to a Jewish Terrorist Organization!

This us being orchestrated by the Jewish Division of Terror. 

Nothing is further than the truth. These kids come from normative families no different than the rest of us and probably with a higher standard of ethics than most of us. 

They never learned or bragged about commiting Jihad against Arabs. 

Compare their religious education with thise in UBRWA camps. Just ask David Bedein!

They learned from their oarents ans schoolsthat killing innocent people is a sin.

They learned that if someone is out to kill you, you can defend yourself.

They saw clearly that the GOI was not doing its job to protect them,  tax paying  constituents living in Judea and Samaria, and the opposite6 were harassed and prosecuted when they dared defend themselves.

This is a war against G-d and Torah.

Those who saw the hilltop youth as the enemy really sees G-d as the enemy. 

These kids threatened  unG-dly rule of law and power. 

Until the powers that be admit that they libeled their innocent brothers and sisters living in Mateh Efraim as did the Brothers of Yosef, and make amends, the people of israel will be suffering due to lack of G-d fearing leadership.

Making amends include:

- Admitting wrongdoing

- Dismantling the G-dless Jewish Division of Terror waiting to entrap innocent Jewish kids and defame their community

-  Revoking the Designation of Kahane ob"m and followers as A terror organization

- and  restoring the good name, releasing and making reperration to Amiram ben Uriel it and to all the other innocent framed and falsely accused victims of  physical or emotional abuse by Shabak.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shalom Pollack <shalompollack613@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 5, 2021, 5:17 PM
Subject: Ahuvia

It was a bloody week for Jews living in the biblical heartland.

Esther Horegen, mother of six, went for a jog in the forest near her home, Tal Menashe in Samaria.

She never returned. Her body was found, hardly recognizable. An Arab from a neighboring village was apprehended. Residents of that village enjoy the same forest with never a fear of their Jewish neighbors. The killer will now become a local legend and hero as he and his family are lavished with funds that Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority which pays Arabs to slay Jews. .

I know, it is hard to get one's head around this reality. Thousands of families living in Judea and Samaria bear similar scars yet they do not do what their tormentors hope for - they do not flee the area and the danger. On the contrary, their numbers are spiraling despite all. 


Ahuvia Sondok, 16, lived in Bat Ayin, a village in Judea.

He was born in Gush Katif and left in his mother's arms when she and family were expelled from their home by Israeli forces. His home was given to Hamas - for "peace and security" we were assured.


 Ahuvia was killed in a car he was riding in with friends. His car was rammed from behind by an unmarked police vehicle.

The police were in hot pursuit of alleged Jewish stone throwers at Arabs.


Arab stone throwing at Jews is a round the clock phenomenon.

The media, politicians and security people treat it simply like bad weather.

The police and secret service lie in wait for a Jew to dare to throw a stone at an Arab. That would certainly cause the Arabs to be angry and they might react in a way that could destabilize the entire country and perhaps the entire Middle East.  That threat must be prevented at all costs!  Public enemy number one!!

An entire section of the secret service (The "Jewish section") devotes huge resources to get their hands on one of those illusive public enemies.


No one was allowed at the scene of Ahuvia's death; not journalists and not members of Knesset (Smotrich). What were the police hiding?

There is a demand by his family and friends that the police officers involved be seriously questioned.

"Honenu " lawyers are on the job. We have been here before.  Yet another white wash is feared with the full cooperation of the media. There is little hope for transparency and justice.


Youths who look like Ahuvia are in the cross hairs of Israel's secret service and police. He is young, he lives in the "territories", has flowing side licks and wears a big Kippa.

; that threatening look. That profile is enough for constant harassment and worse.

Public enemy number one, did we say?


 Many stones have killed many Jews. That isn't news, that's life in the "territories" isn't it? 

Left wing politicians, academia and journalists tirelessly point out that the "settlers" chose a risk and should be aware of  the dangers of living in "illegally occupied territories"


 The half million Jews there don't expect preferred treatment. They don't expect applause for living on the Israeli frontier protecting the rest of Israel with their bodies.

 They would be satisfied if the many Jewish victims of Arab attacks engendered the same police concern as when an Arab is victim to the extremely rare Jewish stone. 

They would be happy if the police did not stage situations using "agent provocateurs" and disguised police to entrap Jews and arrest them.


They would be happy to be treated like the Arabs.


When did this craziness begin? 


When we began losing our identity.


When you stand for nothing, everything is possible.


Shalom Pollack is a filmmaker, tour guide and writer in Jerusalem

He is writing a book, "Despite ourselves, I was there"







Monday, May 31, 2021

Sounding The Alarm. Letter to Rabbonim and to Khal HaKadosh. A Cry for Action.


 אֶל־הַמָּק֖וֹם אֲשֶׁר

Updated June 20th, 2021

Bh it seems like Aliya is picking up. 

According to this article it seems like there was an almost 300% increase in applications to make Aliya from 2020 over 2019 and a 95% increase of people actually making Aliya in 2021. Beezrat Hashem may the actual numbers of those making Aliya reflect the increase in applications and may the Government of Israel and the Jewish Agency and Nefesh b'Nefesh do everything in their power to expedite the Aliya process and not in anyway make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Lichvod Rabbanim uKahal haKadosh
Please circulate!

In light of the very obvious deterioration of the moral fabric of our society today, we can no longer remain passive.

The situation is getting worse and will only continue in this trajectory unless we the Nation of Israel, the Light unto the Nations are proactive.

It is seeping into every fiber of society and no one is protected.

May Hashem give us the fortitude and courage to do what is right in Hashem's eyes and may our efforts be successful and received in the right spirit for the betterment of Am Yisroel,  society and mankind.

How can we as a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh bring G-dliness into today's world?
The immorality of our times is reminiscent of the generation of Noach and the lawlessness, of the society of Sodom and Gemorah.
Can we ignore it and hope that it will get better on its own with the hope we can insulate ourselves?
Shouldn't we be worried that G-dless values has seeped into our world and will seep into eveyone's  lives as it did then...

Here are some very current examples that are raising red flags.  How can we be in denial?
Our naive Yeshiva kids registered in Kingsborough Community College will soon be indoctrinated with classes on racial equity.

NY City, State and Federal Employees are forced to take mandated SLMS Gender Identity Training.

"Shemittah Rediscovered: Fyi Fwd: Fw: Implicit Bias Training - Encore Session. Adult Education for State Employees." https://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2021/06/fyi-fwd-fw-implicit-bias-training.html?m=1

What books and programs for 2 year olds up are now being offered in the local public libraries?

What curriculum and textbooks will our Yeshivas be forced to teach?

A void of G-dliness is being filled with G-dlessness.
This reminds us that Galus is not our final destination...
Let's brainstorm. 
Here are some practical suggestions for your consideration.
Against immorality and lawlessness:

This is not the time to be humble. Jews must protest a G-dless society and lead and educate society towards a society of G-dliness. There is no sitting on the fence. If there is a void it will be filled either by us or them.

Shouldn't we protest a political party whose agenda is G-dless and lawless and rather than encourage our community to register for this G-dless party that protects criminals with its laws, and empower them with our spark of Kedusha, do the opposite?

Shouldn't we expose their agenda as G-dless? Shouldn't we refuse to partner and/or accept funding from their non Kosher sources of funding which easily blinds us?

As a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadoshan shouldn't we the Jewish People lead by increasing awareness and educate secular society  the importance of G-d's Eternal Laws of Universal Morality for humanity, the 7 Noahide Laws?

Laws for a civilized society are absolute and not subject to change to an alternative set of values. 

Surely this will help retard the indoctrination and brainwashing of alternative values that is replacing traditional values in society at large. We dare not afford to be humble and passive. 


Are we being too comfortable in Galus?
How do we Instill a yearning to live in Eretz HaKodesh for the Jewish people?

How do we influence Israeli politics in the Land of Israel to reflect true Torah values as was stated in the Moetzet Gedolei Resolution in Marienbad in 1937?

How can the Nation of Israel even suggest a willingness to divide Eretz Yisroel?

The entire land belongs to G-d and the Covenant G-d made with Avraham, Yitzchok, and Yaakov
and their seed, the Nation of Israel is everlasting and eternal!

Shoudn't we make it clear that Non-Jews can live in The Land of Israel provided that they observe the 7 Noahide Laws?

Is it happenstance that the Government of Israel is now literally holding back Jews from going on Aliya? (GOI)

It's scary but a recent blog post in  Times of Israel by Steve Rodan suggests that the USA is worried Jews making Aliya will take their money with them.

 Nefesh b'Nefesh has reported a tremendous increase in the number of applications for Aliya yet the actual number of those making Aliya from the USA has decreased!  What's going on?

From Blog of Steve Rodan

Israel's White Paper? US Jews find locked doors.
The Law of Return isn't working. American Jews aren't being allowed to move to Israel. What is going on?!
MAY 28, 2021


How can we increase our yearning for Moshiach and for the Beit Hamikdash?
It says: "Unishalma Parim Sefateinu ' (Hoshea 14:3) Let us compensate for the bulls with our lips. (Courtesy: Artscroll Translation)

Perhaps if we encourage ourselves to focus on the Korbonos portions of davening, to even memorize them, and to say it with more kavana, this will BEH make the Avoda closer to our hearts and we will see the Avoda as something that can actually become a reality and not a just a mere dream.

Haven't we had enough of human sacrifices, Kedoshim of Meron and Givat Zeev?

We have just now laid out serious concerns and suggestions. It is not our job to complete the work but neither are we exempt from it. Each and every Jew, each according to his or her standing can influence and make a difference. To not act is to act. Collectively surely Hashem will see our efforts and may we have much Siata Dishmaya!

May we be zocheh to Moshiach Tzidkeinu beRachamin and the
rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash  and the return of the Avoda, speedily very soon in our days!

Amein Ken Yehi Ratzon!

Re: Shin Bet fears violence against Lapid, Bennett, and Shaked


Shin Bet once again pushing the Jewish terrorist narrative.

Its a lie.

Bennett and Netanyahu pushed this false narrative in 2015 following the Duma arson based on the Shabak say so.

There is no organized Jewish Terror!

Its a fabricated lie. Its all political defamation and slander against those that want a government based on Torah... basically against the Settler Hilltop Youth and the followers of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane who can't be bought and are hard to blackmail.

Jewish Media: Please don't fall into the trap. Don't betray those you have been defending and supporting and turn your back, believing Shabak who has a history of defamation, provocation, and framing those who want Torah and Mitzvoth the law of the land.

It is the Torah mindset that threatens the present government and the opposition. They are the perceived enemy.

G-d runs the show and those that seek power and fame aren't that happy with this ideology.

Just in case you've forgotten past action of Shin Bet against the Hilltop Youth...

The following posts document how invested the right was to demonize the right wing Settler Youth. 


Bennett's Oped in the NY Times in 2015 without retraction,  has made me lose all his right wing credibility in my eyes. He slandered and libeled and betrayed the salt of the earth, the Hilltop Youth.

How one treats the Hilltop Youth is the litmus test to know how sincere and truthful he is. 

I am therefore not surprised of  Bennets betrayal now to partner with the left in spite of some very recent impressive yet deceitful rhetoric.

From Moshe Elkman

Bennett at his best!

If only Bennett would join with Netanyahu and Saar then we will have a great united right wing government...

I blogged

...Naftali Bennett has convicted Hilltop Youth in August 7, 2015 in a New York Times Op Ed. without even knowing their identity he called them terrorists, anarchists, a fifth column within Israel and like Hamas and Hezbollah they must face the full force of Israel's justice system and its defense establishment.  

If I was a lawyer of any of these Duma suspects, I would sue Bennett for defamation of character and mental anguish leading to near suicide,  false incarceration, torture and basically taking away months of my clients life away. "

Naftali Bennett, Prosecutor and Judge on Israel's Jewish Terrorists By NAFTALI BENNETT AUG. 7, 2015 They killed the baby and his parents....

...The terrorists who killed Shira and Ali do not represent Israel or its people. They are a fringe group, made up of radical extremists who do not only seek to kill. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of the State of Israel. They act against and threaten the very premise of what the Zionist movement envisioned when returning to the Land of Israel after 2,000 years in exile — a Jewish and democratic state committed to equality and freedom for all its citizens. They are anarchists, a fifth column within Israel and like Hamas and Hezbollah, they must face the full force of Israel's justice system and its defense establishment.
But they are also a tiny group. They do not represent the 400,000 residents of Jewish communities throughout the West Bank, the overwhelming majority of whom are law-abiding citizens and have condemned these acts of violence.

Campaign to Divide and Conquer Yesha. Duma Suspects get Guilty Verdict! Condemned in the Media. Verdict is decided before the Trial has begun...
And Netanyahu isn't innocent either...

"PM condemns 'horrific, heinous terror attack' on Palestinians | The Times of Israel" https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-condemns-terrible-heinous-terror-attack-on-palestinians/ 

"Netanyahu 'shocked and outraged' after visiting hospital bedside of Palestinian burn victim - The Jerusalem Post" https://m.jpost.com/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/Netanyahu-shocked-and-outraged-after-visiting-hospital-bedside-of-Palestinian-burn-victim-410766 

"Netanyahu condemns fatal West Bank arson attack, calling it 'terrorism' - Haaretz Com - Haaretz.com" https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-netanyahu-fatal-west-bank-arson-attack-is-terrorism-1.5381610 

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Sunday, May 23, 2021

"Fraudulent Arab Land Claim Enabled Holocaust and Caused Subsequent Wars!" From: Joe and Renanah Gemeiner


After WW1 the Ottoman Empire  in the MIddle East was put under sole Arab sovereignty except for a tiny niche of the Jewish Homeland where sole Jewish sovereignty was enshrined  in international law by all 52 League of Nations members!

However, the Palestine Mandate - which demanded Jewish immigration and prevented any land being ceded to other powers -  was dishonored by the British who encouraged massive Arab illegal immigration and violence , while blocking Jews . Six  million Jews who had no other county to flee to, were  therefore exterminated in the Holocaust.  The British - with League support - supported the lies of of land  rights and national historical roots in Israel,   and the delegitimization and suppression  of the true Jewish land rights to what was then known as Palestine  This name of Palestine was  given to the Jewish Homeland by the Roman occupiers who renamed the Jewish land after the invading Philistines. The ancient Philistines have no connection to Arabs . 

At the same time  the Arab leadership was partnering with the Nazis also claiming the  Jihaist lie that the land of the Jews belonged to them! 

Professor Abraham Fuchs in "The Unheeded Cry" writes about Nazi leader Dieter Wisliceny who was hung at Nuremberg: 

"At the end of the summer of 1941...R. Shlomo Gross told Rabbi Ungar, the rabbi of Nitra, about the relations which developed between him and Dieter Wisliceny...Wisliceny had told him that he and Adolf Eichmann (S,S, officer, head of Gestapo's Section IV B4 which dealt with the expulsion and extermination of European Jewry) wanted to establish a private agency for the emigration of the Jews overseas (Judisches Reise Bureau).....In their conversations, Wisliceny revealed that the Germans had promised  the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (Ha-jj Amin AlHusseini - the Arab religious national leader) that they would help the Arabs to prevent Jewsih immigration into Palestine and so the attachment of the Jews to Palesine would be broken forever." (footnote:  Wisliceny, in his evidence before the court in Bratislave (MS.)  gave a detailed account of the connections between the Mufti of Jerusalem, Ha-jj Amin Al-Husseinie and the Germans..) 

Today - the Arabs and their supporters around the world continue the same lethal lie of Arab land rigfhts in Israel and the deligitimization of the true sole Jewish land rights.

This"occupation" accusation and the Two State (Final ) Solution are the means by which Israel is being forced to give up land to Jihad and agree to suicide.

From: Joe and Renanah Gemeiner <joenadren@gmail.com>