Friday, November 09, 2007

Warning Signs in Annapolis. by Mark Silverberg and my comments

Warning Signs in Annapolis

by Mark Silverberg

Israel-Arab peace is not on anyone's agenda.


How's this for an Israeli position at Annapolis:


"Tell you what, if you recognize Israel as a sovereign state in the Middle East, prove you are dismantling your terrorist infrastructures, stop sending your suicide bombers into our cities, towns and marketplaces, stop inciting hatred and spreading blood libels through your media, your mosques, your educational system and throughout your society, stop
Annapolis represents a grave threat to Israel.
brainwashing your children into believing that the fast track to virgins in Paradise requires them to become human grenades, and stop firing missiles at us, then we'll come to the table with a settlement offer that will bring both our societies peace and prosperity."


Sound reasonable? Absolutely. Is that going to happen any time soon? Not until a new breed of Arab leadership arises.


Truth is, an Israeli-Palestinian peace is not on anyone's agenda at Annapolis, and that's why Annapolis represents a grave threat to Israel. The real motive for the conference is to solidify America's anti-Shiite alliance against Iranian expansionism, shore up Arab support for a pending coalition air-strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, and secure American oil interests in the Middle East. And in this game of high-stakes political poker, despite all the rhetoric to the contrary, Israel's national security interests are of secondary importance.


In the world of realpolitik, Israel is viewed by Foggy Bottom as more of a bargaining chip than a strategic asset, so the guiding philosophy there is that all disputes and world problems can be resolved through negotiations, even if, as in this case, only one side is being asked to make any real concessions. With the US experiment in Middle East nation-building something less than a resounding success, other priorities have taken precedence.


Simply stated, if the Saudis and Syrians show up at Annapolis, pressure will be applied on Israel to make significant one-sided concessions for getting them there. For Syria, that means Israel will be forced to make concessions on the Golan Heights. For the Saudis, it means continuing a steady supply of oil in return for American protection and a continuing blind eye to the Saudi's global propagation of Wahhabism/Salafism.


The US knows that Mahmoud Abbas is a weak leader heading a corrupt, incompetent organization that has failed to comply with one single precondition laid down in the Roadmap (most notably that relating to dismantling the Palestinian terror infrastructures). And it is common knowledge that Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad lack control over Gaza, have little loyalty within or control over their own Fatah militias on the West Bank, and can never be credible interlocutors for peace. Nonetheless, further concessions will be demanded of Israel if Annapolis unfolds as Secretary Condoleezza Rice desires.


That means that Israel will be forced to release more terrorists and surrender even more vital territory to hostile neighbors in return for more empty Arab promises. Given American pressure on the Olmert government to "take risks for peace" and make "painful compromises," there is cause for genuine Israeli concern, since the current Palestinian leadership has never had any intention of preparing its people either for peace or for coexistence with Israel. One need only look at Hamas and Palestinian Authority-published textbooks showing maps of Palestine as encompassing present-day Israel, public
The Arabs will expect everything in return for conceding nothing.
statements (in Arabic), incitement in the media, and the toleration and encouragement of terrorist attacks, to understand that there is no common ground here.


As Melanie Phillips wrote recently in the Spectator: "This is not, as (the US) implies, a fight between two parties equally responsible for a terrible conflict. It is a war to exterminate the Jewish state that is being waged by Arabs and Islamists with differing strategies and agendas on the same continuum of annihilation - and with not one single credible interlocutor on their side who genuinely wants to live in peace with Israel."


For the above reasons, Israel is continually being forced to make concessions, such as providing food, power and water supplies to its enemies in Hamas-controlled Gaza, and is continually being told by Secretary Rice to treat the secular terrorists of Fatah as "partners in peace," even though that organization has not made one single effort to dismantle its terrorist infrastructures. The unfortunate truth is that Israel's "goodwill gestures," such as releasing terrorists, abandoning checkpoints, supplying services that should be provided by the PA itself, and releasing funds, are all seen as signs of weakness by Israel's enemies. Those enemies have always understood that any recognition of Israel's right to exist in the Middle East, under any circumstances, would constitute a death sentence. Anwar Sadat is the poster-child for any Arab leader who places the welfare of his own nation above the so-called "sanctity of the Muslim umma."


Thus, Annapolis could represent a profound calamity for Israel, as the Arabs will expect everything in return for conceding nothing. It is that very reason why in 2000, Yasser Arafat could not bring himself to accept a Palestinian state only on 98% of the West Bank with Arab Jerusalem as its capital, and why Israel can never offer the current leadership of the Arab world anything short of its own extinction.


Forcing further Gaza-like "goodwill gestures" on the Palestinians on the West Bank and the Golan Heights will have the same effect as throwing red meat to a hungry lion. It will only whet their appetite for more. The record of Palestinian non-compliance with the Roadmap for Peace and their failure to stop missiles from being fired into Israel's populated areas says something of true Palestinian intentions, yet there is no end to US pressure on the Israelis to bring down their West Bank checkpoints, create a corridor connecting Gaza to the West Bank, stop construction of its defensive barrier (that has proven to be successful against suicide bombers), or to stand in the way of creating another terrorist statelet on the West Bank.


So, what could possibly be the value of Mahmoud Abbas's signature on anything coming out of Annapolis, except to further America's other global interests at Israel's expense? Based on the Gaza experience, Israelis believe that they have fought, negotiated and unilaterally withdrawn for nothing - and they are not wrong in this - so Annapolis promises further pressure on Israel to make more dangerous concessions as the price to be paid
What could possibly be the value of Mahmoud Abbas's signature?
for other US global concerns.


Despite crossing so many "red lines" in the past, it is becoming increasingly apparent that Israel is being told privately by Secretary Rice to gamble once again with its national security - this time on the West Bank and on the Golan Heights. It is frightening to imagine the possibility of Israel abandoning its bedrock security interests in order to accommodate the Secretary's dangerous pursuit of final agreements on borders, settlements, Jerusalem, refugees, and limitations on Israeli forces on the West Bank, given that the Palestinians themselves have been either unwilling or unable to implement sustained, targeted and effective operations aimed at dismantling their own terrorist capabilities and infrastructure.


As Morris Amitay wrote recently: "No matter how desperately she will seek to achieve progress, Rice's initiative is doomed to fail, as the stars are simply not correctly aligned. There is just too large a gap between Israel's desire for a real peace and the Palestinians' desire for the end of Israel."


Sadly, this conflict is not even close to resolution. As a consequence, forcing further unilateral concessions from Israel would be a recipe for disaster.

My comments:

The way we quench the fires is by keeping Torah and Mitzvoth.  Fighting Wahhabism/Salafism or  
Ahmadinejad directly is as ineffective as putting out raging fires  with the
forces of Nature working against us. By proclaiming our desires to  keep the
Torah and Mitzvos the fires on their own will dissipate. That is  why we are
urging and begging our Torah Leaders to lead us in the paths of  Torah and
Mitzvoth,  Let's get out of the international arena of politics.  Our only mission as a Jew is to focus on keeping Mitzvoth.   If we truly had that desire to keep Mitzvoth in Eretz Yisroel we would simply say that only the Nation of Israel has the mandate to keep the commandments and for that we need the Land. The Land belongs to G-d.  If we lose direction of where we as a Nation is expected to go,  we will be wasting our time and energies putting out raging fires with forces of Nature working against us.  G-d sends the heaven and the earth as witnesses to whether we are keeping the Commandments (See parshat Haazinu).  What America wants or has as their agenda is not relevant to us. We have our own agenda. 




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Thursday, November 08, 2007

CAJLCC110807 MK Eldad Calls for Massive Public Pressure on Shas, Lieberman

CAJL  Conference of Authentic Jewish Leadership
CC Calling Campaign
27 Cheshvan 5768, November 8, '07
Please encourage all to make these phone calls.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

What to do. Eretz

Let's brainstorm. 

Even, Condeleezza Rice agrees. This is a war of religions. (See Economist, this past issue early November) It has forced us to bring Torah and G-d into the picture since that is the only way we can destroy this evil forces sent by G-d to wake us up.

We need to form a Coordinating Council for Yesha and include only those that have the courage not to cave in.    I would include all the Yesha activists,  that have shown strength in the face of opposition.   I would compare the situation Yesha finds itself with the 13 Colonies in the time of the revolutionary war.  The colonists had the moral right to cede from British rule because of Taxation w/o representation.  How much more so do the citizens of Yesha.  I propose if there is a declaration of a State of Palestine, let the Jewish people, living in the Diaspora, as well as the citizens of Israel, and of course those from Judea and Samaria, express our moral right of freedom of religion, to live according to the Bible, the right to exist and to continue to  live in model communities and cities and to assert our rights not to be obliterated by aliens that have no business to settle Israel in the first place. This is clearly at the very minimum an example of taxation without representation and goes way beyond that. I am sure that those who have been living in Yesha have paid their taxes.  Now, there is no other choice for these productive law abiding citizens but to separate from the current government of the State of Israel who wish to obliterate the Yesha communities, and to destroy our deep rooted religious belief that this is our place  as directed by G-d in His Holy Torah. 
It is the obligations of each and every Jew within Israel and from the Diaspora,  to stand by our brothers and support our moral right if necessary, to fight for our G-d given Land.  Let us reject all the puppets masquerading as Rabbis, see article referenced below, who are partners with the government to establish a Palestinian State Chas VeChalila.  Even if these "Rabbinic Leaders" come out with support of Jerusalem, many including myself believe it's a ploy to give to the Palestinians the bigger catch of Yesha.  Once this is done, chas Vechalila, Jerusalem is a piece of cake.  Please read Emanuel Winston's article
I agree with Bereny that our emphasis must be Torah.  I love Manhigut and their supporters and their Torah ideals but I feel that Manhigut's hands are tied being a member of the Likud.  The yearning is there but until Manhigut actually takes over the Likud, which isn't happening in the next month,  Manhigut is unable to implement their  ideas.  In fact, Moshe Feiglin has brought strength and numbers to the Likud party who, as a majority under Netanyahu will act contrary to Manhigut's best interest.  In light of the upcoming Summit in November, why can't Manhigut cede from LIkud and with other like minded MK's and political parties join as one together and create a new party based on Torah and ideals.  Kadima managed to swing that off based on their collective objective called opportunism.  If Manhigut continues on its present track, I am afraid that Manhigut will divert the energy of the activists that is needed  to respond with appropriate strength necessary to face the  real threats facing Yesha. 
So let's talk of a legitimate and reasonable response to the proposed "Peace Plans" which translates to the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Yesha.  Rather than expelling and obliterating these thriving communities, allow them to continue to exist, separate and distinct from the secular State of Israel. Let's put on the table our counter proposal of the establishment of a Torah Authority in Judea and Samaria and assure the State of Israel that unless attacked we have no intention of attacking our brothers.  We will be a friendly neighbor.  Let us unite to create a government based on Torah and the Prophets.  True this hasn't been attempted since the times of  the Kings, but Jewish Sovereignty has not been the reality for 2000 years either.  Let this Torah model government start off on a small scale, with just those communities that the Secular State of Israel wishes to give away and effectively demolish and eventually, with the help of the One Above, this Torah authority will convince the world of it's legitimacy and actually be a role model for the entire Land of Israel and to the entire host of Nations. It will be the cornerstone of stability in the area. Does this mean Eretz Yisroel is divided? Absolutely not,  The boundaries are G-d given.  However, it is divided into 2 distinct parts. Yesha and the rest of Israel.   One part to be governed by Torah and the rest by the existing mix of Turkish, British Israeli law.
Let us establish the Torah Authority of Judea and Samaria in theory.  Let us come out in force in cyberspace.  We can expect that the Government of Israel will try to silence this expression.  But it will be difficult to silence freedom of expression, talk about the 13 colonies, the founding fathers of America and relating it to the reality of the residents of Judea and Samaria. The more people, leaders, blogs that promote the expression and the discussion the better.  We, who are in the Diaspora have greater freedom of expression than those living in Israel especially Judea and Samaria.  I would suggest using material from the Claremont Institute for the Study on Statesmanship and Political philosophy.
Actually implementing such a Torah solution requires a great deal of Siata Dishmaya, Hashgacha, determination , unity and cooperation among those that would love to establish a Torah Authority.  This Torah Authority, will use the Torah and the Sanhedrin as their government. Many bugs as they say in computer jargon, fashlas in modern day Hebrew,  will come up initially. There needs to be resilience and determination to persevere and search for what G-d truly wants and desires.  Torah Shebeal Peh based on Torah Shebichtav.   As one of  the sayings in Chabad goes Yagati velo Metsasi Al Taamin, Lo Yagati uMatsasi Al Taamin, Yagati UMatzasi Taamin.  (I toiled and didn't find an answer, don't believe (such a claim).  I didn't toil and I found an answer, don't believe (such a claim), I toiled, and found an answer, You can believe that it is true.)
This Torah entity will call upon all their brothers from all over, to join them to form a defense force against all aggression.  With the guidance and leadership of the Sanhedrin they will have the right to declare war if necesssary. 
Again, this has now turned into a War of Religions.  Let us truly be assertive to Condeleezza Rice about what our Religion and the Bible really says.  If she is a supporter and promoter of replacement theology which believes that the Jews have been replaced as the Chosen people and have no rights to the Land, let that be clear to all.  There are enough Christians that reject that theory. Israel's Chief Rabbis and the Chief Rabbi of Haifa have been invited to the White House for pre-Annapolis talks to explain the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount.

Chief Rabbis Yonah Metzger and Shlomo Amar, as well as the Chief Rabbi of Haifa and Chairman of the Chief Rabbinate Communications Committee Rabbi She'ar-Yashuv Cohen departed Saturday evening for a series of meetings to clarify to US leaders that the Temple Mount is Judaism's holiest site.

"In summation, Rabbi Cohen told Rice and the other religious leaders that he is completely opposed to any withdrawal from the Temple Mount and site of the Holy Temple.
Rice reportedly responded: "Honorable rabbi, I understand you well. I am the daughter of a priest and the granddaughter of a priest, I learned the Bible and know what is written there.""

If so, let's seriously review with Condeezza Rice what is written in the Bible and prophets 

I would quote from Sefer Bereishis all the portions that discuss the Covenant with Abraham, and then again with Yitzchok and then again with Yaakov. I would refer her to the boundaries promised to Abraham by the Bris Bein Habesarim and again promised on a smaller scale to the Nation of Israel as they entered the Land (In Parshat Masei).

Rice said, at the conclusion of the meeting, that she understood that religious matters were at the root of the disagreements ahead of the conference. "If this matter is not solved, then nothing will be solved," she said.

If Condeleezza Rice sees the Bible as being the root of the matter, let's jump on the idea.

The following was sent to me by a women, not raised Jewish, that chanced upon my blog.  She quoted  from the Prophet, Jeremiah.
Jer. 16:10 And when you announce all these things to that  people, and they
ask you, ³Why has the LORD decreed upon us all this  fearful evil? What is
the iniquity and what the sin that we have committed  against the LORD our

Jer. 16:11 say to them, ³Because your  fathers deserted Me ‹ declares the
LORD ‹ and followed other gods and  served them and worshiped them; they
deserted Me and did not keep My  Instruction.

Jer. 16:12 And you have acted worse than your fathers,  every one of you
following the willfulness of his evil heart and paying no  heed to Me.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Behar - Shemitah article. Please read.

I just found this great article on Arutz7 about Shemittah. 
Please read

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A Torah authority/ State as opposed to a Palestinian Authority/State

Let's brainstorm.  We need to form a Coordinating Council for Yesha and include only those that have the courage not to cave in.    I would include all the Yesha activists,  that have shown strength in the face of opposition.   I would compare the situation Yesha finds itself with the 13 Colonies in the time of the revolutionary war.  The colonists had the moral right to cede from British rule because of Taxation w/o representation.  How much more so do the citizens of Yesha have.  I propose if there is a declaration of a State of Palestine, let the Jewish people, living in the Diaspora, as well as the citizens of Israel, and of course those from Judea and Samaria, express our moral right of freedom of religion, to live according to the Bible and to separate ourselves from the current government of the State of Israel who wish to obliterate our communities, our homes and our Parnassa. Let us reject all the puppets masquerading as Rabbis who obviously find the fundamental commandments of the Torah irrelevant to our Times.  Let the proposed Torah Authority in Judea and Samaria assure the State of Israel that unless attacked we have no intention of attacking our brothers.  Let us unite to create a revolutionary form of government based on Torah and the Prophets.  Let it be a model government and convince the world of it's legitimacy. 
First let us establish the Torah Authority of Judea and Samaria in theory.  Let us come out in force in cyberspace.  The first thing the Government of Israel will try to do will be to silence this expression.  The more people, leaders, blogs that promote the legitimacy of such an action the better.  We, who are in the Diaspora have greater freedom of expression than those living in Israel especially Yesha.  I would suggest using material from the Claremont Institute for the Study on Statesmanship and Political philosophy. We will have won a crucial battle by simply legitimizing the creation of such a Judean Autnority in theory. 
Actually implementing such a solution requires a great deal of Siata Dishmaya, Hashgacha, determination , unity and cooperation among those that would love to establish a Torah Authority.  This Torah Authority, will use the Torah and the Sanhedrin as their government. Many bugs as they say in computer jargon, fashlas in modern day Hebrew,  will come up initially. There needs to be resilience and determination to persevere and search for what G-d truly wants and desires.  Torah Shebeal Peh based on Torah Shebichtav.   As one of  the sayings in Chabad goes Yagati velo Metsasi Al Taamin, Lo Yagati uMatsasi Al Taamin, Yagati UMatzasi Taamin.  (I toiled and didn't find an answer, don't believe (such a claim).  I didn't toil and I found an answer, don't believe (such a claim), I toiled, and found an answer, You can believe that it is true.)
This Torah entity will call upon all their brothers to join them to form a defense force against all aggression.  With the guidance and leadership of the Sanhedrin they will have the right to declare war. 
In an exclusive article in Arutz7 it was reported
Exclusive: Rabbis Invited For Pre-Annapolis Temple Mount Talks

"In summation, Rabbi Cohen told Rice and the other religious leaders that he is completely opposed to any withdrawal from the Temple Mount and site of the Holy Temple.

Rice reportedly responded: "Honorable rabbi, I understand you well. I am the daughter of a priest and the granddaughter of a priest, I learned the Bible and know what is written there.""

If so, let's seriously review with Condeezza Rice what is written in the Bible and prophets 

I would quote from Sefer Bereishis all the portions that discuss the Covenant with Abraham, and then again with Yitzchok and then again with Yaakov. 

Rice said, at the conclusion of the meeting, that she understood that religious matters were at the root of the disagreements ahead of the conference. "If this matter is not solved, then nothing will be solved," she said. Those at the meeting reported her demeanor as tense.

Even, Condeleezza Rice agrees. This is a war of religions. (See Economist, this past issue early November) It has forced us to bring Torah and G-d into the picture since that is the only way we can destroy this evil force sent by G-d.
The following was sent to me by a women, not raised Jewish, that chanced upon my blog.  She quoted  from the Prophet, Jeremiah.
Jer. 16:10 And when you announce all these things to that  people, and they
ask you, ³Why has the LORD decreed upon us all this  fearful evil? What is
the iniquity and what the sin that we have committed  against the LORD our

Jer. 16:11 say to them, ³Because your  fathers deserted Me ‹ declares the
LORD ‹ and followed other gods and  served them and worshiped them; they
deserted Me and did not keep My  Instruction.

Jer. 16:12 And you have acted worse than your fathers,  every one of you
following the willfulness of his evil heart and paying no  heed to Me.

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