Thursday, June 20, 2024

Update Amiram Ben Uliel Ben Nurit was transferred to Ayalon Prison formerly Ramle Prison. His conditions and condition are deteriorating


אל המקום אשר...

עברית להלן

Amiram Ben Uliel's, (Amiram Ben Nurit n"y) condition has worsened greatly in the last three weeks since he was transferred to Ayalon prison. 

   The Shin Bet took it upon itself to bring Amiram to despair and he is doing it in all the possible ways, while severely violating his basic human rights and seriously harming his body and soul. 

 That's why we are demanding that Amiram be transferred to the Torah wing immediately!

   Lest it be late!

 The people of Israel are called to join the demand for the restoration of basic human rights of the innocent Amiram who was convicted based on a confession that was extracted only through severe torture. 
 *You will not stand on your neighbor's blood*
 Join the fight!!

*Update on Amiram's condition:*

 For 8 years, Amiram has been in the worst conditions in the State of Israel (on a blood libel they plotted against him)

 Two weeks ago, Amiram was transferred to Ayalon prison, and even there the abuse continues even more severely.

 *It is very difficult for Amiram because of the conditions and he is unable to continue.*

 Apparently the Shin Bet is completely in panic that Amiram will say things they don't want him to reveal.

 Otherwise there is no answer to the prolonged abuse...🤫

מצבו של עמירם הורע מאוד בשלושת השבועות האחרונים מאז הועבר לכלא אילון. 
 שב״כ לקח על עצמו ‏להביא את עמירם לכדי יאוש והוא עושה את זה 
‏בכל הדרכים האפשרויות, תוך התעמרות קשה בזכויותיו הבסיסיות ופגיעה קשה בגופו ובנפשו. 
על כן אנו יוצאים בדרישה  להעביר את עמירם לאגף התורני מיד!
 פן יהיה מאוחר!
‏עם ישראל נקרא להצטרף לדרישה להשבת זכויותיו הבסיסיות של עמירם החף מפשע אשר הורשע על סמך הודאה שהוצאה  על ידי עינויים קשים בלבד. 
*לא תעמוד על דם רעיך*
‏הצטרפו למאבק!!

*עדכון ממצבו של עמירם:*

כבר 8 שנים עמירם נמצא בתנאים הכי גרועים במדינת ישראל (על עלילה שהעלילו עליו)
לפני שבועיים עמירם הועבר לכלא איילון וגם שם ההתעללות ממשיכה ביתר שאת.

*לעמירם מאד קשה כבר מהתנאים והוא לא מסוגל להמשיך הלאה.*

כניראה השב"כ בפניקה מוחלטת שעמירם יספר דברים שהוא לא מעוניין
אחרת אין תשובה להתעללות הממושכת...🤫

*Update on Amiram's condition:*

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Re: Daniel Greenfield Article: Can Our Politics Get Better, If Our Culture Keeps Getting Worse? Some Answers


Daniel, amvsh

Kol haKavod on your article!

I thought you might be interested in the following ideas which is our only hope for humanity to change a G-dless culture.

The Rebbe saw and was pained by reality of what he saw yet he was an optimist.

Time to raise consciousness of the 7 Noahide Laws, the laws that defines a civilized society, G-d's laws that apply to all of humanity and the laws of Universal Morality.

These are the Mitzvoth in the Torah required  for non Jews. 

Brucha Weissberger writes

"Rabbi Smith frequently teaches from the writings of Rabbi Yonason Shteif, Chief Rabbi of Budapest, Hungary, before the Holocaust. In this video, too, he gives over Rabbi Shteif's lessons very powerfully."

May we merit to see the fulfillment of our prayers and the salvation of humanity very quickly.

Rabbi Smith begins recording at 4:04 minutes 


Rabbi YY Jacobson the prophesies of the Lubavitcher Rebbe were ignored:

On Tue, Jun 4, 2024, 5:05 AM Daniel Greenfield <> wrote:

Can Our Politics Get Better, If Our Culture Keeps Getting Worse?Daniel Greenfield, 03 Jun 07:06 PM "Politics is downstream from culture" has long si

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Can Our Politics Get Better, If Our Culture Keeps Getting Worse?
Daniel Greenfield, 03 Jun 07:06 PM

"Politics is downstream from culture" has long since passed from revelation to cliché. Culture has long since become politics and politics has become culture. All culture serves or pretends to serve political ends. And all politics, outside the nitty gritty of the actual legislative agenda, is culture.

Politics has come to be defined by social media influencers. Key cultural figures, like AOC, may have no meaningful legislative clout, but adapted social media celebrity to politics. That they don't really do anything is almost beside the point in a culture war where no one really does anything except build their brand by virtue signaling, trolling, and insulting their opponents. The base for politics has been sharply split between issue voters and culture voters with the former still dominating elections, but the latter dominating narratives. And social media narratives preclude the need for real world results.

The internet broke our culture the way that it broke our economy. But you can't really blame technology or even the consolidation of power by special interests using the future shock of the new on anything except the inherent weaknesses in the Weimar world of the pre-internet era that was all too vulnerable to them.

The underlying question on seeing every new low is whether the culture is making the politics worse, or the politics is making the culture worse. The answer to the chicken and egg question is that a narcissistic culture has produced a narcissistic politics. The jargon of contemporary politics that has been adopted so well by AOC leans heavily on "My truths", "My pain", and "I am outraged". Every issue is reduced to a narcissistic projection with no thought for anything larger except as a secondary narrative.

A narcissistic culture did not shed its principles and convictions overnight. It was a slow process that took us from the "Me" generation to the "Selfie" generation. And at the tail end of it, political narcissism shed even the faintest pretenses of Obama's "We are the ones" and asserted "self-care" and "safe spaces" as its highest values. The unapologetically narcissistic "My truths" dispensed with any interest in facts or truth. Principles had fallen by the wayside even earlier after being sacrificed on the altar of Hope and Change.

Can our politics get any better if our culture keeps getting worse?

It's a mistake to think of America as an immutable set of ideas built into its founding documents. The ideas and the documents were magnificent, but they were the product of a culture that believed in them. A document without conviction is just so much paper. And anything can be rewritten on that paper.

Cultural wars can't be fixed by voting and cultural problems can't be solved with elections. But we do "elect" cultures with our economic choices, our educational decisions, and our personal styles.

That doesn't mean that politics, that voting and fighting for issues don't matter. They very much do. It's just that the underlying crisis ensures diminishing returns. An army with the best equipment, but terrible morale, no unit cohesion, and no sense of larger purpose will lose every war that depends more on an enduring struggle than brief shows of force. As long as the Left controls the machinery of the culture, it has an inescapable advantage in setting the terms of the culture war. Even when it can't define our culture, it can deny us the advantages of our culture. And that may be its greatest weapon.

Imitating the Left's tactics, a popular approach, is a plan for a military, not a cultural victory. And without cultural victories, the larger struggle is doomed. From the beginning, the Left sought to eliminate cultural alternatives to its worldviews leaving its ideas and worldview as the only option. It successfully chipped away at the majority culture, fragmenting it, degrading it, and tearing it down until its culture had achieved institutional dominance. And until even its enemies had adopted core elements of its worldview while they still continued to believe that they were fighting the Left.

Envisioning conservatism as a counterculture is a popular meme, but the trouble with it is that the Left is so effective as a counterculture because of its narcissistic nihilism under which it believes in little except its emotional drives for power over others, for destruction, and for the worship of its ego.

A counterculture is inherently destructive. It contains nothing except the seeds of destruction. Its stylistic elements, its vigor and edginess, are all external. The counterculture is a zombie with no soul.

A conservative counterculture, which is emerging in some ways, is as much of a zombie. It's no coincidence that its loudest elements ridicule the idea of conserving anything or believing in anything except Nietzschean narcissism and power. It won't preserve anything or build anything new. Like its National Socialist counterparts, who sought to build a counterculture based on imitating the Communists, the end result can only be corruption and destruction.

Small numbers of people can build a culture. But the culture has to be a commitment to building a future rather than undoing the present. It has to be based on conviction and principles. A compelling culture can sweep across millions and transform the world. But the trick is that it has to have a soul.

Our politics can't get any better until our culture does. And our culture can't get any better until it stands for building a new future.

American culture was thoroughly corrupted because we turned it over to massive unaccountable institutions, to corporations, organizations, think tanks and the elites of financial capitals. They didn't believe in anything and that made it easy for the Left to take them over. Any culture that can resist the Left must believe in itself, and it must believe in a world that transcends the Left.

The counterculture defines itself by the culture. That's how you know it's a zombie. But a culture defines itself not by its opposition to something, but by what it intends to create for its children.

We had that culture once. We can have it again.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.
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Sunday, June 02, 2024

Fwd: Jonathan Pollard: "The Next October 7th in Judea and Samaria?" on YouTube "If You Haven't Written About This Or Raised Awareness You Will Have Blood On Your Hands"

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Sun, Jun 2, 2024, 8:59 AM
Subject: Watch "Jonathan Pollard: The Next October 7th in Judea and Samaria?" on YouTube "if you haven't written about this or raised awareness you will have blood on your hands"
To: Larry Gordon <>, Dovid Efune <>, Editor Jewish Press <>, Jewish Voice NY <>, Morty Mehlman <>, Pinchas Lipschutz <>, Shoshana Saroka <>, QJL <>, Yitzy Halpern <>, David BenHooren <>, <>, Hamodia <>, <>, Alan Hirsh <>
Cc: Michael Rothschild <>, Yaniv Meirov <>, Yotam Eyal, Esq <>, Judy (Freedman) Kadish <>, <>, <>, Rabbi Pesach Lerner <>, Rabbi Jacob Yaakov Klass <>


Jonathan Pollard. Heed his words. Watch the entire video. 

5:19 into video

"Hamas is very clear they want another October 7 across the seam line."

8:48 into video
" I have written to a lot of friends of mine in the media including editor in chiefs, and I said, here is the evidence. If an October 7 happens again and you haven't written anything about this, and raised awareness about the need to take remedial action right now to prevent this from occurring, you will have blood on your hands. I haven't gotten an answer from any of them. Not one of them" 

Also please read this letter 

 Rabbi Fendel Rosh Yeshiva Sderot

An open letter to the residents of Bat Hefer from a longtime resident of Sderot, Rosh Yeshiva of Sderot Rabbi Fendel.

"Don't talk about defenses of any kind, but about attack and initiative.  The demand is to raze large parts of Tulkarm.

*מכתב פתוח לתושבי בת חפר מתושב ותיק בשדרות*
אל תדברו על מיגונים למיניהם אלא על התקפה ויוזמה. הדרישה היא לשטח חלקים נרחבים מטול כרם.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Post removed from Facebook


Why was this post removed?

I can only speculate. Probably Facebook AI must have tagged it as suspicious because of the terms "Temple Mount" or "Har HaBayit". Then humans  employed or hired by FB, with an agenda, gave their stamp of approval.

I am reposting the removed link on FB because it "didn't meet facebook standards", hoping FB will reconsider.

It was a letter written in 2020 bemoaning the fact that many Yeshiva students and Seminaries sent their students back to America when they were on their gap year, because of Covid. What were these institutions, pressured by the government into thinking? The students in their travels back home were then exposed to Covid and then brought Covid to their family members out of Israel. I can personally attest to that.  BH we all came through ok. 

Rather than taking responsibility for the students in Israel in case they came down with Covid they sent these kids who were low risk home. Unnecessary panic and anxiety and mass Exodus from EY.

The discussion then catapulted to a heartfelt prayer for a greater yearning for a heavenly Kingdom where G-d is Supreme, yearning for the return of the Davidic dynasty and the rebuilding of our Temple as written in the Prophets.

There was then a discussion as per why Bibi rejected Otzma Yehudit because one of their conditions was Jewish prayer on Temple Mount.

Bibi was quoted

".. Netanyahu revealed that the Temple Mount condition was indeed the deal-breaker that led him to reject Ben Gvir's offer.

"But he had one condition that I permit Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. This may sound logical to you, but I know that this would have ignited the Middle East and brought down the anger of one billion Muslims on us. And there are things I am not willing to do in order to win the elections. I will continue to protect Israel. Our rivals have no boundaries."

An afterthought...

Maybe had Bibi agreed to Otzma Yehudit's terms and welcomed them to join and allowed Jewish prayer on Temple Mount, October 7th would never have happened.  Probably the Israeli Government and its military cabinet would have been better prepared, would have addressed the warnings and not have been compromised. Choosing a government that chooses a route of appeasement doesn't work long term. It merely buys time and then literally allows a massacre to happen. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Arutz7: The State Continues To Issue Work Permits To Palestinians From Israel: This is a Dangerous Oversight ביטחון המדינה ממשיכה להנפיק היתרי עבודה לפלסטינים מיו"ש :"מדובר במחדל


טקסט עברי להלן
 תורגם ממאמר ערוץ7

Translated from Arutz7 article
Hebrew text follows

20 Iyar תשפ"ד  

State Security continues to issue work permits to Palestinians from Israel: "This is a dangerous oversight"
Thousands of laborers "take advantage" of the work permits for illegal entry into Israel, through gaps in the system.  "This is a failure that will blow up in our faces."  Minister Nir Barkat: "Defense Minister Galant continues to bring Palestinian workers into Israel against his authority."

Palestinian workers enter Israel
The issuance of work permits to Palestinians from Judea and Samaria continues as usual despite the state's commitment to stop issuing permits after the October 7 Sabbath massacre.

According to a report in Kan Chadashot, thousands of the Palestinians who received a permit are crossing the fence in violation of the law and without inspection.

A security official was quoted in the report: "This is a failure that will blow up in our faces. Due to political pressure on right-wing ministers, Prime Minister Netanyahu has not dealt with the issue of Palestinian workers for months."

The Civil Administration is the party responsible for issuing the permits, but according to him work permits are different from transit permits, so they are not the ones that allow them to enter the Green Line area.

 According to sources in the security system, thousands of workers are "taking advantage" of the work permits for the purpose of illegal entry into Israeli territory, through entry points in the fence and the industrial centers that allow illegals to be detained .

 Minister Nir Barkat responded: "Defense Minister Galant continues to bring Palestinian workers into Israel contrary to his authority and while ignoring the decisions of the Economic Cabinet. I call on the Prime Minister to intervene and immediately stop the entry of Palestinian workers into Israel who endanger the citizens of Israel."

 "It is impossible for the security establishment and Galant to ignore the government's decisions and conduct themselves as if there is no law and order in the country. It is unimaginable that after the 7/10 massacre, the members of the conspiracy (that Hamas and Palestinian Arabs are different, one the enemy and the other to be trusted) continue to endanger the citizens of Israel and allow Palestinian workers to roam freely in Israeli cities while posing a real security risk," Barkat said.

ערוץ 7

ביטחון המדינה ממשיכה להנפיק היתרי עבודה לפלסטינים מיו"ש :"מדובר במחדל"

המדינה ממשיכה להנפיק היתרי עבודה לפלסטינים מיו"ש :"מדובר במחדל"
אלפי פועלים "מנצלים" את היתרי העבודה לצורך כניסה בלתי-חוקית לשטח ישראל, דרך פרצות בגדר. "מדובר במחדל שיתפוצץ לנו בפנים". השר ניר ברקת: "שר הביטחון גלנט ממשיך להכניס פועלים פלסטינים לישראל בניגוד לסמכותו".

ערוץ 7
כ' באייר תשפ"ד  28.05.24, 21:51

פועלים פלשתינים נכנסים לישראל

הנפקת היתרי העבודה לפלסטינים מיהודה ושומרון נמשכת כרגיל למרות ההתחייבות של המדינה להפסיק את הנפקת ההיתרים אחרי השבעה באוקטובר.

על פי דיווח בכאן חדשות, אלפים מהפלסטינים שקיבלו היתר, עוברים את הגדר בניגוד לחוק ובלי בידוק.

גורם ביטחוני צוטט בדיווח: "מדובר במחדל שיתפוצץ לנו בפנים. בשל לחצים פוליטיים של שרי הימין, ראש הממשלה נתניהו כבר חודשים לא מסדיר את עניין הפועלים הפלסטיניים".

המנהל האזרחי הוא הגורם שאחראי על הנפקת ההיתרים, אך לדבריו היתרי העבודה שונים מהיתרי מעבר, ולכן לא הם אלה שמאפשרים להם להיכנס לשטח הקו הירוק.

לפי מקורות במערכת הביטחון, אלפי פועלים "מנצלים" את היתרי העבודה לצורך כניסה בלתי-חוקית לשטח ישראל, דרך פרצות בגדר ותעשיית השב"חים.

השר ניר ברקת הגיב: "שר הביטחון גלנט ממשיך להכניס פועלים פלסטינים לישראל בניגוד לסמכותו ותוך התעלמות מהחלטות הקבינט הכלכלי. אני קורא לראש הממשלה להתערב ולעצור מיד את כניסת הפועלים הפלסטינים לישראל שמסכנים את אזרחי ישראל".

"לא ייתכן שמערכת הביטחון וגלנט יתעלמו מהחלטות הממשלה ויתנהלו כאילו אין חוק וסדר במדינה. בלתי נתפס שאחרי טבח ה-7.10 אנשי הקונספציה ממשיכים לסכן את אזרחי ישראל ולאפשר לפועלים הפלסטינים להסתובב בערי ישראל בחופשיות תוך סיכון ביטחוני ממשי", דברי ברקת.