Sunday, August 04, 2019

Fwd: Mishpacha Melinda Katz article. Letter to Yaniv Meirav

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From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Sun, Aug 4, 2019, 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: Melinda Katz article. Letter to Yaniv Meirav
To: <>
Cc: Yaniv Meirov <>


Dear Yaniv, amvsh

re: Melinda Katz article

 By Yochonon Donn

First let me preface with an expression of well deserved Hakoras HaTov to Yaniv Meirav and his brother Rabbi Ilan Meirav and Chazak does for Am Yisroel. I know first hand their Mesiras Nefesh is unmatched and I envy their reward in Olam Haba for all the good they, and by extension Chazak, have accomplished in literally saving Neshomas.

This Shabbath in Pirkei Avot we read

Those who work for the community should do so for the sake of Heaven; for then merit of their ancestors shall aid them, and their righteousness shall endure forever. And you, [says G‑d,] I shall credit you with great reward as if you have achieved it.

3. Be careful with the government, for they befriend a person only for their own needs. They appear to be friends when it is beneficial to them, but they do not stand by a person at the time of his distress.

BH for now Caban didn't win due to Lanceman's  selflessness in dropping out of the race. Don't however allot overdone appreciation to Melinda Katz. She is still a Democrat and a background check is in order. 

Please open these links from 2017 when she was hosting a CAIR "Unity" event in Queens!!!! and we were planning protests!

What is her history regarding her stand for a 2 State Solution?

True she may be the lesser of 2 evils but no need to go overboard in supporting her.

I remember when Senator Chuck Schumer spoke to the Chazak Big Event about being a Shomer for Israel before the Iran Deal. At the time we were hoping he'd come through for Israel. He didn't, only lip service, and then betrayed Israel with the Iran Deal big time by failing in mobilizing effective opposition. 

Don't empower someone who politically is unable to act in our best interests.

 Moderate Democrats still have to toe the Party line and all of New York is at great risk right now, economically, educationally and there are legitimate  security concerns so long as Democrats are in control of the NY Council and Assembly unchallenged. Jews can not sit on the fence and even support Moderate Democrats. We need to unite behind a G-d fearing party for the common good of all Americans to support the Republicans  and most important to openly support  a G-d fearing society that keeps the 7 Noahide Laws 

Explain to Melinda Katz and other moderate Democrats that supporting Democrats under the current leadership and their socialist, progressive, leftist, anti Western anti Judeo-Christian agenda is not an option. 

We can't encourage and misguide G-d fearing people to vote for values antithetical to basic Universal morality. ( Late term abortions, gender fluidity equality etc.  On Foreign policy, we can't support those who join in condemning Israel and IDF for "war crimes" against Palestinians who use their children as human shields and call for BDS).

REVEALED: Walmart Killer Noted In Manifesto That He Chose Gun-Free Zone For A Reason ⋆ ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATING! ⋆ Flag And Cross 🇺🇸 ✟


This guy sounds like a Nazi to me. His perverted intellectual logic brings him to the sick conclusion that just because someone is Hispanic that gives him,  clearly a white supremacist, a licence to murder!!!???

The scariest part is that he IS articulate and educated. Someone like him isn't suspect since we expect better of educated people.

Do not be fooled. He is G-dless and dangerous. He sees himself as  G-d, with the privileged power  of life and death over others.

No different than German Nazis who claim to be "humanists"  as they committed the worst atrocities imaginable and whose actions were no different than animals of prey with no human soul.

May he and others like him get the punishment they deserve measure for measure!

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