Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Radical groups under the New Israel Fund umbrella infiltrating Israel Day Parade - Aaron Klein investigative reporting - Not just about Parade! JCPA betraying Jewish Students?


There is a disturbing trend of the State of Israel and by extension Jewish Organizations and Jewish Media of  indirectly or directly, empowering our enemy and evil.  

Why is this happening? 

 The State of Israel as well as Jewish Organizations receive their funding or backlash from many sources including the Obama Administration and other leftist sources.  

Most of us that work for Jewish Organizations or Jewish Media are on the payroll  and dare not risk losing our jobs by protesting when evil infiltrates. 

The Netanyahu gov't is no exception.  

American taxpayers money is funding terror .  

Jews are SILENT! 

ISM and BDS anarchists are trained to disregard the IDF and taunt the IDF like breaking the fingers of officer Eisner and harass with disorderly conduct knowing that the officers of the  IDF are ordered to restrain themselves. If the IDF responds in kind the IDF is tarred and feathered in the international media. 

What would happen if some of us, who know the evil that lurks behind radical anti Israel organizations like BeTzelem,  would throw eggs at these NIF marchers when they marched down 5th Ave in the Israel Day parade?  Surely, we would be immediately carted away physically for disorderly conduct!   Double standards.   Hey this is America not Israel and we don't tolerate double standards.  There is liberty and justice and equality for all you say.  Yea right....Not according to the JCPA. What is happening on the  College Campuses? Again, Jews must act with restraint!  Jews are held to a higher standard. They have the freedom however to harass us and we must tolerate Antisemitism!!!!

Very disturbing! Don't expect to find this story in too many of the pro Israel papers in the TO: list of this email since the Jewish Federation will cut back on  advertising revenues if  this story gets publicized.  This amounts to loss of tens of thousands of dollars annually for the paper.  Any fiscally sound paper will stay away from this story and put in something more neutral and less controversial.

What to do?  

Trust that there is a G-d that won't let you starve. 

Why else would the Jewish Press headline how Obama is leading the Jewish Vote? They purposely put the same basic article under two authors. Ron Kampeas http://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/with-election-six-months-away-obama-still-leads-among-jews/2012/05/02/ a JTA leftist journalist and Malka Fleisher a strong Nationalist http://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/poll-obama-winning-back-jews/2012/05/02/  

Surely they could have made Obama a bit less popular had they headlined that Obama is funding terror big time but they preferred putting Obama in a popular light and ignore the rest.  Surely there is a fiscally sound reason for doing so. I can't believe that Malka Fleisher actually wrote this article.  It's totally out of character. also they are almost identical so who indeed wrote it?  But what do I know.  Sderot is honoring JNF tomorrow night because of a playground and most probably other juicy bones thrown at them. So our enemies subtly infiltrate our very best via bribes and if that doesn't work via backlash and threats. It's impossible to resist unless we deeply feel the pain of our brothers and sisters in Migron or Ulpana and know that when we protect our jobs, our paper, our Yeshiva and Community and keep them well funded but remain silent, we cause pain to our brothers and sisters in Migron and Ulpana who are losing their homes G-d forbid. We empower NIF or JNF who empower our enemies. We are actually hurting our souls very deeply, more than we realize.  So I implore my fellow lovers of Eretz Yisroel. Rise above yourselves and above your job, above your institution and above your local community and look at the whole picture. Kol Yisroel Areivim and we and/or our descendants will eventually pay dearly for our silence and our short term gain will fall way short of our long term pain. 

  •  NIF who funds  BDS is probably marching in Israel Day Parade because UJA who funds JCRC, the organizers of Parade are adamant, Listen to Richard Allen on Aaron Klein.  Why is UJA adament? Ask John Ruskay friend of Chomsky.  


Please write to  "John Ruskay" <ruskayj@ujafedny.org>, "UJA Federation President Jerry W. Lewin" <jwlevin@jwlevinpartners.com>, "Rabbi Michael Miller JCRC" <milllerm@jcrcny.org> expressing your outrage regarding this matter and CC: Richard Allen.  

  • Read hhow JCPA is betraying Jewish Students who are victims of antisemitism  because they are afraid of backlash????

From: Bill Narvey [mailto:wpnarvey@shaw.ca
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 2:32 PM
To: Ethan Felson; Rabbi Steve, Gutow
Cc: 'Lori Lowenthal Marcus'; Tammi Benjamin
Subject: RE: WARNING - JCPA and Its Major Jewish Affiliate Organizations Are About to Betray Their Duty to Protect Jewish Students From Campus Antisemitism


Jewish Israel News & Views


May 42012


To:                   JCPA

Attention:       Rabbi Steve Gutow  SGutow@thejcpa.org

                        Ethan Felson  efelson@thejcpa.org

                        The 14 National JCPA Member Agencies:         American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, American ORT, Anti-Defamation League, B'nai B'rith,

Hadassah, Jewish Labor Committee, Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America,

National Council of Jewish Women, Union for Reform Judaism, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and Women's League for Conservative Judaism


To:                   Lori Lowenthal Marcus lorilowenthalmarcus@gmail.com

                        Tammi Benjamin  tbenjami@ucsc.edu


And To:   BCC list. If you concur with the views expressed hereafter, please take a moment to forward this on to your own lists and call on them to take a moment to take a stand and let JCPA know your views by e mail or telephone.


Dear Sirs:


Re: WARNING!  JCPA and Its Major Jewish Affiliate Organizations Are About Betray Their Duty to Protect Jewish Students From Campus Antisemitism  


The notice that follows this e mail received from Lori Lowenthal Marcus of National Conference on Jewish Affairs (NCJA),alerts the Jewish community to a troubling controversy between small minor Jewish organizations and major Jewish organizations such as JCPA and its affiliates, over what use should be made of the  2010 U.S. Department of Education announcement  thatJewish students would now be protected by federal anti-discrimination law, Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


Small Jewish groups contend that vigorous use be made of this opportunity afforded by Title VI Legal Action to more effectively protect Jewish students on campus from being victimized by antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment, so pervasive on many American campuses. 


JCPA however, at its annual plenum in Detroit, starting tomorrow, May 5, 2012, is about to vote in favor of Jewish organizations taking a cautious approach,, fearing that aggressively using Title VI legal action, could cause an anti-Jewish backlash that would hurt the Jewish community and Jewish students more than they already are being hurt.   


NCJA claims that what JCPA is advocating is that Jews should have to meet higher standards than other religious/ethnic groups in order to make out a claim under Title VI.


An internet search reveals a number of articles regarding this controversy.   One such article is found in The Jewish Week,  Taking On Title VI http://www.thejewishweek.com/editorial_opinion/editorial/taking_title_vi


My comments hereafter assumes that the above linked article, fairly sets out the thinking of JCPA and its above noted 14 Jewish affiliate organizations.


1.      The article states: The question being debated in the community today is: now that we have the right to initiate federal suits against anti-Jewish or anti-Israel activity on campus, should we use it, or will it have a chilling effect on academic freedom?


Come again?


The most aggressive use of freedom of speech and academic freedom as both a sword and shield on campuses today which is making many Jewish students feel intimidated, fearful, insecure and thus chilling and stifling their ability to fully exercise their own right of freedom of speech to speak out against it, is by various Muslim student and off campus Muslim organizations and their useful left wing idiots.  It is no secret that hard left ideology features a mean antisemitic streak.


Campus administrations are at a loss on what to do to get those antisemitic/anti-Israel advocates and activists to tone it down. In part administrators themselves, like some, if not many Jews are fearful of a violent backlash from these agit-prop Jew-Israel hating activists, should they take action to curb or stop them.  Campus administrators excuse their feckless inaction and hide their fears in that regard,  by raising principles of  freedom of speech and academic freedom as a shield against criticism for their failure to curb or stop toxic Jew-Israel hate based advocacy and activism.


You are considering the wrong question, which should be:


How can Title VI legal actions be used to maximum effect to overcome the chill antisemitic/anti-Israel speech has had on Jewish students' and Jewish organizations' own right of freedom of speech and academic freedom and their ability to fully exercise those freedoms?


2.      Jewish groups are expressing more caution, though. A resolution to be debated and voted on this weekend in Detroit at the annual plenum of the Jewish Council on Public Affairs describes the Title VI right as "an important remedy" but warns of "the risk of backlash ifJewish students seek to invoke Title VI in circumstances where it is not intended to apply,"


Come again?


Why go through the exercise of debating the issue?  Is JCPA thinking that if a charade of a debate is engaged in, the Jewishcommunity, will be conned into believing that JCPA has thoroughly and responsibly considered all points of view before voting on the resolution? 


That is probably precisely JCPA's expectation and they have good reason to expect that.


JCPA and other major Jewish organizations have often won the trust of a great many ordinary Jews by conning them to believe that an advocacy or activist policy they have voted  into effect,  was so voted on only after sober consideration and rigorous responsible debate over all points of view.   


The fact is that JCPA's fix is already in.  Those attending the plenum already have their minds made up and the vote to exercise great caution in deciding whether Title VI should be used, is a foregone conclusion. 


JCPA however, also has it wrong on this issue in a more pernicious way.


CPCA is wittingly or not, sliming those Jews who want to use Title VI legal action as part of the arsenal to vigorously andaggressively fight back against noxious, toxic hate based campus antisemitism. 


In effect JCPA is saying that Jews who want to make aggressive and effective use of Title VI actions, are too stupid to know a meritorious Title VI legal action from a frivolous one, too reckless to care that there is a difference or both.


Ordinary Jews who disagree with JCPA's views, are offended at being insulted and having their character impugned by JCPA in this way.  Ordinary Jews are also sick, tired and angry that JCPA and other major Jewish organizations continue to ignore their views, sensibilities and feelings or  that just run roughshod over them.


Jews who have had enough of being so poorly treated and ignored by major Jewish leadership, had better speak up.  If they don't, they deserve the major Jewish leadership like JCPA that they have gotten until now and  will continue to get. 


3.      The consensus view of the JCPA, made up of representatives of 14 national agencies and 125 Jewish Community Relations Councils, appears to be that while the Title VI option is important to have, so are the tried and tested tools long employed by Jewish community relations organizations, like dialogue, personal engagement and education.


Come Again?


My first reaction is, are you kidding me?  On reflection, you are kidding yourselves and bent on selling your delusional views to theJewish community.


For the past few decades especially, anti-Israel views on campus have been increasingly accepted as legitimate.  With that, suchviews have become more virulent, aggressive, toxic and pervasive.  For those at least, who actually have their eyes and ears open, it can no longer be denied that many, if not most of those views, derive from antisemitism. 


Antisemites still loudly proclaim that not all criticism of Israel is antisemitic.  It is a disingenuous disclaimer to deny that their hate filled views of Israel are borne of their hate filled views towards Jews.


It is obvious of course not all anti-Israel views are borne of antisemitism.  


What is deeply troubling however, is that Jews give some credence to antisemites and their  disclaimers by themselves proclaiming generally, the obvious truth that not all anti-Israel views are antisemitic. 


What our Jewish organizations and ordinary Jews do not do nearly enough, is to call out these antisemites in the particular, shred their pathetic mendacious disclaimers and hold them up for the public to see them for the antisemites they are.


Surveys taken by Jewish organizations, claim that not all Jewish students on all American campuses are being made to feel intimidated, fearful, insecure and consequently their ability to fully exercise their right of freedom of speech is not compromised.


Jewish organizations have touted these survey results as evidence that things are not bad as some Jews make them out to be.  None of these Jewish organizations have however, questioned how the survey sample was taken.  No information from these surveys speak to what degree of Jewish identity, appreciation for Judaism and Jewish heritage, knowledge  about Jewish Israelhistory and feelings and views as regards Israel and the interminable Israel Palestinian war are known and held by those Jewishstudents sampled.


Jewish organizations and many Jews thus fail to question the validity and integrity of these surveys.  Instead they simply take the survey conclusions as truth. 


They compound that failing by focusing on the number of Jewish students who are not troubled by anti-Israel/Jewish invective on campus, while  ignoring those Jewish students who are not only troubled, but who do feel intimidated, fearful and insecure. 


What those Jews and major Jewish organizations who are downplaying the problem of antisemitism on campus and seeking to excuse their not taking firm and aggressive action to combat antisemitism or both are doing,  are looking for and finding validity in these surveys in spite of their highly questionable conclusions.


In 2005, the 1st Israel Apartheid Week was held at the University of Toronto. It reportedly turned into a Jew-Israel hate fest.  IAW was immediately seen as an effective vehicle to spread anti-Israel views. Since then, IAW has been an annual event at hundreds of campuses in the States, Canada and Europe.  Each year, those who have borne witness, report these IAW events and other similar or lesser events spawned by the annual ritualized IAW events and all pushed by Muslim student organizations, have very often descended into Jew-Israel hate fests.


IAW is just one piece of a mountain of evidence that anti-Israel sentiment on many American campuses is gaining acceptance as legitimate and with that, opinions that years ago would have been considered antisemitic and which still are, also are gaining acceptance as legitimate points of view on many campuses.  


Incidentally, Canada's Conservative Harper government has been unequivocally outspoken, not only against antisemitism, but has taken action against it by defunding supposed charitable organizations that were really fronts for Jew-Israel hating advocates.  Ministers from Harper's government have also unequivocally condemned IAW in the strongest terms as being antisemitic and not just anti-Israel.  Some  members of Parliament of other parties, have joined their voices against IAW.


Have we heard such strong condemnation and affirmative action that matches such words from your American government and indeed major American Jewish organizations? Not Much!    


To be sure, dialogue, personal engagement and education that have long been employed by Jewish community relations organizations, like.JCPA and others are important.  Those tools have however, in the main been limited in their application  to promoting a positive image of Jews and Israel.


Also hindering their effectiveness is that pro-Israel-Jewish advocacy and activism employing these tools, is rife with political correctness to avoid angering or offending, while abiding that those who advocate against Jews and Israel eschew all forms of political correctness.


Your use of the tools of engagement thus puts Jewish leadership at an immediate disadvantage.


Jewish leadership  in their engagement efforts, have deliberately avoided standing up to, fighting, undermining and discrediting anti-Israel advocates, especially the ones whose advocacy and activism are derived from their antisemitism. 


Why not?  Because major Jewish organizations fear a backlash wave of even more anti-Israel-antisemitic ire and potential violence directed against Jews generally and Jewish students in particular.


FEAR!  That is written all over how tools of engagement have been used to address the said problem.  Fear is also written all overJCPA's latest resolution to be voted on at the Detroit annual plenum coming up in over the next several days.


To conclude, when JCPA  speaks of the tried and tested tools long employed by Jewish community relations organizations, like dialogue, personal engagement and education, it implies these tools have been found successful in pro-Jewish-Israel advocacy.


Given the growth of anti-Israel-antisemitic views and sentiments on many American campuses and the fear andintimidation many Jews experience and whose ability to fully exercise their own freedom of speech is sorely compromised, saying that these tools in the hands of our Jewish leaders has been successful, does not even pass the smell test!


Add to that, these tools of engagement directed to the non-Jewish world have not been very successful when directed at Jewish youth for the purpose of enforcing Jewish identity, knowledge and appreciation of Judaism,Jewish-Israel heritage and history and enforcing the cognitive and emotional interdependent bond with Israel that is so necessary to Jewish and Israeli strength.  Statistics dealing with the ravages of assimilation on our Jewishstudents and community at large bear this stark and troubling fact out.


4.    Is History Repeating Itself?


American Jewish leaders in the 30's and 40's feared that if American Jews spoke up too loudly to defend themselves against antisemitism, Jew hatred harbored by a great many Americans at that time, would result in a backlash of even more harmful antisemitism.  Jews who left Europe and the Soviet union to  come to America, had not left their "sha shtill shtetle mentality" behind. 


In the 1940's Rabbi Stephen Wise gained prominence as a leading Jewish voice in America.  History recounts that he was an ardent anti-Nazi advocate.  History also unfavorably recounts that Rabbi Wise undermined efforts of far less influential Jewishleaders to induce then Pres. Roosevelt, to take affirmative action that would have seen a great many Jews spared suffering anddeath at the hands of the Nazis and their European Jew hating helpers.  A great many Jews could have been saved had they been allowed to immigrate to America in those times leading to and during WWII.


Wise's fear then was that if Roosevelt aided Europe's Jews as lesser Jewish voices implored him to do, there would be a backlash of even more antisemitic sentiment in America.  Add to that, with an influx of Yiddish speaking European Jews, that too might fuel antisemitic sentiment in America because it would draw greater attention to the American Jewish community that had by then managed through integration and assimilation, to become less visible and thus, less of a target for antisemitism.   


In the result, only a meager trickle of a relative few European Jews somehow managed against the odds  to reach safe haven in America, Canada and and a few other Western nations.


Rabbi Wise and his coterie of major Jewish organizations, thought they knew better than a great many ordinary Jews and the few small Jewish organizations that gave voice to their concerns, which voices went unheard and unheeded. 


The result?    A very great many European Jews who might otherwise have been spared from the Holocaust, were not saved.


Major Jewish organizations such as yours have been repeatedly accused of failing to firmly, unequivocally and effectively speak outand take action against campus antisemitism.  Your advocacy and action in that regard has been characterized as being tepid, exceedingly cautious and reminiscent of the "sha shtill shtetel mentality" of major Jewish organizations  that Rabbi Wise led so many decades ago  and which ended up with ultimate harm and death coming to so many fellow Jews who might otherwise have been saved. 


The result?  Campus antisemitism, in its raw form or in the form of anti-Israel sentiment, has grown over the years and manyJewish students not only still suffer, but suffer more.


That evidence is there to be seen and heard. 


Major Jewish organizations, like Rabbi Wise and major Jewish organizations of old, still are intent on using their power andinfluence to ensure decisions they make that affect the entire Jewish community only take into consideration their views and ignore contrary views that seek a better lot for Jewish students, are betraying  their duty to Jewish students who are the children of ourJewish community.


Our Jewish students of course are not existentially imperiled as the Jews of Europe were in WWII.  Nonetheless their right to feel safe, secure and unafraid is imperiled as is their ability to fully exercise their own right of freedom of speech. 


Our leadership owes a duty to our Jewish students and children of our Jewish community, to vigorously stand up for, fight and defend them and to give them the resources to have the strength and determination do that for themselves against the anti-Israel and anti-semitic forces on campus.


Vigorous and aggressive use of Title VI legal action is, but one tool in your arsenal to do that.  There are other tools aforementioned that must  be employed in ways that are far more vigorous and aggressive than were employed in past in order to achieve the goal all Jews agree on, which is that Jewish-Israel advocacy and activism, must be far more effective in strengthening Jewish identity and resolve to fight for what is precious to Jews and Israel.


With that, I insist that the JCPA takes into account and vets not only their own views, but the views of ordinary Jews who disagree with JCPA's approach, but not their goals, to ensure that the vote taken is only taken after a full, frank, honest and real debate on the issues.




Bill Narvey



From: Lori Lowenthal Marcus [mailto:lorilowenthalmarcus@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 4:13 PM
To: Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Subject: One Jewish Leadership Group Challenges Another to Give Jews Equal Treatment



Thursday, 03 May 2012 


lorilowenthalmarcus@gmail.com               610.664.1184      

In October 2010, the U.S. Department of Education announced that Jewish students would now be protected by federal anti-discrimination law, Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. 

Incredibly, at its annual plenum in Detroit, on May 5, 2012, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, which represents many of the establishment American Jewish organizations including the Anti-Defamation League, the American JewishCommittee and the many Jewish Community Relations Councils, will vote on whether Jews should have to meet higher standards than other groups in order to make out a claim under Title VI.

The National Conference on Jewish Affairs, a new umbrella group of Jewish organizations which sees Jewish issues as its central focus, has issued its own 
position statement regarding the use of Title VI to combat anti-Semitism, in advance of the JCPA plenum. 

"We believe it is the spines of those who claim to represent American Jews that must be stiffened, and not the pre-requisite standards allowing Jews use of Title VI," said Lori Lowenthal Marcus, NCJA executive committee chair.

The NCJA is just as concerned with First Amendment rights and academic freedom as are the older American Jewishorganizations. Indeed, Marcus is a Harvard-educated lawyer who practiced and taught First Amendment law for years.  "To suggest, as the JCPA has done, that Jews are more likely than other groups to assert frivolous Title VI claims, or that the aura of First Amendment or academic freedom impedes Jews, and only Jews, from seeking redress, is a double-standard which can only harm Jewish students," said Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, who chairs the NCJA Task Force on Academia and Campus  Life, and who co-authored NCJA's Statement on Campus Anti-Semitism and Title VI.  

In June 2009 Rossman-Benjamin, a lecturer at University of California Santa Cruz, filed a Title VI complaint against her university, claiming that some faculty and administrators had abused their positions and university resources in order to promote hatred of the Jewish state and its supporters, which in turn had created an intellectually and emotionally hostile environment for Jewish students. According to Rossman-Benjamin, "it is irresponsible for the leaders of major Jewishorganizations to promote a stricter standard for Jews to meet than for non-Jews in order to seek redress under Title VI."



National Conference on Jewish Affairs Statement on Campus Anti-Semitism and Title VI

Thursday, 03 May 2012 14:57


As an umbrella organization of Jewish leaders, we are pleased but not satisfied that most U.S. college students report that they neither experience nor witness anti-Semitism throughout their college careers.  Indeed, the fact that the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) has observed that campus anti-Semitism is a "serious problem" requiring significant attention is alarming.1  Jewish students have reported feeling physically unsafe, emotionallyand intellectually harassed and intimidated by peers and professors, isolated from their fellow students, andunfairly treated by faculty and administrators. As a result of their experience of campus anti-Semitism, some Jewishstudents have even reported leaving the university, dropping classes, changing fields of study, avoiding certain parts of campus, and hiding symbols of their Jewishness.2  

According to one recent study, over 40% of U.S. college students report having experienced or witnessed anti-Semitism on their campus.3  This is intolerable and requires a response from those of us who abhor discrimination in any form, but especially by those of us who are publicly committed to serving as leaders in and of the AmericanJewish community. 

Some history is in order:

In 2004 the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR) issued a landmark statement4determining that OCR will, for the first time in its history, prosecute certain anti-Semitism cases under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and in 2010 that statement was reaffirmed5. We happily acknowledge that the current Administration's decision to clarify this policy was the direct result of the cooperative efforts of over a dozen Jewish organizations, representing a wide spectrum of JewishAmerican opinion.  We note that the organized Jewish community, while divided on most substantive issues, has been remarkably united on this one until now. We applaud that former unity and the results it accomplished.  We firmly believe it is essential for OCR to vigorously enforce Title VI for Jewishstudents.

In 2006 the USCCR reported finding a strong relationship between anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism on some college campuses.6 Significantly, the "working definition of anti-Semitism" of the European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), which identifies as anti-Semitic certain language or behavior that demonizes and delegitimizes Israel or attacks Israel with classic anti-Semitic stereotypes, has been adopted by the U.S. State Department7 and USCCR.

Indeed, in 2010 a group of ten scholars working under the auspices of the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, published a statement endorsing the EUMC working definition of anti-Semitism and highlighting its importance in identifying and addressing incidents of anti-Semitic behavior in higher education in America.8 Finally, we note that Cary Nelson, the President of the American Association of University Professors, recognized that this definition provides a useful guide for identifying anti-Semitism.

We observe  and wholeheartedly support the Jewish community's united belief that Title VI enforcement should be undertaken within the parameters of the First Amendment and the doctrine of academic freedom.  However, we emphasize our concerns about the selective, abusive, opportunistic, pretextual, and frequently inaccurate assertions of freedom of speech and academic freedom, and note that these are often used as an excuse by administrators who prefer not to take responsibility for morally necessary but politically controversial measures. While much campus speech is protected legally or by the academic freedom doctrine, the correct response to a hostile environment is never to do nothing.  Even in the event of constitutionally protected anti-Semitic activity, university administrators have a host of legally permissible options, including following the USCCR's recommendation that "University leadership should set a moral example"9 and denounce anti-Semitic and other hate speech.

We recognize the importance of having the Jewish community united against campus anti-Semitism if such efforts are to be successful.  We observe the danger of the public perception of Jewish divisiveness on this issue, and we criticize efforts of some Jewish organizations to sow dissension through public statements which make vague, unsupported insinuations against those who are most actively engaged in efforts to combat campus anti-Semitism. 

We emphasize that there is no basis for assuming, as these Jewish organizations suggest, that Jews are more likely than other groups to assert frivolous Title VI claims, and we note that this unfortunate insinuation is resonant of historical and hysterical stereotypes about Jewish greediness, dishonesty and power-hunger.  Such statements undermine civil discourse and set a poor example for responsible dialogue.  We resolve that Jewish communal organizations should educate themselves more fully about the nature and extent of current campus anti-Semitism.  We believe that if they do, they will join us in our RESOLUTION THAT IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR THE OCR TO VIGOROUSLY EMPLOY AND ENFORCE TITLE VI AS A MEANS OF COMBATING ANTI-SEMITISM. 

We encourage all members of the American public to share observations of campus anti-Semitism with the NCJA's Academia and Campus Life Task Force, 
ncjaacltf@gmail.com , and we urge Jewish leaders to cooperate with groups, such as the Investigative Taskforce on Campus Antisemitism, the Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism, and Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, which are actively investigating incidents of campus anti-Semitism.  We urge Jewish leaders to cooperate, in serious cases, with organizations like the Louis D. Brandeis Center and the ZOA Center for Law & Justice, which have been established to combat campus anti-Semitism through legal means. 

Finally, we FURTHER ENCOURAGE Jewish leaders and university leaders to speak out, clearly, specifically, andfirmly against campus anti-Semitism, both as a general matter and in response to particular incidents as they arise

2 Tobin, Gary A., Weinberg, Aryeh K., and Ferer, Jenna, The Uncivil University: 
Intolerance on College Campuses, Revised Edition. New York: Lexington Books, 2009
6 See supra note 1
9 See supra, note 1


Tammi Rossman -Benjami
                                                    Chair, NCJA Task Force on Academia and Campus Life


                                              ________/s/______________                                                             __________/s/_____________
                              Lori Lowenthal Marcus                                                                      Beth Gilinsky
                              Chair, NCJA Executive Committee                                                   Executive Director, NCJA



Richard Allen

American Corporate Benefits, Inc.

62 William Street

New York NY 10005


Fax 212-843-2711

Cell             917-434-3480      




Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.