Thursday, February 08, 2018

40 girls from Shomron protesting unsafe roads following murder of Itamar been Ga. Jewish teenage female was violently attacked and arrested by Security(?) forces.


About 40 girls from the Samaria settlements arrived at the Ariel intersection where Itamar Ben Gal was murdered the day before, in order to block the route to Arab traffic.

The movement was blocked for 40 minutes until IDF forces arrived and tried to disperse the demonstration.
According to the girls, the demonstration was violently dispersed by the police, even though they obeyed its instructions and left the road.

The girls also claim that for no logical reason the forces attacked a 16-year-old girl who was standing across the street and violently arrested her.  (translated from Hebrew below). 

Compare these 2 videos.

An Israeli Palestinian take on this:

כארבעים בנות תושבות השומרון הגיעו לצומת אריאל בה נרצח איתמר בן גל הי"ד יום קודם לכן, במטרה לחסום את הציר לתנועה ערבית. 
התנועה נחסמה למשך 40 דק' עד שהגיעו כוחות צה''ל וניסו לפזר את ההפגנה.
לטענת הנערות ההפגנה התפזרה באלימות מצד כוחות המשטרה על אף שהן נשמעו להוראותיה והתפנו מהכביש .
עוד טוענות הנערות כי ללא כל סיבה הגיונית התנפלו הכוחות על קטינה כבת 16 שעמדה מעבר לכביש ועצרו אותה באלימות קשה.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Is this a TRUE?????? The Shameful Story behind the Murder Of Itamar ben Gal hy"d


If there were cameras at this busy intersection this story can be easily verified or refuted:

Forwarded from רונן רייס
translation from Hebrew below (with help from Google translate)

I received this message hours after the terror attack in Ariel. I chose not to share until I got confirmation of this disgraceful story. Last night it was verified. Read ... Be ashamed and share ...

Shalom. You will not believe this story
A friend of mine two days ago was waiting for a bus at the junction in Judea and Samaria, and two armed soldiers were guarding the station.
The soldiers noticed an Arab who aroused suspicion as he approached the station and was asked to present his identity card.
In response, the Arab began to burst out in  curses, refused to cooperate and shouted at the soldiers: Who are you at all? I know you can not do anything to me! Not afraid of you!
Then he pulled out a cell phone and began taking photographs while he mocked them and cursed them,
My friend was greatly disturbed by this disgrace and demanded that he stop. The Arab not only did not stop, but violently attacked him. The soldiers immediately went to "separate" them but the Arab pushed them as well and tossed from them their weapons!
The Arab went on raving against him until he realized that our guy was not a Fraier ( not easy prey) and that he was going to lose, so he left the station shouting: I'll remember your face, ya!
So my friend asked the soldiers: Why do you not do anything? Arrest him!
The soldier replied: "Sorry, my brother, but I'm afraid they won't have my back.  I'll arrest him and then what will happen? They will come to me with accusations.

 Tachlis, When it comes to practicality  We understand him ..
My friend was totally upset by the incident, because why was he the only one out there who has the courage to act?
Why are the soldiers so afraid?
After all, the honor of an IDF fighter is the deterrence of [terror] of the State of Israel!

And now what makes this story an unbelievable reality: This story happened the night before the attack, and this junction was the Ariel junction.
It was not more than 24 hours before we paid with blood! A father of children was murdered on the way home! At that junction!
But that's not what's crazy.  The Arab here who went wild was definitely identified as the terrorist who murdered the day after!
If the fighters had a backup, he would have been arrested and today Rabbi Itamar Ben Gal would be alive. As a former fighter, I am ashamed to the depths of my soul

The IDF command knows the details of the story and does not tell us the truth!
After all, there are cameras at the intersection that will publish the video!

Do not let them silence the truth

את ההודעה הזאת קיבלתי שעות לאחר הפיגוע באריאל בחרתי לא לשתף עד שאני אקבל אימות לסיפור המביש הזה אתמול בלילה הוא אומת תקראו תיתבישו ותשתפו...

שלום הצל לסיפור הזה לא תאמין
חבר שלי לפני יומים חיכה לאוטובוס בצומת באיו"ש, שני לוחמים חמושים אבטחו את התחנה. 
החיילים הבחינו בערבי שעורר חשד שהתקרב לתחנה ולכן ביקשו ממנו להציג תעודת זהות. 
בתגובה הערבי התחיל לקלל בצרורות, סירב לשתף פעולה וצרח על החיילים: מי אתם בכלל? אני יודע שאתם לא יכולים לעשות לי כלום! לא מפחד ממכם! 
ואז הוא שלף פלאפון והתחיל לצלם תוך כדי שהוא לועג להם ומקלל אותם, 
לחבר שלי  מאוד הפריע הביזיון הזה והוא דרש ממנו להפסיק, הערבי לא רק שלא הפסיק, אלא התנפל עליו באלימות, החיילים ישר ניגשו "להפריד" אבל הערבי דחף גם אותם והעיף להם את הנשק! 
הערבי המשיך להשתולל לתקוף אותו עד שהוא קלט שהבחור שלנו לא פרייאר ושהוא הולך להפסיד, אז הוא עזב את התחנה תוך כדי שהוא צועק: אני יזכור את הפנים שלכם, יא ****! 
אז חבר שלי  שאל את החיילים: למה אתם לא עושים כלום? תעצרו אותו! 
והחייל עונה לו: "מצטער אח שלי, אבל אני מפחד שלא יגבו אותי, אני יעצור אותו ומה יקרה? עוד יבואו אלי בטענות!"
 תכלס, מבין אותו.. 
חבר שלי כולו היה נסער מאירוע, כי למה הוא היחיד שיצא שם גבר עם האומץ לפעול? 
למה החיילים כל כך מפחדים? 
הרי הכבוד של לוחם צה"ל זה ההרתעה של המדינה! 

ועכשיו מה שהופך את הסיפור הזה למציאות שלא תאמן: הסיפור הזה קרה ערב לפני הפיגוע , והצומת הזאת הייתה צומת אריאל.. 
לא עברו 24 שעות מהמקרה הזה וכבר שילמנו בדם! אב לילדים נרצח בדרך לביתו! באותה צומת! 
אבל זה לא מה שמטורף כאן הערבי שהשתולל זוהה בודאות בתור המחבל שרצח יום אחרי!
אם היה ללוחמים גיבוי הוא היה נעצר והיום הרב איתמר בן גל ז"ל היה חי..בתור לוחם לשעבר אני מתביש עד עמקי נשמתי 

פיקוד צהל יודע את פירטי הסיפור ולא מספר לנו את האמת!
הרי יש מצלמות בצומת, שיפרסמו את הסרטון!*

תשתפו אל תיתנו להם להשתיק את האמת


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: Mike Huckabee newsletter. Feb. 7, FISA application violated important safeguards -- Good news about VA reform - (my comments)-- Holocaust-denier running for Congress -- Kimmel's selective editing -- Colts linebacker killed by illegal immigrant -- Democrat transparency -- Additional Mike Huckabee commentaries


My comments [Robin]

Reading today's newsletter was extremely heartening.  Investigating the FBI and trying to figure out how the dossier got past the Wood Procedure is of paramount importance.  If these procedures can be easily sidestepped it is a reflection of deep corruption and rotten decay within the FBI and the DOJ.  The only way to clean shop is to investigate, expose the decay and clean it. 

Reading how 1500! VA employees have been given walking papers and that 70 whistle blowers are being protected is quite sobering and shocking news.  Knowing that so many Veterans were denied the services and benefits they deserve is so sad.  This news is therefore bittersweet.  At least it brings hope that things will change for the better in the future. 

Sometimes things have to deteriorate and decompose in order to sprout new seed and healthy growth.  

Like corrections in the economy these corrections are actually very healthy signs of growth!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Huckabee <>
Date: Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 12:36 PM
Subject: FISA application violated important safeguards


Today's Commentary: FISA application violated important safeguards -- Good news about VA reform -- Holocaust-denier running for Congress -- Kimmel's selective editing -- Colts linebacker killed by illegal immigrant -- Democrat transparency -- Additional Mike Huckabee commentaries
Poll: Do you support President Trump's decision to release the memo? VOTE HERE.
If you enjoy the newsletter also, please forward it to a friend and tell them they can subscribe for free at
Before the FBI can take information before the FISA court, it must make sure it has followed what are called the Woods Procedures, which haven't received much attention yet but need to. These rules are named not for actor James Woods --- who would no doubt approve of them, though --- but by Michael Woods, who as head of the Office of General Counsel's National Security Law Unit drafted them in April, 2001, after concerns that the FBI had presented inaccurate information to the court. These rules lay out all the levels of approval that must be received at the FBI and Justice Department to make sure "evidence" presented to the FISA court is indeed true.
The sequence of steps is extremely complicated, by design.
Sharyl Attkisson, one of the finest journalists on the planet --- note I don't have to put quotation marks around the word "journalist" when describing her --- has a great piece explaining how these rules fit into how we should view Christopher Steele's "dossier" and the fact that it ever got in front of the FISA judges to justify spying on an American citizen and, by expansion, the Trump campaign.
Mike Huckabee
Good news about VA reform
By Mike Huckabee
Here's some good news that ought to brighten every American's day: the reform of the Veterans' Administration is looking like a bipartisan success story. Thanks to the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act passed last June, it's now easier to fire the kind of executives who put veterans on waiting lists until they died and tried to cover it up. Over 1500 underperforming VA employees have been given their walking papers, and over 70 whistleblowers have been protected from retaliation for speaking up to defend vets from a corrupt and failing system.
Judging from the news coverage, you'd think that the #1 priority of the federal government was to protect illegal immigrants. In fact, the #1 priority should be keeping our promise to America's veterans that they will get the best of care in gratitude for the sacrifices they make to safeguard our freedom and security. It's great to see that promise finally starting to be kept.

Holocaust-denier running for Congress

By Mike Huckabee
There is a Congressional district in Chicago where a reprehensible Holocaust-denier is set to be the Republican candidate, and some liberals are trying to use this to tar the entire Republican Party as sympathetic to Nazis and white supremacists. I shouldn't even have to waste my pixels refuting this outrageous slander, but just to set the record straight: this person in no way represents the Republican Party or any legitimate member of it. He's only set to be the GOP candidate there because that district is so lockstep Democratic that he's the only one who bothered to register to run, just as he has half-a-dozen times in the past to no effect. He's no more representative of Republicans than some fringe communist nut wasting his time running in a safe Republican district is of mainstream Democrats.
Blogger Ann Althouse had the best take on it: that if anyone would try to turn something as meaningless as this into ruthless party propaganda, "ironically, that would be Nazish."

Kimmel's selective editing

By Mike Huckabee
Jimmy Kimmel thinks liberals dominate late night shows because the job takes intelligence. But according to some Trump supporters whom he tried to blindside for a pro-illegal immigrant piece, it apparently also takes dishonesty, arrogance, bullying, a hair-trigger temper, a massive ego, a dollop of racism and sexism, and plenty of selective editing. If he wants to prove them wrong, all he has to do is grant their demand to release the unedited footage of their appearance. Now, that would be something that might get me to watch late night TV again!

Colts linebacker killed by illegal immigrant

By Mike Huckabee
The immigration issue just took a tragic twist with the news that Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson was killed by a suspected drunk driver believed to be an illegal immigrant who has already been deported twice. The man reportedly struck Jackson and his Uber driver with a pickup truck when they were stopped on the side of the highway.
President Trump took to Twitter this morning to offer condolences to Jackson's family and call his death a "disgraceful" and preventable tragedy. He called on Democrats to get tough on border security and illegal immigration. And if John McCain's proposal for a DACA bill without funding for a border wall weren't already a nonstarter, it's clear that it is now.

Democrat transparency

By Mike Huckabee
Say, remember way back to three days ago, when Democrats were railing that House Republicans were trying to suppress information by not declassifying their response to Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes' memo on FBI FISA Court abuse? Well, on Monday, the Committee voted unanimously to release the Democratic response. This was after those very same Committee Democrats had voted unanimously not to release the original memo.
I guess the Democrats' idea of showing transparency is to always act in transparent self-interest.

Additional Commentaries

We know who conspired

This should enrage every American

Our Democrat friends have been unfairly judged

Scandinavian medical morality

The Memo

Nancy Pelosi's response

Home-cooking by the Deep State?

Mort Walker RIP

Air BnB BS

The State of the Union

Dr. Carson's new initiative

President Trump is taking flak over compromise

Trump wants to speak with Mueller ASAP

Stop the presses! Trump...DIDN'T fire Mueller

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Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, February 05, 2018

Fwd: Perhaps by Shalom Pollack on An Arab stabbed an Israeli Man to death in the City of Ariel in Samaria


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shalom Pollack <>
Date: Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 3:46 PM
Subject: Perhaps

An Arab terrorist stabbed an Israeli man to death in the city of Ariel in Samaria, Monday afternoon.

The victim has been identified as 29-year-old Itamar Ben-Gal, a resident of the community of Har Bracha in Samaria. Ben-Gal, a father of four, was an educator who was an official teacher (Ra'm) of 8th-grade boys at the Bnei Akiva Yeshiva in Givat Shmuel and also taught at the Har Bracha Yeshiva.

The stabbing attack occurred at a popular hitchhiking spot near Jerusalem Boulevard in Ariel just before 2:30 p.m. The terrorist, an Israeli Arab from Yaffo, stabbed the victim from the back, penetrating his upper chest and wounding him fatally.

Another report.

 Another Jewish soul ripped from us. Another young widow. More little orphans More lives forever scarred.

We are a people who do not want to think about the next "report", and the next, and the next but want only to carry on with their private lives. That's all we want

Does it matter that the Arab terrorist killer was an "Israeli" "Palestinian citizen or a non-Israeli one?

Does it matter if the killer was an Arab from the "occupied territories " he wants to liberate or an Israeli Arab who lives and prospers amongst  Jews in the Jewish state?

Does it matter that the latest killing (if there has not been another as of this writing) comes after the many attempts of appeasement by Israel or before?

Does it matter if the latest killing occurred before or after the IDF stepped up security measures in the area?

There is nothing that has been tried by Israel to date that has stopped these killings. Today, it was a  stabbing in midday at a bus stop. At times it is a car ramming, at other times firebombs, bullets, stones - they all have one aim - to kill us, however, whenever and wherever possible.

Israelis try to comprehend. They strain their intellect. Are the huge financial incentive and hero status for them and their families that influence these murderers? Perhaps it is the expectation of seventy-two virgins.

Maybe it is just the product of the 24/7 hate indoctrination they are subject to; paid and facilitated by the UN and delivered by our peace partners.

Did we give them too little of our land? Did we give them too much of our land?

Did we not give them enough respect? Arabs are very sensitive and must have their honor as all the experts tell us.

Is there something that the Left has suggested that we omitted and thus the continuing"cycle of violence"? We are told by the Left that, as the stronger side we are obliged to make the greater sacrifice to halt the "cycle|" and endure greater pain because our opponents do not have the same means of conflict as we do.. (for real).

We certainly have done a ton of all of the above - but perhaps just a little more..??

Or maybe we should finally do what we knew we should have done a long time ago and not care about the theatrical howls of a corrupt world?

Perhaps we should begin to care a lot more about the all too authentic howls of our own  orphans and widows..?


Just a thought.

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Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.