Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Alternative Jewish Sovereignty Summit

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Alternative 'Jewish Sovereignty' Summit Planned
13 November 07
by Hillel Fendel, IsraelNationalNews.com

(IsraelNN.com) A dozen Jewish organizations have united to hold a "summit" calling for Jewish sovereignty over all of the Land of Israel, meeting on the same day as the Annapolis summit.  The title: Sovereignty for the Jewish Nation Over the State of the Land of Israel.

Spokesperson Susie Dym explained, "What is happening in Israel, and consequently among passive Jewish leaders elsewhere, is that our political leadership has abandoned the goal of furthering the Jewish people in the Jewish state, and has gone towards the goal of building a Palestinian state and advancing the Palestinians' interests. The situation has become absurd, in that our government is working towards the antithesis of what it should be."

"Recognizing that the Jewish Nation does not have a representative body," the formative statement begins, "and greatly fearing that the government in Israel is undermining the fundamental interests of Jewish existence (based on its declarations and actions in anticipation of the Annapolis summit), we - many right-wing movements and organizations - have united together to convene a counter-summit.  Our goal is to emphasize what we stand 'for,' not 'against.'"

"Our door is open to all those who want to further the interests of the Jewish people," Dym said.

The founding session of the New Jewish Congress will be held on the 17th day of Kislev, Nov. 27, in Jerusalem - the day on or after the scheduled Annapolis summit.  The date for the Annapolis meeting has not yet been finally set.

The idea of the alternative summit, the organizers say, is to "establish the first-stage organizational and conceptual skeleton that will promote a congress to represent the entire nation, including hareidim, during the course of Nissan (April 2008)."

Among the initiating organizations are: Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership), Land of Israel Task Force, Cities of Israel, the Temple Institute, and the Sanhedrin.  Also participating are Mateh Tzafon, Task Force to Save the Land of Israel, Women in Green, Nahalal Forum, and Honenu.

Rabbis who have lent their support include Kiryat Arba/Hevron Chief Rabbi Dov Lior, Sanhedrin President Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz, Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe of Chabad, Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel and more.%ad%

Participating public figures include Yoram Ettinger, Prof. Paul Eidelberg, Dr. Yossi Ben-Aharon, Prof. Gabi Barkai, Prof. Hillel Weiss, Atty. Aviad Visuly, Prof. Aryeh Zaritsky, Architect Gideon Charlop, Nadia Matar, Shmuel Medad, Dr. Uri Milstein, Aryeh Stav, Moshe Feiglin, Ronen Tzafrir, and many more.

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CAJLCC111307 Calling campaign against Avigdor Lieberman

CAJL  Conference of Authentic Jewish Leadership
CC Calling Campaign
3rd Day of Kislev, the month of the spirit of the Maccabbees, November 13, 2007
Dear Friends,

As  the Annapolis nightmare is coming nearer, more and more people are waking up, understanding that we must act immediately to prevent a catastrophe from occurring.

Women in Green calls upon all to join in the following activities:

Dear friends of Israel, in order to prevent the Annapolis disaster, we must bring the government down. As long as Lieberman and Yishai remain in the government, the Olmert government survives. If Avigdor Lieberman leaves the government, Eli Yishai and Shas will also leave the government!

Anyone who holds dear the future of the State of Israel is asked to inundate the offices of Avigdor Lieberman and the other members of Yisrael Beitenu with faxes and telephone calls, with the demand:

Leave the government today and save the Land of Israel and the People of Israel !

Avigdor Lieberman     tel.: 02-6547100 fax: 02-6547101 aliberman@knesset.gov.il
Yitzhak Aharonovitch  tel.: 02-6753278 fax: 02-6496157 iaharon@knesset.gov.il
Israel Hasson         tel.: 02-6753825 fax: 02-6496585 ahason@knesset.govil
David Rotem           tel.: 02-6408317 fax: 02-6496506 drotem@knesset.gov.il
Esterina Tartman      tel.: 02-6408403 fax: 02-6496440 etertman@knesset.gov.il
Robert Ilatov         tel.: 02-6408155 fax: 02-6753689 rilatov@knesset.gov.il
Sofa Landver          tel.: 02-6753839 fax: 02-6496744 slandver@knesset.gov.il
Alex Miller           tel.: 02-6753388 fax: 02-6496479 amiller@knesset.gov.il
Stas Misezhnikov      tel.: 02-6753887 fax: 02-6753979 smiseznikov@knesset.gov.il
Yosef Shagal          tel.: 02-6753236 fax: 02-6753249 yshagal@knesset.gov.il
Lia Shemtov           tel.: 02-6408329                 lshemtov@knesset.gov.il

Presented as a public service by Women for Israel's Tomorrow - Women in Green www.womeningreen.org


In order for this campaign to have an effect, we need to publicize it far and wide.

For instance, we need to put this as an ad in this week's Russian newspaper called VESTY. We also need to paste the posters all over Jerusalem and other areas in the country. We therefore turn to you and urge you to help us financially with this campaign. Very often people call us and tell us: well, why isn't there a campaign going on, why is it so quiet?

Many people don't realize that such campaigns cost a great deal of money.

Here are a few details with regard to the expenses of such a campaign:

* a half page ad in the news section of Vesty for this weekend: 12,200 NIS +vat (i.e. approximately $3,500)
* the caricaturist: 900 NIS + vat ($220)
* graphic artist : 2500 NIS + vat ($750)
* 1000 posters (size 50x70cm) :2100 NIS + vat ($700)
* 10,000 flyers in Hebrew and Russian : 2500 NIS + vat ($750)
* and last but not least: ads in other newspapers (Hebrew and English) that ad up to at least $8,000

In one word, if we want to turn this into a effective campaign, we must raise at least $15,000.

We need you desperately! We cannot do this without your help!

Please send your checks to:
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel


Central Fund for Israel
980 Sixth Ave. 3rd. Floor
New York, N.Y. 10018
You must specify to the Central Fund for Israel that the donation is intended for Women In Green.


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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Shalom International is a missionary group. URGENT!!

Please visit Bob Kunst's website to see who we are aligning with.
It seems that Shalom International is aligning with Proclaiming Justice to the Nations 

Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, Inc.

Laurie Cardoza-Moore. President
Office:    615-778-0202          Tollfree: 877.779.0202
Email:  pjtninfo@...
It's not clear from PJTN's website if they are missionary but they are aligning with Shalom International.

Mattot Arim writes:



Rally organized by Bob Kunst:


"25th November is a definite at the White House with a march to the Holocaust Memorial to make all the connections. Anyone coming down should be there for this event. 26th November in Annapolis - that date was in the Miami Herald and CNN, but still not confirmed by the State Dept. Come 25th if you need to get back to work on Monday, or the 26th if you can stay. I've offered our permits to every like-minded group to use to state their case and to get the word out to their e-mail lists and let everyone make up their own minds. I've asked groups to get buses and share expenses and be VISIBLE. LACK OF VISIBILITY IS COLLABORATION WITH THIS TREACHERY TO SELL OUT JERUSALEM AND ISRAEL.

Where are the Jews? Most are still asleep. 69 yrs. ago today began "Kristallnacht" with the same denials and mentalities and excuses.
If you want to organize buses, I can put it out to call you for those wanting to go on a bus and what it will cost. I can also put it out for those who want to sponsor folks who can't afford it themselves.


We are expecting 300+ in Nashville, and are getting calls from all over the country by folks who want to participate and express their concerns. However, if I was the ONLY JEW with my banner at any of the events, I would still be there with G-d and I would still be right, and still represent all those millions of murdered Jews and every Jew in the world that Jerusalem belongs to. While I would love to see a huge rally in DC and Annapolis, and that may well occur, I am prepared to do it alone and let those sabateurs helping Olmert live with their crimes to stop our efforts.


Shabat Shalom, Bob Kunst, Pres. Shalominternational@mindspring.com , 305-864-5110, Coalition to Defend Jerusalem, www.defendjerusalem.com"

Check out our Protest partners carefully.  This is who Tsafrir Ronen and the Coalition for Jerusalem is aligning with  since he is scheduled to speak at their rally according to the flier.. 
Please visit http://www.shalomworldwide.org/pages.asp?pageid=51365 a web page of Shalom International which focus on it's true goals which is missionary.  Is this the same organization that Bob Kunst works for, the same Bob Kunst that is a gay activist and spearheading the fight for Jerusalem?  Are we going to rid ourselves with one abomination (the State of Palestine G-d forbid) only to be replaced by different abominations?  Mattot Arim, have you carefully checked or thought this out? 
Why aren't our Torah Leaders not leading the protests and yelling about the evils of Oslo and a State of Palestine.  When our own leaders aren't leading us in ways of Torah than we are in the danger of being led by those that don't represent Torah.   Let's unite for Torah, for a Torah State.  Look down the road.  If Jerusalem is run by Missionaries or Gay Activists  Hashem will tell us Mi Bekesh Miyedchem Lirmos Al Chatzeiroy.  Once again as before the Holocaust the Torah community sees that there are only 2 choices. The Jews that reject Torah and Nazi lovers.  Pre WWII, rather than align with Secular Zionists who were clearly anti Torah they chose to go to the Holocaust.  When will they learn that they must take a leadership role for TORAH and Hashem will come to our rescue.  We are now at the Yam Suf.  There is no place to go.  We must take the plunge and cry out to Heaven to help us.  WE WANT A TORAH STATE!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION!

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Friday, November 09, 2007

Warning Signs in Annapolis. by Mark Silverberg and my comments

Warning Signs in Annapolis

by Mark Silverberg

Israel-Arab peace is not on anyone's agenda.


How's this for an Israeli position at Annapolis:


"Tell you what, if you recognize Israel as a sovereign state in the Middle East, prove you are dismantling your terrorist infrastructures, stop sending your suicide bombers into our cities, towns and marketplaces, stop inciting hatred and spreading blood libels through your media, your mosques, your educational system and throughout your society, stop
Annapolis represents a grave threat to Israel.
brainwashing your children into believing that the fast track to virgins in Paradise requires them to become human grenades, and stop firing missiles at us, then we'll come to the table with a settlement offer that will bring both our societies peace and prosperity."


Sound reasonable? Absolutely. Is that going to happen any time soon? Not until a new breed of Arab leadership arises.


Truth is, an Israeli-Palestinian peace is not on anyone's agenda at Annapolis, and that's why Annapolis represents a grave threat to Israel. The real motive for the conference is to solidify America's anti-Shiite alliance against Iranian expansionism, shore up Arab support for a pending coalition air-strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, and secure American oil interests in the Middle East. And in this game of high-stakes political poker, despite all the rhetoric to the contrary, Israel's national security interests are of secondary importance.


In the world of realpolitik, Israel is viewed by Foggy Bottom as more of a bargaining chip than a strategic asset, so the guiding philosophy there is that all disputes and world problems can be resolved through negotiations, even if, as in this case, only one side is being asked to make any real concessions. With the US experiment in Middle East nation-building something less than a resounding success, other priorities have taken precedence.


Simply stated, if the Saudis and Syrians show up at Annapolis, pressure will be applied on Israel to make significant one-sided concessions for getting them there. For Syria, that means Israel will be forced to make concessions on the Golan Heights. For the Saudis, it means continuing a steady supply of oil in return for American protection and a continuing blind eye to the Saudi's global propagation of Wahhabism/Salafism.


The US knows that Mahmoud Abbas is a weak leader heading a corrupt, incompetent organization that has failed to comply with one single precondition laid down in the Roadmap (most notably that relating to dismantling the Palestinian terror infrastructures). And it is common knowledge that Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad lack control over Gaza, have little loyalty within or control over their own Fatah militias on the West Bank, and can never be credible interlocutors for peace. Nonetheless, further concessions will be demanded of Israel if Annapolis unfolds as Secretary Condoleezza Rice desires.


That means that Israel will be forced to release more terrorists and surrender even more vital territory to hostile neighbors in return for more empty Arab promises. Given American pressure on the Olmert government to "take risks for peace" and make "painful compromises," there is cause for genuine Israeli concern, since the current Palestinian leadership has never had any intention of preparing its people either for peace or for coexistence with Israel. One need only look at Hamas and Palestinian Authority-published textbooks showing maps of Palestine as encompassing present-day Israel, public
The Arabs will expect everything in return for conceding nothing.
statements (in Arabic), incitement in the media, and the toleration and encouragement of terrorist attacks, to understand that there is no common ground here.


As Melanie Phillips wrote recently in the Spectator: "This is not, as (the US) implies, a fight between two parties equally responsible for a terrible conflict. It is a war to exterminate the Jewish state that is being waged by Arabs and Islamists with differing strategies and agendas on the same continuum of annihilation - and with not one single credible interlocutor on their side who genuinely wants to live in peace with Israel."


For the above reasons, Israel is continually being forced to make concessions, such as providing food, power and water supplies to its enemies in Hamas-controlled Gaza, and is continually being told by Secretary Rice to treat the secular terrorists of Fatah as "partners in peace," even though that organization has not made one single effort to dismantle its terrorist infrastructures. The unfortunate truth is that Israel's "goodwill gestures," such as releasing terrorists, abandoning checkpoints, supplying services that should be provided by the PA itself, and releasing funds, are all seen as signs of weakness by Israel's enemies. Those enemies have always understood that any recognition of Israel's right to exist in the Middle East, under any circumstances, would constitute a death sentence. Anwar Sadat is the poster-child for any Arab leader who places the welfare of his own nation above the so-called "sanctity of the Muslim umma."


Thus, Annapolis could represent a profound calamity for Israel, as the Arabs will expect everything in return for conceding nothing. It is that very reason why in 2000, Yasser Arafat could not bring himself to accept a Palestinian state only on 98% of the West Bank with Arab Jerusalem as its capital, and why Israel can never offer the current leadership of the Arab world anything short of its own extinction.


Forcing further Gaza-like "goodwill gestures" on the Palestinians on the West Bank and the Golan Heights will have the same effect as throwing red meat to a hungry lion. It will only whet their appetite for more. The record of Palestinian non-compliance with the Roadmap for Peace and their failure to stop missiles from being fired into Israel's populated areas says something of true Palestinian intentions, yet there is no end to US pressure on the Israelis to bring down their West Bank checkpoints, create a corridor connecting Gaza to the West Bank, stop construction of its defensive barrier (that has proven to be successful against suicide bombers), or to stand in the way of creating another terrorist statelet on the West Bank.


So, what could possibly be the value of Mahmoud Abbas's signature on anything coming out of Annapolis, except to further America's other global interests at Israel's expense? Based on the Gaza experience, Israelis believe that they have fought, negotiated and unilaterally withdrawn for nothing - and they are not wrong in this - so Annapolis promises further pressure on Israel to make more dangerous concessions as the price to be paid
What could possibly be the value of Mahmoud Abbas's signature?
for other US global concerns.


Despite crossing so many "red lines" in the past, it is becoming increasingly apparent that Israel is being told privately by Secretary Rice to gamble once again with its national security - this time on the West Bank and on the Golan Heights. It is frightening to imagine the possibility of Israel abandoning its bedrock security interests in order to accommodate the Secretary's dangerous pursuit of final agreements on borders, settlements, Jerusalem, refugees, and limitations on Israeli forces on the West Bank, given that the Palestinians themselves have been either unwilling or unable to implement sustained, targeted and effective operations aimed at dismantling their own terrorist capabilities and infrastructure.


As Morris Amitay wrote recently: "No matter how desperately she will seek to achieve progress, Rice's initiative is doomed to fail, as the stars are simply not correctly aligned. There is just too large a gap between Israel's desire for a real peace and the Palestinians' desire for the end of Israel."


Sadly, this conflict is not even close to resolution. As a consequence, forcing further unilateral concessions from Israel would be a recipe for disaster.

My comments:

The way we quench the fires is by keeping Torah and Mitzvoth.  Fighting Wahhabism/Salafism or  
Ahmadinejad directly is as ineffective as putting out raging fires  with the
forces of Nature working against us. By proclaiming our desires to  keep the
Torah and Mitzvos the fires on their own will dissipate. That is  why we are
urging and begging our Torah Leaders to lead us in the paths of  Torah and
Mitzvoth,  Let's get out of the international arena of politics.  Our only mission as a Jew is to focus on keeping Mitzvoth.   If we truly had that desire to keep Mitzvoth in Eretz Yisroel we would simply say that only the Nation of Israel has the mandate to keep the commandments and for that we need the Land. The Land belongs to G-d.  If we lose direction of where we as a Nation is expected to go,  we will be wasting our time and energies putting out raging fires with forces of Nature working against us.  G-d sends the heaven and the earth as witnesses to whether we are keeping the Commandments (See parshat Haazinu).  What America wants or has as their agenda is not relevant to us. We have our own agenda. 




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Thursday, November 08, 2007

CAJLCC110807 MK Eldad Calls for Massive Public Pressure on Shas, Lieberman

CAJL  Conference of Authentic Jewish Leadership
CC Calling Campaign
27 Cheshvan 5768, November 8, '07
Please encourage all to make these phone calls.

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