Friday, February 15, 2019

Fwd: Mike Huckabee Newsletter Feb 15, 2019 Today's Commentary --- Andrew McCabe uses book and TV to defend the indefensible -- National Emergency Declaration -- Omar outrages again -- "Red Letter Day" --- Voter ID Laws Under Assault -- President Trump makes his move -- Weekend TV Note -- A Rancher responds to AOC -- Evening Edition --


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Today's Commentary ---  Andrew McCabe uses book and TV to defend the indefensible -- National Emergency Declaration  -- Omar outrages again  -- "Red Letter Day" --- Voter ID Laws Under Assault -- President Trump makes his move -- Weekend TV Note -- A Rancher responds to AOC   -- Evening Edition --




It's interesting that someone who was fired from the FBI for lying-by-omission to investigators is now so forthcoming about the same overall issue; namely, the actions taken by him and his friends to get rid of Donald Trump, as a candidate and later as President. Former deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is now singing like a canary about what he and his colleagues were doing behind the scenes to accomplish just that. Oh, but he's not apologizing for overstepping his bounds and working to achieve Trump's ouster in what might be –- and which has been, by me –- described as a "bloodless coup." Just the opposite: he sounds just as self-aggrandizing as former FBI Director James Comey. They were all working to save America from someone who might have been in league with Russia or who was otherwise "unfit" for the Presidency.

McCabe's sudden verboseness has mostly to do with the release of his book, called (are you ready for this?) "THE THREAT: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump." Good grief, where to start? Someday, after all this shakes out, Trump is going to have to write a book called "THE REAL THREAT: How My Republican Colleagues and I Protected America from the FBI." What is it about these top bureaucrats? We've known since July of 2016 that James Comey thought of himself as not just an FBI official but also as prosecutor, judge, and jury, and now we see his friends had the same inflated sense of self-importance.

Mike Huckabee

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National Emergency Declaration

By Mike Huckabee

It looks as if President Trump will sign the compromise bill to keep the government open, even though it doesn't contain anywhere near the amount of money for border security that he requested – but he has also decided to take other executive actions, including declaring a national emergency, to build the barriers he believes we need.

This will no doubt be met with outrage and lawsuits from Democrats claiming he has no power to go around them with executive orders and national emergencies.  For the record:

Number of national emergencies declared by President Obama:  13, including many dealing with issues involving other nations such as Ukraine and Yemen. 

Number of executive orders imposed by Obama:  276.  (Bill Clinton signed 361 and George W. Bush 291.) 

I believe that in court, that's called "precedent."  As in "I'm Precedent, and you're not, Nancy."


Omar outrages again

By Mike Huckabee 

I haven't been writing about every outrageous, offensive and anti-Semitic remark by new Minnesota Democratic Congress member Ilhan Omar because…well, there are only so many hours in the day. But this is one I can't let pass without pointing it out to you.

Watch as she disgraces a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee by implying that our special envoy for Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, thought a 1981 massacre of civilians in El Salvador was a "fabulous achievement," and asked if he would support genocide and crimes against humanity in Latin American nations if it served US interests. Abrams, who is Jewish, was so understandably offended, he refused to answer what he said weren't even "real questions."


"Red Letter Day"

By Mike Huckabee

Wednesday, America had a literal "red letter day" (the letters being written in red ink) as the national debt topped $22 trillion.

As always, politicians are pointing the finger at each other, and as always, three fingers are pointing back at them.  Some are trying to blame President Trump and the GOP tax cut for federal revenues dropping 0.4% last year to $3.33 trillion (the budget for this year spends $4.2 trillion.)  But a Treasury official said that's a short-term drop because of front-loaded benefits such as immediate expensing of capital expenditures to encourage investment in U.S. businesses.  They expect the boom in economic activity that it's spurring to boost tax revenues over time. Indeed, Washington already took in a record $1,665,484,000,000 in individual income taxes in 2018.

I hope so, and I do believe revenues will rise in the long run.  The problem, though, is one that has remained the same for years, through both Democratic and Republican leaders.  It's the idea that the government can keep on indefinitely spending more money than it takes in.  If $3.33 trillion in revenue isn't enough, then does anyone want to bet that if revenues go up to, say, $5 trillion, spending won't go up to $6 trillion? 

You'd think they would have figured out by now that the problem isn't inadequate revenue, it's too much spending.  This has been the case since time began, as explained so well by Mr. Micawber in Charles Dickens' 1850 novel, "Oliver Twist":

"Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."


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Voter ID Laws Under Assault

By Mike Huckabee

The left's argument against voter ID laws has always seemed like their argument that Trump won via Russian collusion or because his supporters are all racist Nazis – like a feeble attempt to avoid confronting the reality that a majority of American voters reject failed leftist policies. For some people, it's easier and more comforting to blame your own failings on there being something fundamentally wrong with everyone else than to consider that the fault might lie in yourself.

So when Republicans propose simple measures to insure that elections are legitimate, such as asking voters to show ID (one of many types that are free and easily available), the cry always goes up that they are trying to suppress the minority vote. This is predicated on the offensively racist premise that minorities are somehow unable to attain an ID. And it flies in the face of polls showing that large majorities of minority voters also favor voter ID laws.



President Trump makes his move

By Mike Huckabee

As I already mentioned, President Trump reportedly plans to sign the compromise budget bill to keep the government from shutting down again, but he's not happy with the paltry funding for border security and intends to build the wall and fund other measures by declaring a national emergency and shifting military funds that he controls to border security.

Before he signs it, I hope he will read it carefully and have his best legal staffers do so as well. Word is that the bill has been loaded with poison pills designed to block him from taking independent action to do what Congress refuses to do. If so, then he should refuse to sign it and force them back to the drawing board, even if there is another partial shutdown. There's also the concern that Democrats will use this as precedent for future Presidents to impose their agendas by declaring gun control or other hot button leftist issues to be a national emergency. But that's a red herring: do you really think they wouldn't try to do that anyway, no matter what Trump does? And if he really thinks something is a national emergency, then he shouldn't ignore it just because someone might try to abuse that power in the future.



Weekend TV Note

By Mike Huckabee

Weekend TV Note On a "Huckabee" Family Member:  If you enjoy the essays by "Huckabee" writer Laura Ainsworth, look for her this weekend on your TVs and computer screens.  She's not only a fine writer, she's also a fantastic retro-jazz recording artist.  She was recently honored by the Artists Music Guild Heritage Awards with an unprecedented triple win for Video, Album ("New Vintage") and Female Vocalist of the Year at a ceremony hosted by Thelma Houston. 

A TV special made from that evening recently aired nationally on Dish Network.  This weekend, it will be broadcast on WATC-TV in Atlanta at 10 a.m. EST on Saturday and again at 8 p.m. EST on Sunday.  You can also watch it streaming live online at WATV's website.  Here's more info on the AMG Awards show:

And more about Laura's music.  Congratulation, Laura!


A Rancher responds to AOC

By Mike Huckabee

Speaking of the "Green New Deal," one of its many flaws is that it reflects the arrogant elitism of the Ivy League political class, those people who, as the Wizard of Oz put it, have no more brains than anyone else but they have diplomas (remember when Obama said he thought he was a better speechwriter than his speechwriters, knew more about any policy than his policy directors, etc.?  Or when Hillary Clinton locked doctors and insurance actuaries out of her meetings to create her doomed Hillarycare plan?)  These folks come out of the academic hothouses thinking they are brilliant enough to restructure our entire society and couldn't possibly learn anything from talking to a lowly farmer, rancher, factory worker or coal miner.  If they did, they would risk finding out just how much they don't know.

For instance, here's a great story about what a rancher would had said to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez if she'd bothered to get down off her high horse and talk to him before releasing her grand plan to eliminate the existential threat of gassy cows.

He explains how farmers and ranchers are already using genetics, breeding and changes in feed to reduce livestock methane emissions; and how surplus scrap vegetation is turned into livestock feed, making cattle into recyclers of garbage.  Read it not only to find out what you can learn when you lower yourself to talk to someone who actually knows something about the subject, but to find out exactly why this rancher says, "Seriously, cows are like superheroes."


Evening Edition - February 14

By Mike Huckabee

A wrap-up of all the news you might have missed yesterday!


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Fwd: Daniel Greenfield's article: What's Bad for the Media is Good for America

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From: Sultan Knish <>
Date: Fri, Feb 15, 2019, 8:06 AM
Subject: Daniel Greenfield's article: What's Bad for the Media is Good for America
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Daniel Greenfield's article: What's Bad for the Media is Good for America

Link to Sultan Knish

What's Bad for the Media is Good for America

Posted: 14 Feb 2019 06:49 PM PST

The winter freeze might have shut down entire cities, but it couldn't slow down job growth as the economy roared through the cold and shattered projections with 304,000 non-farm jobs in January.

There were job gains everywhere from transportation (27,000) to health care (42,000) to hospitality (74,000). Under Trump, construction gained 338,000 jobs in 12 months while manufacturing picked up 261,000 jobs in that same period. There was good news for many industries, but bad news for one.

The media is freezing colder than the polar vortex with thousands of lost jobs in January and February.

Gannett, the giant behind USA Today and many local lefty papers such as the Arizona Republic, the Detroit Free Press and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, fired 400 employees.

McClatchy, another newspaper giant, which publishes the Miami Herald, the Kansas City Star and the Charlotte Observer, among many others, announced voluntary buyouts for 10% of its employees after having fired 3.5% of its staff or 140 employees back in August. Tronc, another publishing giant, has already been making major cuts at newspapers like the New York Daily News and the Los Angeles Times.

Reuters expects to cut 3,200 jobs or 12% of its global workforce, closing 55 offices by 2020. BuzzFeed fired 15% of its staff or 220 employees, wiping out its national security desk, most of its national news desk, LGBT team and entertainment team.

Verizon, which through a series of bad business decisions had inherited the Huffington Post, cut 7% or 800 jobs in its media division. HuffPo dumped its health and opinion section, along with various reporters. Vice Media is laying off 10% or 250 employees from its global staff. Mic's staff was mostly let go back in November. And the bloodletting isn't over. It's just beginning.

Why is the media failing while the rest of the economy is thriving?

It used to be said that what's good for General Motors is good for America. But what's good for the media is bad for America. And what's bad for the media appears to be remarkably good for America.

In 2009, as the economy was tanking, journalism school applications increased sharply. As the economy began to recover, J-School enrollment began to fall. Call it the Vulture Effect. Carrion eaters are attracted to death. When the death rate drops, they have to either learn to kill things or face extinction.

Consider the media's destructive behavior of the last few years a classic example of CNN carrion eaters trying to trick the predators into fighting each other and making more carrion for them to feast on.

By 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics was projecting a 10% decline in employment for reporters and correspondents. After this winter, the BLS may need to sharply revise its estimates upward. Major media organizations are dumping 10% of their staff as a routine response to business model reverses.

The media does best when things are bad. It's the same reason why Democrats have their strongest footholds in cities with massive poverty, gun violence and infant mortality. Or why starving children dig through the trash in Communist countries while the red billboards overhead tout Socialism.

Lefties claim that they want to make things better, but they only gain power by making things worse.

The media is terrible at trying to make good news happen. Its shrill insistence that the economy had recovered 5 minutes after Obama took the oath of office on a reflection in the mirror convinced no one. After 5 years, it had become a running joke with the flavor of late Soviet propaganda about wheat harvest percentages. But it can be quite effective at spreading bad news and convincing people it's true.

Just look at how the media has managed to convince people that the global warming sky is falling, that Facebook trolls are a national security threat and that President Trump gets all his orders from Moscow.

If the media is going to make any money and gain any power, it's got to go negative. But negativity is a tougher sell when times are good for most people. Except for the brooding vultures of the media.

A winter of Trumpian economic growth has been very bad for those birds.

The January media layoffs actually involve two different tracks of the industry. There's the dead tree media track of the newspaper giants who have been steadily bleeding jobs ever since their customers realized that they didn't need to pay twelve bucks a week and get ink smears on their hands just to read the local rewritten versions of the same lefty talking points from New York and Washington D.C.

And then there are the digital media operations fueled by venture capital cash that were going to be the Great New Hope of the mainstream media with slick snarky stories, their own in-house ad shops and lots of millennials writing about social justice outrages trending on social media for other millennials.

That's the new media catastrophe. And the one that has occasioned the real wailing and tooth-gnashing.

"The BuzzFeed Layoffs as Democratic Emergency," Farhad Manjoo shrieked in the New York Times. Farhad meant the other kind of "democratic", but his headline was unintentionally correct. The media is a massive force multiplier for the Democrats. If it didn't exist, national politics would look very different.

Imagine an America in which Democrats eavesdropping on Republicans, supporting cop killers, ISIS, Iran and infanticide weren't met with immediate walls of media spin, lies, fake explainers and even more fake fact checks. Then imagine an America with a border wall, voter ID and a real War on Terror.

That's a "Democratic emergency". No question about it.

If the media falls, it will be the greatest moment for democracy since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The collapse of the Soviet Union revealed that the Evil Empire was really a bunch of boring bureaucrats who, through the magic of ideology and mass murder had acquired the ability to terrorize millions of people.

The unraveling of the media will reveal that the echo chamber that told us what to do and think, that cost hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, that stole generations of progress and prosperity from a great nation, was really a bunch of otherwise unemployable Marxist grad students.

The media has blamed Google and Facebook for not giving it enough traffic. It's redoubled its efforts to demand that the dot com giants give them even more money (Google and Facebook have already pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into the media), more privilege for their traffic and more power to censor conservative media under the guise of 'fact checkers' fighting a 'fake news' emergency.

Hatred has also been hurled at Gannett, McClatchy, Tribune, BuzzFeed, Bustle and Vice management which are pursuing merger and consolidation plans that will cost even more media jobs. They point to the profitability of some of these companies as proof that the layoffs are really capitalist greed.


The digital media empires with their fake news, explainers and snarky social justice commentary were built by convincing investors that they could be as profitable as actual tech companies. BuzzFeed and the rest of the gang could have just shrugged and announced that failing to meet expectations would be the new reality. And that if their investors don't like it, they can go and invest in tech startups.

Then in a year or two, it wouldn't be a few hundred jobs being cut, but a few thousand.

Digital media is full of millennial socialists with an Ocasio-Cortez level grasp of economics who spend six figures on a useless degree in journalism from Columbia and are convinced that destroying Facebook will save them. Even though Facebook is the only reason that clickbait parasites like BuzzFeed even exist.

Finally, many in the media blame President Trump. In an ocean of economic prosperity, the media has become a desert island full of cannibalistic savages, devouring each other, while praying to Mueller.

But that's not because of anything Trump did to the media. It's about what he isn't doing.

Obama's divisive policies created social, cultural and economic insecurity across the spectrum. Trump's politics have brought prosperity and economic security. And the media has refocused on stirring up insecurity among Democrats and Never Trumpers because they are its only remaining demographics.

The good times are here. And the media's only customer base consists of people who don't believe it.

A growing media indicates a loss of confidence by Americans. It shows that the divisive leftist tactics of the media are paying huge dividends in fear, uncertainty and doubt among ordinary people. A shrinking media however indicates that we are once again becoming an optimistic and confident nation.

The media's loss of jobs is a very good thing. It's a statement of confidence by Americans in America.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine at the above link.

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Monday, February 11, 2019

Duma Trial - Affidavid Shabak Torture of Amiram Ben Uliel Exposed עלילת דומא



From Michael Puah, English follows

* Help us spread the horror, so that Amiram will return home and rehabilitate his life *

*עזרו לנו להפיץ את הזוועה, כדי שעמירם יחזור לביתו וישקם את חייו
באמצע היום מתנפלים על אדם שהולך לתומו ברחוב מכים אותו אוזקים אותו והוא נעלם ל-20 יום בלי לראות עו"ד. ב-20 יום אלו מתעללים בו מעבירים אותו על דתו ומענים אותו בעינויים קשיים ובסוף מוציאים ממנו הודאה ברצח, שלא נתמכת בשום ממצא עובדתי.
האם זה יכול לקרות במדינה יהודית ודמוקרטית שמתפארת בזכויות האדם שהיא מעניקה אפילו למחבלים??
זה קורה!!!
שמי מיכאל פואה אני תושב הגליל התחתון, מחנך ופעיל חברתי. שימשתי בעבר כמנכ"ל מנהיגות יהודית וכיועצו של השר כחלון במשרד הרווחה.
כאזרח עקבתי אחרי פרשת דומא מתחילתה, ובמהלך מעקב זה החלו להתעורר בי ספקות האם המפגעים היו בכלל יהודים? האם כיוון חקירה זה נבדק?
לאחר שהתפרסמה ההחלטה במשפט זוטא אותה קראתי במלואה והתברר לי שהשב"כ שיקר בנושא העינויים, החלטתי להתעמק בנושא. הדברים שגיליתי זעזעו אותי ואני חושב שצריכים לזעזע כל אזרח שומר חוק ורודף צדק. דבר אחד ברור – מציתי הבית בדומא בקיץ 2015 מסתובבים חופשי גם היום.
בעמוד זה אשתף אתכם בחלק מהדברים שגיליתי ואני מקווה שסימני השאלה על כתב התביעה נגד עמירם בן אוליאל הנאשם ברצח זה, יהפכו לסימני קריאה נגד ההתנהלות האכזרית והמופקרת של השב"כ בתיק זה. לא מעט אנשים ישבו בכלא על לא עוול בכפם במדינת ישראל, אחרי שנאלצו להודות בפשע שלא עשו. נציין את חלקם במהלך הזמן ונשווה בין המקרים.
הפעם עלינו להתגייס כדי למנוע את ההתנהלות הלא מוסרית והלא חוקית של השב"כ מראש, לא רק כדי להציל אדם שלדעתי חף מפשע ויושב בכלא על לא עוול בכפו, אלא כדי להגן על עצמנו, כדי שנהיה חברה מוסרית וצודקת בה אי אפשר להתעלל באדם עד שיספק את צורכי המערכת.
עקבו אחרינו שתפו את הפוסטים, ביחד נפעל להוציא את האמת והצדק לאור

From Michael Puah


In the middle of the day they attack a person who walks innocently on the street handcuffing him, and he goes missing for 20 days without seeing a lawyer, and in 20 days they abuse him, drive him out of his mind, torture him terribly and eventually extract a confession from him that is not supported by any factual findings .

Can this happen in a Jewish and democratic state that boasts of the human rights it gives even to terrorists?

It happens!!!

My name is Michael Puah I am a resident of the Lower Galilee, an educator and social activist. I served in the past as Director General of Manhigut Yehudit and as an advisor to  Minister Kachlon of the Welfare Dept..

As a citizen I followed the Duma affair from its inception, and during this follow-up I began to doubt whether the terrorists were Jews at all. 

Has this direction been investigated?

After I published the decision of a mini trial that I read in full and it became clear to me that the GSS lied about torture, I decided to delve deeper into the matter, and I think that it should shock any law-abiding law-abiding citizen.

One thing is clear. The arsonist(s) of the fire in Duma in 2015 is/are walking around free even today.

On this page, I will share with you some of the things that I discovered and I hope that the question marks on the indictment against Amiram Ben Uliel, who is accused of this murder, will become a callout on the cruel and reckless conduct of the GSS in this case. 

Not a few, have sat in jail, guiltless, forced to admit to a crime they did not do, and we will note their part over time and compare the different cases.

This time we must engage in order to prevent the immoral and illegal conduct of the Shin Bet upfront, not only in order to save a person whom I believe is innocent and to be held in prison for no fault of his own, but in order to protect ourselves so that we will be a moral and just society and prevent the abuse of an innocent person until they supply the needs of the System.

Follow us Share the posts, together we will work to bring the truth and justice to light

Hebrew Follows. 

Includes Amiram ben Uliel's affidavid of how Shabak dealt with him as recounted to his lawyer Itamar Ben Gvir. 

* "I felt everything I heard about Sodom and Gomorrah" *

A GSS interrogator nicknamed "Bruno", a member of the torture investigation team, will testify at the hearing today.

In a civilized country, Bruno and his tormentors would sit behind bars. In the State of Israel, to our great regret, the torturing interrogators are walking around with security guards as a security halo envelops them. This is a disgrace.

Bruno would enter the courthouse from a side entrance, his face forbidden to anyone to see. Behind the glass will be Amiram, who is tortured by the shadow team, and from there he will have to see his torturers standing behind the podium and trying to help the State Prosecutor's Office in one of the delusional indictments seen in the State of Israel.

In the following lines we will reveal a section of the affidavit that Amiram gave a few days after the torture when he met with attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir:

"Last Thursday four interrogators entered the room and began beating me, slapping me and shouting and threatening me to break my bones and I do not know what a GSS interrogation is.

They tied me up (most of the three weeks I was interrogated). They put my hands in strips of elongated bandages in the form of bracelets, handcuffed me briefly on the bracelets and cuffed my legs and sat me on a chair in a position that my head reached to the floor.

* It created terrible pain and so I was stretched out. *

At one point I simply felt and sensed all the stories I had read about Sodom and Gomorrah. I screamed in pain, shouted to God but they did not stop but continued to abuse, changed positions, lowered and lifted.

At one point they picked me up and knocked me down, picked them up and knocked them down, all in the midst of terrible pain.

* I felt that my death was better than my life, that I preferred to die than to suffer the same torture, so I asked them to stop and I said I would confess.

I made up a version, lied deliberately just for them to stop. I was physically and mentally exhausted after long sleepless days, after damaging my Jewish faith and after a long stay without meeting anyone other than the interrogators who abused me.

I told them what they wanted to hear, but that was not enough for them. They knew that it was not possible to do the act alone, so they demanded that I incriminate others with acts they did not do and I did not.

They tied me up in the Sodom bed, twisted my hands, stood me for many hours in different positions, while they beat me and slapped me.

I admitted to other events. Every time I confessed they calmed down a bit, but every time I did not confess or did not incriminate others, they took me back to the "torture bed" ...

*"הרגשתי את כל מה ששמעתי על 
סדום ועמורה"*


בדיון שיתקיים היום במשפט עלילת דומא יעיד חוקר השב"כ המכונה "ברונו", חבר בצוות החקירה המענה. 
במדינה מתוקנת ברונו וחבריו המענים היו צריכים לשבת מאחורי סורג ובריח. במדינת ישראל, לצערנו הרב, החוקרים המענים מסתובבים עם מאבטחים צמודים כשהילה בטחונית אופפת אותם. כך נראית חרפה.

ברונו ייכנס לבית המשפט מכניסה צדדית, את פניו אסור לאיש לראות. מאחורי הזכוכית יישב עמירם שעונה על ידי צוות הצללים ומשם הוא ייאלץ לראות את מעניו עומדים מאחורי הפודיום ומנסים לסייע לפרקליטות באחד מכתבי האישום ההזויים שנראו במדינת ישראל.

בשורות הבאות נחשוף קטע מהתצהיר שמסר עמירם ימים ספורים לאחר העינויים כשנפגש עם עורך הדין איתמר בן גביר:

"ביום חמישי האחרון נכנסו ארבעה חוקרים לחדר והחלו להכות אותי, לתת לי סטירות ולצעוק ולאיים עלי שישברו לי את העצמות ושאני לא יודע מה זאת חקירת שב"כ.
הם קשרו אותי (רוב שלושת השבועות שאני בחקירה אני קשור) הניחו על ידי רצועות תחבושות מאורכות בצורת צמידים, אזקו אותי באזיק קצר על גבי הצמידים ואזיקים ברגליים והושיבו אותי על כסא בתנוחה שראשי מגיע עד הרצפה.
*זה יוצר כאבי תופת וכך הייתי שרוע.*
בשלב מסויים פשוט הרגשתי וחשתי את כל הסיפורים שקראתי על סדום ועמורה. צרחתי מכאב, צעקתי לקב"ה אך הם לא הפסיקו אלא המשיכו להתעלל, שינו תנוחות, הורידו והרימו.
בשלב מסויים הם הרימו אותי והפילו אותי, הרימו והפילו, והכל תוך כדי כאבי תופת.
*הרגשתי שטוב מותי מחיי, שאני מעדיף למות מאשר לספוג את אותם עינויים* ולכן ביקשתי שיפסיקו ואמרתי שאני מודה.
המצאתי גרסה, שיקרתי בכוונה והכל שיפסיקו. הייתי מותש פיזית ונפשית אחרי ימים ארוכים ללא שינה, אחרי פגיעה באמונתי היהודית ואחרי שהייה ארוכה בלי לפגוש אנשים מלבד החוקרים שהתעללו בי.
סיפרתי מה שהם רצו לשמוע, אבל זה לא הספיק להם. הם ידעו שאי אפשר לעשות המעשה לבד ולכן דרשו ממני שאפליל אחרים במעשים שהם לא עשו ואני לא עשיתי.
קשרו אותי ב"מיטת סדום", עיקמו ידיים, העמידו אותי שעות ארוכות בתנוחות שונות בלתי אפשרויות תוך שהם מכים אותי ונותנים לי סטירות.
הודיתי בעוד אירועים. כל פעם שהודיתי הם נרגעו קצת אך כל פעם לא הודיתי או לא הפללתי אחרים, החזירו אותי ל"מיטת עינויים"...


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Ori Ansbacher זה לא משנה, למות ..ולשתוק,. כתבה נעמה. Questions on the Details of her Murder...Cover up?The Truth Shall Set Us Free! Can we trust Shabak?


Found on Social Media discounted by Police Investigation of this murder/terror attack..

Details of Investigation under Gag order.

If these initial reports are accurate there is very good reason to cover it up since it reflects on the failure of the government to protect its citizens especially those  living in Judea and Samaria.

These poems and reactions were  sent out on social media.

English translated from Hebrew  using Google Translate. Original Hebrew follows

זה לא משנה

*It Does Not Matter*

It does not matter
If her head was beheaded
Or if  just her throat was slit.

It does not matter
If she was raped twice
Or countless times

It does not matter 
If she was found naked
Ora parts of her body were torn from it

It does not matter 
If the stabbings were many
Or only at the top 

It does not matter 
Whether she was struggling or dragged
Or whether she screamed and froze

It does not matter 
She is only 19 years old 
And her whole life was before her 

It does not matter
That she was a girl 
Religious and a Settler 

It does not matter
Because tomorrow we'll all be back 
The routine of life
(The matter) buried. We'll cover up.
And we'll move on 

It does not matter 
Because tomorrow the heart will cool
And the blood will no longer boil in us. 
We will convince ourselves
That there is nothing we can do

It does not matter 
Because they have already 
Ripped virginity
They murdered women
They stabbed babies 
(Shot at) fetuses
And Families
When they were sleeping, 
When they were traveling.
They  ripped out  limbs 
They shot . 
They stabbed. 
They made explosions
They laughed. 
They were arrested. 
And they were released.

It does not matter 
As long as no action is taken. 
Until we cease  this disgusting habit of being slaughtered and Silenced, 
To Bury and to be Silent.  *

It Does Not Matter

© Elyashuv Har Shalom

*זה לא משנה*

זה לא משנה
אם ראשה נערף
או רק שוסף גרונה.

זה לא משנה
אם נאנסה פעמיים
או אין ספור פעמים

זה לא משנה 
אם נמצאה עירומה
או רק נתלשו ממנה
חלקים מבגדי גופה

זה לא משנה 
אם הדקירות היו רבות
או רק בחלקה העליון 

זה לא משנה 
אם נאבקה או נגררה
או שצרחה וקפאה במקומה

זה לא משנה 
שהיא רק בת 19 
וכל חייה היו לפניה 

זה לא משנה
שהיא נערה 
דתיה ומתנחלת 

זה לא משנה
כי מחר כולנו נחזור 
לשגרת החיים
נקבור. נכסה.
ונמשיך הלאה 

זה לא משנה 
כי מחר יתקרר הלב
והדם לא יפעפע בנו עוד. 
נשכנע את עצמנו
כי אין בידנו מה לעשות

זה לא משנה 
כי הם כבר 
תלשו בתולים
רצחו נשים
דקרו תינוקות 
ועוּבּרִים ומשפחות
בשנתם. ובנסיעתם.
תלשו אברים 
ירו. דקרו. התפוצצו 
*צחקו. נאסרו. והשתחררו.*

זה לא משנה 
עד שלא ייעשה מעשה. 
עד שנחדול מההרגל המגונה הזה *להישחט ולשתוק,לקבור ולשתוק*

זה לא משנה

©אלישוב הר שלום
Another poem, English follows

למות ולשתוק - חני לוז ©

למות ולשתוק.
לקבור לשתוק.
לבכות ולשתוק.
לפחד ולשתוק.
ילדה הולכת לשירות לאומי,
וכנופיית אסור-להגיד-את-לאומיותם 
מתעללת בה בחייה עד למותה וגם אחרי.
אבל תשתקו.
תשתקו חזק.
יש צו
יש שב'כ.
יש עינויים.
אסור לדבר, אסור לצעוק, אסור לשנוא שונאים,
כי אולי.
מה עלול להיות.

רק לשתוק ולקבור.

באנו ארצה לבנות שירות ביטחון
שיפגע ביהודים עם פיאות.
בני עשרה.
יחרוט טראומות בבנינו, ינצל את בנותינו ויש תיק את הוריהם.
שיחפש את מי שפותח את הפה.
אז נשתוק.
נשתוק חזק ויפה,
כמו עדר עבדים כנועים וטובים.
ונשתוק עוד ועוד.
הקול היחיד שמותר להגיד יילך לביבי,
ונמשיך לשתוק.
נשתוק ונמשיך לקבור.
שקט, רוצחים פה.

שקט, קוברים.

To Die and to Shut Up by Hani Luz ©

To die and to be Silent.
To Bury and to be Silent
To Cry and to be Silent
To be afraid and to be silent.
A girl goes to National Service,
And a gang of forbidden-to-say-their-nationality 
Abused her with her life until her death and after her death
But shut up.
Shut up tight.
There is an order
To Publicize
There is a GSS ( Shabak)
There is torture.
Forbidden to speak, 
Fobidden to shout,
 Forbidden to hate haters (enemies)
Because maybe.
What might be?

Just shut up and bury.

We came to Israel to build a security service
That would harm Jews with Peyot.
We will engrave traumas on our children, take advantage, (use) our daughters and have a case on their parents.
Let them look for someone who opens his mouth.
So we'll shut up.
We will remain strong and nice,
Like a flock of submissive slaves.
And shut up more and more.
The only voice that can be said goes to Bibi,
And we'll keep quiet.
We will remain silent and continue to bury.
Quiet. Murderers here. 
Quiet. Burying.

Written by Naama, 
English follows

כתבה נעמה טוכנפלד 

כמעט שבת שלום לך אורי,
כמעט שבת שלום.
את לא תלבשי הערב בגדי שבת. את תלבשי שמלת אור אינסוף, הילת זוהר מסמאת עין. תעלי שם למעלה ותספרי. 
תספרי בבקשה על מה שעשית. 
על זה שגדלת על ערכים, על אהבת הארץ. שהתנדבת לשירות לאומי. שעזרת לטפל בבני נוער שהחיים הקשו עליהם. שתרמת מעצמך ונתת לעמך, ויישבת את ארצך.

תספרי בבקשה גם על מה שעשו לך. כנופיית מחבלים  ארורה, רצחנית, בני בליעל, הולכי על שתיים שצלם אדם אין בהם. שחטפו אותך, צעירה ומבועתת. 'גברים' כאלה, ארבעה על בחורה! שארבו לך ביער כחיות שוחרות טרף. ארץ הפקר. שאנסו אותך ברוע ובאכזריות בלתי נתפסת נותנים לתאוותם הבהמית פורקן עם שנאתם האפלה והמעוותת. ששחטו אותך, שהשחיתו את גופך. שכרתו את ראשך באכזריות אין קץ, כי הם ברברים. שנאה חולנית זורמת בעורקיהם ואין דבר היכול לרפא אותה. 
והפקירו אותך ככה, ביער. 
מתחת לפני השמים. 
כנבלת החיה והעוף, ולא כבת ישראל טהורה, יהלום בכתר של מלך.

תספרי על המשטרה שהגיעה וזיהתה ויודעת בדיוק מי עשה ולמה עשה, אך הטילה צו איסור פרסום כדי להשתיק, כדי לדכא מחאה, כדי שלא ידעו. שכולנו יודעים לאיזה עם הם משתייכים ומהו "המניע". אבל הס מלהזכיר. אוי יויו! זה לא פוליטיקלי קורקט

תספרי על השבכ שנערים צעירים זרוקים בכלא חודשים ארוכים ארוכים  אבל חלאות האדם שעשו את התועבה שעשו בך- הם כבר בבית, אוכלים ארוחה חמה שאימם רשעת הלב וספוגת השנאה התהומית אף היא, הכינה להם. 

תספרי, כי  גרפיטי על קיר זה פשע נורא ועינוי נערים יהודיים הוא קורבן המולך שמעלה המדינה היהודית לאדוניה, אבל מיצוי הדין עם הרוצחים הארורים- לא, זה נוגד את אמנת חרטטה.

תספרי בבקשה על הפוליטיקאים, "מנהיגים" דמיקולו, ראש ועד זנב, שעסוקים במשחק דמקה מטופש ודבילי, שמשטים באזרחי העם הבוחרים בהם, מעניקים להם מצג שווא כוזב של: "אכפת לנו" ו"תספרו לנו מה הייתם רוצים שיקרה פה" ו "אנחנו נהיה אלה שידאגו לכם" אבל כל מה שהם באמת דואגים לו זה התחת של עצמם.

תספרי על הייאוש
תספרי על החידלון
ספרי על הפחד הכאב והשכול
תספרי על אוזלת היד המזעזעת
ועל טמטום החושים ששקענו בו, 
מעלים עוד פוסט ועוד פוסט
שעה שילדה כמוך כבר לא תחזור הביתה לשבת
לאבא ואמא, כי רצחו אותה וביתרו את גופתה
שנאת עשיו ליעקב, נו- 'הלכה בידוע..'

תספרי נשמה, תספרי.
פה עדיין ממשיכים לטייח במרץ
אבל בשמים אין צו איסור פרסום
העלי את זעקנו יחד עם פצעייך הקשים
ותנדנדי חזק את כסא הכבוד.
נמאס לנו ממנהיגי בובות על כף יד
אנחנו דורשים משיח. עכשיו!

שבת שלום שתהיה לך, בשמיים. 
נוחי בשלום על משכבך,

(ואם נדמה לכם כי המילים שכתבתי פה קשות הן, דעו שהן אפילו לא חצי ממה שאני מרגישה באמת)

Almost a Shabbat Shalom Ori,
Almost Shabbat Shalom.
You will not wear Sabbath clothes this evening. You will wear a dress of infinity light, a halo of brilliance blinding an eye. Get up there and Tell. 

Please tell me what you did. 
About how you grew up on values, about Love of the Land. How you volunteered for National Service. That you helped to care for teenagers who had a difficult life. That you have donated from yourself and given to your people, and settled your country.

Please tell us what they did to you. A gang of damned, murderous terrorists, scoundrels, two-legged people with no human image. They kidnapped you, young and terrified. Such 'men', four on a girl! Who lurked in the forest like wild animals. A land of no man's land. That they raped you with evil and with unbridled cruelty, giving their animal lusts an outlet with their dark, distorted hatred. That they slaughtered you,  corrupted your body. That they have cut your head with endless cruelty, because they are barbarians. A sick hatred flows in their veins and nothing can cure it. 
And abandoned you like that, in the forest. 
Under the sky. 
Like a carcass prey of the beast and the bird, and not as the pure daughter of Israel,  a diamond in the crown of a king.

You will tell about the police who arrived and identified and know exactly who did and why they did, but imposed a gag order to Silence in order to suppress protest so that others would not know. That we all know, which people they belong to and what the "motive" is. But let's not mention. Oh yoyo! It's not politically correct

You'll tell of Shabak, that Jewish Youth are thrown into jail for long months but the scum who did the abomination to you are already at home, eating a hot meal that their heartless, hate-filled mother prepared for them. 

Please tell,  that graffiti on a wall is a terrible crime and the torture of Jewish boys is a sacrifice to the Molech by the Jewish state to its masters.

Please tell about the politicians, "Demikulu" (pathetic) leaders, from head to toe who are engaged in a silly and stupid checkers game, who are sailing  the citizens of the people who choose them, with platitudes, falsehoods of "we care" and "tell us what you want to happen here" and "we will be the ones to look after you." But all they really care about is their own bottoms.

Tell about despair
Tell about the failure
Tell me about fear, pain and bereavement
Tell about the shocking incompetence
And the numbing of our senses, 
Upload another post and another post
When a child like you will not go home again
To father and mother, because they murdered her and dismembered her body
The hatred of Eisav for Yaakov, and so on -

Tell soul, tell.
Here we continue to whitewash vigorously
But there is no gag order in the sky
Raise our cry together with your harsh wounds
And shake the Throne of Glory.
We're fed up with puppet leaders on hand
We demand Messiah. now!

Shabbat Shalom you will have, in heaven. 
Rest in peace,

(And if you think the words I wrote here are hard, know that they are not even half of what I really feel)

Video Broadcast Channel 13 HaOlam HaBoker העולם הבוקר invited guests  Aliza Peretz, mother of an arrested Settler youth and Lior Ackerman former Shabaknik  on how Shabak  staged a terrorist encounter with her teen  son and a group of Settler Youth first by giving them a Tremp,  (ride) trying to bait them into empathizing with hating Arabs and "Jewish Acts of Terror", staging an altercation with Arabs, bringing these youth to police who did nothing, arresting them, accusing them of murder, denying them a lawyer  , interrogating them, hands behind his back, offering her non smoker son cigarettes to relax him, off color innuendos to a kid with an insulated Chareidi, ultra orthodox background, accusing them of murder offering them easy sentence if they cooperate and confess. This is  based on her personal story of how it was conducted on her Settler son. Her version is disputed by Former Shabak Agent Lior Ackerman Who do you believe?

Video ... End the Silence of the Details surrounding the murder of Ori Ansbacher

Torah verse


My comments:


There has been no due process for this Arab terrorist suspect who is accused of murdering Ori Ansbacher hyd.

Deja Vu but this time the terrorist is Arab.

Same  Gag order of details of crime to "protect victim?" And her family. The criminal is not a minor so it is not him they need to protect.

 Premature praise of Shabak by Prime Minister Netanyahu and  President Rivlin for capturing "the murderer"  rather than calling him a murder suspect before a trial and guilty conviction. Please note suspect was denied a lawyer. How is the Prime Minister and President so convinced he was the murderer?
Shabak's evidence and premature sentencing and conviction overrides any need for a trial. 

Netanyahus statement:

"Last Thursday the late Ori Ansbacher was brutally murdered. I would like to commend the security forces that worked with exemplary speed and apprehended the murderer within several hours. Sooner or later, in this case sooner, the long arm of Israel will reach all those who hurt us and we will settle accounts with them.

For myself, the Cabinet and the entire people of Israel, I would like to send our sincerest heartfelt condolences to the Ansbacher family in their terrible grief."

Terror suspect was found quickly, taken into custody, denied lawyer, confessed crime, reenacts crime scene.

Shabak praised for finding terrorist.

How Media is reporting crime. 

The Times of Israel: Shin Bet: Murder of Israeli teen Ori Ansbacher was a terror attack

Initial reports that victim was brutally gang raped, found unclothed, decapitated etc. spread on social media totally removed and white washed from media and disputed by Shabak as disinformation. 

Only Police and Shabaks version is the one that can be reported.

Case apparently solved. 

Shabak comes out looking squeaky clean smelling like a rose. They are doing their job capturing terrorists. 

No gruesome details are permitted other than it was a young 19 year old Sheirut Leumi Religious girl from Tekoa attacked by a Palestinian, a Nationalist motivated attack in the Jerusalem Forest. 

May the whole Truth come out and the gruesome details of this terror attack be exposed in order to prevent future attacks.

What is the real purpose of  Court imposed Gag order?

I am not convinced it is merely to protect the honor of the victim and her family.

My conclusion:

We must know exactly how Ori was murdered and we can not rely on Shabak alone because they are biased, have an agenda and their impartiality and evidence can not be trusted.