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Showing posts sorted by date for query Har Habayit. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2024

ZOA’s Mort Klein JPost Op-Ed: The Dangers of a Palestinian Arab State Are Now Truer Than Ever (2022). Question...How can we now DeNazify Jihad Indoctrination?


אל המקום אשר...

See disclaimer at end of post

ZOA's Mort Klein JPost Op-Ed: The Dangers of a Palestinian Arab State Are Still True

Dear Mort Klein et al, Shlita

Tysm for your excellent Op Ed in Jpost!

David Bedein has been documenting UNRWA's schools Jihadists indoctrination throughout Israel including, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and Gaza for years. Many of the examples you cited probably came from his Center's years of research.

"Our work warns of premeditated attacks on Jews, planned in the open- from safe havens of UNRWA schools .

These are our earlier movies , shot on location at UNRWA facilities, which were not yet given sufficient credence - allowing attacks to occur on October 7, taking Israel by surprise:"

Now due to everyone's collective amazing efforts to publicize UNRWA's Jihad Hamas alliance, the Dangers of Hamas/Fatah/ISIS Jihad Education, is BH, finally sinking in.

However, even if we succeed to deweaponize and dismantle the existing Terror platforms, UNRWA schools, PA Education etc. it still leaves a void that needs to be filled immediately, otherwise a new wolf will probably emerge claiming to be Grandma.

So let me call your attention to history's successful example of deNazification which managed to transform Nazi Germany into a Democracy.


"Denazification (German: Entnazifizierung) was an Allied initiative to rid German and Austrian society, culture, press, economy, judiciary, and politics of the Nazi ideology following the Second World War. It was carried out by removing those who had been Nazi Party or SS members from positions of power and influence, by disbanding or rendering impotent the organizations associated with Nazism, and by trying prominent Nazis for war crimes in the Nuremberg trials of 1946. The program of denazification was launched after the end of the war and was solidified by the Potsdam Agreement in August 1945. The term denazification was first coined as a legal term in 1943 by the U.S. Pentagon, intended to be applied in a narrow sense with reference to the post-war German legal system. However, it later took on a broader meaning.[1]"

DeNazification like methods needs to be adapted today.

The Nation of Israel and the Jewish People, a "Mamlechet Kohanim", a Kingdom of Priests, (even by no choice of our own), we "The Chosen People", are surely the best choice to do the job! We are the Divine Choice to be a role model and teacher to the world, how to transform Jihadism indoctrination into a Moral, Civilized and G-dly society.

Let me direct you to the key, the 7 Noahide Laws. When studied and implemented with G-d's help, will surely be a game changer to bring the ultimate Victory of Good over Evil.

It will in addition also hopefully transform sick progressive leftist Western values from a G-dless society that empowers evil into a civilized society that desires Truth and Justice based on G-d's infinite wisdom and direction.

That can start to happen when we control and replace Jihad education in UNRWA schools (for starters) etc. and incorporate teachings of Torah laws, the 7 Noahide Laws, that is in fact incumbent for all of humanity. These laws are the basic moral code, and are the foundations of a civilized and a moral society which must integrate into all facets of society be it political, educational, military etc.

These teachings need to be paralleled with implementation. We must not delay in bringing to Justice (one of the 7 laws) those that masterminded and took part in the atrocities, murder, butchering and rape of October 7th and still sadly continues... Chas veSholom, Hashem Yishmor! 

(Wouldn't it be amazing if we had a Sanhedrin sitting on Temple Mount to bring Justice to these monsters!?!)

7 Noahide Laws:
Here are some comprehensive sources that teach Jew and non Jew regarding these laws.

Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith, actually gives a weekly shiur to non Jews every Sunday morning on the 7 Noahide Laws to Germans. His source is a book by Rabbi Yonasan Steif ob"m the Author of Mitzvoth Hashem. Rabbi Smith is translating this work into English.

" Rabbi Steif was rescued from death in the Holocaust in 1944...He was a major Posek, he wrote halachic responsa, works on the Talmud and two works setting forth the obligations of gentiles, one called Sefer Mitsvos Ha-Shem, "The Book of God's Commandments".A number of other works were published later, and are still being worked on today."


Who am I to say Hamas should be put on trial by a Sanhedrin on Har HaBayit? I didn't write it that way on purpose. I wrote in parentheses (wouldn't it be nice) as in tongue in cheek because the Hamas wants control of the Beit HaMikdash and it would be nice to see the opposite where their downfall will happen on the Beit HaMikdash. Poetic justice.

But still  who am I, and it is not my place!

I obviously am not Moshiach and even Dovid Hamelech was guided by the prophets and asked the Urim veTumim  to ask Hashem when he was fighting with the Plishtim. 

The best I or others like myself  can do in this point in time is to yearn for Justice and Malchut Shamayim, Malchut Beit David and Binyan Beit HaMikdash and suggest and envision how in my own small minded perception of things, how this can happen.

I recognize that I don't see the full picture so these ideas are mere brainstorming and should not be given more credibility and substance than what it is.

Therefore it should be noted that while I am not demanding (except from HKBH :) that we implement a nascent Sanhedrin putting the Hamas Terrorists on trial on Har HaBayit at this particular point in time, I admit I really like the idea :) and ask that you give it serious consideration.

אל המקום אשר...

Ref: MiGolah LeGeula: From Exile to Redemption p160 based on a Sicha by the Rebbe Shabbos Parsha Re'eh 5746) 

Chapter 2 We Want Moshiach Now. "Because they didn't demand it" (punishment was brought up on those people who didn't demand it)

My question is...So can we demand that Hashem send Moshiach to set up a Sanhedrin at the Beit HaMikdash to bring Justice to our enemies or should we just go for it since the work already has been done and maybe the time is ripe for a Sanhedrin and there won't be a backlash.  Can we go ahead and establish it on Har HaBayit before Moshiach reveals himself. Can we demand that even before Moshiach comes Hashem enables us to set up a Sanhedrin so we can bring Justice to our enemies? Is strong desire and yearning sufficient to make it happen because by doing so that's our way of demanding it from Hashem based on the fact that we deserve it after all the terrible suffering our people have gone through? 
... Also can we demand that we annex Har HaBayit and have the zchut and obligation to bring Korban Pesach this year?

Friday, November 24, 2023

Re: Jonathan Pollard and the Hamas Deal. Chanaya Weissman scathing lashing at Pollard. My comments

אל המקום אשר...
Posted on

Please watch!
Jonathan Pollard and Hamas Hostage Deal.
Pollard in my opinion is very much on target on the dangers of the hostage deal. His suggestions need to be fine tuned and clarified !

Pollard has an excuse for lashing out at the National Religious party.  Let us try to see things from his perspective. He sees grave danger in "free the hostage" narrative vs "winning the war with Hamas" narrative. He is desperately sending out danger signals and warning.

Does Pollard really want the families of hostages put into prison and silenced? No! He just doesn't want the talking points of the GOI fighting the War to express a willingness to free terrorists and terrorist fans in exchange of hostages! There are families of hostages that have stated that unequivocally. But did the GOI choose them to be the spokesperson and message?

The orchestrator of this war was freed by Netanyahu.

...When Israeli Cpl. Gilad Shalit was taken hostage in 2006, the government ended up trading more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners from its jails in exchange for his freedom in 2011. When the pale, reed-thin Shalit finally left Gaza after half a decade in captivity, one of the men let out of prison in the deal was Yahya Sinwar.

Sinwar is now the political head of Hamas in Gaza and believed to be the mastermind of the October 7 operation that killed about 1,200 people in Israel — more Jews than on any day since the Holocaust.

To recap:
Gilad Shalit free
Yahwar Sinhar free
(one of 1000)

Bitter Consequence Simchat Torah 2023:
- Over 1200 Israelis murdered,
- around 240 hostages
- over 4600 wounded this War

That's a very steep price!!!

What price will Israel pay for this current hostage deal not to mention from the other 999 release for Gilad Shalit?


Instead of throwing out the baby with the bathwater and bashing Pollard thereby weakening our greatest friend and ally, wouldn't it be more productive to simply go through the points he makes that you like and endorse them. Then go through the points you don't like and explain why, and provide alternative suggestions. He is open to your ideas and my ideas. For example provide suggestions how to not allow family members of hostages to provide and actually dominate global PR with a very dangerous narrative as Israel has done subtly and overtly! Perhaps suggest that Israel must give strong PR and voice to family members of hostages who from the get go spoke vehemently against the hostage deal and have them control the narrative from Israeli perspective. In addition publicize the message From the River to the Sea is a Gift of G-d to the Nation of Israel Actually! (A poster I saw at the Washington Rally probably printed by a xtian group).

How about emphasizing a Winning End Goal:
- Resettling Gush Katif.
- Annex Judea and Samaria
- Jewish Sovereignty over Har HaBayit
- Only Jewish Autonomy no Palestinian State
- Non Jews are welcome if they accept Jewish Sovereignty and keep 7 Noahide Laws. This will end the Tyranny over Jews and Non Jews

The Hostage Deal, that releases terrorists, albeit women, is demoralizing to Israel's army and as Jonathan Pollard has stated in the past Purity of Arms Ethics of the IDF is very dangerous for the Chayalim!

Public Relations is a War weapon and we are allowing the other side to dominate be it the call for freeing hostages at any price, or the false narrative of Settlers Violence. He is right that this government's leaders are ill equipped to fight this war. To vow never to vote for NRP is taking it a step too far but criticizing individual MK's strongly for allowing the hostage deal to happen is definitely in order. He like you weakens us collectively by bashing our allies too strongly when they make serious mistakes. We need to somehow empower those who err, to do Teshuva, to make the right choices.

We are all human and Leader's heart and subsequent actions are in G-d's hands. Lev Melachim beYad Hashem. The people must be worthy. Often the leaders have no choice because the people were not worthy enough.

Getting the people worthy while leading is a sign of true leadership.

Being perfect is not a necessary prerequisite of Leadership.

Being G-d fearing and human and willing to admit wrongdoing and mistakes with the intention to do better is a sign of true leadership and Kingship.

Hamas is winning a Psychological warfare against us...Chas VeSholom! May Hashem send Am Yisroel the right leaders to fight for Hashem and unite us. 

Let us not allow Evil forces to divide us!

Robin Ticker

Sent from Proton Mail mobile

-------- Original Message --------
On Nov 24, 2023, 5:48 AM, Chananya Weissman <> wrote:
There's a video of Jonathan Pollard going around that has a lot of people excited, because he is strongly critical of the government and talks tough against our external enemies.  These days if you tell people some of what they want to hear, they will crown you the Messiah and whitewash whatever else you say and do, no matter how wrong and downright psychotic it might be.  

It's no chiddush to be against the hostage surrender deal, so we need to set the bar a little higher than that.  Pollard still believes in Otzma (whose leader pushed the poison shots and is currently pushing VERY draconian laws in the name of "security") and voting, as if the people who really run things would ever allow someone truly for the people to gain real power that way.  The guy worked his whole life in intelligence.  He should have more awareness than this about how things really work.

Pollard also endorsed locking up families of hostages who say things he doesn't like, in the name of "national security" in a time of war.  Have we learned nothing?

Much of what he says is very disturbing.  I can't jump aboard the hype bandwagon, and wouldn't want him to ever have power, like so people are pining for.  Pollard is an excellent storyteller, but we don't need him for voting advice or a Torah perspective on how to deal with our enemies.   I like a lot of what Pollard says, but he's not the Messiah or the next great Jewish leader. Be careful what you wish for and what you support.


Settler Violence is a lie: Please Help! Dan Goldman is a Jewish anti Semitic Democrat Congressman

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Settler Violence is a lie: Please Help! Dan Goldman is a Jewish anti Semitic Democrat Congressman


אל המקום אשר...

Settler Violence is a lie. 

My friend Chanie sent me an email expressing outrage that Dan Goldman, a Congressman of Lower Manhattan is spreading lies about Settler Violence. She is asking for help.

Her letter and relevant parts of Dan Goldman's communications follow my comments back to her.

Dear Chanie,

It's not Just AntiSemitic Dan Goldman. It's symptomatic of a very dangerous broader reality of Antisemitic Democrats spreading propaganda and a false narrative of Violent Settlers!

This false narrative is sophisticated, well funded, orchestrated and coming out of Prestigious Schools of Journalism in Qatar and mainstream Media brainwashing the public globally with a false and libelous narrative.

Once accepted as fact, the false Settler violence narrative is extended to include all Jews and even the Hebrew Language has been portrayed as Violent.

Antisemitism happens when "Violent Settlers" are then lumped in this false narrative and placed together with Hebrew Speakers while Leftist Kibbutzniks  are targets for violent Jihadism with no distinction. Hitler as well didn't care what kind of Jew deserved extermination. Any Jew would do.

Dan Goldman undermines our 2nd Amendment right, the right to bear arms. He isn't only antiSemitic he is anti the American Bill of Rights. Our Founding fathers understood why the 2nd Amendment is necessary. Of course bearing arms must be done responsibly and not recklessly but disarming good people empowers evil people to take advantage. A pogrom happens when first responders do not have weapons accessible. Then innocent civilians are held hostage to tyranny.

So here is how the false narrative of Settlers Violence happens:

Again, the Narrative of Settler Violence is one that is fabricated by the enemies of Israel. It is a false and dangerous blood libel.

This narrative is fabricated in order to create moral equivalency between the reality of Arab Terror vs a false and fabricated reality of Jewish Terror.

Muslims in UNRWA schools teach Jihad in their basic education. Jihad is part of their curriculum. Schools are named after Shahid's. Children from a young age are taught "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" and they are trained to kidnap Israeli soldiers and murder Jews. They are proud to be terrorists. Their families as well! They are taught that they will get their reward in this world and in the world to come.  They use hospitals and schools and children as human shields for Hamas Command Terror operations as the world clearly sees under and next to Shifa hospital. (1)

In the Arab world there is pay to slay. There is great benefit, honor and monetary compensation for terrorism.They brag and write books about their terror activities. They post atrocities against innocent civilians gladly with sadistic pleasure on social media. They are equally cruel to fellow Muslims and kidnap, torture and demand ransom of their own civilians. Innocent civilians, women, children and elderly are useful human shields. That is why civilized Arab countries like Jordon and Egypt don't want them. Ask the King of Jordan why he hired a Pakistani brigade to kill 26,000 Palestinians in September 1970 also known as Black September.

On the other hand Jews have to be literally tortured to confess to an act of terror against innocent people, be it Jew or Arab, to crimes that they did not commit. Israel protects her civilian population be it Jew or non Jew.

In Judaism there is no admiration, only condemnation, for killing innocent people. The Torah commands us not to Kill. The only dispensation one gets in Jewish culture for killing is when killing is to save or protect lives and to defend and conquer the Land of Israel our Biblical Birthright and Heritage.

No Jewish Family is proud of their child murdering an innocent person. The opposite. The Torah forbids it and we are The People of the Book!

But there is no Commandments to be a sitting duck. The Torah commands us to preempt when someone is trying to kill us.

Again, that is in order to protect lives and to defend our Land and property.

Settlers and Hilltop youth are G-d fearing.

In August 2015, the Government of Israel and the Justice Dept literally had to detain tens of Hilltop Youth, deny them basic human and civil rights, deny them a lawyer, emotionally and physically torture them in order to extract a confession for a terror attack they did not commit. The government wasn't interested in investigating the most likely perpetrators of the arson in Duma, Arab clans who were fighting one another. 

After all wasn't Hebrew Graffiti at the scene. That and the say so of Shabak was the evidence they needed that a Jew perpetrated the crime!  So within hours with no investigation, the case was sealed in the Media and in public opinion. Violent Settlers are condemned. They are the perpetrators! 

Looking for Jewish perpetrators for the Duma arson went on for 3 months and still they couldn't find any real evidence of a Jewish perpetrator. Finally after permission to use extraordinary measures, torture basically, they succeeded in extracting confessions from Jews. 

Whom of us wouldn't confess to anything under torture?

Amiram ben Uliel, the scapegoat and minor A were severely tortured physically and emotionally to confess to an arson of an Arab family in the city of Duma.  Minor A even  tried to slash his wrists. 

Yes they confessed under torture but then retracted. There is no other incriminating evidence against them other than their own forced confession. There is plenty of evidence that clearly provides beyond a reasonable shadow of a doubt of their innocence. Conviction based purely on tortured confession alone is symptomatic of tactics used in 3rd world countries and such evidence is inadmissable in a respectable court of law. Yet the Israeli Supreme Court is heavily compromised. Judicial Reform is being fought for a legitimate reason. The Courts are corrupt, self appointing and self serving. Their modus operandi defies truth and Justice and is anything but Democratic. Strings from evil global forces are behind the Israel Supreme Court, and behind Congressman Dan Goldman as well. They are simply useful idiots to spread lies and slander against G-d and His emissaries, innocent G-d fearing Jews, especially Jewish Settlers.

Amiram Ben Uliel was convicted by a court of puppets, similar to Trump, whose conviction was predetermined.

Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant are controlled as well by this false narrative and political forces. This is why they need to step down since they do not distinguish between foe and friend. Evil political forces are pulling their strings and blinding them. This is why the Hamas massacre happened October 7, 2023 and Israel southern border Settlements were caught off guard.

Defense Minister Gallant was and continues to occupy his time serving immoral administrative detention orders against Settlers involved in self protection and being first responders to real threats facing them within a stone throw thereby disarming them. Gallant is a player that betrays Settler Communities trying to force them to be sitting ducks to the likes of Hamas waiting for the massacre to repeat itself Chas VeSholom.

Yesh Din veYesh Dayan. There is Heavenly Law and a Heavenly Judge.

The IDF, the Israel army Gallant directs, is also blood libeled with a false narrative.  Measure for measure.

They are portrayed as occupiers of a fake country called Palestine, that never existed and they are accused of war crimes. A lie, spread by the enemy, a totally false narrative for a political agenda. The same false narrative against "Violent Settlers".

Time to reclaim, reconquer and Resettle all of Gaza under Jewish Sovereignty and take control of the Arab education and narrative to teach them the 7 Noahide Laws, the Laws of Basic Universal Morality. Time to free the Gazans from Hamas Tyranny.

From the River to the Sea is a gift from G-d, to the Nation of Israel actually! It is the Promised Land Promised by G-d to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the 12 Tribes of Israel!

Judea and Samaria must be annexed to Israel as well as Temple Mount, Har HaBayit, to be under Jewish Sovereignty!

The Arabs are free to remain as residents in the Land so long as they adhere to the 7 Noahide Laws and respect Israel Sovereignty. They will be prosperous and the world will be a better and more peaceful place.

(1) Terror Tunnel Complex at Shifa Hospital

Dear Robin;

Dan Goldman is a Jewish anti Semitic Democrat Congressman in Lower Manhattan.

He was very involved in trying to impeach Trump.

I receive his weekly newsletter.
In this week's edition, he writes extensively about the need to Address Israeli Settler Violence. You can read what he wrote if you scroll down (see his newsletter below).
You can also read it on his website:
I wanted to make you aware of what this scumbag is saying and publicizing it in your blog and emails to all your contacts. Ask your contacts to call him to express their reactions at his anti Semitic lies.
His phone number: 212-822-7878
His website only lets you email him if you live in his district.

I am going to try to find out how to reach him if you don't live in his district. Kol tuv,

From: Office of Rep. Goldman <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 1:51 PM

Subject: NY-10 Weekly Update
Calling on the Biden Administration to Address Israeli Settler Violence in the West Bank

Senator Cory Booker and I joined forces in calling on the Biden Administration to not lose sight of the increasing danger posed by Israeli settler violence on the West Bank. As the Israeli government responds to legitimate threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, and others, the Biden Administration must make clear to Israel that extremist settler violence poses a direct threat to the objectives of protecting innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians, facilitating the flow of desperately needed humanitarian assistance, and the long-term goal of achieving long-lasting peace in the region.

Since October 7th, daily settler violence against Palestinian civilians has increased by over 130 percent. Settler violence in the West Bank not only poses a grave threat to an immediate peace deal, but the long-term prospect of peace and a two-state solution. The government in the West Bank and Gaza will require intense international support, reforms, and legitimacy to deliver for the Palestinian people. A two-state solution remains the only viable path to achieve a just, secure, and prosperous future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Since our letter was sent on Friday, I am grateful for President Biden's strong message on Sunday that violence against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank won't be tolerated. Violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians destroys the very seeds of trust and cooperation needed to make progress toward a two-state outcome and an enduring peace in the region.

Posted on

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Regarding: March for Israel & Against Antisemitism! Will Our Message be a G-dly Message or one of Surrender and Appeasement?


אל המקום אשר....


What will the message be at this rally? Yes it looks like there will be thousands, maybe ten thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands. Hey maybe a million!

Yasher Koach to the Organizers who are attracting massive attendance!

However!!! We must not Chas veSholom take this positive energy of the people and take it nowhere as was the case in Gush Katif in 2005.

Had the expulsion of Gush Katif never happened, we would not have Hamas ruling Gaza today.

I was in Kfar Maimon a month before the expulsion from Gush Katif in 2005. The people in droves, united, streamed towards Gush Katif to stop the expulsion.

There were major efforts to stop the flow of people. Bus drivers were threatened to lose their jobs if they drove the bus. Busses were turned back from all over the country, yet hundreds of thousands showed up anyway!

The plan was for everyone to march into Gaza. No way the government can expel hundreds of thousands of people! Right? Wrong :(

What happened? Our enemies were in cahoots with the leaders the people trusted.

The energies of the people were then diverted to go nowhere. The organizers of the opposition to the expulsion were actually partners with those planning the expulsion!

They basically robbed the people of their good intentions and took all that positive energy and led it nowhere.

The entries and exits of Kfar Maimon were controlled by the army.

The masses assembled within Kfar Maimon on their way to Gush Katif and Kfar Maimon were enclosed within a fence. After a day or so of waiting, the people finally were given marching orders to march. We started marching in an orderly fashion a few times around Kfar Maimon. Then the crowd was told to go home via the parking lot since there was no way to actually leave Kfar Maimon except via a narrow exit and apparently there was no way to get into Gush Katif.

The Gush Katif expulsion happened soon thereafter with minimum opposition, with amazing efficiency and precision all around Tisha Baav time 2005 by the IDF. It was a national trauma to those who were expelled and for those who carried out the expulsion!

I have been blogging about the Conference of Presidents since 2007.

Malcolm Hoenlein the Executive Vice Chairman of the Council of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations betrayed Jonathan Pollard. He helped broker for a 2 State Solution and for Bush's Roadmap Plan. He said Oslo was irreversible and pushed Annapolis peace deal. He disinvited Sarah Palin, Israel's greatest supporter, when Hillary Clinton backed out. He advocated for territorial concessions.

Here are 8 posts since 2007-2013 on my blog Shemittah Rediscovered documenting and warning others of his misguided and compromised leadership. We see today with the Hamas stronghold over Gaza, the terrible consequences of such misguided leadership.

Will we allow him and others with the same failed policies to be our voice?

Once Trump got into power the influence of the Conference of Presidency on the White House dwindled. Ambassador David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner replaced Malcolm Hoenlein.

They too used a misguided approach pressuring Israel for concessions of territory in the Euphoric UAE Deal which also pushed for 2 State Solution in return for diplomatic relations and prosperous economic deals between UAE and Israel. But then a Pandemic broke out and Trump didn't get into the White House in spite of his popularity. Probably a stolen election.

Happenstance? G-d Makes Promises and Keeps His Promises. G-d owns the Land. It is G-d's Property. It does not belong to Netanyahu nor to Trump nor Jared Kushner nor anyone to give away, to whomever they so desire, even with the best of intentions.

Now under the Democrats, under Biden and Obama's influence, the Conference of Presidents are once again taking a leadership role among Major Jewish Organizations.

Time to shout over their message and create a new narrative.

Time to distribute orange ribbons to all the protesters with the battle cry From the River to the Sea, Eretz Yisroel Will be Free from Tyranny!!!

Reconquer and Resettle Gush Katif.

We need a Battle Cry for Jewish Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, Har Habayit and the entire Gaza Strip.

Unfortunately PM Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant do not seem to have what it takes to fight this evil. This war was brought about under their watch and with coordination with Shabak and foreign pressures that dangerously compromised and negotiated away Israel's security and persecuted proud Jewish Settlers who dared to Settle and defend their right to Settle our Biblical Heartland.

It is G-d's Promised Land for the Nation of Israel. Any pressure on Israel for territorial concessions has brought catastrophe. This is documented the latest example is October 7, 2023 Hamas Genocide coinciding with Saudi Peace Plan.

Other examples can be found here:

This is a War for G-d. We need G-d on our side. We must fight and yearn for G-d's Agenda which is Malchut Shamayim. This means Educating the world of the 7 Noahide Laws for non Jews. Jews need to keep the Commandments of the Torah and keep the Commandments in the Land of Israel. Only this brings Peace and Blessing within Israel and for humanity.

We must yearn for a world filled with Kindness and Truth, Righteousness and Justice.

We want a G-dly World. Non Jews must observe the Noahide Laws or leave Israel. Arab villages should no longer have autonomy and be in charge of their Jihad education.

No more Judenrein territory within Biblical delineated boundaries of Eretz Yisroel!

That must end.

It is a revolution to dare to dream that our Prayers of thousands of generations can actually be actualized!

Torah Sovereignty hasn't been practiced for thousands of years since King David and King Solomon. Yet it is not in the Heavens, it is in our mouths and hearts to do it!

We need only to will because if we will it it is not a dream!

Devarim (Deuteronomy) - Chapter 30
יא כִּ֚י הַמִּצְוָ֣ה הַזֹּ֔את אֲשֶׁ֛ר אָֽנֹכִ֥י מְצַוְּךָ֖ הַיּ֑וֹם לֹֽא־נִפְלֵ֥את הִוא֙ מִמְּךָ֔ וְלֹֽא־רְחֹקָ֖ה הִֽוא:
11For this commandment which I command you this day, is not concealed from you, nor is it far away.

יב לֹ֥א בַשָּׁמַ֖יִם הִ֑וא לֵאמֹ֗ר מִ֣י יַֽעֲלֶה־לָּ֤נוּ הַשָּׁמַ֨יְמָה֙ וְיִקָּחֶ֣הָ לָּ֔נוּ וְיַשְׁמִעֵ֥נוּ אֹתָ֖הּ וְנַֽעֲשֶֽׂנָּה:
12It is not in heaven, that you should say, "Who will go up to heaven for us and fetch it for us, to tell [it] to us, so that we can fulfill it?"

יג וְלֹֽא־מֵעֵ֥בֶר לַיָּ֖ם הִ֑וא לֵאמֹ֗ר מִ֣י יַֽעֲבָר־לָ֜נוּ אֶל־עֵ֤בֶר הַיָּם֙ וְיִקָּחֶ֣הָ לָּ֔נוּ וְיַשְׁמִעֵ֥נוּ אֹתָ֖הּ וְנַֽעֲשֶֽׂנָּה:
13Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, "Who will cross to the other side of the sea for us and fetch it for us, to tell [it] to us, so that we can fulfill it?"

יד כִּֽי־קָר֥וֹב אֵלֶ֛יךָ הַדָּבָ֖ר מְאֹ֑ד בְּפִ֥יךָ וּבִלְבָֽבְךָ֖ לַֽעֲשׂתֽוֹ
14Rather, [this] thing is very close to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can fulfill it.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Rabbi YY Jacobson וְאַתֶּ֥ם עֵדַ֛י נְאֻם־יְהֹוָ֖ה וַֽאֲנִי־אֵֽל: Parshat Mishpatim. My comments

אל המקום אשר...

Lichvod Rabbi Jacobson Shlita

I was very inspired by your video that was posted on one of my whatsapp chats  on Parshat Mishpatim and especially your point that Hashem needs us, Am Yisroel, to testify for Him.

Rabbi Jacobson: Parsha Mishpatim - Being a false witness is unique to any other sin, Part 2 of 3*

Isaiah 43:12

וְאַתֶּ֥ם עֵדַ֛י נְאֻם־יְהֹוָ֖ה וַֽאֲנִי־אֵֽל:

My thoughts:

If the Nation of israel is required to be G-d's witness, it follows that its leaders and by extension, the Nation, needs to publicly testify that The Land of Israel belongs to G-d and that Hashem Alone, designates and has Chosen and entered into a Covenant with Israel exclusively.  Israel has the sole rights of ownership of the Land if israel and has been Chosen to be the  caretaker of the Land of Israel, keeping it's commandments, whose boundaries are delineated in the Torah. 

Who if not us must testify and bear witness that Har HaBayit, Judea and Samaria does not belong to the Government of the State of Israel, aka GOI, nor to PM Netanyahu nor Bennett nor to former President Trump and/or his Orthodox Jewish advisors. No one, can give away something they do not own. Any attempt to do so is null and void. A Palestinian State therefore is not on the negotiating table and can never be an option. This is consistent with the MGH Resolution at Marienbad in 1937.

Another example:

Amiram ben Uliel's forced confession for the Duma arson  is Halachically null and void since according to Halacha one can not testify against oneself and there was no other witness to implicate him. 

Will a fair trial and investigation of the entire Duma affair implicate higher up's who sanctioned torture to hilltop youth under the false premise that they are terrorist ticking time bombs?

A third example:

We need to insist that Ahuvia Sandek's murder be investigated. The Tik, the investigation, can not be closed unless the evidence and testimony, the full picture, of what really  happened that night, to a young Hilltop Youth allowed to bleed to death after a police chase comes to light.  

Will such an investigation implicate  higher up's as well? Why the cover up? How can  similar situations be prevented in the future? 

אל תעמד על דם רעיך

All three scenarios are really stemming from the same root mainly that the Land of Israel belongs to G-d. We testify this by keeping the Laws of Shemittah.  Our rights to the Land of Israel is dependent on the Nation of Israels willingness to be a Jewish State and observe Hashems commandments on the Land. 

It is very plausible that Duma arson and Ahuvia Sandak's  murder were politically motivated and a politically necessity by an evil regime.  

Hilltop youth need to be demonized and blood libeled and are simply pawns used by political forces to justify the position that Israel is simply a State for Jews no different than any State. If Jewish Terrorism exists, nurtured by the Settlement  movement then destroying Jewish Settlement is then justified and giving  away land in the heartland of Eretz Yisroel to non Jewish Authority for political payback  is therefore an option and permissable.  

The root of the matter is a refusal to acknowledge that Israel is a Jewish State bound by G-d's laws our H-ly Torah.  

Towards this end, the Hilltop Youth and all Torah observers and believers who stand for Jewish Sovereignty and Torah Sovereignty in Eretz Yisroel,  and those who proclaim Hashem as King, need to be discredited by anti G-d forces. That is the root of the matter at the Kotel as well.  The fringe Reform and Conservative Jewish movements are legitimized as authentic groups in spite of their rejection of thousands of years of determining Jewish law,  and specifically  in redefining  Who is a Jew thereby creating disunity and conflict.

It's a package deal. Hilltop Youth need us to testify on their behalf...on Hashem's behalf on the Settlers behalf and on the Torah's behalf .

Our Torah can not be mere lip service and nice Shiurim without Halacha leMaaseh. 

Up in Shamayim isn't one who could have testified and didn't Chayav bidei Shamayim?


If Agudah can issue a petition and proclamation about the Kosel, surely they can also proclaim that any political agreement granting rights of Sovereignty for Palestinians is null and void.  The life sentences of Amiram ben Uliel and the recent decision to close the investigation against the police responsible for the murder of Ahuvia Sandek is a travesty of Justice.

The recent struggle to respect the status quo and keep the Kotel under the Jurisdiction of traditional religious authority  would then be hopefully resolved  because what is happening at the Kotel is a mere symptom of our collective failure to testify on G-ds behalf.

When we as a Nation are truthful Aidim for Hashem,  BEH the people will respect the rulings of the Rabbinic Leadership as being authentic and Emes. 

Not to speak is to speak.

Hashem is waiting and needs our testimony.

Bracha VeHatzlacha


אל המקום אשר....

TORAH GIANT Rabbi Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal ADMITS HE WAS WRONG! The author of the book, "Eim HaBanim Semeichah,"V

ציון במשפט תפדה ושביה בצדקה

Avraham Sandak Father of Ahuvia Sandak ob"m hy"d speak at Press Conference.j

Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Watch "תיק דומא: אוקראיני שנאשם ברצח 900,000 יהודים קיבל יחס מועדף ביחס לעמירם | עו"ד שפטל מתארח אצלנו" on YouTube Duma file: Ukrainian accused of murdering 900,000 Jews received preferential treatment over Amiram ben Uliel Adv. Sheftel is hosted by Honenu

Friday, November 06, 2020

Fw: 2020 Election Results Michael Rothschild video and Comments

Sent from ProtonMail mobile

-------- Original Message --------
On Nov 4, 2020, 11:58 PM, <> wrote:

Re: 2020 Election Results:
Michael Rothschild 2 minute motivational video

Points of this Video!
- The winner is Klal Yisroel
- Hashem decided who will be the next President. He alone calls the shots.
- The only factor is what is good for Hashem's precious children כלל ישראל
- If Hashem makes it hard for us, it builds our connection with Hashem
- Therefore there is no reason to have anxiety.


Rabbi Rothschild SHLITA

I don't believe we have won. Yes we could still win but we need to be deserving.

We agree on some of the first 3 points.

Hashem calls the shots. The assumption here is that Am Yisroel are not players, merely spectators.

To actualize the ultimate mission of Am Yisroel of being Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh, Hashem wants us to be more than spectators and to be proactive to bring G-dliness into the world. He will make it hard for us until we are connected to Him and understand our role of being a Mamlechet Cohanim veGoy Kadosh.

But we can avoid the hardship stage if we get that we Jews can no longer have a Galus mentality and be passive and allow the players to play according to their own rules and make G-dliness irrelevant..

The Democrat Party for example openly rejects the 7 Noahide laws.

How are they even a player? If Biden wins it is because we failed to raise awareness that their platform rejects the 7 Noahide laws and in Tri State NY, where the largest concentration of Torah Jews exist, the Democrats won overwhelmingly.

So did Jews win?

Do we really want Hashem to make it hard for us as He did in Mitzrayim for our own good?

Jews are key players in this global world called life. Our job is to educate the world regarding the 7 Noahide Laws, laws of Universal Morality.

The Torah spells out the Abrahamic Covenant which is not consistent with the Deal of the Century, the vision of the Trump team etc. We need to educate the world as per G-d's vision which requires that Jews settle G-d's Land whose boundaries are clearly delineated to include Judea, Samaria and Har HaBayit and to live as Jews, keeping Torah and Mitzvoth. This is turn will bring great peace, security and prosperity as per Hashem's Promise. Promises Made, Promises Kept!

Open Letter to the Trump Team re: UAE Deal. How Does G-d's Vision Reconcile With A Palestinian State??? Would The Trump Team Like Sharing The White House with the Democrats?

Sent from ProtonMail mobile

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Re: Yeshivas and Seminaries Leaving Israel because of Caronavirus. Letter to a Seminary Director.


Dear Rabbi K , Shlita

Thank you for the deep concern and care of the girls of B.... I understand why it's undesirable for the girls to stay in Israel if they were to be quarantined given the current regulations and guidelines to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Thank you for really trying your hardest for this not to happen but I understand that after Netanyahu's recent speech on Motzei Shabbos, the Hanhala felt there was no good option other than advising students to return to Chutz leAretz..

I can't help but feel that something is off and risking quarantine in Israel is the lesser of two evils.
Our daughter made the decision to come back to the States after serious introspection  and advice from her teachers and advisers and we respect and we greatly look forward to seeing her.  It doesn't lessen the deep pain and heavy heart of seeing a collective Chillul Hashem in the making with a mass Exodus before Pesach from Eretz Yisroel to Chutz leAretz that didn't have to happen. This decision is not the first choice for many of the girls and their parents nor the first choice of the schools and the administration..
על אלה אני בוכיה

I can't help but think that had there been a strong collective  yearning for Malchus Shamayim, Malchus Beit Dovid and Binyan Beis HaMikdash this decision would have been different. The Yeshivoth and Seminaries,  would have stayed open and students would have the desireable option to remain in EY for Pesach in spite of Carona.  The girls would have finished their year in Eretz Yisroel as planned. 

I'm afraid collectively we will pay a very heavy price for the large unnecessary panic and exodus from EY.

Practically the girls are now more at risk with their travels, in the airport, on the planes, waiting on long crowded lines waiting to enter the country of their destination than they are in Israel. 

Let us examine a decision leading up to recent political Israeli Elections and tie it to the discussion at hand.

Netanyahu rejected prayer on Har HaBayit as per the precondition of Otzma Yehudit dropping out of the elections last minute.

Netanyahus course of action against these tangible threats is dictated by fear...fear of the virus and fear of our enemies.  His solution depends on human brains, might and logic,  rather than faith in Hashem.

".. Netanyahu revealed that the Temple Mount condition was indeed the deal-breaker that led him to reject Ben Gvir's offer.
"But he had one condition that I permit Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. This may sound logical to you, but I know that this would have ignited the Middle East and brought down the anger of one billion Muslims on us. And there are things I am not willing to do in order to win the elections. I will continue to protect Israel. Our rivals have no boundaries."

Let's go back to the past...

In November 2015

Woodcliff Lake, NJ - Agudah Convention: Novominsker Rebbe Slams Those Who Go To Har Habayis

The Novominsker, who is the head of the Agudah's Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, advised anyone to is seeking to become closer to the shechina to do so in their own shuls, instead of going to Har Habayis.

"Novominsker Rebbe, R' Yaakov Perlow spoke out strongly against those who go to Har Habayis, saying that they are directly responsible for bloodshed in Israel.
Referring to those people as "misguided individuals," the Novominsker said that going up onto Har Habayis is "a clear violation of the psak of Halacha and gedolei hador." Rabbi Perlow also said that these actions incite the Arabs to engage in acts of violence....
The Novominsker, who is the head of the Agudah's Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, advised anyone who is seeking to become closer to the shechina to do so in their own shuls, instead of going to Har Habayis."
The massacre in Har Not followed Rav Perlow's address at the Agudah Convention.
Other examples of discouraging Jewish prayer on Har HaBayit
Israeli chief rabbi tells Jews to stay away from Temple Mount
November 7, 2014. Yitzhak Yosef, Israel's chief Sephardic rabbi, made the call during the funeral Friday of Shalom Ba'adani, 17 who died that morning in hospital from wounds he sustained on Wednesday when a Palestinian terrorist hit him and 12 others with his car.This is the place to call on the esteemed public to stop this incitement, from here a call is heard, forbidding any Jews from going up to the Temple Mount. From here a call is heard to stop this so that the blood of the People of Israel may stop being spilled," Yosef said.
Members of the Jewish Home party criticized Yosef for calling to Jews to stay away from the Temple Mount and disputed his assertion that it led to bloodshed.
Naftali Bennett, the party's leader and Israel's economy minister, wrote on Facebook: "Honorable Chief Rabbi, Jewish blood was spilled because Arabs murdered them."
Orit Struck, a lawmaker for the party, called the rabbi's remarks "unfortunate," The Jerusalem Post reported. "I protest the blaming of Jews for the incitement and murder committed by Arab terrorists," she said.

Netanyahu came out against any change of status quo of Temple Mount

Netanyahu: No change in Temple Mount status quo
Statement comes after Jordan warns peace treaty could be in danger if new policy emerges regarding Jewish prayers at holy site
BY JTA October 28, 2014,

'Netanyahu to meet Jordan king again for Temple Mount talks'
Jordanian MP says PM expected in Amman for 2nd meeting in days to cement agreement on deescalating situation in Jerusalem

If the blood of Jews was spilled because of Jews going up to Temple Mount wouldn't it have been Yehuda Glick who was murdered and not the Kedoshim of Har Nof?


Is it surprising we are now facing a scary prospect of a majority government coalition partnered with Arab parties. 

It's still Adar but it feels like Tisha baAv. 

VeNahafoch Hu.

Please Hashem...We can turn the situation around!

Here are suggestions.

Jews in the Diaspora and in Eretz Yisroel must do real Teshuva

Real yearning for Malchus Hashem, Malchus Beis Dovid and the Binyan Beis HaMikdash!!!!

Eretz Yisroel is now at serious risk of a government partnered with Sonei Yisroel, Enemies who hate Israel. We need to start praying hard NOW. 

In addition,

The Slander and prosecution against the Hilltop Youth, Settlers and the followers of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane Hy"d and the Duma suspects must STOP! it is all based on Sheker and a blood libel. They are not "Jewish Terrorists" chas VeSholom but are the salt of the earth and are Ohavei Eretz Yisroel, Ohavei Am Yisroel and Ohavei Torat Yisroel, lovers of the Land of Israel, lovers of the people of Israel and lovers of the Torah!

Hishiva Shofteinu keVaRishona...Return our Judges as of Old!! 

Recently, Jewish Settlers were attacked by Arab terrorists, and were treated by Police as the guilty perpetrators!!! They are under house arrest for  trying to defend their own lives from Arabs who tried twice to back into them.

In a different example a 14 year old boy was serious injured by a stone in the head, under medical coma, his brother reprimanded when asked to testify to the attack...their crime?  dancing by their car on Purim on Route 60.

Our rights to Judea and Samaria and Har HaBayit are non negotiable and the Trump Deal of the Century is misleading. 

Marginalizing Otzma Yehudit, the key to a right wing majority was the downfall of Netanyahu and his coalition. Otzma Yehudit represents a G-dly vision of a Jewish Israel.  Netanyahus Coalition partners back-stabbed, betrayed and rejected Otzma Yehudit and truthfully  really didn't want G-d's Covenant  in the picture.. in spite of the nice campaign promises of building in Judea and Samaria.

Time to admit wrongdoing. Time to make amends!!!

Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto highly advises reading Sefer Devarim as often as we can, in it's entirety in order to build up the necessary Emunah muscles required to rely on Hashem for our Protection. 

May we be Zocheh for Hashem's Salvation! 

And may it be the Will of Hashem for these beautiful Seminary and Yeshiva students to still get at a minimum, the full experience of their year in Eretz haKodesh.  May we all be Zocheh, worthy,  to see the answer to our prayers in Yerushalayim very soon with the coming of Moshiach, with Hashem's Malchus, Kingship, revealed to the World and the building of the Beis haMikdash Bimheira BeYameinu, speedily in our day, Amein!!!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The “Deal of the Century”: Rav Kook, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, ZOA, Tamar Adelstein, Nadia Matar Yehudit Katzover Sovereignty, Rabbi Dov Fischer, Helen Freedman AFSI, Anita Tucker, David HaIvri, Arlene Kushner, David Bedein, Robert Spencer, Caroline Glick, Martin Sherman, Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith, The Jewish Heritage Project, Sara Lehmann interviews Jason Greenblatt, Shemittah Rediscovered etc....


What Does the Torah Say About the "Deal of the Century"?HaRav Avraham Yitzchok HaKohe Kook.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Rebbe on talks of concessions to Rav Gershon Salamon from the "Temple Mount Faithful", Nemanei Har HaBayit. 

Rav Salamon:  "I want to ask you, Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir is about to have talks with the Arabs about Eretz Yisroel. It is important that the Rebbe tells the gov't and all Jews that it is forbidden to talk to the Arabs about Eretz Yisroel and to give territories of Eretz Yisroel to the enemies."

The Rebbe: " They promised me, and surely they will keep their promise  that of all the talks there will not be any concessions of territories. The talks are only so that the public shouldn't say that Eretz Yisroel is not interested in peace.. It doesn't mean they are right. But this is a criticism that is hard to counter especially among Jews. "

The Rebbe also says "Think good and it will be good:" 

When the then Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir's office called the Rebbes office for a Bracha when they knew of a global attack plan of the Arabs, the Rebbe advised his Chassidim to study more Torah, give more charity, equivalent to 3 meals and say 3 more verses in Tehilim especially the last Tehilim 150 which says כֹּל הַנְּשָׁמָה תְּהַלֵּל יהּ הַלֲלוּ־יָהּ: (תהלים פרק קנ

What the Lubavitcher Rebbe said.
"Any sign of willingness to even speak about relinquishing land to our enemies is sure to encourage terrorism in Israel and abroad."

Chabad declares two state solution null and void
4,325 emissaries applaud as head shaliach to Tel Aviv urges declaring all of Israel belongs to the Jews, blames 2-state solution for terror.
Arutz Sheva Staff, 12/11/15


ZOA Praises Certain Aspects of President Trump’s Plan to End the Arab-Islamic War Against Israel

ZOA Urges Israel To Exercise its Lawful Sovereignty Over Jewish Communities in Judea/Samaria, Jordan Valley Immediately!

Tamar Adelstein OP ED Press Release 
Uniting Jewish Women around the World Under The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 
Directives for True Peace

Fwd: Sovereignty Movement: Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover: One does not make deals about one's homeland

Caroline Glick: The Oslo Blood Libel is Over. 
Fascinating insider analysis.

Rabbi Dov Fischer
What happens after the Palestinians reject the peace plan?

The Trump Plan: The Good, the Bad, the Unknown and the Untenable by Martin Sherman February 4, 2020

Why the Palestinians Rejected Trump’s Peace Plan
The one aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that no one wants to talk about.
Thu Jan 30, 2020 Robert Spencer

Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith of Itamar. This is a brilliant Rabbinic analysis of when deception is permitted as a tactic in warfare, connected to the Parsha and how it relates the the Deal of the Century. A must view!

The Peace Plan is a Non-Starter
by Helen Freedman

Anita Tucker on FB
Nothing has changed.
Our Arab enemies reactions are based on their cultural values . They see every willingness on our part to compromise, to give up any part of our G-d given land as a huge weakness on our part . On weak people they trample .
That is their Arab culture.
If one is strong and show your strength you are worthy of respect . If one is weak you are worthy to be trampled upon.
The examples are endless in both directions.
In short in accepting Trump's plan, as good as it may be in some of our eyes, we should expect extreme terror and violence on part of our Arab neighbors as our willingness to give up our land is seen as weakness and therefore in their eyes we are to be trampled on .
We only progress to agreements with Arabs when we show extreme strength and are then greatly respected . Check this out in your history books .
I lived with my Arab neighbors closely for thirty years in Gush Katif in Gaza .....this was their culture on every level of relationships, towards us as well as towards each other, as well as within their family relationships .
Simple to understand.
Our accepting President Trumps plan and giving up our land is weakness in their eyes and so we are to be trampled upon.
Different cultural values and rules here!!

OPINION I've been an Israeli settler for 30 years. Trump’s peace plan puts our communities in danger

Fwd: Oi! A Bummer!! By Arlene Kushner on the "Deal of the Century"

David Bedein
The Deal of the Century- Empowerment of the Palestine Liberation Organization

Interview with Jason Greenblatt on the Deal of the Century by Sara Lehmann HaModia Feb. 5, 2020

The "Peace Deal of the Century" is Null and Void and Can Never Have Validity. שמיטה, שבת הארץ Shemittah is the Only Valid Peace Plan.

December 29, 2008

"...The Philistines had captured the Holy Ark and destroyed the Tabernacle at Shiloh. But the presence of the Ark in the Philistine cities brought plagues upon them.  Recognizing the hand of G-d in their suffering, the Philistines returned the Ark with a gift of tribute to G-d.  'The same will happen in future times when Israel's oppressors will recognize G-ds majesty."

V'Hareinu והראינו Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz almost 1.5 million views

Deal of the century revealed The Jewish Heritage Project Ezra Ridley

15 Biblical Towns to be Placed Under Siege if Trump's Peace Plan Succeeds

RZA Mizrachi Religious Zionist of America

The Deal of the Century: Cautious pessimism. Rabbi Pruzansky

In answer to RZA and Rabbi Pruzansky. See above links and read the comments below....

My additional comments to those praising the deal.


Rabbi Pruzansky,

I know that the individuals behind the Deal of the Century love Israel and the Jewish People. Their intention is to help Israel and not Chas VeChallilah the opposite.

But the following concerns are very real:

Before the Deal of the Century, in the last few weeks, they were expelling Jews on hilltops with no real explanation. Check out Nerya Zarog. Why were they doing this? They also recently arrested Jewish Settler teenagers for "Arab property damage" and denied them a lawyer using immoral administrative detention justification for denying them rights.

Naftali Bennett for all his laudable statements about the Golden opportunity to now annex Settlement in Judea and Samaria has slandered the hilltop youth in an Op Ed in the NY times in July 2015 Immediately following Duma arson. He along with the Prime Minister, President, Defense Minister, Bagatz, Shabak, MKs, Yesha Leaders and many Rabbonim are part of the problem spreading slander that there is a radical right religious Jewish Terrorism element.

These 15 communities, places like Yitzhar etc. have been the targets of malicious slander. It is almost a "given" with even respected pro Israel spokespeople,  that there exists  "extremist radical religious Jewish Terrorists" yet it has NEVER been proven with fact or evidence.  These communities will now be engulfed in the "State of Palestine ". Will they be annexed and protected?  Will the "Palestinian State tolerate a strong IDF presence which will be necessary to defend these 15 communities, or will these communities be forced to wing it and defend themselves. Will they then be accused of terror activity against their attackers when they exercise their basic human right to defend themselves?

They were promised that they will not be forced to move as part of the Deal of the Century Land Swap as they were from Gaza in the 2005 "Disengagement" (very traumatic) but will they need to move because their lives will be in constant danger surrounded by the enemy if they choose to stay? Will these 15 Communities be given the permission to have their own militia if they do choose to stay?  See David Ha'Ivri's article above.

Why we have reason to be worried about these 3% of Jews.

Let's first see how many Jews live in Judea and Samaria

463,901 Jews living in Judea and Samaria

3% of 463,901 is almost 14,000 and a half times the number of people living in Gush Katif who suffered major trauma before during and after the expulsion.

3% of Arabs who find themselves under Israel's Sovereignty will probably rejoice.

The Real Reason Arabs in Israel Do Not Want to Live in 'Palestine'
by Khaled Abu Toameh
February 4, 2020

Another article that supports the reality that Arab population know they are best off under Israel.

Responding to the deal’s suggestion that Arab communities be transferred to a PA state, Israeli Arabs reject the opportunity, saying they prefer to live in Israel.
" Indeed the situation is explained in the following video [see link], published a year ago, featuring Ramadab Dabash Muktarm a resident of the Arab neighborhood of Sur Baher in eastern Jerusalem, who said in an Al Jazeera interview that 90 percent of residents have no faith in the PA and that “we identify more with the Israeli side.”
“We want to stay with the blue [Israeli] ID card, living in east Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty,” he affirms."
So what will happen to the 3% of Jews living in the State of Palestine? What is their fate?

Recent clashes between Settler youth and security forces are very worrisome in the sense that they are pointless unless there is a political agenda behind it.

Will we deligitimize the Settler's first?! Chas Vechalila!!!
Divide and Conquer keeps Alive the notion of Jewish Terrorism 
We can prevent this from happening
Itamar Ben Gvir's Betrayal.... Turning it Around by Educating and Legitimizing Rabbi Kahane Ob"m and His Teachings Based on Torah Truth

There is also the current reality,  which BEH is changing for the better,  that the left leaning Israel Supreme Court is biased against Jewish Settlers. The Arabs have well paid lawyers Funded by EU that fights to stop demolitions of Arab homes. BeTzelem, Adalah etc. are helping Israel's enemies to defend terrorists and stop demolitions of homes of Arab  Terrorists.  Jews homes are demolished merely for existing in Judea and Samaria and for no other legitimate reason.  

So what can we offer the 3% of Jews that don't fall within the Israel section of the map in the Deal of the Century?

Perhaps there is an alternative to Land swaps for these 15 beautiful Communities who will not be annexed by Israel and will not benefit from being protected under Israeli Law as their brothers and sisters in the Settlement blocs who do fall under Israel's portion of the map. 

They too are loyal Israeli citizens, they are the salt of the earth, they pay taxes and their children are combat soldiers in the IDF.  They want to stay in their beautiful homes.  These homes are magnificent on so many levels, many built with their own hands, with Love,  Blood,  Sweat and Tears. Their view is breathtaking.  These Settlers love the Land with the entire heart and soul!

Thinking out of the box. This was written in response to the Gush Katif expulsion fiasco years ago but perhaps the time is now ripe.

Brainstorming: Prototype Yesha Autonomy based on Hebraic Law in Judea and Samaria; The answer to those 3%!