Thursday, November 10, 2011

Honenu Events in Queens, Brooklyn - Nov 15, 22nd at 7:30pm. Please come, forward to your friends and. Post Yasher Koach


See attachment fliers

HONENU presents -  Fighting the Legal Battle
for Jewish Rights in Israel
(A film and power point presentation)
by Shalom Pollack Director of Development for Honenu - Israel's Only Legal Defense Organization for Jews
Shalom  is a veteran tour guide and served in the Terrorist Prevention Unit of the Israel Navy. 
Tues. Nov. 15 at 7:30 PM
Havurat Yisroel
68-60 Austin St.
Forest Hills, NY

Tues. Nov. 22 at  7:30 PM 
Kingsway Jewish Center's Fein Lounge 
2810 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn
Honenu ( is Israel's legal defense organization. It provides legal assistance to approximately 1000 arrestees a year. These include soldiers and civilians who find themselves in legal hassles due to defending themselves against Arab aggression or due to their love and commitment to Israel and the Jewish people.
In Brooklyn the program is sponsored by  
The Zionism Museum and Education Center
Director Steve L. Epstein 718-338-6784
For more info: 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, November 03, 2011

RCRF Dinner - Fantastic Honorees - This Sunday November 6th at 6:30pm Brooklyn, NY


Dear List, amv"sh

As an Israel activist for Judea and Samaria I have a working rrelationship with Aliza Karp, Beth Gilinsky and Lori Lowenthal Marcus.  I have also recently just met Rabbi Zaltsman and his beautiful family.  So please allow me to sing praises for the honorees I know best. .  

Aliza is a dynamite lady in that she is focused and when she sets her mind to do something she does it and does it really well bli ayin hara. I see her work for Chabad Chevron and the brochure that she publishes yearly. When I read it my heart loves that organization for what it does and I cry tears and I don't even know why.  I have read some of her articles and she writes really well.  I am looking forward to buying Banished at the Dinner. I am aware of what happened in Gush Katif, as many of you are, but I would like to benefit from research Aliza has done, both through personal interviews and consultations with professionals. Banished is based on the actual history of the expulsion and gets the reader to experience it through her fictional characters. The story of the expulsion of Gush Katif is heartbreaking from many angles and this book highlights the tragedy and at the same time lets the reader experience the superlative lifestyle that Gush Katif enjoyed. Something not to be forgotten.  This book has received rave reviews. Here is some additional information about Aliza that was submitted to me.

BIO: Aliza Eisenberg Karp

Pen Name: Aliza BasMenachem

BANISHED is Aliza BasMenachem's first novel. She has published and posted articles about the Land of Israel and assorted Jewish topics including the Shomer Shabbat contingent at the Boy Scout Jamboree.  Most of her writing has been under the name Aliza Karp. During the Disengagement era she wrote a monthly opinion column which was regularly published by, Beis Moshiach Magazine and other media outlets. 

Since its inception almost ten years ago, Aliza has been a vital staff member of Chabad of Hevron, assisting with administration and publicity. Her passion for Hevron, and for Chabad, is expressed in her writings on the Chabad of Hevron website – - and in the yearly newsletters. 

When not at her computer, or traipsing around places in the Holy Land where others fear to roam, Aliza can be found baking Challah and spending time with her grandchildren. 

Next let me briefly speak about Beth and Lori.  They are filling a void in Jewish Leadership  in these dangerous times addressing evil when others refuse to face reality head on. May G-d bless them with health, happiness and success for the good and with their wise guidance and counsel may Am Yisroel be worthy of fulfilling our daily prayer said in Aleinu,
 לתקן עולם במלכות שד-י  Letaken Olam BeMalchut Shakai, to perfect the Universe with the Sovereignty of the Almighty. 

PS.   Much of NCJA's work is targeting anti-Semitism on Campus.  So if you know any Jewish University Student involved in Jewish causes and organizations especially on campus, suggest they attend this dinner (student discounts available and they can probably pay at the door).  We need young blood to become involved and acquaint themselves with these amazing people. 

Submitted by NCJA:

Celebrate with Beth & Lori (National Conference on Jewish Affairs) this Sunday, Nov 6th

To all NCJA members,

Our very own Beth Gilinsky & Lori Lowenthal Marcus are being honored for their vital work on behalf of the Jewish People with the prestigiousRachel Imeinu Leadership Award.  Please see the invitation attached.  Let's all of us come out 
this Sundayand participate in this wonderful event. - Richard Allen



The Seventeenth Annual NY Citywide Commemoration of the


  11 MarCheshvan 5772

Sunday Evening, November 6, 2011, 6:30 P.M.


Manhattan Beach Jewish Center –60 West End Ave Brooklyn, NY 

Keynote Speaker:


"Mama Rachel Cry for Us Again:

 How One Woman's Sacrifice Shaped World Destiny"

- Show quoted text -


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Moshe Dann and Howard Grief: Op-Ed INN: What is Really Behind the Yesha Demolitions? Howard Grief on Israel's lnternational legal rights to Judea and Samaria


Please make this a priority in your media and/or whatever capacity of influence. Jewish families and homes are at stake and are slated for demolition.

Op-Ed: What is Really Behind the Yesha Demolitions?

Moshe Dann
Moshe Dann is a writer and journalist living in Jerusalem.Published: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 12:13 PM

Chief Justice Beinisch steps down soon, but seems to want to do as much damage to the Yesha enterprise as she can before then. This explains her most diabolical ruling, which she has - singlehandedly, because Israel allows that - made into law.

Moshe Dann
Moshe Dann is a writer and journalist living in Jerusalem.

On September 12, Chief Justice Dorit Beinish rendered a highly controversial decision, based on an unwritten policy she had been using, which broke with traditional interpretations of law, yet, the media (with the exception of Arutz Sheva, the Hebrew Makor Rishon and Beshevaed.) largely ignored it.

In a case brought by Peace Now against neighborhoods ("outposts") in the Binyamin communities of Eli, called Hayovel, where Eliraz Peretz's widow and children live and Harisha, in the Talmonim bloc, Justice Beinish directed the State, i.e. Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, to determine what constitutes State land.

According to her ruling, all land not specifically designated as State Land would henceforth be considered "private [Palestinian] land,by default, rather than unowned land.

She also gave the State 60 days to provide a schedule for destroying all (Jewish) building on "private land," with the exception of the Peretz home; Major Peretz was killed in a battle with Hamas terrorists in March, 2010.

This ruling radically shifts the burden of proof from Arabs who claim that their land was taken illegally and places it on Jewish communities who claim the land is not privately owned and available for settlement. Since there is no appeal from her decision, unless the Knesset acts, her decisions constitute the law.

Justice Beinish decision overrides important distinctions and categories of land established by prior administrations and accepted by Israeli courts. Her ruling redefines which lands are to be considered "disputed" and seems to accept at face value Arab land claims that have not been verified and lands which Arabs have simply expropriated illegally. 

Moreover, since Israel has not declared sovereignty or annexed land beyond the 1949 Armistice lines (except for eastern Jerusalem and Golan) Beinish's ruling could apply to many other areas in Judea and Samaria as well. Not only "hilltop" communities like Migron, Amona, Givat Asaf, and Havat Gilad are vulnerable; large parts of Ofra, Bet El, Eli, Elon More and others would be targets for destruction.      

At issue is what constitutes "State land" and "private Palestinian land." According to Israeli law, questions of land ownership in Judea and Samaria are decided by the Civil Administration in conjunction with the State Prosecutor's Office (in the Ministry of Justice); both have been accused of pursuing anti-settlement policies.

Decisions about land ownership should be based on impartiality, objectivity and professionalism; often influenced by political agendas, they are not. In the absence of documentation and detailed land surveys, for example, the Civil Administration relies on old aerial photographs for evidence of the land once being worked, which are used to support claims of ownership.

NGOs and Arabs often cite maps produced during the British Mandate to claim land and contest Jewish settlements. But these maps, as Dr. Dov Gavish explains in his authoritative Survey of Palestine, 1920-1948 (2005), were fiscal maps, often arbitrary and inaccurate, not proofs of ownership.

Since "State land" means ownerless land that was once controlled by Turkish, British and Jordanian administrations, then Israel, as the sole legitimate sovereign successor seems to have full legal rights to the land. That would include all conditions, restrictions, obligations and responsibilities attached to the land.

Similarly, land which had been gifted or designated by the state to an individual, clan, or village, but was not used, abandoned property, and land in which the owner dies intestate reverts to the State by law.

Beinish's ruling seeks to overturn the meticulous work of respected expert Plia Albeck, who directed the Civil Department of the State Prosecutor's Office for 24 years, until she was fired by Attorney General David Libai in 1993, when Yitzhak Rabin became Prime Minister. During her tenure, Albeck was responsible for determining land ownership and provided the legal basis for establishing Jewish communities in areas acquired by Israel in 1967.

Using Ottoman/Turkish, British and Jordanian law, Albeck, who died in 2005, defined many areas in Judea and Samaria as State land, thus allowing their subsequent designation for settlement. She describes (and defends) her work in Land Use in the West Bank (2002) (in Hebrew), published by Ariel College of Judea and Samaria.

Attempting to reverse Albeck's efforts for his own agenda, then PM Ariel Sharon, in 2004, when he was formulating his plans to withdraw from the Gaza Strip and Northern Shomron, hired Taliya Sasson, a member of Peace Now and formerly an attorney in the State Prosecutor's Office. Her report in 2005 castigated government agencies for their involvement in settlement building, sought to redefine State land, and asserted Palestinian claims that all settlements were illegal. Justice Beinish seems intent on implementing Sasson's report.   

Claims that Jews have stolen and built on "private Palestinian land" should be decided by competent objective authorities based on evidence in courts of law – not by politically motivated individuals and advocacy groups.

The larger question, however, is to whom this disputed territory belongs. Since "Palestine" was never a separate legal or sovereign entity, designating land as "Palestinian" or belonging to "the Palestinian people" lacks accuracy and authenticity.   

Ironically, Justice Beinish's decision to make the question of landownership in Judea and Samaria subject to Israeli civil law may provide the basis for establishing sovereignty over and extending the State's jurisdiction to areas currently under military control. That would be a step forward for Israeli democracy and fulfilling the historic mission of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel.


Howard Grief

Attorney and Notary

13/2 David Goitein Street,

Pisgat Ze'ev Mizrah, 97782 Jerusalem, Israel

Tel. (Fax): 972-2-656-0085


Jerusalem 16 Iyar 5771

May 20, 2011

The Right Honourable Mr. Stephen Harper,

Prime Minister of Canada,

Ottawa, Canada

Your Excellency,

As a devoted friend of the State of Israel who has earned the everlasting gratitude of the Jewish People for your outspoken and unstinting support of the Jewish State of Israel in the face of its many detractors, I wish to bring to your kind attention the most important document of international law that paved the way for the establishment of an independent Jewish State in what was known in the past as Palestine. This document is the San Remo Resolution that was adopted at the San Remo Peace Conference on April 25, 1920 by the Prime Ministers of Great Britain (David Lloyd George), France (Alexandre Millerand) and Italy (Francesco Nitti), as well as Japan, represented by its Ambassador, K. Matsui. This peace conference was convoked for the express purpose of carving up the defeated Ottoman Empire and distributing mandates for the new states that were then being created. Among those states was Palestine, which the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers had decided would become the Jewish National Home and future independent Jewish State, as evidenced by the recorded minutes of the Conference. That, it must be emphasized, was the sole reason Palestine was created as a mandated state, and not for any other reason. The same San Remo Resolution adequately met Arab national aspirations by also creating the new states of Syria and Mesopotamia, later re-named Iraq, in addition to those already being established in the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt and North Africa, numbering 21 in all.

By virtue of the San Remo Resolution, the Arab peoples received more than 95 percent of the territories comprisng the Middle East, while Palestine was allotted exclusively for Jewish self-determination, as can easily be verified by the statements made by those British and other Allied leaders who at the time were instrumental in crafting the global political and legal settlement for the Middle East, that resulted from the adoption of the San Remo Resolution.

How important was the San Remo Resolution? It was, as just indicated, the document that shaped the modern Middle East and as regards Palestine, it was described as "the Magna Carta of the Zionists" or the national charter of freedom of the Jewish People by the British Foreign Secretary, Lord George Nathaniel Curzon, in a letter to Prime Minister David Lloyd George shortly after the San Remo Peace Conference. As a result the legal existence of the State of Israel is directly traceable to the San Remo Resolution and not, as commonly believed, to the UN General Assembly Partition Resolution of November 29, 1947.

It is also very important to understand that there was never any intention to create an Arab state in Palestine. The Mandate for Palestine incorporated the San Remo Resolution in the first three recitals of its Preamble and was, in fact, a detailed elaboration of it. As just noted, Arab self-determination was fully satisfied in the adjoining territories of Syria, Iraq and Arabia, but Palestine was reserved exclusively for the Jewish People to reconstitute the ancient Jewish State of Judea destroyed by Rome, as stated by Lord Arthur James Balfour himself.

As the foundation document of the State of Israel under international law, the San Remo Resolution continues in force till the present day mutatis mutandi, with the State of Israel taking the place of the Mandatory Power, Great Britain, for putting into effect the Balfour Declaration in all parts of Palestine, especially in Judea and Samaria, the ancient cradle of the Jewish People.

All Jewish legal rights to Palestine set down in the San Remo Resolution and the Mandate Charter and related documents were preserved intact by Article 80 of the UN Charter, as well as under the doctrine of estoppel and Article 70(1)(b) of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. That means it is illegal to create a 22ndArab state in Judea and Samaria that was part and parcel of the Jewish National Home, as explicitly determined by the Franco-British Boundary Convention of December 23, 1920.

Mr. Prime Minister, your support of Israel will be even more pronounced upon your acquainting yourself with the provisions and principles of the basic documents of international law that led to the creation of the State of Israel, that are either ignored today or willfully dismissed by most Western Governments. You can gain additional information about these documents by consulting my book, The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law (2008). While Jewish legal rights are firmly implanted in international law, there is, on the other hand, no binding document of international law that provides for the creation of a new Arab state in former Mandated Palestine. In this respect, UN resolutions do not constitute international law, nor does the Road Map Peace Plan or other similar initiatives.

In these days of incessant attacks upon the legitimacy of the State of Israel, and repeated calls for Israel to withdraw to what are clearly indefensible "Auschwitz-like" borders that existed prior to the outbreak of the Six-Day War on June 5, 1967, the lies and fabrications concerning Israel can be effectively refuted by citing the true meaning of the San Remo Resolution and the Mandate for Palestine, which designated Palestine as the Jewish National Home. Israel's rights to the land cannot be legally taken away by the UN or by any other body, just as Canada's rights to its own land cannot be legally taken away by the UN. If reality were otherwise, the rights of all states would be in jeopardy.

I urge you, therefore, Mr. Prime Minister, to mention the San Remo Resolution whenever you relate to the question of who has the right to Palestine and the Land of Israel. That right belongs exclusively to the Jewish People and its devolee, the State of Israel. No new Arab state can thus be legally created in Judea and Samaria, where it would imperil Israel's very future and serve as a means to destroy it, as is evident to any impartial observer.

Most respectfully,

Howard Grief, Attorney

Resident of Jerusalem, Citizen of Canada and Israel


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Re: Settlement Bashing attn Mrs. Ticker - New York


Dear Susie, amv"sh

Thank you for your letter.  May others absorb your Mesirat Nefesh and Ahavat Yisroel and do what they can to help these settlements.   The ball court seems to be in America as well as you point out.  The State Dept. is pressuring Israel to persecute the settlements.

As you can see from my CC all the people that have been notified of the settlement bashing.  I and you are individuals that have tried to make this public knowledge.  It is up to the people on this CC list and the BCC list to do their Hishtadlus so that at the end of the day they will not have to say "We had no part is this blood spilling".   

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 4:41 PM, Dym <> wrote:
Dear Mrs. Ticker,
Thank you for your concern regarding the settlement bashing that may occur here. As you may have heard, this was vigorously raised by several ministers and Knesset members again today, in a meeting with Premier Netanyahu.
However, the struggle is difficult. The State Department is reportedly strongly opposed to the GOI trying to help these communities.
It is certainly the case that sympathetic coverage in the American Jewish media and support of the American rabbinical leaders would be very, very helpful indeed.
If you should manage to identify any member of the press or religious leaders who might require information or materials of one kind or another, or access to Israeli public figures, could you please free to let us know.
Susie Dym, spokesperson for Mattot Arim

sent 5 hours ago from Women In Green
The next hours are critical to pressure the politicians
Attached are their phonenumbers
Call now and urge them:
Do not destroy Givat Asaf , Amona, Migron etc..
Let the committee for the maahazim that was recently set up,  do its job
Every phonecall makes a difference!
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Women in Green Press Release Following the Destruction of Houses in Bat Ayin.  30-10-11


Call to the government of Israel:


Stop relating to the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria as invaders and occupiers.


This government was elected for its Zionist credentials, for its understanding that the meaning of Zionism is that the land of Israelbelongs to the nation of Israel.  That axiom is the sole basis for the State of Israel's existence.


Destroying Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria weakens the government of Israel, the nation of Israel, the support for Israel in the world and our hold on every part of our land, inside the Green Line and out.


A government which calls itself "nationalistic", which declares that Judea and Samaria is the cradle of  Jewish civilization, has the duty of strengthening our standing by building, expanding, and officially declaring sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.  If it fails to do so, this government has betrayed its mandate and has no existential purpose.


As against the weakness of the government, the residents of Bat Ayin are strong and have commenced rebuilding their homes.


Bat Ayin will be built, the Land of Israel will be built.  Netzach IsraelLoYishaker.


Link to Arutz 7 english article + pictures


Yehudit Katsover 050 7161818; Nadia Matar 050-5500834

Women in Green

To: mattotarim <>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 17:57:51 +0200
Subject: בג"צ נגד עמונה ביום ג Israel's Bravest Children



In previous emails we reported Netanyahu's new settlement-bashing policy as endangering 3 Judea and Samaria communities: Migron, Givat Asaf and Shchunat haUlpana. Reminder: Givat Asaf was built to commemorate 2 terror victims - a father who was fatally shot and his son Asaf killed soon afterward. Schchunt haUlpana was  built to commemorate terror victim Itta Tsur and her 12-old son, the late Ephraim Tsur. Itta Tsur's husband, Yoel Tsur, shown here shaking the hand of then-President of the State of Israel Ezer Weizmann: managed to save his younger daughters, who were injured but not killed, from the terrorists, by virtue of his extensive experience as an IDF combat officer.

Tuesday is a crucial day: By then, Netanyahu may inform Israel's High Court of Justice that he has set up a committee to review his settlement-bashing policy. Or, he may not, in which case one-thousand young Israeli parents, young children and babies, will be turned out of their homes. This will occur  in the 3 communities mentioned and also in a 4th community which sadly, has again joined the list of Yesha communities in danger: Amona.

Movie about the children of Amona

Read about the 15 year old girl in Amona whose bravery won Israel its first-ever Pulitzer Prize:

Please forward this email directly to the Ministers and MKs. If the ministers and Knesset Members get this email from many concerned people in Israel and abroad, preferably TODAY (Sun) and tomorrow (Mon), they will insist that  Mr. Netanyahu do no harm to these Israeli communities. (If some of your emails return, this is because a large segment of the public is filling parliamentary inboxes to capacity!)

In fact, dozens of MKs and ministers have already urged hands-off of these positive communities, in a joint letter sent last month criticizing Netanyahu's settlement-bashing policy.

Please pass this email on. And please forward this email to all MKs and ministers! (their email addresses are above - 


Monday, October 31, 2011

Fwd: Case Study: How Mainstream Media Whitewash Terror + Freed Terrorists Visit Temple Mount but not Jews we are insane and need therapy!!


Thank you to my neighbor Moshe for pointing this out to me. It's a hint of Gilad Shalit's freedom on Succot.

Tehillim 108.   .ז. למען יחלצון ידידך
ועמק םוכות אמדר
ט. לי גלעד

Gilad was freed on Succot.  Gilad by definition is the East Bank of the Jordan River.  Psalm 108 is the prophetic psalm about the consolidation of Messiah's reign.  Let Gilad's Shalit's release  be a reminder of G-d's Covenant with Abraham whose boundaries are more in line with the Mandate of Palestine which extends to the Euphrates River and includes the Gilad. Also the word Shalit reminds of us Josephs redemption and his appointment as a Shalit, a ruler of the Egyptians.   

Let us learn from the Terrorists what is most important to the Jewish people.  

Temple Mount in Jewish Hands and under Jewish Sovereignty is the source and  key for Jewish entitlement for the rest of the Promised Land. May the Jewish People be worthy of the final redemption when we will serve Hakadosh Baruch Hu on Har Habayit and be the worthy, rightful and respected Shalit over the entire Land. 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pesach Aceman <>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:48 PM
Subject: Case Study: How Mainstream Media Whitewash Terror + Freed Terrorists Visit Temple Mount but not Jews we are insane and need therapy!!

Case Study: How Mainstream Media Whitewash Terror
            by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu           

U.S. headlines on Gaza missile attacks Saturday often made it appear that "militants" simply are responding to Israeli defensive measures. The violence began last Wednesday with a missile attack on southern Israel, but most American media implied that Israel's counterterrorist retaliation was a provocation for Saturday's multiple terrorist attacks on major urban centers.

One of the most blatant biased versions was printed in the Denver Post, which headlined, "Israel launches Gaza airstrikes; Palestinians Reply with Rockets." If the reader went past the headline, he then could discover that an Israeli spokesman "said the first attack specifically targeted a cell responsible for a Wednesday rocket attack that exploded deep inside Israel."

The New York Times, which takes one of the most extreme positions against Israel, headlined Saturday, "Israeli Drone Strike Kills Militants in Southern Gaza." The headline offered no hint that the IDF was responding to Wednesday's missile attack.

In its first paragraph, the Times made it appear that Gaza terrorists were responding to Israeli strikes and not the other way around.

"An Israeli drone strike killed five Palestinian militants at an Islamic Jihad training site in southern Gaza on Saturday…and Gaza militants fired salvos of rockets at southern Israel after Islamic Jihad pledged that it would respond forcefully to the Israeli airstrike," according to the report.

The same article highlighted a picture of a Gaza morgue and did not show any photographs of the damage and injuries in Ashkelon, Ashdod and other Israeli urban areas. The journalists mentioned that "several rockets struck in and around the Israeli port city of Ashdod and …other rockets fell in open areas.

It also took pains to report that Hamas "has made efforts to enforce a ceasefire since the last round of cross-border airstrikes and rocket attacks in August"although Hamas has taken responsibility for missile and mortar shell attacks since then.

Towards the end of the report, the Times told its readers that Israel responded to a Wednesday rocket attack. 

The Washington Post also featured a picture of a Gaza Arab reportedly wounded in the IDF aerial strikes and also initially indicated that  terrorists were responding to Israeli counterterrorist measures.

" Israeli aircraft struck at Palestinian militants on Saturday who responded with a volley of rockets which rained on southern Israeli towns, Israeli and Palestinian officials said," the newspaper reported.  

It then quoted an Israeli military spokesman that Israel was responding to a rocket attack, which the report pointed out, "caused no casualties."

It followed with the Saturday attacks by the IDF that killed "people," not even labeling them as militants let alone terrorists. Israeli injuries were barely noted and only after the article continued, "After the first airstrike, militants in Gaza fired over 20 rockets at southern Israel."

At the time, it was not known that one civilian Israeli who had been wounded actually suffered more serious injuries than originally reported. He later died.

Reuters headlined its report by stating, "Israel Bombs Militant Base, Gazan Rockets Fall," again implying that Israel started the violence.

The second paragraph admitted that the IDF aerial strike "followed a Palestinian cross-border rocket launch this week which the Israelis blamed on Islamic Jihad."

The Associated Press also featured the picture of  an Islamic Jihad "militant" being carried at a morgue, omitting any visual evidence of damage and injuries in southern Israel.

Even after the death of the Israel was reported, Bloomberg News headlined, "Israel Airstrikes on Gaza Strip Kill Nine in Worst Fighting in Two Months," not noting the death of the Israeli civilian until the end of the lead sentence.

For CNN's coverage, click  here.
 Comment on this story



5. Freed Terrorists Visit Temple Mount
            by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu           

A group of 15 terrorists Israel freed two weeks ago for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit visited the Temple Mount and the grave of Faisal al-Husseini, a former Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader.

The terrorists, who were pictured at the Temple Mount on an Islamic website, laid a wreath at a monument to al-Faisal, who died of a heart attack in 2001 but is considered a "martyr."

He once stated, "We may lose or win [tactically] but our eyes will continue to aspire to the strategic goal, namely, to Palestine from the river to the sea.

"If we agree to declare our state over what is now only 22 percent of Palestine, meaning the West Bank and Gaza -- our ultimate goal is [still] the liberation of all historical Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] sea, even if this means that the conflict will last for another thousand years or for many generations."

The terrorists visiting his grave on the Temple Mount were freed in the deal that that included 1,027 terrorists, many sentenced to multiple life in terms in jail.

The first group of 477 was released two weeks ago and the others are to be free within six weeks, although several Cabinet ministers want the terrorists to stay in jail if Gaza terrorists continue to attack Israel.

Many of them were "deported" to Gaza and foreign countries, but others were allowed to return to  Jerusalem.

The same day the terrorists were released, several of them incited for terror and called for more kidnappings of Israeli soldiers as bargaining chips for the release of other Arabs remaining in Israeli jails. One of these is Marwan Barghouti, serving five life terms for planning and organizing terrorist attacks that killed dozens of Israelis.
 Comment on this story




be well
pesach פסח
email אי-מייל

THANK YOU for deleting my e-mail address or any other e-mail addresses from this message
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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.