Tuesday, September 20, 2011

URGENT Call for Help! Helen Freedman, Rabbi Avi Weiss, Glenn Richter arrested, released. Now raising Urgent funds for Judea and Samaria who are threatened by UN vote need $15,000 immediately for communications and security!

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From: AFSI <afsi@rcn.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 3:00 PM
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Americans for a Safe Israel
Americans For a Safe Israel
1751 Second Avenue (91st Street)
New York, NY 10128
Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director
September 20, 2011 





By Helen Freedman


     I've just returned from being arrested at the anti-UN demonstration held this morning, Tuesday, at 40th Street and First Avenue in NYC. Under the leadership of AMCHA, with Rabbi Avi Weiss and Glenn Richter at the forefront, a contingent of concerned Jews gathered in the rain at 10 AM to voice anger and dismay at the continued abuses of the United Nations.

     While we spoke out against tyrants such as Ahmadinejad of Iran, and Mahmoud Abbas of the PA being given platforms at the UN, we denounced the delegitimization of Israel which is the moving force of the United Nations.

     Calls were made for de-funding the UN and the PA if Abbas' Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) is approved by the General Assembly. Additional calls were made for the annexation of Judea and Samaria in response to the UDI.

     Anticipating the venemous Durban III, which will once again find Israel the sole country guilty of human rights abuses, in a world desperate with cruelty, abuse, starvation, rape, false imprisonment and the like, we call for Durban and the UN to cease their deceptive and destructive actions.  

     Following the rally, six members of the group- Cheryl Jacobs Lewin who had flown in from Chicago, Miriam Prince, Sarah Rosenbaum, and myself, along with Rabbi Avi Weiss and Glenn Richter,  refused to leave First Avenue where we were blocking traffic. The police read us our rights and notified us of the dangers of disobeying their request to move. We were handcuffed and the four women were helped into one police wagon, with the two men in the other. We were taken to the 17th Precinct where we were handcuffed to our chairs, charged with disorderly conduct and given a court date to appear in December.

     While sitting with Rabbi Avi Weiss at the precinct, we began discussing the dangers to the Israeli communities that the UDI would produce. Arabs may gather in the thousands to march on Jewish communities, declaring their rights to their "state." The prospects are frightening. 

      When I returned to the AFSI office, I found an email from Aharon Pulver, Executive Director of the Israel Independence Fund, confirming our fears and informing us of the need to raise money for the embattled communities. Please see his message below and respond as quickly as you can. Time is of the essence.  




Dear Friends,


Jewish communities throughout Judea and Samaria are struggling to find the resources to provide adequate security and communications at this critical junction. Emergency calls have been reaching me every day this week from scores of communities on the front line without proper communications equipment!


We must raise up to $15,000. immediately! Please indicate your willingness to pick up the gauntlet, whatever you can do...do it now! Please email me directly the amount that you can commit and accordingly I will distribute funds starting tomorrow, making them available by delaying other financial commitments.


Albert Einstein wrote on the eve of a different war that " the power of resistance which has enabled the Jewish People to survive for thousands of years has been based to a large extent on traditions of mutual helpfulness. In these years of affliction our readiness to help one another is being put to an especially severe test. May we stand this test as well as did our fathers before us...."




Aharon Pulver

Executive Director





You can make an online secure donation at www.fundisrael.org please note: Communications Equipment

Or forward your tax US deductible check to:

Israel Independence Fund

c/o NGN Capital

369 Lexington Avenue

New York, NY 10017







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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Please share with the other Board Members of Agudah and the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah Oped: The Famous State of Palestine - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


Dear Mr. Bennett, amv"sh

When Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah is Silent regarding allowing the establishment of a  Palestinian State then it is Shtika Kehodaya Damya.  See below an article by Giulio Meotti who presents an accurate description of what a Palestinian State would look like.  We are allowing the most immoral and base society to takeover chas vechalila. 

What would it take for a 5 minute you tube of Rav Eliashiv or a Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah representative  saying the Land of Israel whose boundaries are delineated in Parshat Masei, including all of Judea and Samaria is Promised to the Jewish Nation and the Jewish people are obligated to keep the commandments in order to bring blessings to mankind. Peace and prosperity is directly related to Jewish Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.  Drawing lines and negotiations only increases conflict.  Territorial compromise only brings war.  Not peace. 

Please go on the PMW website (Palestinian Media Watch) and listen to how the Palestinians are launching their bid for Statehood.  They are honoring the terrorists and mothers of terrorists who have murdered Jews. 
By Giulio Meotti
Weissmandl did not sit by and  just davan even though he was a Rosh Yeshiva. He advised Jews not to go on the cattle cars and rather to fight. . Even if most of them died the percentage would be greater then going to the camps. He advised them to take knives with them so if necessary they could cut the chains on the cars and jump out and save their lives.  He acted.  He saved lives.He bribed who he felt would take a bribe.  It was not enough because he did not get the support he needed.  

If you say it is too late to speak out, then of course that is ridiculous   .  Even in 1944 it was not too late to save lives. Over a hundred and forty thousand lives were saved as a direct result of his hishtadlus and newspaper articles in Switzerland regarding the death camps.  But by that time millions were killed.   The massacres have not yet begun in Judea and Samaria.  However, there are warnings.  Please go on Arutz7

2. Sabbath Walk Becomes Nightmare for Jerusalem Family

by Maayana Miskin 

For many families, the walk home from synagogue on Friday evening provides an enjoyable moment of tranquility after a long week. This past Sabbath, one Jerusalem family's walk became a nightmare, as they were set upon by an Arab gang determined to cause harm.

The mother of the family, Tzipi, recalled the traumatic event in an interview with Arutz Sheva.

"We were coming back from Sabbath evening prayers with our family and a guest – 10 people in all," she said. "We were getting near our home, at Shaar HaPrachim [Flowers Gate in Jerusalem's Old City – ed.] when suddenly a group of five young men with their faces covered and concrete blocks in hand burst out from a nearby alley."

The group had been attacking nearby security guards, but quickly turned its attention to the helpless family. "They started to stone us. We pressed ourselves against the wall. When that didn't help, we stood under the roof of a shop, and it took the brunt of the rocks," Tzipi said.

The family managed to escape unhurt, a fact Tzipi described as "miraculous." However, she said, while there were no physical injuries, the children are suffering emotional stress due to the trauma.

Nearby Border Police officers did not intervene to stop the attack, she added. The officers later explained that intervening would have been likely to get them in trouble. "Soldiers and Border Police can act only if there's an immediate threat to life," she explained.

That protocol could end in death, she warned. "[Rock attacks] are attempted murder for all purposes," she said. "What are they waiting for, for somebody to be killed?"

On Sunday, Border Police announced that they had caught the gang that attacked Tzipi and her family.

3. Arson in Samaria – Beginning of 'September' Riots?

by Maayana Miskin 

An arson attack near the Jewish town of Itamar in Samaria on Monday night was met by a rapid and large-scale military response – a fact locals say is a sign of the high tension in advance of the Palestinian Authority's planned statehood bid.

PA Arabs set fire to a field south of Itamar on Monday night, in what residents of Itamar explained was not an unusual occurrence. Despite the fact that PA gangs frequently set fire to Jewish fields in the region, this time, many soldiers were called up to put out the fire and search for the attackers.

"It seems that the IDF isn't taking any chances, due to the uncertainty about the nature of the events expected this week," one resident said.

The IDF has been calling up reserves for weeks in advance of the PA's planned appeal to the UN this week to recognize it as a state. PA leaders say the UN vote will be accompanied by mass rallies in Judea and Samaria; the IDF is preparing for violence, but reminding soldiers to be cautious.

On Sunday, PA Arabs drove near the Jewish community of Negohot in a convoy and jeered, while on Monday, dozens blocked a road near the town of Neve Tzuf and clashed with IDF soldiers.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Declaration of Neemanei Eretz Yisroel to the United Nations and to the President of the USA and other World players


Dear Neemanei Eretz Yisroel, Prof. Eldad and my List, amv"sh

For this discussion, please visit the link to Neemanei Eretz Yisroel and see their declarations for a Jewish Authority in Judea and Samaria. 

Though perhaps we don't agree with all that is written in  these declarations, myself included as explained below,  there is good reason to address this declaration seriously and really extend our imagination and envision, as the co signers have,  the actualization of our  dream of 2000 years of Am Yisroel having Jewish Sovereignty in Eretz Yisroel that is governed by Torah and not by secular law. Let us welcome the courageous stand of Neemanei Eretz Yisroel and rather than condemn it, brainstorm and be part of a new dawn, a new age that really demonstrates our Emunah Peshuta, our simple belief in G-d and our belief in our Holy Torah with concrete action and not merely lip service. 

While the majority of the people of Israel are not quite ready for such a revolutionary suggestion of a government based on Torah, the communities in Judea and Samaria are open to it.  Now when Israel  faces the prospect of a hostile Palestinian State governed by Sharia Law glorifying shahidism side by side the State of Israel, the prospect of a sister Jewish Authority side by side the State of Israel governed by the Written and Oral Laws of Torah and a Sanhedrin, does not seem quite as threatening.  

 It does not seem likely that Netanyahu's government would have what it takes to annex Judea and Samaria.  Let us take advantage of this window of opportunity and explore the possibility of a government that is based on the Torah and  Hebraic Law as a prototype in Judea and Samaria.  Even if Judea and Samaria was annexed, G-d willing, establishing a prototype gov't based on Torah in Judea and Samaria is a revolutionary idea and should be done small scale.  I suspect that the majority of Israeli's will be afraid of religious coercion. One can not simultaneously govern according to secular law and religious law.  That is why there needs to be a distinction in the way these Torah Authorities are governed along with collaboration and cooperation with the Secular State of Israel.

Let me incorporate some of the ideas presented by Prof. Eldad at the Jabotinsky Memorial. 

To paraphrase Prof. Eldad.  What has been obvious for generations is no longer obvious and the people are very confused.

Those that cosigned this declaration of Neemanei Eretz Yisroel clearly understand that Eretz Yisroel has intrinsic value of its own and is not merely a tool. Eretz Yisroel is the aspiration of the Jewish People for thousands of years as MK Eldad eloquently pointed out at the Jabotinsky Memorial hosted by AFSI in Manhatten this past Thursday,  and not merely a place of refuge for the Jewish People.  Let us free ourselves of the shelter mentality and proclaim that  Eretz Yisroel is our homeland. It is a Holy Land which acquires it's sanctity to its fullest when the Nation of Israel, G-d's Chosen People, adhere to the Commandments on the Land.   Eretz Yisroel can not be traded for "peace".  It is not negotiable by "leaders".  Pieces of Land can not be swapped. Drawing lines while negotiating territorial compromises do not lead to peace but lead to war.  The shelter mentality according to Dr. Eldad is the source of our weakness.  

Where is our yearning to keep the commandments and bring forth the sanctity of the Land prescribed by the Torah? Will the Palestinians keep Shemittah?

The extended borders of Eretz YIsroel are the borders promised by G-d to Abraham.  In Parshat Masei, those borders were reduced and instead of being commanded to conquer 10  Canaanite Nations, Joshua was commanded to conquer 7 Canaanite Nations. Perhaps this was as a result of the Sin of the Spies.  Yet the Jewish People still dream for the Messianic era when the borders will extend till the Euphrates as promised to our forefather Abraham.  Personally, I do not believe that this time has come because the Sin of the Spies has not been rectified.  In my opinion, the sin of the Spies will be rectified when all the Rabbis unite and reestablish a Jewish Court by Temple Mount  also known as the Sanhedrin.  

I am unaware of any Rabbinic commentary who suggests however that the expanded boundaries of Eretz Yisroel is nullified and void and replaced by the reduced boundaries in Parshat Masei. It is understood that the expanded boundaries will be the accepted boundaries for the Messianic times,

It is for this reason I would not support the campaign which states that Jordan is Palestine as promoted by MK Eldad. MK Eldad is proposing a solution that is not based on reality but on what he believes will be a palatable solution that Nations of the World will find acceptable.  This temporary solution is deceptive since, eventually there will be  a Sanhedrin and G-d willing one day, G-d's Covenant with Abraham will be fulfilled and the borders of Israel will be extended to the Euphrates.  

It is my understanding that MK Eldad says that 80 percent of Jordan is anyway Palestine, and anyway the Arab Spring will affect Jordan as it did Egypt and it's inevitable that the Palestinians will take Jordan so why not make the most of it.  

I see  problems with this argument.  

  • Why promote Nazi sympathizers next door. 
  •  Jordan is not the homeland of the Palestinians.  Palestinians  actually come from all over and they are from many different Arab countries.  Let them all return from where they came from.  The further the better.  Mike Huckabee suggested Saudi Arabia and not Jordan because as he said it's too close for comfort. 
  • The Hashemites Kingdom, (King Abdullah) are Noahites.  At least that is my impression  Surely they do not promote the destruction of Israel as do the Palestinian Authority.  The emblem of the Palestinian Authority is proof of the Palestinian agenda.
I do not suggest the deportation of any Palestinians.  According to Prof. Eldad, forced transfer is against the law and Rabbi Kahana was marginalized because he advocated something that is against the law.  Rather let us take our cue from Joshua who gave the residents of Canaan 3 choices.

  1. Accept Jewish Sovereignty and the 7 Noahide laws  Their status is then of Ger Toshav with many rights and the Jewish State will look after their welfare.
  2. Leave to wherever they choose, the door is open for them to leave.  Surely there are plenty of Muslim countries or non Muslim countries that they will find much comfortable than a Jewish country. 
  3. Stay and fight the Jews and accept the consequences of War. 
In conclusion, let us conduct an open debate regarding how Jews can once again establish a government true to the Torah.

  fyi, What follows is some of the Neemanei Eretz Yisroel declarations. For the rest visit 

The Jewish Authority in the Land of Israel
12 Elul 5771
September 11, 2011
The Secretary-General of the United Nations
The President of the Security Council
The President of the General Assembly


It is with great pleasure that we bring to your attention that on September 8,2011 the Jewish Authority in the Land of Israel was proclaimed as a political and legal entity at an assembly of the residents of the Land of Israel convened in Nofim,in the Shomron (Samaria).

The Jewish Authority in the Land of Israel derives its legal existence from the title of sovereignty of the Jewish People over the regions of Yehuda (Judah) and Shomron (Samaria) granted by the Almighty to their ancestors and subsequently recognized by the Principal Allied Powers in April 1920 at the Peace Conference convened in San Remo, Italy; confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations in July 1922; and preserved by Article 80 of the Charter of the United Nations adopted in 1946 – though as yet not implemented by the State of Israel.

The confirmed existing sovereignty of the Jewish People over the regions of Yehuda and Shomron precludes any legal possibility of recognizing any foreign political entity that may claim sovereignty over this area, and any decision in favor of such recognition is patently illegal and as such  – is null and void.

The Provisional Executive Committee of the Jewish Authority in the Land of Israel will hold within one year free democratic elections in which registered residentsof Judah and Samaria will be eligible to choose their own leadership.

Very sincerely,

Rabbi Shalom Ber Wolpo, Beitar Illit
Professor Hillel Weiss, Elkana
Mrs. Anat Livni, Nofim
Mrs. Ruth Eisilowitz, Hod Hasharon
Att. Boaz Shapira, Tel-Aviv
Yonatan-ben-Eliezer:Amarcol, Jerusalem
Mr. Yoel Lerner, Jerusalem

The Jewish Authority established in Yehuda and Shomron, with its Capital at Jerusalem, is the sole autonomous representative of the Jewish People in accordance with recognized Law. 

The Authority completely and firmly rejects Netanyahu's plan calling for the creation of "Two States for Two Nations".

No "leader" is invested with such authority, nor can any leader be invested with such authority.

The Authority will see the UN as an aggressor as long as the UN obstructs the free and legal exercise of the Sovereignty of the Jewish Nation throughout the Land of Israel.

The Jewish Authority calls upon all of the Peoples of the World to join together with us, individuals and families, Christians and Moslems that accept the Torah of Moses, the Prophets and the Holy Writings, to create a World Forum as an alternative to the UN, to support the Jewish People and to join in a World Pilgrimage to the Temple Mount.

The Jewish Authority will hold free elections in accordance with the Torah throughout Yehuda andShomron, as well as in the Capital, Jerusalem in order to properly appoint a leadership that truly represents the fundamental principles of the Jewish Nation and will safeguard the People's Rights and the People's Security.

The Jewish Authority calls upon the State of Israel, as well as to all of its agencies and its institutions, to adopt the Fundamental Principles of the Jewish Authority in a formal Resolution.

The Jewish Authority rejects and negates any "decision" by the Supreme Court and/or any other court the ffect of which is the impediment of Jewish Rights, including the Right of Self-Determination of the Sovereign Jewish People, and certainly any "decision" which contravenes the Torah of Israel.

 The Jewish Authority will establish and maintain a system of Justice in accordance with the legal principlesof the Torah throughout Yehuda and Shomron, including in the Capital, Jerusalem, insofar as the Jewish population understands its vital importance.The Jewish Authority will support the raising of funds for building, security and agriculture as well as local cottage industries throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

The Jewish Authority supports all activities that promote an increased Jewish Presence on the Temple Mount.

We also call upon the Moslem Arabs that live in the Old City of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, as well as throughout Yehuda, Shomron and Binyamin to participate in the elections upon acceptance of certain documented conditions as follows:

  1. A signed declaration of acceptance of the Koran in its entirety, and therefore acceptance of the fact that the entire Land of Israel, from the Euphrates to the Nile, is the Land of the Children of Israel, the Jewish People of today as the direct descendants of our Fathers that stood at Mount Sinai with Moshe the Prophet, Master of all Prophets, who has never been equaled.
  2. A signed declaration of request for status as a Resident of the Land in consequence of an oath to observe and uphold the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah according to the Torah of Israel and to be faithful to the Principles of the Jewish Authority, specifically that theJewish Authority has the exclusive Right to operate throughout the Land of Israel.
  3. In lieu of paragraph 2. (above), one may elect to convert with the intention of accepting and fulfilling the Commandments according to the Torah of Moshe and Israel.The above is predicated upon an oath of Allegiance to the Jewish Authority.

One who abrogates these conditions is considered an enemy and will be deported at the earliest opportunity. We are confident that this approach and the world-view that is presented here are the key to peace among all of the Nations of the world, the Jewish People and the Creator.
We pray together with all of God's loyal peoples:
"May it be
His Will that God's Presence pervade the World that He created inkindness and mercy, and that He bring the Redeemer of Israel, the anointed scion of David, to his Holy City as is right and proper for all times. Upon his throne nostranger shall sit, and no others may inherit this honor! Blessed are You, our God, the Lord of Redemption!" 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today Sunday, September 11, 2022 Freedom Rally 3:pm Park Place and West Broadway NYC


Jewish Media, Please cover extensively. 

Mark Your Calendar! Upcoming Events/Actions that Strengthen Judea, Samaria, Sderot, Jerusalem, Israel, America and the entire Free World

*Americans For a Safe Israel
1751 Second Avenue (91st Street)
New York, NY 10128
Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director
September 7, 2011 



9/11 Freedom Rally  - 3pm -Park Place and West Broadway

 With the official 9/11 rally banning or not inviting first responders, 9/11 families, and clergy, it became apparent that another rally was necessary that would be more inclusive and would honor those who were murdered in the 9/11 terror attack against the United States. Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have organized this Freedom Rally. It is my privilege to be part of it, along with a host of distinguished speakers. 
Helen Freedman 

AFDI/SIOA 9/11 Freedom Rally Welcomes Clergy, First Responders, 9/11 Family Members Banned From Official Ceremonies Reuters 

NEW YORK, Sept. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The human rights organization American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) will be hosting its second annual 

9/11 Freedom Rally on September 11 at 3pm at Park Place and West Broadway.



While clergy, 9/11 first responders, and 9/11 family members are barred and/or not invited to the official ceremonies, all are welcome at the 9/11 Freedom Rally. And while White House guidelines forbid official 9/11 ceremonies from mentioning who attacked the U.S. on that day or why, the 9/11 Freedom Rally features more honest speakers.


Free citizens are coming from all over the U.S. to attend the rally. "Honor our war and stand for freedom and against the deception and lies being used to subdue us," said AFDI Executive Director Pamela Geller.  "We must show the jihadists we are unbowed in the defense of freedom."


AFDI and its Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) program are encouraging all Americans to stand against the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero and the anti-Semitic Durban III conference that will be held in New York City at the same time, and for American values on the tenth anniversary of the worst attack ever on American soil.


The confirmed list of speakers includes 9/11 family members, including Rosaleen Tallon, sister of hero firefighter and reservist in the United States Marine Corps, Sean Tallon, who was killed in the 9/11 attacks; Nelly Braginskaya, who lost her son Alex; Sally Regenhard, mother of hero firefighter Christian Regenhard, killed in the 9/11 attacks (Regenhard is an American activist who has become one of the leading voices for the families of the victims of September 11); U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton; German MP Rene Stadtkewitz, leader of Germany's Freedom Party; Dr. Arieh Eldad, former candidate for Prime Minister of Israel, Member of the Knesset; Ezra Levant, TV anchor, newspaper columnist, author, founding publisher of the Western Standard magazine, the only Canadian media outlet to publish the Danish cartoons of Muhammad (livestreaming on SUN TV), Sudanese ex-slave and freedom fighter Simon Deng; war hero and North Carolina Congressional candidate Ilario Pantano; popular radio host Joyce Kaufman; Helen Freedman, Americans for a Safe Israel; Darla Dawald, National Director of the Patriot Action Network; James Lafferty of the Virginia Anti-Sharia Taskforce (VAST); Coptic Christian activist Joseph  Nassralla; Iraqi ex-Muslim Michael Paul; and others.


Members of the clergy (banned from the official ceremonies) will be there for the invocation. And first responders, who were not invited to the official ceremonies, will speak and are welcome at 9/11 Freedom Rally.


Hosting the rally are Pamela Geller, publisher of the acclaimed AtlasShrugs.com blog, executive director of AFDI and SIOA, and author of Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance (WND Books); and AFDI/SIOA associate director Robert Spencer, the bestselling author and director of Jihad Watch.



The evening of September 11, Geller and Spencer will host a special screening of the groundbreaking film, The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second  Wave of the 911 Attacks (more here), at The Actor's Temple Theater on 47th between 8th and 9th Avenues. RSVP to GroundZeroMosque@aol.com 


Building the Ground Zero mosque is not an issue of religious freedom, but of resisting an effort to insult the victims of 9/11 and to establish a beachhead for political Islam and Islamic supremacism in New York. Cordoba Initiative board member imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is an open proponent of Sharia, Islamic law, a system that denies the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people before the law. Given the thousands of triumphal mosques that have been built on the cherished sites of conquered peoples throughout Islamic history, the mosque leaders' claim that this mosque would be understood differently by Muslims worldwide lack foundation.  


The Durban III conference follows upon two previous conferences that scapegoated and demonized the state of Israel in service of Islamic jihad and Islamic supremacist interests. The rally will defend Israel against the defamation to which it will be subjected at this conference. It will also call upon the city to remove roadblocks to the reconstruction of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which was destroyed on 9/11 and since then mired in bureaucratic red tape that has prevented its rebuilding - in stark contrast to the help Mayor Bloomberg and other city officials have given to the Ground Zero Mosque project.


AFDI/SIOA is one of America's foremost organizations defending human rights, religious liberty, and the freedom of speech against Islamic supremacist intimidation and attempts to bring elements of Sharia to the United States.



correction: Agudah Organization can't endorse any political candidate but influential individuals in Agudah publicly endorsed Turner