Monday, November 25, 2019

When Trump Once Again Acts for G-d and Defends the Legality of Jewish Settlement in International Law, G-d Rewards him in Kind!


This is becoming a pattern! When Trump declared his intention to move the embassy to Jerusalem, when he actually moved the embassy to Jerusalem and once again now when his administration speaks about the legality of Jewish Settlement in Judea and Samaria, his enemies on the home front are forced to retreat and go on defense. Happenstance?

Impeachment talks suddenly now have to be put on the back burner while the Soros infestation is getting a thorough cleaning...

For every action there is a reaction..

Let us pray that slowly with the help of the Almighty G-d there will be no place left for Soros to hide.

Closer look: WHY Dr. Fiona Hill smeared critics of GEORGE SOROS
Mike Huckabee

ZOA to Pompeo: We Condemn 106 Democrats' Anti-Israel Letter on Judea/Samaria

Monday, November 18, 2019

Mike Pompeo's Statement. Trump Administration to Say Israeli Settlements Aren’t Illegal Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to announce shift in decades of U.S. policy on West Bank settlements By Felicia Schwartz.


Mike Pompeo's Statement
Trump Administration Announces Historic Change to US Policy on Israel
By Avi Abelow - November 18, 2019

Mike Pompeo's Statement. Trump Administration to Say Israeli Settlements Aren't Illegal
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to announce shift in decades of U.S. policy on West Bank settlements
By Felicia Schwartz. November 18, 2019

Help Neria Zarug Fight His Immoral Restraining Order and Subsequent arrest. This will be a Zchut for Am Yosroel against a Blue and White party Coalition with Israel's enemies! We can no longer sit on the fence!


Let us follow President Trump's Lead!
The Settlements are not illegal according to International Law!!! [4]

Kol Ha Kavod to Neria Zarug for standing strong! See Arutz7 story below and background [1] [2][2a][2b]

This is a Litmus test how much we collectively Love Eretz Yisroel! 

Who would believe that Gantz and Lieberman are actually trying to partner with Arab parties who want Israel off the map? [3]

Israel's struggle against her enemies is rooted with discrediting the Hilltop Settlers who love the Land unconditionally. It is a struggle between being a G-dly Nation  based on Torah or being a nation like all other nations.

Our enemies understand that this conflict is ideologically based. They target specifically  those who can't be bought off. 

The ideologic Settler Jews are therefore slandered as dangerous ticking time bombs. 

 If we allow evil forces to place restraining orders on Neria's property with no evidence of wrongdoing other than him settling the Land with his family, it sets a dangerous precedent for future immoral and illegal restraining orders grounded in politics rather than actual wrongdoing... until noone living in Israel is legal or legitimate.

Neria Zarog must be defended and backed by every individual that loves the Land of and Israel and believes in the Bible. We must reiterate that this is the G-d Given Promised Land and that we as Jews have a Biblical mandate and commandment to inherit and settle the Land and live as Righteous Jews and Righteous Noahides, keeping the commandments.. especially in the Holy Biblical Heartland of Judea and Samaria. 

Only strong public pressure will undo this political motivated restraining order.

External Links

1. 'They are tearing me from the land'
Israeli resident of Samaria barred from returning home by administrative order refuses to be released from jail until he can return home. By Arutz Sheva Staff, 17/11/19

2. Letter to the Prime Minister of Israel re: Clashes between Jewish Residents in Yizhar and Police. Be Introspective. You Now Know How It Feels To Be The Target Of Unfair Investigations And Accusations! By Robin Ticker

2a. Court Orders Neria Zarog Freed from Police Custody
By Jewish Press News Desk - 17 Heshvan 5780 – November 14, 20190

2b. תיק דומא Re: Court Decision that Duma Suspect who was a minor was a member of a Terrorist Organization. This occured after recent military orders banished Neriyah Zaroge and his family, from Hilltop Outpost Komi Ori. Connecting the dots...

3. Netanyahu:
"Gov't dependent on Arab parties - a terrible danger to Israel"
Likud activists hold 'emergency conference' in Tel Aviv Expo Center to protest plans for establishment of left-wing minority government.
By Yoni Kempinski, 17/11/19

4. Mike Pompeo's Statement. Trump Administration to Say Israeli Settlements Aren’t Illegal Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to announce shift in decades of U.S. policy on West Bank settlements By Felicia Schwartz.

Friday, November 15, 2019


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Crown Hts. Women For The Safety And Integrity Of Israel <>
Date: Fri, Nov 15, 2019, 2:35 PM

17 Mar Cheshvan 5780

Here we go again!  
Israel's leadership starts out on the right foot, protecting Jewish lives by eliminating a major threat from Islamic Jihad in Gaza.  The Arab enemy retaliates, raining rockets and terror across the Negev and up the Coastline all the way to Tel Aviv.  Hundreds of thousands of our fellow Jews are forced to run for cover as the Red Alert sounds amid the mayhem.  Shock, trauma, property damage but Thank G-d no Jewish lives lost and relatively few injured. 
Israel fights back, "neutralizes" a few more terrorists, sends dire warnings, goes viral justifying its right to defend itself and-and-and then throws out a feeler that "Quiet will be met with quiet and the actions on the ground will determine that." 
MK Gideon Sa'ar, honored member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, tells a visiting foreign delegation:
"Israel must dismantle the military infrastructure of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.  If we do not do so, within a few years, they will upgrade their capabilities, like Hezbollah, and there will be a Lebanese reality on our southern border that will hamper Israel's strategic situation.  Not doing so will not perpetuate the Status Quo but will cause deterioration in the security situation and make the threat to Israel and its citizens worse."
Oh, for goodness sakes, just when Islamic Jihad, Hamas and the PA were about to go down on their knees, thoroughly "spooked" watching nearly every one of their rockets land in empty fields or be Iron-Domed to bits, courtesy of G-d Almighty Who neither slumbers nor sleeps protecting the Jewish People, some foolish politician has to go and dredge up the STATUS QUO. 
Before the ceasefire's ink was even dry, Islamic Jihad continued(s) firing missiles into Israel.  But kudos to deterrence - Hamas didn't join in...
With the Lubavitcher Rebbe's call to Shleimus HaAretz and THE ONE STATE SOLUTION - directly reflecting the Rebbe's approach - The script can and will shift to one of true peace and security in Eretz Yisroel. 

Dear friends, please open the links above:  take the time to listen to the Rebbe's message and read through THE ONE STATE SOLUTION.  And, then, pass it on to everyone you know.

B'Achdus and B'Ahava, we will SHIFT THE SCRIPT!
Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel
Tamar Adelstein, coordinator