Thursday, June 22, 2017

Fwd: Hebron in Danger at UNESCO, Nikki Haley Please Help! Hallel Ariel hy"d, Pics & Parshat Korach


This is a matter that the Trump Team, David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner can easily address.  

Like Caleb let them visit our Avot and Imahot in Hebron accompanied by PM Netanyahu sending the world a clear message that Hebron is in Israel and is a Holy Jewish Heritage Site!

UNESCO FAKE NEWS: Maarat HaMachpela, The Tomb of the Patriarchs a Fakestinian World Heritage Site?  (they can not pronounce the letter "P" I understand)

In the merit of exposing Fake news and enlightening the world with Truth that is Based on G-dly Truth may all the Fake News besieging Trump and his Administration and his inner circle dissipate like dust in the wind!

I hope Nikki Haley gets on UNESCO's case as well!

Nikki Haley Rocks the United Nations! by David Kerner

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "The Hebron Fund" <>
Date: Jun 22, 2017 4:55 PM
Subject: Hebron in Danger at UNESCO, Hallel Ariel hy"d, Pics & Parshat Korach
To: <>


Tour bus

The Hebron Fund

Parshat Korach

Dear Raizy & Pinchus,


The Palestinian Authority is attempting to designate the Tomb of Machpela as a Palestinian World Heritage Site
at the upcoming UNESCO conference. 

We are addressing the jihadists on two fronts. The first is
their physical Jihad, when the terrorists stab, car ram, shoot, and attack innocent Jews in any way possible. The second is a narrative Jihad, when there is an attempt to
weaken Israel through the media, anti-Israel tours & law-fare/anti-Israel legislation. 

As you may have heard, the Palestinian Authority has asked for an emergency session at the UNESCO meeting in Warsaw in 2 weeks to take away Jewish ownership of Ma'arat HaMachpela. Yes, the one Herod built on the property bought by Avraham Avinu; the first real estate ever purchased by a Jew in Israel. 
Israel's Ambassador to UNESCO, Carmel Shama HaCohen, said "The ceaseless effort by the PA to delegitimize Israel's historic connection to her geographic and spiritual roots is simply a different way to wage war. This is a clear continuation of the attacks and hallucinatory outrageous votes in UNESCO regarding Jerusalem, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall,".
The second front, we combat though EDUCATION with
tours for youth and adults in first-hand visits to Hebron, short videos (check out Stolen Grandfather below), informative pieces written by Hebron spokesmen Noam Arnon and Yishai Fleisher, major public events that have brought in hundreds of thousands of visitors and hands-on tours etc 
In fact, this week we hosted both Im Tirtzu and Hebron Fund tours, during which the visitors saw the PA falsehoods with their own eyes. Personally, I was with donors at Tel Hebron where we saw mikvahs (Jewish ritual baths) from the times of the Holy Temple Period and shortly after. Considering that Islam and Muhammad were only born in the 7th Century and that mikvahs are only used by JEWS, there is an abundance of factual evidence that the Jews are indigenous to this land and the Arabs are trying to OCCUPY. More on the UNESCO situation next week. 
Sadly, this week we memorialized the tragic death of 13.5 year old Hallel Yaffa Ariel (May G-d avenge her blood) who was murdered in her home in Kiryat Arba last June. There are no words - may her family find some comfort and peace be brought to the Jewish people.
As a reminder, if you received a mailing recently and were meaning to respond, please do so today either online or by mailing a check. We are finalizing the summer camp program and need to know what activities we can plan for the children and community of Hebron. We are also planning our response to the PA ploy at UNESCO with promotional materials, ads, films and other methods which I cannot mention here.  Please mail in your reply envelope to the Hebron Fund office (address below) or click online here

If you would like your gifts designated for 'summer camp' or 'UNESCO campaign' please indicate in the comments section.  We aren't going to take this sitting down.

Shabbat Shalom and Blessings from Hebron, 
Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein
Executive Director, The Hebron Fund 

P.S. As part of the agreed upon 10 days per year of exclusive access, the Ma'arah was closed on Wednesday and will be closed again tomorrow, as well as on Sunday. See side panel for more information.

Video on the Scene 
Grandpa Abraham HIJACKED: Protect Hebron, City of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs

Seen on the Scene

Im Tirtzu Tour
Photo Credit to Barak Shaked  

 Being inspired by Yishai Fleisher, International Spokesman for the Jewish Community of Hebron

Hearing about the history of the Jewish community of Hebron at the Hebron Museum with Hebron resident Tzippy Schlissel

At the Hebron Observatory

The view into H1 (PA controlled Hebron, where no Jews are allowed) from the Observatory

Learning about Ma'arat HaMachpela, while sitting in the Cave's main hall, with Noam Arnon, Spokesman for the Jewish Community of Hebron.

Im Tirtzu group outside the Ma'arah

Congratulations to Ophir and Meirav on the birth of a baby! The brit milah was held in the Tomb of Machpela

An Israeli flag and flagpole,
donated by Dr. Bob Shillman,
flies strong on top of the 
Hebron Observatory.
  Photo Credit - Yishai Fleisher
Andrew Scott Kligerman (left) and David Kimmel (right) of Westchester with Rabbi Rosenstein on Tel Hevron - Can you find the Ma'arah in background?

Tour group with Rav Simcha Hochbaum at the Field of the Ma'arah, outside the Cave of the Patriarchs

One of our tour participants from Boca Raton, Florida, connecting with one of the chayalot who is an IDF tour guide.

The Ma'arah was closed to non-Muslims so we prayed on the 7th step promenade. To your left is a group of Arab women in an area normally only accessible to Jews
David Wilder always amazes us with his knowledge
of the ancient city walls of Hebron!

David Wilder showed us Mikvahs (ritual bath) from the 2nd Temple Period and the Revolt. This was long before the religion of Islam or Muhammad was born!
UNESCO's ploy is part of the narrative Jihad

The Ma'arah is under attack. The Jihadists are not just using knives, they are using UNESCO to change the narrative and STEAL MA'ARAT HAMACHPELA along with our grandfather Avraham Avinu, and the rest of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron. We are working hard to derail this attempt at taking over the Machpela, and you can help.
You can influence the decisions at the UNESCO Heritage Center meeting at the beginning of July, by contacting US Ambassador to the UN, a good friend of Israel, Nikki Haley, via
ie: Please stop UNESCO from declaring Tomb of Patriarchs in Hebron a Palestinian Heritage Site, ignoring recognition of site's Jewish identity.
Articles for more Information

The 21 committee members are: Angola, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Croatia, Cuba, Finland, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Tunisia, Turkey, United Republic of Tanzania, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.
They plan to meet from July 2 to 12 in Krakow, Poland.
SPREAD the word, STOP the lies and PROTECT Hebron

Yishai Fleisher 

Intrenational Spokesperson, The Jewish Community of Hebron
One way we combat false claims, like that of the PA to the UNESCO council, is through important programs like Im Tirtzu.
"Hebron, together with the Im Tirzu campus movement, has begun doing tours for Israeli students - a type of domestic birthright for Israelis who rarely visit this cradle of Jewish civilization. The tours are our answer to the delegitimization tours run by 'Breaking the Silence' and 'B'tselem'. I am proud to have had a hand in the creation and running of these tours, and it was nice to be quoted in  Reuters:
*see this weeks Seen on the Scene for pictures from a recent Im Tirtzu tour*
The agreed compromise at Ma'arat HaMachpela is to reserve ten days a year for Jewish, Christian and non-Muslim only worship and ten days for Muslim only worship inside the Ma'arah.
Our days generally correspond to holidays such as Passover, Succot, Parshat Chaya Sarah, etc. when tens of thousands of Jewish visitors come to Hebron, and the Muslim only days coincide with their special holiday of Ramadan.
As part of our mutual understanding, the Tomb of Machpela will be open to Muslims only on the following dates:
Friday June 23, 2017
Sunday June 25, 2017
Jewish prayer services on these dates will be held outside the Ma'arah at the Seventh Step.
The Ma'arah will be open at 4:00 AM on shabbat mornings, as usual.
Dates are subject to change. For more information please call
050-647-7776 or 050-647-7744
This week marked the 1st Yahrtzeit of
Hallel Yaffa Ariel H"YD.

One year ago, on what would have been her last day of 8th grade, 13 year old Hallel was murdered by an Arab terrorist in her bedroom in the Charsina neighborhood of Kiryat Arba.

The Azkara (1 year memorial service) was last Sunday (24 Sivan), on the anniversary of her murder.

יהי זכרה ברוך
Missed the 50th Anniversary celebrations in Hebron?
Its not too late to become an Honorary citizen and receive a limited edition 50th anniversary medallion!

Parshat Korach
By: Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron

To print, click HERE


לשכנו תדרשו
Discovering the Holy Presence in Our Holy Land

בכורי כל אשר בארצם

"Blessed are You HaShem our God King of the Universe Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to take trumot and maasrot."

The end of this parsha contains numerous verses about the manner of taking truma and maser, and more specifically trumat maser. Trumat Maser highlights the hierarchy of the Kohanic rite over the Levite rite, for trumat maser involves giving truma to the Kohen even from the maser given to the Levite. Thus, we can see how this portion at the end of the parsha is a direct continuation from its beginning which deals with the conflict of Korach who wished to obliterate this hierarchy that puts the Kohanim at a higher status than the Levites.

One of the primary differences between the gift given to the Levites and the gift given to the Kohanim is that the gift given to the Levites is called 'a tithe' while the gift given to the Kohanim is called 'the first (gift)' - 'reshit', i.e truma, bikurim, or halla. Aside from the practical ramifications of this term, which means that one must first give the truma given to the Kohen before the maser given to the Levite, there are also spiritual implications to this terminology. It seems that the Torah wishes to teach us that we need to first address the 'first' aspect of things, i.e their origin or source, before we deal with their results or the various branches that stem from this source.

Ultimately, the search for the source of matters, brings one to search for HaShem the Source of All. By placing 'the origin' at the head of one's endeavors one also comes to put God at the head of one's consciousness. Indeed, the Kohanim are the class of Israel closest to the 'origin', i.e the Holy Presence of the Temple, in their unique service in the holiest parts of the Temple. In turn, the holiest gift given from the produce that grew in the Land of the Holy Presence is given to these Kohanim.

There is no doubt that Hebron and Maarat HaMachpela stand as the origins of our People's connection to this Land of the Holy Presence. Indeed, Hebron was a city designated for the Kohanim in the book of Joshua. Hebron is also unique by the fact that it is the only Kohanic city also designated as a Refuge City. The power of the Refuge Cities is linked to the life of the Kohen Gadol. In this way, the negligent murderer, is given aid to correct his ill behavior. The negligent murderer failed to truly realize the Godly origin of life, and therefore he did not take enough caution in protecting life. Therefore, this negligent murderer's cure lies through connecting to the origins of our People and our Land, the Kohen Gadol and the Refuge Cities, which stem from Hebron, the City of Patriarchal Clemency (see Vayakhel 5015 on this at length).

One of the locations in Hebron which seems to reflect the connection of the masses, coming from the 'four corners of the earth', to their origins, is the Field of Machpela. The Field of Machpela is a unique spot in Hebron where one can site the masses of Israel together, undivided by any walls or partitions, at our Unifying Roots of Hebron, City of our Common Origin.

Real Stories from the Holy Land #224

"One day I lent 200 NIS to one friend. That very same day I received 200 NIS back on a loan I had given to another friend which had not been paid for numerous months (I don't usually merit to give loans to people, and I also don't have gemach for such a purpose)." 

Sources: Duties of the Heart - Shaar Habitachon, Shabat 31a and Smag's interpretation, See Igeret Habitachon

Comments, questions, and/or stories,email   

Parshat Korach

June 23-24, 2017
New York 8:12pm
Miami 7:57pm
Chicago 8:09pm
Los Angeles 7:49pm
Hebron 7:23pm 
New York 9:22pm
Miami 8:55pm
Chicago 9:22pm
Los Angeles 8:53pm
Hebron 8:30pm 
Zmanim republished with permission from All New York times listed are for the 11230 zip code. 
Shabbat end times are based on the opinion of Reb Moshe Feinstein and Harav Tukaccinsky, which is usually 50 min past sundown.

Inspire others to connect with Hebron. 
Please tell your friends to get the Hebron Fund Artist Calendar here
The Hebron Fund: The Ultimate Place to Leave Your Legacy
Partner with the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Jewish People

The 2017 Hebron Fund Calendar

Featuring all-new artwork from local Hebron artist,
Baruch Nachshon 

Click here to donate and receive both an electronic version and printed copy of the 2016-2017/5777 Hebron Fund Calendar 
The Hebron Fund 
1760 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230
The Hebron Fund, 1760 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230
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Constant Contact

Fwd: From Israel: Revolting! From Arlene Kushner re: Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner meeting with Abbas


Dear Those who are Privileged to be in Trump's inner circle or a friend or in contact with someone who is..

Please pass this along

Let me suggest that the the Trump team, David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner together with Netanyahu take a trip to Chevron as did Caleb so that they are infused with a Ruach Acheret the Spirit of our Forefathers!

It takes extraordinary precautions to counter the overwhelming Yetzer Hara, evil inclination,  of the Miraglim, the Spies who started out righteous!

It is a G-dly Justice that all the fake news of the Trump Administration will just increase and not lessen  with an increase of credibility of fake news of Abbas.   And visa versa....

Here is a Blessing for Trump's Administration: 

Please G-d, give Trump and his emmisaries the wisdom to increase G-ds Truth in this world to bring real and everlasting Peace with spreading the knowledge that this Land, the Land of Israel inclusive of Judea and Samaria was Promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as an EVERLASTING inheritance for them and their seed the Nation of Israel and not to the Fakestinians! Then surely G-d will reward him in kind and dissipate all the fake news against Trump and all his inner circle as well. KT Kol Tuv! All the Best! Robin Ticker

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Arlene from Israel" <>
Date: Jun 22, 2017 1:14 PM
Subject: From Israel: Revolting!
To: <>


From Israel: Revolting!

June 22, 2017

I struggled to find the right title for this posting – one that would properly reflect my revulsion with what is presently transpiring in the name of "advancing peace."

I finally selected "revolting" because it reminded me (and here I really date myself) of the old Jackie Gleason classic comedy sit-com in which he frequently lamented, "What a revolting development!"



That's what we've got folks: a "revolting development." Except our development is absolutely devoid of humor.


After I posted last, about the painful loss of Hadas Malka in a terrorist attack, I had a hope, slight as it might have been, that some key decision makers would be jolted into coming to their senses.

I imagined that Abbas – having brushed aside his "peaceful" façade and totally exposed his murderous, non-peaceful intentions with the honorary military funeral he arranged for three terrorists and his silence regarding condemnation of their attack – would have made Trump and Greenblatt sit back and think twice about what they were doing.

I was foolish. After all, even before this last terror attack, they seemed not to notice that Abbas told Secretary of State Tillerson that he was going to stop paying salaries to terrorists in Israeli prisons, but never actually did so.

As I wrote recently, Issa Qaraqe, head of the Palestinian Committee of Prisoners' Affairs, had put out a statement saying:

"We reject ending the subsidies to the prisoners and families of martyrs. We will not apologize for it.

"The American and Israeli pressure is an aggression against the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Authority…almost every other household among the Palestinian people is the family of a prisoner or martyr." (Emphasis added)

I referred to Tillerson then as naïve, which I still believe he is.

But now I also ask if the fact that a lying Abbas said he was going to stop terrorists' salaries was sufficient for the Trump administration.

Never mind the inconvenient reality, which works against the possibility of peace. Abbas's promise alone could be brought out and touted as a "success." A success wrought by the Trump team.


Trump had seemed different – in some respects he truly is different, and I'll return to a discussion on this in a posting soon – because he appeared to be ready to hold Abbas's feet to the fire. I hadn't observed any president doing this before. And so I thought, hmm… Then there were reports about his furious anger at Abbas, in their private meeting in Bethlehem.

But in the end, Trump too has turned out to be someone who favors appearance over substance.

Or, put another way, who does not intend to let reality interfere with his intentions. Just brush it aside, as if it was of no import, and keep going.


Just today Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan addressed the Herzliya Conference on the very same issue of PLO pretense regarding payments to terrorists (emphasis added):

"I call on the US administration - it was an important step by President Trump to bring up the issue of PA incitement, but we cannot fall for the tricks which Abbas is starting to play regarding the issue.

"He will assert that the payments to the families of terrorists are a type of welfare payment to families whose source of income has been damaged. And this is a boldfaced lie…

"Abbas is already trying to hide the payments through partial reporting of the PA budget, and through the establishment of fictitious bodies through which he funnels the funds.

"…Abbas has not only not condemned the murder of Policewoman Hadas Malka, may her memory be a blessing, but his political movement, Fatah, praised the three accursed terrorists

"I call on the American administration not to ignore this..."


Credit: a7


Special envoys Jason Greenblatt, who arrived Monday, and Jared Kushner (NO relation), who arrived yesterday, are here through the day today, Thursday. Presumably their mission is to work on sounding out both sides on positions regarding a "peace deal."

A White House official, cited by the JPost, said that "forging an historic peace agreement will take time…

"Even while working behind the scenes to advance direct, bilateral negotiations…we will continue to communicate with the relevant constituencies throughout the region to remind all that peace is possible…" (Emphasis added)

I would have been far more reassured if the official had said the administration wants to explore the issue of whether peace was possible. But I'm hearing that Trump has made this a "top priority" for his administration, is convinced that it is possible, and "will expect big results soon."

That, if true, is a revolting development.


The Palestinian Arabs are pushing the Trump administration to set out a "framework for peace" before proceeding. I read this as no more than an attempt to squeeze Israel.


Greenblatt and Kushner both paid shiva (condolence) calls to the family of the slain Hadas Malka. At one level we might say this is gracious and lovely. Jared actually went right from the airport.

These acts lend a "feel good" moment to the proceedings, and are particularly appropriate because both envoys are religious Jews. There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of either party.


But there is another side to this.

Former head of ADL Abe Foxman has now said (emphasis added):

"Jason Greenblatt goes from the plane to the Kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem and then to a shiva call for a victim of terrorism — and so does Jared…

"The US is publicly embracing Israel — that goes a long way when it comes to getting Israel to take risks."

I'm surely no fan of Foxman, but am afraid he's on to something here, although he sees it as a positive and I do not.

I see it as making Israelis more vulnerable. Starting with our prime minister, who is being asked for "gestures."


Last night, Jared, accompanied by Jason, paid a visit to Abbas in Ramallah.

Jared Abbas

Credit: Chinadaily

A White House release said the meeting was "productive."

Reportedly, both Abbas and Kushner "reaffirmed their commitment to advancing President Trump's goal of a genuine and lasting peace."

So, forgive me, but this is nauseating. How does anyone accept Abbas's commitment to a genuine peace given his stance on terrorism?

And what does it mean that Jared, having already paid that shiva call to the family of Hadas Malka, sat with the man who praised the terrorists who murdered her and found the meeting productive??

Did he, in private, say, "Listen you so-and-so, unless you clean up your act and stop promoting terrorism we'll have nothing to do with you, and will expose your hypocrisy to the world"?? Most certainly he did not.

So this is revolting nonsense with a pretty façade.


I am eager to put this out, and will return with additional information – regarding Netanyahu, the Security Cabinet, promises made and not necessarily kept, the context of broader Arab relations, and a great deal more.


© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by independent journalist Arlene Kushner. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.

©2017 Arlene from Israel |
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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

False Criminalization of Hilltop Youth by Defense Minister Lieberman and Shabak. Why? ( 'They overturned beds and came out empty-handed' - Israel National News


This is my guess. Why pick on these kids? No Habeas Corpus for them? 

Administrative Detention for Jewish kids?

Administrative Detention is meant for potential terrorists. These kids have no culture as do Jihad educated youth to be violent. Their Sin is that they love the Land with all their heart and soul and are hanging on to it with their very fingertips.

Serving them with Administrative Detention serves to imply that they are dangerous like Muslim jihadist youth who are taught to be Shaheeds.

The following conclusion is in light of the facts on the ground, which is an ongoing building freeze in Judea and Samaria in spite of a buldging Jewish population in Judea and Samaria. 

They,  Lieberman and the Shabak and the Israel Supreme Court want to demonize the Settlers so that it becomes more palatable to implement policies that freeze Jewish Settlement as per political  considerations while allowing and legalizing Arab building on Jewish Land as per recent Cabinet decisions

Why else would Lieberman interfere after the court decided there was no reason to keep the kid in jail? 

So in turn let's pray for Divine Intervention Midda keNeged Middah. Let Lieberman and the Shabaq and the Bagatz instead be served with some Divine Justice with some fake news that will put them into Administrative Detention so that they will be unable to proceed with their desired plan of action. 

Let us hope and believe that deep down they too want to do what is good and right for Israel.

The Nation as a whole needs to be worthy!

 If the Jewish people yearn to settle every inch where our Forefathers walked the land as do these kids then surely  an Almighty G-d can and will help us win our battles from our enemies!

Trump Administration, which has a G-dly soul that is going OTD (Off The Derech) is getting hit with some Fake News right now which is hampering them from operating. But is the Trump Administration getting the right message from this? I am specifically referring to Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner? 

 I am afraid they are getting the wrong message. 

 Are they capitulating hoping this will stop the onslaught. 

Capitulating in fact is a sign of weakness and  it will only empower the enemy, and increase the violence. It will not bring peace

 It would serve them well not to push for an agenda that gives credibility and respectability to a false narrative that says that  Israel is Occupying Palestinian Land as this serves to nullify G-d's Agenda.

Maybe by pushing a G-dly agenda,  then in turn, the Almighty will help them put an end of the fake news that is currently besieging Trump. 

'They overturned beds and came out empty-handed'
Mother of Elia Nativ of Yitzhar, in administrative detention: 'They banged on the door, went through the closets; we were in total shock'.

Alleged Jewish extremist to be held without charge despite court freeing him. Shin Bet orders administrative detention for Elia Nativ over ‘ongoing violent activities’ against Israeli security forces, Palestinians

Fwd: Mike Huckabee Commentary: Georgia on my mind, North Korea...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Jun 21, 2017 9:27 AM
Subject: Georgia on my mind
To: <>


The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 

Today's Commentary:  Georgia on my mind -- President Trump responds to North Korea -- Reviewing the Beatles



Everyone this morning is talking about the 6th District Georgia House race as if it held cosmic significance (it didn't, unless you own a local TV station that was selling ad time; if so, then it changed your life the way winning the lottery would.) It's estimated that as much as $50 million may have been spent on donations to the candidates or various PACs, with Democrat Jon Ossoff outspending Republican Karen Handel by 7-1 and still losing to Handel by nearly 53-47%. Still, it could have been more embarrassing. Ossoff didn't live in the district and couldn't even vote for himself. What if he'd lost by only one vote: Karen Handel's?

The ballots had barely begun to be counted before angry liberals on Twitter were blasting Ossoff as a terrible candidate who didn't articulate why working class voters should support him. And yet, when Hillary lost, it could only have been due to a Russian conspiracy. How do they know some Russians didn't get misled by their iPhone Maps app, end up in Roswell, Georgia, instead of the Republic of Georgia, and stuff the ballot boxes? Hey, there's as much evidence of that as there is that they colluded with the Trump campaign.

But Ossoff and the "rage against Trump can win elections" crowd are hardly the only losers in this race. Right up until the polls closed, we were assured this would be a "nailbiter." It was more of a nail-filer. Just two weeks ago, an Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll had Ossoff up by 7 points, and he lost by about 5. Either the vote swung against him by 12 points in two weeks, or else polls are now the only section of the newspaper less reliable than the Horoscope column. Personally, I wasn't surprised by the latest pollster face-plant. I took a lot of ribbing for dismissing the polls showing Hillary was a lock, too (look at yesterday's post, where I made a sarcastic joke about the polls, which turned out to be a joke about a joke.)

Another big loser in this race was Californians, especially in ultra-liberal enclaves such as Hollywood and the San Francisco Bay area, who thought they were going to buy themselves an extra Representative. Ossoff got nine times more donations from California than he did from Georgia, which Republicans made sure local voters heard about, and that pretty well negated any advantage from the money. You'd think the results might cheer up Democrats, since they're always demanding campaign finance reform to keep big money from buying elections. Well, rest easy: this proves it doesn't. As did November's race, where Hillary outspent Trump by 2-1, and that doesn't even include all her PACs.

Nancy Pelosi was also a big loser. Just as Democrats tried to tie Handel to Trump, Republicans warned that Ossoff would to go DC and do Pelosi's bidding, and that turned out to be the more frightening scenario for voters.

If it's any consolation to the Democrats, all of these special elections have been in Republican districts, to replace people who took jobs in the Trump Administration. There are nearly two dozen House elections in 2018 where Republican incumbents are running in districts Hillary won. Maybe that will increase their chances, although I wouldn't count those chickens just yet either. As a Democrat who knew how to win elections (Tip O'Neill, now deceased) once said, "All politics is local." Georgia voters didn't want some liberal kid whose resume says he's a political filmmaker to go to DC and obstruct Trump's agenda of bringing back jobs, replacing Obamacare and increasing national security. Handel held real jobs with several major companies before going into charity and public service. Voters elect a Representative to represent their interests, not the feverish political dreams of the far-left wing of the Democratic Party. I already wrote a book to try to explain this to them, but they don't listen to me. So, one more time:

Democrats, your problem isn't that your message isn't getting through or that Americans are "voting against their own interests." They know what you stand for. They got a big load of it during the Obama years (slow job growth, bloated government, skyrocketing debt and insurance premiums, open borders, weak leadership abroad leading to the rise of ISIS and the Middle East on fire, etc, etc.). Having you in power may be in your interests, but most non-coastal voters think it sure as heck isn't in theirs. Until the Democrats actually try listening to the American people, rethink their policies and find candidates with life experience outside of politics, they're going to keep losing. Right now, it's hard to find Democratic candidates who've had real life experience in dealing with the government from the perspective of a worker or business owner, because they tend to be Republicans.

Finally, before we bid this story farewell, the award for the best line of the night goes to Daily Wire editor Ben Shapiro, who tweeted, "Planned Parenthood sponsors thousands of abortions per year. Add Ossoff's campaign to the list."

Leave me a comment.  I read them.


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

URGENT:  HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 who will pass President Trump's agenda. Help us raise and additional $15,000 in June by chipping in $5 or more today! This will help us reach our budgeted goal!  Thank you!



President Trump responds to North Korea

By Mike Huckabee

Early in his Administration, President Trump had a successful and productive meeting with President Xi of China. And he has been patient in allowing China to try to rein in the ever-more-belligerent North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un. But that insane rogue regime is not only holding Americans in jail, it has, to put it bluntly, murdered an American citizen by allowing student Otto Warmbier to waste away in a coma for month after month without returning him home or providing him with proper medical care.

I'm sure that Trump doesn't want to launch a military response, but we cannot allow rogue regimes to murder American citizens with impunity. And the longer we wait to deal with it, the more dangerous North Korea becomes as it continues its tests of ICBMs that could carry nuclear warheads.

Yesterday, Trump sent out a tweet that expressed his appreciation to China for trying to help with North Korea, but added that "it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!" If you don't get the message, trust me, China gets it loud and clear. Trump signaled to China and the world that their efforts to rein in Kim Jong Un have failed, and something new must be tried, but this need not affect the US-China relationship if they don't want it to. However, it also lets China know that if they don't want America to take over dealing with Kim, then they'd better move fast. I don't think there's ever been an example of so much diplomatic meaning packed into fewer than 140 characters.

Leave me a comment.  I read them!


Reviewing the Beatles

By Mike Huckabee

Fun piece from the New York Times archives of 1969: music reviewer Nik Cohn (who later sold a story that became a classic movie, and later still admitted it was fraudulent) reviews the Beatles' "Abbey Road" album and finds it to be an "unmitigated disaster." There are only 15 minutes worth listening to, and they don't include the two George Harrison songs that are "mediocrity incarnate" ("Here Comes The Sun" and "Something.") It seems "the badness ranges from mere gentle tedium to cringing embarrassment," with lyrics that are "limp-wristed, pompous and fake." The "only interesting failures" are "Come Together" and "Oh Darling." In fact, this woeful "Abbey Road" disaster suffers from the same "overkill" that ruined the Beatles previous album, a double-disc that was "boring beyond belief" and filled with "profound mediocrities" (you know it as "The White Album.")

This story is a few years old, and the review is 48 years old, but it's still a timely reminder that for the "paper of record," getting things wildly wrong isn't something they only took up since Trump was elected.

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