Friday, November 04, 2016

Fwd: Two Hillary's Terrorists support , in Egypt and in Libya

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From: "Udi Schayat" <>
Date: Nov 4, 2016 11:54 AM
Subject: Two Hillary's Terrorists support , in Egypt and in Libya

These are Two Hillary's Terrorists support , in Egypt and in Libya:
1.    Take the advice of the Egyptians- a must watch from Summer 2016.
The Egyptians got rid of the Muslim Brotherhood,
As a response- Obama and Hillary stopped economic and military support to Egypt, opposed Sisi  action and also staffed key positions with people related to the Muslim Brotherhood..such as Huma Abedin, etc.

 See what the Egyptians think of our leader.
Egyptiansolved much of the world's problems in a few minutes.
Watch this, It is poignant, riveting, true, and insightful. 

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2.    There are Lots of talking about Benghazi event…BUT, only few mentioned that Hillary switched side from good ally Gadhafi to terrorists in Libya.
Hillary was as a key person who convinced Obama to remove Gadhafi and opened the gate to terror organization into Libya- while Gadhafi was a GOOD guy, per following NY Times article-  
Following NY Times article SUMMARY show that she was a KEY PERSON in the decision and in the planning of the Libya war to remove  Gaddafi [ article summary is below]
* "Kaddafi was the best success of western countries in his last 15 years, with pro-western co-operation" per a top Israeli analyst, Ari Shavit. Article is on:
* "Some senior US intelligence officials had deep misgivings about what would happen if Colonel Qaddafi lost control. In recent years, the Libyan dictator had begun aiding the United States in its fight against Al Qaeda in North Africa."
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The Libyan gamble: Hillary Clinton "smart Power"…
Below is a SUMMARYof the NY Times article/investigation
….The ouster of Qaddafi left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.
By Jo Backer and Scott Shane, Feb 27, 2016, New York Times.  
"… in March 2011. Mrs. Clinton pushed President Obama to join allies in airstrikes in Libya, and eventually pressed for a secret program to provide arms to rebel militias
….in the view of many who have watched her [Hillary] up close, her record on Libya illustrates how she was inclined to act — in marked contrast to Mr. Obama's more reticent approach….
…On March 2011 at lunch with President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, she [Hillary] "was tough, she was bullish" on the idea of intervention in Libya — the "perfect ally," recalled  Mr. Sarkozy's senior diplomatic adviser, Jean-David Levitte….
…Mr. Sarkozy met with Mrs. Clinton and David Cameron, the British prime minister, at the Élysée Palace in Paris to discuss the next move .  Sarkozy played his trump card. French fighter jets were already in the air, he said. But, he added, "this is a collective decision, and I will recall them if you want me to," Mr. Levitte said. Mr. Sarkozy's maneuver had abruptly pushed forward the timing of the operation, but for all of Mrs. Clinton's irritation, she was not prepared to object….
.."I'm not going to be the one to recall the planes and create the massacre in Benghazi," she [Hillary] grumbled to an aide. And the bombing began….
…"Her view is, we can't fail in this," Mr. Ross said. "Once we have made a decision, we can't fail."..
American intelligence officials were worried about what would become of the country if Colonel Qaddafi lost control of it…."

Mrs. Clinton with President Nicolas Sarkozy of France in Paris on March 19, 2011, two days after a United Nations Security Council resolution authorized "all necessary means" to protect Libyan civilians.
Libya's descent into chaos began with a rushed decision to go to war, made in what one top official called a "shadow of uncertainty" ….Mrs. Clinton foresaw some of the hazards of toppling another Middle Eastern strongman. She pressed for a secret American program that supplied arms to rebel militias, an effort never before confirmed.
President Obama ultimately took her side, according to the administration officials who described the debate. After he signed a secret document called a presidential finding, approving a covert operation, a list of approved weaponry was drawn up. The shipments arranged by the United States and other Western countries generally arrived through the port of Benghazi and airports in eastern Libya, a Libyan rebel commander said.
"Humvees, counterbattery radar, TOW missiles was the highest end we talked about," one State Department official recalled. "We were definitely giving them lethal assistance. We'd crossed that line."
Photo: Hillary visit Libya two days before Gaddafi was killed
"….Anne-Marie Slaughter, her director of policy planning at the State Department, notes that in conversation and in her memoir, Mrs. Clinton repeatedly speaks of wanting to be "caught trying." In other words, she would rather be criticized for what she has done than for having done nothing at all….
"She's very careful and reflective," Ms. Slaughter said. "But when the choice is between action and inaction, and you've got risks in either direction, which you often do, she'd rather be caught trying."
The New York Times's examination of the intervention …. interviewed more than 50 American, Libyan and European officials, including many of the principal actors. Virtually all agreed to comment on the record. They expressed regret, frustration and in some cases bewilderment about what went wrong and what might have been done differently.
….Mrs. Clinton has also called for a more interventionist approach in Syria…. [my note: to support more terror organization rebels there].
Now Libya poses an outsize security threat to the region and beyond, calling into question whether the intervention [of USA] prevented a humanitarian catastrophe ormerely helped create one of a different kind.
The answers are:
*The looting of Colonel Qaddafi's vast weapons arsenals during the intervention has fed the Syrian civil war, empowered terrorist and criminal groups from Nigeria to Sinai, and destabilized Mali….
*…a quarter-million refugees were sent north across the Mediterranean [to Italy & Europe]. *…. A civil war in Libya has left the country with two rival governments, cities in ruins and more than 4,000 dead.
*Amid that fighting, the Islamic State has built its most important outpost on the Libyan shore, a redoubt to fall back upon as it is bombed in Syria and Iraq. With the Pentagon saying the Islamic State's fast-growing force now numbers between 5,000 and 6,500 fighters, some of Mr. Obama's top national security aides are pressing for a second American military intervention in Libya. On Feb. 19, American warplanes hunting a Tunisian militant bombed an Islamic State training camp in western Libya, killing at least 41 people.
*"We had a dream," said Mr. Jibril, who served as Libya's first interim prime minister. "And to be honest with you, we had a golden opportunity to bring this country back to life. Unfortunately, that dream was shattered."
…Tom Donilon, the national security adviser; and Mr. Gates,  the defense secretary,.."If the Europeans were so worried about Libya, they argued, let them take responsibility for its future."
"Some senior US intelligence officials had deep misgivings about what would happen if Colonel Qaddafi lost control. In recent years, the Libyan dictator had begun aiding the United States in its fight against Al Qaeda in North Africa."
"He was a thug in a dangerous neighborhood," said Michael T. Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who headed the Defense Intelligence Agency at the time. "But he was keeping order."
Mrs. Clinton diverged from the other senior members of the administration.
The comparison with Mr. Biden was revealing. For the vice president, according to Antony J. Blinken, then his national security adviser and now deputy secretary of state, the lesson of Iraq was crucial — "what Biden called not the day after, but the decade after."
"What's the plan?" Mr. Antony J. Blinken, then  national security adviser :
 "There is going to be some kind of vacuum, and how's it going to be filled, and what are we doing to fill it?"
Hillary sparred constantly with her Russian counterpart, Sergey V. Lavrov, who, Mrs. Clinton wrote in her memoir "Hard Choices," was initially "dead set against a no-fly zone."
About the time the air campaign began, Charles R. Kubic, a retired rear admiral, received a message from a senior Libyan military officer proposing military-to-military negotiations for a 72-hour cease-fire, potentially leading to an arranged exit for Colonel Qaddafi and his family.
But after he approached the American military command for Africa, Admiral Kubic said, he was directed to end the talks [note: USA is pushing Israeli to talk with Palestinian under any conditions even so Israeli agree, but Palestinian don't want to talk]
A reader Comment: The mistake wasn't in deposing Quaddafi but in not having a follow up plan. American troops should have been stationed in Libya to help...[my note: same as in Afghanistan, after Russian troops left and USA did not do anything to control Taliban and Al Qaida from getting stronger.
Summarized by Udi . Please forward

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Published on New York Times By Jo Backer and Scott Shane, Feb 27, 2016

‘Russia not behind Clinton leaks’ – Assange interview with John Pilger (Courtesy Darthmouth Films) - YouTube

'Trump won’t be permitted to win' - Assange interview with John Pilger (Courtesy Darthmouth Films) - YouTube

In Response to Rabbi Billet's endorsement of Hillary Giving her Higher Grades Than Trump when it comes to the treatment of women. Rabbi Algaze's response to the Rabbi's.....


Rabbi Kenneth Hain endorsement of Hillary in the Jerusalem Post,

Rabbi Billet's supporting letter for Rabbi Hain's endorsement for Hillary in this article


My response to their endorsements:

Lichvod Rabbi Hain and Rabbi Billet, shlita

Most worrisome is the Huma Abedin Video. HILLARY'S 'SURROGATE DAUGHTER' TIED TO TERRORISTS, 9/11 FUNDERS Chilling video of Huma Abedin every American voter must see  WND was first to report Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, was the official representative of Naseef’s terror-stained Muslim World League in the 1990s. Less than one month after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, Newsweek reported that the Muslim World League was used by terror mastermind Osama bin Laden to to finance his operations:...Shoebat previously reported that as one of 63 leaders of the Muslim Sisterhood, the de facto female version of the Muslim Brotherhood, Saleha Abedin served alongside Nagla Ali Mahmoud, the wife of Muslim Brotherhood figure Mohammed Morsi, Egypt’s now ousted president.

While Trump has flaws regarding offensive speech re women, which he said 11 years ago as a private citizen, did he forcibly rape or murder? 

Being molested is indeed horrible if it really happened and he has yet to be convicted. He and his family did not defend his bragging of offensive behavior. In fact they agreed it was offensive. Being raped is far more scary. I am not only referring to the women who claimed they were raped by Bill Clinton. I am referring to the masses of migrants who among them are fundamental Islamic followers of Mohammed who systematically beheaded the men and took the women as sex slaves. 

Are you informed as to what happened to the Yezidi women under monster ISIS whom Hillary has helped create?  They simply followed Mohammed's example.  Shouldn't we be holding her accountable as she herself suggests we do? 

Her foreign policy under the Obama Administration as Secretary of State did not put ISIS in check when they were still a localized relatively small threat in 2014. Two years later, following the barbaric holocaust of the Yezidi population and others,  ISIS is now a global threat, in Germany, France, England, Sweden etc. seeing a significant increase of horrific sexual attacks against women. 

As a woman,  I and many other women are far from convinced that Hillary will protect our women from this foreign element in the USA with her open borders policy. 

There are plenty of reasons not to expect Hillary to be a champion of women's rights. She clearly has not shown the strength of character of Ivanka who called her fathers remarks offensive. 

The opposite.  There is evidence that she is responsible for further abuse of her husband's sexual victims.

Perhaps Donald Trump's offensive language regarding the open door policy for migrants is an accurate and realistic assessment of a not trivial segment in the Islamic population. This segment will support and practice a barbaric and inhumane form of Radical Islamic Terror,  sometimes openly and sometimes deceitfully. Please note that Donald Trum clarified that all immigrants must be vetted.  He never said that he is closing our borders to all Muslims and Hispanics based on their race or color as the media would like us to believe.   

Besides the Arab countries from which migrants come,  Germany, France and Sweden have a situation now where women are unprotected and are fearful to go out on the streets without getting molested. This is due to the culture and moral depravity of some of the migrants who have been welcomed into their countries.

The disgusting and immoral behavior towards women is modus operandis of Muslims who abide by Sharia Law which considers such behavior towards infidel women and even their own women, permissable, acceptable and  justified as they have been taught, and that it is the women's fault, the victim's fault... rather than the men. 

Far far more horrific than cheap offensive talk by Donald.

I would expect from every Jew to emulate G-d see beyond the surface to try to see what is going underneath the surface (Penimius). 

It doesn't impress me that Hillary is more poised, less prust (yiddishism for coarse) than Donald or even more Presidential looking (which personally I'm not convinced is the case)... unless your expectation of being Presidential is to be a fake and to put on a polished veneer.  

Is her inner vessel consistent with her rhetoric and actions or rather is it like eating gourmet food out of toilet bowl? 

Seriously, will she thoroughly vet the Islamic migrants when she knows she will be accused of Islamaphobia by her staunchest supporters? Denying entry to the USA goes against their idea of "human rights", and "welcoming the homeless migrants" and their idea of being "hospitable and charitable". 

Will she be any different than Angele Merkel also female who literally has blood on her hands?

Her track record is dismal when it comes to the welfare of women rights. Just ask the Yezidis from Mosul of 2014.  She could have nipped ISIS in the bud at that point in time, if she or the Obama Adminsitration really cared about women.  Actually there is sufficient evidence that it was Hillary's leadership that sold  $80 billion worth of arms to Saudi Arabia who funded terror groups. And it was her leadership that overthrew Qadaffi that set the stage for the rise of ISIS and helped to arm ISIS and allow them to achieve fantastic bloody and barbaric conquest  in such a relatively short span of time.  (see Julian Assange's Most Incendiary Interview: "Hillary Clinton Is The Central Cog Of The Establishment" - Tyler Durden . Comments. Today's news Pardoning Felons to rig the Election

Women in comparison, seem to be doing quite well in the Trump world be it in the Trump business or the Trump family. Surely Trump's wife and daughters are professional,  polished and accomplished women with wholesome family values. Trump I understand has a very decent track record regarding employing women with equal pay and benefits. Ivanka made that a focus at the Republican Primary.

Certainly molestation is not a Trump modus operandis, as is the case in the Islamic world where in Egypt or Saudi Arabia a women can not walk in safety without fear of molestation. Here in America and by Trump and his people,  molestation is aberrant behavior, not the norm. 

Now let me throw in one more zinger that you might not be aware of regarding the Clintons that is all related to treatment of women! Please check out this website:  You might want to focus on the Clinton Crime family.  Bill Clinton has surrounded himself with criminals But specifically please read this article about Population control You might be unpleasantly surprised that your religious values especially about women does not jive with the Clinton's. 

Possibly one of the most heinous of Bill Clinton’s foreign policies dealt with population control.

World Population Organizations were requiring that Third World countries accept their population control agenda in order to qualify for financial assistance. The United Nations, International Planned Parenthood Federation, World Health Organization, U.S. Aid, World Bank, and other population control groups used hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars to kill babies around the world in the effort of controlling the population and to advance the depopulation agenda of The Club of Rome....A Special Report EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) March 10, 1981, reported a Club of Rome planning apparatus operating outside the control of the White House whose sole purpose is to reduce the world’s population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary. The targeting agency for the operation is the National Security Council’s Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy. Its policy-planning group is in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Population Affairs, established in 1975 by Henry Kissinger.

The Clinton administration perceived an “approaching disaster” of world overpopulation. The problem, as they see it, is human beings – far too many human
To remedy this problem, Vice President Al Gore and U.S. Undersecretary of State Tim Wirth led an American delegation of 45 members to the United Nations Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, September 5-13, 1994....The same cast of characters that took control of the National Conference on Women back in 1977 was calling the shots in Cairo. Betty Friedan, Pat Schroeder, Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug and other radical feminists were on hand to promote their anti-family agenda to all the nations of the world.
The U.S. pushed the position that abortion should become universally available in every country, and that every nation should embrace freely available abortion as the fundamental right of all women....
the record of the Clinton administration.
  • The Administration restored about $15 million to the International Planned Parenthood Federation, a London-based consortium that runs campaigns to repeal the pro-life laws that remain in effect in most less-developed nations. In restoring funds to IPPF and other aggressively pro-abortion groups, “In effect, President Clinton is taking money away from agencies that promote contraception, and giving it to those that seek to promote abortion – even in nations where abortion violates the cultural, religious, and legal values,” NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson said.
  • In March of 1994, the State Department sent a cable to all American embassies around the world urging them to coerce local governments to make abortion a “fundamental right of all women.”...The Clinton administration nearly doubled U.S. spending on world population control programs (from about $300 million in 1992 to $585 million in 1995) and, in keeping with the United Nations action plan, sought to double population control spending again in the next five years (up to $1.2 billion for fiscal year 2000). The stated goal of the action plan is to provide birth control and family planning services by the end of the decade to all 600 million women of childbearing age in developing countries..(thank you Linda Cohn for the tip)  

Rabbis, I am sure you did not miss the planned parenthood scandal where they were selling body parts as if they were a commodity. 

So much for the Clinton's treatment of women and defender of the rights of women and children.

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Fwd: TZC Newsletter November 4th 2016 Parshat Noach

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Robin Ticker

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