Monday, January 16, 2017

1 Tiny Jewish Country 56 Muslim Countries - Video


1 Tiny Jewish Country 56 Muslim Countries -  Video

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Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: "This Year in Jerusalem" on moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. MUST READ! by Sara Lehmann Blogger - Times of Israel


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sara Lehmann <>
Date: Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 4:53 PM
Subject: article in Times of Israel: "This Year in Jerusalem"

Hi. I thought you might want to read my piece in today's Times of Israel:

Next year in Tel Aviv. That's what some opponents of the proposed move of the American embassy to Jerusalem would like to hear. And to make sure that doesn't happen, loud and enthusiastic support for both the move and for the movers behind it is necessary.

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Proposing to relocate the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is nothing new. What is new is the prospect that it might actually be carried out. Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, requiring the federal government to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. All presidents since then campaigned to relocate the embassy. But once in office, none did; instead they all invoked a waiver in the law allowing them to delay the move for security reasons.

There is reason to hope that President elect Trump, who campaigned as the anti-politician, might actually deliver on his campaign promise to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president-elect, said the embassy move "is a very big priority for this president-elect, Donald Trump. He has made that very clear during the campaign. And as president-elect I've heard him repeat it several times privately, if not publicly."  Underscoring this priority is Trump's choice of David Friedman for American ambassador to Israel, a fierce and early advocate of the Jerusalem embassy move, and his son in law Jared Kushner as Middle East peace envoy.

Perhaps the strongest evidence of Trump's intentions is his pushback against the Obama administration for treating Israel "with such total disdain and disrespect", following America's abstaining from the UN's resolution castigating the Jewish country. And Trump's tweet, "Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!" has made him Israel's foremost cheerleader on the world stage.

Obama's unsurprising betrayal of the Jewish country was met with surprising condemnation by most American Jewish groups, many of which have been previously hesitant to criticize a president they identified with and supported. In a world of "red lines" waiting to be crossed, it appears that Obama's repudiation of the "Jewishness" that is the basis of the Jewish state was a demarcation that Jewish organizations could not ignore. With his denunciation of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria as "occupied Palestinian territory", in which an Israeli presence has "no legal validity", Obama denounced history and exposed Israel to more terrorism on the ground and in the courts of world opinion.

With the expected exception of J Street and its cohorts, Jewish groups that had criticized David Freidman for being too staunch a supporter of Israel now criticize Obama for being too staunch a detractor. Even the ADL's head Jonathan Greenblatt, who had served as special assistant to Obama, was forced to realize that his former boss turned out to be the Judas he spent eight years trying to pretend he wasn't.

The stunning and perhaps revealing juxtaposition of Obama's treachery towards Israel and the incoming administration's devotion to the Jewish country should not be lost on Israel's supporters. Or her enemies. While there have been rumblings of faint hearted pleas to keep the embassy in Tel Aviv for fear of increased terrorism and opposition from Arab countries, now is not the time for buckling under. Now is the time for lovers of Israel, who have long championed Jerusalem as its eternal capital, to feel emboldened enough to push for that actualization.

Moving the embassy to Jerusalem is more than a simple diplomatic affirmation of American allegiance to an ally. It's a public and unequivocal declaration of Jerusalem's intrinsic significance to Israel biblically, historically and religiously. And it's a repudiation of the Arab myth of Jerusalem's exclusive connection to Islam and by extension the myth of Palestinian nationhood.

Those who advise against such a move, including Arab leaders and even some Jewish ones, do so from a place of either intimidation or fear. Abbas's threat that the relocation would trigger "a crisis we will not be able to come out from", sounds all too familiar. Arabs have been threatening Jews since before 1948, and their scare tactics prove that Palestinians don't need an excuse to murder Jews. Their existence alone is enough reason for terrorists to kill them. Last Sunday's horrific terror attack in Jerusalem is just another example of their ongoing battle against Jewish life in the Middle East.

Similarly, John Kerry's warning that an embassy move would cause "an absolute explosion in the region" should give pause to anyone naïve enough to believe him. His recent hostile rant against the Jewish state certifies his having Israel's worst interests at heart. And perhaps his cautionary admonition is an attempt to deflect from his own dismal failure as Secretary of State, which undoubtedly leaves behind an "absolute explosion in the region".

Surely the Sunni states, with whom Israel has been cultivating relationships with, in common cause against Iran, are more concerned with the Shiite threat than with the zip code of their neighbor's embassy. And while Jordan immediately warned that such a move would "inflame the Islamic and Arab streets", there is reason to believe they fear inflaming their own streets from the Palestinian threat within.

Two weeks ago the House of Representatives passed a resolution condemning the UN Security Council for censuring Israel and urging the Obama administration to veto any similar actions before leaving office. And it came a day after Senators Macro Rubio, Ted Cruz and Dean Heller introduced the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act, which seeks to withhold certain funds from the State Department until the move is completed.

This should spark hope in lovers of Israel. And it should motivate even those who did not vote for Trump. Pointing to possible pitfalls that an embassy move might entail does nothing to secure long term security for the State of Israel. Rather, it enables Israel's enemies to continue fighting behind progressive platitudes and fraudulent wishes for security.

America and Israel now have an opportunity to pivot away from the wrong side of history and truth. They can start with moving the embassy from Tel Aviv. This year in Jerusalem.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Fwd: Shalosho shvuot- The Three Oaths

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Date: Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 9:32 PM
Subject: Shalosho shvuot- The Three Oaths
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Daily times for Ateret
The times for tomorrow -
Monday, 18 Tevet 5777
Alot Hashachar05:28Talit & Tefillin05:55
Sunrise06:40Kriyat Shma MGA08:38
Kriyat Shma GRA09:14Tefilla MGA09:42
Tefilla GRA10:06Midday & midnight11:49
Mincha Gedola12:19Mincha Ketana14:49
Plag Hamincha15:53Sunset17:03
Tzet Hakochavim17:21Tzet Hakochavim Rabenu Tam18:15
Daf yomi - Bavli: Baba Metzia 112
Daf Yomi - Yerushalmi: Ktubot 41
Amud Yomi - Mishna Brura: vol 6 141.
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Daily Halacha
Sunday, 17 Tevet 5777

Shalosho shvuot- The Three Oaths
Rabbi Ari Shvat
I am a tzioni charedi working in satmar.
I need help to bolster my point of view with my satmar friends :-)
I'd like a link in english or hebrew with poskim which pasken that living in israel does not violate shlosho shvuot and that vilna gaon held that moving to Israel isn't assur.
todah rabba

Shalom. I first must admire your objectivity and search for truth even when it's uncomfortable and opposed to peer pressure. The legend (aggadita) there (Ktuvot 111b) is not halachic, but a story with a moral, and the anti-Zionist explanation is one possible extrapolation of the Satmar Rebbe and not necessarily the pshat. It says that upon going to exile we promised not to rebel against the gentile nations, and not to "rise up on the wall", and the gentiles swore that they won't oppress us too much. Rashi explains that not to "rise up on the wall" means that we promised not to rise up as one and take the Land of Israel by force "before it's time". The Satmar rebbe considers this an anti-Zionist source, but there are many reasons why almost all rabbis disagree with him on this. R. Shlomo Aviner compiled a very comprehensive booklet on the topic (I believe it's reprinted in his Sha'elat Shlomo), including some 13 answers why all (!) mainstream poskim, from the rishonim through the Shulchan Aruch and until today, disagree with the Satmar. For example:
1. Not only is it not cited by the halachic authorities (Rif, Rambam, Rosh, Tur, Shulchan Aruch, Mishna Brura, etc. etc.), but to the contrary, they bring that it's a mitzvah to make aliya and to conquer the Land of Israel in all generations, and so says the famed Avnei Nezer (Y.D. 453, 456). The Rambam (Hil. Mlachim 11, 2) who brings the Bar Kochba rebellion supported by R. Akiva and his many students as the prototype for the way of the rise of mashiach, clearly feels that the oaths are not halachic, for they rebelled against the Romans and tried taking the Land by force. Another proof is that the gmara in Yoma 9b, contradicts that agadita and says that we davka must (!) "rise up as a wall", and that we were even punished for not doing so in the time of Ezra, to build the 2nd Temple. If that's not enough, see Shir HaShirim Rabba 8, 9 (3), where R. Zeira, the author of the aforementioned "three oaths" in Ktuvot, changes his mind explicitly, and adopts the contradicting opinion mentioned in Yoma!
2. Many cite Rav Meir Simcha of Dvinsk (the famed Meshech Chochma and author of the Or Same'ach), in his letter to the Keren Hayesod where he simply dismisses the oaths as aggada, and stresses, especially after the Balfour Decleration in 1917, ratified internationally in San Remo, where the nations of the world officially recognized the right of the Jews to establish a national homeland in Palestine, "it removes all 'fear' (!) of those oaths". Rashi explained not to take the land by force, but once the nations gave us permission, it's no problem.
3. Rashi, the source of the Satmar's understanding, stresses that it's only a problem if the Jews come all at once, but in actuality, we have been coming gradually over the last century, and the process is still underway.
4. The famed R. Shlomo Kluger explains that if the gentiles don't observe their oath, we are exempt from ours. Nobody who learned about the Holocaust can take the gentile's oath seriously, as if they didn't "oppress us too much", so we clearly are no longer obligated by our oath, and it is no longer "before its time".
5. The Vilna Gaon explains that not to "rise up on the wall" means we swore not to rebuild the walls of Yrushalayim and the Beit haMikdash, and it has nothing to do with declaring a state (Vilna Gaon, Commentary on Shir HaShirim 2, 7, in his Siddur). Regarding aliya, the Vilna Gaon's torah on it'aruta dilitata (man's initiating the ge'ula through natural ways and not waiting passively for mashiach) is detailed extensively in Kol HaTor, written by his talmid Rav Hillel MiShklov and the mass aliya of hundreds of the students of the Gaon (1808-1816/תקס"ח-תקע"ו) speaks for itself! The Gaon's opinion about aliya is also explicit in his commentary on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer 75, 17, "the mitzvah is upon him to 'toil/work' (לטרוח) to fulfill". I truly don't even understand the question regarding the Gra's attitude.
6. Rav Soloveichik in his article Kol Dodi Dofek explains that G-d is clearly calling us back to the Land of Israel, and that's how we know that it's no longer "before its time". The Holocaust and assimilation forced us back to Israel, including even many anti-zionists, whether they liked it or not, had no choice but to make aliya, and then fight in self-defense from the invading Arab armies in the subsequent wars. We clearly are not allowed to let them kill us, as pikuach nefesh overrides everything. Statistically, within 16 years, with the rate of aliya and assimilation, most Jews in the world will once again be living in Israel, for the first time in almost 3,000 years, since the exile of the 10 tribes. Already, about 70% of orthodox Jews live here, it's clearly the Torah center and the Gedolei hador all live here. It's already clear, the Jewish future is in Israel. In addition, Midrash Tanchuma (Shoftim 10) tells us that once we return for the third time, with 600,000 Jews (Yalkut Shimoni, Hoshea 518), there will not be another exile. Being that there are about 10 times (!) that amount today in Israel, we are clearly back to stay, and this is the third and final return. The Talmud doesn't say anything about waiting for mashiach, but to wait until "its time". G-d's running of history has clearly taught us, that it's time to come home. Anyone who doesn't want to participate is voluntarily missing out!
7. Rav Ya'akov Moshe Charlap (Memaynai HaYshua, p. 245), former rav of Sha'arei Chessed and a major student of Rav Kook, explains that the idea of the aggada about the oaths was to stress that the national revival of Israel is actually an international event and of universal, not just national, importance. We therefore prefer for the return to Israel to be in cooperation and supported by the other nations, as it was in the time of Koresh of Persia, who supported the building of the 2nd Beit haMikdash. That's what the Balfour Declaration and the United Nations decision were all about.
8. In short, if your friends are looking for an excuse not to make aliya they should "search" elsewhere for a different excuse. If they are looking for truth, they must ask themselves why all (!) of the rishonim and achronim understand differently from the Satmar? As the mishna in Bava Metzia 76a says, whoever changes from the accepted norm, his opinion is difficult and the burden of proof is upon him.
With Love of Israel,
Rav Ari Shvat

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Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Renanah Gemeiner, Student of Rabbi Weissmandl, Finds Parallels between ISIS aggression against Yezidis and the Paris Terrorist Conference against Israel's "Occupation" and DOES SOMETHING!


The Jihadists against Yezidi's and against Israel have the same agenda!  The goal of radical Islam is Jihad of non-Muslims and the annihilation of Jews and Israel. People of faith believe that the  nations of the world are blessed through Israel so it makes sense that Jihad includes the destruction of Jews and Israel whom by their service to The One and Only G-d protects the world. 

It is absolutely mind boggling that the oppressed Yezidi population are still in harms way in spite of undeniable documentation of mass genocide and sexual enslavement of the Yezidi people. 

 It is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are the victims and not the aggressors. 

Yet, how many Yezidis received refugee status in USA? How many in Canada? 10? Outrageous....

Here is some statistics as per the USA.  Syrian Muslims, the aggressors, clearly have priority. 

How is it that Yezidi's are still in HARMS WAY, 2 and a half years later after reports of the 2014 Yezidi genocide came to light?

Mike Huckabee in his recent trip to Israel recounted his trip to Yad Veshem with his then 11 year old daughter Sara.  He was curious as per whether Sara understood the magnitude and the message at Yad Veshem. 

At the Visiters book signing, it was clear that she did.  Sara, then 11 wrote "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE DO SOMETHING?" 

I think President Elect Donald Trump gets it as well.  THE SNAKE - Narrated by Donald J Trump

I was truly shocked to receive this email from Renanah,  fwding an email she received, dated December 27,2016 from Mirza Ismail, spokesperson of the Yezidi's

From: Mirza Ismail <
Date: December 27, 2016 at 10:12:23 PM EST 
Subject: Current Yezidis Situation in Mount Sinjar/Shingal  (see  email at the end of this post)

Renanah,  who has been in the forefront doing everything she can to help the Yezidi's is following in the footsteps of Rabbi Weissmandl who tried his very best to fight the Nazi's from actualizing their evil,  He was partly successful and till the very end grieved that he was unable to save more lives. 

Jews empathize with the Yezidis and understand and appreciate their despair.

... And it is up to each and every one of us to do what we can!  

Pamela Geller recently exposed the horrible reality of many migrants with false passports, often terrorists, entering the USA as a "humanitarian" effort to help these migrants.  SHOCKING AFDI UNDERCOVER VIDEO: US Immigration Office Fake Syrian Passports OK 

Germany, France and England and the rest of Europe have been engaging in this "humanitarian relief" effort only to find themselves being "repaid" for being merciful to the cruel, now victims of a rape epidemic due to the rise of a Muslim population who are loyal to Mohammad and his teachings.  Yes, President Elect Donald Trump gets it in the Snake narrative link above. 

Why are the Yezidi's who are desperate for humanitarian need, clearly the victims, denied? 

When it comes to Israel the true intent, Jihad,  is couched in politically correct deceit.  The Snake.  The goal of the Paris Conference is to eventually annihilate Israel.  The Big Bad Wolf, the Snake, representing the International community,  masquerades as Grandma,  filled with self righteous indignation about  the "illegal Occupation" by Israel of the Palestinian people, fighting for "Palestinian rights".  
Nobody seems to care about the human rights of the Palestinians and Arabs living in  Arab countries like Syria,  Iran, Iraq, etc.,  many of whom are being slaughtered etc. etc. etc.etc.  Anyone with a half a brain would realize that under Israel, the Palestinians have it much better than in any of such Arab countries. They are self governed, have electricity and running water, not to mention health services and education. Are they even paying for these services? Isn't it their own self gov't that is suppressing them,  keeping them from economic and other relief, preventing them from receiving full benefits that Israel has to offer while they engage in acts of terror against Israeli civilians with textbooks and classrooms filled with hate and jihad lessons against Israel.    Many Arabs, by choice or by force,  deny truth and kicks the hand that feeds them.  For that reason alone,  those Arabs who can not acknowledge let alone appreciate the benefits they are receiving in Israel, deserve to be expelled. Those who can acknowledge and appreciate the benefits are welcome to stay so long as they are not deceitful,,,, So long as they are not engaged in (purposeful lying and deceit) Taqiyya and substantiated anti Israel activities. 

In August 2014 the rise of ISIS was predicted with the massacre of the Yezidi men and the enslavement of the Yezidi women.  ISIS used as its role model Mohammad who set the precedent of genocide and sexual enslavement.  This was posted in June 2015.  

Yezidi's ISIS Genocide. Let us help them now before ISIS reaches Israel.

There are definite parallels and precedents with the genocide happening in our times to the Yezidis and other ethnic non Islamic populations going back to Mohammad. 

I turn your attention to this link written in May 2008 by Islam Watch  - Islam under scrutiny by Ex-Muslims entitled In Islam's Own Writings: Muhammad's Massacres and Sex-slaves The author  concludes


Muhammad's unprovoked, murderous attacks of Jewish tribes described above are acts of utter barbarity. His extermination and genocide of the whole community, such as that of Banu Qurayza, makes it worse.

His institution of slavery as a divine order of society was one of the worst curse that could happen to humanity. Allowing sex with slave-girls made it worse. His trading of slaves, such as selling some Banu Qurayza captives in Nejd, was another evil institution.

Muhammad engaged in all these cruel, dehumanizing and horrible acts  with the divine sanctions of Allah. Muhammad and his brainchild Allah were the worst evils to befall humankind, the detriment of which continues to afflict humanity with no end in site.

Please also watch Muslims Allowed to Rape Jewish Women

ISIS  finds ideological affinity with Nazi Germany.  ISIS Caliphate can be labeled as the new up and coming, (G-d Forbid) Holocaust  

Renanah's email: Protest continues tomorrow Sunday Jan. 15 noon-1:30.  Bring flags and signs!

Fwd: Tomorrow, in Toronto: June 15th, 2016 noon- across US Consulate on University Ave.: Protest Collusion with Jihad Against non-Muslims of Middle East: Yezidis, Jewish State (Paris Terrorist Conference and "Occupation" Lie) Chaldo-Assyrian Christians etc.

Below - read about the first Protest.  

CIJNEWS Toronto woman equates Yezidi genocide to threat to annihilate the Jewish State 
Posted by: Doris Strub Epstein January 14, 2017

A protest demonstration against the recent anti Israel UN Security Council Resolution 2334 and the Paris conference was held on January 12, 2017 across the road from the US Consulate on University Ave.

The drenching icy rain did not deter the protesters. Signs posted linked the Yezidi genocide to the possibility of a genocide against Israel.

Organizer Renanah Gemeiner, dressed like a Yezidi ISIS' slave, covered in black, dragging a chain, carried a huge Israeli flag to exemplify that concept. "Britain was required by international law to facilitate the return of Jews to "Palestine-Eretz Israel,", she declared, "but instead blocked entry to six million doomed Jews and allowed massive illegal Arab immigration; this after giving the Arabs sovereignty to all of the Middle East (over 96%) except for the tiny Jewish Homeland of over 3000 years. The occupation lie is the tool used by the Arabs today to continue their goal to acquire all of Israel," she said. "As in the Yezidi Genocide today, the world remained silent. Canada has brought 35,000 Syrian refugees here and less than 10 Yezidis."

Representatives of 72 countries will attend the Paris peace conference as part of the Paris peace initiative. It is a follow up to a similar meeting in June, also held in Paris. Neither Israeli nor Palestinian representatives were invited to the June meeting. which called on the two parties to commit to the two state solution "in order to rebuild trust."

US Secretary of State John Kerry will attend. In a speech last month he laid out six principles that the US says must govern the resolution of the conflict and rebuked Israel's "pernicious policy of settlement construction".

PM Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Abbas have been invited to come to France after the conference to learn of its conclusions. Netanyahu, highly critical of the conference, has said he will not travel to Paris, saying only direct negotiations between the two parties will be effective.
World Jewish Congress President, Ronald Lauder has called the imminent peace conference a "subversive attempt to impose a settlement on the Israelis and Palestinians without the explicit agreement or participation of both sides." he added, "It's like forcing a marriage without the bride's consent." He predicted the summit "will amount to nothing more than an anti Israel forum, reiterating the same biased demands that we've witnessed countless times from the anti Israel bodies of the UN."

Israel's former ambassador to Canada Allen Baker, goes even further and criticizes the unrealistic expectation of a two state solution. "They (the participants of the conference) are either ignorant of reasons for the dispute or willfully blinded by their Israel bias. They seem incapable of accepting the reality that Palestinian Arabs reject Israel's right to exist."

In an extraordinary, unprecedented response, a group of world renowned luminaries, which includes former PM Stephen Harper, came together in a "Friends of Israel Initiative" and sent a letter to President of France, Francois Hollande urging him to call off the conference especially coming after the UN Resolution 2334 and Kerry's subsequent speech. "The UN had the audacity to deny a Jewish connection to Jerusalem declaring it occupied territory, while misrepresenting Jewish settlements in the West Bank as a central obstacle to peace," they write.

They reminded Western leaders that while PM Netanyahu has called upon the Palestinian President to come to the negotiating table over the last eight years, Abbas has consistently blocked and carries on a diplomatic assault on Israel in world forums. They also reminded them that half of Palestinian leadership is "comprised of a terrorist organization sworn to Israel's destruction, which has never shown any inclination to moderate."

Other signatories include Mr. John Baird, former Foreign Minister of Canada, Colonel Richard Kemp, British Army, Hon. Jose Maria Aznar, former President of Spain, Hon. John Howard former Prime Minister of Australia, Hon. Lord David William Trimble, former Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, Nobel Peace prize in l998.

From: Mirza Ismail <>
Date: December 27, 2016 at 10:12:23 PM EST

Subject: Current Yezidis Situation in Mount Sinjar/Shingal 
Dear all,

Hope you and your families are well and it was great to see you all yesterday afternoon.

These are the messages I received from my colleagues: (I am omitting or changing some passages for the sake of the protection of the individuals involved. Robin.)

.... We are preparing some troops to go North and take action.... The people who are obstructing are Kurdish security people who claim they are from Duhok. Our letters from Duhok are from the KRG Department of Health. In the past these people have been assaultive and have stolen hundreds of thousands of USD in drugs and medical equipment which tge sell fr their own profits. We have cooperated with the KRG since July jumping through hoops. ...There is a continued crime of genocide being perpetrated by tge KRG against the Yezidi people.

The materials should go to the Yezidis and not the Kurds"

And this is my last testimony in Ottawa on November 24, 2016
Note: Please share it with your colleagues!

Best regards,
Mirza Ismail
Displaying 4Tuesday Jihadist Occupation Lie.jpg