Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Hearing of the Duma Suspects begin. An investigation that is all threats and violence" "חקירה שכולה איומים והפעלת אלימות" - ערוץ 7


"An investigation that is all threats and violence"
The first phase of the Duma trial began. Attorney Zion Amir: The public  is going to be terribly shocked  by how an investigation of a young minor was conducted. (h) 

edited translation:

(בבית המשפט המחוזי מרכז בלוד החל הבוקר (חמישי) 

The Central District Court in Lod began this Thursday morning

שלב הסיכומים בחלקו הראשון של משפט דומא. בכניסה לדיון מסרו עורכי הדין הצהרה לתקשורת.

Summation phase of the first part of the Duma trial. At the start of the hearing, the lawyers gave a statement to the media.

Attorney Zion Amir, who represents the minor in the case said: "We have reached the summation stage, and I hope that one day the things that arose during the trial, the facts and the details in the course of the facts and testimonies of everyone - mainly Shin Bet agents - will be revealed. The public should be shocked deeply at how an investigation was conducted against a young boy who was not charged with murder but rather in connection to the murder and how such an interrogation was carried out, which in its entirety involved threats and the use of violent means in all kinds of ways and forms.

הדבר הזה מזעזע את הנפש, אי אפשר להשלים עם חקירה שמתנהלת באופן כזה בחברה דמוקרטית

This is shocking to the mind as it is impossible to accept an investigation conducted in such a manner in a democratic society.  I very much hope that in the end, the court will speak about these essential issues. "

Attorney Adi Keidar, who also represents the minor, said, "I hope that the court will first of all accept our claims and expose the public to the dramatic events that occurred during this interrogation - human rights violations, extreme violations of human rights, and we want to clarify unequivocally, we do not yet know what happened in Duma, that our defendant had nothing to do with it, and the fictitious connection that was made in one way or another in the indictment stems from the Shin Bet's desire to explain the harsh measures and the torture that were applied against him , otherwise there would be no explanation. "

Attorney Asher Ohayon, who represents Amiram Ben Uliel, the main suspect, told us about the torture Ben-Uliel underwent. "We are at the beginning of the summations in court, and we will try to convince the court. 

אנחנו נזמין את ביהמ"ש לקבוע, שכדבר הזה שהיה בחקירות שעבר עמירם בן אוליאל – לא היה בישראל. מעשים חמורים ביותר, שנעשו בדריסה ברגל גסה של כל זכות בסיסית, לעולם לא עונו בישראל אנשים כפי שעונה עמירם בן אוליאל, גם לא מחבלים, כשידיהם נטפו דם לאורך שנים רבות. ברור לכולנו, לכל מי שנכח במהלך המשפט הארוך הזה, ושמע את חוקרי השב"כ לאורך ולרוחב, שהמטרה האמיתית של החקירה באופן שבו התנהלה, תוך כדי הפעלת עינויים אכזריים, נועדה בראש ובראשונה – כדי לספק את מה שהשב"כ חש שהוא חייב לספק.

We will invite the court to determine that this kind of thing,  that was in the interrogation that Ben Uliel endured - never happened in Israel. The most severe acts ever, trampling on every basic right, Never did they torture people in Israel like they tortured Amiram Ben Uliel, not even terrorists, with their hands dripping in blood for many years. It is clear to all of us, to all those who have been present during this long trial, and heard the GSS interrogators throughout, that the true purpose of the interrogation in the manner in which it was conducted, while using cruel torture, was primarily to provide what the GSS felt it must provide.

פתרון למה שכונה פה הרצח בדומא.

A solution to what was called the murder in Duma. 

זה ברור לגמרי שנשפו בעורפו של השב"כ, וגם ראש הממשלה, שהבטיח קבל עם ועדה, שהדבר יבוא לידי פתרון It is perfectly clear that they breathed down the neck of the Shabak.  Also the Prime minister, who promised publicly, that this will come to a solution, גם שר הביטחון, שחזר ואמר והבטיח, השב"כ היה חייב לפתור את השאלות האלה, וכדי לפתור את השאלות האלה הוא דרס ברגל גסה את כל הזכויות האלמנטריות של אזרח בישראל.

Also the defense minister, who repeated and promised, the Shin Bet had to solve these questions, and in order to solve these questions, he grossly trampled on all the elementary rights of a citizen in Israel.

For three weeks, Amiram Ben Uliel was cut off from any contact with anyone other than his interrogators. He was deprived of sleep. Finally, when these means failed, GSS interrogators stepped up and subjected him to extremely cruel torture, which, as I have said, terrorists never crossed.

זה לא ייאומן, אבל למשל, אחד מהעינויים האלה היה להושיב אותו אזוק ידיים מאחוריו גב, כאשר אין משענת לכיסא, וההטיה של הגוף שלו לאחור כשלא מתאפשר לו אפילו למתוח את הגוף עד הסוף לאחור. וכך, בתנועה שבאוויר הוא הוחזק, זמן ארוך ביותר, זה עינויי תופת, כאשר הוא זועק לחוקרים, תיארו פה מצבים איומים שהוא זועק לאביו שבשמיים וקורא.

It is unbelievable, but for example, one of those tortures was to have him handcuffed behind his back, when there was no back to the chair, and the tilt of his body back when he could not even stretch the body all the way back. Thus, in the movement in the air he was held, for a very long time, it was terrible torture, when he cried out to the interrogators, described here terrible situations that he cries out to his Father in heaven and calls

זה מזכיר לכולנו את הזעקות של יהודים במקום אחר. החוקרים הגיבו בגיחוך. אחד מהתרגילים היה, ועינויים אכזריים מעין אלו, מאוד מקוריים, שלא הופעלו בישראל, עד לזמן הזה. וכך, אחרי כמעט שלושה שבועות, כשהוא אוחז בפלך השתיקה, נשברה שתיקתו – תרתי משמע, נשבר גופו, נשברה נפשו, והוא הפך להיות כחומר ביד היוצר, בידי החוקרים שלו. את התוצרים האלה מבקשת המדינה להכשיר. מבחינתנו זו בקשה להכשיר את השרץ. אנחנו מאוד מקווים שביהמ"ש יאמר עד כאן. בעזרת ה'".

It reminds us of the cries of Jews elsewhere. The interrogators responded with a grin. One of the exercises was, And such cruel, very original torture which were not used in Israel until this time. And so, after almost three weeks, holding the shire of silence, his silence broke - literally, his body broke, his soul broke, and he became material in the hands of the creator, by the hands of his interrogators. These products are being requested by the State to be legal. As far as we are concerned, this is a request to make a Treif insect Kosher. We very much hope that the court will say Just So far.   With God's help. "

Hearing for Duma Suspects. Justice for Elisha Odess! Losing Faith in the Israeli Judicial System - for Good reason! Evil Judges who Pervert Justice. What next? The Death Penalty on innocent Hilltop Youth chas Veshalom?????


Today, March 15, 2018  at the scheduled hearing of Elisha Odess we will see if this circus of a court continues. Our hopes and prayers are that it will be stopped in its tracks, amends made and that these boys are finally freed, and those responsible for criminality are held accountable!

In addition, it is time to end the designation of such Jews as members of a Jewish Terrorist Organization . It is time to defund the Jewish Division of the Shabak which has engaged in blood libels against Jewish youth in order to manufacture a "Jewish terrorist!"  for the use of our enemies to find equivalency and justify the "armed struggle" of the Palestinian People. 

Thank you Raanan Isseroff for raising this absurd possibility....

Sounds far fetched but a call for the death penalty for these hilltop youth is now a real possibility.They don't seem to stop at anything. 

Israel Police, ISA, Shabak, Knesset and Israel Judicial system corroborated against Netanyahu the Prime Minister. This is the process:  Gag order, false allegations, fabricating evidence, slander and libel in the media with the goal of indicting Netanyahu, finding him guilty, powerless and behind bars. 

There are many parallels with this modus operandi used against the hilltop youth. . These same forces have marginalized this group, and succeeded to designate these kids as Jewish terrorists.  Those somehow affiliated with Rabbi Meir Kahana ob"m and his grandson Meir Ettinger who believe in an an ideology which insists on adhering to only a Torah Court based on our Jewish oral and written tradition fall into this group.  Such designation is sufficient for a gag order and to be branded  worldwide as belonging to a Jewish terrorist organization  They are then convicted on mainstream media with a guilty verdict without habeas corpus, without a fair hearing without a fair trial both by Rabbis and by government officials based on false allegations. They are slandered and  libeled in the secular and Jewish media, presented as fact,  as being the perpetrators of an act of terror,  setting arson to an Arab house in the center of the village Duma, scrawling graffiti and causing the death of an Arab family, including a baby. 

To provide evidence, these joint efforts corroborated and  fabricated a plot with various allegations and then employed torture methods to obtain confessions to crimes that these kids never committed. Some of the youth are minors.  They were held under administrative detention. They were and continue to be denied human and civil rights.  They are detained for lengthy periods of time without access to a lawyer, and during this time period they are tortured.  They and their lawyers are denied access to evidence against them to help in their defense and are denied access of evidence that might prove that the crime was perpetrated by someone else. 

One minor by the name of Elisha Odess attempted suicide. 

So what  is the next step for them if they are not set free?The death penalty G-d forbid? 


During the debate in the Knesset, opposition lawmakers asked more than once if the law applies to Jewish terrorists, and both Ilatov and Netanyahu answered yes. 

Though Shas voted in favor of the legislation being advanced by Yisrael Beytenu, Shas's late spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef opposed instituting the death penalty. But his main concern was not the lives of the terrorists. He argued in a taped lecture that can be found on YouTube that since the court system in Israel is run by evil judges who pervert justice, he feared that Jews would be given death sentences for killing gentiles.

Minister Lieberman refers to the drama in File 4000 - "I expect the President of the Supreme Court to immediately suspend Judge Poznansky-Katz. We must not let the public lose faith in the judicial system. "

The same should hold true for all those who betrayed these kids by allowing false allegations and false evidence thereby seriously tainting the Judicial system.  

Duma Suspects Trial -  Elisha Odess, Amiram ben Uliel in the News. 


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Letter by Ruti itzkowitz re: Elisha Odess to MK Ayelet Shaked on her unwillingness to intervene the framing of the Hilltop Youth and fabricating evidence based on forced confessions and the collaboration of the Police, the Shabak and the Ministry of Justice


see  below for original letter in Hebrew. 

To The Justice Minister MK Ayelet Shaked


Distinguished Madam, 

In your response to Prof. Yoel Elizur through your Bureau Chief, you responded that the entire matter of torture of the Duma detainees is under supervision. 

In another reply, written on your behalf, you replied that you can not intervene.

It seems to me, it is common sense, and what is just, that precisely now, not only is intervention possible but it is mandatory. 

Or is what I view as common sense, straight forward, is not necessarily so?

This is outrageous.

Court to determine submissibility of Duma arson defendants' confessions

לשרת המשפטים
גב' איילת שקד

גבירתי הנכבדה.  
לפרופ' יואל אליצור השבת באמצעות ראש לשכתך,  שכל עניין העינויים של עצורי דומא, הוא בפיקוח. בתשובה נוספת נכתב בשמך, שאינך יכולה להתערב.

נראה לי, בשכל הישר כמדומתני, ועל פי צדק, שעכשיו ממש, לא רק אפשרית התערבותך, אלא זה בדיוק המקום המחייב אותה.

או מה שנראה בעיניי שכל ישר אינו כזה?

מדובר עכשיו  בידיעה המקוממת הזאת.


Att-Ambassador Dermer- 3rd request re- Elisha Odess.pdf Crown Heights Women for the Integrity and Safety of Israel. Tamar Adelstein co-ordinator


Att-Amabassador Dermer- 3rd request re- Elisha Odess.pdf Crown Heights Women for the Integrity and Safety of Israel. Tamar Adelstein co-ordinator

re: Elisha Odess. Letter of Attorney Boaz Shapiro to Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked


translated: Hebrew below

To: The Honorable Ayelet Shaked - Minister of Justice

Re: Request for an urgent meeting


In light of the correspondence to which I was exposed, including my participation from time to time, I am aware that you are well aware of what is called the "Duma affair"

It is not the place to be wordy as the details are many and are public knowledge.

The picture that emerges from all the circumstances is the existence of a shocking and ongoing crime, while depriving human rights of fabricating a false plot and treating Jewish minors that suits dark regimes.

We possess abundant materials as follows:

-Information about happenings of the twilight zone between family clans in Duma.

-Information on the activities of security forces (police and Shin Bet) to conceal such information.

-- Shocking testimonies of a number of those interrogated, mostly minors, about scandalous conditions of detention, abuse, humiliation and humiliation!!!

Additional  information most important, to bring to an honest, fair and impartial authorized party !!!

The progression of the handling of the "case" as it was until now is dragging the entire country into delusional districts, since the violation of the law, the violation of human rights, the "unconstitutional" and criminal conduct, are part of the system as a whole. We are witnessing a system in which a person "covers" the crimes of his partner, in which the judicial system is mobilized /or mobilized, in which everything is done without transparency, in darkness and under the guise of security events, ticking bombs and the like, all the same as they never existed!

Know this and please, refer to this objectively, fairly, (and with a Jewish heart).

We, the law-abiding citizens, lovers of justice and seekers of Truth will not pause nor let go !!!!
As Minister of Justice, you will not be able to claim in the future come what may,  "I did not know", or "I was not brought to my attention," "I did not appreciate it correctly"

In light of the above, and in order to put an end to the terrible and horrific injustice, I hereby appeal to you (and a moral and conscientious demand) to hold a thorough meeting with the undersigned, a meeting in which you will be given valuable information that will later be used to denounce and prosecute all those who share the crime !!
I would appreciate your response

Boaz Shapira, Advocate
Kiryat Arba is Hebron

לשרת המשפטים
גב' איילת שקד

הנדון: בקשה לקיום פגישה דחופה


לאור התכתבויות להן נחשפתי ובהן גם השתתפתי מעת לעת, ברי לי שהנך מודעת היטב למה שמכונה "פרשת דומא"

לא כאן המקום להרבות במילים שכן הפרטים רובם ככולם מצויים בידי רבים כיום.

התמונה העולה מכלל הנסיבות היא קיום פשע מזעזע ומתמשך תוך קיפוח זכויות אדם, רקימת עלילת שווא ויחס לקטינים יהודים ההולם משטרים אפלים.

בידינו חומרים למכביר כדלקמן:

-מידע על אודות המאורעות הבין ערביים בין החמולות בדומא.

-מידע על פעילות גורמי ביטחון (שב"כ ומשטרה) להעלים המידע הנ"ל.

-עדויות מזעזעות של מספר נחקרים, רובם קטינים, על אודות תנאי מעצר שערורייתיים, התעללות, ביזוי והשפלה!!

-עוד פרטים שחשוב ביותר להביא לידיעת גורם מוסמך, הגון ונטול פניות!!!

השתלשלות הטיפול ב"תיק" כפי שהייתה עד הלום גוררת את המדינה כולה למחוזות הזויים בהיות הפרת החוק, הפרת זכויות אדם, התנהלות אנטי "חוקתית" ופושעת -מנת חלקה של המערכת כולה. אנו עדים למערכת בה איש "מכסה" על פשעי שותפו, בה מערכת המשפט מגויסת/מתגייסת, בה הכול נעשה ללא שקיפות, במחשכים ובמסווה של אירועים ביטחוניים, פצצות מתקתקות וכיוצא באלה, כולם כאחד לא היו ולא נבראו!!!

דעי לך זאת, ואנא ממך, התייחסי לדברים באובייקטיביות, בהגינות , (וגם עם לב יהודי).

אנו, אזרחים שוחרי חוק, אוהבי צדק ודורשי אמת- לא נניח ולא נרפה !!!!

בהיותך שרת המשפטים לא תוכלי לטעון בעתיד כי יבוא "לא ידעתי", "לא הובא לידיעתי," "לא הערכתי נכון"

לאור האמור ובמטרה לשים סוף לעוול הנורא והמשווע הנני פונה אליך בבקשה (ודרישה מוסרית ומצפונית בצידה) כי תקיימי פגישה יסודית עם החתום מטה, פגישה בה יימסר לך מידע יקר ערך שלימים ייעשה בו שימוש על מנת להוקיע ולהעמיד לדין את כל השותפים לפשע!!

אודה על היענותך

בעז שפירא, עו"ד
קרית ארבע היא חברון


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.