Friday, February 22, 2013

Fwd: The Fight Against One-Side Broadcasting

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel <>
Date: Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 1:25 AM
Subject: The Fight Against One-Side Broadcasting
To: אביגיל <>


February 22, 2013

The Fight Against One-Side Broadcasting 

Tadmit Media Center, which was founded by the Legal Forum to promote democracy in Israeli media, is taking action to balance reports and personnel in various Israeli media outlets. Last week, Tadmit demanded that Israel's Channel 2 News Program add another news commentator alongside Amnon Abramovich, who is known to hold post-Zionist views.

For decades, post-Zionist agendas have been promoted in the media, especially in state-owned media outlets. For example, Galei Tzhal, a radio station mainly aimed at soldiers, has publicly endorsed avoiding army service.

In an interview following the recent elections, Mr. Abramovich declared that he has a clear agenda with regard to political matters and is happy to promote them through his interpretations in the News Company's broadcasts. He was quoted as saying: "I believe that thanks to the work of some of the media, including myself, the external layers of Naftali Bennet have been peeled off and a large mass of voters transferred their support to Yair Lapid." Later in the interview, Mr. Abramovich is described as holding post-Zionist views, strongly objecting to Prime Minister Netanyahu's policies of settling Judea and Samaria and financial support for the ultra-orthodox community in Israel. Mr. Abramovich also expressed his support for an Arab state.

Following these statements, Chani Luz from Tadmit contacted the Channel Two Council and demanded a second commentator to balance the broadcast.

Amnon Abramovitch

In her letter, Chani Luz said that "it is legitimate for Mr. Abramovich to hold these views, however it is completely unreasonable that he uses the public stage he is given to bluntly and directly influence the political arena. What is even more alarming is that the News Company allows the possibility to promote a single agenda, which is in complete contrast to its role to provide a balanced news report and allow its viewers to hear a range of ideas, as is clearly stated in the regulations of the TV and Radio Council."  The  Council was asked to act immediately to rectify the current situation.


Tadmit Media Center realizes that the personal opinions of news commentators cannot be hidden during their work. However, as the commercial channel is also a public channel, it should not only strive to balance news reports, it is obligated to do so. Tadmit demands the addition of another news commentator who is not committed to post-Zionist views but rather to national ones. "We are not looking to limit Mr. Abramovich' right to freedom of speech, but rather to ensure proper balance, fairness and impartiality."


Authorities in the Channel 2 Television Council have responded to Tadmit's claims and will take action in the matter, understanding the reasoning behind the claims made against them.

The Legal Forum, along with Tadmit Media Center, will continue to monitor the handling of this matter, and will also continue to act to strengthen the values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, where all members of the population enjoy freedom of speech and a right to express their opinions and agendas.


   The Forum's activities are carried out by volunteer attorneys, legal and financial experts, who act to protect human rights in Israel. To continue this valuable work, we need your help. Please donate to The Legal Forum so that justice can prevail.








Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Nisht Inzere Sugia, Throw em out and Ahavas Chinom

I have compaints against Rabbanim.  I am getting fed up.  But I am not discouraged.  That is because I have lived in close proximity to Chevron and have learned something about Ahavas Chinom.  Read through till the end because this will BeEzrat Hashem have a happy ending.....
Basically I see a pattern.  The problem is not my Emunas Chachomim.  Quite the opposite.  I expect alot from Rabbanim.  I believe they can make a difference. 
What I've found is that they are afraid that they can not make a difference.  They believe that they are Chagavim, grasshoppers. They don't believe in themselves..
Let's take a few hypothetical scenarios.
A Mother is subjected to physical abuse. She goes to a shelter and she gets a Get.  The children who are young, demonstrate tendencies of physical aggression towards each other that if not addressed will repeat a cycle of physical abuse when they grow up.  Friends of the family tell Rabbanim. Rabbanim who are told are sympathetic.  Let the Mother and Ohel deal with it.  These Rabbanim are barely getting paid themselves.  There are so many needy congregants.  You can't really blame them.... What more can they do?The family feels rejected and alone unable to handle their issues.  They are embarrased to go for Shabbos meals when invited because they are disruptive at the Shabbos table with their physical fights and the kids would rather stay at home where nobody bothers to correct their behavior.  The children are still young.  We will see how this plays out in the future......
Another scenario:  A single women in her middle age is homeless.  She is in the country illegally. She comes from a chashuv ancestry who have passed on. She is not on talking terms with other members of  her family.  A kind family takes her in figuring she will eventually find a job and move on.  This isn't the case.  The women doesn't pay rent.  She insists that the chesed will benefit the kind family and that she is doing them a tova. by giving them the opportunity to do this chesed.  Shalom Bayis issues set in. Rabbanim are consulted.  The kind family did what they could. Can the Rabbanim take over.  The sympathetic Rabbanim are at a loss.  What we do or say won't make a difference.....What can we do?  Just throw her out.....
A shul is renting an apt to an elderly Jewish man who is very messy. The shul says that he is causing roaches and a fire hazard.  They call the officials and evict him. The man dies soon after.....
Rabbanim teach about the evils of TV, Internet, Nivul Peh etc. rightfully so. A women goes to a Rav expressing her concern that these infractions take place in her home. Rabbanim reassure her. Her husband, a baal Teshuva, son of a Holocaust Survivor who went through many years of the worst Gehenim imaginable raised her son from infancy fixed to the TV. How can one blame this mother of anything????? So the Rav says to this woman who brought her concerns to them, you're also imperfect. Try to be positive. Shalom Bayis is most important. Divorce is not a good solution. Who will support you? (probably thinking It will be the headache of the Clal). Don't be a chnyuk. Alot of men curse. Then comes their son who grows into a teenager, a good kid,  and guess what. He also likes the internet and uses nivul peh besides breaking all the rules in the book. The mother pleads with the Rabbanim and says b"h it's surfaced now when he's 14. Surely you will now address the matter. I've been waiting so many years. Better now then when he's married. why should his wife suffer. Her pleas go on sympathetic but deaf ears. Sorry,. When the child is willing to behave like a Ben Torah we'll take him back. "If you won't teach him who will" she cries. It's up to you and your husband to deal with it. Nisht Inzere Sugia... Our Yeshiva isn't equipped.. We have a Psak from Rav Pam that if a child can endanger the Ruchniyus of the other children the school has the right to throw him out.....
Now look what takes place in Eretz Yisroel.  10,000 beautiful Jews are thrown out of their beautiful homes. Rabbanim didn't protest.  They didn't cry out in pain.  Subsidies were promised to the Yeshivas and their silence was bought. What about all the halachos about property rights?  Baba Kama, Baba Metzia?  Rabbanim are consulted.  Nisht Inzere Sugia they reply.   8 years later, many expelled families are still without permanent homes.  The gov't is holding up their permits necessary to start building.  They are in temporary homes that leak that were meant to last 2 years and not 8.  Another branch of the gov't is getting fed up that these expelled people haven't moved yet. They start charging penalties to their rentees, the expellees, of the temporary homes.  Some of these families are still paying for mortgage for the old homes the gov't destroyed.  Arab employees are suing them, the Gush Katif employers for compensation because these unfortunate Arabs lost their jobs after the expulsion.   Rabbanim of the most religious parties consistently vote with the left wing gov't against the rights of the settlers. Ask Mattot Arim for their record.  Silence from the Rabbanim... Nisht Inzere Sugia....
In America, Obama, supporter of Radical Islam and Nazi loving countries, empowerer of the Muslim Brotherhood nominates 3 key gov't officials for office. Secy of State, Secy of Defense and head of CIA.  All these individuals have a proven track record against Israel and pro Iran and/or radical Islam.  Letters go out to Rabbanim pleading them to speak out for Eretz Yisroel. The Rabbonim are silent.  They are afraid it will hurt their relationship with the American gov't.  What can they do? They are weak....
Now let's analyse what's happening.
This teenage kid with all his issues is threatening their Yeshiva.  It's like he's drilling a hole in their boat.  It's Mutar to throw him overboard.
Really?  If this kid without too many tools can actually drill a hole in their boat, then it means that their boat is too flimsy and they had better get a stronger boat.  Or perhaps they do have a very strong boat and the kid is perhaps wrecking it by graffitti or causing dents.  But does this warrant throwing him off the boat hoping that some nice whale will be out there ready to catch him? Why do they not realize that this kid is in no way endangering their boat but just needs some help and a good paint job with some patchwork will get the ship in better condition it ever was to begin with.
What they fail to realize is that they are right that there is someone drilling a hole in their boat.  It's not the kid.  It's the evil ones who have nuclear weapons and they are slowly infiltrating their boat and would love nothing better than to drill that hole.  Perhaps that kid that they threw over will grow up to have what it takes to fight such evil people.
So where is the Ahavas Chinom?
Let's take those 10,000 families who were thrown out.  In spite of everything that was done for them they want nothing more than to have Ahavas Yisroel.  They cry to Hashem but deep in their hearts they don't want to hurt the Rabbonim who betrayed them.
And that kid that was thrown off the boat, his mother was there to hopefully catch him.  She tells him.  My dear son...  Hashem has many strikes against those who threw you out of Yeshiva instead of embracing you with love by teaching you what you might have done wrong.  They didn't really yet help the abused mother teach the abusive children.  They would have allowed the homeless women to be thrown to the streets  and didn't try to teach her that what she had done was wrong and they evicted a poor elderly man.   They betrayed the people of Gush Katif.  Just last night 9 settler homes in the Shomron, ready to be moved in, were destroyed in honor of Obama coming to Israel.  The Rabbanim have not protested this nor Obama's nominations.  Do the Rabbanim need one more strike against them up in heaven, against us the entire people.  Please find it in your heart to forgive them and in your Zechus Hashem should have Rachmanus on his people. 
And you know what? I believe this kid did.



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, February 04, 2013

Letter to Karen Gould, President of Brooklyn College: Remove your endorsement of BDS and Israel Hate Fest. "Do not accept a bribe..."

Edmund Burke said all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Do not allow evil to triumph. Do not do sit by and do nothing.

Dear MS. Gould,

Why would the Political Science Dept of Brooklyn College endorse BDS and an Israel Hate Fest?

 It makes no sense unless the Political Dept of Brooklyn is getting funding from those who hate Israel and wish the destruction of Israel.

 "Bribery Blinds the Wise". Shmos/Exodus 23:6  "Do not accept a bribe, For the bribe will blind those who see, and corrupt words that are just"

There is a Biblical verse that has proven itself throughout history which hopefully may change your mindset.

Those who Bless Israel will be Blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed!
"You will be a blessing, [and] I will bless those who bless you; the one who curses you, I will curse. All the families of the earth will be blessed through you." (Bereishis/Genesis 12:1-3)

Money you receive from evil sources will be a curse for you.

Please seriously check Brooklyn Colleges' sources of funding and make sure they do not initiate from Terror organizations and/or countries that promote and educate their children to glorify suicide bombers and Jihad.


Robin Ticker
CC: Major Jewish Media,Rabbis and Jewish Activist List

ATTENTION: Jewish Organizations! Rick Santorum and Patriot Voices. Act of America Benghazi Action Alert! Rep. Frank Wolf to fight radical Islam in Washington!

Edmund Burke said all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Do not allow evil to triumph. Do not do sit by and do nothing.
Rick Santorum fighting Hagel's appointment
The letter I sent to Senator Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand:   Please go on the website to send your own letter before the Senate vote onThursday.
To: New York Hoorable Sentators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand,
I have faith that you will not fail your constituents!
I am especially disappointed in Senators who actively have Barak Hussein Obama's back whose actions speaks louder than words to have the back of Radical Islam rather than the Judeo Christian values this great country has been founded on. 
Those who Bless Israel will be Blessed.  Those who curse Israel will be cursed.  Short term gains of power and money via appeasement will be of no consequence once destructive forces that we ourselves have set in place are activated.
Unless we stop those like Hagel who with their votes and proven record have shown to empower enemies of Israel,from taking key positions in the  White House, we are partners with their policies and will be held accountable for their actions.I am asking you---not only as your constituent but a concerned citizen---to vote "No" on the confirmation of Senator Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense.
Chuck Hagel's confirmation would send a dangerous signal to Iran and other radical Islamic elements which would make our country and our allies less secure.
Senator Hagel has made it clear that he would not use strength to prevent the Iranians from obtaining nuclear weapons. He has also sought to distance the United States from Israel, and refused to stop efforts to end terrorist attacks on Israel.
As my representative in the United States Senate you swore to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic."
I firmly believe there are more qualified persons to serve as our next Secretary of Defense.
Again, I am asking you as your constituent to vote "No" on the confirmation of Senator Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense.
Sincerely, Robin Ticker
Time for Jewish Organizations to ask all their shuls and Rabbanim to ask their memberships and consituents to call and send crucial letters to the White House. Join Patriot Voices and ActforAmerica who courageously have taken up a battle that alligns itself with Israel for the good of America.
This is not a time for Israel and Jews to be Silent!
This is not a time for Jews to be passive. These forces of evil have alligned themselves with the ideology of Nazi Germany. England, France and Europe have shown a strong increase of antisemitism. If we don't fight it, America is heading in the direction of Europe.
Al Taamod Al Dam Reiacha! Eit Laasot LaHashem Heferu Toratecha! Do not stand idly by the blood of your brethren.  Time to Act for Hashem because they have annulled your Torah.
 The Bible is the mainstay of Judea Christian morality and ethics. It is The Book that has built America and American values.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Act for America <>
Date: Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 1:06 PM
Subject: Benghazi Action Alert!
To: Robin Ticker <>

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ACT! for America

February 4, 2013

It's time America got answers!

Please sign our letter to Congress calling for a thorough congressional investigation of Benghazi!

Dear Robin,

Last Friday, a terrorist blew himself up at the U.S. embassy in Turkey.

Unfortunately, this likely won't be the last time this occurs.

This is what happens when American leadership signals weakness, indecision and wavering in response to the threat of radical Islam.

Our enemies didn't miss President Obama's mixed-message response to the Benghazi consulate attack.

They watched UN Ambassador Susan Rice blame the attack on a video, which only encouraged militants to riot in front of American embassies all over the world.

They know that no one has yet been arrested for the attack.

They saw Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's outrageous response during her congressional testimony, when she asked, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" regarding why the attack happened.

While the American people still don't have answers to many of the questions swirling around Benghazi, our enemies have drawn their own conclusion—they see weakness, confusion and indecision.

And they have become emboldened as a result.

It's past time America got answers, answers that weren't forthcoming at the House and Senate hearings.

This is why we're urging you to sign our open letter to the House leadership demanding the creation of a House Select Committee to thoroughly investigate what happened in Benghazi and why.

Unanswered questions include:

  • Who exactly was responsible for the attack?
  • Why has not even one of the terror suspects been taken into custody?
  • Why did members of the Administration falsely claim on numerous occasions that a low-budget movie was the catalyst for the attack, something known to be untrue?
  • Why was there no immediate military response during the attack to either rescue the victims or recover the bodies?
  • Is it true, as the New York Times reported, that militants involved in the recent attack of an Algerian gas complex also were involved in the Benghazi incident?
Rep. Frank Wolf has introduced H. Res. 36, which calls for the creation of this Select Committee.

The House leadership needs to hear from the grassroots that there is a demand for the creation of this committee to thoroughly investigate what happened in Benghazi.

Please add your name to our open letter to the House leadership, and forward this email to everyone you know.

It's tragic enough that the families of the four men who died in Benghazi still don't have all the answers.

But how many more of our embassies are now in the crosshairs of Islamic jihadists as a result?


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ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fwd: GUSH KATIF MUSEUM DINNER - Saturday, March 9, 8:30 PM- Save the Date Mike Huckabee Keynote speaker!

Last year the Dinner was a smashing success bli ayin hara and the speakers John Bolton, Glenn Beck and Rabbi Jacobson were phenomenal.  This year Mike Huckabee is the keynote speaker.  He is a real mentch.  My only regret was that he backed out of the Presidential race.  I wish that he and Rick Santorum would have been the Republican ticket.  They love America and have wholesome American values. They love Israel and are strong believers in G-d and the Bible.   They are against a Palestinian State and by Mike Huckabee addressing this Dinner he is taking the position that the tragedy of Gush Katif MUST NOT be repeated. 
A strong showing at the Gush Katif Dinner makes a strong political statement for Judea and Samaria while at the same time helps support those who lost their homes in the beautiful communitees of Gush Katif and who have to rebuild  from scratch. 
If Netanyahu forms a left wing gov't, Jews must vehemently oppose,  Congress as well must oppose any talk of a 2 State Solution even if G-d forbid the Israeli gov't acts suicidal and against her best interests and Obama and his administration pressures Israel to do so. 
 Save the Date!.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: AFSI <>
Date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 5:00 PM
Subject: GUSH KATIF MUSEUM DINNER - Saturday, March 9, 8:30 PM- Save the Date

Americans for a Safe Israel
Americans For a Safe Israel
1751 Second Avenue (91st Street)
New York, NY 10128
Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director
January 22, 2013




Exciting news for those wishing to join AFSI on the Chizuk mission to Israel this May 5-14, 2013. Visit the website for an outline of the trip. More details to follow.
El Al is having a special $999 sale that includes our dates. You must do your booking today, Jan. 22. Please do not miss out on this opportunity to join us at this great sale price. See the website.
Once you book your flight, call Helen at AFSI: 212-828-2424 or email to register for the mission.
SATURDAY,, MARCH 9, 2013, 8:30 P.M. - 
RAZAG BALLROOM - 739 East New York Avenue, Bklyn.NY
    The terrible tragedy of the expulsion of the 10,000 Jews from 21 flourishing Gush Katif communities is one that can never be rectified. Today we hear from many corners that it was a mistake, and those who voted for the expulsion, or advocated it in so many ways, now regret their actions.They must know that the expulsion itself was a nightmare, and set off a chain of events that is being felt to this day. The debate on the Edmond Levy report, and the Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, is an outcome of the Gush Katif expulsion. 
      It is hoped that today's election in Israel, where PM Benjamin Netanyahu once again emerges as the leader of the largest party, Likud, with many of our strong right wing friends in the Likud, will form a coalition with HaBayit HaYehudi, Otzma L'Yisrael,  and other right wing parties, putting an end to any further demolition of Jewish homes. Rather, we look forward to the announced Jewish construction in E1 and throughout Israel.
     Thanks to the initiative of Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo, the Gush Katif museum was built in Jerusalem in order to preserve the memory of Jewish entitlement and history in Gaza, the amazing growth and productivity of the 21 flowering communities in Gush Katif, and then the painful events of the expulsion and the aftermath, which continues to today. 
     Last year,  2012, the first annual dinner for the Museum was held, with keynote speakers, John Bolton and Glenn Beck. The Razag Ballroom was the venue then, as it will be again. The crowd was standing room only at the event, and it is hoped that the response will be the same this time. Please call AFSI: 212-828-2424;, for further information.

 The best way to send a message to the detractors of Israel in the media, the Administration, and the public is by joining AFSI and becoming active with AFSI's work.  As a member, you will receive all our email alerts as well as email copies of our renowned monthly publication, The Outpost.  See past editions.  


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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.