Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fwd: FColumn One: Netanyahu's perilous statecraft by Caroline Glick


Brilliantly written as usual.  I just disagree with Caroline that we must stick with Netanyahu.  Netanyahu has betrayed too often and has caved in under pressure. Our only option is emphasizing our Biblical entitlement and that this is G-d's Land and we are not entitled to give it away. 

Mordechai from the Purim story shows an example of leadership. Mordechai did not bow down or prostrate himself even at the risk to his life and the life of his fellow Jew.


Column One: Netanyahu's perilous statecraft

Aug. 20, 2009

This week we discovered that we have been deceived. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's principled rejection of US President Barack Obama's bigoted demand that Israel bar Jews from building new homes and expanding existing ones in Judea and Samaria does not reflect his actual policy.

Construction and Housing Minister Ariel Attias let the cat out of the bag.

Attias said that the government has been barring Jews from building in the areas since it took office four months ago, in the hopes that by preemptively capitulating to US demands, the US will treat Israel better.

And that's not all. Today Netanyahu is reportedly working in earnest to reach a deal with the Obama administration that would formalize the government's effective construction ban through 2010. Netanyahu is set to finalize such a deal at his meeting with Obama's Middle East envoy George Mitchell in London on Wednesday.

Unfortunately, far from treating Israel better as a result of Netanyahu's willingness to capitulate on the fundamental right of Jews to live and build homes in the land of Israel, the Obama administration is planning to pocket Israel's concession and then up the ante. Administration officials have stated that their next move will be to set a date for a new international Middle East peace conference that Obama will chair. There, Israel will be isolated and relentlessly attacked as the US, the Arabs, the Europeans, the UN and the Russians all gang up on our representatives and demand that Israel accept the so-called "Arab peace plan."

That deceptively named plan, which Obama has all but adopted as his own, involves Israel committing national suicide in exchange for nothing. The Arab plan - formerly the "Saudi Plan," and before that, the Tom Friedman "stick it to Israel 'peace' plan" - calls for Israel to retreat to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines and expel hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. It also involves Israel agreeing to cease being a Jewish state by accepting millions of foreign, hostile Arabs as citizens within its truncated borders.

The day an Israeli government accepts the plan - which again will form the basis of the Obama "peace conference" - is the day that the State of Israel signs its own death warrant.

Then there is the other Obama plan in the works. Obama also intends to host an international summit on nuclear security in March 2010. Arab states are already pushing for Israel's nuclear program to be placed on the agenda.

Together with Obama administration officials' calls for Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - which would compel Israel to relinquish its purported nuclear arsenal - and their stated interest in having Israel sign the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty - which would arguably force Israel to allow international inspections of its nuclear facility in Dimona - Obama's planned nuclear conclave will place Israel in an untenable position.

Recognizing the Obama administration's inherent and unprecedented hostility to Israel, Netanyahu sought to deflect its pressure by giving his speech at Bar-Ilan University in June. There he gave his conditional acceptance of Obama's most cherished foreign policy goal - the establishment of a Palestinian state in Israel's heartland.

Netanyahu's conditions - that the Arabs generally and the Palestinians specifically recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state; that they relinquish their demand that Israel accept millions of hostile Arabs as citizens under the so-called "right of return"; that the Palestinian state be a "demilitarized" state; and that Arab states normalize their relations with Israel were supposed to put a monkey wrench in Obama's policy of pressuring Israel.

Since it is obvious that the Arabs do not accept these eminently reasonable conditions, Netanyahu presumed that Obama would be forced to stand down.

What the prime minister failed to take into consideration was the notion that Obama and the Arabs would not act in good faith - that they would pretend to accept at least some of his demands in order to force him to accept all of their's, and so keep US pressure relentlessly focused on Israel.

Unfortunately, this is precisely what has happened.

Ahead of Obama's meeting on Tuesday with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Al-Quds al-Arabi reported that Obama has accepted Netanyahu's call for a demilitarized Palestinian state. Although Netanyahu is touting Obama's new position as evidence of his own diplomatic prowess, the fact is that Obama's new position is both disingenuous and meaningless.

Obama's supposed support for a demilitarized Palestinian state is mendacious on two counts. First, Palestinian society is already one of the most militarized societies in the world. According to the World Bank, 43 percent of wages paid by the Palestinian Authority go to Palestinian militias. Since Obama has never called for any fundamental reordering of Palestinian society or for a reform of the PA's budgetary priorities, it is obvious that he doesn't have a problem with a militarized Palestinian state.

The second reason his statements in support of a demilitarized Palestinian state are not credible is because one of the central pillars of the Obama administration's Palestinian policy is its involvement in training of the Fatah-led Palestinian army. US Lt.-Gen. Keith Dayton is overseeing the training of this army in Jordan and pressuring Israel to expand its deployment in Judea and Samaria.

The US claims that the forces it is training will be responsible for counterterror operations and regular police work, and therefore, it is wrong to say that Dayton is raising a Palestinian army. But even if this is true today, there is no reason not to assume that these forces will form the backbone of a future Palestinian army. After all, the Palestinian militias trained by the CIA in the 1990s were trained in counterterror tactics. This then enabled them to serve as the commanders of the Palestinian terror apparatus from 2000 until 2004, when Israel finally defeated them. It is the uncertainty about these forces that renders Obama's statement meaningless.

And that gets to the heart of the problem with Netanyahu's conditional support for Palestinian statehood. Far from deflecting pressure on Israel to make further concessions, it trapped Israel into a position that serves none of its vital interests.

For Israel to secure its long-term vital national interests vis-a-vis the Palestinians, it doesn't need for the US and the Palestinians to declare they agree to a demilitarized state or for a Palestinian leader to announce that he recognizes Israel's right to exist or even agrees that Israel doesn't have to commit national suicide by accepting millions of Arab immigrants. For Israel to secure its national interests, Palestinian society needs to be fundamentally reorganized.

As we saw at the Fatah conclave in Bethlehem last week, even if Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas were to accept Netanyahu's conditions, he wouldn't be speaking for anyone but himself. Fatah's conclave - like Hamas's terror state in Gaza - gave Israel every reason to believe that the Palestinians will continue their war against Israel after pocketing their state in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. There is no Palestinian leader with any following that accepts Israel. Consequently, negotiating the establishment of a Palestinian state before Palestinian society is fundamentally changed is a recipe for disaster.

Furthermore, even if Netanyahu is right to seek an agreement with Mitchell next week, he showed poor negotiating skill by preemptively freezing Jewish construction. Domestically, Netanyahu has lost credibility now that the public knows that he misled it. And by preemptively capitulating, the prime minister showed Obama that he is not a serious opponent. Why should Obama take Netanyahu's positions seriously if Netanyahu abandons before them before Obama even begins to seriously challenge him?

Beyond the damage Netanyahu's actions have inflicted on his domestic and international credibility is the damage they have caused to Netanyahu's ability to refocus US attention and resolve where it belongs.

As the prime minister has repeatedly stated, the Palestinian issue is a side issue.

The greatest impediment to Middle East peace and the greatest threat to international security today is Iran's nuclear weapons program. A nuclear-armed Iran will all but guarantee that the region will at best be plagued by continuous war, and at worst be destroyed in a nuclear conflagration.

Netanyahu had hoped that his conditional support for Palestinian statehood, and his current willingness to bar Jews from building homes in Judea and Samaria would neutralize US pressure on Israel and facilitate his efforts to convince Obama to recognize and deal rationally with the issue of Iran's nuclear weapons program. But as Ambassador Michael Oren made clear on Sunday, the opposite has occurred.

In an interview with CNN, Oren said that Israel is "far from even contemplating" a military strike against the Islamic republic's nuclear installations. He also said, "The government of Israel has supported President Obama in his approach to Iran, initially the engagement, the outreach to Iran."

From this it appears that Israel has not only made no headway in convincing the administration to take Iran seriously. It appears that Jerusalem has joined the administration in accepting a nuclear-armed Iran.

It is possible that Oren purposely misrepresented Israel's position. But this too would be a disturbing turn of events. Israel gains nothing from lying. Oren's statement neutralizes domestic pressure on the administration to get serious about Iran. And if Israel attacks Iran's nuclear installations in the coming months, Oren's statement will undoubtedly be used by Israel's detractors to attack the government.

Some critics of Netanyahu from the Right like Ariel Mayor Ron Nachman claim that it may well be time to begin bringing down Netanyahu's government. They are wrong. We have been down this road before. In 1992, the Right brought down Yitzhak Shamir's government and brought the Rabin-Peres government to power and Yassir Arafat to the gates of Jerusalem. In 1999, the Right brought down the first Netanyahu government and gave Israel Camp David and the Palestinian terror war.

There is another way. It is being forged by the likes of Vice Premier Moshe Ya'alon on the one hand and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee on the other.

Ya'alon argues that not capitulating to American pressure is a viable policy option for Israel. There is no reason to reach an agreement with Mitchell on the administration's bigoted demand that Jews not build in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. If the US wants to have a fight with Israel, a fight against American anti-Jewish discrimination is not a bad one for Israel to have.

Ya'alon's argument was borne out by Huckabee's visit this week to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Huckabee's trip showed that the administration is not operating in a policy vacuum. There is plenty of strong American support for an Israeli government that would stand up to the administration on the Palestinian issue and Iran alike.

Netanyahu's policies have taken a wrong turn. But Netanyahu is not Tzipi Livni or Ehud Olmert. He is neither an ideologue nor an opportunist. He understands why what he is doing is wrong. He just needs to be convinced that he has another option.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Yaalon! - Partners with Feiglin - Ketzele Opens Office in Shdema!


What do Yaalon, Feiglin and Ketzele all have in common?  They want Judea and Samaria safe in Jewish Hands!

Yaalon vice premier and strategic affairs minister of Israel and Feiglin seems to have forged a political partnership..reports  

 "Yaalon was upset with recent change in the law -- pushed through by Netanyahu -- regarding the Israel Land Authority

One need not be a general to come to the same conclusions based on Torah.
Selling Land to a Non Jew is against the Torah.

When will a strong Torah Voice with Feiglin, Yaalon and  Yakov Katz of National Union and other Knesset members from faith based parties become a  political reality?Acheka Lo (Let us be patient and wait...)

 Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh), head of the National Union party, has written a sharp letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in light of the ongoing decrees against the Jews of Judea and Samaria,Ketzale has joined Women In Green,  at Shdema!   Ideologically thay are all on the same page!  National Union: Katz vs. Netanyahu, Ben-Ari vs.Ministers

The Torah unites and is the common denominator for all  Jews, both the Chilonim and the Chareidim. 

As Rav Amnon Yitzchok of Shofar says he would rather be a chiloni that observes the Mitzvoth than a chareidi that doesn't. 

Arlene Kushner:

see my website

August 20, 2009




Moshe "Bogie" Yaalon has been demonstrating courage and clarity of purpose of late.  He has spoken out on a number of issues and is to be applauded for doing so. 


So often it happens: those who at one time seemed to support certain issues begin to view things differently  once they become ministers. Or else they become strangely mute.  After all, there is party allegiance to consider -- all-important for one's political future.  And there is status, and the need to protect the perks of office.


We all know what I'm talking about.  We've all felt the disappointment of hoping that a particular member of the government would take principled stands, only to find that he or she ultimately does not.




But now it is becoming clear that we may have in Strategic Affairs Minister and Vice Premier Moshe Yaalon someone who actually cares more about his nation and his principles than he does about his political future.  


This is not something that should go unnoticed or unsupported.  In fact, Yaalon needs our support big time.




For Zionist reasons, Yaalon was upset by the recent change in the law -- pushed through by Netanyahu -- regarding the Israel Land Authority, so that now private purchases are permitted of what has to date been Israel-owned land.  He threatened to resign, and, in a deal with Netanyahu, was appointed head of a committee to decide on limits to that law.


On Sunday, he spoke at a rally for Moshe Feiglin -- Netanyahu's ideological/political opponent and head of the Manhigut Yehudit faction within the Likud.  In his speech, was which reported by Channel 2, Yaalon said:


"There are certain things we need to say – up to here. When you do things you don't believe in, you enter a slippery slope because they put pressure on you, and you keep rolling downwards."

"I, for one, am not afraid of the Americans.  I believe that Jews have the right to live anywhere in the land of Israel forever."

He also criticized the far left.  And it seems he singled out Peace Now, which he referred to as a "virus."


Then on Monday, in the company of other ministers, Yaalon visited some "unauthorized" outposts in Samaria.  Following the visit, he gave an interview explaining that so called "illegal" outposts are not actually "illegal," as they have approval from many sources already (as I've explained here), but just need a final approval that can still be provided -- making them fully legal.




Well!  Our prime minister is not responding positively to his minister of security.  In fact, he summoned Yaalon to his office yesterday to register his discontents, which are numerous.


The prime minister's office then issued a statement:


"...the remarks made by Minister Ya'alon are unacceptable, neither in their essence nor in their style, and do not represent the government's stance.

"In the face of the pluralism of opinions in the Israeli public, the prime minister believes mutual respect and unity must be maintained. This is right for any time, and especially for these times."

And tonight Netanyahu is meeting with him again -- cutting his vacation short to do so.  Reportedly he didn't like the implicit criticism of Obama and the support for the unauthorized outposts -- a position that flies in the face of Obama's demands that we take them down.  (It should be mentioned -- it is surely not unrelated -- that Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with Mitchell soon.)  There was also, as has been made clear, distress over Yaalon's politically incorrect position with regard to the far left.




I say bravo to Yaalon for being forthright in his positions. Wonderful indeed to know that someone high up in government is not being obsequious in his approach to the US (which is how I yesterday described Netanyahu's decision to refrain from issuing building tenders in Judea and Samaria).  A relief to hear someone say out loud that we have a right to live anywhere in the land we wish.  


Yaalon should be cloned several times over.  Particularly is this important as it turns out we have a prime minister who is not as attentive to the right flank of his coalition as he should be -- considering that he argued that it was because of the mandates achieved by the right that he should be given the first opportunity to try to form the coalition.  Netanyahu's been slip-sliding leftward.  




Feiglin called the prime minister's summons of Yaalon an "overreaction," and I would agree. 

"Ninety percent of the public agrees with what Ya'alon said, and the fact that Netanyahu is trying to scare him after saying it proves that he is acting not on behalf of the public but on behalf of the elites that control him," Feiglin said.


Yaalon's spokesman said he knew the radio show was being taped, but that his views are clear and well known.  Yaalon stands by what he said.  (What? No backtracking?  No hedging or double-talk?  Also a pleasant state of affairs.)


Peace Now called Yaalon "paranoid" and a "danger to Israeli democracy."  This is an attempt to stifle him and read him out of the fold.  In fact, this organization that legally does not exist has demanded that Netanyahu fire him.

Our self-serving, ever-political and ever-politically correct defense minister praised Peace Now (save us from this!) as "an integral part of the discourse in Israeli society."


There is an essential "rightness" (double entendre intended) about Yaalon's positions. He must be praised for defending our prerogative in settling our land.  As well, his readiness to stand independent of Obama is much welcome.  How wearisome and ultimately destructive it becomes to try to please and second guess a US president who is essentially anti-Israel.

And, I would add, there is an issue of free speech in a democracy implicit in what's going on here.  It is attempts to muzzle Yaalon that are properly labeled a "danger to Israeli democracy," not his speaking out.  Those attempts need to be fought. Those of us who are on the right must not tolerate being relegated to the category of "kook" or "danger."  It's a convenient corner into which too many of our adversaries have sought to push us.

As to the organizations on the far left, I can only concur most wholeheartedly with what Yaalon has said.  I have done sufficient research to understand the ways in which these groups seek to undermine all that we stand for as a sovereign Jewish state.  I will return to this issue, which is far too extensive too take on here.  But you might like to take a look at my report on Adalah, for insight into what's going on:

Now I simply share my frequent distress at seeing far left organizations being given extraordinary latitude within our society to damage our society, all allegedly in the name of democracy.  Thus, is Yaalon's forthrightness -- his readiness to take on the threat from within -- to be praised.  He may have made it permissible at last to ask publicly, "What the hell is going on here?".


And so, PLEASE!  Let Bogie Yaalon know that you are grateful that he has said publicly what so many of us think, that he stands behind his principles and is willing to incur political costs to do so:

Minister for Strategic Affairs Moshe Ya'alon

Fax: 02-6667516                                                                                                                             Phone: 02-6408891                                                                                                                               E-mail:

Additionally, let Binyamin Netanyahu know that you are grateful for the principled and forthright statements of Yaalon and that you stand behind his right to espouse the positions he does without penalty:


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu 


Fax: 02-670-5369


Phone: 03-610-9898 

E-mail: (underscore after pm)




This is a beginning.  It's clear, it's simple.  It is important in fighting a fight that must be fought.



From: Nadia and David Matar []
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 6:07 AM
Subject: Ketzele opens office in Shdema- כצלה פותח לשכה בשדמה


בס"ד   יום שישי ראש חודש אלול תשס"ט




Tens of people showed up in SHDEMA today Friday August 21st,2009 to protest the latest wave of vandalism by the Arabs and international anti_israeli activists who had come over the past two weeks to Shdema, besmirched the Israeli flag and destroyed part of our storage room.


The morning started with a shiur by Rabbi Shimon Ben Zion from kiryat Arba Hevron, teacher in Machon Meir, great fighter for Erets Israel (in Chomesh, on hill 26 in Kiryat Arba, Hazon David,  and many other places).


After the shiur, the tens of activists who had come from all over Israel to strengthen the Jewish presence in Shdema, marched from the top of the hill to the illegal Arab construction, funded by US and European money, at the bottom of the hill.


At the head of the march was member of Knesset Yaakov Katz (Ketzele) from the National Union who promised to open an office in Shdema and to work from Shdema.


Among the tens of participants, we had the pleasure and honor to have with us a AFSI delegation: Helen Freedman, executive director of AFSI and Bill and Sylvia Mehlman, aFSI Jerusalem who saw from close the discrimination against the Jews:

While Arabs are allowed to build an entire campus on land that is Israeli controlled (!) . the government does not allow any Jewish building or construction!!


After the march the participants returned to Shdema to clean and paint the walls that had been vandalized.


We would like to thank Arutz 7 for being there in Shdema faithfully and constantly.


The Committee for a Jewish Shdema has decided to increase its presence in shdema by coming almost every day for a few hours where we will work on fixing up the buildings. Volunteers who want to join and professional workers (kablanim, installators, electricians etc..) are asked to contact us and tell us how they can help. Donations of building materials will be welcomed too. (So will financial donations )


The daily shifts in Shdema will start please G-d this coming Sunday, August 23rd, at 4:00pm.


Please contact Nadia Matar 0505500834

Or Yehudit Katzover 0507161818


Shabbat shalom,

The Committee for a Jewish Shdema and Women in Green


For the link to the arutz 7 newsreport on Shdema with a video report

For pictures by Rivka Ryback and Yossef Hartuv


Rachel is crying for her children - Prayer Elul!


Yasher Koach to Evelyn Haies and the RCRF for a living presence in Kever Rochel.  Thank you Chana for sending.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: chana sokol <>
Date: Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:12 AM
Subject: from Chana Tova my Kever Rochel trip with lunch and Rabbi Leff & Prayer Elul
To: Robin Ticker <>

--- On Fri, 8/21/09, chana sokol <> wrote:

> From: chana sokol <>
> Subject: Ched: my Kever Rochel trip with lunch and Rabbi Leff and prayer Elul Rosh Chodesh
> To: "Chedva Katz" <>
> Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 3:54 AM
> to Chedva
> with Love
> enjoy photos
> holy and some shocking--since Kever Rochel is a fort hidden ( see photo 134)
> under three story stone fences and gunproof glass and metal
> window coverings.  This is what the Israeli government
> builds so Arabs can have rule 3 three miles outside of
> Jerusalem.  Shocking.  Thank G-d ladies have
> pushed to keep Kever Rochel opened for 12 years, including
> Evelyn Hayes.  Rabbi Leff spoke in the Bas Mitzvah room
> of the building next door to Kever Rochel.  Bonnie
>  and I are in one photo.  Lee was
> there,too. 
>      Thursday we went with a group and
> had pre-ordered lunch brought in from Israel Center caterer. 
 There is no place to buy water,
> fruit, anything--the area once had many Bethlehem Arab
> stores with flourishing businesses from Jewish praying
> people.  Then Arafat lead the Arabs to new politics
> that Arabs should not deal with Jews.  The Arabs with
> these politics became unemployed and blamed the Jews, when
> Arafat was the leading source only.
>      What was stores is now high walls
> to keep gunshots by Arabs in Bethlehem from Jews visiting
> Kever Rochel.  the three story walls protect nothing,
> because outside the walls are new Arab 5 story buildings including a hotel above the fenced in walls of cement.  So the Arabs can
> and do shoot from that new height.  Good question: why
> didn't the Israeli government stop the new buildings going
> above the protective expensive wall?
>     Better question: why do police harrass Jews
> who want Jerusalem to be a holy city sanctifying the
> Sabbath?  Wouldn't it be just the point that Sabbath be
> protected and not Arabs and anti-Sabbath observers.
>     This is the cry of Rochel.  She cries
> over these injustices.
>     see photos!  and email and put on
> facebook these above important messages, if you can.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Selling Land to Non Jew against Torah! : Fw: Foreign Arab tycoons bought land in Galilee


Selling Land to Non Jew against Torah!

How come there isn't an outcry about this in the Torah World? Heter Mechirah brings an outcry and it's just a symbolic selling. Yet actual selling Eretz Yisroel is met  with SILENCE??????

Back to Parsha List 
Parshat Behar
"And the Land Will Not Be Sold Forever"
Rav Yisrael Shachor, Former Rosh Kollel, Chicago Kollel, 2003
 "And the Land will not be sold for ever, for the Land is mine since you are aliens and residents with me." (VaYikra 25:23) Here the Torah explains the principle of the returning of land to its owner during Yovel/the Jubilee Year. We do not have absolute ownership of our properties in Israel for the Land of Israel is the inheritance of G-d. We live in the land as aliens and transients. Therefore we do not have the right to sell a field of our inheritance for more than the Yovel.
The Baal Halachot Gedolot explains that there is no Scriptural prohibition in our verse and therefore he does not count it in his enumeration of the Taryag mitzvot since this verse only describes a negation and not a prohibition. That is to say that the Torah is elucidating the impossibility of selling the land for perpetuity. However there is no action that is prohibited by this verse. Even if someone attempts to sell his field forever, the sale is nullified at Yovel and the field returns to its owner.
Many Rishonim disagree. Rashi explains that the Torah is admonishing the buyer not to retain the field by force upon the arrival of Yovel.
The Rambam (Shmitta v'yovel 11,1) wrote that if a man sold his field for perpetuity, the sale is invalid. However, both the buyer and the seller have transgressed a negative commandment. It appears that this is similar to interest in that even though both parties agree, they are doing something that is in opposition to the will of G-d. (The Ramban in Sefer HaMitzvot quotes the Rambam who posits that it is possible to make a sale on condition that the buyer does not return the property at the Yovel, just as one may make a loan on condition the Shmitta  does not cancel the debt. However, in our text of the Rambam it is not found.)
The Ramban writes at length regarding this mitzva. In his commentary on the Torah he poses the following challenge to Rashi: If the prohibition is essentially on the buyer, the Torah should have written, "You shall not buy the land in perpetuity."?!  He attempts to reconcile this by saying that if the prohibition was on the seller, the Torah should have written "You shall not sell…" However,  "Shall not be sold" can apply to the buyer as well. In conclusion the Ramban agrees with the Rambam that there is a prohibition to execute any sale forever and the prohibition is either on the seller or on both parties.
In his gloss on the Sefer HaMitzvot (lavim, 227) the Ramban adds that if a person sells without any stipulation of time he will certainly not violate this prohibition. Only if one states explicitly that the sale is for perpetuity does he contravene this negative commandment. Nevertheless, the Ramban goes on to quote from the Sages that bring this verse in the context of the halacha that a non-Jew has no right of acquisition in the Land of Israel (Gittin 47a). Acc0rding to this the Ramban offers a new and surprising interpretation: The verse prohibits the sale of the Land of Israel to gentiles because they are not commanded to observe the mitzvot of Shmita and Yovel and, as such, the sale to a gentile would be forever!
The Ramban establishes a parallel between this mitzva and the prohibition of selling a Jew as a slave to a non-Jew in a way that he will not be released during Yovel that appears in our Parsha. The reason is "For unto me the people of Israel are servants." The Ramban concludes, "…but, we must be careful that our sale of the Land should be in such a way that it return to us no matter what, and we should not leave it in their hands forever. And the Torah gave a similar reason as the reason mentioned in regards to (selling) people… For in his Land, may His Name be exalted and blessed, we are all aliens and transients with Him and He does not desire to settle anyone else in the Land but us. It shall remain and return to us."
We can see from the Ramban that the essence of the Passukis to prohibit the transfer of the Land to "strange" hands. This corresponds perfectly with the words of the Ramban in his commentary on the Sefer HaMitzvot (Mitzva 4) that there is a positive commandment to inherit the Land and that we should not leave it in the hands of any of the nations of the world. (There the Ramban is addressing the national aspect of the mitzva and here the individual one. Accordingly, one should explain the necessity of this verse in spite of the existence of a different prohibition  "You shall not give the non-Jew any encampment in the Land.")
Another surprising explanation is found in the Netziv's HaaMek Davar. He, too, connects this verse to the prohibition of selling to a non-Jew, but in a completely different manner. By introduction, the Netziv lived in the period of the first glimmer of the redemption and the settlement of Israel. One of the questions that engaged the new settlers and the great rabbis of that time and stirred tremendous controversy was the issue of how to deal with Shmita. There were those who backed theHetter Mechira/"Sale of the Land" because of the extenuating circumstances and dire economic conditions in order to support the fledgling settlement. However, the Netziv was opposed specifically because of his great love  for the Land of Israel and his belief in the return to Zion only through meticulous performance of the mitzvot, especially the mitzvot of the Land. More over, the mitzva of Shmita was especially critical in his eyes since it is identified as a cause of Exile. He, therefore saw it as a holy responsibility to observe the Sabbatical year in all of its details and was among the great rabbis who contested the Hetter Mechira
In his commentary on this verse the Netziv saw the command to refrain from selling any part of the Land of Israel to a non-Jew at any time, not just during Shmita. According to his understanding the word, "Tzmitut",  is not about selling the land in perpetuity. Rather it connotes an "absolute" sale. The Torah already "divined" that there would be Jews who would attempt to circumscribe the laws of Shmita by selling their land to a gentile for the year of Shmitah. Therefore, the Torah comes and admonishes us that we do not have ownership of the Land during the Sabbatical year. How can we sell it to a gentile!?
We conclude with the words of the Sforno that the Land of Israel is the "Land of G-d" and is not included in  "And the land he gave to men."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: joe <>
Date: Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:31 AM
Subject: Fw: Foreign Arab tycoons bought land in Galilee
To: Robin Ticker <>

----- Original Message ----- From: "joe" <>
To: "Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center" <>
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 10:25 AM
Subject: Fw: Foreign Arab tycoons bought land in Galilee

You have to do something to prevent this from happening.

Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 2:37 PM
Subject: Foreign Arab tycoons bought land in Galilee
[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA:  Supporters of Netanyahu's initiative note that
the sale of publicly owned land to foreign elements via third parties would
be prevented under the program by the recording of a permanent  warning note
in the Lands Registry records for each parcel in the program requiring the
approval of a Government authority for the transfer of ownership of the
parcel to a foreigner.]

'Arab tycoons bought land in Galilee' Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST Aug. 15, 2009

Wealthy individuals from Arab states that do not have diplomatic relations
with Israel have recently procured hundreds of dunams of private
agricultural land in the Galilee, Israel Radio reported on Saturday.
Farmers in the Galilee tried to unite in an effort to thwart the sale, which
was reportedly funded by tycoons from the Persian Gulf, but did not succeed
in raising sufficient funds to buy the land from its owners, who were forced
to sell after suffering from financial problems.

The Israel Lands Administration (ILA) told the radio station that it could
not interfere with the transaction since the lands are privately-owned and
not state property.

Agriculture Minister Shalom Simhon (Labor) said in response to the report
that the issue was not his responsibility.

Meretz party head and former agriculture minister Haim Oron said that the
incident proves that the supporters of the Israel Lands Administration
reform plan were misguided.

Kadima MK Nachman Shai issued a press release saying that what everyone has
feared finally happened, and "Israeli lands are being sold to the highest

"The Israel Land Authorities reform is a loophole calling out to the robber,
and it will attract, as expected, Arab investors from abroad, who will
eventually gain control over significant pieces of land in Israel," Shai
wrote in a statement.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has argued that the fact that 93% of land
in Israel is public-owned abets obstructionist bureaucracy and that
unsnarling red-tape is in everyone's interest.

Rebecca Anna Stoil contributed to this report

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis


Chicago Rally, Excellent Newsletter from UCI: Huckabee, Obama submission to Islam, Netanyahu softening on resistance to Obama's demand for settlement freeze etc.


Rally in Chicago to speak out against Pali State and the expulsion of Jews from a Torah Perspective!

The Torah is the Jewish Common Denominator.  If you are the Agudah, the Council of Young Israel Rabbis, the Orthodox Union of Jewish Congregations, Lubavitch Headquarters please make a Torah statement as per our entitlement to the Land of Israel and our right ot settle all parts of Israel and against the settlement freeze.  Supporting Netanyahu's position isn't necessarily supporting Torah. Netanyahu is a politician and it's hard for him to stand up to Obama's pressure. But Torah is Torah and Jews are waiting for their Rabbis to SPEAK  OUT!.  Contact Yosef Rabin so that he can read a Torah Statement from Rabbanim at Friday's Rally in Chicago backed by the Religious Zionist of Chicago!  He would love additional  voices of support. 

The Eretz Yisrael Committee of Chicago can be contacted at: 773-885-9889 or emailed at  We hope that the Torah message of this rally will be covered in the Media undistorted! 

If you are a print media source please use the following newsletter  from UCI as material for your paper. Also please contact Agudah, Young Israel, OU and Lubavitch Headquarters and get a statement of clarity of their position regarding freezing of Settlements. 

Rav Yaakov Perlow, Noveminsker Rav shlita
Rosh Agudath Yisroel of America
Agudath Yisroel of America
42 Broadway Suite 1400 New York, NY 10004
Tel 212-797-9000 Fax: (212) 254-1600
cc: Chaim Dovid Zwiebel Executive Vice President of Government and Public Affairs

Rabbi Pesach Lerner shlita
Executive Vice President of the National Council of Young Israel
The Council of Young Israel Rabbis USA: - CYIR,
111 John Street, Suite 450, New York, New York 10038
Tel: 212-929-1525 Fax: 212-727-9526

Rabbi Weill shlita Exec VP
Mr. David Olivestone shlita
Director of Communications and Planning
The Orthodox Union
11 Broadway,
New York, NY 10004
Tel:: (212) 563-4000 ♦ Fax: (212) 564-9058

Rabbi Krinsky shlita
Chabad Headquarters
770 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Tel: 718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718

Please ask them if they really support a demilitarized Palestinian State knowing fully well that a Sovereign State must have some sort of military and can not be demilitarized.  Netanyahu is a master politician and depends on the political game of rhetoric to appease the Obama Administration and the Palestinians know it. .  Netanyahu is focusing on nuclear Iran.  However, Netanyahu is creating facts on the ground that is anything but benign and Obama is grateful to him. . 

National Union: Katz vs. Netanyahu, Ben-Ari vs. Ministers - A painful rebuke to Netanyahu and his administration for persecuting Jews in Judea and Samaria

(Side note to the Jewish Week: Yasher Koach to Jewish Week Editorial entitled "Mary Robinson, Poor Choice" and for the excellent piece by Jonathan Mark, Associate Editor, Media Watch entitled "Rush to Judgment - Tel Aviv's gay murder reveals anti-Orthodox hatred.")

UCI is spreading the right message!  Excellent material!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: UCI <>
Date: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:06 PM
Subject: Today`s News Summaries

Unity Coalition for Israel
Editor's Note: Tuesday August 18, 2009
      We are presenting the "Middle East Showdown" today. Beginning with Governor Huckabee and US Republicans in Israel (articles 1-3) and ending with Pres. Obama in Egypt (article 5).

Governor Mike Huckabee
(UCI VIDEO) makes a clear case against the "Two State Solution."

Republicans speak strongly in support of Israel - Orthodox Jews question Two State presuppositions
(VIDEO) captures Republicans in Israel


Jerusalem Online - Your Link to Israeljol


Contents: (summaries below)
  1. Huckabee: 2-state solution `unrealistic`, Jerusalem Post, Josiah Ryan and Herb Keinon
  2. Israel`s Peculiar Position and the Obama Huckabee Middle East Showdown, LA Times and UCI, Eric Hoffer and UCI Editor
  3. Huckabee Supports Jewish Growth in Maaleh Adumim,, Hillel Fendel
  4. Obama`s State Department Submits to Islam,, Pamela Geller
  5. Obama terms Netanyahu`s de facto freeze Movement in the Right Direction,, IMRA Staff
  6. Palestine problem hopeless, but not serious, Asia Times Online, David P Goldman

Huckabee: 2-state solution `unrealistic`
Josiah Ryan and Herb Keinon

Jerusalem Post, August 18, 2009

Former US presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said Tuesday there is no room for a Palestinian state "in the middle of the Jewish homeland" and that Israel should be able to build settlements wherever it wants.

Huckabee`s opposition to a Palestinian state puts him at odds with the accepted wisdom of both Democrats and Republicans - and to some degree even with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has come out in favor of a demilitarized Palestinian state.

Speaking to a small group of foreign reporters in Jerusalem, Huckabee, seen as a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2012, said the international community should consider establishing a Palestinian state some place else.

"The question is should the Palestinians have a place to call their own? Yes, I have no problem with that. Should it be in the middle of the Jewish homeland? That`s what I think has to be honestly assessed as virtually unrealistic," he said.

The politician, a Southern Baptist preacher and a two-time former governor of Arkansas, praised Israel for giving Muslims access to Jerusalem`s Dome of the Rock - also the site of the ancient Jewish temples - even though the presence of a mosque there "could be considered an affront."

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Israel`s Peculiar Position and the Obama Huckabee Middle East Showdown
Eric Hoffer and UCI Editor

LA Times and UCI, August 18, 2009

[UCI Editor`s Note: We are re-publishing this poignant piece by Eric Hoffer, published in the LA Times May 26th, 1968. We are contrasting Hoffer`s sparse but powerful words with the "showdown in the Middle East" taking place today between President Obama, and his efforts to push the Saudi Two State solution, and Governor Huckabee, with his whirlwind speaking tour in Israel. Consider the recent video edit of President Obama`s statements at this year`s AIPAC annual meeting by

Obama`s words of identification with and friendship toward Israel, spoken June 4th, were quickly rescinded June 5th, when Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas sternly rebuked the US President for uttering, "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided." In an interview with CNN, when asked whether Palestinians had no future claim to the city, Obama backpedalled hard: "Well, obviously, it's going to be up to the parties to negotiate a range of these issues. And Jerusalem will be part of those negotiations."

Watch the video, read the article and stand for a united Jerusalem, whether Barack Obama will or not! We can perhaps place more hope in near Presidential hopeful, Huckabee, who stated today, "The question is should the Palestinians have a place to call their own? Yes, I have no problem with that. Should it be in the middle of the Jewish homeland? That`s what I think has to be honestly assessed as virtually unrealistic."]

by Eric Hoffer (LA Times 5/26/68)

The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to any other nations are forbidden to the Jews.

Other nations are allowed to drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it, Poland and Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey threw out a million Greeks, and Algeria a million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese and no one says a word about refugees. But in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single one so that they can destroy the Jewish State..

Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis. Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious, it must sue for peace.

Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this world. Other nations, when they are defeated, survive and recover but should Israel be defeated it would be destroyed. Had Nasser triumphed last June [1967], he would have wiped Israel off the map, and no one would have lifted a finger to save the Jews.

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Huckabee Supports Jewish Growth in Maaleh Adumim
Hillel Fendel, August 18, 2009

Past and likely-future U.S. presidential candidate Mike Huckabee spent his second day on a private trip to Israel visiting Maaleh Adumim, Beit El and other Shomron (Samaria) towns. He began the day by visiting with Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat.

Expressing strong support for Israelis' right to live where they want without having to receive American permission, Huckabee expressed incredulity that either the Arabs or the Americans would expect the tens of thousands of Jews of Maaleh Adumim to leave. "Where would they go?" he asked.

Maaleh Adumim is a city just to the east of Jerusalem with nearly 40,000 residents. Huckabee visited the city this morning, and met briefly with Mayor Benny Kashriel. The two, accompanied by a delegation of supporters of the U.S.-based Jerusalem Reclamation Foundation and a group of reporters, stood atop a Maaleh Adumim mountain top and looked out at the barren Judean Mountains below – the site of the controversial and not-yet started E-1 housing project.

"As you can see," the mayor told the former governor, "the land is desolate, and we are not pushing out any Arabs from their homes. This is state-owned land, designated for the expansion of Maaleh Adumim by [the late Prime Ministe Yitzchak Rabin. Yet, no construction is going on – because the Americans don't agree."

"We need your help in convincing the U.S. government to stop pressuring us on this matter," Kashriel said to Huckabee. "We would like our children to be able to live next to us."

Huckabee Doesn`t Understand PA, US

"The Palestinians are asking you to leave this place?" Huckabee asked. "No, they are demanding it," Kashriel said, adding that the Americans "merely" want to stop further growth.

Huckabee had trouble understanding both positions: "If they want you to leave, where exactly do they expect you to go?! And if the Americans realize that you are not leaving, then why should your growth and job-creation and the like be stopped? You should remain and simply stop growing?!"

He stopped short of expressing all-out support for the E-1 project – some 3,000 housing units – but expressed support in general for Israel's right to build and grow in the disputed areas.

Huckabee later said he sees no reason why the Arab world needed yet another state.

Obama is Too Harsh on Israel

Asked his opinion of President Barack Obama's policy vis-à-vis Israel, Huckabee said, "We are all – both Republicans and Democrats – surprised at the new policies he has instituted, much harsher than previous administrations, and very different than his own campaign promises when he visited Israel. We simply do not know where he will end up."

Huckabee finished second to John McCain in the race for the Republican Party's nomination for presidential candidate in 2008. He is currently considered an early front-runner for the nomination for the 2012 elections.

From Maaleh Adumim, Huckabee traveled to Beit El, in the southern Shomron. None other than Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's brother-in-law, long-time Beit El resident Dr. Hagi Ben-Artzi, explained to the prominent visitor the historic significance of Beit El and the importance and vitality of the 6,000-strong Jewish community there.

"There are hundreds of places around the world named Beth El," Ben-Artzi told the visitors, "but you are now in the original Beit El, the inspiration for all the others..."

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Obama`s State Department Submits to Islam
Pamela Geller, August 18, 2009

Here is but the latest act of submission to Islam by your State Department. A State Department cable has just been sent out with this announcement:

The Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) has assembled a range of innovative and traditional tools to support Posts` outreach activities during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Here, in contrast, is the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The State Department`s Ramadan programs are wide-ranging. "On August 10," the cable continues, " will publish a 'Multicultural Ramadan` feature. American Muslims trace their ancestry to more than 80 countries and the feature will highlight the richness of these various cultural traditions through the lens of Ramadan and Eid. Content will include essays by young Muslims who are part of Eboo Patel`s Interfaith Youth Core (IYC). Contact: Alexandra Abboud ("

There`s more! The Bureau of International Information Programs "will publish three articles for Ramadan 2009 addressing the concept of an Islam in America `brand`; advocacy (civic and political) of the Muslim American community; and community innovation/community building. The writer will contact Muslim American experts in each of these fields. These articles will be available on in English, Arabic, and Persian."

The main publication is Being Muslim In America: "Conceived as IIP`s flagship print publication on the rich and varied experiences of the nation`s growing Muslim population, this lavishly illustrated new book links the Muslim-American experience to those of other American racial, religious, and immigrant groups as they moved into the American 'mainstream.`"

Can you imagine every Embassy and consulate putting up a Menorah and having some Rabbis as speakers via a webcast?

Can you imagine if we had the Stations of the Cross put on the walls of all of our embassies, consulates, and other posts, as well as the many Department of State buildings across the country, including C Street?

Why aren`t priests, pastors, etc. invited during Christmas to give blessings or talk about Christianity in the United States?

Can you imagine if the Buddha were revered and we had some monks coming to do a meditation session with all of the officers of each embassy, consulate, etc.?

Can we get printed and distributed Hare Krishna posters for all of our posts, so as to reach massive audiences?

I mean, put it in reverse and see how crazy it is. Absolutely nuts.

Perhaps this is an initiative of President Barack Obama`s newly created Office for Outreach to the Ummah at State. In June Obama had the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, at the White House. Ihsanoglu urged Obama to appoint a U.S. ambassador to the Islamic world - and Obama immediately created a new State Department Office for Muslim Outreach, with a Muslim woman, Farah Pandith, serving as the new U.S. Special Representative for Muslim Outreach. In keeping with Obama`s U.S.-Muslim Engagement Project, a charter of dhimmitude, we are to be conditioned to respect Muslim immigrants and accept their culture.

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Obama terms Netanyahu`s de facto freeze Movement in the Right Direction
IMRA Staff, August 18, 2009

Obama sees progress on Israeli settlements issue

After meeting Egyptian counterpart Mubarak, US president says freeze on construction starts in settlement blocs, east Jerusalem `movement in the
right direction`

News agencies Published: 08.18.09, 20:47 / Israel News,7340,L-3763917,00.html

US President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he saw encouraging signs of a
softening of Israel`s resistance to his call for a freeze on
settlement-building in the occupied West Bank.

Earlier on Tuesday, an Israeli government minister said no tenders had been
issued for new housing projects in Israeli settlements since Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu`s right-leaning government took office five months ago.
Netanyahu has rebuffed Obama`s push for a complete freeze, creating the most serious rift in US-Israeli relations in a decade.

"There has been movement in the right direction," Obama said when asked
about the latest development after talks with Egyptian President Hosni
Mubarak at the White House.

The two leaders, meeting for the third time in as many months, talked about
how to jump-start the stalled Middle East peace process, a top foreign
policy priority for Obama.

It was Mubarak`s first visit to the United States since 2004. He had stayed
away after falling out with former President George W. Bush over the
latter`s focus on promoting democracy in the Middle East and criticism of
human rights in Egypt.

Mubarak`s visit comes as the Obama administration has been pushing moderate
Arab states to take steps that could encourage Israel to freeze settlement
building on Palestinian territory.

Mubarak, however, said Arab states would only take a more active role in
supporting the peace process once Israelis and Palestinians began direct

Arab states have so far been cool to the idea of steps such as giving
overflight rights to Israeli civilian aircraft and allowing Israel to open
interest sections in foreign embassies in their capitals.

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Palestine problem hopeless, but not serious
David P Goldman

Asia Times Online, August 17, 2009

"The situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable," declared United Sates President Barack Obama in his June 4 Cairo address. Really? Compared to what? Things are tough all over. The Palestinians are one of many groups displaced by the population exchanges that followed World War II, and the only ones whose great-grandchildren still have the legal status of refugees. Why are they still there? The simplest explanation is that they like it there, because they are much better off than people of similar capacities in other Arab countries.

The standard tables of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita show the West Bank and Gaza at US$1,700, just below Egypt`s $1,900 and significantly below Syria`s $2,250 and Jordan`s $3,000. GDP does not include foreign aid, however, which adds roughly 30% to spendable funds in the Palestinian territories. Most important, the denominator of the GDP per capita equation - the number of people - is far lower than official data indicate. According to an authoritative study by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies [1], the West Bank and Gaza population in 2004 was only 2.5 million, rather than the 3.8 million claimed by the Palestinian authorities. The numbers are inflated to increase foreign aid.

Adjusting for the Begin-Sadat Center population count and adding in foreign aid, GDP per capita in the West Bank and Gaza comes to $3,380, much higher than in Egypt and significantly higher than in Syria or Jordan. Why should any Palestinian refugee resettle in a neighboring Arab country?

GDP per capita, moreover, does not reflect the spending power of ordinary people. Forty-four percent of Egyptians, for example, live on less than $2 a day, the United Nations estimates. The enormous state bureaucracy eats up a huge portion of national income. New immigrants to Egypt who do not have access to government jobs are likely to live far more poorly than per capita GDP would suggest.

Other data confirm that Palestinians enjoy a higher living standard than their Arab neighbors. A fail-safe gauge is life expectancy. The West Bank and Gaza show better numbers than most of the Muslim world:

Life Expectancy by Country in Years
Oman 75.6
Bahrain 75.6
West Bank and Gaza 73.4
Saudi Arabia 72.8
Jordan 72.5
Algeria 72.3
Turkey 71.8
Egypt 71.3
Morocco 71.2
Iran 71.0
Pakistan 65.5
Yemen 62.7
Sudan 58.6
Somalia 48.2
Source: United Nations

Literacy in the Palestinian Authority domain is 92.4%, equal to that of Singapore. That is far better than the 71.4% in Egypt, or 80.8% in Syria...

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

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