Friday, August 06, 2010

My letter to Mayor Bloomberg re: WTC Fwd: City of New York Auto Acknowledgment Correspondence #


Dear Fellow Activists and Media Professionals, amv"sh

Now check out this YouTube - No mosque at Ground Zero

Please help fight the building the Mosque at Ground Zero.

fyi All of you and your readers can  write to Mayor Bloomberg against building the Mosque near Ground Zero. ( In addition you can sign your name on a petition with Act For America).

Just go on and fill out the form and write a letter.  You will get an automatic reply in return.  

Also, please read an email I received tonight by  Prof.  Paul Eidelberg's who puts much of the blame on President Obama and the penetration of  foreign ideologies to America.

Mayor Bloomberg, however, is allowing the Mosque near the WTC Ground Zero from a totally different angle.  His concern is free enterprise.  He doesn't want to interfere with private sector and real estate.

Prof. Eidelberg writes: "How to counter this unprecedented and fatal situation boggles the mind, especially in view of the First Amendment and American civil rights which these Muslim organizations know how to exploit to America's detriment. " 

I strongly suggest that the Mayor  reconsider in light of  this persuasive You tube, my arguments, (see below),  as well as what Prof. Eidelberg writes.  Let me add that New Yorkers are already  very annoyed  towards Mayor Bloomberg  because of excessive, (many unjustified) parking tickets.  While this does generate income for NYC in an obnoxious way, it also adversely affects the quality of life here.  His unwillingness to see beyond private enterprise as the end in and of itself, and his unwillingness to see a greater comprehensive picture when it comes to Islam will surely erode his popularity in New York City.  
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Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:34 PM
Subject: City of New York Auto Acknowledgment Correspondence # 1-1-584521037


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Dear Mayor Bloomberg, amvsh

I hear your arguments which defends the right of  purchase of private property for the purpose of building a religious institution.  However, if there is sufficient reason to believe that money to fund this mosque has a source in the Islamic Brotherhood which share ideology with Nazi Germany the rules change.  Private enterprise has then allowed the infiltration of a hateful ideology, a virus than can destroy private enterprise from within. Please do your research carefully before you inject your city with a disease that is painfully difficult to eradicate.


Robin Ticker

America and Israel, Israel and America

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Pamela Geller's "The Post-American Presidency" (forward by the eminent John Bolton) indicates that America has been systematically penetrated by countless Muslim organizations.  The proliferation of these organizations, like the proliferation of mosques, is ominous and astonishing.  Many of these organizations and mosques are funded by Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Muslim organizations operate at all levels and sectors of American society.  Many are connected directly or indirectly with terrorist organizations, including the Muslim Brotherhood, whose ultimate goal is the Islamization of America and the destruction of Israel.

How to counter this unprecedented and fatal situation boggles the mind, especially in view of the First Amendment and American civil rights which these Muslim organizations know how to exploit to America's detriment.  What makes matters worse is the man in the White House.  It is clear from his own words that Obama identifies with Islam, perhaps most significantly displayed by his bowing to Saudi King Abdullah—guardian of Mecca.  We need to address the fact, manifested in many ways, that Obama is committed to America's demise as a sovereign state.  Of profound and sweeping significance, he scorns the American Declaration of Independence, its doctrine of "natural rights," its basic ideas of individual freedom and limited government.

This president is steeped in cultural relativism.  He deplores America as the greatest world power.  He rejects American "exceptionalism" and therefore turns a blind eye to its generosity and magnanimity, its desire to liberate rather than dominate.  He is utterly ignorant of what this Democratic Republic stands for, its commitment to the primacy of reason and persuasion as opposed to the primacy of force and coercion.

Obama possesses the grievance mentality of Marxism displayed by his mentors—Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky, Louis Farrakhan, and the irreverend Jeremiah Wright.  Stamped on his tabula rasa we see the duplicity and anti-Semitism of Islam.  We see the narcissism of a man without a country, a man without knowledge of history, a man without any well-grounded sense of identity.  He boasts of being a "cosmopolitan."  He is a multiculturalist devoid of culture.

His appointments to the Supreme Court are cut from the same cloth.  Both Sonia Sotomayer and Elena Kagan would subordinate America and its Constitution to foreign law or leftwing inspired international law. Both would effectively negate the Declaration's principle of popular sovereignty, of government by the consent of the governed.  Hence both would disempower the American people.

Many of Obama's appointments to the executive departments of government follow the same anti-American ideology.  And what is no mere coincidence, many are outspokenly anti-Israel.  America and Israel, Israel and America—one the source, the other guardian, of Western Civilization.  We had better do something about the tyranny that has been loosened in America and that threatens America's most important ally, Israel.

(To be continued)

This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

To each one of us a Soldier in the PR campaign, PLEASE VIEW AND READ THIS! Based on the Work of Tsafrir Ronen z"l


The attachment to this email is a must see and forward!

This is the message we must get out there.  The Palestinians are masters at lying and deceiving the world.  Their distorted message is being presented worldwide as we saw the  huge negative Press against Rav Shapiro of Od Yosef Chai and his book promoting Israel's right to defend itself from its enemy in a State of War. The global press present the distorted message to be that Rav Shapiro promotes the killing of Gentile blood of babies. The Government of Israel has arrested and released Rav Shapiro and brought into questioning Rav Ginsberg.  There are orders to demolish  Od Yosef Chai his Yeshiva and Synagogue.  This million dollar building was  built up from the ruins of the shul and Yeshiva at Kever Yosef that was desecrated and destroyed after the IDF abandoned Yosef's tomb.   Barak is meeting with Obama and the timing of these orders to arrest Rav Shapiro and demolish Od Yosef Chai seems to be a bargaining chip to placate Obama and to show our willingness to progress in the "Peace Talks" and establish a "Palestinian State" living side by side with Israel in peace and harmony. . 

Let us proclaim the truth.  Jews in Judea and Samaria under Israel have no rights of Self Defense against Arab Aggression.  If they try they they are victimized.  They are arrested.  Lies and fabrications are brought against them by the ARabs.  They are portrayed as the aggressors and agitators. This then gets reported in the global news.  The IDF is not properly defending them or their property as they receive conflicting orders on whether to protect the Arabs from Jewish aggression or to protect the Jewish residents.  By the way this isn't the case only in Judea and Samaria.  It is also in the Galil in the Negev. 

The only solution as this presentation clearly shows is to be fearless in proclaiming that indeed we have entitlement to the Land and they are the occupiers!

Correction: In my last email I said that Rav Ginsberg was arrested.  I believe he was merely brought to Police for questioning and then released.  It was an honest mistake and not meant to deceive.  However this proves my point.  When one reads that someone is brought to the Police for questioning they assume he was guilty of something and arrested.  What the press actually says isn't what's heard. It's the way it's headlined and presented.

in the news

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kati cohen <>
Date: Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:36 AM

Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Monday, August 02, 2010

Blood Libel !Now Rav Ginsberg is arrested. : Stop Harassment of Rabbanim of Od Yosef Chai Letter to Knesset Members


Dear Media, Rabbanim and CHavrei Knesset,

Now Rav Ginsberg the Rav who started this Yeshiva in Kever Yosef is brought in for questioning.  Let us recall who destroyed the Yeshiva at Kever Yosef, desecrated the Holy Site, the Holy Yeshiva and books, with gleeful destruction, as soon as the IDF abandoned Kever Yosef. !

Look at Haaretz Headlines Haaretz: State Funds Rabbis Who Endorse Killing Gentile Babies Yeshiva World News (November 17, 2009) which triggered horrible press. Please look at IN THE NEWS at the end of this email for a disgusting list of articles defaming Jews as a result of the Haaretz article

BLATANT DISTORTIONS in the News in order to delegitimize and defame Rabbanim and setting the tone to destroy a Yeshiva.

What exactly did Rav Shapiro say in his book that deserved being awoken at 4:00 am traumatizing his family and dehumanizing him as if he was a criminal? He was released soon thereafter but not after the PR damage was done. Rabbi Ginsberg is now brought into questioning.  Another ploy to stage a depiction of a "Rabbi that endorses killing gentile babies" 

The State destroyed 26 synagogues in Gush Katif for political reasons alone.  The State didn't need extra justification to destroy the synagogues .
Soldiers, Rabbanim and the public were brainwashed with Gush Katif.  In order not to cause large protests the public they were fed  mistruths and brainwashed so that the public can swallow this bitter pill.

Obviously the destruction of Od Yosef Chai has political undertones but the public must be brainwashed again as per why the destruction is justified.. 

 Perhaps it's what Rav Shapiro didn't clearly say in his book that allows this Nehepach hu, these false charges to take place! 

Perhaps he didn't clearly spell out or point a finger at the Palestinians who have used their children as human shields and ambulances to shield terrorists and lie through their teeth for PR purposes. 

Are we expected to endanger our Soldiers like we did in Jenin
for these babies who are being used as human shields by their own people?. 

The hypocrisy of  the Media!

Who in their right mind would  stand for this cowardly excuse of fighting by the Palestinian enemy that endangers their own little Palestinian babies and children and  prey on Jews' merciful nature and uses the media as their weapon to libel, defame the good.

The headlines imply...  it is the Jews and their Rabbis that wish to kill innocent Gentile babies.  The State of Israel has been funding  Jewish terrorists and  teachings. "  

What an antisemitic  blood libel!  What a lie! The exact opposite is truth.

The State of Israel, America, Europe etc are funding terrorist activities and teachers of terrorism. We know that the State of Israel and the USA and the European Union support Palestinian educational institutions and camps that are named after violent, proven Palestinian terrorists who are glorified and these institutions teach their young children the virtues of being a Shahid/a.  In fact it  can be logically argued that these Palestinian institutions deserve to be demolished! 

Rav Shapiro and Rav Ginsberg are clearly not terrorists.  They have never masterminded and/or killed innocent women and children in a suicide attack or encouraged shahidism or taught their students to murder innocent gentiles or their gentile babies unjustified  given a STate of War!

   Those cruel to the merciful will be merciful to the cruel. Mercy  misplaced,  endangers human lives and  and causes us to be cruel to our very own.  Showing mercy to our enemy that behaves in such a despicable fashion to their own, merely encourages and escalates their choice of weapons such as using children  as human shields. The media is unfortunately their pawn and willing weapon and tool to escalate terror by defaming the good guys and making the bad guys look good.

 Restraint on the part of Israel is not in the best interest of  innocent Palestinian children and babies .  Restraint GREATLY endangers Israeli fighting soldiers  since it forces our soldiers to be sitting ducks or easy targets. 

IN Auschwitz the JEWISH prisoners would have embraced an attack on the railroads leading to Auschwitz and the Concentration Camps even if it meant that some Jews including babies would have been killed.  All understood clearly that the intention of bombing the tracks was to stop the process of mass murder of millions and not to kill the number of Jews that happened to have been there at the time even if babies were unfortunately targeted in the process.

For shame on those reporters that made is seem like the Rav is a racist that treasures Jewish Blood over Gentile blood and hates Gentile babies and endorses killing them.  It's obvious to me that  it  is the intent of such Gentiles that determine the Halacha and not their blood type, race or religion and surely not because they happen to be babies.

Here is another article that slanders Rabbis as being racists against Gentiles based on blood type.   The headline is quite blatant and accusatory.

Shapira's distinction between Jewish, gentile blood

Journalists, Members of Knesset, Rabbanim:

Please do what you can to stop the libel, slander and incarceration  of G-d fearing Jews and the execution of the  destruction of shuls and communities in Yehudah and the Shomron!--

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 4:06 AM
Subject: Stop Harassment of Rav of Od Yosef Chai

 in the news


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Help us reach 100,000 on the Temple Mount Petition - Forward to your list and sign if you haven't already.


What is the root source of our entitlement to the Land of Israel?

One thing and one thing ONLY.

Hashem and His Holy Torah!!

Har Habayit,
Maarat Hamachpela in Hebron,
Kever Yosef
and Kever Rochel

When we claim these places we claim all of Eretz Yisroel as Jewish entitlement and demonstrate our belief in Hashem and in the Torah.  Nothing incites the Arabs more than our claim to these Holy Sites.  They know that this is the source of our entitlement and they are afraid that once we claim our Holy Sites they will be forced out.  Removing the Waqf from Temple Mount  is not a racist idea since  on Har Habayit, there are boundaries and guards must be put in place in order that Jews as well as Non Jews don't trespass boundaries that are forbidden to them for their own good.  In order to reach a level of sanctity, these rules must be enforced. It is our prayer, that in the not too distant future, the Jewish people and Nations of the world will be bringing their sacrifices  to Temple Mount.  Ki Beiti Beit Tefila Yikare Lechol Ha'amim, because My House, the House of Prayer, will be called so for all the Nations.

Going on Aliya is not an easy thing to do.  It requires great inertia. Even going to a demonstration requires stopping our daily lives.


So you say it won't make much of a difference. These petitions are worthless.   Of course you are right if everyone says the same thing  as you, and doesn't sign. However, if each one of us, every member of Agudath Yisroel and every member of the OU and every member of Young Israel and every member of Chabad International, and everyone and their collective email lists would sign, we would collectively have hundreds of thousands of signatures. If then Aish Hatorah, Ohr Sameach,  Aarachim, Dvar Yerushalyim, Shuvu, Shofar, and all the Baalei Yeshivot that I didn't mention,  outreach to the entire affiliated and non affiliated  then Wow.  That for sure would send a message to Hashem and to ourselves if noone else that we truly desire our Land and returning to the Avodah of the Beis Hamikdash.

Let is see this as a petition to G-d.  We are sending G-d an email.  It's a Silent prayer.  Everyone else might ignore my signature but surely Hashem sees that I really do care about claiming our Birthright and Rebuilding the Temple and that my prayers are not just lip service.  This in turn will benefit all the Nations of the World who are blessed through the Jewish Nation and bring about World Peace and Prosperity.

From: TM OP <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 00:48:39 +0300
Subject: Help us reach 100,000 on the Temple Mount Petition

Dear friends,


A few months ago a historic debate was held in the Knesset Law Committee to decide if hearings should be held on the issue of Jewish ascent. A vote to hold the Temple Mount hearings passed by a vote of 12-0 along with 1 abstention. However the head of the Law Committee MK David Rotem of Yisrael Beitenu is stalling the hearings for political reasons.

Friends, now is the time to act! The Knesset is on summer break and will resume in 3 months. This gives us time to rally the world Jewry and all those who love justices and mercy for the sake of the Temple Mount. We have an historic opportunity to return Jewish Prayer to the Temple Mount; we have an historic opportunity to turn the Mount as is written in Isaiah 56:7 into "A House of Prayer for all Nations". Where all Nations can find a common spiritual ground and stand as one before He whose Name is One. Maybe this place can help bring a little peace and tranquility to an increasing volatile world.

If you haven't already signed please sign...... 


Please urge all your friends and family to sign the petition for Jewish Prayer on the Temple Mount and help insure that all humanity can come together and pray together. Post the petition on blogs, websites, twitter, facebook and send via email! I have spoken to Knesset Members and they want to hear your voice! They want to be empowered and emboldened to take the courageous steps that are needed to make this dream a reality. Today Knesset Member Danny Danon stated in a interview on Temple Talk, that he needs this groundswell of support! Help us reach an ambitious goal of 100,000 on the petition! At this time nearly 5,000 have signed, if everyone brings another 20 we can easily reach the goal and even more!  Check the petition homepage for more actions in the coming weeks and months! 

YouTube - 10000 Rally For Jewish Rights on the Temple Mount

 - 11:19pmJul 13, 2010 ... 10000 Rally For Jewish Rights on the Temple Mount ... 4 days ago. Return Jewish prayer to Har HaBayit now. cooperdavidc 4 days ago ...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A GESHRAI! HELP!!! EMERGENCY!!!! OD YOSEIF CHAI: Yeshiva's Appeal Against Demolition REJECTED


Dear Rabbanim, Print Media, Friends and Family, amv'sh

This is a very bad OMEN.  This can not be taken quietly. 

A  Yeshiva and Synagogue destroyed in the Shomron or anywhere sends a terrible message to the world. 

I re-experience the destruction of Gush Katif shuls.  A wound still festering, now reopened and in the process of  being stabbed once again. 

What agitation did the Gush Katif people do to deserve the destruction of their synagogues, still not rebuilt?  (All except 1 or 2 out of 26)

Can a Yeshiva and a Synagogue be demolished retroactively at the whim of an Israeli minister heavily involved in politics after many have signed agreed, processed and built.  This building has been  faithfully serving  the Shomron communities as a Beit Knesset and  Jewish Center of Learning.  It is also a Yeshiva Boys High School.  Can this building  be retroactively  annulled, demolished,  erased and blotted off the map?  Can it's reason to exist cease based on the decisions of politicians and  bureaucrats who say so?  What explanation can you offer those high school students? Clearly it is "You have no rights in this place.  Leave this area immediately.  Your house and home and school and shul are not protected by a security system!!!!

 How can this  civil administration, ruled by politics, override previous administrations that signed and approved???

What message does this send the world? Better left unsaid and Al Tiftach Peh LaSatan......

Barak is in America and the timing of this is not coincidental!  WOW!  Can't beat this gift.....Destruction in Judea and Samaria, a wonderful present to Obama from BARAK the "Defense" Minister of Israel under Netanyahu!!  Beats cigars and watches.

This Yeshiva was built by Israel and has been standing 11 years!  It's Rosh Yeshiva is depicted as a dangerous agitator. 

So let's talk about agitation!  Let's talk about  how the government  of Israel deals with  real agitation from the Palestinians like trespassing, stealing, and  arson on farms within Judea and Samaria  Let's talk about the same scenario on farms in the Galil and the Negev.  Let's talk about how the IDF sits with their hands folded and at times, from orders above, does nothing to protect the property of  taxpaying Jews, citizens of the State,  living in Judea and Samaria.  The IDF is confused as per who they must protect and defend.  They know that they must surely protect the stone throwing, arson setting Arabs from those "militant" settlers. If one of those settlers even dare to burn even a tire, that's it for them.  Jail,.  Isolation..  Even if they had the thought in their mind to commit the crime of burning a tire, now that's reallllllly bad......Compare their pre-sentencing jail term with proven Palestinian terrorists....And  which right wing settler has the means to afford to pay the lawyers the fees that are necessary to defend themselves?  The Palestinians have pockets that are a bottomless pit and  the best lawyers are hired on their behalf.  By whom?  Shouldn't we ask? Their money flows from the European Union, America, Saudi Arabai and of course Iran and their proxies in Lebanon and Syria etc.....The Police  accept the lies of Arabs as testimony without investigation of the facts and then send out stories based on lies and fabrication to the media throughout the world who are very quick to report this "news" .   But the IDF is confused as to how to protect the tax paying settlers before they became "militant"  having been provoked by destructive, trespassers,  stone throwers and  arson setting Palestinians.    .

Why don't the Jewish newspapers carry real stories of agitation instead of prefabricated ones.  How much provoking must the settlers take? 

PLEASE ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION.  Would you willingly allow your home to be trespassed, vandalized,  your goats and sheep stolen, Your vineyards ruined, your tractor and farm equipment vandalized and  allow  your families to be  threatened and simply sit there with your hands folded as a sitting duck waiting for even worst things to happen?

 Would you throw up your hands and say i had better run away  from my million dollar or million shekel house that I  have been working so very hard for my whole adult life with the help of family and friends because no one is protecting me and when I defend myself I am called the agitator?

 In fact they will turn the table on me and even before I put a legal claim on them they might submit  reports to the police that I was the one that vandalized their homes, stole their sheep, burnt their vineyards, destroyed their olive trees, shot them, and their grandmother and perhaps they will add that I beat their child etc, why not?  it sounds good,  all based on lies and fabrications and then the  authorities will put
me into  jail and I will need to defend myself.   Maybe the Police will release me that night because of lack of evidence,  but not after all the fabricated charges against me are sent out to world wide press.

Sometimes, they keep big mouths like  me in jail or administration detention and won't even tell me the reason  SO WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF THEY DID THIS TO YOU????? AND BTW....WHERE WOULD YOU RUN TO  BY THE TIME THESE ANARCHIST  REACH

and let us not sit smugly in the diaspora.... Things are progressing at a very fast rate...... Chas Veshalom....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva <>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 12:51 AM
Subject: Yeshiva's Appeal Against Demolition Rejected
To: Robin Ticker <>

Dear Friends,
Update 5: Av 17 5770 /July 28, '10

In addition to the scandalous interrogation of Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira last monday from 4:00 A.M. until noontime, we have just received the response of the civil adminstration which rejected are appeal and has claimed its prerogative to destroy our building. This comes despite the government having built the structure according to its own approvals.

Pay heed to the timing of these events:
22 July - The civil adminstration announces its final decree to destroy our building. See JPost story

24 July - Barak leaves for the United States for meetings with Obama and his government.
26 July - Once again the Rosh Yeshiva is taken for interrogation and is depicted to the public as a dangerous agitator.
Is this being done to lay the groundwork for the destruction of our yeshiva?

In our estimation the situation is very worrying. We are urging the public to support us on an emergency footing which will allow us to organize in our struggle and to stand firm. Our role is to educate our students. We are not people seeking confrontation. But, now that this serious matter has been thrust upon us, we must be prepared to deal with it in the most firm, determined and professional manner. This will cost a good deal of money, more than what is currently available to operate the yeshiva.
Click to Donate

We would gladly welcome your ideas & any financial help you can give us. We await your valuable input.

Itamar Pozen

Visit our website:
Ode Yosef Chai

©2010 Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva | Yitzhar, 44831 Israel

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Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.