Sunday, December 20, 2020

אוריין בן אוליאל Please help us shout our cry everywhere


אל המקום אשר..

*אני עמירם אחיכם*

* I am your brother Amiram * 

אוריין בן אוליאל

Orian Ben Oliel Page 4

(פורסם ב'עולם קטן' מקץ)

Published in 'Olam Hakatan' Miketz

ממש בימים אלה עברו חמש שנים מאז עצרו את בעלי עמירם על לא עוול בכפו. ביום י"ט בכסלו, חג הגאולה שבו שוחרר האדמו"ר הזקן ממאסר, נאסר בעלי. את חנוכה חג האור – עבר בעלי בחושך, במרתפי השב"כ, תוך עינויים קשים. 

חודש שלם היה שם לבדו. באימה ובחושך. עמירם אמר לי שהוא חשב פעם שכדי לחיות צריך לאכול, לשתות ולישון, וכשהוא היה בשב"כ גילה שאפשר גם בלי זה.

It's precisely these times that five years have passed since my husband Amiram was arrested for no reason. On the 19th of Kislev, the Feast of Redemption on which the Alter Rebbe was released from prison, my husband was imprisoned. The holiday of Hanukkah was spent by my husband in the dark, in the cellars of the Shin Bet, under severe torture. 

He was there alone for a whole month. In terror and in the dark. Amiram told me that he once thought that in order to live you have to eat, drink and sleep, and when he was in the GSS he discovered that it is possible to live without it.

חודש שלם טרטרו אותו ממקום למקום, לא נתנו לו לישון. היו חקירות אינטנסיביות, ימים ולילות רצופים. כשכלו כוחותיו והוא נרדם, החוקרים דפקו בחוזקה על השולחן כדי להעיר אותו. הוא היה סהרורי, והתפלל במסירות נפש כמה דקות שהצליח בזמן ה"חופשי" המועט שהיה לו, עד שנפל לשינה. מנעו ממנו אוכל ושתייה לילות שלמים. הוא רעד מקור. בשבתות היו החקירות הקשות ביותר. 

עמירם היה אזוק לכיסא רוב שעות היממה. חרף כל זאת הוא טען שלא עשה את הפיגוע בדומא וביקש לפגוש עורך דין. 

For a whole month he was tossed from place to place, not allowed to sleep. There were intense investigations, consecutive days and nights. When his strength was exhausted and he fell asleep, the interrogators knocked hard on the table to wake him up. He was sleepy, and with the few minutes that he succeeded in the little "free" time he had to pray with devotion , until he fell asleep. They prevented him from eating and drinking for whole nights. He was shivering. Shabbatot were the most difficult interrogations.

עמירם קיבל הכול באמונה שהכול מה', שהכול לטובה מאת מסובב הסיבות.

Amiram accepted everything in the belief that everything is from God, that everything is for the best from the the Orchestrator of circumstances 

לאחר מאות שעות של חקירה שבהן מסרו לו החוקרים פרטים, הכווינו אותו ואפילו הקריאו לו את הגרסה שבה הוא אמור להודות – הודיעו לו החוקרים: "מחר בשעה הזאת אתה תדבר". 

למחרת נכנסו ארבעה חוקרים וקשרו אותו לכיסא, כשגבו מעוקם, ראשו כמעט נוגע ברצפה וידיו אזוקות לרגליו מתחת לכיסא. הם כמובן שמו בד מתחת לאזיקים כדי שלא יישארו סימנים. בשלב הזה החלו החוקרים להפליא בו את מכותיהם: סטירות, בעיטות, מכות, תוך שהוא אזוק מכופף וחסר אונים, בוכה וצורח מכאבי תופת. החוקרים צעקו לו באוזן שיודה, אמרו לו שיוציאו לו דם מהאוזניים ושהם מלאכי המוות שלו.

After hundreds of hours of interrogation in which the interrogators gave him details, instructed him and even read him the version he was supposed to admit - the interrogators informed him: "Tomorrow at this hour you will speak." 

The next day, four interrogators entered and chained him to a chair, with his back bent, his head almost touching the floor and his hands handcuffed to his feet under the chair. They of course put a cloth under the handcuffs so that no marks would remain. At this point the interrogators began to beat him incredibly: slaps, kicks, beatings, while he was handcuffed and helpless, crying and screaming in excruciating pain. Investigators shouted at him to confess, telling him they will get blood from his ears and that they were his angels of death.

שבע שעות הוא החזיק מעמד עד שלא יכול היה יותר, והודה במה שמעולם לא עשה. או אז הפסיקו החוקרים לענות אותו והחלו לגבות הודאות ולאיים עליו שאם לא ישתף פעולה הוא יוחזר לעינויים. כך בוימה "ההצגה של דומא". 

חשבנו שעל דבר כזה בית המשפט לא ישתוק. אז חשבנו. לקח זמן עד שגילינו שאין דין ואין דיין. גילינו שלאיש בבית המשפט לא אכפת מאיזה נער גבעות שהפך לחסיד ברסלב ירושלמי עם כיפה גדולה ופאות. הוא לא בן-אדם, הוא "אובייקט", "אובייקט" ש"עשה את דומא".

For seven hours he endured until he could no longer, and confessed to what he had never done. Then the interrogators stopped torturing him and began collecting confessions and threatening him that if he did not cooperate he would be returned to torture. This is how the "Duma's play" was staged.

We thought that the court would not be silent on such a thing. So we thought. It took a while until we discovered that there is no law and no justice. We discovered that no one in court cared about a hilltop youth who became a Jerusalem Breslev follower with a large skullcap and Peyot. He is not a human being, he is an "object", an "object" that "made Duma".

השופטים התעלמו מכך שביקשתי למסור אליבי עוד הרבה לפני העינויים (בלי שיכולתי לתאם גרסה עם עמירם, שהרי אפילו עורך דין לא פגש אותו ולא ידע מה איתו). לא חקרו אותי כמו שביקשנו. לא עניין אותם איפה עמירם היה באמת באותו לילה.

The judges ignored the fact that I asked for an alibi long before the torture (without being able to coordinate a version with Amiram, since even a lawyer did not meet him and did not know what to do with him). I was not interrogated as we requested. It did not interest them where Amiram was really that night.

השופטים התעלמו מהטענות הרבות שהציגו סנגוריו של עמירם נגד האישום המופרך: מהעובדה שראשי צוותי החקירה בשב"כ ובמשטרה הובילו את השחזור אף על פי שאסור להם בחוק; מעדויות עדי הראייה שדיברו על כמה מציתים; מעדותו של איברהים השכן, שהעיד אינסוף פעמים שראה שני מציתים מבצעים וידוא הריגה ומנעו ממנו להגיש עזרה; מטביעות הנעליים בזירה שאינן תואמות לנעליים של עמירם; מכתובות הגרפיטי השונות שאינן תואמות את כתב היד של עמירם; מהכול.

The judges ignored the many allegations made by Amiram's defense attorneys against the unfounded charge: the fact that the heads of the GSS and police investigation teams led the reconstruction of the crime even though they are not allowed by law; the testimony of eyewitnesses who spoke of several arsonists, from the testimony of Ibrahim the neighbor who testified countless times verifying the killing and that they prevented him from submitting help; from the imprints of the shoes in the arena that do not match Amiram's shoes; from the various graffiti inscriptions that do not match Amiram's handwriting; from everything.

כך חתמו שלושה שופטים על פסק דין ששולח את בעלי לשארית ימיו לכלא, כשנגדו עומדת ראיה אחת בלבד: הודאה שהוצאה ממנו בעינויים. 

Thus, three judges signed a verdict that sends my husband to prison for the rest of his life, with only one piece of evidence against him: a confession issued by him under torture. 

השופטים אמנם פסלו חלק מההודאות בגלל העינויים, אבל לא התביישו לכתוב שההודאה הזאת חולצה ממנו "ברצון חופשי". 

Although the judges rejected some of the confessions because of the torture, they were not ashamed to write that this confession was taken from him "of his own free will."

*הנר עוד דולק* 🕯️ 

כבר חמש שנים עמירם בבידוד. לא בידוד של 14 יום בגלל הקורונה, כשהאדם שוהה בבית, עם מרפסת, טלפון, מחשב, מזגן. בידוד של חמש שנים שבהן עמירם נמצא לבדו – מבודד אפילו מאסירים אחרים. 24 שעות ביממה! 21 שעות הוא נעול בתא קטן ושלוש שעות ביום בהן מותר לו לצאת לחצר – הוא לבד! – מבודד מכל בני האדם מלבד סוהרים שמכניסים לו שלוש ארוחות ביום. אפילו גדולי המחבלים, רוצחי יהודים, מורשים לקיים אורח חיים חברתי מחבק.

* The candle is still lit * 🕯️ 

Amiram has been in solitary confinement for five years. Not a 14-day isolation because of the corona, when the person is staying at home, with a balcony, telephone, computer, air conditioner. Isolation of five years in which Amiram is alone - isolated even from other prisoners. 24 hours a day! He is locked in a small cell for 21 hours and three hours a day during which he is allowed to go out into the yard - he is alone! - Isolated from all human beings except wardens who bring him three meals a day. Even the greatest terrorists, murderers of Jews, are allowed to lead an embracing social lifestyle. 

עמירם נאנק לבד בתא וחווה לבד את המשבר, את העוול. המערכת אכזרית – אפילו לא נותנת לבעלי להתקשר לעורך הדין שמייצג אותו. גם לא אליי ולבתנו הקטנה מלכות שעוד מעט תהיה בת 6. ילדה שמגיל 11 חודשים גדלה בלי אבא. אבא שלא יכול לחבק, לנשק ואפילו לדבר. 

הילדה שלנו בוכה בלילות "אבא! מה קרה לאבא? מה עושים לאבא?" ילדה שלא נותנים לה את הקשר הכי חשוב – הקשר עם אבא. ילדה שהסבל הנפשי שלה והפחד על אבא לא מעניינים אף אחד, בטח שלא את המחלקה נגד יהודים בשב"כ. גם את המשך קיום המשפחה שלנו מונעים מאיתנו ולא מאפשרים אפילו התייחדויות.

Amiram groaned alone in the cell and experienced the crisis alone, the injustice. The system is cruel - does not even let my husband call the lawyer who represents him. Neither to me and our little daughter is Malka who will soon be 6. A girl who grew up without a father from the age of 11 months. A father who can not hug, kiss and even talk. 

Our girl cries at night "Abba! What happened to Abba? What are you doing to Abba?" A girl who is not given the most important relationship - the relationship with Abba. A girl whose mental suffering and fear about her father does not interest anyone, certainly not the anti-Jewish department in the Shin Bet. Our continued existence as a family is also prevented from us and does not even allow for private time alone..

חמש שנים של לבד, משני הצדדים של חומות הכלא – עמירם בפנים ואנו בחוץ. 

להבדיל, אלפי "אסירים ביטחוניים"

Five years of being alone, on both sides of the prison walls - Amiram inside and we outside.

ערבים שבכלא (מחבלים) נמצאים בתנאים שונים לחלוטין משל עמירם. הרוצחים הללו שרצחו יהודים בדם קר, בסדיסטיות, נמצאים יחד – אוכלים יחד, מסתובבים יחד, בחופשיות. יש להם פעילויות, דרשות ותפילות קבוצתיות (ואילו לעמירם אפילו ביום כיפור לא נתנו להתפלל במניין), יש להם טלפונים למשפחות כל יום (בתמורה לכך שהם מתחייבים לא להחדיר טלפונים לכלא), והם מנהלים בתוככי הכלא את ארגוני הטרור שלהם.

In contrast, thousands of Arab "security prisoners" in prison (terrorists) are in completely different conditions than Amiram. These murderers who murdered Jews in cold blood, sadistically, are together - eating together, walking around together, freely. They have activities, sermons and group prayers (while Amiram was not even allowed to pray in the minyan on Yom Kippur), they have telephones for families every day (in exchange for committing not to insert telephones into the prison), and they run their terrorist organizations inside the prison. 

רק לי זה נראה מוזר? שעמירם חף מפשע בבידוד וכלוא בתנאים לא אנושיים בשעה שמחבלים ורוצחים באמת מסוכנים חוגגים יחד ומקבלים טלפונים? האם השנאה לעמירם לא שקופה מדי?

Just to me it seems weird? That Amiram is innocent in solitary confinement and imprisoned in inhumane conditions while really dangerous terrorists and murderers celebrate together and get phone calls? Is the hatred for Amiram not too transparent? 

*עמירם זועק מהכלא: "אני עמירם אחיכם אשר מכרתם אותי".* אחרי חמש שנים זה מאוחר מדי, אבל הנר עוד דולק. אני ומלכות המתוקה מתחננות לעזרה ומעט הגינות. אנא עזרו לנו לזעוק את זעקתנו בכל מקום ופינה. הגיע הזמן לשים סוף לעלילה. לפני שיהיה מאוחר מדי.

* Amiram cries out from prison: "I am your brother Amiram whom you sold." * After five years it is too late, but the candle is still lit. Sweet Malka and I beg for help and a little decency. Please help us shout our cry everywhere and to every corner. It's time to put an end to the blood libel... Before it's too late.

Sent from ProtonMail mobile

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Fwd: French Treachery -France was part of the Supreme Council enshrining exclusive Jewish sovereignty now calling for Arab State in Israel by Renanah Goldhar-Gemeiner


Subject: French Treachery -France was part of the Supreme Council enshrining exclusive Jewish sovereignty now calling for Arab State in Israel

Feb 26, 2016

February 26, 2016

The Author

Renanah Goldhar-Gemeiner


Sovereignty was given to the Arabs in over 96% of the previously Ottoman-occupied lands in the Middle East. Jews were given tiny Palestine in recognition of their historical ties.

France is pushing for a second Arab political entity in Palestine (in addition to Jordan). Yet France already recognized – in international law, back in the 1920s – Jewish de jure sovereignty in all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, including Judea and Samaria, known erroneously as the West Bank.

As a member of the post WW1 Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers, France, along with Britain, Japan, Italy and the U.S. as observer had the power of disposition over the previously Ottoman occupied lands of the Middle East. The Supreme Council – in deciding to return the land to its original inhabitants – gave sovereignty to the Arabs in over 96% of the previously Ottoman-occupied lands in the Middle East. At the same time – in San Remo Italy – sovereignty rights were given to the Jewish People in tiny Palestine in recognition of our historical ties to the land.

Palestine was the Roman occupiers' name for the Jewish Homeland based on the Philistines who were no relation to Arabs today. The name of Palestine-Eretz Israel or just Palestine was synonymous with the over-3000-yea- old Jewish National Homeland, throughout the world, including in France as seen in the 1939 edition of the highly respected Larousse dictionary. The flag for Palestine is blue and white with a gold Jewish Star in the middle.

France and the other members of the League of Nations voted in 1922 to unanimously approve the British Mandate for Palestine, which demanded that Britain facilitate the return of the Jewish People to their Homeland. The Mandate also forbade the ceding of land to any powers other than the Jewish People. The borders of the Jewish State were set from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean although originally the Jewish State was to include land on the east side of the Jordan as well.

Despite the Arabs having received over 96% of the previously occupied Ottoman Empire lands in the Middle East, and despite the dictates of the Mandate, Britain illegally allowed huge numbers of Arabs to flood into tiny Palestine. The majority of Arabs in Israel today are descendants of Arabs who were native to over 20 other countries – not to Palestine –and who entered Palestine illegally under the British Mandate.

France's own great geographer, Vital Cuniet recorded that In 1882, there were only 141,000 Arabs in Palestine .

"The Arab population of Palestine was small and limited until Jewish resettlement restored the barren lands and drew to it Arabs from neighboring countries." This was stated by the Chairman of the American Christian Palestine Committee, Dr. Hermann Voss in 1953.

"This illegal immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria" regarding Arab immigration as stated by the British Governor of the Sinai (1922-33) in the Palestine Royal Commission Report.

Illegal Arab Immigrants Claimed to be Natives

Once the illegal Arab immigrants entered Palestine, they claimed they were the native people. This lie, along with constant Arab violence, was used by the British to justify curtailing the Jewish immigration that Britain had been mandated – under international law – to facilitate!

France and other members of the League betrayed international law and their sacred trust by allowing Britain to block the Jews from reaching their homeland, before, during and after the Holocaust. This was also the case of the United States who, through their separate Anglo-American Convention of 1924, were bound to respect the provisions of the Mandate.

A Blood-Land Libel

The accusation of Israel as an illegal occupier is the continuation of the Arab lie from the Mandate period. It is the "blood-land libel" of today.  Arab violence today is the same Arab terrorism used to justify the betrayal of the Jewish People and block their immigration to their Homeland in the past. This treachery against the Jewish People by France and other members of the League of Nations prevented the Jews who were marked for Genocide from fleeing to the Land of Israel, recognized as the Jewish Homeland in international law decades before. Today, the Arab occupation lie and Arab violence are being used to push for another Arab State in Jewish Palestine-Eretz Israel – the Land of Israel. For France to support this occupation lie is to support the forces aimed at destroying the Jewish State.

Posts are contributed by third parties. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent United with Israel.

Article by Renanah Goldhar-Gemeiner

Renanah Goldhar-Gemeiner is a well-known pro-Israel activist in Toronto, Canada, and co-founder of Canadian Jews and Friends of Yezidis.

Growing Illegal Arab ‘Occupation’ of Jewish Land. By Renanah Goldhar Gemeiner


Growing Illegal Arab 'Occupation' of Jewish Land.
The claim that Arabs, or so-called "Palestinians," have national historical rights to the Land of Israel is false, and its purpose is to destroy the Jewish State.

January 17, 2016 

Monday, December 07, 2020

Yeshiva Bulldozed in Chomesh Shomron today video



Yeshiva of Chomesh bulldozed Dec 7, 2020 

Rabbanim and Sefer Torah of Yeshivat Chomesh brought to Police station in Ariel

Not to speak is to speak....

From אירגון חוננו

See Hebrew below. The following is an edited google translation.

This happened today again..

"* Again: The yeshiva was destroyed in Chomesh - Rabbis and students from the yeshiva were arrested and taken to the police station along with the Torah scroll *

Border forces, the Civil Administration and the police destroyed the buildings of Yeshivat Chumash this afternoon (Monday). The forces arrived at the scene again, accompanied by a shovel, disrupted the study routine at the yeshiva and also arrested two yeshiva rabbis and several students. Of the yeshiva.

The forces then demolished a number of yeshiva buildings on the site. The forces took the detainees who were with the Torah scroll of the Yeshiva to the police station in Ariel.

The students and rabbis had to hold the Torah scroll all the way to the police station so that the Torah scroll would not be desecrated and treated with disrespect.

It will be recalled that about two weeks ago, Border Police and Civil Administration forces arrived and destroyed the Yeshiva's Beit Midrash. In the process they destroyed the Aron, the H-ly Ark and desecrated many H-ly books which were thrown around with disrespect on the floor.

Following the tragic event, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, addressed Security Minister Ganz
"I received information and photos that the evacuation today of the Yeshiva that was established in Chumash was done in a manner that does not respect what is most sacred in Israel. Pictures of a desecrated Ark and holy books strewn on the floor are harsh images that do not respect what is sacred for Israel. These pics are unworthy for a Jewish State wrote the Rav to Security Minister Gantz, two weeks ago.

Lawyers from the Honenu organization are assisting the detainees, and are working to release them. The harrassment of Yeshiva students are incomprehensible. This Yeshiva has existed for 15 years. Many MKs and ministers have visited in support, each man with his GSS security guards. The IDF and the police also accompanied them with great respect. So what happened now? Who gave the orders for such a surprising order now and why? "Asked the Honenu organization."

Comments: (from Robin Ticker blogger)

I asked around why harassment of Settlers and their kids seem to be on the rise recently.

Here is an answer I received anonymously which seems to make sense.

"My opinion is that the government wants to dry up Yitzhar and other settlements out there that might not go easy when the government decides to give the area away in some type of peace deal.
This is my personal opinion."

Perhaps this is a litmus test to see if they can push A Judenrein Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria as per the enormous pressures being exerted on Israel to do so.

My Question: Is the demolition of the Yeshiva the price we are paying for this "lucrative" Emerites deal with the Shomron whose leadership will perhaps now be silent about the destruction of this Yeshiva in Chomesh. We all know divide and conquer is the modus operandi to weaken the resolve of the Settlers. It worked with Gush Katif. These leaders in the Shomron must speak out forcefully and strongly condemn the destruction of this Yeshiva, and the continued harassment of the Rabbonim and the students. As history has taught us, time will prove that being passive to the demolishing of any structure in Judea and Samaria just leads to further destruction down the road. Not speaking out is speaking out and who knows, who is next? They should not have pink colored glasses..
AFSI (Americans for a Safe Israel) reports in today's newsletter

Samaria's New Business Tie

is a Win for the Region

Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan visited Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, accompanying wine and honey producers from Samaria in order to create business ties between the UAE and Samaria.

This resulted in companies from Samaria signing an agreement to export wine, honey, olive oil and tahini to the UAE, through the Emirates company FAM, which was selected by Forbes magazine as one of the 100 leading growth companies in the Middle East.

The Samaria Regional Council is the first municipal authority in Israel to succeed in signing export agreements to the UAE and was also the first to travel to the UAE with a delegation of businessmen to promote economic ties through export agreements.

Dagan said, "We are making history. We are opening a new economic page between the most excellent companies in Samaria and FAM. I am very excited and happy with how things stand. Samaria strives to lead in all areas, and also in the field of export and business development. This is a historic moment. The Samaria region that I am proud to represent is located in the heart of the State of Israel, and is the most demographically growing region in Israel and economically it is also growing."

Original post from Honenu in Hebrew
*שוב: נהרסה הישיבה בחומש - רבנים ותלמידים מהישיבה נעצרו ונלקחו לתחנת המשטרה יחד עם ספר התורה*

כוחות מג"ב, מינהל אזרחי ומשטרה הרסו היום (ב') בשעות הצהרים את מבני ישיבת חומש. הכוחות הגיעו שוב למקום, שהם מלווים בשופל, הפריעו לשיגרת הלימוד בישיבה ובנוסף עצרו במקום שניים מרבני הישיבה ומספר תלמידים. לאחר מכן הרסו הכוחות במקום מספר מבנים של הישיבה. הכוחות לקחו את העצורים שהם עם ספר התורה של הישיבה לתחנת המשטרה באריאל.

התלמידים והרבנים נאלצו לחזיק בספר התורה בכל הדרך ובתחנת המשטרה על מנת שספר התורה לא יחולל ויתבזה.

נזכיר כי לפני כשבועיים הגיעו כוחות מג"ב ומינהל אזרחי והרסו את בית המדרש של הישיבה. במהלך ההרס הרסו הכוחות את ארון הקודש בבית המדרש וספרי הקודש של בית המדרש הושלכו לריצפה וחוללו. בעקבות האירוע הקשה פנה הרב הראשי לישראל הרב דוד לאו לשר הביטחון גנץ "הגיע אלי ידיעה ותמונות כי הפינוי היום והישיבה שהוקמה בחומש נעשה באופו שאינו מכבד את קודשי ישראל. תמונות של ארון קודש מחולל וספרי קודש מתגוללים על הרצפה הם מראות קשים שאינם ראויים למדינה יהודית", כתב הרב לגנץ לפני כשבועיים.

עורכי דין מארגון חוננו מסייעים לעצורים, ופועלים לשחרורם "ההתנכלות לתלמידי הישיבה בחומש לא מובנת. ישיבה זו קיימת כבר למעלה מ - 15 שנה. שרים וח"כים רבים הגיעו לביקורי תמיכה. איש איש עם מאבטחי השב"כ שלו. גם צה"ל והמשטרה ליוו אותם בכבוד רב. אז מה קרה כעת? מי נתן את הוראה מפתיעה כזו כעת ולמה?" שאלו בארגון חוננו.

To add insult to injury compare the macho police force against this Yeshiva in Chomesh with how the IDF deals with Arab car thieves in Jerusalem.

Then learn about the Arab Land grab from Regavim. 

Thursday, December 03, 2020

Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization?


Will we trust the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with this vaccine after they invested $10billion?

Nov 12, 2020

Any media of alternative treatment to Covid is being suppressed. No wonder. They have alot to lose if there's a cure and treatment.

Masks, social distancing and lockdowns are the only recommended treatment until the vaccine.  The vaccine is the only hope to Covid 19 offered to the masses.

Will it be mandated and required for travel and medical procedures and acceptance into schools, required for employment  etc.

Will we endanger our community with an untested vaccine and push compliance?

The question is whether this virus was engineered by the same evil forces pushing the vaccine.

Isn't it worth the time and effort to explore whether this accusation has merit?

The lockdowns are clearly excessive and the enforcement selective and politically motivated. This is obvious to the lay person.

However we listen and follow our Rabbonim's recommendations and Daas Torah.

The Gates Family, Eugenics and COVID-19

Hashem Yerachem!


Censored: Dangers of Covid Vaccination and Covid 19 Hoax