Monday, August 10, 2009

Evelyn Hayes1929-2009: 80 year Anniversary! a holocaust before the Holocaust. The Jewish story of Judenrid in Israel must be remembered and reported.


An important post by Evelyn Haies! The massacre of Hebron was incited in 1929 by the Mufti Haj al Husseini a partner with Hitler. Fatah follows in his footsteps. Read the gruesome details and shudder at what our generation and our children are facing chas vechalila unless our generation WAKES UP. Hashem Yerachem!

"Of the Jewish Orphanings from Family and Country"

by Evelyn Hayes, author of The Plague Series because hearts were softened to accept the unacceptable

August 6, 2009

Today I met an orphan of the 1929 massacre of Jews in Jerusalem because of a blood libel. Shmuel Tsefania survived the massacre under his dead mother's body. He survived the Friday mutilations and massacre in the Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem called Nissan Bak, near the Damascus gate. When the Jews came to bury their dead on Friday, the bodies were un-identifiable. The burial was postponed until Saturday evening. The sound of a baby's cry came from below the dead. That baby is now 81. His tale is the tale of Jewish rights and reality that needs rectification for the dead and for the living. We heard his story and said kaddish in front of the mass grave at the Mount of Olives Cemetery.

From a loving established family, left was s a Jewish orphan. Not only was he orphaned, but the neighborhood of Batei Nissan lost most of its Jews in 1929 and all of its Jews by the Jordanian invasion and occupation in 1948. The neighborhood was established by a printer from Tsefat who left Tsefat because of the earthquake. . He also put up a shul, the tallest in the Old City which had housed 58 shuls which the Jordanians destroyed. It was called Batei Eshel Avraham. The parking lot outside this neighborhood where we parked today was all Jewish houses that were homes to 200 families. Jews were killed. An orphan survived. The neighborhood was almost Judenrid because of the pogroms that killed about 133 Jews. The dead of Nissan Bak are buried in a mass grave in the Mount of Olives Cemetery. We visited the dead again 80 years later. They rest above the valley looking at the walls of ancient Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple Mount. May their rest be more tranquil as there are Jews again living in their neighborhood orphaned of Jews, displaced from country and kept from reclamation because so many are ignorant of history and fail to claim what was taken illegally by savagery. As the world again screams divide Jerusalem, are they screaming for more Jewish orphans and more of Israel to be orphaned from its Jews? As the world screams that Jews are settling in East Jerusalem, do they fail to recognize this is Jewish property or are they part of a new blood libel that seeks to kill more Jews, take their property for their own.

In 1929, on a Friday, Haj al Husseini, of the clan warring with the Nashashibis incited a blood libel that led to mass murder and fleeing of the Jewish survivors from authentic established Jewish neighborhoods. He was installed by Jewish Sir Herbert Samuels as mufti, replacing the Nashashibis, making a terrorist a statesman and getting terrorism and a partnership with Hitler for genocide of the Jews. Making this terrorist a statesman made an infant orphan survivor in Jerusalem and another in Hebron. It also orphaned parts of the land from its Jewish people

It is eighty years later. Who remembers Muswara? Over 100 Israelis came to remember. They were the orphan, the survivors, those who were part of the country, leaders, tour guides and students, those who remembered and were learning of that which must not be orphaned from Jewish memory. Some experienced the massacres. Others felt it their duty to study and tell the story of the Jews in Eastern Jerusalem on the street named Ha Na'viim Street , the street of The Prophets, which continues across the highway from Meah Shearim to the Damascus Gate, an old Jewish neighborhood. We sat in the backyard garden under plum trees of Jewish owned and re-inhabited HaNavaaim 18 and recalled the massacres of 1929 in Jerusalem and Hebron.

The Arabs, incited by Husseini on the Temple Mount, first killed the Jews in Jerusalem and then went on to Hebron, announcing in "turnspeak" that Jews had killed the Arabs, doubling the incitement and the crime. Not only did a blood libel in Jerusalem mutilate and murder; the turnspeak libel caused the death of 67 Jews in Hebron, the injury of so many others and the orphaning of Jewish neighborhoods from the Jewish mandate for the Jewish people in the former Ottoman Empire, world recognized as a Jewish entity by the Bible, the Balfour Mandate and the League of Nations. Britain, custodian of that mandate failed as guardian to protect the people and even denied access to the 6,000,000 supporting genocide by Haj al Hussein and Hitler who was attacking Britain itself.

It is 80 years since, and this weekend the Yeshiva of Hebron will host its survivors. It will remember Shmuel Rosenholtz, a student from Yeshiva Hevron who the British police did nothing to protect. The Arabs even destroyed the Hadassah Hospital founded in 1891 which treated them as well as the Jews and also slaughtered the pharmacist who treated them. Although the British did not allow photos of the brutality and savagery worse than even chronicled in Sodom and Gemorrah, pictures can be seen in Beit Hadassah which houses a Museum in Memory of the Slaughtered, a reminder that there was a thriving ancient Jewish community in Hebron. Dr. Judith Resnick, the American astronaut had a father and grandfather learning in Hebron at the time. The Schneersons and Slonims were popular families in Hebron for centuries. Nachum Segal's father studied in Hebron. A Baby Shlomo Slonim survived, saved by his mother's dead body. Such miracles in the midst of madness left a baby survivor on bus #2 leaving the Kotel in the Olso Peace Process of today which seeks to orphan Jewish memory, neighborhoods with roots and realities of the Bible , all times as well as the pre and Mandate period from Israel proper. This attempted orphaning of Jews from history and place has the desire to genocide all Jews again. There were over 450 Jews in Hebron at the time. According to a Montefiore diary, there were 489 Jews in Hebron in 1865 and 4 yeshivas. Considering the failure of Jewish numbers to multiply, there was not natural growth. The world today is again ranting against natural growth and re-settlement of Jews. Although there are valid claims to the property of survivors, the Israeli government to please a world ignorant to the facts and favoring the facts of Jew deniers is enforcing Jewish orphaning from its homes, reinforcing the British land laws which ceased when Sir Moses Montefiore purchased Ramsgate in southern England in 1831. A proud Jew made it respectable for Jews. Ramsgate hosted the King, Queen and parliament. Strange that these land laws against the Jews which have been eliminated worldwide are activated against the Jews by the Jewish government in Israel. Perhaps it is because so many Jews came from the lands where pogroms raged and came to a land where pogroms had ravaged and orphaned.

With voices connected and united, informed and informing, let there be an end to Jewish orphaning, killing Jewish people and their rights to the land in their only eternal immemorial country to which they were always connected, the nation promised this land, exiled and now returned, always identifying and remembering. Let us remember and reclaim what belongs to those slaughtered and the Jewish nation, their inheritors. Let there not be denial, an orphaning from truth. Let there be affirmation and recapture of all the losses and let there be multiplications into what should have been and needs to be rectified and re-actualized.
Chevron Yeshiva Graduates to Visit the Holy City 80 Years After the Arab Massacre
August 3, 2009
It will be an emotional event, 80 years after the 1929 Arab massacre in Chevron, in which 76 Jews were murdered, 24 talmidim of the Chevron Yeshiva, talmidim and former talmidim will return to the Holy City, walking in the footsteps of the holy martyrs and seeing the area where the yeshiva once stood.
On Friday and Shabbos, 17 and 18 Av, will mark 80 years since that infamous act known as "Tarpat", taking place as the dates fall this year, on Friday and Shabbos. 24 students of the Slobodka Yeshiva in Chevron were among the Kedoshim, the daily HaMevaser reports.
The rabbonim at the time called for the kvura to take place in Yerushalayim but the British, who ruled, did not permit this, demanding the burials take place in Chevron.
A number of efforts over the years to return the yeshiva to Chevron failed, and today, it continues in Yerushalayim.
Marking 80 years, thousands of former talmidim are expected to visit Chevron to mark the event. In addition, arrangements have been made to bring relatives of the Kedoshim now living abroad to come to Eretz Yisrael to take part.
While the final schedule has not been decided upon, it appears they will visit the yeshiva site on Sunday, 19 Av, at 4:00pm. From there, the tens of buses will make their way to the Old City, and the Old Cemetery. Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim Shlita will address the tzibur.
At 7:00pm, mincha will take place in the Machpelah while a small group including selected talmidim and roshei yeshiva will visit the old building, now in an area under PA (Palestinian Authority) occupation under a heavy IDF presence. They will make a siyum on Kiddushin, daven mincha and recite kaddish for the Kedoshim.
On the way back to Yerushalayim, they will make a stop at Kever Rachel at about 8:30pm.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Billboards of USAID in SHDEMA and Dov Stein msg to Come on Aliya!

Billboard on the way to Shechem ("Nablus") boasting of USAID help towards the building of Arab infrastructure. Indeed the evidence of massive building is all too clear. That the source is US tax-payers money is simply outrageous!

2009/8/9 דב <>

Dear Robin Ticker

The conclusion is that USA is going to be Anti-Semitic and therefore the Jews should move to Israel with no delay. Remember Germany!!!!.

The existing of Jews any where in the world in any country makes this country rich and with power, The existing of Jews(3-6 Millions) in USSR made the Anti-Semitic policy of this country at the past dangerous to Israel. The improved weapons that were sent to the Arab countries were paid by Jewish blood when the brain behind these weapons was often Jewish. The same is now happened with USA. USA is sending improved weapons to Saudi and Egypt and Jordan. This weapons may some times be against Israel. The fact that USA is also sending weapon to Israel does not necessarily empowered Israel because if any conflict will occurs between Israel and Arabs USA will be able to force Israel to obey to it's dictates otherwise no fixing part will be delivered and the weapon will be useless. So leave USA now when it is possible before the economic crisis is going to be happened (The experts are expecting it will occurs in October) and therefore the anti-Semitic will raise and you will not be able to save your property and you will come, If you will be able to come, to Israel as refugees with small ability to accept you and to feed you etc. If you come now you will be able to use your property to absorbed in the Israel economy. Beside you should know that Israel thru 60 years became from a very poor country to developed country and the Jewish brain will make this country thru the next 40 years to be the richest country in the world.

Dov Stein

Re: Money Laundering - Where is our hard earned honest American taxes going??


Recently the news is filled with articles condemning Jews for money laundering and for tax evasion.  Naturally, I do not promote money laundering or tax evasion.  However, wouldn't most honest Americans prefer that their hard earned tax money be spent on  Torah religious institution rather than to Educational Institutions that promote terror and terrorists

Is America using a substantial amount of tax money  to benefit  America or is that money being spent in ways that will actually bring harm to America and to Israel?

Here are some examples:

  • 20.3 Million Dollars to relocate residents of Gaza to America   It is a known fact that Gaza after the expulsion of Jews, is run by Hamas terrorists who have terrorized Southern Israel with rocket attacks and who would love to see the Jews and the Jewish State annihilated.  Their ideology is no different than Nazi ideology and surpasses in passion by encouraging Jihad, and to be a Shahid a Martyr, to commit suicide for the sake of this "Holy War" against infidels.   Why would Obama want these people in our country? 
"According to the deal, the guarantees amount may be reduced for activities "the president of the United States determines are inconsistent with the objectives and understandings reached between the United States and State of Israel regarding implementation of the loan guarantee program."

United States does not recognize Judea and Samaria. parts of Jerusalem as legal and therefore are applying all kinds of pressures to end settlement in Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem.  As a result, kindergartens are not being built in these areas and housing permits are not being issuedCheckpoints necessary for security for Jews in Judea and Samaria are being dismantled in the name of increasing freedom for Palestinians. (Freedom for more acts of terror?) Natural growth in Judea and Samaria is being affected by these "conditions".
...Since 1994, USAID has provided more than $2.2 billion in U.S. economic assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza via projects designed to reduce poverty, improve health and education, implement infrastructure and water projects, create jobs, and promote democracy and good governance.
The US officially regards as "occupied territory" all of Judea and Samaria and all parts of Jerusalem, including the Old City and the Western Wall (Kotel) that were restored to the Jewish State in the Six-Day War in 1967.  Their website caters only to Arabs.  Please note that there is no Hebrew on this website.

  • Obama Honors Durban Hate-Fest Organizer Mary Robinson  
Why is America honoring Mary Robinson?

Posted by Gil Troy
  • US General Builds a Palestinian Army   According to this article as of May 2009 th US has spent $161 Million dollars to train a Palestinian Army who allegedly is supposed to fight gangsters and Hamas.  It is quite clear that this "army" is to build an army for a Palestinian State which is clearly against Israel's wishes and harmful for Israel's security.  Why would we want our tax money to go for this?
Ed Lasky writes: "The Obama administration has announced reversal of an important policy toward Israel, one that weakens that nation's ability to survive in its hostile neighborhood.

The key to Israel's strategy to avoid another Holocaust has been a policy of ambiguity over the question of whether it has nuclear weapons. Like many high-tech and potent weapons, a nuclear arsenal is best left sheathed. The reluctance of Israel to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NNPT) has allowed it to avoid a raft of intrusive inspections that might blow this policy of ambiguity to smithereens...
There is a range of tools that Barack Obama can use to try to compel Israel into signing the NNPT: threats to partnerships on weapons development, threats to withhold support in international organizations, public rebukes, threats regarding foreign aid and loan guarantees, and other ploys that can be used to coerce Israel into signing the Treaty."

    So rather than filling up our Jewish newspapers with articles condemning and vilifying those arrested for tax evasion, lets take a closer look at the evils being perpetrated against Israel with LEGAL taxpaying Dollars.  The more we look into it the more people might find justification to stop paying taxes unless they know that their taxes will be going to places that benefit America and society rather than to places that promotes terror and is to the detriment of America and Israel. And the more prosecutors publicize the evils of tax evasion highlighting the Jews, the greater our campaign should be to publicize the evils of our tax money supporting terrorist educational institutions and a terror  Palestinian State.

    The PA has its origins with an ideology aligned with Nazi Germany and whose founding father, the Mufti of Jerusalem was a partner with Hitler.

    Let us emphasize and publicize the importance for Israel's ability to defend itself against its enemies

    Peter Bergson in Not Idly By :

    "...Jews should begin not by screaming, 'While they're murdering six million Jews, the Gentiles stood idly by.'  They should say, 'We stood idly by.'"


    Friday, August 07, 2009



    The first email Paul Rotenberg  sent was Rabbi Amar's letter addressed to Rabbanim and Dayanim of the Diaspora

    Time will tell whether they respond to the Chief Rabbi of Israel regarding the Commandment to Settle the Land. 

     This email has links to individuals in the past like Peter Bergson, who  tried to prevent the Holocaust and more mass extermination of Eastern Europe in Hungary,  but was not successful.  One can argue on the bright side that  had  they been successful. I never would have been born.  Maybe my Father's first wife and child would have survived  and my father would never have married my mother.  This consolation is only the remnant of shattered glass.  Our job in this world is not to contemplates this matter but rather to do whatever we can to keep the Mitzvoth and create a Kiddush HASHEM and prevent another Holocaust chas vechalila.   Rabbi Weissmandl comes to mind and his pain is mirrored in  in the Kina for the Silence of America in the time of the Holocaust 1944. 

    Journalists, please note that mainstream  Press such as AP and JTA   in our generation is turning a blind eye to the evil generated this very week at the Palestinian Conference.

    Shabbat Shalom Umevorach!!

    On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Paul Rotenberg <> wrote:

    Bergson. Ben Hecht, Jabotinsky, etc. were all vilified by the mainstream Jewish community. What would happen today?


    This is the second of two related emails. I am sending two emails that have come to me in the past 24 hours.


    It is so disappointing how little has changed in the past 1000's of years, but really in the last 60 years. We can learn from the 1000's but are responsible only for the 60. A small group works desperately hard for world Jewry and the "leadership" is silent, or worse, acquiescent to the problem. Ezra and Nechemia returned to Israel with only a small minority of the Jewish community, what about the rest?  Similarly, there is a serious issue behind the Midrash that 4/5ths of the Jewish community died during the plague of darkness and only 1/5th left with Moses. What is The Rabbi's message to us in this story? Something about our belief in Torah, our mandate, our people? So, did we not learn from the holocaust?


    I sat at the book launch of M.J.Nurenberger's book "The Scared and the Doomed" (you should read the book) and someone stood up after a scholarly presentation of American/World Jewry's response to the holocaust and asked "Why did the Jewish community not find a way to bomb the train tracks into the concentration camps?" Such a simple, inexpensive solution. I, myself know someone who was in the air force and volunteered for a mission to do just that, he said there was an entire volunteer crew who wanted to do it, but the Allied Forces leadership declined to mount the mission. The Allied Forces declined. Does that mean we are all absolved? There was nothing we could do? I sat there listening to this man ask the question and thought "They are going to ask us this same question".  The very knowledgeable and academic lecturer stood there and had no answer. What could he say? They didn't try hard enough? They weren't really interested? They were too scared? They didn't know what was happening. The truth is most of the community really did nothing. I am a grandchild of that generation, and I have the benefit of having the scripts from my grandmother's weekly news show on the CBC. Yes my grandmother was on the air, here in Canada in the early 40's, national radio. In 1942 she talked about it on the radio, the concentration camps, the mass murder, the plight of European Jewry. Not much response. So we ask our grandparents "Why didn't anybody bomb the tracks? Do anything?".


    What will we say when our grandchildren ask us? Will we have an answer for them?







    NOT IDLY BY Peter Bergson, America and the Hololcaust

    a documentary short by Pierre Sauvage (40 min., Varian Fry Institute, 2009)

    We said we didn't know.
    We said we couldn't have done anything even if we had known.

    Peter Bergson, a militant Jew from Palestine,
    led a controversial American effort to fight the Holocaust.

    This is his testimony.


    Pending, fall 2009


    During World War II, Peter Bergson led the single most effective public campaign to press the U. S. government to try to rescue Jews from the Holocaust.  This excellent film, meticulously assembled by Pierre Sauvage, presents Bergson's own powerful testimony about the obstruction that he and his group metand about the very limited commitment to rescue that was finally extracted from the Roosevelt Administration.
    Dr. David S. Wyman, historian, author, The Abandonment of the Jews and co-author, A Race Against Death: Peter Bergson, America, and the Holocaust

    A provocative film about a provocative man who is finally given his full say for history on one of the enduring questions of the Shoah: What could have been done by the U.S. and its allies and by American Jews to save the Jews of Europe—and why wasn't it done.  Bergson presents his views boldly and Pierre Sauvage has empowered him for posterity.
    Dr. Michael Berenbaum, Holocaust scholar, served as project director in the creation of the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum


    The filmof the  utmost importanceshines a bright light on a shamefully neglected aspect of the tormented and at the same time uplifting story of the Jewish people.
    Sir Martin Gilbert, Winston Churchill's official biographer, and one of Britain's leading historians


    This provocative film will open festering wounds that need to be pierced to form a scab of healing.  No one who witnesses this cautionary tale will leave unmoved.
    Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis


    Bergson's voice resounds, his passion challenges anew, as he warns that massive abuses of human life will rage with impunity as long as people of all kinds are silent, fearful, and busy with other news.  By remembering the past, Bergson and Sauvage rightly hold all of us accountable in the present and for the future.
    Dr. John K. Roth, Edward J. Sexton Professor Emeritus of Philosophy; Founding Director, The Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights, Claremont McKenna College


    Pierre Sauvage's new documentary means much to all those who work for remembering the Tragedy.
    Elie Wiesel


    A fascinating and powerful film about a man whose words and actions were, tragically, ignored.
        Bernard Weinraub, author, The Accomplices, a play about Peter Bergson and those times in America


    Documents the agonizing efforts by Bergson, a militant Palestinian Jew, to arouse America in the early 1940s to the Nazi extermination of Europe's Jews.  Based largely on interviews with Bergson decades later, the documentary chronicles his rare triumphs, but mainly his inability to break through the don't-make-waves mentality of the Jewish establishment, hostility of the U.S. State Department and political caution of President Roosevelt.  Director Pierre Sauvage (Weapons of the Spirit), noting current threats facing the Jewish people, observed "How can we meet the challenges of the future, if we don't examine the failures of the past?"
        Tom Tugend, Jewish Journal, Los Angeles, April 15, 2009


    An insightful filmmaker's vision of this legendary man.
        All About Jewish Theatre: L. A. Celebrates Peter Bergson


    Lessons and Legacies Holocaust scholars' conference, Nov 1, 2009 (paper and excerpts from work-in-progress)
    American Jewish University, Los Angeles, March 18, 2009 (full work-in-progress screening), under the auspices of Dr. Michael Berenbaum, with Pierre Sauvage
    Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival, April 26, 2009, with Pierre Sauvage
    Temple Valley Beth Shalom, Encino, CA, May 11, 2009, 7:30pm, followed by panel discussion with Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis, Rabbi Ed Feinstein, and Pierre Sauvage
    Association of Holocaust Organizations convention, June 8, 2009, Chapman University, Orange, CA, with Pierre Sauvage

    Other documentaries, past and future, by Pierre Sauvage:
    Weapons of the Spirit—20th anniversary edition!
    Yiddish: the Mame-Loshn—30th anniversary DVD edition of the Emmy Award-winning documentary, to be released summer 2009
    And Crown Thy Good: Varian Fry in Marseille
    —upcoming in 2010  Long-in-the-making feature documentary about the most successful private American rescue effort of World War II


    Peter Bergson in Not Idly By :

    "We cannot resurrect the dead.  Eighty-five or ninety percent of those that Hitler wanted to kill were killed.  What we can do and what we must do is reexamine ourselves.

    I am the last one on earth to condone the passivity of the political leadership of the United States—with President Roosevelt at the head—and of Great Britain, and of the Soviet Union, itself in a state of occupation by a tyrant.

    But the people who should have dramatized, shook up, awakened the... otherwise busy, like Ben Hecht's ballad [see above and below]—'the world is busy with other news'—the otherwise 'unrealizing' world leadership to what's going on should have been the Jewish leaders.  They knew the Jews were being killed. But the grasp wasn't there.

    You couldn't have stopped the massacre.  You could have slowed the massacre.  You could have made it an inefficient massacre.  The people who made it efficient were the Allies who didn't interfere.  And the people who didn't urge them to interfere were the Jews.

    Jews should begin not by screaming, 'While they're murdering six million Jews, the Gentiles stood idly by.'  They should say, 'We stood idly by.'"


    Most Americans—even many American Jews—believe that we didn't know.  Many assume that we couldn't have done anything even if we had known.  Meet Peter Bergson!

    Until 1941 Nazi Germany had persecuted and sought to expel the Jews.  But the doors of the West had remained closed to them.  It was only then that the free nations of the world had faced a new Nazi policy: mass murder of the Jews of Europe.

    A Palestinian Jew who had served with the nationalist Irgun organization in pre-Israel Palestine, Peter Bergson (born Hillel Kook, 1915-2001), had come to the U.S. in 1940.  In America, this firebrand led what came to be known as the Bergson Group, whose strenuous efforts from 1942 to 1945 underscore just how much was known—and how much was attempted during those difficult years.

    Vilified at the time—American Jewish leader Rabbi Stephen Wise reportedly characterized him as "equally as great an enemy of the Jews as Hitler," while others castigated the group as fascist or terrorist—Bergson remains a controversial yet relatively obscure figure in the history of America and the Holocaust.

    Not Idly By—currently nearing release and available for film festival screenings—provides the riveting first-hand testimony of the charismatic and eloquent Bergson, who comments on the response to the crisis by non-European Jews and describes his determined efforts to fight the Holocaust: the innovative and provocative full-page political ads in major newspapers, the poignant, assertive 1943 Ben Hecht/Kurt Weill pageant We Will Never Die, the rabbis' march in Washington before Yom Kippur 1943, the creation of various activist committees and the energetic and productive lobbying of American government officials that ultimately helped lead to the establishment at last of a U.S. rescue agency.  This is a one-sided view of those times: Peter Bergson's.

    Coincidentally, Bergson is also the posthumous star of the 2009 Simon Wiesenthal Center feature documentary, Against the Tide.  Has Peter Bergson's time come at last?  With his help, can we break through the taboos that shroud the American experienceand the American Jewish experienceof that challenging time in history?  Do Americans--Jewish and non-Jewish--not need to consider and probe further our share of responsibility in the massacre of the Jews of Europe?  How can we expect to meet tomorrow's challenges effectively if we don't probe our related failures in the past?

    Both Bergson documentaries (Sauvage's has been in the works since 2007) draw on the unused interview shot by Claude Lanzmann in 1978 for his epic 1985 Shoah.  In addition, Not Idly By exclusively benefits from the passionate and detailed interview Bergson granted to filmmaker Laurence Jarvik for the latter's ground-breaking 1982 documentary Who Shall Live and Who shall Die?  Also featured in Not Idly By are extensive audio excerpts from the Hollywood Bowl production of the historic 1943 "pageant" We Will Never Die, heard extensively for the first time since 1943.

    An Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker (Yiddish: the Mame-Loshn"the mother tongue"—to be released in a 30th anniversary DVD edition in summer 2009), Pierre Sauvage, himself a child survivor of the Holocaust, is the president of the Chambon Foundation (, which includes the Varian Fry Institute.  Upcoming in 2010 is Sauvage's long-in-the-making feature documentary about American rescuers during the refugee crisis of 1940-41, And Crown Thy Good: Varian Fry in Marseille.

    Sauvage is best known for his acclaimed feature documentary Weapons of the Spirit, which will be rereleased in 2009 in a special 20th anniversary edition.  The film tells the story of a unique "conspiracy of goodness" during the Holocaust: in and around the Christian village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon in France, 5,000 Jews found shelter, including Pierre, who was born there.  At the Holocaust commemoration at the U.S. Capitol on April 23, 2009, President Barack Obama invoked the example of Le Chambon to encourage Americans to "strive each day, both individually and as a nation, to be among the righteous (see

    Believing that it would help to know more about the Righteous, for over twenty-five years the Chambon Foundation's mission has been "to communicate and explore the necessary lessons of hope intertwined with the Holocaust's unavoidable lessons of despair."  Pierre Sauvage seeks to do this both through his documentary work and through his popular video-accompanied presentations, The Challenge To Us of Holocaust Rescuers and Did Americans Fight the Holocaust?

    a Varian Fry Institute production

    On Peter Bergson, America and the Holocaust

    a few of the  advertisements taken out in major newspapers by the "Bergson Group":

    The upcoming DVD of Not Idly By will contain bonus materials: interviews with Peter Bergson's widow, Nili Kook, his daughter, Dr. Rebecca Kook, a lecture by Dr. David S. Wyman on The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941-1945, as well as additional filmed interviews, audio recordings, information, photographs and documents.

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    Sources for Journalists to help prove that PA=Fatah=Hamas=Nazi=Amalek


    Dear fellow Jew and Jewish Journalist,

    The Jewish Print Media and Radio and Jewish Organizations just don't get it.  We are dealing with Amalek.  We don't simply tell  Fatah, Amalek or Hitlers that the problem is their rejection of Jews as did the ADL and hope that such a statement will bring peace via peaceful negotiations and merely view their intransience as a challenge as does Malcolm Hoenlein! 

    Know who your enemy is!  PA  does not want to alienate Western Funding.  But it is no secret that they allign themselves with Fatah. and Hamas's ideology.  Fatah insists on an armed struggle.  They claim that only Martyrs can win their war! Jihad, Oh To be SHAHID

    Let us give them their due reciprocity. Our challenge is to recognize evil and deal with it in the manner they would deal with you, a Jew, given the chance. Remember your fellow journalist Daniel Pearl. Remember your ancestors that died in the Holocaust!  Remember the number tatooed on their arm.  Learn from the Wyman Institute of Holocaust Studies and absorb Rafael Medoff PHD's reports.  Look at the mounds of corpses in the Holocaust museum. Read about Rabbi Weismandl and the failure of America to bomb Auschwitz in 1944. After all, all this and worse might happen G-d forbid to us and/or to our own children if we enable these evil forces.  If we are merciful to the cruel eventually we will be cruel to the merciful.

    I am therefore referring you to these sources of information that you might need in reporting your news.   You are an officer in this Media War against evil.  When Israel blocked the media in Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, the War was much more successful in Israel's favor compared to the Lebonese War where there were 460 leaks per day to the Media. That was  until the media once again spoke of Palestiniain Suffering.  What would have been the outcome in WWII if the media would have harped on the suffering of the Germans in the hands of the Allies. 

    The Media literally weakened and continues to weaken the IDF and Jewish Media unfortunately takes its cue from  major news sources like CNN.



    Palestinian Media Watch ,,
    Independant Media Review Analysis
    Yosef and Melody Hartuv, Love of the Land, and subscribe to the list
    Israel National News - Arutz7

    Act for America - Brigitte Gabriel
    The David S. Wyman Institute forHolocaust Studies

    Forget about the JTA.

    Israel's answer to Palestinians can only be to accept those that accept Jewish Sovereignty.  Only those that pledge allegiance can stay in Israel.  There is only one Jewish State.  Anyone that doesn't like it can go elsewhere.  How about going to any one  of the 22 Arab countries?.

    Israel does not need to absorb those that call and pray for it's destruction.

    In Mishpacha Magazine this week there was an article about Palestinians, even tribes,  that have Jewish roots.  They would be happy to accept Jewish Sovereignty but they are threatened with their lives if they express their wishes.  What about their rights?

    Dear List:

    Please pass this along to your list of journalists and your lists.