Sunday, October 28, 2018

A List of Names Associated with Linda Sarsour - Geller Report

Endorse Chele Farley in the Spirit of the Law! Best Way for American Jewish Groups to Fight Antisemitism Following 'Deadliest Attack on Jews in US History'. Please Don't Continue to Neutralize Legitimate Opposition to Gillibrand


Dear Mainstream Jewish Organizations:

Not too late for a Press Release "endorsing" Chele Farley!  I use the word "endorse" liberally since we are endorsing her unwavering support for Israel rather than endorsing her as a Republican vs Democrat. 

Let us "endorse" Farley like Senator Gillibrand "endorsed" the likes of Linda Sarsour.

Appearing with Sarsour in public, being introduced by Sarsour who generously showered praises on the Senator, is for all practical purposes an "endorsement" of Sarsour's agenda.

Please don't whitewash Gillibrand  before the election just in case Gillibrand wins.

How sad that good Jews seem to be working against Farley by neutralizing and suppressing the voice that opposes Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. 

Kirsten Gillibrand is aligned with real enemies of Israel. Gillibrand has a record of supporting Planned Parenthood and Abortion, supporting anti-Semites like Linda Sarsour and supporting a Nuclear Iran.

Don't go by the polls. Trump's win as President proved that polls can be wrong! 

Even if according to predictions  Gillibrand is likely to win,  it will become a self fulfilling prophesy if we fail to effectively oppose her.

Jewish Leaders....Don't feel like a grasshopper crying about a done deal when you in fact  can still make a difference!

Shall we, influential Jews,  purposely sweep evil under the rug,  be useful idiots,  political pawns,  lured into silence, expecting pay back from our enemies when they are in office?

Our enemies don't really want or need our endorsements. They simply want legitimacy and to silence the opposition. 

We can not be complicit at any price. 

As Queen Esther put it, she would have remained silent if it wasn't a matter about the destruction of our people!

We must put our Trust in Hashem alone and in G-d fearing people.

We all agree that deadly attacks such as what happened in Pittsburgh is tragic.

Fake rhetoric of solidarity with Jews in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh massacre, by time tested enemies of Israel is duplicit, nauseating and deceptive.

Is it less deadly than a nuclear Iran or a Palestinian State?

We are being complicit in not openly and aggressively opposing United States Senator Gillibrand who openly supports those who wishes to annihilate us! 

How can we expect Farley to win with a defeatist attitude from Israel's true supporters?

This joint statement by RCA, Aguda and OU,  condemning the senseless massacre in Pittsburgh shows that Jewish groups can unite.

This statement falls short. Time to expose Senator Gillibrand's true agenda and her obvious opposition for a Safe Israel in spite of empty rhetoric, in vocal  support for the opposing candidate!

fyi: Live Interview with Candidate Chele Farley with Jay Oliver who expresses her genuine support for Israel

Friday, October 26, 2018

Fwd: Is Agudah and FJCC meeting with Gillibrand this Sunday and if so why?


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2018, 2:38 PM
Subject: Is Agudah and FJCC meeting with Gillibrand this Sunday and if so why?
To: Rabbi Feldman <>, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky <>, Malcolm Hoenlein <>, Menachem Lubinsky <>, cindy grosz <>, Chaim Dovid Zwiebel <>, Shea Rubenstein <>, Rabbi Feldman <>, Josh Wander <>, <>


Let me preface by saying that at this point this is conjecture. But if there is any truth, better we nip it in the bud than allow matters to escalate to the point of no return.

Someone sent me a picture of this invite which looks authentic.

It is an invite to a meeting organized by Agudah and FJCC with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

We asked Rabbi Feldman and Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky about this on October 26th and October 27th and they didn't seem to be in the loop or weren't aware of the meeting. I don't think therefore that Daas Torah was an active consideration unless a different Rav was consulted.

Is there a money trail behind this meeting? We don't have any evidence. However since שוחד מעוור פקחים this possibility seems like a plausible explanation. 

The excuse that such a meeting keeps open communications with both parties falls flat with an elected official who has a history of supporting Israels most dangerous enemies.  This is a Galus mentality.

This meeting raises a red flag.

What is the connection with Agudah and the FJCC and Gillibrand?

After all Gillibrand is a strong supporter of pro Choice, Planned Parenthood, pushing for unvetted illegals from countries with ties to radical Islam, and  those with criminal background into the USA endangering American lives.  Such  "hospitality" allowed evil to run amuck in  Europe. Gillibrand openly supports Linda Sarsour, antiSemites, and the Palestinian Cause and their Right of Return to Jaffa, Acca and Haifa and she is on record for supporting and voting for the Iran Deal.

She was against Kavanaugh nomination and didn't seem concerned they were accusing him and destroying his reputation with no collaborating evidence whatsoever  and would probably love to see Trump impeached so that the radical  Liberal left Democrats with whom she alligns herself is back in power.

How can Agudah and FJCC benefit from this meeting when she is not even in the ruling party at the moment?

Even a simple Photo-Op sends a message of endorsement to someone who is politically clueless relying on Aguda and FJCC for guidance..

The common denominator between Agudah and FJCC is Preservation of Har HaZeitim which is a very noble and worthy cause 

Our enemies weaken Am Yisroel with a Divide and Conquer approach. Throw a juicy bone from discretionary funds  here and there and buy silence to achieve a broader sinister agenda.

This approach has worked, is effective and is very destructive. 

The destruction of Gush Katif came when Am Yisroel failed to unite on their  brothers behalf. Where was the voice of the Ultra Right Wing Religious parties before the Expulsion? 10,000 Beautiful and productive Jews were displaced, not to mention their terrible emotional, financial and physical suffering and severe trauma. Did we really share in their pain? It was this divide and conquer strategy that succeeded and stopped a united Jewish front in protest, and we failed to effectively stop the Gaza expulsion.

The Preservation of Har HaZeitim and even some funds going to a living presence on Har HaZeitim and entitlement programs to Yeshivot and Social Programs to help Jews in Chutz  leAretz pale dramatically with the hidden agenda of our enemies of stopping Israel and the IDF from defending Israel's Sovereignty be it on the Gaza border or protecting our Biblical Homeland. 

It pales if it means we are silent when it comes to protecting Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria and protecting  Israel from a 2 State "peace initiative".

 Who will save us from  "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free..." agenda, and the agenda for Israel's destruction?

Receiving money to help Yeshivot and to build up Har HaZeitim is not the issue. Of course it is noble and worthwhile. 

Buying Silence and a weak and ineffective display of protest when Israel and Jews are threatened is the issue...  Case in point... ineffective protesting of  the Iran Deal which BH is being reversed under Trump's Administration...not seriously protesting the Hitnatkut....both served to empower our worst enemies. Sderot and Southern Israel have been under attack for years till today ever since 22 beautiful Gush Katif communities were tragically expelled Tisha Baav 2005.

Did Silence and inaction by Major Jewish Organizations  lead to empowerment of evil and terror attacks and destruction?  

Let us hope and pray  that we will have defending angels in a Heavenly Court!!!

Will money received for such dire and noble causes,  turn into blood money as we then collectively share accountability for the victims of Terror whose demise is seeded and sealed when we allowed evil to run its course undisturbed. 

Even more so if we empowered them with a photo-op with them or giving them space in our papers for a Healthy and Happy Shana Tova or accepting their Passover Greetings ad thereby misrepresenting, hiding and deceiving the Jewish community of knowing their true agenda.

The Sitra Acher sucks its nourishment from Kedusha and becomes powerful from it... Let us not feed it by partnering with it and giving it the respectability it craves...

The Threats Posed by the Impending Invasion | Frontpage Mag