Monday, October 08, 2018
Nadav Chalamish on today's Terror attack in Barkan and on employing Arabs
English translation with help of Google translate follows
אני יהודי פשוט.
לא רב, לא תלמיד חכם, אפילו לא למדתי בישיבה גבוהה.
אבל את האמת הפשוטה אני יודע, בדיוק כמו כל שאר עם ישראל:
אנחנו נרצחים מדי יום כי בחרנו להותיר בארצנו את הערבים.
נצטווינו לרשת את הארץ מכל יושביה ובחרנו להפר את הציווי, ומאז כל הרבנים מתרצים מדוע זה בסדר להעסיק ערבים.
אז לכל השפויים שמסרבים לפרנס את האויב, ומוצאים עצמם במיעוט מול "חכמי התורה", הנה קצת חיזוק תורני.
(הצד התומך בהעסקת ערבים תמיד יביא טיעונים פרקטיים ולא אמוניים):
"לא תחנם" - האיסור מהתורה שלא לתת לגויים עכו"ם חניה בא"י אפילו לשעה קלה, ולא להשכיר להם דירות או לעשות איתם עסקים. ולפני שתקפצו ותגידו שהערבים לא נחשבים עכו"ם (אז הם חסידי אומות העולם?), אזכיר שהרמב"ם בסוף דבריו (הלכות ע"ז פרק י) פוסק שבזמן שהיובל לא נוהג ואין בית מקדש אין מקבלין גר תושב אלא רק גר צדק דהיינו יהודי (!).
"ונשמרתם לנפשותיכם" - יותר מדי יהודים שעשו עסקים עם ערבים נרצחו כבר גם ככה.
"לא תעמוד על דם רעך" - אפילו אם אתה לא חס על חיי משפחתך ומוכן לסכנם במפגש עם רוצחים פוטנציאליים, מי נתן לך את הזכות לתת לערבים לבחור איזה ילד של השכנים ולשחוט אותו?
"קנה מיד עמיתך" - אנחנו עם אחד. אחים.
אנו מצווים לתמוך כלכלית באחינו ולא באויבינו.
"לא תכרות ברית עם יושב הארץ" - אנו מצווים לכבוש את ארץ ישראל וליישבה ביהודים. את הערבים הגרים פה נצטוינו (כמעט 20 פעם בתורה) לגרש ולא לעזור להם להתיישב פה. העיר רוואבי שליד עטרת כבר מלאה בערבים שעובדים בעטרת עצמה, באמת נראה למישהו שזה לא יריה ברגל?
מלחמת מצוה - מאחר וזו מלחמה על הארץ ועל החיים שלנו - זו רשמית מלחמת מצוה בעם הערבי היושב בארץ, ולכן מי שעושה איתו עסקים ומשלם לו בעצם בוגד בעם היהודי כולו.
"לא תגנוב" - בל נשלה עצמנו, רוב הפועלים הערבים לא מבוטחים, והקבלן לא משלם עליהם מס וביטוח למדינה, כלומר מי שמעסיק פועלים ערבים מעלים מס וגונב מהמדינה = גוזל כספי ציבור (שזה קצת קשה להשיב...).
"לא תתחתן בם" - כמה בנות יהודיות נפלו בפיתויים של הערבים, התאסלמו ועברו לגור בכפרים בגלל הקירבה שחז"ל התאמצו כל כך להרחיקנו ממנה?
ולטענה האבסורדית שמצוות יישוב הארץ שקולה כנגד כל המצוות - תוכלו להזכיר שהמצווה מדברת על הורשת הארץ מיושביה, ורק לאחר מכן על בנייה, ואין מצוה הבאה בעבירה.
Google translate
I'm a simple Jew. Not a rabbi, not a Torah scholar, I did not even study in a high yeshiva. But the simple truth I know, just like all other people of Israel: We are murdered every day because we chose to leave the Arabs in our country. We were ordered to inherit the land from all its inhabitants and chose to violate the command, and since then all the rabbis have explained why it is okay to employ Arabs. So for all the sane who refuse to support the enemy, and find themselves in a minority against the "Torah sages," here is some Torah reinforcement. (The side that supports the employment of Arabs will always bring practical and non-religious arguments): "Do not ingratiate them" - the prohibition from the Torah not to give the gentile gentiles a place to park (חני'ה) in the Land of Israel even for a short time, and not to rent them apartments or do business with them. And before you jump up and say that the Arabs are not considered idolaters (then they are Righteous Among the Nations?), I will mention that the Rambam at the end of his words (Hilchot 17: 10) rules that when the Jubilee does not practice and there is no Temple there is no accepting them as Ger Toahav only if they convert. "Watch your souls" Too many Jews who have done business with Arabs have already been murdered. "You will not stand on your neighbor's blood" - even if you do not spare your family life and is prepared to endanger them in a meeting with potential murderers, who gave you the right to let the Arabs choose a neighbor's child and slaughter him? "Buy from your among your people" - we are one people. Siblings. We are commanded to financially support our brothers and not our enemies. "Do not make an alliance with the inhabitant of the land" - we are commanded to conquer the land of Israel and settle it with the Jews. The Arabs living here were ordered (almost 20 times in the Torah) to deport and not to help them settle here. The city of Rawabi, near Ateret, is already full of Arabs working at Ateret itself. Did anyone really see that it was not a shooting oneself in the foot? A Milchemet Mitzvah - since this is a war for the land and for our lives - is officially a Milchemet Mitzvah with the Arab people living in the country, and therefore whoever does business with them and pays them is actually a traitor to the entire Jewish people. "Do not steal" - we do not delude ourselves, most of the Arab workers are not insured, and the contractor does not pay their taxes and insurance to the state, that is, those who employ Arab workers raise taxes and steal money from the state. "You will not marry them" - how many Jewish girls fell under the temptations of the Arabs, converted to Islam and moved to the villages because of the closeness that the Sages worked so hard to distance us from them? And the absurd claim that the commandment to settle the land is equivalent to all the commandments - that the mitzva speaks first of inheriting the land from its inhabitants and only later of building it and there is no Mitzva brought about by an Aveira. # Believe it = you can fix it
Sunday, October 07, 2018
Saturday, October 06, 2018
Fwd: This Jew thanks you, Mr. Trump, and so do the GOP Jewish candidates - Israel National News
Thank you Cindy Grosz for saying what many of us have been thinking and saying each and every day since Donald Trump has been elected President. How can we adequately express our deepest gratitude to a President that has stopped ISIS and Iran in their tracks reversing a very dangerous rise of evil.
A day doesn't go by without thanking G-d for Trump's miraculous victory despite the forces of evil colluding together to thwart the will of the people.
We see how President Trump has been a true friend and supporter of Israel and has empowered individuals who love Israel. President Trump understands that the enemies of Israel are G-d's enemies and that those who Bless Israel will be Blessed.
As powerful as President Trump is, he seems to understand that G-d created and owns the entire Land and has Chosen to give the Promised Land to the Nation of Israel. (See 1st Rashi Commentary on the Torah, the Book of Breishit Genesis)
President Trump has deep respect of the Bible, the Scriptures. Trump's base across the country are Believers in the Bible.
Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem and cutting funding to UNRWA and to the PA shows that Trump puts his money where his mouth is. He is a man of integrity, a man of his word and a man of action.
I and many others feel as does Cindy.
As the mainstream Press doesn't typically cover such expressions of gratitude, we certainly hope you too will follow Cindy's lead and use social media and any medium out there to help spread the word.
As the mainstream Press doesn't typically cover such expressions of gratitude, we certainly hope you too will follow Cindy's lead and use social media and any medium out there to help spread the word.
May the forces of evil dissipate like the dust in the wind
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Date: Sat, Oct 6, 2018, 7:36 PM
Subject: This Jew thanks you, Mr. Trump, and so do the GOP Jewish candidates - Israel National News
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From: cindy grosz <>
Date: Sat, Oct 6, 2018, 7:36 PM
Subject: This Jew thanks you, Mr. Trump, and so do the GOP Jewish candidates - Israel National News
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This Jew thanks you, Mr. Trump, and so do the GOP Jewish candidates
Many of us find Jewish named Sanders, Feinstein, Blumenthal, Nadler and The Minority Leader, Schumer embarrassing as they sell themselves to a party that no longer respects them or us.
Cindy Grosz (INN:CG)
Cindy Grosz is an award-winning pro-Israel and Education activist. She works on exposing corruption in schools, improving oversight on classroom curriculum and ending anti-Semitism in education situations. She also helps educators fight discrimination in the hiring and firing practices of school staff.
Over Yom Tov, I caught up on my reading and found an article I read that touched me personally as its main theme was troubling to me. The article highlighted Trump's frustration with American Jews not supporting him more.
Two things struck me; those quoted in the article have ties to the Obama administration and that here was something President Trump said that was so controversial and still did not get picked up by multiple media outlets.
Mr. President, here's The Truth:
President Donald J. Trump, I wake up every morning and say "Thank You, President Trump." So do many of my friends. If you believe the article that was written, you would think that I was not on your side.
I am a white, college graduate, businesswoman living in suburbia, in a very blue state. I was expected to vote for a woman. I would definitely vote for a woman, Nikki Haley gets my vote, should she decide to run. I was expected to vote for a candidate whose daughter married a Jew. I chose the daughter who made Shabbos, Kosher and Chabad part of their everyday routine. I am expected to have sympathy for immigrants. My ancestors came here legally, respected authority in schools, law enforcement agencies, places of employment and elected officials from all parties. They saluted our flag and honored our veterans.
President Donald J. Trump, I wake up every morning and say "Thank You, President Trump." So do many of my friends. If you believe the article that was written, you would think that I was not on your side.
I am a white, college graduate, businesswoman living in suburbia, in a very blue state. I was expected to vote for a woman. I would definitely vote for a woman, Nikki Haley gets my vote, should she decide to run. I was expected to vote for a candidate whose daughter married a Jew. I chose the daughter who made Shabbos, Kosher and Chabad part of their everyday routine. I am expected to have sympathy for immigrants. My ancestors came here legally, respected authority in schools, law enforcement agencies, places of employment and elected officials from all parties. They saluted our flag and honored our veterans.
Fake news will never cover us, or our support for you and the administration.
You Have More Support Than You Think
While the New York State GOP is in shambles, even some Democratic candidates and elected officials publicly announce that they "Vote Trump" and Democratic everything statewide. Names like Assemblyman Dov Hikind come to mind.
According to both Noah Silverman, Congressional Affairs Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition and Michael Celler, Director of Jewish Engagement for the Republican National Committee, Republican Jewish candidates are popping up all over the country in local, state and national elections.
Besides our two Jewish R incumbents, Lee Zeldin and David Kustoff, we have a record number of candidates all over the country including:
Joe Kaufman
Bryan Leib
Phillip Aronoff
Beverly Goldstein
Joseph Schneider
Lena Epstein is running to represent Michigan's 11th district. She is on running on positions on a number of issues that are defined by her experiences as an automotive industry business leader, wife, and mother.
You Have More Support Than You Think
While the New York State GOP is in shambles, even some Democratic candidates and elected officials publicly announce that they "Vote Trump" and Democratic everything statewide. Names like Assemblyman Dov Hikind come to mind.
According to both Noah Silverman, Congressional Affairs Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition and Michael Celler, Director of Jewish Engagement for the Republican National Committee, Republican Jewish candidates are popping up all over the country in local, state and national elections.
Besides our two Jewish R incumbents, Lee Zeldin and David Kustoff, we have a record number of candidates all over the country including:
Joe Kaufman
Bryan Leib
Phillip Aronoff
Beverly Goldstein
Joseph Schneider
Lena Epstein is running to represent Michigan's 11th district. She is on running on positions on a number of issues that are defined by her experiences as an automotive industry business leader, wife, and mother.
"I co-own and manage Vesco Oil Corporation, my family's 3rd generation distributorship. I worked hard to earn the respect of tough as nails business leaders – many of them who were not used to dealing with a businesswoman in the automotive industry. Now we run one of the largest women-owned businesses in Michigan with over 200 employees."
"I will do the same thing in Washington, D.C. when I work across the aisle to find commonsense solutions to some of America's most pressing problems. We can work together for lower taxes, good quality healthcare, and safer neighborhoods for our children and grandchildren. I am running for Congress to work in a bipartisan manner for better paying jobs, safer immigration, and security here at home. I will inspire our state and our country with a positive vision of the future.
"I will do the same thing in Washington, D.C. when I work across the aisle to find commonsense solutions to some of America's most pressing problems. We can work together for lower taxes, good quality healthcare, and safer neighborhoods for our children and grandchildren. I am running for Congress to work in a bipartisan manner for better paying jobs, safer immigration, and security here at home. I will inspire our state and our country with a positive vision of the future.
"We can have an America that allows every person – regardless of background – the opportunity to succeed. I will represent every Michigan citizen as we work tirelessly to unite behind our shared ideals of freedom, safety, and opportunity for our families. I support our President, because a successful American Presidency leads to a successful America." If elected, Epstein will be the first Jewish Republican Woman elected from a campaign with both parties nominating women."
Naomi Levin is running for a seat in the House of Representatives in New York's 10th Congressional District, against Jerry Nadler. Polls reflect Levin is his strongest competitor yet.
As the daughter of refugees, Naomi Levin learned early in life to value the freedoms protected by the United States Constitution. Her parents witnessed firsthand the devastation communism wrought in Russia and came to America in the late 1970s to raise their family in a land of opportunity, far from the oppression they experienced.
Naomi speaks four languages, including Russian and Hebrew, spoken by many in the district. Naomi received a dual degree in Biology and Computer Science and has been working as a Software Engineer. Several months ago, long before most people even think about midterm elections, several people contacted me to learn more about a young woman about to announce a challenge to Congressman Jerrold Nadler. The 10th district is located on New York's Upper West Side and in parts of Brooklyn that include Boro Park, very Jewish neighborhoods. Levin is making national news by her appearances on Fox and Friends and The Blaze. She has been endorsed by Jon Voight and Anthony Scaramucci.
Daryl Kipnis and his family are not only political allies when it comes to Israel, they are my partners comparing shopping for kosher food, playing Jewish geography and observing traditions like fasting on Tisha B'Av or going to a Jewish themed cultural event. His three young children have sung Hatikvah to me and have called me while making the blessing over challah dough on a Friday morning.
Naomi Levin is running for a seat in the House of Representatives in New York's 10th Congressional District, against Jerry Nadler. Polls reflect Levin is his strongest competitor yet.
As the daughter of refugees, Naomi Levin learned early in life to value the freedoms protected by the United States Constitution. Her parents witnessed firsthand the devastation communism wrought in Russia and came to America in the late 1970s to raise their family in a land of opportunity, far from the oppression they experienced.
Naomi speaks four languages, including Russian and Hebrew, spoken by many in the district. Naomi received a dual degree in Biology and Computer Science and has been working as a Software Engineer. Several months ago, long before most people even think about midterm elections, several people contacted me to learn more about a young woman about to announce a challenge to Congressman Jerrold Nadler. The 10th district is located on New York's Upper West Side and in parts of Brooklyn that include Boro Park, very Jewish neighborhoods. Levin is making national news by her appearances on Fox and Friends and The Blaze. She has been endorsed by Jon Voight and Anthony Scaramucci.
Daryl Kipnis and his family are not only political allies when it comes to Israel, they are my partners comparing shopping for kosher food, playing Jewish geography and observing traditions like fasting on Tisha B'Av or going to a Jewish themed cultural event. His three young children have sung Hatikvah to me and have called me while making the blessing over challah dough on a Friday morning.
I call Daryl Kipnis New Jersey's version of my friend, New York's Congressman Lee Zeldin. Both are 37-years-old, married with young children and both support President Trump's policies supporting Israel and American Jews.
Kipnis is running for New Jersey's 12th congressional district against Bonnie Watson Coleman.
"As a modern orthodox, observant Jewish-American, I stand firmly with the state of Israel and understand its importance to not only my faith, but to the security of the United States and the role it plays in the stability of the Middle East," Kipnis told me. Not since the days of Joe Lieberman has walking on Saturdays taken on a new meaning in Washington.
Kipnis is running for New Jersey's 12th congressional district against Bonnie Watson Coleman.
"As a modern orthodox, observant Jewish-American, I stand firmly with the state of Israel and understand its importance to not only my faith, but to the security of the United States and the role it plays in the stability of the Middle East," Kipnis told me. Not since the days of Joe Lieberman has walking on Saturdays taken on a new meaning in Washington.
Ameer Benno is running to represent New York's 4th Congressional District. He has ties to Israel like no other candidate. According to his bio, "I am the son of an immigrant. My father was born in a [Jewish] refugee camp in Tel Aviv in 1946 – two years before the birth of the State of Israel. Despite their poverty, my grandparents were staunch Zionists and immensely proud of their Jewish identity. I carry that torch today."
"My father fought for Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War. Thereafter, he came to the United States in pursuit of education. While working full-time, he attended community college in the evenings.
"My mother's grandparents had come to the U.S. in the early 1900s from the Ukraine to escape the pogroms. They settled in Albany, NY where they started a small grocery store. They founded and built their community synagogue, which still flourishes today. In fact, it was at this synagogue in Albany that my father met my mother."
Benno recently returned to Israel on a mission with Gov. Mike Huckabee in support of Judea and Samaria.
And More Proof Jews Support Trump
A new poll finds 82% of Jewish Israelis approve of Trump's international affairs and over 90% think positively of the United States. Even Bret Stephens, a critic, published an Opinion piece in The New York Times, finding himself grateful to the president.
President Trump, you can't teach a dog new tricks overnight. However, you are training us well. Very few are as vocal or standing on the front line with you as I am in trying to Keep America Great!! It be reflected in the polling places.
Cindy Grosz can be reached at
A new poll finds 82% of Jewish Israelis approve of Trump's international affairs and over 90% think positively of the United States. Even Bret Stephens, a critic, published an Opinion piece in The New York Times, finding himself grateful to the president.
President Trump, you can't teach a dog new tricks overnight. However, you are training us well. Very few are as vocal or standing on the front line with you as I am in trying to Keep America Great!! It be reflected in the polling places.
Cindy Grosz can be reached at
Sent from my iPhone
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