Monday, June 29, 2020

What is the value of confessions made under torture?


Is Ben-Uliel the Duma arsonist? He may or may not be. The verdict of the court is not based on any credible evidence. Opinion.
Prof. Boaz Sangero , 28/06/20 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Chilul Hashem


אל המקום אשר..
Kol HaKavod Shmuel Koenig! Tysm for putting these ideas in writing in a short, clear and succinct manner. 

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020, 10:42 PM Shmuel Koenig <> wrote:
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 7:51 PM
Subject: Fw: chilul hashem
Dear Rabbi,
Not speaking out against the 2 state solution is not politics but is chilul hashem.
If we give in on any part of it, it is denying our right to any of it.
Our right stems from the Torah; the borders are set by the Torah.
This must be supported by Jews and non-Jews.
The same goes for fighting the Democratic party.
W elected officials that are anti-7 mitzvos bnai noach; now we are reaping the fruits of that support with violence and anti-semitism.
We need to leave the democratic  party and teach the non-Jews the sheva mitzovs bnai noach and return the country to its founding principles.
Please take the lead in these matters.
Silence is a sin !
We cannot say no one will listen to me; we must do !
With best wishes for the geula,
Shmuel Koenig

Kol haKavod to Iggud HaRabbonim, Rabbinical Alliance of America, RAA who just released a Statement!

June 22, 2020
For Immediate Release
“A Statement Which Should Really be Unnecessary”
By Rabbi Yaakov Klass

Don’t surrender an inch of land’: Orthodox rabbis in US blast Trump peace plan

Let's digress and bring this down a notch to a simple scenario ..

Can you imagine if we convinced a housewife to share her home with a homeless person. And what if this intruder, while allowing the owner the rights to her kitchen, insists that the owner not use the stove. The owner then argues that her family is hungry and she needs to cook for her family and for other homeless people via HaMasbia soup kitchen. So the negotiation begins. Maybe the owner can be allowed to cook but not for Shabbat  and not for HaMasbia. The owner is willing to accept the deal but the intruder really wants to take over the whole kitchen.  When the owner can't even use the refrigerator anymore she decides to go to war with the intruder...

The only way towards peace and coexistence is for the owner to put her foot down immediately and declare "This is My Kitchen". If you want to stay you must follow my rules. etc..etc..

Consider another scenario....

Let's imagine the liberals insist that President Trump share the Oval Office with BLM to compensate them for all their pain and suffering over the ages? After all, Trump was born into white privilege and can never understand their perspective since he was never in their shoes.

 (For starters, the White House doesn't even belong to President Trump. While he is President it is only his to occupy and noone elses, nor does he have any mandate to allow anyone other than himself and his family to occupy the White House for the purpose it was designed).

But the world doesn't care and the pressures of the liberal media is unrelenting.  BLM surely will first want to change the name to be The Black-White House. The White House is obviously a racist house. If they could, they would demolish it and build a new improved  progressive Multi Colored House.  

They insist on fair and equal rights to the Oval Office.  They prefer Democrats over Republicans so Trump as a Republican would have to fight each time he wants to use the Oval Office.

Of course, Trump rightfully would never allow this possibility of a 2 Color Solution, Black-White House to get to first base. He will call in the National Guard to make it 100% clear who the Boss is and who is in charge of the White House!

 Fyi related

"Listen to Israel Inspired: The Illumination of Nadia Matar by The Land of Israel on #SoundCloud"

Peace by Piece
By Shmuel Sackett - 2 Tammuz 5780 – June 23, 2020

Uniting Jewish Women around the World
Under the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s
Directives for True Peace

An Op-Ed by Mrs. Tamar Adelstein and Mrs. Faige Lobel
on the eve of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 26th Yom Hillula
Gimmel Tammuz

Shmuel Koenig,  here are my  comments as an addendum to your letter.

Everything written in your letter to the great Rabbis, members of Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah, is about Torah and not politics.  

Why is Am Yisroel sitting silently, passively waiting for a recipe of disaster called the"Deal of a Century" to unfold? This deal is null and void at its inception as it defies the Covenant Hashem made with Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov Avinu. It is a recipe of disaster.

This Deal will be America's and Trump's undoing if Jews don't speak up loudly as one, and stop, once and for all, the mere suggestion of a most certain disaster in the making. 

It is the obligation of each and every Jew, whether we are in Chutz leAretz, the Diaspora, or in Eretz Yisroel to state Aloh Naaleh ki Yachol Nuchal, we will ascend and conquer as did Calev Ben Yefuneh and Yehoshua bin Nun. 

This deal is similar to the plan suggested in Netanyahu's speech in June 2009 at Bar Ilan when he in principle, accepted  a 2 State Solution. 

Many claim it is a pragmatic approach since the Palestinians would never agree anyway given the harsh terms.

However... the premise is false! That is, that a 2 State Solution is even an option. 

This premise is deceitful and null and void since the Land belongs to Hashem and noone, not even POTUS has the mandate to divide the Land. This Torah Truth is one that each and every Jew heard at Sinai.  Daas Torah  isn't even needed since this fundamental Emes is etched in our collective Neshomas. 

In addition on the local front...our collective destiny is to be a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh. 

On the local front, we can not sit silently in Blue State NY as laws are being legislated that defy the 7 Noahide Laws by an unG-dly Party. Our community has been encouraged to register for this "Party" and we as a Community have put an unG-dly party into office. This has to end.

We know their "values" are mutually exclusive from Laws of Universal Morality. They legislate putting criminals back on the streets, they legislate LGBTQ Pride, and late Term abortions. Why are we surprised now at the discrimination and antiSemitic and arbitrary laws against the Religious Jews ? 

Time to leave this dangerous party, remove them from office and/or quickly make Aliya. We New Yorkers don't feel safe and secure given the policies  of the Democrats and their definition of what constitutes as law and order. 

We call upon our great spiritual leaders especially to lead, but none of us are exempt, to rise to the occasion and speak out for our Heritage.  

May Hashem, Mida Keneged Mida send relief and the Geula!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

BREAKING - LAWSUIT FILED MOMENTS AGO: Association of Jewish Camp Operators against NY Governor Cuomo


*BREAKING - LAWSUIT FILED MOMENTS AGO:* The Association of Jewish Camp Operators, whose members run dozens of summer camps, has just filed a lawsuit against NY Governor Cuomo following his decision to forbid overnight summer camps from opening this season. 

Why Would Anyone Need Police Order For Police To Infringe on Our Constitutional Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Or To Prevent Those Who Actually Infringe????


Something is very wrong. The  Democratic Leadership must be removed. 

Re Chaz: From a Police Officer in Seattle

What no Policing  in Harlem looks like.

D.C. Residents Have Wild West Shootout In The Streets – How A World Without Cops Would Look

Gov. Cuomo's New York: 250 Inmates Freed from Prison Rearrested 450 Times

A fired cop for speaking up  speaks up

Going undercover at BLM riots
 Seeing who is enabling the rioters.