Sunday, June 17, 2018

"The Voice of our Brothers' Blood Cries out to us" On Duma Suspects Harsh Torture by Shabak.


translation Google translate edited 

Protocols from the Duma trial proceedings, which are conducted behind closed doors, were printed in thousands of copies and distributed in synagogues in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem

State Prosecutor's Office in response
We reiterate that your court issued an order prohibiting publication of every detail relating to the identity of the minor, as well as any detail related to the methods of operation and the means used by the GSS in investigating the case.

Source: Carmel Dangor, Twitter

At the beginning of the booklet, distributed by activists identified as a "Jews who do not Torture Jews" it was written:

"The voice of our Brothers' blood cries out to us"

We, the friends of the youths who were tortured during the difficult interrogation of the torture case in the Duma Investigation, were exposed to the harsh testimonies about the torture that were inflicted on our members and we decided that it is impossible to allow the Shin Bet to continue silencing this shocking affair under the guise of security immunity.

The people of Israel must see what GSS interrogators did to our members in order to force confessions about the arson incident in Duma.

Anyone who has participated in these tortures should be held accountable. We still hear the dismissive remark of Minister Naftali Bennett, "To whom do you believe? Itamar Ben Gvir or Ayelet Shaked ?!" Well, in the document before you, you will be able to see the facts and decide who you believe.

We have collected small portions of the hundreds of pages of the minutes of the mini trial that have been going on for two and a half years, in which GSS interrogators themselves describe the harsh tortures that were used against the interrogees in the case.

In light of the horror that took place in the darkness with Israel, we must stand up and cry out: "Remove the immunity, expose the horrors!"

Rabbis and public figures have in the past given their trust in the elected officials who promised that the interrogation was proceeding properly and that torture was not being used, but unfortunately they deceived and whitewashed it. In recent weeks, many rabbis, politicians and public figures who were exposed to the shocking material expressed their displeasure with the affair and called for the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the conduct of the Shin Bet during the interrogation.

To this call should join any decent person. Today these are Hilltop boys, tomorrow it could be any of us.

פרוטוקולים על העינויים בחקירת פרשת דומא הופצו באלפי עותקים  

  פרוטוקולים מתוך דיוני משפט דומא, שמתנהלים בדלתיים סגורות, הודפסו באלפי עותקים והופצו בבתי כנסת בשטחי יהודה ושומרון ובירושלים
הפרקליטות בתגובה:
נשוב ונזכיר כי ביתך המשפט הוציא צו האוסר לפרסם כל פרט הנוגע לזהות הקטין וכן כל פרט הקשור לשיטות הפעולה ולאמצעים אשר שמשו את שב"כ בחקירת הפרשה. הדיונים מתנהלים בדלתיים סגורות ואין לפרסם את תוכנם.

מקור - כרמל דנגור, טוויטר

בפתח החוברת שהופצה על ידי פעילים המזוהים כ"מטה יהודי לא מענה יהודי" נכתב:
"קול דמי אחינו זועקים אלינו"
אנו, חברים של הצעירים שעונו במסגרת חקירת פרשת העינויים בתיק דומא, נחשפנו לעדויות הקשות על העינויים שהופעלו כלפי חברינו והחלטנו שאי אפשר לתת לשב"כ להמשיך ולהשתיק את הפרשה המזעזעת הזו באצטלה של חסינות בטחונית.
עם ישראל צריך לראות את מה שעוללו חוקרי השב"כ לחברים שלנו בשביל להוציא בכוח הודאות על אירוע ההצתה בדומא.
כל מי שהיה שותף לעינויים האלה צריך לתת על כך את הדין. עדיין מהדהדת באוזנינו אמירתו המזלזלת של השר נפתלי בנט "למי אתם מאמינים? לאיתמר בן גביר או לאיילת שקד?!". ובכן, במסמך שלפניכם תוכלו להיווכח בעובדות ולהחליט למי אתם מאמינים.
אספנו חלקים קטנים מתוך מאות עמודי הפרוטוקולים של משפט הזוטא שמתנהל כבר שנתיים וחצי, בהם מתארים גם חוקרי השב"כ עצמם את העינויים הקשים שהופעלו כלפי הנחקרים בתיק.
נוכח הזוועה שהתרחשה במחשכים עם ישראל צריך לקום ולזעוק: "הסירו את החסיון! חשפו את הזוועות!".
רבנים ואישי ציבור רבים נתנו בעבר את אמונם בנבחרי הציבור שהבטיחו שהחקירה מתנהלת כשורה ולא מופעלים עינויים, אך הם, לדאבון הלב, רימו וטייחו. בשבועות האחרונים רבנים, פוליטיקאים ואישי ציבור רבים שנחשפו לחומרים המזעזעים הביעו את מורת רוחם מהפרשה וקראו להקמת וועדת חקירה על התנהלות השב"כ בחקירה.
אל הקריאה הזו צריך להצטרף כל אדם הגון. היום אלו נערי הגבעות, מחר זה יכול להיות כל אחד מאיתנו.


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

"Exceptional resistance" to the evacuation of Tapuach: wounded and detained on the spot. Serugim "התנגדות חריגה" בפינוי בתפוח: פצועים ועצורים במקום


"Exceptional resistance" to the evacuation of Tapuach: wounded and detained on the spot

The evacuation of the 10 structures in the Tapuah West outpost continues: Five youths and eleven police officers were injured in the attack. So far six suspects have been arrested for police attacks and violent riots. See the documentation

"Exceptional resistance" to the evacuation of the apple: wounded and detained on the spot
  16 injured in evacuation of Tapuah (credit: police spokesman)

The evacuation of the 10 buildings in Tapuach West continued: Five youths and eleven police officers were injured from Sunday's violence. So far six suspects have been arrested for police attacks and violent riots.

In the past hour, it was reported that the number of youths injured by severe violence by the police has risen to five, and the residents are demanding that the police commissioner stop the violence against the demonstrators.

Evacuation of demonstrators by police bus (Credit: free)

At the same time, the police reported that the policemen and border policemen operating in the area encountered "violence and active and unusual resistance, which included the throwing of material that caused burning to the police, bleach, sticks, eggs and other objects.

Policeman treated after being injured by material (Credit: Spokesperson Police)

In accordance with a court decision that began last night, hundreds of police and Border Police forces arrived at Givat Tapuah West and began an attempt to take control of the houses, which the High Court ruled should be evacuated by the end of the current month.

At this hour, in accordance with the instructions of the political echelon, the security forces are dealing with the evacuation of the 10 buildings in the Tapuah West outpost, in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court.

The residents of the hill reported that the police moved from house to house while arresting many boys who were inside and outside the houses. The boys who were arrested were transferred to buses and trips and removed at intersections far from the area.

Arrest of one of the demonstrators (credit: free)

One of the residents told the sergeants that "during the last few months negotiations were held with the state in order to allow the residents to remain on the hill, but we decided to go out and fight for the Land of Israel once we understood that the state refuses to allow the Jews to continue to live in the West."

Policemen evacuate boys (Credit: Police Spokesman)


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Re: עוד על העינויים בפרשת דומא More on the Torture in the Duma Investigation Horrifying

The Protocol of pre trial testimony of the Torture of the Duma Suspects leaked and publicized in hundreds of shuls in Judea and Samaria by Hilltop Youth. 


One of the comments

צדיק(ה) מי שהדליף הפרוטוכל!

On Fri, Jun 15, 2018, 7:10 AM רות איזיקוביץ <> wrote:

פרוטוקולים על העינויים בחקירת פרשת דומא הופצו באלפי עותקים  


Fwd: פוגרום בתפוח-מערב Lawfare pogrom in Tapuach-West by Susie Dym

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: sddym <>
Date: Sat, Jun 16, 2018, 8:40 PM
‪Subject: פוגרום בתפוח-מערב Lawfare pogrom in Tapuach-West‬
To: <<>

Call for action: ANOTHER lawfare pogrom in progress in Israel.
Please urge PM Netanyahu to cease and desist!
ג'ייסון בדרך אז... נתניהו הורה על פוגרום בתפוח-מערב
איפה הצדק, איפה עמוד השדרה הלאומי

בלי וירוסים.

David Bedein : Destruction again in Tapuach Midwest because of Housing infractions ! The Israeli government ignores BAGATZ enforcement in the Arab and Bedouin sector Yet Persecutes Jewish Sector by Bulldozing Jewish Homes .


The way to cope with this travesty is to organize as many people as possible from outside Judea and Samaria  to send short, reasonable and personal messages to the PMO asking him to ignore the Israel High Court of Justice, the BAGATZ....

The content of the message should be: You do not have to destroy homes because of housing infractions. 

The Israeli government ignores BAGATZ enforcement in the Arab and Bedouin sector.

This past Friday, it was revealed on the front page of Makor Rishon that the Israeli government did not enforce the  BAGATZ during Ramadan to protect antiquities on the Temple Mount. 

The goverment can also ignore the BAZGATZ to bulldoze Jewish homes. 

Everything depends on how much pressure is placed on the PMO- from outside  Judea and Samaria.  Prime Minister's Office