Sunday, December 14, 2008

Shurat Hadin: Petition Not to Transfer $25 MILLION to Gaza Banks to pay terrorist paychecks?


I wrote to another email and now see this one.  My question, can a group in Toronto Canada or the U.S. join in the suit against the government of Israel's transferring of these funds?  Also what about a suit regarding the "freeing" of terrorists?
Renanah Goldhar
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 7:51 PM
Subject: Civil Rights Group Files Petition in High Court of Justice to Compel Government Not to Transfer Funds to Gaza Banks

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Civil Rights Group Files Petition in High Court of Justice to Compel Government Not to Transfer Funds to Gaza Banks

Civil Rights Group Files Petition in High Court of Justice to Compel
Government Not to Transfer Funds to Gaza Banks
Shurat HaDin - Israel Law Center
Press Contact: Avra Keats
(011-972) 54-215-4405
In wake of Israeli decision to transfer NIS 100 million to banks in Gaza,
Shurat HaDin petitions BaGaTz to bar Defense Minister and Governor of the Bank of Israel from moving the funds. The lawsuit demands the immediate end to all forced monetary transfers by Israeli banks to Hamas controlled territory.
December, 11 2008 Jerusalem, Israel : The High Court petition filed this
afternoon, which names Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer, as respondents, alleges that both the Bank of Israel and the Ministry of Defense are using political pressure to force two Israeli banks, Israel Discount Bank and Bank Hapoalim, to transfer cash to the Hamas run government in the Gaza Strip. Recent reports from Gaza complain that local banks have run out of funds and are unable to replenish cash supplies.
Both Israel Discount Bank and Bank Hapoalim announced in October 2007 that they no longer will work with the financial institutions in the Gaza Strip.
Since then, Governor Fischer, a former VP of CitiGroup, and Minister Barak have placed immense political pressure on both banks to continue the transfers. Today's 100 million shekel transfer is the largest sum demanded of them.
The petition notes the likelihood that much of the funds will be siphoned
off for use by the terrorist led government in Gaza to continue its attacks
on Israeli civilian targets. It also points to violations of Israeli and
international law providing financial services to banks in Gaza would
entail. In recent years banks in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia have been sued by terror victims for aiding the terrorist groups by
providing them and charities affiliated with them financial services.
"The government might as well be providing truck loads of Qassam rockets
instead of cash to Gaza. Fischer and Barak have knowingly allowed for the
transfer of 100 million shekels, $25 million to the Hamas run government
providing for at least 22,000 terrorist paychecks," said the plaintiff's
lawyer Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Director of the Shurat HaDin Law Center."How is it possible that our government continuously supports those which aim to destroy us?"
About Shurat HaDin - Israel Law Center: ( ) is a
Tel-Aviv based lawyers' organization that utilizes legal proceedings and
lawsuits to fight the scourge of international terrorism. Shurat HaDin aims
at obstructing and economically harming the terror organizations, their
leaders and their financial patrons on behalf of terror victims. The
organization has succesffuly frozen funds of numerous terrorist
organizations and is currently in litigation with American Express Bank,
Bank of China, and UBS.

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Caroline Glick, You are fantastic and clearly against a Palestinian State but is it for the right reasons?



Caroline Glick article in Jerusalem Post - Netanyahus Grand Coalition

Dear Caroline, amv'sh

You are fantastic.  But, you seem to disregard the Torah our source for our entitlement.

All your points are excellent but they are commentary to the Torah. And the Torah, is not something one should disregard.

When Feiglin's supporters started singing "Anachnu maaminim Uvnei Maaminim. Veayn Lanu Al me Lehishayn, ela ela al Avinu, Avinu Shebashamayim"  (We are believers, the sons of believers, and we have no one to lean upon except our Father in heaven) they are not disregarding the West.  They are recognizing their allegiance primarily to our Crreator.

Belief in G-d and in His salvation is the only way we can fight effectively against our enemies.  Sometimes it means we have no choice but to disregard the powers in the West.  With Obama in the drivers seat, you too will have to come to grips with the overpowering odds against the people of Israel at this time.  It's a war on religion and fundamentalist Islam has an upper hand.  The way to counter that is only with the Torah. Antisemitism gets it's root from anti Shem - when G-d's name is not in the picture.  In addition Cham was destined to be a servant of Shem.  Canaan was the offspring of Cham.  Therefore, even when Erez Canaan was ruled by the Canaanites, in theory  it belonged to Shem since the owner of a slave owns the slaves property as well.

But the Land belongs to G-d.  We are G-d's servants. We demonstrate that by keeping Shemittah.  Will any peace loving Palestinian keep Shemittah.  G-d has decided to whom he wishes to give Eretz Yisroel.  We in turn are the stewards of the land and are obligated to keep the commandments of the Land.  Won't we starve if we don't work the Land in the Shemittah year? 

Actually we should be partying all year eating from all the open fields.  We'll gain tons of weight and it shouldn't even cost us.

Do the Rabbi's promote this kind of Sabbatical year. Unfortunately, they too don't have the necessary faith required for putting our full reliance on G-d in heaven for our sustenance. 

Call it what you wish but it's the Torah.

Shavua Tov! Robin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 2:20 AM
Subject: Dov Hikind - Clearly against a Palestinian State but for the wrong reasons
To: do4israel <>


Tonight Malcolm Hoenlein was on the Dov Hikind Show.

We all know that Dov Hikind is one of the biggest supporters of the people of Yesha.  He personally has helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the people of Yesha before the Chagim.  He was out there in Gush Katif.  He is the voice for Sderot. There has been no politician that I can think of that has done more for Yesha than Dov Hikind.

Yet tonight, after hearing him speak with Malcolm Hoenlein on the Dov Hikind radio program, it was apparent that his focus was that the tragedy of the peace process is that  we do not have a Peace Partner to speak about.  I called in to the radio program with my comment.  I said "Why is our focus on not having a working "peace partner".  Why isn't our focus our Entitlement of Yesha and our Jewish Heritage?  When we focus on simply not have a "working peace partner, we are suggesting that we would be willing to betray our Jewish Heritage and give away our entitlement if indeed the Arabs would show reciprocity.

To this Dov Hikind replied that if indeed the Arabs would show that they were a true peace partner than he would be willing to negotiate.

This in fact has unfortunately been the position of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah.  They did not object to the giving away of Sinai or of Gush Katif since they believed it would perhaps bring peace.

This kind of reasoning I believe is the very source of our inability to hold on to our Land. 

Where are our principles?  Where is our entitlement, pride, knowledge,  and appreciation of the precious gift that G-d has given to the people of Israel, to our forefathers, to us? Where is our yearning and desire to observe the commandments like Shemittah, Teruma and Maaser etc on the LAND. These commandments are according to the Torah the key to bringing Security?????  Failure to observe these commandments properly results in no security and the danger of being thrown out of the Land.

 The Land of Israel is promised exclusively for the Jewish Nation and all those that are willing to accept our Sovereignty and observe the 7 Noahide Laws.  Only this will bring Peace and Prosperity to mankind! The Land will not produce for any other alien people.  The Land has remained loyal to its proper caretaker the Jewish Nation.

Here is an analogy. Trespassers are in ones' basement and wish to take over the house.  Perhaps initially the owner had pity on them.  Perhaps they intimidated him. So he let them stay in his basement. Knowing their full intentions, which house owner would agree to keep them in the basement as long as they agree not to throw him, the owner, out.  Only a homeowner that doesn't really believe that his house truly belongs to him.  One that knows that this house is his will throw these imposters out real quick. Otherwise he's stupid.

This kind of "peace negotiations" clearly show that the Baal Habayis, the Jews aren't convinced of their own entitlement.  It doesn't really matter that they paid almost a million dollars for the Beit Hashalom and with tapes and videos and that the Arab has his life in danger by admitting that he sold it to Jews.  The justice system clearly has no checks and balances so that judges are not approved by the Knesset by by themselves.  These judges have no problem giving away our homes that are ours and that we bought and built because they don't really believe that we are entitled to our homes.  Most probably they have convinced themselves that  the Arabs are right and we indeed are "occupiers".

Why is Dov Hikind praising Malcolm Hoenlein when Malcolm Hoenlein has been supporting these Peace Talks and never once said that OSLO was wrong?  During Annapolis, those of us that wanted to yell were quieted by the calming Malcolm who claimed that nothing of substance was decided.  All the mainstream Jewish groups were silenced as per his leadership. Only AFSI  protested the Annapolis talks.

Yet tonight on Dov Hikind's show, Malcolm Hoenlein himself talked of the dangerous vote to be taking place in the UN, solidifying what was agreed upon in Annapolis.  Isn't it clear that our silence and participation at Annapolis led to this point????

Annapolis made the world a much less safe place. It empowered the Palestinians, the "moderates" who rejoiced when the Mercaz Harav boys were slaughtered.  Annapolis weakened the settlement in Yesha.  Since Annapolis, there is no Jewish expansion in many parts of Yesha, there is freedom of movement among the Palestinians with the removal of important security roadblocks. G-d forbid if Jews venture into some Arab communities w/o protection.  IDF has turned a blind eye to acts of aggression and those that defend themselves in Yesha are thrown into prison with felony charges against them instead of their perpetrators.  Jews are forbidden to live in parts of Yesha and are forbidden to buy houses in parts of Yesha.

Dov Hikind, listen to your wife Shani!  She asked Malcolm about Feiglin and why Netanyahu is afraid of him. 

It seems clear to me and I hope that I am not mistaken, that Moshe Feiglin has a fear of G-d and is proud of our Jewish Heritage.  He will speak out as per our entitlement of Yesha as opposed to asking for reciprocity.  That is why Netanyahu, who has betrayed us at the WYE agreements and with Gush Katif is afraid of him.  Not because as Malcolm suggests  this is a radical stance and will alienate the rest of the country but rather because Moshe Feiglin hopefully stands for Authentic Jewish Entitlement of all parts of Israel and he is not afraid to say so.

To even suggest that this is "radical" is a betrayal of our Jewish Heritage and empowering those that are willing to annul our Covenant.

Malcolm Hoenlein is unwilling to renege on Oslo since he feels that we already committed to it but he is willing to renege on our Biblical Covenant with Hashem. 

And we wonder why G-d isn't on our side?  Will we rely on the UN or NATO to protect us?

"Israel Responds To Attacks With Cash To Hamas"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Israel Resource News Agency <>
Date: Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 2:26 AM
Subject: Phila Bulletin: police complaint filed against Barak: "Israel Responds To Attacks With Cash To Hamas"
To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"

Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008

Israel Responds To Attacks With Cash To Hamas

Citizen's Police Complaint Filed Against Israeli Official

Published: Friday, December 12, 2008

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Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.9/1805 - Release Date: 11/22/2008 10:34 AM

Dov Hikind - Clearly against a Palestinian State but for the wrong reasons


Tonight Malcolm Hoenlein was on the Dov Hikind Show.

 We all know that Dov Hikind is one of the biggest supporters of the people of Yesha.  He personally has helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the people of Yesha before the Chagim.  He was out there in Gush Katif.  He is the voice for Sderot. There has been no politician that I can think of that has done more for Yesha than Dov Hikind.

Yet tonight, after hearing him speak with Malcolm Hoenlein, it was apparent that his focus was that the tragedy of the peace process is that  we do not have a Peace Partner to speak about.  I called in to the radio program with my comment.  I said "Why is our focus on not having a working "Peace Partner".  Why isn't our focus our Entitlement of Yesha and our Jewish Heritage?  When we focus on simply not have a "working Peace Partner, we are suggesting that we would be willing to betray our Jewish Heritange and give away our entitlement if indeed the Arabs would show reciprocity.

To this Dov Hikind replied that if indeed the Arabs would show that they were a true peace partner than he would be willing to negotiate.

This in fact has unfortunately been the position of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah.  They did not object to the giving away of Sinai or of Gush Katif since they believed it would perhaps bring peace.

This kind of reasoning I believe is the very source of our inability to hold on to our Land. 

Where are our principles?  Where is our entitlement, pride, knowledge,  and appreciation of the precious gift that G-d has given to the people of Israel, to our forefathers, to us? Where is our yearning and desire to observe the commandments like Shemittah, Teruma and Maaser etc on the LAND which the Torah explicity tells us will bring Security?????  The Land of Israel is exclusively for the Jewish Nation and all those that are willing to accept our Sovereignty and observe the 7 Noahide Laws.  Only this will bring Peace and Prosperity to mankind!

Knowing that  trespassers who are in ones basement wish to take over the house, which houseowner would agree to keep them in the basement as long as they agree not to throw him out.  Only a homeowner that doesn't really believe that his house truly belongs to him.

This kind of "peace negotiations" clearly show that the Baal Habayis, the Jews aren't convinced of their own entitlement.  It doesn't really matter that they paid almost a million dollars for the Beit Hashalom and with tapes and videos and that the Arab has his life in danger by admitting that he sold it to Jews.  The justice system clearly has no checks and balances so that judges are not approved by the Knesset by by themselves.  These judges have no problem giving away our homes that are ours and that we bought and built because they don't really believe that we are entitled to our homes.  Most probably they have convinced themselves that  the Arabs are right and we indeed are "occupiers".

Why is Dov Hikind praising Malcolm Hoenlein when Malcolm Hoenlein has been supporting these Peace Talks and never once said that OSLO was wrong?  During Annapolis, those of us that wanted to yell were quieted by the calming Malcolm who claimed that nothing of substance was decided.  All the mainstream Jewish groups were silenced as per his leadership. AFSI was protesting the Annapolis talks.

Yet tonight on Dov Hikind's show, Malcolm Hoenlein himself talked of the dangerous vote to be taking place in the UN, solidifying what was agreed upon in Annapolis.  Isn't it clear that our Silence and participation at Annapolis led to this point????

Annapolis made the world a much less safe place. It empowered the Palestinians, the Fatah "moderates" who rejoiced when the Mercaz Harav boys were slaughtered, and weakened the settlement in Yesha.  Since Annapolis, there is no Jewish expansion in many parts of Yesha, there is freedom of movement among the Palestinians with the removal of important security roadblocks but G-d forbid if Jews venture into some Arab communities w/o protection.  IDF has turned a blind eye to acts of aggression and those that defend themselves in Yesha are thrown into prison with felony charges against them instead of their perpetrators.  Jews are forbidden to live in parts of Yesha and are forbidden to buy houses in parts of Yesha.

Dov Hikind, listen to your wife Shani!  She asked Malcolm about Feiglin and why Netanyahu is afraid of him. 

It seems clear to me and I hope that I am not mistaken, that Moshe Feiglin has a fear of G-d and is proud of our Jewish Heritage.  He will speak out as per our entitlement of Yesha as opposed to asking for reciprocity.  That is why Netanyahu, who has betrayed us at the WYE agreements and with Gush Katif is afraid of him.  Not because as Malcolm suggests  this is a radical stand and will alienate the rest of the country but rather because Moshe Feiglin hopefully stands for Authentic Jewish Entitlement of all parts of Israel and he is not afraid to say so.

To even suggest that this is a radical approach is a betrayal of our Jewish Heritage and giving power to those that are willing to annul our Covenant.

Malcolm Hoenlein is unwilling to reneg on Oslo since he feels that we already commited to it but he is willing to reneg on our Biblical Covenant with Hashem. 

And we wonder why G-d isn't on our side?  Will we rely on the UN or NATO to protect us?

Mishmeret Yesha - Yisroel Danziger speaks at AFSI event - report from Janet Lehr


Dear Friends, amv"sh

On my recent trip with AFSI, Yisroel Danziger was one of our tour guides.  We saw places in Yesha on the hilltops of Judea and Samaria,  that are rarely seen on a typical trip to Israel.  These communities and pioneers rely on Yisroel Danziger and Mishmeret Yesha.

The first response teams that Mishmeret Yesha trained, were the first that responded during recent terror attacks thereby preventing more terror victims. 

We must do whatever we can to support and empower Mishmeret Yesha.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Janet Lehr <>
Date: Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 6:05 PM
Subject: Israel Lives, December 13 2008.


ISRAEL LIVES  December 13, 2008  16th of Kislev, 5769  Mishmeret Yesha-Working Together.


AFSI [Americans for a Safe Israel] met this past week at the Safra Synagogue 11 E 63 St.  The Safra Synagogue is to be thanked for making its premises always available to speakers for Zion.  AFSI had as its speaker, Mr Izzy Danziger*, Dir. Of Operations of Mishemeret Yesha for the past 20 years. Though not his intention, during Q and A Mr Danziger revealed how Judea and Samaria residents are divided as a group, and some even apathetic.  If we held the hope that the 200,000 + residents of Yesha and the 100,000+ residents of threatened portions of Jerusalem would save Israel in perpetuity, think again.   Each Zionist, wherever he or she lives must become active, must double and more, their present commitment and identification with G-ds blessing to the Jewish People, the land of Israel.  [Please read the attachments on Mishmeret Yesha (1) the important works they do and (2) easily supplied items needed.]


We in the diaspera and within Israel must identify those who are solidly behind a Zionist Israel and all that that implies -

o r  t h e r e   w i l l  b e  n o  I s r a e l   i n  t h e  n e x t   g e n e r a t i o n. 


>Who do you count among your readers that you know travel 'private' to Israel and would transport thermal underwear, or special flashlights or other gear, all non-military, not on any prohibited list.  Do know tourists or business people flying direct to Israel, or those going on a mission?  Everyone flying to Israel should be encouraged to bring needed goods.  I've attached 2 pdfs provided by Izzy Danziger, Mishmeret Yesha.  You'll see that many, many items are needed.  I following emails I'll provide more information.  For now, think about who you know (1) leaving on a mission, (2) who will be touring and (3) who flies private.  I am presently working on convenient places in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem that will hold the items til picked up.  If you have contacts in Israel that would act as a temporary 'garage (small storage)' or 'warehouse (larger storage)', please let me know.


>We need to coordinate.  Each of us has list-members who though true supporters of a Zionist Israel are not broadly connected.  Shouldn't we build a core list?


>We need to take extreme care in our own host nations to see that Israel's needs are respected and that any aggression against Jews is treated as it is, as a HATE CRIME.  'Left Wing' and Islamic opposition are far better funded today than are supporters of a Jewish Israel.   Politicians and media need to be monitored, congratulated and chastised as is appropriate; and actively cultivated.   


>Left wing brethren need to be brought to the realization of what a polymorphous Israel really would mean, to themselves personally, to the entire Jewish community, and ultimately to the world - Remember Czechoslovakia before WWII !!  Acquiescent Internationalists and 'peace now-niks' are Islam's greatest monetary and activist supporters in their battle against the existence of the Jewish State of Israel, after Saudi Arabia.   If people care of nothing more than for a 'free' world, little Israel as a Jewish State, is all that separates Islam from the world. 


> What are your broad group counts?  How many do you count as activists?  Please let me know these figures. 

Invigorate your larger groups.  Deploy your activists.  Everyone a task within his capability.  


In conclusion:

>We who are very few in number, must identify and support activists and activist organizations, perhaps to the exclusion of all other support we have learned to give the larger community in which we live.  Israel's existence is severely threatened, now.  Amegeddon is approaching very quickly.  Don't let it be, "Not with a bang, but a whimper"  [T.S.Elliot The Hollow Men.  Elliot speculated that life on earth might not after all be terminated catastrophically, but through cultural decline.]



*Mr. Danziger's front line activities with Mishmeret Yesha include: oversight of security activities, land redemption, legal representation for Yesha residents and emergency medical care. Mishmeret Yesha is renowned for the training and equipping of the Rapid Response Teams which provide IDF coordinated security to the communities of Judea and Samaria against terrorist infiltrations.

Mishmeret Yesha  is a frontline organization.  To donate to Mishmeret Yesha, make checks payable to: Central Fund of Israel-VESTSDonations will be acknowledged as coming from a 501c3 charity.


Shabbat Shalom



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Janet Lehr                                                             If I am not for myself, WHO WILL BE?

IsraelLives                                                               If I am only for myself, WHAT AM I?                                                              If not now, WHEN ?

Rabbi Hillel