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Fwd: The Hate America Death Squad by Joan Skirsky

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Date: Oct 9, 2017 12:53 PM

Joan Swirsky's article below is a textbook of the plans of the Far Left together with their Marxist-Communist-Islamist buddies to overthrow our democracy. It's up to all of us to get this info out to friends, relatives and our opponents on the Progressive Left Side of the tracks. It goes well in community discussion groups!!

The Hate-America Death Squad

October 8, 2017
From the founding of America 241 years ago, those opposed to and threatened by America's Founding Fathers' noble aspirations of freedom for all and a government in which citizens and not kings or dictators decide who will represent them have waged fierce resistance.
From the Muslim Barbary Pirates who fought America's first presidents (George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson) to today's equally bellicose, supremacist, and fascist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, all harbor the fantasy of destroying big bad America and replacing our Democratic Republic first with socialism and finally with communism. Predictably, they are fully supported by the leftists, progressives, communists, and Islamists among us. 
The virulence of their ISIS-like demonstrations is because the real powers-that-be in the globalist hierarchy are choking with rage that everything they dreamed about and worked for and thought they achieved when they implanted the poseur "president" Barack Obama in office for a full eight years was shattered to smithereens when Donald J. Trump destroyed their other puppet, Hillary Clinton, in the presidential election of November 8, 2016.
And so the arch goal, the singular mission, indeed the psychotic obsession of these temper-tantrum infants-cum-political-activists is to destroy the man who embodies everything they are against:
  • Freedom 
  • Democracy 
  • A strong military 
  • Secure borders 
  • Capitalism 
  • Low taxes 
  • A thriving middle class 
  • A conservative Supreme Court 
  • Free speech 
  • Gun rights 
  • On and on and on…
Everything, in other words, that drives the megalomaniacal globalists, the one-world-government wonks, the deep-state traitors, and the lobbyists-enriched politicians stark raving mad!

DEATH SQUAD #1—The Cloward-Piven Strategy

Instead of starting with the anti-American traitors in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administrations of 1933 to 1945, who were prominent in starting the seditious ball rolling, for purposes of brevity I'll start with the Cloward-Piven strategy which began in 1966 and flourishes to this day. 
Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, a married couple, were professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work who loathed capitalism. But claiming that it was really income inequality they hated, they developed what they hoped was a sure-fire way to redistribute income and transform our nation into a paradise they thought would be "fair" to all its citizens….you know, like Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, et al.
According to former longtime Congressman John Linder, Cloward and Piven posited that "capitalism could be collapsed by overloading the government with financial demands that could not be met. The strategy is to collapse the financial system. The tactic is chaos. If a crisis does not exist, create one. The more chaos the better. The solution is always couched in empathetic words like 'fair,' 'equal,' 'humane' and 'just.'"
In short, they called for overloading the welfare system so it would ultimately force the government to establish a national scheme of a guaranteed annual income. Mass unrest was the tactic chosen to expand welfare rolls.
The strategy worked. By the 1970s, says Linder, "there was one person on welfare in New York City for every two working in the private sector. The City declared bankruptcy in 1975."
Cloward and Piven also formed Project Vote, ACORN, and Human SERVE in order to swamp voter rolls with names that would never vote, but whose names would be on the rolls so others could vote in their stead. When President Bill Clinton signed the bill in 1993, Linder elaborates, Cloward and Piven were standing behind him.And surprise surprise—ACORN's lawyer was none other than Barack Obama.
Why do you think liberals went so berserk when the Contract With America, House Speaker Newt Gingrich's brainchild, passed in 1994? They detested the idea of getting mostly black people off welfare. The people who liked the program most were millions of black people who entered job training programs, got jobs, and got paychecks!
But liberals never tire of trying to destroy America. After the financial collapse of 2008—a result of liberal pressure to mandate that banks make loans in poor neighborhoods to people who couldn't pay for them—$2 trillion had to be spent by the government to save Wall Street and—ta da!—expand welfare and unemployment benefits.
After dozens of corrupt ACORN employees were indicted on charges of voter fraud, their funding dried up and they were disbanded. But they now operate—with the same play-Americans-for-suckers philosophy—under different names.
From 2009 to 2016, the poseur "president" Barack Obama opened our Southern border to floodgates—literally millions—of illegal aliens, creating the kind of chaos and massive government expense that his clients, Cloward and Piven, would applaud, as they would certainly praise him for doubling the national debt to $20 trillion! Remember their strategy, i.e., crush the capitalist system with such debt that it collapses!
Today, when you see the massive numbers of people living in "Sanctuary Cities" the huge numbers still trying to breach our borders, and the generations of black people—all Democrat voters—mired in inferior schools, who have high crime and prison rates, single-parent families, chronic poverty, and are dependent on welfare, you are seeing the rotten fruits of the Cloward-Piven plan. Cloward died in 2001 and his wife, Frances Piven, is—surprise surprise—the honorary chairman of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Both of them were quite brilliant. But they and their followers never met Donald Trump, who is both onto their schemes and impervious to their double-talk!
Nevertheless, their malevolent "strategy" persists to this day and is out to destroy the man who threatens, once and for all, to annihilate their legacy.

DEATH SQUAD #2—Saul Alinsky

Interestingly, in the same decade, the 1960s, that Cloward and Piven were plotting America's demise, the ideas of another radical, Saul Alinsky—a community organizer from Chicago—were being adopted by a number of college students who had read his revolutionary book, Rules for Radicals, and decided that his destroy-America ideas were irresistible.
To be sure, Alinsky also cloaked his ideas in altruistic terms, stating that his goal was to help poor black communities. But he didn't fool people like Hillary Clinton, who wrote her Wellesley thesis about Alinsky and remained close friends with him years after she graduated, or Barack Obama who actually became a community organizer in the Alinsky mode. Both of them shared Alinsky's real goal, which was to destroy capitalist America and turn it into the socialist-cum-communist regime they preferred—even while they themselves indulged in multimillion-dollar homes, half-million-dollar speaking fees, lavish travel, five-star restaurants, red-carpet treatment, and anything but the socialism-cum-communism life they tout for the lowly American masses for whom they have zero respect or regard.
Among Alinsky's Rules for Radicals were:
  • "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have." 
  • "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." 
  • "Keep the pressure on. Never let up." 
  • "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself." 
  • "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
Alinsky was quite brilliant, but like Cloward and Piven, no match for Donald Trump. In fact, according to Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., President Trump has successfully co-opted Alinsky's Rules for Radicals!
"Who talks about returning power to the people, rather than maintaining power in the establishment? Or Congress? Or with the deep state?" Joondeph asks….this is right "out of the Alinsky playbook." The president is also expert at baiting the establishment, ridiculing the opposition, unnerving his political opponents….straight from Alinsky!
Nevertheless, Alinskys "rules" and followers persist to this day and his modern-day acolytes are out to destroy the man who threatens to obliterate his legacy.

DEATH SQUAD #3—The Left Wing Media

We all know that for the most part the media is notorious for skewing the "news" in a Marxist direction, or—same thing—in a Bill or Hillary or Barack or Chuckie Schumer or Nancy Pelosi direction. This is understandable because, as I explained in a recent article, Media Whores, most media anchors and news readers take their marching orders directly from their bosses—and their very very very wealthy bosses are extremely invested in the global economy and not in the vision of President Trump's economy, which is to bring jobs and manufacturing and profits back to the United States in order to Make America Great Again!
During his campaign, Pres. Trump outed the entire industry of fake news, as well as individual practitioners of phony reporting, such as Jim Acosta of CNN to name but one of many, and promptly started a downward spiral from which all the faux reporters and newscasters will probably never recover.
Actually, most members of the media have never met Donald Trump. Oops, that's not quite true. They actually met him often and lionized him and reported on the spectacular ratings he received for "The Apprentice" for 14 seasons and afforded him positive press for the Miss America contest he owned for nearly two decades.
But then he released one discordant drop into the ocean of accolades he had received over the years and poof! All he had to do was call himself "Republican" and he became Enemy #1 to all those formerly slavering toadies. 
That same media complex is massive and unrelenting, both in its leftwing bias and almost fanatical determination to bring down the president, to destroy the man who has already tarnished their reputations irrevocably.

DEATH SQUAD #4—The Muslim Brotherhood

Central to the downfall of America are the rigid beliefs of all Muslims which are dictated by their holy book, the Koran. As writer Linda Goudsmit explains in explicit and exquisite detail: "Islam is an expansionist socio-political movement with a religious wing created 1400 years ago. Islam then and Islam now seeks world dominion—the establishment of a worldwide Islamic caliphate ruled by Islamic sharia law," which is not only incompatible with but anathema to the U.S. Constitution and American law.
Indeed, this 7th century movement believes that everyone in the world who is not a Muslim is an infidel and worthy of conversion to Islam, at best, or death, at worst. "Islam is not a religion of peace like Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, or Judaism," Goudsmit writes, but "a unified socio-political system with a militarized wing, an educational wing, a religious wing, and enormous oil wealth [that is] governed exclusively by religious sharia law."
In fact, criticism of any facet of Islam, including female genital mutilation, wife beating, honor killing, general misogyny, throwing gays off roofs, et al, is considered "hate speech",  according to sharia law.
A 2014 Walid Shoebat article stated that Muslims have a 30-year plan to control America which leaves them three years to go! Of course, this timetable was totally dependent on Hillary winning the White House in 2016 and continuing with the malignant policies put in place by the poseur "president" Barack Obama.
Remember, Mr. Obama placed high-ranking members of the Muslim Brotherhood in every important department and at the highest reaches of our government, where they had access not only to our security and military secrets, but first-hand insight into exactly how our government operates—the better to dismantle it with maximum efficiency.
The plan Mr. Shoebat describes began in 1990 and "included a key component and tactic known as Muruna.Like the Ebola virus, it is extremely effective at carrying out its deadly mission. A perfect example of Murunawould include a Muslim woman marrying a Jewish man if it afforded her stealth and cover while gaining access to power centers. Consider Huma Abedin, the very close adviser to Hillary Clinton who served as then Secretary of State Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff. In 2010, she married a Jewish man who also happened to be a U.S. Congressman ‚Äì Anthony Weiner. Ironically, Bill Clinton presided over the ceremony. Circa 1996, Abedin became an assistant editor with the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), an institution with the goal of converting all Muslim minority lands into Muslim majority lands."
Decades before the years of the Obama regime, oil-rich Muslim countries were buying hefty shares in American media companies, as well as making astronomical contributions and endowing chairs in colleges all over America—effectively dictating the slant of their curricula. No surprise that Mr. Obama punctuated this propaganda push by federalizing education through the Islamophilic Common Core so-called standards to schools throughout the country.
Today, there are a growing number of groups—like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a front for Hamas; the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO)through which the Muslim Brotherhood lobbies and influences American lawmakers and government agencies; the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)which funnels Saudi oil money to build mosques and Islamic schools across America; and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)et al—all of which harbor the goal of controlling, subverting and ultimately conquering America.

DEATH SQUAD #5—George Soros

According to and Matthew Boyle of—the heftiest largesse to the left comes from mega-funder and hedge-fund billionaire, George Soros, whose name, as reported by, is attached to virtually hundreds of leftwing U.S. organizations.
But his "charity" doesn't end there. He also gives bountiful donations to a number of Republicans who are all too willing to compromise their, ahem, principles, when it comes to lining their pockets. Among the long list of recipients is Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and AZ Senator John McCain, who have perfected a clever two-step for blocking President Trump's agenda, i.e., Ryan pretends to be enthusiastic and pushes things through the House, knowing that a cabal of obstructionists, led by McCain, will stop them cold.
Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit has reported that Mr. Soros has also funded every major protest since the November 2016 election, including the Women's March on Washington (see my article, "The March to Nowhere"), the protests in front of Trump Tower in NY City, the thug-fests at Berkeley College, at the college of William & Mary, and elsewhere, as well as the fascists-on-display demonstrations of the anti-American, anti-Semitic Black Lives Matter and Antifa, where bought-and-paid for miscreants—dressed up like and imitating ISIS terrorists and Hitler's Brown Shirts—proceeded to smash windows, light cars on fire, and brutally attack supporters of President Trump.
An editorial (read the whole thing) in—a magazine whose readers voted Soros "the single most destructive leftist demagogue in the country"—listed the Top 10 reasons "George Soros is Dangerous," documenting each one. To mention just three, he:
  • Gives billions to left-wing causes—several years ago it was estimated at $7 billion—such as ACORN, National Council of La Raza, Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Planned Parenthood, on and on. 
  • Wants to curtail American sovereignty so that America becomes subservient to international bodies like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the cesspool known as the United Nations. 
  • Is delusional. Soros has repeatedly said that he sees himself as a messianic figure. "I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance—to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god" or "I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin."
In one of his many books, Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism, Soros stated: "It may be shocking to say, but I believe that the current unilateralist posture of the United States constitutes a serious threat to the peace and prosperity of the world." Also, "The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist, but the capitalist threat."
In addition, according to journalist Warner Todd Huston, citing work done by the Washington Free Beacon, Soros is one of the hugest donors to the anti-Trump resistance, part of "a secret group of left-wing foundations and millionaire donors" who himself contributed nearly $2 million.
The National Football League (NFL) players are also working with Soros to help fund the anti-Trump resistance. Thought the NFL was nonpartisan? In fact, its labor union has been donating money to leftist political causes for years!


The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, with the intent of investigating the ionosphere (the earth's upper atmosphere) for its potential to enhance technology for radio communication and surveillance.
The above Wikipedia link says that work on the HAARP Station began in 1993, but as far back as 1958, the chief White House advisor on weather modification, Captain Howard T. Orville, said the U.S. defense department was studying "ways to manipulate the charges of the earth and sky and so affect the weather…"
And we all know about weather manipulation going back to Vietnam, when in Operation Popeye, the U.S. military used cloud seeding (from March 20, 1967 until July 5, 1972) to extend the monsoon season over Laos, specifically areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Even before that, in July of 1943, Operation Gomorrah was successfully used by the Royal Air Force to completely cloud German radar.
I cite HAARP as a potential member of the death-to-America squad because it is speculative and, at this point, impossible to prove.
But really!
  • Harvey "the worst" hurricane in history" to ever hit Houston. 
  • Irma "the worst hurricane in history" to ever hit Florida. 
  • Maria "the worst hurricane in history" to ever hit Puerto Rico.
And that is not to omit the worst fire fires in Kansas and other bizarre events that HAARP is capable of bringing about, including "the worst earthquake in history" in Mexico in September.
Author Michel Chossudovsky stated in a book published by the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform that "recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the capability of triggering floodshurricanes, droughts and earthquakes."
In addition, Nick Begich Jr., son of the late U.S. Representative Nick Begich and brother of former U.S. Senator Mark Begich, is the author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP. He has claimed that HAARP could trigger earthquakes, among other things, and elaborates on the subject on his website.
In addition, physicist Bernard Eastlund claimed that HAARP includes technology based on his own patents that have the capability to modify weather and neutralize satellites. Compiled by writer Ethan Huff, here is an extensive list of weather-control patents which prove the technology exists to augment and control powerful storms.
And writer Mike Adams describes how weather-war theorists say that Hurricane Harvey was engineered and steered toward Houston as a weather-terrorism weapon, possibly to allow FEMA to declare Martial Law.
"There is a growing community of weather skeptics," Adams writes, "who insist that such events are not accidents but weapons. That's why we're covering this story…"
Frankly, I would not put it past the fanatics who are against President Trump to enact these "weather wars" in the name of fulfilling the anti-American, anti-globalist policies of Cloward & Piven, Alinsky, the Clintons, Obama, Soros, the Muslim Brotherhood, the swamp-dwellers in the U.S. Congress, and the Deep State denizens who have literally devoted their lives to undermining our great country.
They are all terrified by President Trump's immense power to undo every seditious, malevolent and destructive thing they've been inflicting on Americans for the past 50 years, and especially during the monstrous reign of Barack Obama from 2009 to 2016.
Writer Sean Adl-Tabatabai reminds us that, "We do know we're all constantly lied to by the fake news media about almost everything, from vaccines to economics to history. And don't forget the 'Russia! Russia! Russia!' conspiracy theory that's been pushed by the fake news media for the last 18 months, based on absolutely nothing but faked sources and shoddy journalism."
Keep that in mind when you think about the five Hate-America Death Squad members I've mentioned that we cannot relent for a minute in exposing each one of them for the destructive, anti-freedom forces they are, just as we can never relent in supporting the genuine America patriot we now have in the White House!
Joan Swirsky is an award winning author and journalist. Her work can be found at

Washington - Melania Trump Saying 2 Words More Often: First Lady

Fwd: ZOA Praises Sen. Schumer Urging Tillerson: Don't "Return” Jewish Artifacts to Iraq that Belong to Iraqi Jews

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From: "Zionist Organization of America" <>
Date: Oct 9, 2017 11:47 AM
Subject: ZOA Praises Sen. Schumer Urging Tillerson: Don't "Return" Jewish Artifacts to Iraq that Belong to Iraqi Jews
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Zionist Organization of America 

News Release


Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

ZOA Praises Sen. Schumer Urging Tillerson: Don't "Return" Jewish Artifacts to Iraq that Belong to Iraqi Jews

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For more information contact Morton A. Klein 212-481-1500
Follow @mortonaklein7 on Twitter. Website:

NEW YORK, October 9, 2017

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

The ZOA praises the Senate Minority Leader, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), for writing to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, urging Secretary Tillerson to reconsider his unwise decision to "return" to Iraq the Jewish artifacts that Iraq's Jews were forced to leave behind them when the Iraqi government expelled virtually the entire 2,500-year-old Iraqi Jewish community from their homes in the late 1940s to 1950s.  (A copy of Senator Schumer's excellent letter is reprinted below, and is on the Senator's website at: "Schumer: State Dept Once Again Unwisely Plans To Return Confiscated Judaica Collection To Iraq; Senator Renews Call To Not Send Back To Iraq Nearly 3,000 Jewish Artifacts That Were Originally Seized By Saddam Hussein's Regime," Sen. Schumer news release, Oct. 3, 2017.) 

Last month, the ZOA issued a press release objecting to the Tillerson State Department's statement that the State Department will "return" to the Iraqi government the thousands of Jewish holy and secular objects, representing thousands of years of Iraqi-Jewish culture, that the Iraqi government stole from the persecuted, dispossessed Iraqi-Jewish community.  ZOA explained that sending these Jewish objects to Iraq would make the Tillerson State Department complicit in Iraq's theft of Jewish property.  ZOA urged the State Department to return the objects to their rightful owners in the Iraqi Jewish community.  ZOA cited a November 13, 2013 bipartisan Congressional letter to former Secretary of State John Kerry from Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and former Congressman Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) and 47 fellow Congress-members, which stated: "The Government of Iraq has no legitimate claim to these artifacts. . . . It would be criminal for the U.S. government to be complicit in denying the Jewish community what is rightfully theirs."  (See "ZOA Opposes Tillerson/State Dept. Decision to "Return" to Iraq the Jewish Artifacts that Iraq Stole from Iraq's Dispossessed Jewish Community," Sept. 14, 2017)

Although the press has reported that, with the exception of ZOA, "major Jewish groups have remained largely silent on the issue," ZOA's discussions with officials of Jewish groups from all ends of the spectrum (including the far left) have revealed that the entire American Jewish community agrees with ZOA that these Iraqi Jewish objects should be returned to their rightful Jewish owners, and should not be sent to Iraq.  

Senator Schumer's excellent letter is found below:

Dear Secretary Tillerson,


I write today out of deep concern over the recently reported decision to return over 2,700 pieces of Iraqi Judaica to Iraq next year. Four years ago, I urged then-Secretary of State John Kerry to delay and ultimately prevent the Iraqi Jewish Archive from returning to Iraq in 2014, the initial return deadline for the collection. Thankfully, after my urging, the deadline was postponed, however, the new deadline is now September 2018. These treasured artifacts belong to the Jewish community and, therefore, I am renewing my call for these artifacts to remain available and accessible to Jews worldwide – especially the exiled Iraqi Jewish community.


In 2003, American soldiers found the collection of Iraqi Judaica in a flooded Baghdad Intelligence Center, and the United States has spent over $3 million dollars preserving the collection. The collection, which includes partial Torah parchments and ancient prayer books, had been seized by Saddam Hussein's troops and belonged to members of the exiled Iraqi Jewish community. Specifically, this priceless collection of Judaica consists of a Hebrew Bible with commentaries from 1568, a Babylonian Talmud from 1793, a Torah scroll fragment from Genesis, a Zohar from 1815 and other sacred ritual objects.


Items in the collection were seized by Saddam Hussein in 1984 from a Baghdad synagogue. Iraqi Jews placed the collection there during their mass exodus in the early 1950s. In the 1940s, outbreaks of anti-Jewish rioting occurred and in 1948, Zionism was made a capital crime. Between 1950-1952, more than 130,000 Jews left Iraq and were not allowed to carry more than one suitcase each. When the United States attempted to assist Iraqi Jews who wished to leave Iraq after the U.S. invasion in 2003, just 34 Jews were found in the entire country – a mere shadow of a 2,500 year old community which at its height numbered over 130,000 people.


These items belong to the people who were forced to leave them behind when the Iraqi government chose to exile them from their homes. Since the exile of Jews from Iraq virtually no Jewish life remains in the country – this treasured collection belongs to the Jewish community and should be made available to them. I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to return these artifacts to the Iraqi government next year and urge you to work with Jewish organizations and the Iraqi Jewish community both in the United States and abroad to find a location to store and display these cherished items in a manner which respects their history.




U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer

October 3, 2017

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About the ZOA

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the United States. With offices around the country and in Israel, the ZOA educates the public, elected officials, the media, and college/high school students about the truth of the ongoing Arab war against Israel. The ZOA works to strengthen U.S.- Israel relations through educational activities, public affairs programs and our work on Capitol Hill, and to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media, in textbooks, in schools and on college campuses. Under the leadership of such presidents as Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, and current President Morton A. Klein, the ZOA has been - and continues to be - on the front lines of Jewish activism. For more information contact Morton A. Klein 212-481-1500.

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Fwd: Shurat HaDin Op Ed: Israel provides example for the world on terror financing

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From: "Shurat HaDin - Israel Law Center" <>
Date: Oct 9, 2017 12:07 PM
Subject: Shurat HaDin Op Ed: Israel provides example for the world on terror financing
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Article By Nitsana Darshan-Leitner • 9 October 2017

Follow Israel's Example: We Must Wage Financial Warfare Against Terrorists


The United States and nations around the world battle ISIS and other terrorist groups with special forces and other ground combat troops, pilots of manned aircraft and drones, police, explosives experts, intelligence agents and informers. But to win the fight we also need financial experts who can deprive terrorists of money they require to wage war against us.

Israel – a favorite target of terrorists for decades – has developed a highly effective financial warfare template to hit terrorists in their wallets. The U.S. has already used this template to fight ISIS and other terrorist groups – and now European nations should follow.


Money is the common denominator behind everything that ISIS and other terrorist groups do and threaten to do. Without the cash to fund fighters and leaders, there would be no global jihad against the West. Islamic fundamentalism and despair might inspire terror, but money fuels it.

Israel came to terms with this reality years ago, during the last intifada from 2000 to 2005, when a seemingly endless wave of Palestinian suicide bombers attacked the country's towns and cities. The Israeli military and security services waged relentless efforts to end the bloodshed, and elite counterterrorist units launched daring raids to kill and capture key terrorists – but the bombings continued.

Israeli leaders realized they needed a new approach – something that could provide short-term benefits and change the long-term paradigm. So Israel shifted its focus to the money that financed everything from bomb-building factories to the cash bonuses issued to the families of suicide bombers.

The Jewish state formed a multiagency task force codenamed Harpoon to wage financial warfare against its enemies. The Harpoon unit followed the terrorist money from its source – whether it was cash raised by charities in the U.S., or multimillion-dollar transfers from Iran, the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia.

Harpoon expanded its operational reach in 2002. Following the money wasn't enough. The cash and the accounts had to be taken from the terrorists or destroyed.

Every part of the Israeli government – from its intelligence services to its tax authority – was mobilized to find ways to deprive terrorists of their money and their access to the international banking system.

Israel even encouraged human rights lawyers to use the power of the U.S. federal courts and multimillion-dollar law suits – brought against the state sponsors of terror and the financial institutions that served them – to place additional pressure on the cash flow that financed attacks.

I was, and remain, one of the attorneys in this effort. We spearheaded billions of dollars in judgments against the likes of Iran, Syria, the Palestinian Authority and North Korea – all on behalf of the victims of terror.

In addition, we were instrumental in closing down banks that served as conduits for terrorist groups like Hezbollah, handling hundreds of millions of dollars in narco-profits that financed atrocities around the world.

Some of the Israeli tactics, such as raiding banks, were criticized in the West – even by President George W. Bush – as being "Wild West" in nature. But eventually, the United States came to appreciate Israel's tactics and emulated them with the far-reaching muscle that only a superpower could flex.

The Americans saluted Israeli spy chief Meir Dagan – the mastermind behind Harpoon – and his understanding that money was the oxygen that enabled the terror beast to live and thrive. Dagan was intent on suffocating this malignant creature through any and all means at his disposal.

In the wake of terrorist attacks in Britain, France, Spain Belgium, Germany and Sweden in recent years, Europeans will need to use the highly effective financial warfare template that Israel has already established if they hope to defeat ISIS and the terror armies that will follow.

The European intelligence services will have to cut through red tape and muster their resources to bankrupt ISIS, intercept its ability to move money from country to country, and stop it from funding fighters and operations throughout the continent.

Rendering a group like ISIS insolvent will yield victorious battlefield results.

In 2014, during the fighting in Gaza, the Israeli Air Force incinerated over $10 million in Hamas cash that was earmarked to pay the salaries of terrorists on the front lines who hadn't been paid in weeks. When the money evaporated inside the flash of a missile strike, Hamas had no choice but to seek an end to the conflict.

If European nations are truly serious about wanting to put an end to ISIS attacks on the continent they must accept that in the war on terror – primarily the financial war – there is no fair play, only results on a ledger.

Days before terrorist attacks in Spain killed 13 and injured 100 in August, a judge in Germany sentenced a Syrian hairdresser to two years in prison for defrauding ISIS by tricking the terrorist organization into transferring 180,000 euros to him under the pretense of carrying out attacks in Germany. German authorities shouldn't have charged the man – they should have copied the scam on a much larger scale.

A smart and successful war on terror requires James Bonds and General Pattons, as well as one or two Bernie Madoffs – and their services are needed immediately.

This war is here and now. To weaken the terrorists who target innocent men, women and children for murder and mayhem, America and European nations must adapt and develop new and decisive strategies to make sure that the next attacks are much more difficult to carry out. The bankrupting of terrorists must be the tip of this strategic spear.

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