Sunday, January 27, 2008

R' Shmuel Kamenetsky and R' Aharon Feldman Roshei Yeshivah regarding Yesha.

Last Monday I attended the AJOP (Association for Jewish Outreach Programs) Convention in Baltimore Md.  This convention is the foremost convention for Kiruv Professionals attracting many of the finest  in Jewish Outreach.  I was privileged to have personally had the opportunity to speak with R' Shmuel Kamenetsky the Rosh Yeshiva of Philadelphia and R' Aharon Feldman the Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel.  I caught the Roshei Yeshivoth in the hallways in between sessions, surrounded by many who wished to ask them questions and seek their advice.
When I first approached R' Shmuel Kamenetsky I asked him "What about Yesha",  My question to him was "what was the position of the Rabbanim regarding the Roadmap and the two State Solution. This translates to the abandonment of Yesha."  He listened, and nodded and smiled but didn't really respond. So I continued talking and mentioned the 7 girls that were part of the hilltop youth that were subsequently jailed and mistreated.  With more nodding but no real verbal response I continued to speak about a Mishneh in Yoma Perek Gimmel Mishneh Aleph that I had reviewed with my son.  I wanted to make the point that speaking up only for Yerushalayim is insufficient.  This Mishneh is talking about when the sacrifices in the Har Habayit in Yerushalayim begin each day. The sacrifices can only begin at daylight. The Mishneh discusses how this is determined and Hebron is a key player.
The Mishneh states (Courtesy of Artscroll)
"The   Administrator said to the assembled Kohanim; 'Go out and see if the time for slaughtering has arrived,," If it had arrived, the one who sees [it] (the observer on the roof) says "Barkai!"  (the sheen of the sun can already be seen)
Mattisya ben Shmuel says: (he was the administrator of the lots) 'The whole of the east has lit up.' 'as far as Hebron?' And he (the observer on the roof) says Yes!!
I said to Rav Kamenetsky, doesn't this show that in order to start the Avoda in Yerushalayim  you need Hebron?  I was referring to the fact that if we want an undivided Yerushalayim we need settlement all the way to Hebron.  Rav Kamenetsky smiled as did all those surrounding him.  No one contradicted my points but seemed to be in agreement. 
I then saw Rav Aharon Feldman the Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel.  I waited until others had finished talking with him and asked him also "what about Yesha?".  I told him that I had lived in Kiryat Arba and know many of the people there.  I told him about the 7 girls incarcerated for wanting a judicial system based on Torah and mentioned that they had been mistreated. He seemed sincerely concerned but did say that if it leads to Pikuach Nefesh, settlement on the hilltops by these girls can be a problem.
 I then entered the Question and Answer session with Rav Kamenetsky.  People wrote down questions to ask the Rav and submitted them.  A person read the questions and Rav Kamenetsky answered.  So I passed the question "What is the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah position regarding the Roadmap and territorial concessions in Yesha".  From Rav Kamenetsky's answer it seemed that he was clearly sympathizing with the settlers.  I believe he said that withdrawal for Gush Katif has led to security problems in Sederot.  He seemed clearly against the policies of the Olmert gov't.   
On his way out, once again I managed to get a few words with Rav Kamenetsky.  I mentioned what Rav Feldman had said regarding Pikuah Nefesh regarding the girls who have put their lives on the line.  I told him that some of these hilltops were overlooking cities and more settled areas.  If these hilltops would be under the Palestinian Authority it would indeed be a Pikuach Nefesh for all the cities and developed communities below it.  I mentioned that perhaps if others like the Rabbanim would clearly make a strong statement against giving away the settlements, the girls would not feel the necessity to be Moser Nefesh in order to save the lives of their brethren.  I asked Rav Kamenetsky to please relay this information to Rav Feldman.  Rav Kamenetsky was very attentive and agreed to do so. 
It is important that the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah realize that these girls are putting their lives in danger for the sake of the Torah.  They are asking for a judicial system based on Torah.  This is precisely what we all davan for each and every day yet these girls are being Moser Nefesh for it. They see that such a reality is not some distant dream.  It is for the here and NOW.  Please review the following question that was posed to these girls as to their motivation for not releasing their identity. 
Q. What was the principled stand behind your refusal to identify yourselves and cooperate with the legal system?

Tchiyah:  We are in the Land of Israel. The Nation of Israel must be judged by Torah law.  But instead of our true and just Torah, we have courts that judge according to Turkish and British law.

Yael:  We felt that our public must wake up.  The courts are leading the country, and the government also acts according to rulings set by the Supreme Court.  The same law that kept us in prison is the same law that expelled Jews from their homes and left them with nothing. We wanted to show the public that everything is soiled and that we have to wake up from it."

Chana:  When the Nation of Israel first arrived in the Land, we were commanded in the Torah to appoint a king.  This is part of the process again, to build a regime that will run according to G-d's law.

Tchiyah:  Just like we are forbidden to follow an illegal law, we are also not permitted to be judged in a court run by such laws.

Q. Do you truly believe that seven girls in jail will lead to a Torah regime in the State of Israel?

Yael:  First our sector will wake up, and then the whole country will follow.

Tchiyah:  Our entire history is full of examples of the few against the many - David and Goliath, Avraham on one side of the river as opposed to everyone else, the Maccabees, and more.  Obviously we know the Sanhedrin won't be built in a month, but we have to start, and with G-d's help, if people change their way of thinking, it will be worth it."

Q. When you got out, did you feel that you had achieved something for being in jail so long?

Herut:  It came out better than we thought.  The whole public woke up and there was a great ripple.  We see how the legal system is afraid of this, letting us out without having to identify ourselves.  The truth won out.

Tchiyah:  I think it  might be less of a victory over the legal system and more of a feeling that G-d had confirmed that we were doing the right thing by refusing to have anything to do with the system.

Chana:  It's between us and G-d. I felt complete with Him. We were educated according to Torah ways, and there is no reason why we shouldn't also be judged accordingly.  The judges tried to re-educate us - as if the education that we received at home was not good enough... Sometimes the judges even admitted that they were leaving us jail another day in order to educate us - but in the end, they achieved exactly the opposite."

Q. How did your parents react?  Some people said they should have had you out of there even against your will.

Chana:  Our parents supported and strengthened us very much, even though it wasn't their decision for us to be there.  It seems that it's harder to worry from the outside than to actually be inside... This is our opportunity to thank them very much.  The thing is that according to Jewish Law, once a girl turns 12, she is Bat Mitzvah and is responsible for her own actions. So we made this decision - not lightly - and then our parents went along with what we did. 

The girls also expressed thanks for those who helped in the media and from a legal standpoint, such as the Honenu organization.  "Without such strong public support," they said, "our struggle would have been much harder.  But when we saw how many people were standing outside each time we went to court, we understood that we were doing the right thing and this was everyone's war, not just ours.  Many people began to understand that something is not right with our country and we must not sit on the sidelines.  If everyone does something, we can bring the Redemption - or at least fix one small thing."

The girls said they received many thanks afterwards, together with some negative reactions as well. "But if we go only by the latter, we'll never get anywhere," one said.

Q. Will you continue to go to outposts even though you know you could be arrested again?

Yael:  No one wants to sit in jail, but if we stop our advance on the Land of Israel, they will have won.  We just continue to get stronger and stronger.
P.S.  Is it coincidence that the Av Beis Din of the nascent Sanhedrin is Adin Steinsaltz.   In fact the recent miracle in  Kfar Etzion occurred in his Yeshiva?
Barkai Yeshivot are affiliated with Rav Steinsaltz.  Maybe recognition that Hebron is intertwined with the Avoda  and ultimately with the destiny in Yerushalayim is the uniting point with the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and Religious Zionism. Speaking out for Yesha will create a Kiddush Hashem. How powerful it would be to join with the existing Sanhedrin that is against any territorial concessions, keeping all of Yehudah and Shomron under the Sovereignty of Am Yisroel.

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

Rabbi Dr. Zevulun Lieberman - End Annapolis process!

Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Z. Lieberman lost their only son, Hillel Eliyahu Lieberman HY'D, who had fulfilled the "mitzvah" (religious obligation) of making "aliyah".  He was killed by an Arab terrorist.

Rabbi and Mrs Lieberman write this urgent plea to end the Annapolis process.


We, the corporate body of the Jewish nation, have been privileged with the divine heritage of the Land of Israel, promised in an eternal covenant to our forefather Abraham on Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal, overlooking Elon Moreh in Samaria. As the beneficiaries of this priceless treasure, we cannot consider our Holy Land as a commodity on the international exchange. The Almighty's gift may not be surrendered for a bowl of porridge – a paltry sum of "payment," resulting from a misguided vision of wished-for tranquility. We, the children of Israel, are the guardians of our Holy Land for all the generations to come until the Final Redemption. This, then, is our sacred mission, never to be forsaken. We must concentrate our efforts and gather our strength in unity, to fulfill the objective of being a light unto the nations.

In the State of Israel, we have created benefits for all humankind through the study and teaching of Torah, which is G-d's divine message for ethical advancement of all societies. Moreover, we have shared with all nations Israel's breakthroughs in state-of-the-art medical care, pharmaceutical research, solar energy development, hydroponic farming and social justice.

Our only son, Hillel Eliyahu Lieberman HY'D, fulfilled the "mitzvah" (religious obligation) of making "aliyah," thereby trailblazing in the true pioneering spirit, the settlement of the Holy Land of Israel, just as our American forefathers had created the first colonies of this young nation in the Western hemisphere by building settlements (towns and villages). Unfortunately, as a result of the mirage of the Oslo Agreement's promises of peace that could not become a reality, a violent "intifada" left him a victim of cruel, deceitful Arab terrorism as he walked, wrapped in a prayer shawl on the Sabbath between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in the Year 2000, to his institution of higher Torah learning, Yeshivat Od Yosef Chai, located in the Tomb of Joseph in Shechem (a.k.a. Nablus), Samaria. Once again, the conferences subsequently held on the Wye Plantation and more recently in Annapolis have pressured Israel with a false promise of "peace" to result from surrounding, hostile neighbors' recognition of Israel, to surrender slices of its tiny, vulnerable land, viewable from north to south and east to west in a matter of minutes by aerial flight.

Our seven orphaned grandchildren, who commute to high school and college via Samarian highways, do not enjoy the sweet taste of the oft-promised peace. They have been detained on their daily travel by explosives planted by terrorists alongside the road, by burning tires that turn bus drivers and passengers into "sitting ducks," by suspicious packages blocking progress until a robot pulverizes the source of danger, and by sirens alerting Elon Moreh residents of a terrorist climbing up the Mountain of Har Kabir with a bomb wrapped inside the carcass of a sheep.

Surely, we Americans of all faiths care about the safety and security of "our children," locally and globally. Therefore, we are totally committed to fighting terrorism – in this post-9/11 era – with strength, not surrender; with backbone, not bending; with vigor, not veering off the vector of our goal of true peace; instead of with "piece" offerings to those who aim to murder freedom lovers throughout the world.

The Government of Israel must resist any American governmental pressure, because such interference will negate our mutual relationship of respect and honor, and our mutual plan for global peace and prosperity, for free trade zones and for a flourishing economy. Inadvertently encouraging violence violates our shared purpose for the era of peace when "nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and they shall not learn warfare anymore" (Isaiah).

Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Z. Lieberman


Friday, January 18, 2008

A Response to Bush's visit. A Must Read by Ruth Matar!!!! G-d is in Charge!

Please read this powerful message of a Isha Tzadeket (A righteous woman) Ruth Matar.  Please forward it to the OU, Young Israel and Agudath Yisroel of America and remind them that it is Bezchut Nashim Tzidkaniyot  (righteous Jewish women) that we will be redeemed!  Let these powerful Jewish Mainstream organizations with strong network capabilities, use their clout and speak up for Torah and make a Kiddush Hashem.  Silence is Complicit agreement! Otherwise, they are using their influence and power to establish a State of Palestine, Chas Vechalila!
Letter from Ruth Matar (Women in Green) Jerusalem
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dear Friends,
Most of us American Jews living in our Jewish Homeland are extremely disappointed in the statements President Bush made during his visit to Israel.
After his departure, the papers printed his FINAL STATEMENTS:
*STATES- Palestine will be national homeland for Palestinians; Israel will be national homeland for Jews.
[R.M.: Not according to the God of Israel. Leviticus 25:23- "And the land shall not be sold in perpetuity; for the land is Mine"]
*BORDERS- Must adjust 1949 cease-fire lines to reality on the ground to ensure contiguity of Palestinian state and protect Israel.
[R.M.: The borders of the Jewish Holy Land were already set by the G-d of Israel. Deuteronomy 11:24]
*REFUGEES-Solution will be through establishment of Palestinian state and international mechanism, including compensation.
[R.M.: Who made them refugees? We sure didn't!]
*JERUSALEM-Tough issue for both sides, politically and religiously, resolving which poses most complicated challenge.
[R.M.: Not at all a complicated challenge for the Master of the universe. Jerusalem is his holy Mountain. Isaiah 66:20]
*SECURITY-No Palestinian state as long as terror persists. U.S. committed to Israel's security.
[R.M.: Psalms 28:7- "Hashem is my strength and my shield…"]
*IMPLEMENTATION-Only after the sides meet road-map commitments.
[R.M.: Not in this world…]
Throughout his visit, three major English language papers in Israel were full of giant headlines announcing Bush's commands:
-Lieberman, Yishai implored to keep P.M. in power
[R.M.: Of course Bush has an interest in keeping his loyal puppet in power!]
U.S. president George W. Bush blatantly intervened in Israeli politics at Thursday's working dinner at the Prime Minister's residence, calling on the politicians there to support Prime Minister Olmert. Bush spoke at length with Shas chairman Eli Yishai and Israel Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman. "Take care of Olmert, so he will stay in power", Bush said. "He is a strong leader. Israeli politics is like karate, you never know when the next chop will come." 
-Ramalah, West Bank: President George W. Bush, making his first visit to the Palestinian territories, expressed confidence here Thursday that an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty would be signed during his last year in office, and urged Israel not to disrupt efforts to build stronger Palestinian security forces, which he called essential to the creation of a democratic Palestine.
[R.M.: This reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood: "My, what big guns you have..." "The better to shoot you with, my dear…"]
[R.M.: And Israel can?!]
-President tells Palestinians he is confident a viable, contiguous state will emerge.
-Ramallah- Palestinian Authority officials here had mixed reactions to Thursday's talks with U.S. President George W. Bush in the Mukata presidential compound.

-Portraits of Arafat were visible almost everywhere in the Mukata.

-The source said the PA did not hang U.S. flags in the city [Ramallah] to avoid "provoking" residents.

-Bush, who spoke beneath a portrait of Arafat, also stressed the importance of establishing a contiguous Palestinian state. "Swiss Cheese" isn't going to work when it comes to the territory of a state.
-Bush also outlined the tracks for the talks over the core issues, which include the future of Jerusalem, borders, refugees, water, settlements and prisoners.

-During the press conference, PA policemen used clubs and tear gas to disperse hundreds of demonstrators who took to the streets to protest against Bush's visit. The demonstrators shouted: "Bush is a murderer" and "Bush go home" as they tried to march toward downtown's Manara square, (the Presidential Compound).
[R.M.: Note the difference between the Jewish and Arab reception of President George Bush: American flags were hung along all the main streets of Jerusalem; the PA did not hang any US flags in Ramallah to avoid "provoking" residents.]
* * *
On Friday, the last day of Bush's three-day visit to Israel, he spoke during an hour long tour of Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial Hall of Names.
Bush's eyes welled with tears at least twice during his visit to Yad Vashem.
"I wish as many people as possible would come to this place. It is a sobering reminder that evil exists, and a call that when evil exists we must resist it," the U.S. leader said after laying a wreath and lighting a torch in memory of the victims.
Isn't it ironic that President Bush speaks of the importance of resisting evil, when he himself tries to deprive the very victims of the Holocaust of the homeland that they finally gained after the War?
Isn't President Bush promoting evil by trying to carve a terrorist state out of the land which the G-d of Israel promised the Jews as an everlasting inheritance?

With Blessings and Love for Israel,
Ruth Matar

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Rabbi Sholom DovBer Wolpo speaking Motzei Shabbos 1923 Ocean Ave. Chabad of Flat

Please forward to your lists.
An Evening of Information and Inspiration Concerning Security in Eretz Yisroel Shlaimos Ha'Aretz.
Rabbi Sholom DovBer Wolpo
Rav of Chabad Synagogue of Kiryat Gat
Founder of Committee to Ensure the Safety of Jews
In Eretz Yisroel and website SOS
Prolific Author and Speaker re: Halacha and Shlaimos Ha'Aretz
Motsei Shabbos in Flatbush
Chabad House in Flatbush
1923 Ocean Ave. Between Ave N and  Ave. O
Motzei Shabbos Parshas Beshalach
12 Shvat - January 19
6:45 (Hebrew) Steering Public Opinion Towards Truth
7;45 (English) The MItzvah of Saving Jewish Lives: Applicable Here and Now
Question and Answers - Video Presentation
Melave Malka $10 Entrance - Men and Women
For more information:
Rabbi Zalman Liberow 718-252-9770
(see ad pg 19 in Jewish Press)

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

News from Hebron: Shooting at Beit Hadassah

An Letter To My Friends in Hebron, amv"sh
Once again they are shooting at Beit Hadassah.
Hebron must continue to speak with outrage regarding the dangers facing ALL of Yesha. Focus on Hebron or on Beit Hashalom but speak out forcefully at the same time for all of Eretz Yisroel. VeAhavta Lerayacha Kamocha.  Please join with the NJC (New Jewish Congress), Rabbinical Congress for Peace, all like minded people and parties  like "Eretz Yisroel H'aShlema" Feiglin,  Tsafrir Ronen, Benny Elon, Hazit, National Union, Merzl,  Yaalon, Paul Eidelberg,  Uri Ariel, Medad, Effi Eitan etc. etc.  etc. and  with the mayors of Yesha and Directors of Yesha institutions and American Friends  of Yesha Institutions and publicly address the Young Israel, the OU and Agudath Yisroel of America about why they have not been outspoken against the Roadmap. 
These organizations have networks that reach thousands of shuls and Rabbis and hundreds of thousands of Jews in America.  Jerusalem and Yesha are synonymous.  Concessions of Yesha translates to reducing Jerusalem to simply a museum piece. Why make Jerusalem a relic of the past with no living life of its own? An Undivided Jerusalem living side by side next to a Palestinian State is precisely that.   And that's assuming rather naively and stupidly that it is a "peaceful Palestinian State".
Why are WE as a nation being SILENT regarding Eretz Yisroel!!!  How can we be SILENT when  President Bush says to "end the occupation"??? Shtika Kehoday Damya.  Being Silent is like complicit agreement. Let's scream out the first Rashi in Breishis.
This Land belongs to each and every Jew equally  because we, the seed of Avraham, Yitchok and Yaakov are the only rightful inheritors.  At the very least, each and every Jew living in the Diaspora has to recognize that Eretz Yisroel belongs to them as much as Eretz Yisroel belongs to the most courageous Jew living in Hebron. A mother will begin to love her child more and more by sacrificing her time and energy for her child. Eretz Yisroel is our baby.  Each and every Jew has the obligation to do whatever possible to protect Eretz Yisroel no matter where they reside. Such expression of devotion and protectiveness will lead to a greater love and appreciation of Eretz Yisroel from the Jew in the Diaspora.
 Why aren't these mainstream Jewish organizations not speaking up for YESHA????  Why are they acting as if Eretz Yisroel is not relevant to them personally or for our generation? 
Ask Pesach Lerner about his new initiative for Yerushalayim Parshat Shlach together with "Rabbi" Yona Metzger.  What a pathetic response!!!! How can he join with "Rabbi" Metzger who is clearly just an agent of the Olmert administration, who gives his blessings for a Palestinian State. 
What is the OU sitting together with Peace Now in the Conference of Presidents supporting and actually PROMOTING the peace process and the Roadmap??.  Don't they represent or rather misrepresent their Orthodox constituencies???? Apparently their constituencies don't even have a clue that their leadership is promoting a Palestinian State in the name of peace and the expulsion of Jewish settlements.!
How can SHAS and UTJ  represent themselves as Torah Judaism when being part of this evil gov't or even contemplating being part of this evil gov't, means violating numerous very serious Mitzvoth D'orayta.  These parties don't represent Daas Torah at all.  Rav Eliashiv clearly gave a Psak that everything must be done to stop concessions since concessions will only make security worse!  He said to publicize it in his name.  He has told many people, that Gush Katif was a big mistake!!!.  Why isn't Agudath Yisroel of America publicizing his psak against concession to ALL of YESHA???.  One directive on the part of Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah would send the clear message to Bush that the Roadmap is anti Torah!  One directive to their constituencies could bring hundreds of thousands of letters to the White House within a few days.
With a United Voice we will succeed!!  Let's put it under the umbrella of Hakadosh Baruch Hu!  The Torah Umbrella.  There's no lack of leadership roles for each and every leader.  Why can't we unite w/o worrying about whose umbrella we are uniting under.   The Prime Minister's job is simply a position of being a public servant. Different individuals can take turns with that position. Such a job carries tremendous responsibilities and is a big headache.  I seriously wonder why anyone even wants the job.  Yet each and every leader should not shirk their G-d given responsibility to use their G-d given leadership qualities and lead in their particular areas of strength.  Each and every leader should recognize that they have individual strengths and not G-d forbid see others with leadership qualities as competition.  We are all on the same team!  It takes a matronly headmistress in the play "Oklahoma" to bring the cowboys and the farmers to be friends.  She takes the pistol and points it at their heads which sends the message BE FRIENDS OR ELSE.... So they have no choice but to listen to her and actually enjoy dancing together...

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.