Tuesday, June 28, 2016

06/27/2016 Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser to testify before Senate Panel in Hearing on Cover-Up of Islamist Terror by Obama Administration | American Islamic Forum for Democracy


Amona Revisited, Is Lieberman doing enough by merely actively looking for a solution to prevent the evacuation of Amona?


Rabbosai, I feel that there is something much more at stake here. 

"Evacuation of Amona" sounds very mild.   It is anything but...

There are those of us who recall the brutal attack and terrible suffering in Amona in 2006 upon defenseless Jewish youth and even against sympathetic Knesset members.
Three Knesset Members Hurt in Amona Evacuation http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/97760#.V3I34fkrJdg 

It was authorized by the Israeli Gov't  under Olmert, with riot police and  trained riot horses used against their own people.  Many of them minors.  This brutal attack in Amona followed the heart wrenching expulsion from Gush Katif in Summer 2005.  Very raw emotional pain etched forever in the hearts and minds of those affected a large majority of the kids protesting another "evacuation".  

This community deserves an apology an expression of regret, comfort and understanding rather than further heartache.   

How can Israel even begin to contemplate adding insult to injury with additional intolerable acts to the Community of Amona? 

This is what the government should do in order to undo and correct the injustice and crimes against the Amona community.
  • APOLOGIZE to the community and victims of the brutal Amona attack of 2006,  and especially to the HILLTOP YOUTH. Admit that the Government of Israel under Olmert was wrong. 
  • Compensate for pain and suffering.
  • Aid Jewish Settlement and growth in Amona
  • Dismantle the Nationalist Crimes Unit
  • Do away with Jewish Administrative detention and conduct a fair investigation of Shabak and the Judicial System that have slandered and prosecuted and incarcerated and tortured Jewish Hilltop youth.  ( Administrative Detention for both Jew and Arab alike must have  a firm and reasonable justification. Otherwise Administrative Detention violates basic human rights.)
  • Advocate annexing Amona and the rest of Judea and Samaria to Israel.  
This is the response that would gain trust and respect for Lieberman from the Nationalist camp

How can we trust Lieberman and Netanyahu if harassment of Hilltop youth is ongoing. Why does the government  continuously harass, libel and slander the salt of the earth?  And let me tell you a secret. It's not only the kids who have become distrustful, their family and friends, far and wide, all ages  have as well.

 It takes a lot more to build up trust. Stopping the  demolition of a community is a big step in the right direction but not enough so long as there is a  Nationalist Crime Unit to harass and invent Nationalist crimes.  It is not enough so long as corrupt judges, and ISA (Shabak), Israel police and judiciary continue to enforce immoral Administrative detention for Jewish Youth thereby violating their civil rights. IT is not enough with with hilltop youth sitting months at a time in jail, or under house arrest or alternatively distanced from their home and family and friends, with no way to defend themselves against charges, with no real evidence against them other than false allegations,  and/or forced confession due to torture and no fair and transparent trial, but tried and convicted in the court of the Media. http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/this-bench-belongs-to-the-minor-from-yitzhar/2016/06/22/  

So allow me to remind you what happened in Amona in 2006 in case you forgot or never knew. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014



Sunday, December 28, 2014
Amona Stabbed Again: High Court Decision: New Community of Amona to be demolished within two years bs"d Hashem Yishmor....

Didn't they suffer enough???????

Thursday, February 02, 2006
Videos of Brutal Police attacks in Amona

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Scenario at Amona was sickening. Were we forewarned?

Friday, February 10, 2006
Two Fabulous Articles: Roy Neuberger Amona and Emunah, YYJacobson's article entitled What Nietzsche Didn't Understand About Judaism Love Thy Ego.

Thursday, February 16, 2006
Jim Vinyard speaks up about Amona. Rabbis, Jewish Media and Radio still silent
Now let's return to the discussion at hand.

 Was the hilltop upon which Amona is situated, populated and inhabited by Arabs prior to the Jews settling the hilltop or was it an empty hilltop with no Arabs living or claiming to live there?  

In 1948, many Arabs fled as per the instructions of their leaders, not forced out, and their property and land was then resettled by Jews.   There was a war and we won.   According to Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_land_and_property_laws#The_.27Absentees_Property_Law.27 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestinian_exodus According to Simha Flapan,[27] "a detailed account of exactly how abandoned Arab property assisted in the absorption of the new immigrants was prepared byJoseph Schechtman":

It is difficult to overestimate the tremendous role this lot of abandoned Arab property has played in the settlement of hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants who have reached Israel since the proclamation of the state in May 1948. Forty-seven new rural settlements established on the sites of abandoned Arab villages had by October 1949 already absorbed 25,255 new immigrants. By the spring of 1950 over 1 million dunams had been leased by the custodian to Jewish settlements and individual farmers for the raising of grain crops.

Large tracts of land belonging to Arab absentees have also been leased to Jewish settlers, old and new, for the raising of vegetables. In the south alone, 15,000 dunams of vineyards and fruit trees have been leased to cooperative settlements; a similar area has been rented by the Yemenites Association, the Farmers Association, and the Soldiers Settlement and Rehabilitation Board. This has saved the Jewish Agency and the government millions of dollars. While the average cost of establishing an immigrant family in a new settlement was from $7,500 to $9,000, the cost in abandoned Arab villages did not exceed $1,500 ($750 for building repairs and $750 for livestock and equipment).

Abandoned Arab dwellings in towns have also not remained empty. By the end of July 1948, 170,000 people, notably new immigrants and ex-soldiers, in addition to about 40,000 former tenants, both Jewish and Arab, had been housed in premises under the custodian's control; and 7,000 shops, workshops and stores were sublet to new arrivals. The existence of these Arab houses-vacant and ready for occupation-has, to a large extent, solved the greatest immediate problem which faced the Israeli authorities in the absorption of immigrants. It also considerably relieved the financial burden of absorption.[28

Fast  Fwd:  A Jubilee ago,   50 years ago, in June 1967, Israel was attacked by her enemies surrounded on all sides and they fought and miraculously won.  They recaptured East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria our ancient and Biblical Homeland. 

Yet the rules that allowed Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to be resettled by Jews  in 1948, somehow didn't apply to the resettlement of Jews in Judea and Samaria. After 1967, it becomes an illegal act to settle these hilltops. Thank you Defense Minister Lieberman for highlighting the inconsistencies of Israel Law within the green line and outside of the green line. We want you to take this battle to the end.  It is not just about Amona.  It is about each and every hilltop and each and every home that did not get a proper permit which is slated for destruction because it is situation on Land that Israel reclaimed in the 6 Day War. . 

There is an unfair double standard regarding Jewish Settlement in Judea and Samaria.  

Why are we shocked when the Nations of the World apply a double standard on Israel?

Let us discuss what happened in 1776 The American Revolution: 
Many years ago, Native Indians settled North America including what is now known as the United States of America.   Columbus came from Europe and then boatloads followed. Pioneers came and settled and inhabited the New Country.  The 13 colonies were established under British rule. 

Then the British mistreated the Colonists with intolerable acts.  There was taxation without representation. (Not nearly as horrific as the intolerable acts perpetrated against the defenseless youth of Amona).  So the Colonists fought back and won a just war against the British.  

Does America need to demolish new homes built by the Colonists on property once owned by Britain or Native Americans? Obviously this is a rhetorical question and the answer is obvious.

Back to the subject at hand....

Lieberman's current leadership has not changed the ongoing harassment of the hilltop youth.  The latest outrage is this 15 year old kid, a minor, who is not allowed to live at home with his parents in the Shomron.    Basically they are throwing him to the streets and distancing him from his parents. Now there is a bench campaign organized by advocates sweeping the country, with signs all over the country,  that is raising consciousness about the homelessness of this 15 year old kid entitled "This Bench Belongs to the Minor from Yitzhar" http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/this-bench-belongs-to-the-minor-from-yitzhar/2016/06/22/

People are beginning to distrust Lieberman like they did Yaalon. He is pandering to Obama reassuring the Administration of his commitment to a 2 State Solution knowing fully well that Judea and Samaria should be under Jewish Sovereignty and not the Sovereignty of a Palestinian leader who is blood libeling Israel accusing them of poisoning Palestinians.  Lieberman is just another politician, on Netanyahu's team who continues in their intolerable treatment and harassment against the hilltop youth.   

Perhaps this bench campaign makes Lieberman look bad.  His tough stand reputation is undergoing an about face as is typical once a right winger accepts a political leadership position. 

Along comes Arutz7 and reports that Lieberman is going to help save Amona.  Everyone will now be grateful to Lieberman for not allowing Amona to be demolished and once again Lieberman can be counted as a Nationalist... a nice save face for Lieberman....
Posted on Arutz7:
Solution for Amona found? 
Nationalist MKs looking into use of absentee property laws to prevent demolition of Samarian community.
On Friday, Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben Dahan visited Amona along with a number of Jewish Home activists.
According to the Ben Dahan, the Defense Minister was actively looking for a solution which would obviate the need for an evacuation.
"Defense Minister Liberman has issued a directive to the relevant officials to make every possible effort to prevent the evacuation of Amona."
"I'm certain," Ben Dahan continued, "that the Prime Minister has also issued a clear directive to the same effect to prevent Amona's evacuation. I'm making every effort to ensure that that happens [a solution for Amona]." 
My message to Lieberman... Thank you for your efforts but you can't get off the hook so easy....Here again are my recommendations:

  • APOLOGIZE to the community and victims of the brutal Amona attack of 2006,  and especially to the HILLTOP YOUTH. Admit that the Government of Israel under Olmert was wrong. 
  • Compensate for pain and suffering.
  • Aid Jewish Settlement and growth in Amona
  • Dismantle the Nationalist Crimes Unit
  • Do away with Jewish Administrative detention and conduct a fair investigation of Shabak and the Judicial System that have slandered and prosecuted and incarcerated and tortured Jewish Hilltop youth.  ( Administrative Detention for both Jew and Arab alike must have  a firm and reasonable justification. Otherwise Administrative Detention violates basic human rights.)
  • Advocate annexing Amona and the rest of Judea and Samaria to Israel.  

Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (www.IsraelAdvocacyCalendar.com).
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.