Friday, November 02, 2012

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Coincidence? Judea and Benghazi. Israel fails to protect her Patriots in Judea and aids the Palestinians. Now America fails her Patriots in Harms way and empowers the enemy. There is a Coverup that we wish to expose. Please forward these extremely im


A coincidence?  I don't  believe so.  Did America pressure Israel to take action against her own people in Judea and Samaria? Now a similar scenario happens to America..  First watch the youtube coming from the Judean Hills.

Protest and support rally for the Hebron Hills' communities because the Israeli police fail to protect the courageous settlers of Judea and Samaria

Why was this protest organized by Women in Green necessary?  Here are some background links.

Posted Wednesday, October 31 @ 17:40:22 EDT  Helen ends her post with the following conjecture which I concur.

"There are some who would say that the wrath of G-d is at work today because of these evil deeds by man. Perhaps G-d  didn't like being eliminated from the Democratic platform, along with Jerusalem." 

FYI Torah Reading for Haazinu where Heaven and Earth are called upon to be G-d's witnesses to G-d's Covenant with Israel.

Deuteronomy 32:1-32:52

Now let's discuss what is happening in America. The American Embassy was under attack and serious questions are being asked from the White House.  Unfortunately, there is a cover-up going on.  

Let us do what we can to make sure the American people are aware of what appears to be the betrayal of the Obama Administration to best and the finest of the American troops. 

Unity Coalition for Israel:URGENT MEDIA ALERT - Voters need Benghazi Details

We are all familiar with the Benghazigate story if we are watching Fox News, but the mainstream media is intent on ignoring this important  historical event until after the November 6th election.

It should be front page news and prominently covered on every TV channel. The media should be reminded of their responsibility to reveal the facts, especially the ones related to the understanding and actions of our commander-in-chief during such a foreign affairs 'debacle', as described by Senator John McCain:

"This tragedy, turned into a debacle and massive cover-up or massive incompetence in Libya, is having an impact on the voters because of their view of the commander-in-chief.  It is the worst cover-up or incompetence I have ever observed in my life. Somebody the other day said to me, 'This is as bad as Watergate...[but] nobody died in Watergate."

We hope you will participate in this Urgent Media Alert.  Your letter will be sent to major media sources throughout the U.S..


The details of the tragedy of Benghazigate, the brutal attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya on 9-11, have become increasingly convoluted.  By their silence, the mainstream media is complicit in this major cover-up.  By joining with the Obama administration to completely suppress the facts and with the Congressional hearing scheduled for after the election, only Fox News and a few other sources are left to reveal the details.

Voters are clamoring for straight forward answers. So far, after a month and a half, we've been fed evasions and contrived stories in order to avoid identifying who is responsible.  It leaves the families of the victims and others concerned with the accountability of our government very frustrated.

As a member of the public I implore you, as part of the mainstream media, to immediately pursue complete coverage of this attack. Why can't the President and others who were in the White House Situation Room be approached by the media with questions? What happened during those fatal seven hours when President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Generals Dempsey and Ham and others were watching the live video coverage and were aware of the calls for help?  Rescue was just a couple of hours away.

Did Defense Secretary Leon Panetta take it upon himself to call off any rescue effort that President Obama had approved?  Did the State Department simply ignore the live stream they were watching?  What was the President's response as he witnessed the call for help? Were the recommendations of General Dempsey and General Ham to get help followed by the routine procedure of writing an executive order? How could the heroes who died by disobeying orders to step down be courageous enough to attempt a rescue effort, while those sitting for seven hours in the Situation Room in Washington watching our heroes die, would remain detached and inactive? Why was a YouTube video repeatedly announced to be the cause of the attack, when the actual cause, a premeditated attack by al- Quaeda related Islamic extremists, was known two hours after the assault?

These and many other questions remain. Failure to release the available 50 minute film and the drone footage is incriminating in itself and leads to many doubts and possible scenarios.  Surely the families and the general public deserve better from our officials and our media.

 I respectfully ask you, as a member of the media, to seek these answers at once and release this information.



Dear Readers:

Did u watch the FOX videos below? Also please listen to Charles Woods, Tyrone Woods father call in to Lars Larson radio. He's a Tzadik!  Listen to him on the Lars Larson radio program when he just calls in spontaneously. Tyrone Woods, was a Navy Seal, one of the Americans who was murdered in Benghazi, Libya who apparently went against orders in order to save American lives at the embassy who got the distress call and sacrificed his own life as a result.  Who gave the order NOT TO Back up the Americans Embassy?  Where was the American Military?

Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 13:53:49 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Today's News Summaries - Benghazi

Unity Coalition for Israel
Editor's Note: Tuesday October 30, 2012



Benghazi's fatal timeline: How 4 Americans were failed
Fox News video - 9:17 minutes

No Rush to the rescue
Fox News video – 3:41 minutes

McCain:  "Nobody died in Watergate," did in Benghazi
Face the Nation YouTube -  1:09 minutes

JERUSALEM ONLINE - Your Link to Israel

Watch Jerusalem on Line

Obama needs to come clean on Benghazi
Jennifer Rubin

Washinton Post, October 28, 2012

The Benghazi debacle has three parts: how we neglected security while al-Qaeda was building a presence in Libya; whether the administration tried to mislead the public as to the nature of the attack; and now whether the administration denied pleas for help from operatives on the ground at the consulate.

Now, presumably at the behest of Gen. David Petraeus — who has been remarkably tight-lipped and not defended his agency against White House accusations that senior officials' misstatements were the fault of the CIA — the CIA threw the hot potato right back in the politicians' laps.

"We can say with confidence that the agency reacted quickly to aid our colleagues during that terrible evening in Benghazi," CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood told Fox News. "Moreover, no one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. In fact, it is important to remember how many lives were saved by courageous Americans who put their own safety at risk that night—and that some of those selfless Americans gave their lives in the effort to rescue their comrades."...

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Hume: Mainstream Media 'Remarkably Reticent' to Pursue Benghazi Cover-Up, Burden Has 'Fallen' Onto Fox News
Brent Baker, October 28, 2012

Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume upbraided the press for its lack of interest in pursuing the Obama administration's misstatements and dissembling on what they knew before and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, lamenting on Fox News Sunday that "one of the problems we're having here is, that it has fallen to this news organization, Fox News and a couple others, to do all the heavy lifting on this story."

A "couple of others" may be generous. CBS's Sharyl Attkisson is about the only other major news outlet journalist showing any interest. "The mainstream organs of the media that would be after this like a pack of hounds, if this were a Republican President," Hume observed, "have been remarkably reticent."

That reticence extended to Sunday's talk shows. While Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace raised Benghazi, and the newest revelations about how requests for support by CIA operatives on the ground were rejected, with four U.S. Senators (Democrats Mark Warner and Mark Udall, Republicans Rob Portman and Ron Johnson), none of the hosts of the ABC, CBS or NBC shows bothered to bring it up....

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

The Media's Cover-Up of Benghazigate
Daniel Greenfield

FrontPage Magazine, October 28, 2012

Let's go back to 2004. Cindy Sheehan had been turned into a media star during the 2004 presidential election for no reason other than that her son had died and she was willing to lend her name to the left's campaign. There was no specific issue that Sheehan raised, but nevertheless the media was willing to cover her every sneeze.

And now 2012. Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, one of the Navy SEALS killed at the Benghazi consulate, has made serious allegations about his encounter with Hillary Clinton and the refusal of the Obama Administration to save his son. And the media has conducted a complete blackout of the story.

The only mainstream media outlets to report on it are ABC News where Jake Tapper occasionally challenges the administration, but Tapper carefully left out Hillary Clinton's statement that they were going after the Mohammed filmmaker, which may be the most damning part of the story. And the Christian Science Monitor which leans left but also has a history of being somewhat independent. And that's not counting conservative figures like Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post.

Mainstream media coverage has repeated Panetta's statement that the rescue could not happen because of a lack of intel, without challenging it in any way. There is hardly any coverage of the controversy because the media refuses to touch it. And yet how can the statements of Senator McCain and Charles Woods not be covered? They can only be sidelined until the election, which is what the media is doing, buying a little more time for Obama to win....

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

McCain: "Benghazigate Worse than Watergate. No One Died in Watergate"
Daniel Greenfield

FrontPage Magazine, October 29, 2012

Senator McCain had some harsh words for Obama over Benghazigate. Despite the media's attempt to portray McCain as some rabid right-winger, the Arizona Senator has always been an iconoclast and a middle of the road kind of guy, who certainly isn't saying this because he has any great loyalty to or liking for Romney. He's saying this as an experienced foreign policy man who has seen a lot of ugly things in Washington DC come and go.

"This tragedy turned into a debacle and massive cover-up or massive incompetence in Libya is having an impact on the voters because of their view of the commander in chief," McCain said. "It is now the worst cover-up or incompetence I have ever observed in my life. Somebody the other day said to me, 'Well, this is as bad as Watergate.' Nobody died in Watergate."

McCain has been in Congress for 30 years and has seen five presidents come and go. What he's saying is that Obama's actions in Benghazi are an entirely new low....

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

A Short Guide to the Benghazi Issue: What is it Really All About?
Barry Rubin

Rubin Report, October 29, 2012

"Where do They come from, those whom we so much dread, 
As on our dearest location falls the chill 
Of their crooked wing...."  --W.H. Auden, "Crisis," (1940)

The attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and the murder of four Americans there has become a huge issue. There are many stories and rumors that are still being debated and more information is coming out. What I'm going to try to do here is to analyze the enduring themes raised by these tragic events.

Why Do They Hate Us?

There is a debate over the causes of terrorism and anti-Americanism in the world. One possible view is that the principal problem is that of genuine conflict. The adversaries hold certain ideological ideas—say, revolutionary Islamism—to which American society and policies are antithetical. The collision (as with Communism, Nazism, and aggressive Japanese militarism in earlier decades) is inevitable. The United States is inconveniencing the totalitarians both because of what it does (policies) and because of what it represents (freedom, democracy, capitalism).

The other view currently dominates many Western academic "experts," politicians, mass media, and even governments. That concept is that the hatred is our own fault. We have done things in the past—which require apologies—and are doing things in the present that makes people angry at America who otherwise would be friendly.

An exception is made for a "tiny minority of extremists," mainly a code word for al-Qaida, but the more sophisticated argument is that such people would have no following if America handled things properly.

Thus, in this case, if American facilities are attacked in Cairo and Benghazi it must have been something America did wrong, to wit, an insulting video made by an immigrant from the Middle East about Islam....

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You Tube: Time to set a Red Line. We can not live with a Nuclear Iran! Are you registered to vote? Please DO SO NOW! Is your son or daughter or friend registered to vote? Send this to Everyone you know! Each Vote Counts Against Obama.


Dear Family, Friends, Media people, Rabbis etc......

This powerful video produced by does not speak about the Presidential Campaign.  It talks about the Iranian threat and the life and death matter of setting a red line for Iran.  It is narrated by a women Banafsheh Zand BonAzzi who escaped Iran in 1979 after the the Islamists took over.  Her father was a leading journalist and intellectual in Iran imprisoned for the fourth time in 2001 and committed suicide last year.  

Setting a Red Line with Iran was precisely what Prime Minister Netanyahu wished to accomplish on his most recent trip to the United States when he addressed the United Nations. But to no avail. Prime Minister Netanyahu was turned away by the White House, his goal to set red lines rebuffed by President Obama.  

President Obama says he would stop Iran. He says he's a strong friend of Israel.  He says he weakened Al Qaeda and takes credit for killing Bin Laden. 

President Obama has a history of lying to the American people again and again. Just google "Obama Lies". There are tons of websites and tons of proof.  Then google "Romney lies" and the first thing google comes up with is that Obama lies about Romney. This is not coincidental.  Obama identifies with Islam.  There is a well known practice of Islamic deception known as taquia, an Islamic provision which allows for lying to advance Allah's cause by deceiving their enemies.  This practice of compromise by convenience has been employed by Islamic regimes since the betrayal of the Banu Quraysh tribe in 629 and the abrogation of the Hudabiya treaty.

Obama apparently identifies with Islam and is comfortable with the concept of taquia and using deception to win over opponents. 

People want to believe the President. People want to be reassured. Those of us who know the truth knows that he lies. He takes facts and distorts them.  But so do many politicians. The difference is that Obama lies as a motus operandi,  and it comes easy and natural and with an air of authority and confidence. He lies without a bad conscience.  It's not even a personality disorder.  It's a justified approach at least in the Islamic tradition of achieving ones goals.  

We hear but don't want to hear.  We know but don't want to know. Who would even want to accuse the President of the United States of America of lying? It's repulsive. 

But Obama rewrites history. He has empowered evil regimes to take over, regimes that wish Israel and America off the map, regimes that have no problem with using nuclear weapons if they had the capability and then he lies to the American people. 

Obama must not be allowed 4 more years!  Watch this Video and do your part even if you live outside the country or in a different location other than where you are registered. If you need help go to Get an absentee ballot

Time to set a Red Line. We can not live with a Nuclear Iran!    Go on and sign petition.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shurat Hadin lawsuit against Bank of China by victims of massacre of Yashlatz High School Yeshiva students hy"d that took place in Mercaz Harav Library, March 2008


Yasher Koach to Shurat Hadin for this lawsuit! 

Clarification: Please note that the boys massacred hy"d were from a High School whose name is Yahslatz and not Mercaz Harav Yeshiva.  

The attack took place at Mercaz Harav Yeshiva Beit Medrash Library, Rosh Chodesh Adar March 6, 2008 . Please read about the Shurat HaDin Lawsuit brought against the Bank of China (BOC) for providing banking services for Hamas responsible for this attack. 

Dear Friends, amv"sh

Now that this Yeshiva is back in the news because of the lawsuit, I thought I would share the following with you.

Yaakov Cohney, Communications Director of Yashlatz High School, sent me links of some amazing videos of Rabbi Weiss, the Rosh Yeshive of Yashlatz.  These are videos taken immediately following the massacre, addressing his Talmidim even before the names of the victims were publicized and also footage of Rabbi Weiss being interviewed a few days later by a journalist.  

A true lesson of Emunah and Bitachon.

Yaakov Cohney writes:

Interview (with english subtitles) on the web. Part1 includes a brief background on the pigua (terror attack) and a rare opportunity to watch a true leader in action as he comforts his stunned students.

May we only share smachot.

Kol Tuv,
Yaakov Cohney
Communications Director
Yeshivat Yerushalim LeTze'irim (Yashlatz)
050-833-1309 (israel) 
646-810-8743       (us line)

Now, if you would  like an additional dose of Emunah from an amazing Mother, and to shed some more tears, please read the following article posted on the OU website. [Robin]

February 22, 2011 
By Rivkah Moriah mother of Avraham David hy"d one of the Kedoshim. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lawlessness in Judea and Samaria, religious discrimination in Temple Mount 2.0; Support Edmund Levy Report! Vote for MK's with good voting record for Judea and Samaria!


Dear MK's, Media, Rabbanim, Activist List amv"sh 

Please note that these links and videos regarding Judea and Samaria are being forwarded to MK's, media, Rabbanim and to voters, posted on blogs etc.  So do whatever you can for Judea and Samaria!  Not only will it be recorded in heaven, MK's actions and statements in support of Judea and Samaris are being diligently noted my Mattot Arim. There is accountability on earth and not only in heaven.(check out Mattot Arim's important report linked below). And if you have a good record, then YASHER KOACH! Keep up the good work.   If you have a lousy record.... you can always do Teshuva :)

Lawlessness in Judea and Samaria and religious discrimination on the Temple Mount

Support Edmond Levy Report! Vote for MK's with good voting record for Judea and Samaria!

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.