אֶל־הַמָּק֖וֹם אֲשֶׁר
Updated June 20th, 2021
Bh it seems like Aliya is picking up.
According to this article it seems like there was an almost 300% increase in applications to make Aliya from 2020 over 2019 and a 95% increase of people actually making Aliya in 2021. Beezrat Hashem may the actual numbers of those making Aliya reflect the increase in applications and may the Government of Israel and the Jewish Agency and Nefesh b'Nefesh do everything in their power to expedite the Aliya process and not in anyway make it more complicated than it needs to be.
Lichvod Rabbanim uKahal haKadosh
Please circulate!
In light of the very obvious deterioration of the moral fabric of our society today, we can no longer remain passive.
The situation is getting worse and will only continue in this trajectory unless we the Nation of Israel, the Light unto the Nations are proactive.
It is seeping into every fiber of society and no one is protected.
May Hashem give us the fortitude and courage to do what is right in Hashem's eyes and may our efforts be successful and received in the right spirit for the betterment of Am Yisroel, society and mankind.
How can we as a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh bring G-dliness into today's world?
The immorality of our times is reminiscent of the generation of Noach and the lawlessness, of the society of Sodom and Gemorah.
Can we ignore it and hope that it will get better on its own with the hope we can insulate ourselves?
Shouldn't we be worried that G-dless values has seeped into our world and will seep into eveyone's lives as it did then...
Here are some very current examples that are raising red flags. How can we be in denial?
Our naive Yeshiva kids registered in Kingsborough Community College will soon be indoctrinated with classes on racial equity.
NY City, State and Federal Employees are forced to take mandated SLMS Gender Identity Training.
"Shemittah Rediscovered: Fyi Fwd: Fw: Implicit Bias Training - Encore Session. Adult Education for State Employees."
What books and programs for 2 year olds up are now being offered in the local public libraries?
What curriculum and textbooks will our Yeshivas be forced to teach?
A void of G-dliness is being filled with G-dlessness.
This reminds us that Galus is not our final destination...
Let's brainstorm.
Here are some practical suggestions for your consideration.
Against immorality and lawlessness:
Shouldn't we protest a political party whose agenda is G-dless and lawless and rather than encourage our community to register for this G-dless party that protects criminals with its laws, and empower them with our spark of Kedusha, do the opposite?
Shouldn't we expose their agenda as G-dless? Shouldn't we refuse to partner and/or accept funding from their non Kosher sources of funding which easily blinds us?
As a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadoshan shouldn't we the Jewish People lead by increasing awareness and educate secular society the importance of G-d's Eternal Laws of Universal Morality for humanity, the 7 Noahide Laws?
Laws for a civilized society are absolute and not subject to change to an alternative set of values.
Surely this will help retard the indoctrination and brainwashing of alternative values that is replacing traditional values in society at large. We dare not afford to be humble and passive.
Are we being too comfortable in Galus?
How do we Instill a yearning to live in Eretz HaKodesh for the Jewish people?
How do we influence Israeli politics in the Land of Israel to reflect true Torah values as was stated in the Moetzet Gedolei Resolution in Marienbad in 1937?
How can the Nation of Israel even suggest a willingness to divide Eretz Yisroel?
The entire land belongs to G-d and the Covenant G-d made with Avraham, Yitzchok, and Yaakov
and their seed, the Nation of Israel is everlasting and eternal!
Shoudn't we make it clear that Non-Jews can live in The Land of Israel provided that they observe the 7 Noahide Laws?
Is it happenstance that the Government of Israel is now literally holding back Jews from going on Aliya? (GOI)
It's scary but a recent blog post in Times of Israel by Steve Rodan suggests that the USA is worried Jews making Aliya will take their money with them.
Nefesh b'Nefesh has reported a tremendous increase in the number of applications for Aliya yet the actual number of those making Aliya from the USA has decreased! What's going on?
From Blog of Steve Rodan
Israel's White Paper? US Jews find locked doors.
The Law of Return isn't working. American Jews aren't being allowed to move to Israel. What is going on?!
MAY 28, 2021
It says: "Unishalma Parim Sefateinu ' (Hoshea 14:3) Let us compensate for the bulls with our lips. (Courtesy: Artscroll Translation)
Perhaps if we encourage ourselves to focus on the Korbonos portions of davening, to even memorize them, and to say it with more kavana, this will BEH make the Avoda closer to our hearts and we will see the Avoda as something that can actually become a reality and not a just a mere dream.
Haven't we had enough of human sacrifices, Kedoshim of Meron and Givat Zeev?
We have just now laid out serious concerns and suggestions. It is not our job to complete the work but neither are we exempt from it. Each and every Jew, each according to his or her standing can influence and make a difference. To not act is to act. Collectively surely Hashem will see our efforts and may we have much Siata Dishmaya!
May we be zocheh to Moshiach Tzidkeinu beRachamin and the
rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash and the return of the Avoda, speedily very soon in our days!
Amein Ken Yehi Ratzon!
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