Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Fwd: From Chaim Deutsch re: Thank you for your support


This Ad to raise funds for Chaim Deutsch for Congress   (see below) was paid for by:.
Flexible & free fundraising tools to harness the power of the grassroots
8,659,752 Democratic donors have saved their payment information with us via an ActBlue Express account.
. :( 

It is clear that Actblue helps Fundraising for Democrat candidates. is a fabulous tool! 

Why don't Republicans have this kind of tool as well? 

Dear Councilman Deutsch, עמוש

Don't get into deeper dependency on a party that is using you to gain them  legitimacy.

You will not have the power under the existing Democrats to fulfill your promises. 

Common sense is not the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. Party line is.  This campaign is deceitful in the sense that you fail to mention your party affiliation knowing it's a turnoff to your market. You need to be independent of the Democratic Party to succeed to accomplish good.

Who needs you to succeed in empowering evil?

Hashem is Almighty.  None of us can fight the forces of evil without Hashem on our side.

Being a registered Democrat is very problematic!

May the Almighty find you a Kosher source of income and funding for a Republican candidacy. 

ברכה והצלחה לטובה

Why G-d Fearing Citizens Can No Longer Register as Democrats

Newspaper: please feel free to use this post on Shemittahrediscovered. as an Op Ed in your paper.

It's not only about Benjamin's... 

On Wed, Feb 19, 2020, 3:01 PM Chaim Deutsch <> wrote:
Our campaign has hit the ground running, and I am so grateful for your support.

Thank you for your support!

As a New York City Councilman since 2014, I have been proud to serve my constituents and represent their interests in City Hall. 

Now I'm taking a step towards a new opportunity to represent you in the United States Congress. I will be YOUR voice in Washington and the strongest of advocates for the hard working people of New York City.

I want YOU to have a better quality of life, and I am committed to continuing the fight for safe streets, improved housing conditions, better education options for our children, resources for our special needs youth, and access to the best job opportunities. I will be the voice for common sense that is often missing in the US Congress. 

I can only succeed with your help.

Please support our campaign today and help me get out my message. Please contribute any amount to our campaign. I am grateful for your continued support!

Warmest regards, 

Chaim Deutsch

Support Chaim for Congress!

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Chaim for Congress · 3332 Bedford Ave · Brooklyn, NY 11210-4549 · USA

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Why G-d Fearing Citizens Can No Longer Register as Democrats


New York has become a One Party State.

G-d Fearing citizens are no longer represented in the NY City Council and the NY State Assembly. 

The Democrats have the majority. Their vote is cast  by toeing in the majority Party Line.

The Citizens of New York  have no real representation.

The Orthodox Jewish Community can attest that many registered Democrats are registered in name only.  Truthfully they identify fully with the Republican party's agenda and platform. 

Furthermore, if a candidate now wishes to run as a Republican he/she needs the handwritten signatures of a percentage of registered Republicans to get on the ballot. However, if Republicans are registered as Democrats it is now extremely difficult to get those required handwritten signatures. 

Recently the Jewish Orthodox community has been bombarded with requests to register as Democrats in order that Chaim Deutch, a great guy, a devoted public servant, an Orthodox Jew who wears his Kipa proudly can run for Congress as a Democrat and be victorious over Yvette Clark. 

The argument is that we have nothing to lose. Register as a Democrat so you can vote in the Primary. Vote for Moderate Democrats and then vote Republican in a National Election. 

Aside from the logistics issues mentioned above, which has made taking back the State to a 2 party State extremely difficult, there is a much deeper and existential threat. 

Chilul Hashem - a void of G-dliness and a desecration of Holiness.

The Democratic Party 2020 is an UnG-dly Party that has been hijacked. 

It is noted and will be noted in years to come, that New York City, home to the greatest number of Torah Jews, were registered as Democrats in 2020.  

That is a Chilul Hashem!!! 

Nobody really gets how and why that has happened!

How can G-d's Chosen people, a Kingdom of Priests, a people chosen to bring G-dliness into this world even consider registering with a "Party" that empowers evil and whose platform violates Universal Morality? 

Consider the following:

The Democrat party agenda violates the 7 Noahide Laws.

  • Not to worship idols  (They worship a subjective definition of values rather than objective moral values passed down for thousands of generations),   
  • Not to curse G-d (They curse Israel and in this way they curse G-d and His Torah)
  • To Establish Courts of Justice (They have Established Kangaroo Courts like the Democrat House Judiciary which is corrupt and votes on party line rather than on evidence or facts)  
  • Murder (Legalizing Late term abortions, empowering nuclear Iran and Muslim Brotherhood),  
  • Immorality (Pushing LGBTQ Pride and promoting Gender fluidity), 
  • Stealing (Taking from those who have and giving it to have nots), 
  • Tearing a Limb from an animal  (dismemberment abortion) 
It's all about the Benjamins
Antisemites typically claim that all Jews care about is the Benjamins and they use that weapon to divide the people.  Therefore, Anti Semites know that if you need the Jews to further an agenda or at least not oppose it, promise them Benjamins.  Unfortunately it works too well.  Our JCC's, our Yeshivoth, our Security and our Jewish Organizations are funded from Democrat sources and we as a community are dependent on the Democrats.  Come election time, this dependency buys silence.  Democrat politicians who are anti Israel, progressive leftists and socialists run unopposed. 

It even worked when it came to fighting a nuclear Iran!

Will we wait for Common Core to be forced down our throats before we say ENOUGH? If the entire culture is seeped with immorality won't it seep into our own culture as well? Aren't all the other reasons stated above enough?

In the No Hate No Fear rally in NY, all the Democratic Leaders marched. Mayor Bill DeBlasio, Governor Cuomo and Senator Schumer among others.  What were their promises? $10 million to fight AntiSemitism, $25 million to fight antiSemitism, $160million to fight AntiSemitism!!! "Throw them some Benjamins and Jews will support you. No need to leave the Democratic Party.  We are there for you!"

Laws of Sodom and Gemorrah slowly being carved into law by a Democrat majority.
Will Security cameras alone do the trick if criminals are allowed back on the streets once they are caught? Will the gun control laws make it impossible for Shuls to have trained armed members, former IDF soldiers for example, on site to help protect the congregants? 

Benjamins alone won't decrease the rise in AntiSemitism and Crime.  

Smart common sense laws:

- Laws that don't allow dangerous criminals back on the street 
- Laws that protects the victims identity from dangerous criminals, 
- Good law enforcement

Has done miracles for deterrence! 

The opposite is true for:

- The Bail Reform laws

- Laws that decriminalize misdemeanors

- Laws that legalize prostitution and weed

- Laws that legalize late term abortions calling it reproductive rights

-Laws that protect gender fluidity rights while endangering traditional protection between the sexes such as separate bathrooms

- Laws that encourage illegal immigrants without vetting

-Laws that force citizens to provide dangerous unvetted criminals safe havens,  

are laws of Sodom and Gomorrah. These are laws that increase crime and anarchy in the city. 

How has the Democrat Party become the Dominant Party in New York in spite of its illegitimacy?
It's been a process that has evolved over a period of time, over 30 years that convinced voters that they must register as Democrats. The argument was that Republicans don't have a chance in New York. Jewish Leadership has been at the forefront of this narrative for many years. They have been receiving Benjamins in the process. Meanwhile, the Republican party and the GOP look at statistics.  Those States that have a chance of winning for the Republicans get their campaigns funded.  Those States that "have no chance" based on statistics, do not.  They look at the numbers in New York. They see that 68% are registered Democrats.  (This is not an accurate representation since many Republicans are registered Democrats as per the narrative mentioned that encouraged right wing conservatives to register as Democrats). There is a low voting turnout rate in NY. This is not surprising if there are no good options for voters.  They see that 58 out of 61 Councilmen are Democrat.  This all happened because we collectively have a defeatist attitude that Republicans simply can't win in New York.

When we fear G-d and are willing to sacrifice all the Benjamins (while being careful to have a plan in place in case when and if the funding stops), it's like the Akeida Story where Forefather Abraham tells his Lads to stay with the Chamor, his material goods, the donkey,  while he and Isaac go up to the Mountain.  Abraham is willing to bring his son Isaac up as a Sacrifice and in that merit, G-d accepted his sacrifice with a ram instead, and that faith in G-d brought Blessings to Abraham and his descendants forever.  The Nations of the world as well will be Blessed through Israel for Abraham's sacrifice.

There are no guarantees in life other than doing the right thing. G-d's Laws are non negotiable.

Resuscitating a Dying Party that masquerades as a legitimate party: Feeding the Sitra Acher, the devil,  with a spark of Kedusha (holiness)
After the SOTU address by President Trump, The Democrats have been exposed as a splintered party, whose leadership are either Marxist Socialist or Progressive Leftist.  Bernie Sanders isn't a real Democrat. He's a Marxist Socialist. Mike Bloomberg a former Republican. The party was exposed as a Do Nothing party. They haven't helped the poor, working Americans, the minorities and their only focus is to impeach Trump who has improved the economy and the lives of all Americans.

President Trump and the Republican Administration has eliminated the most evil leaders in Iran and ISIS. 

The Democratic party is gasping for breath.  It needs someone to come along to resuscitate it to prove to others it's a legitimate party. 

Along comes the campaign to register Orthodox Jews as Democrats. Just the lifeline they need! The Devil needs that spark of Holiness to revive them!  

But instead Let Us Sieze the Moment and..... EXODUS!!!

EXIT from the Democratic Party! Register as Republicans!
Chaim Deutsch, Kalman Yeger, Simcha Felder and Simcha Eichenstein all great public servants should unite and Exit the Democrat party and run on a Republican Party line.  

Orthodox Jews can no longer ignore the facts on the ground that the values and platform of the Democrat party are illegitimate, anti G-d, unAmerican and anti Israel!

This is turn will empower the Republicans across our great nation.  It will encourage many New Yorkers registered as Democrats to register as Republicans the only legitimate party in February 2020.  

WHAT A GREAT KIDDUSH HASHEM (sanctification of Holiness)!

Now that these fake Democrats are gasping for breath, it is not the time to throw them a lifeline. 

The time to register voters as  Republican is Now!  IfNotNow then when?   A quote from the great sage Hillel not taken out of context :)

Monday, February 17, 2020

The corruption of Barack Obama - J. B. Shurk ​


A reminder of the great miracle that President Trump was elected!!!  It can't be taken for granted.

Let us pray that G-d continues to Bless a President and this nation who has done so much for Israel and the American People. May the President and his administration have the wisdom to continue to make the right decisions at home and abroad that reflects the Almighty's Will!